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Updated Oct 18
Updated Oct 18

Counterfeit/Replica Enforcement

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Poshmark is constantly working on new ways to ensure that each closet is up to Poshmark standards. On Monday January 7th, we will be rolling out a new moderation system that automatically removes listings that are reported as replicas or counterfeits. If you see an item that is a replica or violates copyright, please report it using Poshmark's item reporting system. We appreciate your support and hope that you are as excited as we are about this!
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lynncurtis Love this!!! Thanks!!
Jan 07Reply
fashion101_diva I think this will certainly be a valuable tool, I am a new member and I was showing off this new found joy of mine and was telling friends that all designer products were legit. Well we pulled up a Chanel bag that was priced at $35, that kinda made me feel silly. So hopefully this new tool will be effective in resolving those type of issues. Thanks Poshmark.
Jan 07Reply
sheelagoh How cool is that!!!
Jan 07Reply
couturegirl That's not going to work because what happens when someone who has no idea what they are talking about reports one that is actually authentic? This can't be done automated, it has to be a case by case basis with people checking each listing- or seller. It's time consuming but if you want this site to be considered legit that's how it should be done. And once it's taken down, and it's authentic, how does it become active again? I'm glad you are listening to those of us who are authentic sellers but this isn't the way unfortunately.
Jan 07Reply
spicegirl333 But more than half of the gucci LV etc stuff on here are replicas as it is lol
Jan 07Reply
restylerestore Glad to see this.
Jan 07Reply
irachelle What if ur listing says it is an imitation or inspired? Will these listings still be removed?
Jan 07Reply
couturegirl Another thing, how long does it take for the item to be removed once I've reported it? The ones I've done today are still on here.
Jan 07Reply
uniquee_ly How do we let the system know that we've seen a replica ?
Jan 07Reply
courtships Happy to hear it!!!
Jan 07Reply
enigma 🎉🎉YAAY! YAAY!🎉🎉
Jan 07Reply
almoyes Great work implementing this new feature, PM team 💪
Jan 08Reply
turtlebead I am sure a number of authentic pieces will be reported as replicas by people who think they are in the know. I sell only authentic pieces and if any of my pieces gets reported as counterfeit with no way to regulate, I will stop selling on PM. Ebay and Bonz have better traffic anyway. Good luck to all of us.
Jan 08Reply
fancy_hills @pm_editor Hi how do you reserve something? I see people using a yellow banner that has reserve.
Jan 08Reply
taaaylorx2 @fancy_hills reserve banner only comes up when someone is in the process of purchasing. Hope that helps!
Jan 08Reply
fancy_hills @taaaylorx2 how funny after I finally seen it come up on my posting haha thanks
Jan 08Reply
golyndsey @pm_editor Thank you for helping to improve the PM experience. There is nothing worse than being tricked into buying counterfeit items. How exact does reporting work? Is it anonymous? Are there categories for which one may be reporting an item (I.e. unauthentic, party violators, spam listings...)? Many thanks!!! ;)))
Jan 09Reply
lsspln Why haven't you removed @alecia ? She has conned me and at least 15 others yet continues to sell on your site.
Jan 09Reply
couturegirl My items did not show up at the party going on right now and I shared them to it. I did it a 2nd time and still cant find them! I hope it isn't because of my concern over & reporting of the fakes on here. I only wanted this to be a safe place for us as sellers & buyers!
Jan 10Reply
redsolediary Yeah!!! This is amazing.
Jan 10Reply
cindyfisk @pm_editor hi. I am wondering how you tell legal replicas from illegal? Are the legal inspired ok? How is the person who is not a fashionista going to be able to tell this? I have had a few replicas that I purchased at regular stores. Don't they have to be legal? I am confused!!
Jan 10Reply
cindyfisk @upsnowgirl I mean here.
Jan 10Reply
lynncurtis @cindyweber A bag that has the name Louis Vuitton on it, but is not a Louis Vuitton bag is counterfeit and cannot be sold. It does not matter if you state it is a replica, it is illegal. If a bag has a design like a LV bag, but not the name or LVs, it is inspired by LV and can be sold. Does that make sense?
Jan 10Reply
cindyfisk @lynncurtis I am sorry. Question was directed to a posh editor.
Jan 11Reply
lenasocool @jhpbeauty read this! Lol
Jan 11Reply
kmeeks08 This is an outstanding feature! I am so sick of replicas clogging up the parties!!
Jan 11Reply
scoutedgoods Thank goodness! A girl was selling a leather vest she claimed was authentic All Saints Spitalfields, and the tag said "Miley Cyrus Max Azria" from Walmart... And she had it priced at $500.
Jan 12Reply
gia_oni @pm_editor While I do love this feature, I think it is unfair to not clarify with the seller before removing items. I did have an inspired item removed recently and I respected PM for doing so. I had seen many before posting mine and thought it was okay. however, I also had an authentic item removed. Just because someone feels it is not authentic does not justify removing the items. I do extremely well on Poshmark and I am totally addicted, but I do feel as if there should be some sort of communication between PM and the accused seller before removing items.
Jan 13Reply
littlemissbc 🎉🎉🎉👍👍👍👍👍
Jan 16Reply
kaylafreidt Someone has asked if I can ship to London. I am not sure how to answer that. Please help :)
Jan 17Reply
pze @kaylafreidt i believe poshmark only ships within the US for now.
Jan 18Reply
tiffinsblu Fantastic!!!!!!
Jan 19Reply
valerie_bragg This is great. I am looking for Louis Vuitton handbag... Original color. Must be in excellent condition!
Jan 19Reply
krs0716 @couturegirl Did you get a response to your party posting question? I have notice the same thing over the past week or so.
Jan 19Reply
bbpaneque Ok so if I'm selling a real Coach how is that impacting me from the copyright violation. That is very annoying. How am I going to be able to sale
Jan 19Reply
bbpaneque I definitely can't afford a Hernes bag so I won't mind buying a replica as long as is in excellent and quality condition.
Jan 20Reply
bbpaneque I meant "Hermes"
Jan 20Reply
izie @pm_editor I choose to be quiet but you people are going against the real ideal of people selling their closet. IS IT EVERYONE THAT CAN AFFORD THE DESIGNERS..??? Where do we live, A RICH MAN'S WORLD? It's just what the economy is facing today >>> ENTERTAINING THE RICH.. Exactly what I see here .. May be will have to sign up a petition because this wasn't the ideal when I joined this site.
Jan 20Reply
izie @pm_editor if you guys wanted this to be a rich mans closets & not for middle class people why set it up ? Why not do it like other site does to re-sell Ur authentic ? look at the people here all they do is lock around people's closet looking for whom to report that is selling fake. THIS COMPANIES KNOWS THERE ARE REPLICAS & KNOWS WHERE TO FIND THEM.. Y PLS A CERTAIN GROUP OF RICH PEOPLE ON HERE & MAKE IT DIFFICULT FOR MIDLE CLASS BUYERS? I see politics in the. HIGEST level here. Reason I block a lot of people I don't need Rich fat jobless people locking round my closet There better be changes from now because it doesn't make sense.
Jan 20Reply
izie @pm_editor Dear Izie, We hope this email finds you well. It has come to our attention that your listing "Louis vultton" does not meet our selling guidelines and as such we have removed it from your closet. Typical reasons for removing a listing include item being a replica or counterfeit, violating community guidelines or something that would not be considered a women's fashion or accessory item. Please refrain from listing items that do not meet these guidelines as doing so puts your Poshmark buying and selling privileges in jeopardy. For more information on our selling guidelines, please see our frequently asked questions: -Poshmark Moderation Team This doesn't make sense
Jan 20Reply
couturegirl Tonight I just saw a fake bag as one of the hosts picks and was shocked!! I thought (& hoped) PM did not support the sale of them and then I see the fake LV keepall as one? Why?
Jan 22Reply
couturegirl For everyone complaing about not being able to sell their fake stuff.. Everyone can get in trouble here! And Trafficking does not mean you have to have thousands of pieces... Anyone who sells can get in trouble if is what is on the books! "The federal criminal laws that prohibit any person from trafficking in counterfeit goods and services apply not only to the counterfeiter—the law applies with equal force to any individual or company that knowingly sells a counterfeit product. (18 U.S.C. 2320). This law, known as the Trademark Counterfeiting Act of 1984, carries substantial monetary fines (up to $5 million) and prison time (up to 20 years imprisonment or in some cases life) for individuals and companies who violate the Act."
Jan 22Reply
rodwatai @pm_editor - If I purchase an item from a legit store that has the authorization to sell products marked as "inspired by", then why would these items be removed from a PM closet if its listed accordingly??
Jan 23Reply
taaaylorx2 This is a good feature and all but it does require some editing. I had someone report half of the listings in my closet for calling them out on try to sell a replica as the real thing. That's what we should be more worried about. Though selling replicas is illegal, it is also illegal to deceive people in that way. She even pulled a picture off the Internet of a date code from another bag (you could tell because the interiors didn't match up). Also, there should be more focus on those selling items like bras, underwear, electronics and other things forbidden from Poshmark. I just think you should work on more then preventing the selling of replicas, because selling used under garments is worse then illegal it's unsanitary..
Jan 23Reply
couturegirl @rodwatai no store is authorized to sell knock offs... Any store selling merchandise with the same logo as the real thing is doing so illegally and can be fined & shut down if caught. The problem is the Feds can't keep up with all the counterfeiters.
Jan 24Reply
rodwatai @couturegirl - Just to clarify... All "designer inspired" items are actually illegal counterfeits??
Jan 24Reply
couturegirl @rodwatai If it is a copy of an original, yes it is counterfeit. A store can't sell a bag that has the same brand logo (LV,Coach,Chanel,CL,etc.) as the real one, even if they say it is a replica... It's trademark infringement & illegal.
Jan 24Reply
rodwatai @couturegirl - Thank you for that teachable moment!!😊 I never new this.😱 Ya learn something new everyday!!😍
Jan 24Reply
ronda68 @pm_editor is there a way to tell or site that you can find out if the Coach bag you bought is authentic or replica?? I need to know.
Jan 26Reply
kendra060812 Is there a way to get shipping money back? This girl @kbcooper has received her item and won't respond to me at all and I never have got my item from her!
Jan 27Reply
hannah @kendra060812 did you trade for the item or did you buy it? If you traded there is nothing that poshmark can do because they do not actually support trading. If you purchased the item you should cancel your purchase or email
Jan 27Reply
jenjones Thank you! I go one missions of reporting replicas regularly. I'm happy to hear I'm not wasting my time.
Jan 28Reply
jenjones Also, to anyone who thinks selling or buying counterfeit items is harmless, think again. Not only is it hitting the economy, it funds drug cartels, illegal weapon sales, child enslavement, and terrorist organizations. I am not reporting a conspiracy theory, I am stating known facts. Add on to that the illegality of knowingly purchasing, being on possession of, and/or selling counterfeit items and we've got a while new ball game. One that you the buyer or seller is commuting a crime for. Shipping a counterfeit item is a FELONY. And mail fraud charges are federal felony offenses. I don't think the legal fees would be worth the low cost of a terribly made, poorly constructed faux gucci or lv.
Jan 28Reply
knockout_mama @pm_editor Hi. I'm not sure what to do about this. I've sent an email, but maybe you can respond quicker?? I had a buyer purchase one of my items, I shipped it (with the printed PoshMark label) and it went to Texas where the buyer lives, but I checked the tracking today, an it's now in Missouri!!! Is this my fault? Is this buyer a scammer with a fake address and I'll never see my money? What's going to happen? And what should I do?! Thank you. Sorry for bothering you. I just don't want other ladies to be taken advantage of by this "person" if he/she is a scammer
Jan 28Reply
bkey1961 I personally can't afford the authentic stuff and want the option of being able to purchase the inspired items....whether its legal or not and as long as it doesn't involve you why does everybody care ??
