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Updated Jun 18
Updated Jun 18

👠👠How to spot 👀 a fake Christian Louboutin👠👠

Christian Louboutin

$10,000 $10,000

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Hope this few simple tips will help. Happy shoe hunting!😄 (courtesy of whsale)
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anathaly18 This is so great thank you!! I just bough a pair of louboutins here and this reassured me more 😊
Sep 19Reply
marithel @anathaly18 you're very welcome!
Sep 19Reply
delaware32 Good to know! @dferrier check this out
Sep 19Reply
marithel @delaware32 hey girl, I'll be shipping your stuff today😊
Sep 19Reply
delaware32 @marithel hi! Sounds great. I'm packing your stuff right now, and should be able to get to the post office before it closes today. :)
Sep 19Reply
balenciagabebe @marithel thank you for the tip!
Sep 21Reply
susany Thanks! I've got a pair of authentic Loubies for sale in my closet right now. :)
Sep 21Reply
luckymama Good to know. If I'm buying Loub's, they will be brand spankin new!👠👠👠
Sep 21Reply
jessicayflores I'm selling a pair of Louboutins in my closet right now. I'm so glad I can now point potential buyers to this post to assure them of authenticity. Thanks!
Sep 21Reply
marithel @balenciagabebe you are very welcome 😉and thanks for sharing 👍
Sep 21Reply
marithel @jessicayflores @susany good luck selling ladies! Great loubs you have there.
Sep 21Reply
marithel @luckymama it's every fashionistas dream 💤👠.
Sep 21Reply
mswhite56 @melmel thought you'd be interested since you spotted the fake LV.
Sep 22Reply
thedealqueen This is awesome but after doing some research I don't know how true the box tip is! I've noticed lots of authentic shoes that do have the "Paris" in the corner of the box. :) the dust bag thing is definitely true though! Thanks for posting, hope this helps too.
Sep 22Reply
thedealqueen Aaaand apparently I can't read either. I came across something similar to this that said the opposite, but this one is 100% correct. Disregard my last comment. Haha
Sep 22Reply
marithel @alvictoria no worries, Good luck on selling those adorable shoes. 👍
Sep 22Reply
anathaly18 Hi! I have a question...I just received a pair of louboutins I purchased here from ahilton and wanted to know if I should be concerned that there's no serial number inside the shoe? I have another pair of CLs and there is a number stamped inside. It also didnt come with a dust bag. I believe she still has the listing up. Thanks!
Sep 24Reply
marithel @anathaly18 hi, sorry for the late reply. I believe there should a serial number but I'm not sure if it should be on every shoe. Since the seller told you it's brand new it should have the dust bag available and extra pair of heel replacements. I can't really speak for you since I don't have the shoe with me. Check how it's made, the stitching, quality of the leather, no visible glue, etc. or better yet have it authenticated at the store. I'm sorry I can't be of any help but good luck finding it out.
Sep 25Reply
anathaly18 Thank you! I will be taking it to the store tomorrow to confirm..the sole seems to be peeling off a bit (the entire sole, not just the red paint) so its concerning. They didn't come with heel caps but she is sending me a dust bag out of courtesy. I did confirm with Neiman Marcus that not all shoes come with heel caps or serial numbers. But thank you for replying! 😊
Sep 25Reply
delaware32 @sbr this is a great resource to check before purchasing. Thanks @marithel !
Oct 10Reply
sbr @delaware32 huge help thx! No box or card tho...
Oct 10Reply
laurenjr @jennifermd thanks for this I took the posting down:) I guess I got scammed at least I didn't pay full price for them:/ this you tube video was also good,
Oct 13Reply
jennifermd No worries! Take care!!
Oct 13Reply
mariaharrison Thanks for posting this. Mau i also refer to if you have any doubts. It makes me sad to see how many fakes are on here and how much people spend on fakes:( you could not pay me to wear a fake.
Oct 28Reply
marithel @mariaharrison I hear ya😊
Oct 28Reply
crazzee_shopper As great as these tis are, there should be more tips on the shoes itself. There can be cases where ppl will use authentic bags and boxes and switch out the shoes with fake shoes. Always ask for actual pics of the shoes. Do not rely on stock photos. Tpf has a great CL authentication service and its free. Utilize it.
Oct 31Reply
marithel @crazzee_shopper you're definitely right. Thanks for the info.
Oct 31Reply
