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2 VS Sport bra’s lot


Updated Feb 20
Updated Feb 20

2 VS Sport bra’s lot

Victoria's Secret



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Sport Bras. Used- barely warn looks new though. Ones size 34D and Size M
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skye320 Hello! I would have accepted your bundle offer except the Dior bronze glow blush already sold on my Mer-Cari. If you want to find something else to bundle you can. Thank you :)
Jun 22Reply
lovefind123 @skye320 Hi! sorry I’m just now getting these. Thanks for letting me know :) that’s ok ❤️ if you still have the other Dior blush I can switch it
Jun 22Reply
skye320 @lovefind123 hello! That’s ok no worries :) I made a lot of sales today, most of which were on my Mer-Cari. So whatever I have left for sale is on my current Poshmark page :))
Jun 22Reply
lovefind123 @skye320 that’s great!! :) congrats! thanks for letting me know and I’ll know now too about telling on another place lol to just buy it next time 💕😊
Jun 22Reply
skye320 @lovefind123 thank you!! Yeah I sell on Mer-Cari and Poshmark. Thank you for your interest though and I hope you have a great weekend! :))
Jun 22Reply
lovefind123 @skye320 Glad to know, I think I remember now going to buy something from you then it was gone before lol now I know . That’s great & thank you unfortunately my baby sick so not fun over here but I hope you enjoy the rest of you’re weekend! You have a great closet!!! I’ll be on lookout when you post! I always seem to miss them lol
Jun 22Reply
skye320 @lovefind123 oh no lol, yeah it’s hit and miss. Sometimes things sell fast and sometimes they don’t. Hopefully next time you can get what you want, I appreciate you looking at my page! I hope your baby feels better that has to be rough, sorry to hear that! Thank you again, have a wonderful evening! :))
Jun 22Reply
lovefind123 @skye320 Yeah it’s hard! Lol it’s like you have to literally buy it that moment you see it , sometimes with kids I get distracted then your hands are full by the time I come back it’s sadly gone . Aww you’re so sweet :) I appreciate you reaching out . Thank you ❤️aww it’s been one thing after the next recently my grandma just passed away too now my baby sick , it’s been really rough that’s for sure!😔 But thank you you’re very kind 💕💕 Hope you have a blessed weekend! ❤️
Jun 23Reply
skye320 @lovefind123 yeah I hear you lol, I’ve had that happen to me too when I like something. Hopefully you find something else you can get :)… I’m sorry to hear that about your grandma, every day faces its new challenges but it will get easier, life always ebbs and flows. I hope everything gets better for your family soon! Thank you again for the sweet and kind words! 😊💖
Jun 23Reply
lovefind123 @skye320 I’m glad I’m not the only one . It happens I mean so many people buying online now in days . It’s just sad you get excited then it’s like man 🥹😕 Some things literally sell so fast you can’t even think lol then it’s gone. Thank you , I’m sure I will at some point! 😊 I really wanted to try that Dior bronzer shade lol 🥲 Aww Thank you so much 🥺I appreciate it ❤️❤️ and thank you for reaching out💕💕
Jun 23Reply
skye320 @lovefind123 I’m sorry 😢 the cherry one is still available lol, but I know it’s not the bronze one 😕 I hope you can get the one you want at some point! Thank you so much!! ☺️💜
Jun 23Reply
lovefind123 @skye320 Aww thank you , you’re to kind ❤️ I would buy the cherry one lol but I want like to bundle ❤️shipping just so expensive when it’s one item. Hopefully you’ll post something before that sells lol I was sad when I saw you had the Natasha DENONA pallet too . Missed that! I’m always like man 🥹🥲 story of my life. I really love makeup if you can’t tell , I just can’t afford to go buy it when it comes out. So I have to wait for someone to sell it .
Jun 23Reply
lovefind123 Also Please tag me if you can if you end up getting or selling the Natasha golden highlighter trio! Or any of her products in the future. She’s my favourite 🥰 thanks
Jun 23Reply
skye320 @lovefind123 I totally understand! In the future I’ll try to remember to tag you for her products. As of now I’m not selling any, but that could always change in the future. Thank you again! ❤️☺️
Jun 23Reply
lovefind123 @skye320 Aww thank you I appreciate it!!!❤️❤️🥰 I was excited when you could finally see when someone posted but my feed to busy so the people I actually want to see I never do lol because you actually have to click on them all to get there.. So far it hadn’t worked out for me yet lol anyways thank you & hope you’re having a wonderful Sunday 💐
Jun 23Reply
skye320 @lovefind123 thank you! :)) Also you wanted me to let you know if I posted anything by Natasha Denona, and I just did. Also if you’re not interested it’s totally ok, just wanted to let you know. Have a great evening! 💜🙏😊
Jun 25Reply
lovefind123 @skye320 Hi! aww!! Thank you soo much for letting me know!! Do you know what 2 shades are missing so I know? Thank you 😊💕💕
Jun 25Reply
skye320 @lovefind123 you’re welcome!! 💕 I honestly don’t know the missing shade names I’m sorry! 🙁
Jun 25Reply
lovefind123 @skye320 that’s ok 💕 thank you though :) Now I’m conflicted lol since you posed I need a nude pallet cause I don’t own some of those lighter whiter shades lol
Jun 25Reply
lovefind123 Is there anyway to exchange the blush out for one or two of those lighter shades in the other pallet. I understand if you want to keep them together 💕
Jun 25Reply
skye320 @lovefind123 the other Natasha Denona palette sold so I’m unable to I’m sorry. 💕
Jun 25Reply
lovefind123 @skye320 that’s ok sorry! I appreciate you ❤️ I was eyeing the I need a nude pallet because I don’t own that one either so pretty 😅😍 There both beautiful pallets!
Jun 25Reply
skye320 @lovefind123 yeah of course, anytime!! 😊💕💜
Jun 25Reply
lovefind123 @skye320 🥰💖💞💞🥰 Thank you 💓💓
Jun 26Reply
ranelle28 Are these still available?
Feb 19Reply

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