Feb 13Reply
gleeorabakennia Check Out My Closet @GleeOrabaKennia 👗👌😉
Feb 17Reply
justjess77 I agree that this option of removal s/b somehow verified other than just an autobot or web tool. There r faaaarrr too many knock offs & horrendous authentic pieces as well, that r too hard to verify to the uneducated eye. I'm brand new to PM & after reading this thread, seeing just how many recurring issues, as well as non responses by PM staff... Makes me feel as though I'm dealing with a site where my best interests as a buyer or seller won't b addressed properly or timely... Maybe PM can get some certified volunteers to assist n responding to inquiries if ur staff is not large enough yet?! A seller/buyer has to feel & be fully aware of functionality of a site for it to b a true success and NO POLITICS should ever play into a truly customer based business!!!
Feb 17Reply
leydiowl @couturegirl I agree with you, it is against the law to sell or buy counerfit and it simply cannot be allowed. Ebay cracks down hard on it also and it is not allowed legally yet so we cannot complaint. however I have to point out that i have my doubts about your PRADA bag :-/ Im sorry, i wont report you because im not 100% sure but all mine are from PRADA and the paperwork is somewhat different.
Feb 22Reply
couturegirl @leydiowl I'm not selling any Prada bags!! Before you tag someone about fakes please be sure you have the correct person.
Feb 22Reply
leydiowl @couturegirl lol woops sorry I meant to tag someone else, I think i must have confused you im sorry :-/ which makes me now wonder who the girl was selling the bag, i really wanted to tell her but not really report her either.
Feb 22Reply
hellokiddos Awesomeness ! ❤
Mar 04Reply
lilulu2018 I am new to PM and disappointed to see the number of replica handbags listed (actually stating replica or triple aaa quality in posting).
Mar 04Reply
justmaterials I can't wait to post my good stuff! 😍😊
Mar 06Reply
coolcatdave My friend signed up. She got the credit and I didn't. Why is that @pm_editor
Mar 07Reply
alexandramonroy Shoutout please ?
Mar 07Reply
stephmariex6 This isn't about this post, but I wasn't sure who else to ask.. Hopefully you can help. I set a replica LV bag at 0.00 and wrote ' MAKE OFFER ' because I've never used a purse so I don't know what they're worth and I didn't want to overprice it. Some lady purchased it for 0.00 without even making me an offer, so everyone thinks it's sold and it isn't allowing anyone else to purchase it even though I cancelled the order. I'm not sure how to go about changing it from sold. Can you help me at all?
Mar 14Reply
being_avamarie @pm_editor, I recently had an evening gown removed from my page. I have no idea why...not listed as designer. It is time consuming taking pics & loading. I do not like having to repeat a task I already accomplished. Help me if u can!
Mar 18Reply
crystals_resale This is a joke and doesn't work, at anytime you can type in Chanel, LV, Coach (inspired) and thousands pop up.. I don't understand if we write fake or inspired and the buying party is ok with it why not sell it, as long as your honest in saying inspired who cares.. Not all of us can buy real ones so why the hell can't we buy/sell inspired ones, I will never buy a real LV for 1000$ where that money could go to much better things then a purse!
Mar 23Reply
hannah @lblack13 I so wish that I could click a love button on your comment!!!
Mar 26Reply
nicky61601 about a button to remove prescription drugs or other items, which is ILLEGAL, but poshmark won't stop it. Trafficking drugs is illegal, but instead if dealing with it they just let a bunch of people harass me for days!
Mar 29Reply
nicky61601 @stephmariex6 Never put $0 for a listing price, because then you sold something for free. If you want an opinion you can put it at $100000 or the like. You can cancel the sale. Then create a new listing but apologize to the person because they did buy it for the price you had listed. Zero. Not a good idea though to ask for opinions on here. Look on eBay or amazon...
Mar 29Reply
keyyaaahhh Hi! You seem like a great seller! I just started a few days ago with some pending sales.. Any tips or tricks for spotting scammers that you follow?! I'm not sure if my items haven't reached there destination yet or if people are saying they didn't get them but I only have pending $$ : ( help?!
Apr 04Reply
lblack13 @nicky61601 - What?? Where are they selling rx drugs on here? I may need them if I keep having to deal with idiots!! lol
Apr 13Reply
alynn77 What about something to automatically delete listings that are baby/child related? I'm sick of seeing baby clothes/shoes/etc. I understand people want to make money but posh isn't here to sell baby goods.
Apr 16Reply
rchl62 @alynn77 thank you, I've never really paid attention to people using Paypal, but now I'm harassed by someone who I do not follow or buy from selling low end baby clothes simplepleasures @rchl62 ok I done my research and looks to me like u didn't have a problem shopping and buying from other poshers in the last several days. Hummm?
Apr 21Reply
rchl62 simplepleasures .. thanks for the like sweetie. Let me know if u have any questions. Free shipping through pay pal today
Apr 21Reply
alynn77 @rchl62 I'm not sure what you're asking for
Apr 21Reply
rchl62 @alynn77 I'm sorry I just liked your comment about the baby clothes I didn't mean to tag you, so sorry
Apr 21Reply
lucii Yeah instead of worrying about this issue how about you get rid off scammers!!
Apr 21Reply
isoraya @lblack13 My sentiments exactly! My husband actually earns in one day what some people make in a month, however he refuses to buy me a high end designer bag because he says it's a ridiculous investment. Of coarse, I disagree and that's why I'm here shopping on a SAHM budget aka whatever I find in the cushions lol
Apr 27Reply
rchl62 @pm_editor if they list it as say a MK Bag but only put in the description Inspired by..Is that allowed or not allowed? I don't buy to re-sell purses but I can see both sides. Of course we all wants things we can't afford, especially what happens to be in Style, and sometimes you can catch one at a Great Price, but then again Fakes are sold everyday, not sure how it could be stopped all together. I know pretty much about Coach Fakes, but what about MK fakes?
Apr 29Reply
mefethatsme @pm_editor thanks for security watch...what about ppl that want to purchase REPLICA's and cannot afford AUTHENIC's ?
May 03Reply
rchl62 @pm_editor just out if curiosity are things like picture frames, baby clothes. Used make up and used hair accessories allowed? I've seen some real dollar store items. Can't there be another place for all that?
May 12Reply
rchl62 @pm_editor this wasted a lot of peoples time and energy. Her original name was @simpletreasures then she opened a whole new account called @scammer_rchl62 which was implied towards me. I have NEVER bought, sold, or traded with this woman. She has problems with everyone, her listings are always taken down and she uses paypal all the time, which that I really don't care about but when someone just throws lies out there then that's a different story. She also which I sent in said she would continue to do, so I assume she'll open another closet under yet another name. Her attempt failed so she now is furious, and continues to contact people on my account, blocking doesn't work but I have copies of EVERYTHING some on @clsinclair @veronicab who seems to act like she owns this place..they are always posting something about someone....
May 13Reply
rchl62 @pm_editor for example.. simplepleasures @clsinclair thank you so so much!!! I am so relived that someone is sticking up for me. I am so thankful!!!! Please tag me in her listing and I will screenshot it and post it. She can't do anything more to me. But I do promise she will get hers!!!!! I've took as much as I can. And she can write this down. SHE WILL PAY!! You don't do wrong and get by with it. I will def be in touch with you!!! 😘😉
May 13Reply
mamamia555 @pm_editor hi I just received a note from rtsun stating I never mailed her package and she was given an apology from Posh / Shannon and she was refunded her money. Case # 157207 I have the tracking number and her correct address to where I sent it. Today I get the unclaimed package she didn't pick up or wouldn't let mailman deliver. It says they tried on 4/19 4/24 5/4 to deliver it to Rene Tusan . You made me look bad when it was her fault all the time. It just isn't right😡 Mia Tracking #9405 5108 9935 9005 0180 96 82d51c9d36407f8fd10e217b1401509330835e3-113258942 I can show pics of the returned package
May 13Reply
amandaren @lblack13 I'm sorry but your fucking rude as hell!!!! I personally have friends who cannot afford designer bags bc they are college students BUSTING THIER ASS to get a good job and just want to fit in with what everyone else has.... I'm pretty sure you don't make enough money for the bags ...unless your a stripper...which U most likely are if your a college age student and buying all the REAL deal bags...... Most girls in their young 20s have replicas and u just dont know it:) so Shut the fuck up and keep your stupid ass remarks to yourself.
May 17Reply
rchl62 @amandaren ignore it lol Posh doesn't want you selling baby clothes either which she does, some chose to follow some rules and not others lol
Jun 01Reply
rchl62 @pm_editor i wasn't sure where to ask this, but I re read the rules and guidelines.. @ am ways seeing people complain abt Fakes being Sold. I get that.. but if it's a rule? Doesn't Selling items such as Cd's, Baby Clothes, Kitchen Appliances, Deodorant, Books, Picture Frames.. Items such as you would buy at a Dollar Store? (Not sure if other areas have those) but I've seen A LOT of these items listed lately, almost like people r just grabbing out of a kitchen drawer to have s/thing to sell.. Are these items now. Allowed? Personally, it's not for me to say one can or can't but if one is going to spend their day hunting down fake purses yet they have tons of baby clothes and items such as above, isn't that being a bit hypocritical? A rule is a rule is a rule, if it's expected for NO fakes to be Sold bec it's a Rule then I think they should follow all the rules.. We're adults not children and the constant attack on some people I think is a bit much, but After reading some of these post then seeing them here complaining is kind of the same thing... Just sayin....💚
Jun 05Reply
rchl62 @pm_editor I know my comment might make some people mad but all the fighting and tattle telling that goes on, you can't help but look to see what they are selling and NO LIE I saw one that had Green Halloween tiny lights listed for Sale??? Seriously?? Fakes are always going to be around and it's only human nature for a person to want to fit in with what's in style... But don't put someone down for not knowing (and I'm sure there have been some) That they were selling an item that wasn't authentic...these days it's hard to tell and it will only get worse the higher the demand is.. Common sense!! But seriously to make fun of, criticize, or gang up on a person bec they aren't SCHOOLED in the the knowledge of Authentic Purses! Not everyone is into purses like another may be. I'm not a fan of Coach Purses, never have been and prob never will be... I just don't have the time or really care enough to screen shot a listing send it to a group of women to then attack someone for maybe or maybe not an honest mistake. Who are we to Judge? ESP if this expert is selling used baby clothes and this is only an example, not only used but not even high end Clothes, Halloween Lights etc... Or Used Make up? That ones just me, I just would feel kind of unsanitary not knowing where that make up or lotion could have been! Kinda like making someone mad at Taco Bell, don't ya think? Ok well I vented and feel better, Be nice people Jeez!! Help New people not take advantage of or make fun of them.... Stop low balling, stop whining.. And so on and Please Please Please my name is not " HUN" !! majority won on that one lol " HUN" has to go, 💚💚 again just sayin 👌👌💋💋
Jun 05Reply
rchl62 @pm_editor and one last thing I promise lol, if someone buys from a Coach Outlet and it's an authentic Purse, is there some sort if pricing guide that is to be followed? For example the cross body bags were in Sale for 69, and someone didn't think it was right to list it for the original price! I saw that comment made several times... I understand over charging tremendously but they have to list it for around what the outlet was selling it for? That doesn't seem right?
Jun 05Reply
cristallo I agree with @lovecoach
Jun 20Reply
mariz Why was my scarf removed when I clearly put the brand and even put a picture of the tag? I never claimed it to be anything other than what it is. What is Poshmark's procedure of identifying false reports??
