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Updated Mar 04
Updated Mar 04

1/3 Free Bra Fit Help Email ,How Wrong Is Yours?



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Before losing weight I wore at least a 36L , it took lots of wasting money...... ,hundreds of not thousands of dollars,....... to find my real size. I found info finally which I can share in an email . Sadly many would rather waste money guessing . emerald dare you to measure..
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emeraldheart42 If you read all of it you will finally know your size. Your bra straps will stay put from 5 am to 2 am. Your under wire wont cut through the fabric or jab you . You wont fall out the bottom. You will know what brands dont carry your size .
Aug 18Reply
emeraldheart42 DDD is a size E. USA letters F and above are not always the same in each brand .....especially UK brands . I include a brand chart with measurement difference . Letters go in the USA to at least an N. A 6" difference between bust number and band number is a size DDD. You NEVER add inches to your band number to find your size .
Aug 18Reply
emeraldheart42 Tops are meant to fit wearing your true size . 99% of females truly dont know their size. There are many letters above DDD.
Aug 18Reply
emeraldheart42 There is a lot more very important info I can email . Many details of how to fix fit issues.
Aug 18Reply
emeraldheart42 Breast volume makes a big difference in what letter youll wear. The chart above will give you the smallest you might wear. But depending on your volume, you may need to go up a letter or letters til the band is comfy snug. If your bra is wrong , the bra wont fit.
Aug 18Reply
emeraldheart42 You never change your band number unless you lose or gain a lot of weight. Normally, if your band feels tight, your band is way too big and your letter is way too little. If youre in a Walmart look at the cup size in the smallest band you can find and in the biggest band number in a size D.......BIG difference! Each number you go up in any letter theres more space. Women buy bigger numbers because they dont have enough space .
Aug 18Reply
emeraldheart42 Then when its bigger, too big, the wire saws through the fabric in less than an hour because the bands too big. If the bands too big , the straps will never stay up all day long. When you buy your right band size, you have to buy a bigger letter(s) too have enough space in front. There are at least 3 sizes of under wire If your letter is way too little , so is your under wire, so it jabs painfully.
Aug 18Reply
emeraldheart42 If you are wearing your perfect size , you wont know the wire is there ! Also, your breast shape affects what style is the best fit for you . If you dont have lots of volume a plunge style will fit best .If you have some volume , a plunge or balconette style is better , taller in center. If you have lots of volume you can wear balconette or full coverage.
Aug 18Reply
emeraldheart42 There is a correct way to put on a bra . It is NEVER to hook in front then pull it around your body. This means your size is wrong! You shouldnt be able to do that. Slide strap settings to halfway, hook in back, then lean forward ( my info says differently , but I think my way causes a better fit ), pull straps up. Then reach in each cup squeegying boob from under arm area up into the bra . Each side !
Aug 18Reply
emeraldheart42 Stand up, if your band feels painfully tight and or youre spilling out of cups, you need a bigger LETTER! Go up letters until the band feels comfy snug . It wont hurt now .
Aug 18Reply
emeraldheart42 Your measurements difference is meant for a balconette style bra. A plunge style has less space , so go up a letter to wear a plunge style . Theres less space in plunge styles in the cup. If you haveca lkt of volume you may have to go up several letters . Befkre I lost weight, I measured to wear a size J, but I had so much volume I could only wear an 36L, ( if one I liked was out of L Id buy a 38K).
Aug 18Reply
emeraldheart42 Right before I lost weight Id ordered size M ( UK size J). Currently I wear a DDD to an F.
Aug 18Reply
emeraldheart42 There right size bra will make a shorter woman look like she lost 10 pounds ......a taller woman look like she lost 15 pounds . The wrong size gives you a rectangle shape . The right size shows off your waist.
Aug 18Reply
emeraldheart42 When you buy s new bra, it should be comfy snug when hooked on the loosest hook. That way over time as it stretches out will be able to tighten it.
Aug 19Reply
emeraldheart42 Ive fit several whod been wearing a AA to a B ....and were stunned to learn that they were really a DD to a DDD. There is more space in each number you go up. Less space in each number you go down, therefore, if you need a smaller band, your letter has to go up .
