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Updated Jan 12
Updated Jan 12

No more spam's NOT very posh!



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Spam, fowl language & unsolicited promotions on my page AREN'T cool...and WON'T be tolerated! Spammers & offenders will be immediately reported & blocked...not to mention dismissed from my future that REALLY worth it?!? If u think i'll like an item (or have an unrelated msg 4 me), tag me on YOUR pg..but DO NOT corrupt my postings! IF i like something, I will decide whether to share or even BUY an item (which i've done b4)! I know some r anxious 2 sell...but dont b rude, ok?!?
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jojo12 Well said!👍
Feb 26Reply
jojo12 Btw. Love your kitty!!!💗
Feb 26Reply
crmnrcks @jojo12 @raysmom @lovegarcia91 thx 4 the like 😍 Bandito🐯💕 luvs 💕modeling 📷(& putting his paw of approval on my purchases & outfits) 😉
Feb 26Reply
jojo12 LOL! Too cute. I have a little girl "Jazz". 💗
Feb 26Reply
crmnrcks Aww, how cute! Arent cats gr8 😃
Feb 26Reply
creativecatldy @crmnrcks, Your cat is adorable!!
Feb 26Reply
crmnrcks @creativecatldy Thx 💕🐯💕
Feb 26Reply
teddyb356 👏 Well said, my dear. ☺
Feb 27Reply
crmnrcks @teddyb356 aww, u made me blush 💕🙀💕
Feb 28Reply
taicooke 👍I am glad someone said this!
Feb 28Reply
nica2013 Agreed! Ppl just started doing that outta the blu... It's so in posh!
Mar 11Reply
crmnrcks @nica2013 yeah, after i reported & blocked some of these ppl, the self-promo's went down a lot😉
Mar 12Reply
nica2013 @crmnrcks wow you've had that much trouble!!!
Mar 12Reply
crmnrcks @nica2013 yeah...some ppl on here just dont know how to behave....
Mar 12Reply
isabeaubeaux A-fricken-Men!
Mar 12Reply
crmnrcks @isabeaubeaux yeah...some1 did it 2 my mbmj dress posting & i was pissed!!!
Mar 12Reply
isabeaubeaux Yeah super irritating! Not only is it annoying, but it's not very courteous! Spamming someone else's item to advertise your own!? Rude.
Mar 12Reply
crmnrcks @isabeaubeaux yeah, i said that 2 the gal who did it today! & OF COURSE, she did it after i shared 1 of her items! SO rude!!!
Mar 12Reply
crmnrcks @agentile happy 2 help (as long as u & everyone else) keeps what i've written above in mind ;)
Mar 26Reply
agentile @crmnrcks I can't tell you how greatful I am.
Mar 26Reply
brownbethany75 @crmnrcks check out my cat- luv her!
Mar 29Reply
chipmunk226 @b_love 👆👆👆 hers is so much more creative than mine 😉
Mar 29Reply
sadie_and_gray Oh my goodness! Your cat could be my cat, Cayman's twin! I had to study it for a sec to make sure my kitty hasn't been uploading pics by himself! Haha. I haven't gotten "spammed" yet, but I'm relatively new. If it happens, can you delete it from your comments?
Apr 29Reply
crmnrcks @enamoredowl haha, that's 2 much! Bandito is probably a distant cousin😜 And no, u cant delete inappropriate u have to repost the listing in question (which is part of why im complaining) 😕. You can block and report the person tho (which is what i do before i repost the listing that's been spammed)....
Apr 29Reply
sadie_and_gray @crmnrcks thanks for the info. Maybe they will update with that feature eventually. 😒
Apr 29Reply
domeeeeeeee Well said u go girl
May 12Reply
searching4e Well said!
Jun 08Reply
crmnrcks @searching4e thanks :) cant believe how rude ppl r on here sometimes....
Jun 08Reply
searching4e Yes! Lol. Don't forget the ones who give unsolicited advice on how much they think your item should be priced at. Ha! Or the ones who come out of nowhere and offer $20 for a $200 listing then respond with "oh, I didn't know that was the real price" when the answer is no. Really?! It's entertaining and annoying at the same time. K. Done venting. Sorry for writing a book here....😶
Jun 08Reply
crmnrcks @searching4e i KNOW, right?!? LMAO!!!
Jun 08Reply
pattimcg1 @crmnrcks he's beautiful! 😊
Jun 20Reply
crmnrcks @pattimcg1 thx💞😻💞
Jun 20Reply
chikkababe777 @crmnrcks oh in sorry for doing that....won't do it bad..don't block me
Jul 11Reply
athornton2015 @crmnrcks Im right there with you girl! My biggest problem has been people asking ridiculous prices for items, and then get upset when I tell them no! t's just like, no one is forcing you to buy the item and if you want it bad enough you can buy it for the price I'm asking for. If you can't afford it, that means you don't really need it!
Jul 13Reply
crmnrcks @athornton2015 i KNOW! - that's such a problem on here!!! I'll tag u in the worst reply i got recently (since u may get a kick out of this)....
Jul 13Reply
athornton2015 @crmnrcks Oh my goodness. So ridiculous. People ask me to trade all the time even when I say no trading. Even if I had just commented to someone else saying that on the SAME listing! I don't understand how you cannot read through the listing, I read everything before I even consider buying an item.
Jul 13Reply
crmnrcks @athornton2015 i know - i can't understand what's with some people on here!!!! Best believe i blocked & reported that lady! i'm a bargain shopper too (& i have needs)...but i also have limits! Plus...if people actually read what poshers put up, they would not only get their questions answered, they would get valuable info (on, ex - seller history - if they were to browse their previous sales)😉
