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I prefer to initiate questions as a buyer. Just my preference 😊
Mar 07Reply

I do too! It's also easier as the seller just to thank people for likes. I feel like I'm pushing people if I ask them if they're interested!
Mar 07Reply

@searching4e ^
Mar 07Reply

I usually don't reply right away if I see someone likes something. Because I noticed that everytind I liked something I'd get an instant response which sometimes was nice but sometimes overwhelming especially if I was just trying to figure out my faves and a budget lol, so I usually wait a few days and ask if they are interested and or I let them know (if they have multiple "likes" )that I can bundle their items and suggest a price so that way they can have something to work with. I guess it all depends on how you feel. Do what you would like in return 😉
Mar 07Reply

@alinissa321 That makes a lot more sense. I just don't want to push a buyer away because I seem like a car sales(wo)man! But this would ensure that they have thought about the items they liked for a while! Thanks!
Mar 07Reply

😊 your very welcome
Mar 07Reply

@cbender32 I don't like all of the questions. obviously if I liked the item I'm interested, but everyone builds a wish list of things too. it gets overwhelming when everyone does it. as a seller I wait to be asked... I figure if they really want the item, they will get it. sometimes the listings will just speak for themselves :)
Mar 07Reply

I agree with @vkshutes completely
Mar 07Reply

@cbender32 Hi Carly, I would prefer to add comments if I am interested at that moment, and wait for a reply. As a fairly new Posher, I didn't know what "Poshmark etiquette" was, so I followed most people and responded with an "are you interested?" I think if everyone knew the acceptable way, we would respect that😀
Mar 07Reply

Some people are shy and hesitant to ask questions. So if the seller asks it somewhat breaks the ice.
Mar 07Reply

Hi love!:) I'm new to posh im 15 and I'm trying to get out there and get noticed..if you would, could you please share my closet?:) I'm trying to sell stuff for disneyland😊
Mar 07Reply

@vkshutes @owlsome @thevintagewren @jamieandbrannon Thank you for your replies! They are all good ones with great reasoning! My opinion is that if I go to an item that I'm interested in and it shows 50 comments of just the seller asking if people are interested, I may not even "like" the item because I don't want to have to come back to explain why I'm not getting it :/ :) I feel like if I go through PM and like all of the cute things then maybe I'll feel better about not having it all!!! :) Again, thank you for your comments. Have a wonderful day, and good luck on your sales!
Mar 07Reply

@pahall ^^
Mar 07Reply

Sad thing, is as Im reading all of your replies and peoples opinions, which I value all...there are people asking to share their closets??? lol smh
Mar 07Reply

@jamieandbrannon Yeah... I'm definitely willing to help people out, but I'd prefer that they share some of my listings so I could do that in return.! I actually just go down my Feed and share things that I like or think is a good deal haha.
Mar 07Reply

I agree with most of the ladies..."liking" is showing interest, so asking each time isnt necessary. Also, just because I like something doesn't mean I want to purchase it. Sometimes I'll like (or share!) items that are simply too gorgeous for words like a rare vintage designer bag, or a stunning pair of Louboutin pumps (or retro Jordans for you sneaker heads out there 😉)...they may be too expensive for me to afford but I like to come back to my likes and look longingly at them every once in awhile 😁 Anyone else do that or am I alone on this one?
Mar 07Reply

Mar 07Reply

Btw @cbender32 great idea taking a poll on this topic! 👍✌❤
Mar 07Reply

@chloepiece This girl makes two! I definitely do that! I'm obsessed with dresses, but I'm so white that I hardly ever wear them :) I just look at my likes and dream about having all the pretty dresses haha :)
Mar 07Reply

Why thank you! :D @chloepiece It's been informative!
Mar 07Reply

@cbender32 yes, I agree! I sometimes decide not to like things if the seller is badgering people about buying. also, I like to sew so sometimes I like things that I know I can make myself so I can come back later and look at it. or I'll save gift ideas for friends and try to wait til closer to birthdays.
Mar 07Reply

@owlsome I hadn't even thought about gifts from here.. Well, time to start my Christmas shopping! My fiancé has 10 siblings :O ... I guess all the girls will be getting Posh clothes ;) Whoo!
Mar 07Reply

@cbender32 lol! yea, you could always do jewelry/bags/shoes... still a lot cheaper than going to a mall :)
Mar 07Reply

@owlsome That's an awesome idea! I think I may do bags for them. They'd like that. One of them is a purse fanatic :)
Mar 07Reply

Great discussion! Thanks!
Mar 07Reply

@jsabino @ssewalker Thank you both! I'm actually new to PM also! I'm glad I helped someone else! :)
Mar 07Reply

this is a very good poll esp I was trying to make one myself. I get annoyed most when a posher starts following me and liking my items. I know one of the reasons why they follow is for us to look at their closet, i understand that. But I am a seller and a trader as well, so when I start looking at their closet and asks "do you want to trade?" and most of them would reply with a " sorry I don't see anything I like!" 😲😲😲😲😲 I don't want to be rude to anyone but sometimes it just gets to me. Thank you for this, now I can breath lol
Mar 08Reply

@bekiry that's a good point about trading, if they liked it then they saw something. but be careful cause I know several great poshers who were closed down cause of trading. It's against posh rules and they are closing closets that do nothing but trade. I have gone to just partial trades when I do it, that way posh still makes money and I'm still getting items I wanted and vice versa :). @cbender32 I myself ask but it's cause most closets I've been in will have it where the seller asked if interested. I however don't do like a lot I've seen and ask every other day. I think that's just rude. Unless I'm holding for someone that is then ill ask when the hold period is up again. But the constant asking gets to me after a while. Wish I had moola always available then I'd just buy as I see the stuff I like :)
Mar 08Reply

thanks for the advice, thats why i buy sometimes lol to even it out .😇
Mar 08Reply