Jun 28Reply
vinny30 Gosh!! Nothing but a bunch of conceited,stuck up people talking about expensive designer Stuff ..God forbids some poor school girl or a hard working mother with kids priorities buys a replica.. How dare they!! Im sorry! Ladies with nothing better to do than reporting peoples listings,replicas,name designers..whatever.. Im not agains replicas at all.. It can be a step for you til you can actually put aside some major cash to buy an authentic item..Maybe,you guys should spend more time reporting Scammers in General.. That I'm completely agains to. People selling a replica for an authentic.. That is totally WRONG ALL THE WAY.. Those are called.. SCAMMERS!! For Those that don't know..for those people with nothing better to do with their free time that to keep reporting other listings...GO GET THOSE PEOPLE!! Some people are saying oohh!! Replicas support terrorism and human Trafficking.. Cmonnn!! DRUGS!!! Support all that and has it been STOP?? Noo!! Why? Because everything and everyone has a Price and we have a Broken system in General.. Besides.. You never hear in the news that someone got kill by a FAKE ITEM!! How about drugs?? Yes,, on the NEWS.. Every single day.. And those are only the ones that make it to the news.. BRAVO!! To all the People that can afford the expensive brands.. I'll say get down on your knees and thank God!! While you look at your expensive closet and LEAVE the rest of the people that cant afford the expensive brands alone!! And thank you for reading..
Jul 19Reply
vinny30 Ohh Lord!! And i forgot to mention about the conceded people saying designers items are nit meant for poor people.. Well..EXCUSE US!! Your Majesty.. Yet!! She has listings saying .. NOT SURE IF I WANT TO SELL!! Pleaseee!! Then don't make a listing? Does that makes sense? Another thing..I hear Couture here and Couture there..OMG!! Lol!! That is funny actually.. Let me tell you a little something.. COUTURE People.. The REAL Couture people.. NOT-THE INSPIRED ONES!! The Real ones.. DO NOT--RESELL.-/ Their AUTHENTIC ITEMS!! Because..They --DONATE--to the People in NEED!! GOD Bless their HEART!! They don't need to be on Posh or Ebay Complaining about everything nor do they have the time to do so. You Want to be a Real Couture Person.. Start Helping.. And stop Hating on Other People that are doing exactly the same thing you are doing..COUTURE OR NOT,COUTURE.. We are all here to SELL.. NOT,to HATE!! Remember.. There will always be the RIGHT Buyer for the RIGHT Item!! So DONT HATE!!
Jul 19Reply
thecharmone09 You are so right on @vinny30
Sep 17Reply
vinny30 @thecharmone09 seriously!hney.. These Snobby people make me Sick to my stomach.
Sep 18Reply
brianas87 Thank goodness!!! I'm sure this will help keep Posh beautiful for everyone 😊
Dec 13Reply
posh_shoppe It seems that handbags are the worst culprit ....most handbags that are authentic have a serial number...why don't you add a serial number in the area where it has size if the seller cannot show a photo of serial number that matches the typed in serial number...the listing gets pulled down, or the app stops the list it...before it list...just a thought
Feb 28Reply
lorriann @stephmariex6 - just relist your item. The buyer thought she was pulling a fast one, but u dont need to ship it.
May 07Reply
lblack13 I have reported the same bag over one hundred times and it still hasn't been deleted. Why does it take months of us reporting to get fakes taken down?
May 20Reply
blkgrl68 When r they going to replace the money we lost to counterfeit
Jul 08Reply
ghwoodall @pm_editor I'm so glad you guys are doing this now if only they could stop the scamming but I know it's hard. You guys are awesome. This one girl has been stalking my page and harassing me. I thought Poshmark had it fixed and suspended her page buts she's made a new one and continuing her thing. I love buying from everyone but this just makes me want to delete my account because she won't stop!
Jul 08Reply
erinsnow Seriously people. No one /needs/ a purse fake or otherwise. I really doubt that people cant get a hand me down purse if they are that poor. But the point here that is being missed and fakes are Illegal! As in against the law! As in you can get arrested and or sued for owning a fake. By buying a fake you are putting money towards child slavery for example. So you having a purse that looks designer is more important than you not going to jail getting sued or children becoming slaves to make the crappy things? Seriously.
Jul 31Reply
shari23114 I'll bring the Guacamole!!. ;£)
Oct 16Reply
domsmom1016 Hi I just got scammed!!!! And no one is writing me via e-mail!!!!!
Oct 30Reply
lene2171 Posh, I don't like the parties I'm invited to. The sizes are a ps-8. I'm a thick girl ana I wear 14-16. The things I like are already sold out. Plz remove t from the page.
May 18Reply
willcla40 Love to see it! I dislike counterfeits! It makes selling and buying real and authentic merchandise difficult.
May 28Reply
heidismithaz @pm_editor I put up two purses that were given to me by a great aunt. I instantly was attacked and told to take them down. How do I know the difference if nobody will tell me. I would never do it on purpose and I feel totally harassed
Feb 01Reply
theresgirl I'm not here for authentic items, if I wanted authentic I would purchase in store. I would never buy 2nd hand authentic items. Just saying
Mar 04Reply
lala580 Beware of @cherryblossm232 is a scammer scaredy cat
Jun 15Reply
_lani_ @pm_editor. What is Poshmark doing about scammers? And I don't mean the kind that trade and don't follow through or the kind with replicas claiming they are real. I'm talking about the hard core international kind who try to get our personal information to drain our Pypal account or try to use stolen credit card information off line with those sellers who have merchant accounts. Continued on next...
Jul 18Reply
_lani_ @pm_editor ...continued from last... I have been contacted by several of these "buyers" on several of my listings claiming the are very interested and leave their gmail email address. I've responded to them on my listings letting them know that I will not contact them off Posh, but I worry about those Poshers who might try. These are the people who have tried to scam me so far... @jacobmckiney3 @jacobmkcinney0 @jacobmckinn01 @marymorgan133 @spencer903
Jul 18Reply
mauka_makai I just had an authentic item pulled. The serial number was even in the photos. A google search of why linked here. So does that mean it was pulled automatically because someone reported it?
Aug 13Reply
norinotomo I recently made some purchases the second purchase for some reason went to a prior address that I had on Poshmark I don't know why since my first purchase arrived just fine in any event I'm not able to make any purchases when I try to make an offer or just come right out and purchase and item it tells me to try back later this is been happening for 3 or 4 days now please let me know how to fix this
Aug 26Reply
kmp533 @fashionfun46 I have not had that happen to me but this was some information I found. Someone must have reported it as counterfeit. I am not sure why!! That is very frustrating.
Nov 08Reply
tonimarie1993 So we are not aloud to sell fake bags ?
Nov 28Reply
jasmineseymour @rchl62 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🙌🏽
Dec 29Reply
amdean10 How do we get reimbursed for fake bags? I purchased a Prada backback last month and took it to a Prada store where thy said it appeared to be a fake.
Jan 26Reply
cjohnsails89 What happens if we purchase a bag that has been confirmed by the seller to be authentic and it turns out not to be? Is there a return process?
Jan 27Reply
samanthegrayt I got reported and harassed by someone who claimed my item was a fake, when it really was authentic. Then my listing got removed. People who think they are experts & have no idea what they are talking about can just report whatever they want and it'll get pulled. I had numerous people interested & now my credibility is affected... How is this exactly fair??
Feb 01Reply
harlow304 I just had a bad situation arise with a seller on here that has her closet or boutique only selling "authentic" bag's (hundreds if not thousands of listings mind you) and says "Top rated/Top Seller", after browsing through her bag's, Coach specifically, I became more and more concerned with the authenticity of her bag's. All the one's I had looked through were clearly replicas just by the Creed Tag alone, not to mention some of the other details that are dead giveaways.
Mar 04Reply
harlow304 I googled the tag #'s and none came up. The tags themselves were blatantly fake. I commented on one and her reply was combative and rude, she did not try to validate her merchandise or put my mind at ease as a customer. She immediately went straight to blocking me so I would not be able to reply back to her.
Mar 04Reply
harlow304 So two concerns: 1) how do i report her listings then if I'm not able to see them? 2) as a member of this community how do i do my part not only in protecting my money i invest on my purchases of bag's but more so help those out there to be careful with these type of sellers?
Mar 04Reply
ellenelra I had an authentic Burberry tote that I sold to a happy seller. Two weeksl later Poshmark said it was counterfeit. Iim quite sure it was a seller who was selling counterfeit Adidas shoe after i questioned her about them. She threaten me about the Burberry bag . Now Poshmark wangs my proceeds of the sale to be returned to them. This is exactly what Poshers are concerned about. Iit happened to me.
Mar 23Reply
ellenelra Part two of previous response. Poshmark stepped up and did the right thing! They took a second look at my case and agreed that it could be suspension has been lifted and I'm able to use Poshmark again. Thank you so very much Poshmark!!
Mar 23Reply
ellenelra Thank you Poshmark!!!!!!!!!! Very happy with how you handled my problem.
Mar 23Reply
veronicasbags I have had an item removed from my closet after making a sale. And the buyer releasing the funds. Poshmark accused me of selling fake items and took everything down from my closet. Fine, whatever... but are you going to hold my funds now too?
Apr 20Reply
veronicasbags I have had lots of bags given to me and I don't confirm that they are authentic or fake, b/c honestly I don't know. You guys restricted my page after I had redeemable money being transferred to me. I have yet to receive my deposits and yes, it is after the expected deposit date. Does this mean Poshmark keeps money??? How can YOU validate authenticity??
Apr 20Reply
parkerluxe Poshmark has removed all 3 of my LV bags due to it being reported as counterfeit or not authentic. The ridiculous part is they were all Authentic bags and i had my credit card statement and LV store receipts to prove it Did i mention thst one of my bags was one i purchased as preloved from the real real. Who is the most reputable website to buy authentic preowned bags. So i can confirm that PM does absolutely no follow up on reported items and its a joke.
May 02Reply
paolakoz @amandaren Yeah What if somebody likes replicas! Some of them are a really good quality.
May 02Reply
marykeller91 What do I do if I received a counterfeit purse? I placed a complaint the third day after delivery but I'm really worried I'm not going to get my money back. I took it to Nordstrom because it seemed fake to me, and they confirmed that it was indeed a knock off. I would've never ever paid 150 dollars for a fake purse I'm so upset.
Jun 13Reply
tanyaz1 @turtlebead I agree with you!!
Jun 21Reply
tanyaz1 @turtlebead I agree with you!!
Jun 21Reply
heatherhappens @cweidman it is against the law to sell counterfeit items. Both parties can be held liable, I used to authenticate items for a resale company. It I isn't fair to the name brand and those customers that may not know they are buying fakes.
Jun 22Reply
crystals_resale @olivettascloset I don't understand why you are tagging me??? Because of something years ago, seems like a grown up thing to do- I'm a top seller on here now with over $42K in sales I don't need you tagging me.
Jun 22Reply
heatherhappens @cweidman I'm sorry but the post shows from this year. I didn't tag you, I was responding to your comment. Please disregard. Thank you.
Jun 22Reply
crystals_resale @olivettascloset No worries it doesn't put a year and it was put up about 2 or 3 years ago. Since then I myself started doing my own research and understand now all the fakes and how to tell the difference and that you can get high end real bag for cheap if you do your research. And only sell authentic items-
Jun 22Reply
heatherhappens @cweidman thank you, hope there are no hard feelings. 😊
Jun 22Reply
crystals_resale @olivettascloset none at all- I totally forgot I write a comment on here.
Jun 22Reply
rosalie13 I"m new to postmark. Should I trust anyone that ONLY posts stock images and NOT the actual product? Some people's response to actual photo requests is, "it's brand new," and never posts photos of the actual item. My gut tells me it's fake or in bad shape and not to trust them. Just wondering what other people's reaction to this is. Thank you!