Jul 13Reply
crmnrcks @amyelisa fyi....some poshers write "shop my closet" msgs on other peoples pages...most of us find that annoying & irritating :/
Jul 14Reply
crmnrcks @christineteresi most people dislike self-promotions or rude commentary on their postings. I respond by posting this message (along with blocking and reporting any offenders)
Jul 16Reply
crmnrcks @marissanichole i didn't put your name in the message, i just tagged you in a message to all my visitors so you could read it. Anyhow, i'm now reporting you for being rude, spamming my page in the 1st place...and now this harassment!!!
Jul 17Reply
crmnrcks FYI - in case anyone is wondering.....I posted the section from Poshmark's Community Guidelines where it says that spam and self-promotions on other's pages aren't appreciated!!!
Jul 17Reply
crmnrcks @karleeboon13 if u could help share this posting, that would be appreciated 😉
Jul 17Reply
sutha Thank for sharing hun
Jul 17Reply
crmnrcks @sutha no prob (except tag me in the listing u shared next time 😉)
Jul 17Reply
yonkers10 I agree w you extremely much! No liar or trick! Be a real! Honest sets free than being a liar! Terrific! God blesses ya!
Jul 17Reply
crmnrcks @yonkers10 no kidding - thanks 4 support!!!
Jul 17Reply
crmnrcks @rachael_kuper here's the posting i mentioned. i even added a message from the Poshmark Community Guidelines section at the end...
Jul 18Reply
crmnrcks @ingoditrust good 2 remember - a LOT of poshers don't like it when other people write self-promo's on their listings. This is part of my response to them (along w/ reporting & blocking them). I've been on here since Jan 2013...and I've never had to use such "spam" to make sales😉
Jul 18Reply
katefrancis I just had my first spam experience the other day, kept posting the same paragraph on all of my listings 🙅🙅 lol so rude & you can't even delete them. Luckly I was on so only a few got spammed phew 😅 I have OCD and like all of my listing to look pretty & spam makes them look lame! Thanks for sharing 👍✌💕 (& I can totally see your kitty saying darling in an english accent lol 😹😻)
Jul 19Reply
crmnrcks @katefrancis yeah, i'm like a spam vigilante on here! it's like hell-ooo, many of us are selling on here (and probably have good reasons/causes for it)! it's soooo rude when people forget that, and use YOUR listings for THEIR advertisements! Shares for shares is one thing (which i usually support)...but your right, the spam makes our listings less attractive :(
Jul 19Reply
crmnrcks @katefrancis also, i've been on PM for over 6 months..and haven't spammed other people's pages to make sales! i know some weeks are hard...but that's something others who are struggling on here need to take note of 😉
Jul 19Reply
katefrancis Oh gosh I hope I never go through that so terrible! Just have to be above it and keep trucking lol! The good out weighs the bad ☺💛
Jul 19Reply
crmnrcks @katefrancis yeah...some people don't know how to behave on here 😞It's sad (and disturbing), though i'm sure they're not thinking about how they're making themselves look to others. Obviously, i try to avoid replying back w/ such vulgarity...and i think that makes things better in the end 😉💞
Jul 19Reply
vitanurse YOU SAID IT!!!!
Jul 19Reply
crmnrcks @tm4shop fyi - i'm REALLY careful about messages i support on my page that arent about my listing....
Jul 19Reply
tm4shop Sorry, I was trying to be nice.
Jul 19Reply
crmnrcks @tm4shop in your case, i know....but there's too many poshers that get carried away with their messages on here...and i cant leave the impression that i support an advertisement on my listings to shop someone else's closet. Yes...i do share other's listings, tag poshers on listings for things they may like, and leave positive feedback as inspired....but promos for other closets (even if well-intentioned), take away from the message of that listing and how attractive it may look. Sorry if it seems harsh...but it takes a lot for some people to listen on here!!!
Jul 19Reply
treetop95 Wish I could like this more than once! Couldn't have been better said!! Your fur baby is adorable by the way ;)
Jul 31Reply
crmnrcks @treetop95 aww, thanks😀... we're both flattered 😻💞✨
Jul 31Reply
michyc87 Kitty!!!😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
Aug 03Reply
crmnrcks @michyc87 flattered 💞😻💞
Aug 03Reply
sureisashame @crmnrcks - Mamakat likes your kitty Kats pose
Aug 25Reply
crmnrcks @sureisashame 💞💞thanks...he's flattered 😻💞💞💞💞
Aug 25Reply
crmnrcks @sparky2u thanks 💞😀💞
Sep 07Reply
crmnrcks @jfletcher051 lmao, i cant believe the lack of manners some people have on here! some people don't get that having their stuff shared, liked &/or bought is kind of subjective (based on whether the other person likes their stuff). I usually review most posher's closets and share things back anyhow...but some people do get more attention from me if they have nice &/or rare items at good prices! They can't demand that we like their stuff - we either do or we don't!!!
Sep 13Reply
crmnrcks @jbabycan69 see above - my anti-spam listing, has more info ;)
Aug 26Reply

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