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Updated Jun 06
Updated Jun 06




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Lovely note from Doreen Virtue 👼.
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bluroz16 @pandorakat Went to the mailbox and to my surprise I got a beautiful Valentines day gift🎀! Bless your beautiful heart and I'm very thankful that God had put you in my path. You have been a blessing. I do my abundance affirmation everyday and recite the prayer on this listing. THANK YOU VERY MUCH and Happy Valentines day to you, God's Angel💖💖💖
Feb 15Reply
pandorakat @bluroz16 - You lovely sweet message has so made my month! So happy the little Valentine arrived at the perfect time. Couldn't resist sending a little appreciation for your blessed support. And so amazingly blessed to have come across your listing that one day🌠👼. Please forgive my not being able to share at the exact party time these few days, the wifi here is expensive but you know how much I love sharing your beautiful closet. I will be able to do more next week. I know the angels are very happy to assist you in any way. Sending you angel blessings for great abundance and cleansing peace from any full moon energies around. 👼🌜🌝🌌🙏💝💌
Feb 15Reply
sunshine123 @bluroz16 just shared your lovely closet, happy to run into great people on posh as yourself and @pandorakat also look, like, buy and/or share my bff on poshmark @fanciface she has been such a blessing to me and I'm blessed to have meet her here on poshmark!!! ♡♥♡ connecting great women with other great women!!! Happy poshing!!!
Mar 02Reply
fanciface @bluroz16 @pandorakat @sunshine123 - Great closets ladies! Nice to meet you and hope to see you soon.
Mar 02Reply
pandorakat @fanciface - Thank you so much for your kind thoughts! It is lovely to meet you as well! Excited to share your beautiful closet. Wishing you much abundance and joy always :-) 😊💐🌠🍀.
Mar 02Reply
pandorakat @sunshine123 - Thank you for introducing me to your bff :-)! It is a blessing to meet such lovely Posh sisters with wonderful energy. I will be happy to get back on my own wifi so I can share both of your beautiful closets. Many blessings of abundance to you always :-) 😊🌺🙏🍀
Mar 02Reply
sunshine123 Thank you @pandorakat will continue to share your closet and much blessing to you!! ♡
Mar 02Reply
pandorakat @edmee01 - Thank you for all your positive supportive energy. Love sharing your inspiring handmade pieces (stunning!) and lovely closet. Wishing you much continued abundance in this new month 😊💝💐🙏.
Mar 04Reply
pandorakat @myin2828 - Girl, get some sleep! 😉 Our closets aren't going anywhere. We have the whole week ahead 😊📅📆😃. Bedtime! 💝
Mar 09Reply
myin2828 @pandorakat a share is a big chance of selling...sell sell sell... more sales to you and me..night night ^_^
Mar 09Reply
pandorakat @myin2828 - Thank you for your kindness and blessed intentions. Sweet dreams honey. Night night 😽💤💤
Mar 09Reply
mcbri I just wanted to say THANK YOU! My package was literally delivered across country overnight and the item was pristine. The little extras and goody bag made me smile and we're almost as exciting as the item itself! Thank you for your kind heart and for being a wonderful person - it is all too rare and appreciated more than you know. I will continue to keep an eye on your closet and I wish you the best in everything!