Jul 03Reply
lovefashion39 Hi, How are you, hope you are doing great, I have been concerned about all the people who has been buying Goyard replicas for $200, $300, $400, $800dlls when they should be as much $125dlls or reported, it is so sad how sellers still overthere, just a friendly reminder about having someone to remove all that items everyday!! Thank you very much!!! God bles!!!❤️🍃🌸🍃
Jul 13Reply
eliza7654 Despite emailing poshmark customer service several times regarding listings I have reported several times since April 2017- the same listings remain up despite clearly being replica/fake/counterfeit items. This is extremely frustrating for a seller who hopes to attract premium buyers who trust the source they are purchasing from. It's also illegal. Poshmark is doing nothing to stop counterfeit sellers by enforcing their own policies and procedures they supposedly have in place.
Jul 17Reply
emayferrier ladyjanexx420 selling fake louis vuitton multicolore!
Jul 25Reply
dopeisdope @vinny30 I love your response!!! All these stuck up folks talking about counterfeiting only funds drug cartels and shyt! Lmao our government does that any way😂. They are arguing over this pettiness when they need to be mad about the government taxing us they way they do! Now they are the real thieves and counterfeiters!
Aug 10Reply
dopeisdope Wonder what happens to all the money that's made off of "knock offs" 🤔Does posh donate to the poor? Hmm
Aug 10Reply
alishakrugman13 What do I do if someone reported literally all of my listings for replicas? No joke, every one. They're immature. I don't know what to do because I don't know if my account can actually be suspended because of it
Aug 19Reply
alishakrugman13 Well not every listing apparently but like 3 out of 4 are flagged and I'm pretty annoyed because I know for a fact I don't sell anything replica on my page
Aug 19Reply
lafemmeamrcn "hermesbags" is selling fake bags. I reported her and now she has posted slander to each of my items for sale stating that "This woman is a world renowned scammer." Watch out for her. She is selling Louis Vuitton (so called new) for under the authentication price ($500). Louis Vuitton does NOT put plastic covering on their handles. I have an authentic LV and a family member who works in the Manhattan LV store. I have also been to the LV store in Paris. She is selling fakes!
Aug 21Reply
lafemmeamrcn @eliza7654 report the site to the Federal Trade Commission and LV.
Aug 21Reply
lunevoyage @lafemmeamrcn They keep creating new accounts. They did the same thing to me when I commented. I just search their instagram ID of _VMBOUTIQUE and flag every listing and comment when I can before they block me. They have like 4 of 5 accounts now.
Aug 29Reply
lunevoyage @luxdiscountsusa and @vmluxurybags are the same scamming account selling fake garbage and ripping people off with Western Union "deposits" that they ask people to send,
Aug 29Reply
lafemmeamrcn @couturegirl guess Poshmark doesn't care about that.
Aug 30Reply
lafemmeamrcn @shannonmarie11 I keep doing the same everyone she creates a new account. Guess we will have to report it to the authorities. It's not like she is disclosing that they are fake, and the fact that she is charging such high prices for the fakes is seriously WRONG.
Aug 30Reply
lunevoyage @lafemmeamrcn I reported them to Instagram too, so should you!
Aug 30Reply
quixoticquidam @shannonmarie11 and ufaker2.0 app is supposed to allow anonymous reports of replica's directly to trademark holders such as Chanel. I used it to make a few reports now to see what their findings are as it gives a case status. Might get some "rewards" but mostly I just hate scammers and this is the best reward already lol
Sep 01Reply
quixoticquidam @lafemmeamrcn Look into and ufaker2.0 app maybe, supposedly they have direct lines to numerous trademark holders.
Sep 01Reply
quixoticquidam @eliza7654 supposedly the people at have direct lines to report replicas to trademark holders via the ufaker2.0 app
Sep 01Reply
quixoticquidam @harlow304 You can possibly use or ufaker2.0 app to report replica goods directly to trademark holders for investigation. I just started using it and am waiting to see the case updates
Sep 01Reply
harlow304 @quixoticquidam will do, thanks for that info. How do I send in the findings? Sorry, I'll ever done is submit via the new option which only gives me the three limited options.
Sep 01Reply
quixoticquidam @harlow304 These options are not via posh. I know they try but from what I can gather, posh's new system is to allow sellected users to view reports then it gives you "Not sure" "yes" or "no" to choose from after that idk what happens. I am trying or to report it, those ask for the brand, username of seller, photos, etc
Sep 01Reply
harlow304 @quixoticquidam yes, that's the one I've been getting from posh to review and agree, have no idea what happens once reviewed lol so I'll give those other options a go as well and try them out 😁
Sep 01Reply
quixoticquidam @harlow304 What I do for reviewing on here is look at the price (under $499 is common since $500+ can be auto authenticated before reaching seller), the listing name, stuff like real leather "c h a n el" or "g u c c i" "r o l ex", price reflects authenticity, don't ask questions, replica, new, designer, etc in the descrip or them offering a lower price is a red flag.
Sep 01Reply
quixoticquidam @harlow304 Also if they ignore users asking auth or blatantly admit it is fake. In photos I look for numbers inside the bags, most dupes only have cards. Also the quality looks way different if you glance at stitching. If it feels wrong then report it =)
Sep 01Reply
harlow304 @quixoticquidam yes, same here 😉
Sep 01Reply
nycshopper92 Today, two boutique listings from my account were been reported as counterfeit and removed. They are not tagged as a brand, the description says "unbranded boutique item,” and they are clearly not replicas of anything. Just now, I got an email saying my account might be suspended because of this. Who is checking to ensure that the reported items are actually against the TOS? My items were in compliance
Nov 05Reply
chellysell THANK YOU!!! I've seen so many people selling replica designer items and claiming they are authentic. It's just not right!!!! Basically stealing money from people!! And bad for POSHMARK.
Nov 17Reply
chellysell @izie I agree. I thought we were selling items from our closet! Not selling fake designer items!
Nov 17Reply
chellysell @hannaho love her comment! Everyone feels so entitled to have something they have no business having!
Nov 17Reply
chellysell @nicky61601 now that's a stupid comment!
Nov 17Reply
chellysell @lblack13 I hear you! Such stupid comments!!!
Nov 17Reply
chellysell @amandaren WOW, why do girls feel they have to fit in with everyone else? I tell my college daughter all the time to be a leader not a follower. Wear what you want, don't let others influence you!
Nov 17Reply
cmcboutique @pm_editor your so called smart system is not so smart and this tool is nothing more than a way for some sad individuals to flag items as unauthentic when they are real to sabotage people and have their listing removed, wasting sellers time and causing them to lose their likes.
Nov 27Reply
cmcboutique @pm_editor I literally had almost all of my closet items flagged I noticed last night and certified all of them and they were removed! All followed posh policy and were exactly what they were described as! Having users moderate the site is ridiculous, and, causes nothing but a tattle tale, caddy environment where women are women and try to sabotage one another.
Nov 27Reply
cmcboutique @pm_editor I contacted posh support in regards to my removed listings and I’m hoping they will be reposted as all followed posh policy. I used to love Poshmark but it has been leaving a really bad taste in my mouth as of late.
Nov 27Reply
cmcboutique @pm_editor and my ire flagged as replica were not crazy, high end brands...they were Polo, some vintage items, makeup, forever 21!! Like how can stuff like that be flagged as replica and your system can figure out if it’s legit?!? Like really, forever 21?!?! Just ridiculous
Nov 27Reply
cmcboutique @vinny30 amen!!!! Thank you!!! If someone wants to buy a replica why do others feel it’s their job to protect these companies that over charge for their goods anyway?!?! Like you said, if you can afford the real deal, great, good for you. But, dont be a stuck up ahole and spend your time reporting replica listings, it’s quite sad, pathetic and caddy. If someone wants a replica of a higher end brand, that’s up to them...not the so called posh police.
Nov 27Reply
cmcboutique @vinny30 I understand Poshmark removing the listings as they can be sued for copyright infringement, but, users reporting other users is just ridiculous. And EXACTLY !!! Go after the SCAMMERS that try to pass off fake items as real....
Nov 27Reply
isoraya @lblack13 amen sister
Jan 06Reply
salasrocks @pm_editor what does a buyer do it they thing they bought a fake? Is there any recourse...or is it a lost cause?
Jan 10Reply
kevlovexcii I need help authenticating belts. Someone. Anyone.
Jan 11Reply
arb18 @cwconsignments omg. i completely agree!!! i know this was from a long time ago, but you stated this perfectly!
Jan 12Reply
lfavicchio Hey, when I went to post my Michael Kors belt it says that I have to certify this or cancel this why is that? My belt is 100% authentic, also it says that I have one listing removed by a moderator, which listing is that and why is that happening? I emailed you guys once already about it and I have no response so now this is the 2nd time and you guys are threatening to suspend my account which is not fair. POSHMARK needs a better way to validate that is also fair to sellers.
Jan 28Reply
clotheshorse4 @rodwatai to answer your original question - Poshmark can have whatever rules they want. No one has a right to sell anything on here. If they don't want fakes or "inspired" bags, they can tell you not to sell them. Simple as that.
Feb 12Reply
clotheshorse4 @bkey1961 if you want to engage in illegal activity, do it elsewhere and not on Poshmark's website.
Feb 12Reply
clotheshorse4 @jolenadv that would be too easy, wouldn't it?!
Feb 12Reply
clotheshorse4 @lblack13 Posh doesn't want to take down fakes (or other "prohibited" items for that matter) because they make $$$ off of the sale either way. They don't prioritize hiring good staff or programmers to make their site more airtight to their own rules, they just turn a blind eye *hoping* that their "rules" prohibiting fakes will give them a pass in court if they are ever sued.
Feb 12Reply
clotheshorse4 @blkgrl68 they don't care about any money you lose - they got their cut, that's all that matters to them.
Feb 12Reply
clotheshorse4 @paolakoz Then buy them someplace else?!
Feb 12Reply
clotheshorse4 @cartermac789 Posh doesn't care about fakes because they still make $$$ off of the sale! As long as they get their $$ they couldn't care less about buyers who should beware. Bottom line - don't buy designer goods from a site that doesn't enforce it's own rules and only allows users to post a handful of pictures that you can't zoom in on.
Feb 12Reply
paolakoz @clotheshorse4 who do you think you are to tell me where should I buy stuff! Huh
Feb 12Reply
clotheshorse4 @paolakoz Poshmark is telling you...not me. They say no fakes, like it or leave it then.
Feb 12Reply
paolakoz @clotheshorse4 is not telling me anything. They make $$ commission on that stuff anyhow. If people want to buy that shit let them buy
Feb 12Reply
bkey1961 @clotheshorse4 plz don’t reply to a comment that I literally made on here 3 Year’s ago. Mind your business!!!
Feb 27Reply
bkey1961 @twalker26 where did you see in my comments where anyone should buy a fake one for the same price as a real one? I don’t give a damn if someone buys a fake or real one, I’ve had so many things happen in my life that have had a catastrophic impact since I posted that comment that handbags are rather insignificant in my life. So plz bother someone else.
Mar 11Reply
andrortega @couturegirl thank you! I just purchased a counterfeit item and it’s my fault because I didn’t realize it until I wore it and it fell apart. I inspected it and it looked legit.
Mar 25Reply
andrortega I purchased a counterfeit item and didn’t realize it until it started falling apart. you guys are telling me that it’s my fault because I didn’t realize it when I inspected it when I received it. It is a really good counterfeit and I don’t think it’s fair that I cannot get my money back and this person keeps making money off of these fakes. I looked on their page and they sold about 8 other fakes! I think Poshmark needs to do something about this.
Mar 25Reply
jsd99 Wow, women go crazy for handbags. Had no clue it was Chiraq when it came to the handbag game.
Mar 27Reply
jsd99 @lfavicchio I wouldn't worry about it. It's just part of the system. It's happened to me. I believe its mainly the people that are participating in the "help poshmark" sector that are going around clicking "I agree" for the heck of it. If you certify it and have your receipt available and ready, you're good to go.