jenyang61 @crazzee_shopper hello! I was reading ur post, what is tpf? In case I need to authenticate my CL
Nov 06Reply
crazzee_shopper @jenyang61 tpf = the purse forum
Nov 06Reply
tcwilliams1365 Thanks!!!
Nov 11Reply
marithel @tcwilliams1365 you're welcome.
Nov 11Reply
jglam @cathipham@juliepointer1 I like it...thank you.
Nov 15Reply
cathipham @jglam @juliepointer1 I'm glad to help!! It's about time I'm able to help someone!!
Nov 15Reply
cheriepie Thanks for posting this! I've been trying to save girls all day from buying fakes on poshmark! Amazing how much people pay for knock-offs.
Dec 08Reply
marithel @cheriepie knock offs are getting better though, but I'm glad this kinda help out a little bit. Thanks.
Dec 08Reply
crystalized The overall curve of genuine Louboutins is a major distinction in real vs. fake. The replicas have an awful outsole curve that is too wide. The genuine ones have a tight and sleek curve to the outsole and heel design.
Dec 14Reply
lorigalloway AWESOME resource for our Poshmark Community!! Thanks!
Dec 27Reply
marithel @loriwgalloway you're welcome
Dec 27Reply
lorigalloway @corgo123 I saw that you inquired about a seller's Christian Louboutins and thought you'd like to see this! 😊 I don't think they are real. I just didn't want you to be taken advantage of! 😃
Dec 28Reply
natyw88 @baybuhdee : this helps 😉
Feb 04Reply
chametra @itsryanwithani @blackonblack take a look ladies...
Feb 05Reply
chametra @itsryanwithani Yes ma'am. Just because a reputitable department store sold them doesn't mean someone else didn't return a fake pair first. I'm just trying to be helpful.
Feb 05Reply
marithel @chametra sorry, the listing you tagged me earlier got removed.
Feb 05Reply
chametra @marithel, yes I figured it might. No worries. I thought her CLs were fake but she had a different opinion. They had the VERO logo on the bottom and they looked off.
Feb 05Reply
blackonblack @chametra @marithel sorry removed because of all the negativity in the post. I do believe they are still real. I also own other pairs of louboutins and yes, the sole doesn't have the vero cuoio logo but many used to 6 years ago when I got the boots in questions. I'd rather just take them to an authenticator and have them sold through them. So that way I don't get any of the backlash. I got these from a reliable source so I can't agree they are fake!
Feb 05Reply
chametra @blackonblack there was no negativity on your post (not from me anyway). I only pointed out what I saw. Instead of being so sensitive, you should appreciate another set of eyes on your merchandise. It's unfortunate that you can't see the value in that. Good luck selling those.
Feb 05Reply
carolyne30 @livelifecook I saw your comments on those shoes and thought you should look at this article before making a purchase to much money at risk hope it helps you😉
Feb 07Reply
carolyne30 @livelovecook^^^^
Feb 07Reply
carolyne30 @livelovecook I think so to be honest that style doesn't come with that vero thing in the bottom
Feb 07Reply
roobishimmer Heyyy there is a pair of heels that meme has listed there for 150, their the pointy toed ones. Just wanted to know if their authentic, cause the bottom of the shoe has extra stuff that you have listed supposed to be fake.
Feb 13Reply
kkristina37 @erkadrka hope this will help in a future 😃
Feb 20Reply
smhenson1974 Can ANYONE help me authenticate an older style FENDI sunglasses?
Apr 07Reply
urbangeishala @bdwilkin my preloved CLs I got at Fashionphile passed all these tests
Apr 11Reply
bekirose Some of these things are true and some are not. Here is a good site if anyone is interested.
May 17Reply
luxurydiva247 I'm starting a post where people can ask questions about authenticity. I'm all about saving other poshers from getting scammed by others! Take a look and like/follow for future reference 😊
May 19Reply
luxurydiva247 @astylistscloset the only thing I don't like about the article is that... it is true about box.. But like others have mentioned... Ppl are now putting fakes in real boxes and selling them! Then the whole stamp thing.... It's misleading to those who don't know the history of louboutins... Because at one point..... There were some stamps on certain styles.... And having a stamp doesn't necessary make them fake right away. The card thing is just completely ridiculous!!! Haha cards with louboutins 😂😂 it all goes back to the shoe itself. That's REALLy the only true way to know!
May 19Reply
astylistscloset @luxurydiva247 interesting and yes. The boxes are being sold everywhere. So sad.