Aug 20Reply
emeraldheart42 To find your strapless bra size you first have to measure or be measured for balconette style bras. Youll need to go up a letter to wear plunge styles theres less space in a plunge . ( ask to be shown the measuring tape when youre band is measured Many stores add inches to your band number. A HUGE no no ! If you measure an odd number , the next even number will be more comfy.) .......once you find your correct bra size....for strapless go down one letter and up one band number .
Aug 21Reply
emeraldheart42 I ll give an example of a same fit situation. A USA 36J will fit the same as a 38K the same style bra. There is more space in a letter each number you go up.
Aug 21Reply
emeraldheart42 Many of my followers who dont know their measurements, or have been " fitted" at a store, or have ordered online using a sites bra size finder ( both add 4-5" to your band number are ABSOLUTELY in the wrong size!! Many of my followers could wear the bras I have listed, but instead , are , lets say wearing a size 12 but wearing a 44DD. Obviously someone whos measurements fit a size 12 does not have a size 44" rib cage !! So, their band is too huge and letter is far too small.
Aug 24Reply
emeraldheart42 You will know what brands carry and what each brands calls letters above DD......if you email me for the chart. There was not enough pic to show chart. I may add another listing .
Aug 25Reply
emeraldheart42 Now there is a part 2!!!!! Pic of a woman in the wrong size and in the right size
Aug 25Reply
emeraldheart42 There are now 3 parts.....listings that tie together.
Oct 09Reply
ginabono I just measured under my bust and it’s 36 1/2. So I’m a 38 band, correct?
Oct 11Reply
ginabono Wait, I messed up. Should it be a snug measurement?
Oct 11Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 how do I measure for over the bust, should I measure w my bra on or off?
Oct 11Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono Yes normally when the bra fits exactly. If the letter is bigger a 36 would feel OK.
Oct 11Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono Right against the body, but not cutting into you.
Oct 11Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 I’m so sorry ab all the questions. Where exactly do I measure for over the bust plz?
Oct 11Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono At widest point , usually over nipple . Make sure the tape is level not slanted -
Oct 11Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 ok I’m 36 1/2 under bust and 43 over bust. Still think ur pink bras will fit?
Oct 11Reply
ginabono That would be an F cup right? I’ve been doing this all wrong, when I was fitted as a 38g for my strapless bra I didn’t realize my regular bras should be a different size and I bought new regular bras in 38G but they should be a 38 F maybe.
Oct 11Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono I'm not sure they will. The 4 I Added show to be your size. A few say a different size, but I know how to do this . You measure a says 42DDD(E), 40 F....38 G. It will fit exactly the same. How much are you overflowing your size now ?
Oct 11Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono I'd say G. Are you extreme four boob in your bras now? What size are they again?......or slight overflow?
Oct 11Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 the Lane Bryant Cacique I have on now is a 38DD, it’s all stretched out now tho, I’ve had them for years. So I really shouldn’t go by that, right? The best fitting bra I have now is the Wacoal strapless which is a 38G, very comfortable and fits great in my opinion but could be wrong I guess. I really don’t have any other worthy bras to compare to.
Oct 11Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono If you are overflowing 38G a lot , the L could work....if it's just some like muffin top I'd buy the GG s (J)
Oct 11Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono Do you look piled up in it.....or are you all inside the strapless
Oct 11Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 the cups on this old 38 DD fit well to me, no spillage, however I do spill out the sides a bit and the band rises up my back. But could that be Bc the bra is so stretched out?
Oct 11Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 what is “extreme four boobs”? Lol, idk what that means, lol
Oct 11Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 the strapless G I fit well in, not squeezed in but I still have goods tops w cleavage. I’m sorry I’m such a pain in the butt!
Oct 11Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono OK, you would have to put z new one on correctly looking at my listing . You can leave the bundle for now. Can you try on a new 38G at Lane Bryant? Let me know when, I'll watch my phone. The band should be horizontal when on, not slanted. We need to try you in a new one to tell which size.
Oct 11Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono Oh no worries. Extreme four boob would look like there's enough pushed out to fit in a second bra your size. You shouldn't look muffin top in it
Oct 11Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono When you put on a bra, you pull, squeegee under the arms ,sides into front of bra .