Mar 27Reply
needsandwants Good -- I love how all these closets selling counterfeit items complain. You don't have a "right" to own a high end item. It's not food. it's not life-saving medicine. There are no "legal" replicas -- counterfeiting is counterfeiting. It's spelled out in black and white on Posh's terms and conditions -- no counterfeit items, regardless of whether you state it's fake (excuse me, a "replica") or not.
Mar 30Reply
lilarmojohn Is it true posh mark will keep ur money and demand proof and receipts of items sold to the buyer before they release funds to u? Even though the buyer left 5 star feedback. And moderator removed my sold listing.
Mar 31Reply
lilarmojohn @veronicasbags did posh mark give u ur funds after deleting ur listings ?
Mar 31Reply
mommytonickxo3 @andrortega I think I purchased a fake LV key cles because I tried to resell it on another app and it got removed! I contacted Poshmark about this. I’m so upset. Now that I look I can’t find a date code.
Apr 03Reply
cattydoll @pm_editor system is not working you currently have a seller on here who is selling non authentic items the person that has sold several items I don't know if I cannot be the first one to report them according to the comments and it's been over 24 hours since I reported them and I still have not received my return label I had it authenticated by professionals and then when I did my own research it was easy to identify that this was a fake based on the serial numbers
Apr 05Reply
sweetrach88 This is pathetic. PM isn’t “monitoring” anything! When something is reported as FAKE, they send surveys to members (all of us) to ask OUR opinions! Isn’t this THEIR job?! Clearly, if they’re making money, they don’t care what is sold! I wonder how long it will take them to delete this comment. Just speaking the truth...
Apr 13Reply
aeliese They took my stufff and money !!!!L poshmark scammed me ! Out of Chanel shoes !and scammed me out of my money
Apr 17Reply
heliophi Poshmark is so full of accounts selling counterfeit stuff. Every time when I’m on this app browsing for stuff, I ended up reporting so many counterfeit postings and it becomes tiring and I lost of interest in using this app for shopping. Poshmark should do a better job in removing those accounts and not just relying on people who use the app.
Apr 19Reply
heliophi @sweetrach88 Yeah I feel like we are working for Poshmark for free in reporting and removing postings of counterfeit stuff. I totally lost my interest in using this app to shop as it’s so full of such postings. Poshmark needs to remove those accounts completely so they don’t continue to post. They should also prevent them from creating new accounts based on credit card info that they used to create the original acct.
Apr 19Reply
heliophi @clotheshorse4 Totally agree!!! That’s why they don’t do a good job in removing those accounts that sell fakes. They just say it for legal purpose but they really don’t care.
Apr 19Reply
ictoriavay @veronicasbags same either have them return it or release the funds
Apr 27Reply
mls5995 While this is a nice feature, I have reported obvious counterfeit bags and they have not been removed. To me that is frustrating, especially when the seller claims they are real and is trying to fool buyers.
May 03Reply
leo_w How do i know if it's fake
May 08Reply
leo_w What if i buy a replica presented as the real thing and its fake will i be reimbursed
May 08Reply
fashionxxicon I just came across a “gucci” watch that someone was selling that is fake and I have one from ioffer for $5.99 I’m 100% positive that it’s fake but this person is trying to get hundreds of dollars off someone for it
May 16Reply
pinkestmexicana @pm_editor it has been 5 days and poshmark has yet to respond to my case. I bought fake LV sunglasses and PM is doing nothing to resolve this issue. I want my refund!!
May 22Reply
envymecouture I’m glad I did research and found this post as I’m in a middle of a case which I’ve emailed about regarding listings being tagged as counterfeit/illegal and removed. I’m very frustrated as I feel like I’m being targeted by someone as this happened twice this WEEK already. I’ve listed authentic items by designer companies whom I work for and all my listings have pics of legit CRL’s (barcodes) etc. for authenticity.
May 26Reply
envymecouture I would like to know how to prevent this from happening as I’m clearly not listing any “fakes”. In addition, as someone who is in the fashion industry, I must say that many items by the brands do NOT have date codes. Example: I have listed a Dior toiletry bag which is part of Dior Beauty that does not have date codes, does that mean someone will report it fake and get listings removed without having the knowledge or expertise to know the difference?
May 26Reply
envymecouture Other example, VIP gifts by brands hardly ever have codes but supplied by them & given out during fashion shows, product launch parties & social events for exposure but doesn’t mean it’s fake. I hope some1 can read this, look at my listings also & respond back with some help, suggestions and/or thoughts.
May 26Reply
envymecouture I know for a fact I’ll be targeted again but if this issue isn’t taken care of, I will take my listings elsewhere for people to enjoy things I simply have too many of or can’t enjoy. (Sorry for venting) 😏
May 26Reply
missanna0281 @pm_editor I think it’s a good idea however authentic listings are being reported by posters who have no knowledge or expertise in authentication of items! Just because a posher says it’s a replica it doesn’t mean it in fact is! I’ve had authentic items reported by buyers just because we couldn’t come to an agreement on an offer?! That’s ridiculous! You need an expert to take a look at the listing first Before removal!!! So annoying!
May 31Reply
missanna0281 @pm_editor I’m also ready to close my closet of this automated system isn’t up to par and my authentic listings are being removed over some bitter posher who wants an authentic item at replica prices and reports it over being bitter or upset that I won’t sell cheaper! Ridiculous!
May 31Reply
danahs @missanna0281 I have a case against me right now for selling something The buyer says is counterfeit. I offered a refund and apologized profusely because I bought them from a local fb sale page and they told me they were real. I had no idea The buyer said she would keep the boots only if i refunded half by An outside source before she would release the payment. She gave me a deadline to pay or else she would file a claim against me starting with Poshmark.
Jun 10Reply
ncdevries @missanna0281 me too! I don’t know what to say! One posher said the L on my pochette was wrong but I have the store receipt! It can’t be wrong! What to do?
Jun 13Reply
annies_store @couturegirl I Agree. I am dealing with a buyer that claims my fragrance is fake which is authentic straight from company tester and I have sold over 30 bottles prior with amazing rating. But this one individual thinks she’s a pro and can cause me issues
Jun 14Reply
sicycloset @pm_editor hello , I wholeheartedly support the idea. I noticed however that items that are automatically flagged do not show up in search results even after seller certified that it is authentic. As sellers, we spend a lot of time searching for great items at bargain prices, modeling them, taking wonderful pictures. This however causes an opportunity loss when I lost items during peak hours/days and I have to wait days for PM support to look into it. I appreciate you looking into the issue.
Jun 30Reply
echap1994 I bought something that is a “gift w purchase” item and I know it’s legit from the designer bc my mom got one once with her purchase but the listing has been removed. Does this mean I will be refunded since it hadn’t been shipped yet? I actually want the item.
Jul 02Reply
sarahhlang @lovecoach I agree. My listing was just removed even though it was authentic. I was selling a pair of shoes that were bought directly from Louis Vuitton, and the listing was removed without any warning. How will you make sure this doesn’t constantly happen @pm_editor ?
Jul 03Reply
psarac I recently listed three truly authentic items and received a notification that these were flagged as possible counterfeits. Even after I certified they were indeed authentic, my listings were never posted to my closet. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how can I get this problem fixed. I’m feeling very frustrated since I’m following all the rules...
Jul 08Reply
darikarin @psarac it happened to me too. I don’t know what to do either. Feel very sad😭
Jul 14Reply
mimisurfs For some reason, I can’t post on the comment!
Jul 14Reply
elisaindell @psarac I have had this happen as well, and they are all Truly authentic, seems as though anyone who doesn’t even know can flag things as fake
Jul 15Reply
elisaindell @sarahhlang I listed 3 Louis Vuitton bags, all AUTHENTIC and all removed. One while someone was trying to accept an offer! This is crazy! And very sad since I priced them very well/low and was trying to sell them all this weekend
Jul 15Reply
elisaindell @pm_editor your counterfeit tool blocked 3 of my Authentic Louis Vuitton listings!? Seems ridiculous since they would be authenticated by Poshmark assuming they sell for more than $500
Jul 15Reply
elisaindell @ellenelra how did you get them to? My items have been taken down.... 3 Authentic Louis Vuitton’s, no one from Posh even told me that they were removing them, they are clearly authentic with great pictures, only found out when someone was trying to purchase through offer tool that listing was gone. I’ve emailed posh but no response yet.
Jul 16Reply
ellenelra @elisaindell I reported Poshmark to various agencies in the state of California where they are based. The charge being theft of my money. Poshmark likes to play loosely goose with their charges that’s for sure. I think I contacted the Attorney General, maybe BBB whatever agency i could find to file a business complaint of theft or fraud. I was being generous when I thanked Poshmark. I had detailed photos of my Burberry bag and just argued my case.
Jul 16Reply
ellenelra @elisaindell so my situation was a little different in that i had no bag and no money!! They inspected the bag and okd the sale. They just took my money back two weeks later. It was crazy.
Jul 16Reply
darikarin @pm_editor I have listed my authentic bags 5 days ago. PoshMark asked me to certify and I clicked certify it. But my listing haven’t show up in my show at all. It’s so hard on seller. It’s not fair!
Jul 19Reply
bella_ferrante Same this is happening to me!!!! I️ have 5 pieces of Tiffany & Co jewelry that I️ have repeatedly tried to post and all of them are hidden because I️ got a notification saying that you think it’s fake.... how do I️ fix this so I️ can selll????? @pm_editor
Jul 24Reply
fengastine Accepted the offer and shipped the item, then Poshmark deleted my item. What do I do? Am I going to get my product back or will the offer go through?
Jul 27Reply
lesdaniel @elisaindell I am experiencing the same. So frustrating. I have 2 Prada bags that are 100% authentic with detailed photos, cards, etc. I have emailed Poshmark support until I’m blue in the face. They were taken down when I tried to DROP the price but I didn’t get a notice. I am fairly new to the site with positive sales but I’m going to be forced to sell my bags elsewhere. This is ridiculous.
Jul 28Reply
gbenson87 Anyone else having an issue with their item being flagged as a replica the MOMENT it’s posted?? This seems ridiculous to me. I uploaded an authentic pair of Christian Louboutin shoes which were flagged the moment I submitted the listing. HOW on earth could this be? I certified it’s authenticity however, of course, it does not show up in search results. This is so upsetting and unfair.
Jul 31Reply
kaerex Hello!! I have a quick question I was hoping you could answer! I have two listing I just put a backpack and one a backpack wallet bundle. Neither anything crazy expensive or couture. (Sakroots and North Face backpack) when I listed these I got a message saying they had been flagged and asking me to verify they were within the rules. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t doing something wrong!! Sorry for the lengthy question. 💕
Aug 02Reply
mimisurfs Poshmark chooses the closets to take down replicas. There is a closet on Posh that prides themselves on authentic items. She swears she would never want to offend her mother in law or friend by asking them if the items she’s selling for are authentic. But they aren’t authentic, one of the Chanel bags she sold says, vegan leather and of course sold at a whopping $250.
Aug 06Reply
mimisurfs -continued...If fact, most of her fake items sold for well under the $500 authentication process. But she’s made really good money for Posh, so why aren’t her items questioned or flagged? So this new feature, just doesn’t apply to everyone!
Aug 06Reply
rootbeerfl0at My listings get flagged all the time and everything I sell is authentic and gets authenticated. This system does not work.
Aug 06Reply
owie25 I'm new to PM but the closets that I have come across that are selling knock off bags and shoes tend to only have a few listings and if you check when they joined PM that day or several days before.
Aug 13Reply
mrsjareth82 @lblack13 but I bet you wear hair that didn’t grow out of your own head. It wasnt INTENDED for you. Girl shut the eff up.
Aug 15Reply
kalynns33 There are listings on here that say right in the description they are not authentic or inspired and no matter how many times they are reported Poshmark isn’t taking them down yet takes some others down immediately. It’s not fair
Aug 16Reply
lovingpurses What can we do when authentic items are being mistakenly flagged and removed? This seems to be happening far too frequently of late.