Mar 21Reply
pandorakat @mcbri - You bless me with your kind message and bring a joyous start to a new season. May your kindness bless you many times over. So vey happy you like everything. It is a pleasure to meet you, indeed truly sincere hearts are treasures. Know I wish you much joy, abundance and light always. :-)
Mar 21Reply
bluroz16 @pandorakat THANK YOU for the lovely post card! I just went thru my stack of mail and lo and behold something from my posh sister!💖💖💖Have a beautiful week and stay blessed🙏🙏🙏
Mar 26Reply
bluroz16 @pandorakat Good morning my Posh sister! I have started working again and have been slacking with my share fever. God bless you💖
Mar 28Reply
pandorakat @bluroz16 - How wonderful!! Thrilled you are back to working! Congratulations my dear Posh sister! When I get back home I will share your gorgeous closet for you. My sharing is on hold with the $28/day wifi fee. All of your blessed thoughts mean so much! Truly they do. Sending angels your way as you begin a successful new venture. 💝🌹🌠🙏😊 "The Law of Attraction" brings only good into your life." 🌺
Mar 28Reply
myin2828 hi pandora, hope all is well ^_^.. have a great night my friend ^_^
Apr 08Reply
myin2828 hi pandora, just dropping by and saying "hi" ^_^ have a good one my friend ^_^
Apr 10Reply
pandorakat @myin2828 - hello my friend! Found a new affirmation for us :-) "The law of attraction brings only good into my life." Sending you wishes of prosperity and abundance always :-)
Apr 10Reply
myin2828 thank you pandora my friend ^+^ wishing you prosperity and abundance of joy always ^+^
Apr 10Reply
myin2828 hi pandora, how have you been? have a great day ^_^
Apr 21Reply
myin2828 hi pandora, i hope your business trip was a success! have a wonderful good night my friend ^_^
May 01Reply
pandorakat @myin2828 - Thank you for your most kind wishes always 😊🙏. Happy to be back home for a little bit. Wishing you a very blessed new month ahead filled with wonderful abundance and prosperity. You deserve great joy always 💐🌺☺️
May 01Reply
myin2828 thank you pandora ^_^ have a great night my friend ^_^
May 03Reply
pandorakat @myin2828 - wishing you sweet dreams and restorative sleep 🌠. Enjoy a beautifully blessed weekend my friend 🌺🌻
May 03Reply
myin2828 thank you pandora ^_^ and you too! enjoy the weekend my friend ^+^
May 03Reply
myin2828 how are you doing pandora ^_^ hope all is well ^_^.. one more day to go and it will be friday!! have a great thursday my friend ^_^
May 08Reply
pandorakat @myin2828 - Happy Friday my friend! Yay! We have the weekend ahead of us to enjoy! Wishing you a very blessed weekend filled with joy and prosperity. "Abundance flows freely through me." You'll have a great week of sales ahead :-).
May 09Reply
myin2828 thank you pandora and same to you too!!! have a great night! ^_^
May 09Reply
myin2828 hi pandora ^+^ hope all is well ^+^.. have a wonderful weekend!
May 11Reply
myin2828 have a great monday pandora ^_^
May 12Reply
pandorakat @myin2828 - Thank you for your kind wishes. Really helped brighten a rough start to the week. Blessings of prosperity to you always :-) <3
May 13Reply
myin2828 aw pandora, i hope your week will be better.. sending you many luck, happiness, and prosperity to you! have a wonderful good night my friend ^_^
May 14Reply
pandorakat @myin2828 - Your kind words are such a blessing to receive. I hope you are staying cool and safe through our little heat wave. It's almost Friday! :-)! In gratitude, sending wishes of prosperity and abundance always. :-) <3 <3
May 15Reply
pandorakat @fanciface - Oh My goodness!! Can not begin to express how much for your incredibly kind generosity means! I am truly touched and honored by your consideration. Thank you for being my earth angel of inspiration. Now off to share closets ;-).
May 22Reply
myin2828 TGIF Pandora ^_^ hope all is well ^_^. have a great night my friend ^_^
May 24Reply
pandorakat @myin2828 - TGIF is right my friend! Please forgive my sporadic sharing this week. I appreciate so much your kind messages. An immense thank you for your wonderful energy. Enjoy a blessed and safe weekend :-) <3 :-)
May 24Reply
myin2828 hi pandora ^_^. i know you're a busy lady, no need to worry about sharing back.. relax and enjoy the night ^_^.. have a wonderful good night and a great week! ^_^
May 27Reply
pandorakat @myin2828 - Oh my goodness, you have no idea how much I appreciate your message. It's been a crazy week and I'm fighting off illness. I promise to get back to proper sharing. You are such an angel. Thank you so so much for your kind messages. Blessings to you always 😊🙏🌠💝
May 29Reply
myin2828 oh no...take care pandora.. get some rest and take good care of yourself. no need to worry about sharing back..have a great night my friend ^_^
May 29Reply
myin2828 hi pandora, how are you? how was the business trip? hope all is well ^_^.. have a great day my friend ^_^
Jun 05Reply
myin2828 Hi Pandora!!! How are you doing? Hope all is well ^_^. Please take care and have a wonderful good night my friend!! ^_^
Aug 27Reply
pandorakat @myin2828 - Happy Wednesday my friend! Thank you for your good vibes and kindness. Can't believe we are starting the fall season already! Sending you wishes of prosperity, abundance and joy always. 😊🙏💐🌠🍀
Aug 27Reply
myin2828 Aw, thank you Pandora🌞🌞🌞. And same to you my friend😘😘😘. Have a great Wednesday💐🌞
Aug 27Reply

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