May 19Reply
belladior @luxurydiva247 @astylistscloset very true. Older models had the vero stamp years ago. I have a pair I bought 6 years ago n love. I think the card think is hilarious.
May 20Reply
shoes7 @marithel @belladior yes!!! Some old models have the vero stamp mine I bought about 6 years ago and it had the vero stamp. I had a girl commenting and calling me pathetic because I was selling fake saying it was authentic because they had the vero stamp. some are not fake just very old and the sole changes too !!!!! The authenticity card that's quite funny
May 29Reply
arb80 Hi - can you help me authenticate a sellers pair ? Just want to make sure before I spend all that $$!
Jun 02Reply
msaffliction @marithel Thank you for this much needed post. Please all buyers beware of kray1000. She traded me supposed authentic Louboutins for a $600 Tory bag. She sent pics of authentic pumps from Bluefly to my email and sent fake shoes. See my closet. Please do not trade or buy from her. I already made a stupid mistake.
Jun 03Reply
naturelover Hello. I'm an honest seller but recently purchased a pair of these expensive shoes at a flea market. I'm not sure they real as they did not come with a box or the card mentioned here. Would u be able to go to my closet and tell me if they are fake? I want to sell them because they ended up being too narrow for me and don't want to false advertise. Your help will be greatly appreciated😃
Jun 09Reply
heythereg Can u check out the pair I posted and lmk if they're authentic!
Jun 22Reply
marquezb @naturelover can u tag me under the listing of the ones you bought at the flee market? :) thnx
Jun 24Reply
tiggerchick @marithel THANKS!!! Did some research already and this confirms what I had found! Awesome... I do this with Louis Vuitton's! Awesome of you to share!
Jul 08Reply
marithel @tiggerchick you're welcome 😊
Jul 08Reply
tiggerchick @marithel or anyone willing to authenticate!! Trading my speedy 30 for some Peanut (45 I believe) wedges and Want to make sure they are authentic. Asked her to email me pics of shoes and box as well as label on box. I can forward email to anyone who can help. We are trying to do exchange this am so I can get by Sat for a concert. THANK YOU 😃😉😃
Jul 10Reply
crmnrcks @christineteresi gotta look out 4 fakes sometimes :/
Jul 16Reply
thunt This is great!!! Thanks so much for sharing!
Aug 13Reply
cscla003 @sclafanicm since you said you wanted some heels, here is some future tips 😊
Aug 22Reply
mizzfit Much needed info doll
Sep 08Reply
aylissa Thank you for sharing this post 👍😁☺
Sep 22Reply
ivyandikeresale @marithel hi, I have some CL's I bought here a couple of months ago, and I hardly wear them, I'm thinking about selling them but I want to make sure they are authentic. Is there a way I can find out for sure? Do you know what can I do? Thanks for your help.
Oct 26Reply
jordan_ashlie That was really helpful thank you!! I've noticed a bunch of comments asking if the shoes run small, I'm looking to get my first pair of CLs from here and need to know if I should get a size up!
Dec 05Reply
curlycrowned Hi I have a pair of these shoes but idk if they are real or not ! Will you please take a look at them I can make a post I will appreciate it if you do ! Thank you
Aug 19Reply
steve92287 @jncharlesalain since I saw you were interested in that lady’s louboutin’s.
Jan 18Reply
alibrascloset94 Can someone help me. I am trying to find the serial number on my Louboutins however I don’t see one. What does that mean?
Feb 09Reply
ntutor I’d like to add to this. “Older versions (before 2007) of some Louboutins will have ‘Vero Cuoio’ stamped on the sole and the red color will appear brighter. Shoes produced after 2007 will have the details listed above along with a deeper red colored bottom.”
Jun 09Reply
namratab26 I am about to buy a pair through pm just was wondering if it comes with a serial number inside, seller appears genuine. can someone advise please as I have googled but found nothing they are silver glitter Irina's 100 mm
Jan 14Reply
jennzie11 @namratab26 what did you find out. I just bought a pair from a neighbor and they have a serial number and the side on the inner side of the shoes. Never saw that before?!
Apr 05Reply
goldie_lyons What if the European size is circled. No one has mentioned the number being circled. Is that a dead giveaway that they are fake?
Nov 17Reply
ladybuck77 How do you tell if a Christian Louboutin belt is fake?
Jan 04Reply

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