Aug 18Reply
skoshigirl @theswankyshoppe I had to comment on this...Louis Vuitton is an art form. Just like no one should be ripping off anyone's design or artwork including your craft if choice. They should not be ripping off handbag and purse designs..that's my opinion and doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things I more thing to add..most of these fakes are made in 3rd world countries by children. We don't want that do we?
Aug 23Reply
elm32 @mimisurfs I know EXACTLY who you are talking about. I flagged items that were undeniably replicas and they still sold. She also gets extremely offended if you question her. I wanted to buy a jacket and it was priced three/four times over the MSRP which is her own choice however she was trying to sell it as a special one off rare item. I got one, and I paid less than retail 😊
Aug 23Reply
christineinaz @izie with all due respect, you’re clearly part of the problem here
Aug 30Reply
luckylady7 @lovecoach i just got reported. Poshmark sent me an email to prove with evidence. I sent it. We’ll see what happens. It’s not cool to report falsely
Sep 05Reply
luckylady7 @couturegirl it just happened to me. I sent my case to Poshmark and see what they do about it
Sep 05Reply
luckylady7 @pm_editor my sunglasses are authentic and one of them got removed
Sep 05Reply
luckylady7 @turtlebead it just happened to me
Sep 05Reply
woahjamie @pm_editor What happens if you buy something and then realize its not authentic but the buyer clearly told me it was? Can i get a refund or cancel an order
Sep 10Reply
regresell2018 - Same Here. @pm_editor I'm Selling An Old Gucci Satchel That I Had To Certify, While There Are Other People Selling Fakes Making Money. Please Explain Why There Isn't More Manual Moderation. Many People On Here Are Uneducated And It's Frustrating To Deal With Someones Opinion
Sep 17Reply
spoonamorek @couturegirl you are right...
Sep 18Reply
kimonopetals @pm_editor what happens if you buy something thinking it’s authentic and it isn’t?
Sep 26Reply
girlythreads My Christian Louboutin tote was removed and it was authenticated by the stop fake program through the Christian Louboutin website. They had me send photos of everything and deemed it 100% authentic, yet since it is a rare style it apparently got reported. So basically I won’t be able to sell it on Poshmark due to people who think they have a clue but actually don’t? Are there steps we can take through Poshmark to get it authenticated through you guys or what?
Oct 08Reply
tsturnbu Fatima @ mrsfrierson fake LV voltaire bag. Disgusting
Oct 10Reply
amaranth666 @amandaren LMFAOOOO!!!...go gurl!
Oct 24Reply
amaranth666 1 OF 2 POSTS....Ok....I've been on Posh for about 2 years now. I'm an ambassador, I follow all Posh's guidelines, have been in the retail business for over 27 years...VALUE MY REPUTATION as an honest business woman...I used to sell 100% AUTHENTIC higher end cosmetics that I would buy from a Auction business that sells shelf pulls, damaged box items, overstocks...etc. 1 of 2 posts
Oct 25Reply
amaranth666 I started receiving tons of comments from these IDIOT women on all my makeup posts, that "they are fakes" etc. a few of these said "BITCHES" posted the most defamatory shit on my individual items for sale, that I had to beg Posh to remove them from my wall, stating I would sue. Posh Told me they cannot REMOVE a sales post from anyone's wall....? really? then why the fck are they able to delete suspected "replica" post? huh? 2 of 3 posts
Oct 25Reply
amaranth666 LAST ONE...PROMISE...LOL Anyway, SOMEHOW they were able to remove some of the really horrid posts, but I STILL have the old makeup pics that not even I can't remove. So now their just blank pics taking up space in my closet. Why do these "idiot, mean girl, nosy, can't sell their own shit cause they too busy all in my business BITCHES" not get banned for bullying? simple. THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. nuff said.
Oct 25Reply
chris0830 @pm_editor This feature is definitely not working for us honest sellers trying to sell authentic items. But, of course PM doesn’t care just as long they continue making money. Make this option work for those with good ratings and sales. Uneducated people are not going to know the difference between replicas and authentic! Rethink this option, it’s the only fair thing to do!
Oct 28Reply
photogirl67 Here’s a weird question: I found a very cool-looking Prada fake this morning at a re-sale shop. Is it ok to list a bag as a Prada Fake and make it very clear that it is a fake?
Nov 04Reply
jrose_sahana @pm_editor hi. Can you guys please respond to the emails that I have sent today and 3 days ago? People have worries and there’s never annoying replying, I get the same automated message over and over... I’m new to poshmark but I’m not having a great experience so far.
Nov 11Reply
specialk34711 Any advice when someone buys a 14K gold solid necklace then opens a case to return because it was not the correct length and they returned me a different necklace that was hollow. I knew immediately something was off when I picked up the necklace because it was so light and took it to the jewelers today and they confirmed this was not the same necklace and was hollow. I am now out $200 and not sure what the next steps are.
Nov 21Reply
specialk34711 I already sent a note to Poshmark and the buyer will not respond either. I was hoping it was a mistake on their part but now believe I was scammed.
Nov 21Reply
sldfhlsdhfs @pm_editor When I am listing new items and I keep getting a validation system pop-up screen to certify my item. When I do click certify to post my listing none of them are showing up. None of my listings are replicas or prohibited items. All are genuine and original. Why is this happening?
Dec 01Reply
ezrasemporium Poshmark is a scammers dream. 99% of the designer name brand items on here are replicas. Every Rolex is fake. Every high end designer bag, belt or wallet is fake. People with hundreds of pairs of expensive shoes all NWT and all fake ! Good luck
Dec 03Reply
donavanm @pm_editor well I just posted my Gucci sneakers that I bought from the Gucci store and apparently someone flagged it. I just put it at a higher price point over $500 so Poshmark can authenticate themselves but it has been removed so now what? Worst ethos is my first experience selling on Poshmark so it seems as if this doesn’t work at all. Now what?
Dec 05Reply
donavanm @jrose_sahana have they responded to you yet? Not sure if I should try and sell elsewhere if this is going to take too long
Dec 05Reply
monicapenrod @pm_editor will the seller know I’m the one reporting a counterfeit product?
Dec 07Reply
lisagruber6 What if you specify that it is not a real brand name item? I purchased a knock off pair of ray bans but want to sell them. Is that allowed? Thank you.
Dec 13Reply
drbanks @pm_editor question what happens if you are sold a replica item. What happens as the buyer. How does the process work. What do iwith this replica item
Dec 31Reply
kingsleyzissou Please take a look at my claim. I just bought from a posher who is making her posts seem like she is selling gymshark, using photos and names from the site, but selling replicas.
Jan 05Reply
avtglevisgal @lblack13 OMG I love this post!! You’re 100% right! The entitlement attitude of these people is disgusting! These people are obviously uneducated and don’t have a clue or just don’t care about stealing intellectual property of other people. I recently starting shopping on this site and you have to wade through too much trash/fakes to find authentic items. Not worth the time!
Jan 11Reply
avtglevisgal Maybe you can also roll out a customer service PHONE NUMBER!! It’s kind of baffling to me that a LEGITIMATE company such as this would not have a customer service department that has ACTUAL human beings that you can speak to if you have an issue. This would take much less time than emailing back and forth to resolve problems/issues with sales/purchases. Just a thought!
Jan 11Reply
lblack13 @amdean10- someone sold me a fake PRADA a couple years ago. I reported it and filed a dispute. I sent pictures of the things on the bag you look at to determine authenticity and they approved a refund. Got shipping label and mailed it back and got my money back.
Jan 12Reply
lblack13 @cjohnsails89- someone sold me fake and I reported it and requested refund from POSH. POSH looked at the pics I sent and I got a ship label to return and got a refund.
Jan 12Reply
lblack13 @ellenelra- WOW! I would be mad to have that happen to me.
Jan 12Reply
lblack13 @ellenelra-Yay! Happy ending. :)
Jan 12Reply
jus_me_3 @punkchic_gigi I wonder if this is why
Jan 15Reply
jus_me_3 Hi there, Does this new feature stop people from listing luxury items? I attempted to list my newly received luxury item which is indeed authentic. Is there a new certification process that needs to occur before my item will be viewable to all? please help. Thank you
Jan 15Reply
punkchic_gigi @jus_me_3 hmmm yes that would make sense. I also searched through Reddit and found a few posts on this. Apparently if the item has certain trigger words or pics its automatically sent to them for visual review. The process apparently can take weeks 😬 it's good that you're asking here but I would also email them through Posh Support. They're really good about responding asap 😘
Jan 15Reply
jus_me_3 @punkchic_gigi Im going to email them now. This bag is WAY too beautiful to not be visible to everyone! Thanks for all of your help love!!
Jan 15Reply
punkchic_gigi @jus_me_3 💖💖💖💖
Jan 15Reply
sebastian_cast1 I need help I was just scammed and lost 200$ please help!!!!
Jan 15Reply
styled_byme @amandaren Amen! Half the shit on here is fake. No young girl is paying that much money for an authentic bag!!!
Jan 16Reply
styled_byme @rchl62 True indeed! Don't enforce some rules then ignore others!
Jan 16Reply
styled_byme @theresgirl yesssss!! It makes no sense what they are saying! Why would anybody come here to pay hundreds, even thousands for used shit when they can go to the store!! The ones reporting people have fake shit on their pages too!!
Jan 16Reply
burberry4ever If someone thinks that not authentic that doesn’t mean it’s not ! You deleted my original authentic Burberry how you dare ?
Jan 24Reply
lilos89 @ashley1448524 hahah ok I would probably say the same thing
Jan 24Reply
faithoverfear07 @stephmariex6 You’ll have to resist with a new post. However if it’s a replica it’s not allowed to be sold on Poshmark or any site for that matter
Jan 24Reply
faithoverfear07 @ashley1448524 I can’t believe someone said How dare you! To funny
Jan 24Reply
faithoverfear07 @ashley1448524 @emilyatposh My question to @pm_editor is Why do people get to win money in these Love it or List things and people win money and their closet is not Poshmark compliant. Not everyone but there is a lot. These closets need to be checked before they are chosen to win and they are not following Posh rules. It’s not fair to those of us who are Poshmark compliant
Jan 24Reply
faithoverfear07 @emilyatposh Blah Blah Blah! Evidently
Jan 24Reply
lilos89 @emilyatposh this isn’t anything to do with anyone winning a love or list challenge. #negativenancy
Jan 25Reply
lilos89 @emilyatposh hahah everyone loves to hate me 👸🤣
Jan 25Reply
ondine101 What happens if the user is reported and I’ve already made a purchase? I tried to go back to the listing I bought and it says listing is not found. The whole closet is empty, but my item says it’s shipped. I’m scared I purchased a replica. I’m new to PM and confused here :/
Jan 25Reply
aidalynybaja @ondine101 me as well. I purchased a purse couple days ago and now couldn’t find the seller. So i possibly purchased a counterfeit purse. That sucks!
Jan 29Reply
ondine101 @aidalynybaja I reached out to PM and opened a case. The bag is fake. They told me ship it back and I’ll be receiving a refund. Thank God!
Jan 29Reply
dcwscn lol so now any listing that's reported a replica is deleted without any question no wonder poshmark is the worst selling platform out of all go sell on eBay and grailed ppl this site is horribly designed.
Jan 31Reply
mickmeow bought a juicy couture wallet from a lady here.I recieved it I doubted its authenticity bc of how flawed it was & other facts I know about juicy. I also called juicy couture to verify my claim which they did. Filed a claim saying it may be fake but that I wanted my money back because the zipper lining lookedbroken &other flaws and fraying in the stitching. Sent pictures and requested a return. Buyer replied with pictures of a receipt saying she bought it from Burlington.