Oct 11Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 ok, my hubs had to take my car in just about an hour ago Bc it wouldn’t go in reverse, sounds like transmission issues to me. Disregard my bundle for now and make the sale w that lady hun I don’t want to keep u from a sale. As soon as I can go, I’ll let u know. U have been such a huge help, thank u so very much!!
Oct 11Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono No worries. You will need a copy of the fit help for when you try some on. My email is I will send you one to print out to have with you.
Oct 11Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 u r so kind, I really can’t thank u enough! Is there anything in my closet u like? I’m going to post more items soon, I’d love to send u a thank u gift. Or how about some of my gently used bras I don’t fit? I’ll send those to u to sell!!! I’d love to do that to thank u! Plz let me know where to send them, I have a few!
Oct 11Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 my email is
Oct 11Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 I’ll start getting those together now and send u pics of what I’m sending u!!
Oct 11Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono Actually, once you print out the help info , you can help women buy from you!! I love doing it! :)
Oct 11Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono Kept this info, the 3 listings, passed along . That's the best gift!
Oct 11Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 oh hun I definitely will do that too! I really wouldn’t mind a bit to send u those items, plz let me know!
Oct 11Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono Did you get the email? I can answer there
Oct 11Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 I don’t see it
Oct 11Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono I had used a capital G . I re sent it now
Oct 11Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 no wonder I can’t find it, I’m so sorry!! It’s, not 98, so sorry
Oct 11Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono How exciting! Thank you!! I resent the email.
Oct 12Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 @emeraldheart42 I still can’t find the email, I looked in my spam folder too. It’s, I’m sorry, could u plz send it again? Thank u!!
Oct 14Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 @emeraldheart42 it’s coming from ur email correct? I wonder what’s going on? Just to make sure it’s, thank u so much!!!
Oct 14Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono Just resent it , I double-checked address, it matched
Oct 14Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono Previously, they came back undeliverable.
Oct 14Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 @emeraldheart42 idk what’s going on with the email Bc I still cannot find ur email ☹️
Oct 15Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono I don't know. It went to your friend, maybe she can send it to you?
Oct 15Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 I thought u sent it to me at U sent it to @sewnina? I’m confused, lol! I’m talking ab the email u sent me.
Oct 15Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono I sent it to both of you. Yes it was So maybe she can email it to you?
Oct 15Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 ohhhhh, I understand!! Ok, I’ll ask her, thank u so much, sorry about the confusion!!
Oct 15Reply
sewnina Thank you for the awesome offer. I'm still looking through the closet. Give me another 10 minutes please. :-)
Nov 20Reply
emeraldheart42 @sewnina No worries, take your time :)
Nov 20Reply
amytroia Ok ok ok!! I have problem!! Remember I gave you my measurements well you decided I would fit a 44E smallest!! So a 42 strap is not tight at all so I’m wondering what my problem is lol I got the bras I ordered SO TICKED OFF LOl the balconettes are so pretty but the cup is too small, so I’m really confused I tried on a 44” and the band is way too loose but the DD cup is too small, so let me know if I need to re-measure or if I’m measuring in the wrong spots!! Thank u
Dec 21Reply
emeraldheart42 @amytroia OK , let's try this. This will find band size first, and it's odd but will make sense. Take a 42, 40, and a 38 to try, the letter doesn't matter. And remember, a new bra should fit hooked on the loosest setting because that way as it stretches out, you're able to hook it smaller and still wear it. Try the 42 first. But you won't put it all the way on. Flip it to bra hanging down and hook ...where the band would sit while worn.
Dec 21Reply
emeraldheart42 @amytroia This let's you feel how only the band fits without the bra fully on. Because when the bra is fully on, if the letter is too little, it is just like a person is in front of you, and grabs the center of the bra and is pulling hard on it.....making the band dig into your back. See this is why nearly all women go get a bigger band size instead of the bigger letter...which makes their fit way worse.