Great idea !! This definitely helped me out also as a new posher 😃😃
Mar 08Reply

@cbender32 WOW!! Thanks so much for all these comments. I've learned so much now, because of this listing. I started asking people if they were interested whenever they liked any of my listings because I thought that was the polite thing to do, since so many others were doing the same. I kinda thought it was a little pushy, like a salesperson in a store asking if they can help just because you're looking around. That really annoys me, but then if
nobody ever says anything to me while I'm in the store, I feel as if I'm being ignored. So, I guess I'll back off with the "Interested?" But I'm still going to
thank those that like my listings, it's only polite .
Mar 08Reply

@deecraig @bekiry @petunia07 I think what I've decided to do is just thank everyone for their likes every few likes. So I'm not being pushy, I'm giving them time to think about a purchase if they want, and thanking them because I really do appreciate the likes! It also opens up lines of communication for questions if they have any.
Mar 08Reply

@kmallen ^
Mar 08Reply

So informative when I started on PM. I was told to acknowledge every like so they don't think you ignoring them but I don't want to b adhering people cool so I'll stop doing that. Hate to run anyone away. I may borrow this idea and ask my shoppers. Thanks for the great idea. Keep Poshing & keep sharing.
Mar 08Reply

@pahall I agree with @cbender32 I'm fairly new to this too and was sort of just following the pack, but now that I have seen these responses I think I'll just wait a whole before reaching out. Especially since I know I have a bunch of likes that I keep revisiting to see if I'm still in love with the items. Thanks for posting this question!
Mar 08Reply

@cbender32 great post! I always try to ask if they're interested because I don't want to ignore anyone..but like several have stated...if they like it they're interested. And I know I like to like stuff just to go back and look at later. I'm going to start waiting a few days before I say anything so I don't badger anybody!! Thanks for this!
Mar 08Reply

No. I would buy now or question the seller if I were interested. I don't do it because I feel pressured when it's done to me. Everyone needs to realize that you can like to refer to your "like" page if you chose to purchase when you're ready. Thanks for posing this question. I was thinking about it today;)
Mar 08Reply

As a new posher, I like items for many reasons. Sometimes it is for me to drool over, sometimes it is to buy, sometimes it is for a friend, sometimes it's just too cool not to, sometimes it's because I love the style but the size is wrong so I want to keep an eye out for something similar...💓💓💓
I do get tired of being asked if I'm interested. If I'm interested I will let you know. Trust me!! I'm fast with buying.😁😉
As a BUYER I despise other Poshers asking for better pricing, holds and badgering the seller and then leaving her hanging. It is rude. I have wanted to purchase a few items that were on hold and then I see they are never purchased. By then I have used my shopping funds on other items. It is frustrating when I would hit buy right away.
So for the poll...lol..don't badger. 😋
Mar 15Reply

@dogslovepeace GREAT comment! I feel the same way! If you can't be good on your word, don't ask someone to hold something! It not only makes other buyers mad like you said, but the seller loses chances to sell the item when it is reserved!
Mar 15Reply

I hate being bombarded as a soon as I like something bi like to like something to back to it later sometimes. If I don't or forget I don't mind someone asking like days later. Just my opinion. 😁
Mar 15Reply

@sprgdgrl I agree. I do forget what I've liked because I've liked so many things. Today, I have gotten some likes on my closet, and I have responded immediately just to let people know that I'm having a sale. But I don't want to badger them or ask if they are interested, because if they wanted to buy, they'd buy or comment!! I am just going to inform people of my sale, and leave it at that. Maybe they'll see an item in my closet and like it, but they don't know that I'm having a sale. I don't want them to miss a good deal! Any other day I only respond to comments, and I do that immediately after I see the notification on my phone.
Mar 15Reply

Either or...but if one "likes" 50 items..pls don't be offended if your "like" isn't acknowledged by thanks bcuz it then becomes too much effort..if someone is interested in purchasing they don't need an invitation or inquiry. Just try not to have a bad attitude, as most of us are buyers and sellers.
Mar 15Reply

@tbebep Oh, agreed on bad attitudes! I've seen that on PM. And also people who refuse to take other Poshers' advice and end up losing sales over it!
Mar 15Reply

Good idea to ask as you did. Makes people think!!!
Mar 15Reply

I prefer to be the one to ask questions. Sometimes I share in return for a share. If I am interested, I will let you know! 😃Thanks for asking! 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀
Mar 16Reply

It's annoying. I don't do it. If you have a question or want to buy you'll say something. I like a lot of things on here but that's just to keep track of things I like and might purchase in future or compare to other like items.
Mar 20Reply

Interesting. I do it cause I like when ppl ask me if I'm interested.It breaks the ice and I also respond to them just saying if I'm waiting to get funds for it or if I am just browsing my options. It also gives me a sense of how responsiveness the seller would be. Like "costumer service" kind if thing. It's sometimes nice to see people out there trying to help you either get a good deal or tell you if they are running sales or even if they will use PayPal. I dunno I am all about responding quick and be on top op my things. It must be my OCD or control freak problems. Lol. I appreciate the heads up about this topic.
Mar 20Reply

Either way I don't think it matters much since we are all here to sell & buy💋
Mar 20Reply

@cbender32 as a seller I do reply quickly with a "thank you" and let the prospective buyer know of my sales, discounts and offers. I think the term "interested" is overly used and is not too welcoming to new buyers. I think being pushy shows a seller being pushy and probably not too trustworthy. As a seller just think about how you would like to be approached and go from there 😊
Mar 27Reply
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