Feb 01Reply
mickmeow Base on the receipt the buyer posted there is no way to verify that the wallet came from that receipt and either way THE ITEM IS FLAWED. But poshmark marked the case resolved which it is not as I have proof this item is flawed. I want my money back how do I get s phone number to call. How can poshmark let scammers get away with this.
Feb 01Reply
evrything5 I’ve reported an account selling multiple Louboutin replicas multiple times and their listings are still up. They have like 5 replicas..sold two.
Feb 18Reply
evrything5 @/carrielovetro sells counterfeit Louboutins. The listings are still up. Someone even left a love note saying that they don’t believe they’re authentic. They have the vero ceoio stamp on them
Feb 18Reply
lauren8165 @turtlebead I steer clear of buying on eBay, bc I thought 99% of it was fake? Is that not the case? If not, then I will have to check it out.
Feb 22Reply
ceg1111 I think that Poshmark should lower the $500 amount required for authentication as to weed out all of the small imitation accessories such as wallets, small handbags etc.
Feb 22Reply
chelseablackie 😔 really sad that many items...including truly authentic items are being removed! Its a bit silly that they don’t bother to contact individuals before removing....just because some lists at a reasonable price does not mean it’s fake!?
Feb 26Reply
dasroc @pm_editor it’s not that intelligent, it took down my posts with no notification and the Nike’s are a %100 authentic.
Mar 01Reply
jmm112 This is not working fast enough! I see replicas daily, report them and they will sell. Also, the same counterfeit seller will get taken down only to repost under a slightly different name, same bags. It’s out of control and frustrating. Any luxury item should be authenticated!
Mar 02Reply
ravencarrier @jmm112 do you know if you get any or some of your money back when you have bought something fake??
Mar 06Reply
ravencarrier @ceg1111 do you know if Poshmark gives your money back when you have bought a fake item
Mar 06Reply
ravencarrier @jmm112 my item was $256
Mar 06Reply
ceg1111 @ravencarrier why are you asking me??? I don’t own anything that is not authentic.
Mar 06Reply
ceg1111 I absolutely abide by Poshmark’s rules about selling replicas... what I resent is that some of my listings have been removed when they are absolutely the authentic thing. And others that I have seen as knockoffs are still listed... what gives!!!
Mar 06Reply
ceg1111 @pm_editor and what about listings that you have removed that are in fact authentic????
Mar 06Reply
ceg1111 @licotrish I agree! I’ve had listings taken down that are absolutely authentic and I can furnish my receipts to prove as such!! It seems that some of the wrong people are being targeted while the ones who are selling the fakes are flying under the radar!!
Mar 06Reply
ceg1111 @giablunt I totally agree with you... the same thing happened to me. I only sell authentic items!!!
Mar 06Reply
ravencarrier @ceg1111 i was just asking hun if you knew anything about how it works on here I’m kinda of know to posh Thanks May god bless
Mar 06Reply
ravencarrier some one sold me a pair of fake shoes I’m so upset
Mar 06Reply
jmm112 @ravencarrier you can submit a claim with Poshmark and go from there. Sorry that happened to you.
Mar 06Reply
ravencarrier @jmm112 ok thank you 🙏🏼
Mar 06Reply
tpmsmommy4112 Okay so I just bought some high-end makeup pieces and I'm kind of worried about them being fake / counterfeit so I'm hoping that they are not I'm going to have them validated when I get them because I'm going to take them into Sephora but if they are not real I can still file a claim and get my money back right and still report that seller?
Mar 10Reply
falmardom I have reported 4 listings from a posher selling blaring fake Tiffany jewelry, claiming it’s authentic. And it’s still posted. Someone is going to get swindled into paying practically retail for fake pieces.
Mar 14Reply
blacksheepthrds @pm_editor I am selling a number of high-end authentic vintage items for someone, and am having issues with one of the items- a vintage Gucci cosmetic case. When I went to drop the price on it, I received a notification that someone had flagged the item as counterfeit. I then verified that it was authentic. When I went to share this item, I was unable to. The item has a Gucci label and serial number. Perhaps since it is vintage, it was wrongly identified as counterfeit?
Mar 17Reply
jmm112 @pm_editor @pm_editorluxury why was my past sale of a LVuitton bag removed? It done months ago and authenticated BY Poshmark 🙄 I also got an email saying my account could be disabled due to being warned before about the guidelines. 1-I’ve NEVER received any such warnings or emails 2-I have never nor will ever sell fake goods. I’ve emailed and have yet to see a response.
Mar 18Reply
jmm112 @pm_editor @pm_editorluxury I would like my LV listing back and the caution status on my account removed.
Mar 18Reply
upscalehippie @licotrish I just had this happen. Pretty upsetting! I know the item is real, I was there when it was bought from Nordstrom.
Mar 21Reply
bsbehavingbadly @pm_editor we have tried to message you about our closet @womenunraveled our sister company. It has been taken down in entirety because of someone saying we are selling fake products. We can furnish receipts and tags as they are all marked NWT. We received no email notifications and it has totally hindered legitimate authentic sales. Please advise! We also have 5 star ratings from our customers.
Mar 25Reply
womenunraveled @bsbehavingbadly thanks for commenting! We are finally out of falsely accused jail. We absolutely understand why there are measures in place, but when you are being punished for something that just isn't true, it's frustrating & damaging to business. We would never sell anything fake to our customers & make it a point to provide great detail. It seems like this tool can seriously back fire & allow anyone to put a stop to your sales w/inaccurate flagging.
Mar 25Reply
womenunraveled @bsbehavingbadly Makes us uneasy that it seems like anyone selling a similar product can mark your's as fake, so their's sells! Don't even want to think about the sales we lost & what our customers might think. 🤦‍♀️ Don't destroy people's business & momentum w/false reporting! Just ask publicly if they can prove that's it's authentic! @pm_editor what are you doing to protect sellers from this?! We were never notified about anything, just blocked!
Mar 25Reply
reneericca91 Some people have way to much time on their hands. Get a life. Why report items you don't know for sure are fakes? I'm for reporting items being listed as authentic. I see a LOT of replica items on here. I'm only bothered if they lie and try to charge for the real items value.
Apr 04Reply
saredelman @bsbehavingbadly same thing happened to me.. did they ever get back to you? I’m shocked there’s no check & balance system.
Apr 05Reply
yudith28 Yuri Rivas
Apr 06Reply
jdogburden If you sell a pair of shoes and the buyer wants to return them for being fake but they really arent, what do i do?
Apr 08Reply
succubus Yes and there are a lot of authentic pieces being reported as replicas because of your emails that you send anyone to optin I’m giving opinions on whether a listing is authentic or not . So basically my 7 year old can click on that link you send to help remove fakes and easily report an authentic item as a replica .
Apr 09Reply
succubus And not to mention low ballers report authentic items as fakes all of the time that get removed . And I’ve actually reported handbags that I know for a fact to be fake selling for thousands of bucks , yet they’re still on here . Starting to feel like EBay to me because I just sold an Authentic Chanel necklace last night and right after it sold the listing just magically disappeared. Oh wow
Apr 09Reply
succubus @lblack13 Did you really just call someone “ White trash”??
Apr 09Reply
succubus @amandaren Yeah she actually called someone “ White Trash”. Oh wow and to think Posh is worried about inspired items more than racism . I only sell Authentic items but I never go putting my nose in other peoples business, especially if they’re letting others know it’s inspired . Everyone has a living to make and if they’re being honest , then I don’t see the problem . Starting to act too much like EBay to me
Apr 09Reply
succubus @mrsjareth82 ☠️☠️☠️
Apr 09Reply
succubus @reneericca91 That’s what I said
Apr 09Reply
mrsjareth82 @succubus what? Why am I being tagged, and with death symbols? I dont report anyone, It's not my business, I stay out of it.
Apr 09Reply
succubus @mrsjareth82 ??? Death symbols ? That means I’m dying of laughter from your previous comment .
Apr 09Reply
mrsjareth82 @succubus lol oh ok, I didnt know I even commented here, i dont even see it, mustve been flagged 🤷🏻‍♀️ I try to stay out of the drama on here I get enough of that in real life than to want it online with complete strangers
Apr 09Reply
tlinkowitz @marykeller91 What has happened I just found out one I bought was fake.
Apr 12Reply
jumpersmom1 @falmardom I just bought a Tiffany Charm, didn’t even think about it being a replica don’t know why, stupid of me. The seller has all brand new Tiffany still sold in stores & only selling most items $ 10.00 cheaper (I just discovered what I bought is still in stores) Thus the red flag. I emailed Poshmark any suggestions on what I need to do ? There was a duplicate of what I bought immediately posted after I bought mine and the seller asked if I wanted to buy that one as well.
Apr 18Reply
falmardom @jumpersmom1 that sucks I’m sorry!! there is SO much fake Tiffany on here. I would def report the items/poster (especially if they have multiples!) But, also know, that when you report someone (and you should def still report it) it goes to other poshers to “agree” or “disagree” with the reported item; so that’s a bit dicey. Just pray whoever gets the post knows their stuff!! they should at the very least reimburse you! Fingers crossed they delete the posts/poster..good luck!! xo
Apr 18Reply
falmardom @jumpersmom1 also there are plenty of pieces that have been sold in stores for decades. I have lots of pieces I bought/received 10 years ago they still make (Elsa Peretti open heart collection for example) so that’s not necessarily a red flag. I think. I box/no bag is a huge red flag as I’ve never known anyone to make that kind of investment and throw away the dust bag. But those can be faked too. You’d know it as soon as you touched it
Apr 18Reply
pearljampj I've reported several listings as well as users for replicas but they are still there and listed. I commented and asked for more pics because I thought they were fake and she had my comments removed somehow-without centering the listing. The items are clearly fake but the user is still selling and still has counterfeit items listed. Two concerns, one she's still listed fakes, two, how did she remove my comment without sheeting the listing?? What can I do here??
May 05Reply
pearljampj Centering and sheeting should have said deleted. Auto correct oops. 😂
May 05Reply
amaliacarter @pm_editor , if you see an entire closet of replicas, should I report the user or each item individually?
Jun 08Reply
gymlifemom It’s not working well enough, I found this account til_ru is selling counterfeit bags & is doing well selling them. No amount of reporting is stopping this from happening & obviously the auto system failed to flag any of these.
Jun 17Reply
dabrazillian @turtlebead you know what tool I'm using. Blocking. I'm blocking all the trigger happy people who are so excited about this. These are the type that should mind their own business. There are so many angry people here I can see them all reporting things that aren't really there. Some of us rely 9n money we make here so they're playing with our paycheck. Block, block and block.
Jun 22Reply
dabrazillian @lsspln maybe you should get a life. You have 3 days to refuse a purchase. Figure it out! Maybe you don't like Alicia and you're just trying to push her out. How crass.
Jun 22Reply
dabrazillian @vinny30 👏👏👏👏👏 check out my IG@SHOPATDABRAZILLIANSCLOSET 😊
Jun 22Reply
dabrazillian @theresgirl 👏👏👏👏 exactly
Jun 22Reply
juneafternoon @gbenson87 did you ever get this resolved? I’m having the same issue
Jun 27Reply
gbenson87 @juneafternoon Hey! So, I figured out that Poshmark IMMEDIATELY flagged my listing because I used the word “inspired” in my description. As in, “Christian Louboutin was INSPIRED by bla bla bla”. I’m assuming Poshmark immediately flags that word as it assumes it’s an “inspired” item, AKA replica. I ended up just deleting the flagged listing and creating a new one with a more careful description lol 🤦🏻‍♀️
Jun 27Reply
juneafternoon @gbenson87 I tried to put authentic in front of the bag and I changed the description multiple times but it keeps flagging me. I’m very detailed ☹️ has it happened to you again?
Jun 27Reply
juneafternoon I’m trying to sell my authentic item but it keeps flagging me....... and I’ve been reading forums and it’s been nearly a year and it hasn’t been resolved... anyone able to help?