Dec 21Reply
emeraldheart42 @amytroia Once you find your band number, get a F, G & H in that number. Try each in that order putting on correctly. Set straps to about halfway, adjusting if needed during. Bend over and hook in back, bring straps up. This let's you be in the center of cup, not swooshed at the bottom. Then stand up, put hand inside bra and squeegie yourself starting way back under arm and up into front of bra. Repeat both sides, twice each if needed.
Dec 21Reply
emeraldheart42 @amytroia Once you've done this, if you're now piled high out the top of it and /or the band now is cutting you in half try the next letters. Repeating how to put on. See, this is why I have someone try only the band in that odd way first, to get a feel for their real band, how it feels all by itself. So you know it's the right number, so obviously the problem is the letter. Now you only try bigger letters until the band feels like it did by itself, and you are all the way inside the front.
Dec 21Reply
emeraldheart42 @amytroia Put the straps on the outer top edge of your shoulder, not the middle top ever. It should sit on the bony outer edge. In your perfect number and letter the straps will stay just where you put them from 5 am to 12 midnight! The number has to be right for this to occur. Now your underwire is sitting on your body only, unnoticeable, except that now the bra is totally holding your front up, your back is now only holding your head up.
Dec 21Reply
emeraldheart42 @amytroia If you ordered the bras , not worn, return them .
Dec 21Reply
emeraldheart42 @ginabono Did your friend get you a copy yet?
Dec 21Reply
ginabono @emeraldheart42 no, I didn’t get a copy but I took snapshots of the above but if u can email me the info, I’d be so grateful thank u!
Dec 22Reply
denzelle So i measured 35/41 so I should be wearing 34f ? I m now wearing 38dd in VS. Would it be 34 f in VS? Didnt see that brand
Feb 07Reply
emeraldheart42 @denzelle Try on a 36DDD in that brand ,but also try on the 34DDD. Hook on the loosest setting .
Feb 07Reply
emeraldheart42 Most lingerie clerks are barely trained, and likely even more are pressured to sell quotas to keep their jobs. Plus very few stores carry many letters and numbers. Women often have extremely few choices to get perfect fit. Some get lucky and nearly get an OK fit by pure chance. I was wearing a 42DD which was better than I'd had. But far later once I figured out that my perfect fit was a USA size 36 L, it was life changing beyond describing!
Sep 23Reply
emeraldheart42 Go to Walmart and pick up the smallest number in a D and the largest number in a D. Massive difference in space in the front! You'll immediately realize why when women buy a bigger number it's more comfy....there's obviously more space. But that doesn't mean it's your real size. Too little of a letter means you're squashed in front, in turn, it's like someone hooked a finger under the centre front and pulling out hard.
Sep 23Reply
emeraldheart42 In turn it feels like the band is cutting you literally. Your brain says You're band is too little. It never occurs to women who've only seen up to a DD or DDD letter that even those may be FAR too little of a letter.
Sep 23Reply
emeraldheart42 There is a little size transposing trick to get the same fit in two sizes. BUT, you have to find your exact perfect fit FIRST. In my case, I lost a lot of weight. My new perfect fit is now USA size 34F. Fs can be a pain to locate and at times more expensive. What I did instead is buy USA size 36DDD. Fits exactly the same in A BRAND. Look closely at a column in the brands chart.
Sep 23Reply
emeraldheart42 I've noticed that Lane Bryant now has more sizes offered.
Jan 30Reply
emeraldheart42 Feel free to save and share all 3 to sell your own bras! :D
Apr 06Reply
mommasboy411 wow vs says I was 40c, I just measured and I'm thinking I need 38DDD!!! lol ❤️ 😆🥰 thank you for posting this 🙏😇 @shauna_marie787
Jan 13Reply
emeraldheart42 @mommasboy411 There are 1,2 and 3 on my page. Be sure to read how to put on.
Jan 13Reply
emeraldheart42 @mommasboy411 As you try on if DDD is too tight, do not change from 38, go up letters. Look at all 3 of my related posts before buying. You have to know the correct way to put one on. A new bra hooks on the hooks at the edge brand new. Over time stretching occurs, so you can go to the middle hooks to have the same fit.
Jan 13Reply
mommasboy411 @emeraldheart42 aww thank you 💙💙 I will have to try it out lol
Jan 13Reply

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