Jun 27Reply
gbenson87 @juneafternoon It hasn’t happened to me since, no :( I would suggest possibly just deleting that listing and creating a fresh one. It’s your Coach bag? Strange because the description looks totally fine to me!
Jun 27Reply
juneafternoon @gbenson87 no I’m trying to resell my speedy 25 ☹️ but I’ll upload different pictures and I’ll put different descriptions and it won’t allow me. I’ve emailed them and they haven’t responded. Such a bummer.. most of my items I’ve bought them from certified authentic sellers. I just clean them and then resell them when I’m done using them.
Jun 27Reply
juneafternoon @gbenson87 I figured out the solution! I can’t brand my bag... even tho it’s really a Louis Vuitton bag 😒 so disappointing
Jun 27Reply
delucacc What am I supposed to do when my authentic bag is removed, though? I like Poshmark a lot, but this is maddening. Thanks for your help.
Jul 01Reply
warpaint2glittr @juneafternoon same!!!! I can’t put my brand on my authentic Chanel bag
Jul 03Reply
canarygreen This is a complete joke! It is just a way to make a system do the job rather than hire people! I have had Chanel items taken down that can easily be seen on the website! I had a Chanel VIP item taken down with PM actually telling me VIP cannot be sold here! Really, because I can look up Chanel vip right now in search and they ALL POP UP!! I do not even bother reporting. I used to but after months of trying they are ALL STILL UP FOR SALE!
Aug 08Reply
canarygreen PM did send apologies and re posted their screw ups!
Aug 08Reply
brianbilak Someone who obviously doesnt know anything reported my item as fake. It is unacceptable that people,can make false accusations and have peoplea legit items removed
Aug 22Reply
canarygreen An automated system? I posted a picture of my Chanel earrings on Fake according to PM system. What? I went straight to Ceasers Palace yesterday. Had such delightful conversations at Chanel. So many fakes in their display cases "according to PM."
Aug 29Reply
ekuhn353 Poshmark NEVER takes down the listings I report with horribly produced fakes that are so blatantly inauthentic. Sellers with entire closets of fake items remain able to conduct business and take advantage of the unsuspecting buyers of Poshmark.
Sep 07Reply
delucacc @risefashion Yup. Nothing. Bag just sits in my closet now 😑
Sep 17Reply
k35cunning I was sent counterfeit bag for which I paid 1500$. when I saw it in person I suspected it was fake. I paid to have professional authentication service evaluate the bag and they notified me it was counterfeit. I did not accept the transaction and I advised the bag was counterfeit. It’s been 4 days –NOT ONE WORD. I’ve filed a dispute w/bank. Do not trust their authentication service folks. Do your homework and demand clear photos of your items and use an outside service to review before you buy.
Sep 17Reply
k35cunning @delucacc try M. E. R. Cari. although their service is blah as well.
Sep 17Reply
k35cunning @ekuhn353 agree 100%.
Sep 17Reply
k35cunning @tasterschoice17 I am dealing with same for handbag. I didn’t accept the purchase but this far they have done nothing. Been 5 days. Did you accept the bracelet and then find it was BS? You can dispute with credit card company or bank. Or did you resolve with Posh
Sep 17Reply
kdellasega @tasterschoice17 I bought two pieces from @nyposher and they were both replicas. I reported all other items and filed claims but nothing has been done yet.
Sep 19Reply
kdellasega @tasterschoice17 I just did that! Hoping it works. I filed my Poshmark claim on Monday and have had no word. This was for quite a bit of money and I’d like some communication since what @nyposher is selling are fakes. If they don’t shut this seller down, they will have TONS of claims to deal with. As it is, two alone are from me! What a shame that my first two purchases from posh were fakes from this seller (not even good fakes! Flaking “silver” and gluten on pearls...ridiculous
Sep 19Reply
kdellasega @tasterschoice17 thank you! I’ll never buy David yurman unless from jewelry store again!
Sep 19Reply
palmaceiamerch @pm_editor @pm What amazes me is I have been selling on here close to 3 year's. I had 3 item's removed yesterday with automated emails from poshmark warning me of account suspension. I know someone is just flagging them to abuse this system and I'm still waiting to hear back from poshmark. 3 authentic item's were removed.
Sep 19Reply
lillypraline @rodwatai Yes. Good God. lol
Oct 04Reply
nadposh I’m seeing so many replicas on’s crazy. People are making thousands on fake bags—and are continuing to do it. Some have hundreds of thousands of followers and have been doing this for years apparently. I’m in a state of shock that people could be that dishonest and cheat a bunch of innocent people.
Oct 15Reply
nadposh And it’s so so many sold bags too—ones that the posh authenticators were supposed to catch. What these people are doing is illegal and they can be sued for everything they sold & even more (like personal assets).
Oct 15Reply
nadposh @loveme_g1rl yep—totally illegal and she can be sued for everything she owns—not just her profits. I’m seeing it everywhere I look tho myself. I’m always looking at bags and wallets—and just wow
Oct 15Reply
nadposh @loveme_g1rl just curious..around how many fake items did she sell? If she was big time, the courts will prosecute 😬
Oct 15Reply
margarita1984 Can someone please help me. I bought a Gucci bag (seller said it was 100%authentic) when I received it it screams fake replica bag. So I opened a case and they are telling me to ship this bag back within 2 days to get my refund, here’s my question,I thought you weren’t suppose to ship stuff back just for the seller to “relist” and get the bag back2resell.I thought you were suppose to disregard of replicas please help as I am unshure what to dodon’t want to trash the bag &then not get my refund
Oct 18Reply
ashmarie3113 @loveme_g1rl how come this hasn’t been reported yet!?
Nov 07Reply
ashmarie3113 Im trying to cancel but did the offer option, so need to reach out to poshmark directly
Nov 07Reply
teri86 @bkey1961 lol, I have to agree with you and I usually don’t comment.
Nov 24Reply
mivilobos @foxarazzi sells replica items and uses pictures that are not of the actual clothes they sell. I can’t be the first who’s gotten swindled by him/her. So apparently this system doesn’t work.
Nov 26Reply
epm119 Milano shoes from Orange,California claim that they sell authentic Bearpaw but when I tried to have the boots I purchased from Milano, Bearpaw informed me that they could not cover my boots because they were replicas. DO NOT buy shoes from this Poshmark site @milanoshoes
Nov 27Reply
borobargains @pm_editor please review the reports I've submitted. There is a lot of fake merchandise being sold on here that has been reported multiple times
Dec 02Reply
miranda_janeeee @pm_editor three of my authentic items were flagged as replicas when I tried sharing them. I certified that they were not replicas but I still cannot share them. How can this be fixed?
Jan 07Reply
abm021 @bbpaneque I have one if you’re interested. It’s a large bag that looks similar to birkin and it’s lavender. It’s not listed on PM, but from the sounds of this post I could legally sell it because it doesn’t claim to be Hermes (no labeling). Let me know if you’d like pics. Very nice quality.
Jan 25Reply
kasspurr I think I just bought a fake bag 😔 waiting for poshmark to authenticate. But I have people telling me so already
Jan 28Reply
covarocco You need to look more into some people selling bags in mass distribution that are FAKE. I went on google to find the bag that is being sold as “authentic” on here with fake number and name, TO NO EXISTENCE! The Michael Kora bag she is selling has never been produced by MK. The bag does not exist!! If the seller will not be notified or removed than Poshmark is in on it!!
Jan 29Reply
covarocco Beware of “JACKYSBAGS” selling fakes! Just coz she has so many bags, with so called fake numbers and labels, does’t mean bags are authentic. PM makes money of her and this is why she will never be removed.. Not only she went off on me when I asked for the real name of the bag, which I was gonna search online to compare prices and decide if I wanted to buy it from her.... she ridiculed, belittled me and blocked me before I could respond. THIS IS A RUDE, DISHONEST SELLER THAT PM IS OKAY WITH..
Jan 29Reply
covarocco @navyposhgal agree with you!
Feb 03Reply
thedeltarose After many years of selling on another large platform I know for sure that other sellers will maliciously report authentic items purely out of spite and jealousy. Ultimatley the listing/s will be removed along with the work it took to list it. So how do you compete with an automated system that relies on a single malicious report from a nasty seller??
Feb 03Reply
ilovemacty1 how does this work
Feb 04Reply
sophieblove @pm_editor What if the item is listed as generic (i don't know the brand) but it's obviously a knock off.. do we report those as well???
Feb 06Reply
lizziepuma216 My account got suspended because of this and I have NEVER sold or listed a fake item. Never had a customer even claim this; just haters I guess reporting my listings. Luckily even though they said it was permanent I was Able to prove that this was not the case and get my account back along with my thousands of followers that I worked so hard and long at acquiring! Not sure how this works but I don't think it is going to work out with haters all over Posh reporting anyone who is their competitors
Feb 06Reply
bqueiroz I’ve been trying to post 3 items to my closet (2 Tiffany & Co. Pieces and a Gucci mini bag) all of which are 100% authentic and can be seen in the photos, but the automated system keeps flagging them as fakes. I’m trying to contact PM, but no one gets back to me! This is so frustrating. Anyone going through something similar?? What did they do to solve your case??
Feb 09Reply
swagtsunami @bqueiroz Yep, I just had two items removed that I know are real and got threatened with restriction
Feb 15Reply
rds1289 Hi! Was wondering if someone here can help me since PM has not replied to my email. I recently purchased an item that qualifies for the posh authentication. Does the item start tracking after posh authenticates it and ships to me or once the seller ships to posh? Fairly new to the whole process! Thank!
Feb 15Reply
fashion_scrilla @poshmark you guys removed many of my listings which are authentic and I have emailed your company as result... with no response. This affects my sales, thus effects our business relationship between myself the seller and your company.
Feb 17Reply
fashion_scrilla All of my listings are authentic and I even provide detailed photos for proof! Please if you’re going to “allow an algorithm to remove posts immediately” please at least make sure that that algorithm is at least 99.9% correct. This is a huge inconvenience and waste of my time to contest/dispute every removed listing! @poshmark
Feb 17Reply
racegal Awesome! Thanks got the protection efforts!
Feb 21Reply
novelloub Total Bs! I had proof of authenticity from company and buyer said it was fake so they told her to send it back! So angry! I get a letter about how selling fake items is illegal!
Feb 23Reply
deals_4real FAKE POST
Feb 23Reply
disney0603 Are all designer bags actually authenticated $500 and over? If those same bags are reduced at an offer to say $450 etc will they still get authenticated?
Feb 24Reply
cptl62 While I appreciate this action by Poshmark, there are other items that should also be addressed in relation to this! 1. Being that we are talking about high end items, the Poshers reviewing these items should have knowledge of the item. If it is an LV bag, please have LV sellers review the item.
Feb 26Reply
cptl62 2. The time in between reporting and the listing being removed, needs to be shortened. 3. There are far too many scammers on this site!! They have stolen pictures, ask for payment off Poshmark, or bate and switch!! There has to be a way for Posh to monitor their IP address. I have new Poshers reaching out to me all the time and telling me how scared they are to purchase a high end item off this site or sell one! It is not fair to the legitimate sellers and buyers!! Thank You!
Feb 26Reply
sfrelin @cptl62 Totally agree!
Feb 26Reply
sfrelin @cptl62 👍🏼
Feb 26Reply
cptl62 @lblack13 👍🏼
Feb 26Reply
cin4prez Hi someone please help me I purchased a fake goyard for 1600$ posh “authenticated” and when it arrived it looked skeptical I said something they said everything was fine I took the bag to the real real and they confirmed throughout multiple in person authentication processes that the bag wasn’t real I’m freaking out I sent the bag back and they said they are confirming it’s authentic there are many flaws on the bag and it seems like they’re not caring and overlooking it.
May 09Reply

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