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Updated 6 days ago
Updated 6 days ago

Meet Mary :)



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Hi, I'm Mary! I’ve been selling casually on Poshmark since 2013. Some of my favorite brands are Mango, House of Harlow 1960, and Athleta; although I love a good vintage or thrift find as well. I have so many clothes that don't get worn because my style changes way too often. Time to pass them on to a great home. 😊
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cadyhaff Your gorgeous :)
Mar 24Reply
mary_koko Aww thank you @cadyhaff !! So nice 😘
Mar 24Reply
mary_koko @cypris722 oh thank you! :) I wish they were natural curls but unfortunately I was born with quite boring natural hair :( all I did was curl my hair with a curling iron but not a wand.. I'm not sure what you'd call it but it has a spiral wrapping around the iron! I bought it very cheap at target! The key to getting it wild though it when you're done, flip your head upside down, shake it out, and comb through it with your fingers! You should try it :) hope that helps!
Mar 24Reply
mary_koko @cypris722 yes do it!! You'll definitely get compliments :)
Mar 24Reply
hallyndschaye You and your sister are gorgeous!
Mar 27Reply
mary_koko @hallyndschaye aww thanks! 😊
Mar 27Reply
mary_koko @faleshaalamb aww thanks so much :) and thanks for All the Shares! 😘
Apr 30Reply
mary_koko @faleshaalamb haha thanks you actually just made my day! 😊😊
Apr 30Reply
mary_koko @faleshaalamb oh nice! :D I was always curious what its like playing lax but I'm a softball player☺
Apr 30Reply
cryshun @mary_koko gorgeous girls!
May 01Reply
mary_koko @cryshun thank you! :)
May 01Reply
retailtherapist Ahhh love your closet! And I was born in MN :) you'll have so much fun in college! I ran track in college and played basketball in HS. Some words of advice (it's so hard not to) but don't buy too many new clothes before you go! Wait until you come back for winter break. None of my new jeans fit bc we lifted so much for track 😩 lol ooops! Stick to accessories 👍💗🎀
May 01Reply
heaterbug79 @mary_koko hi there! Just wanted to say u and ur sister make 2 beautiful ladies!! And I am passionate about special needs children or kids too! I have a nephew who is special needs as well and I wouldn't trade him for all the money in the world!! Just wanted to share that since we have a common bond! Thanks and good luck in college!!!!
May 02Reply
mary_koko @heaterbug79 thanks so much for sharing that! :) glad to know there are people out there with the same passion! God bless!
May 02Reply
mary_koko @retailtherapist yay for MN!! Where in Minnesota were You born? Thanks for the advice but oh goodness that's going to be hard for me! Good thinking though.. Although if I grow out of my clothes it wouldn't be because Of working out too much but probably eating too much! :D the dining center at my future college is ahhhmazing ;) (I'm notorious by my friends for eating a TON) hahaa!
May 02Reply
retailtherapist Robbinsdale :) yes me too! Especially when the cafeteria is connected to your dorm...ooops lol
May 02Reply
larissal2011 You and your sister are both gorgeous! Such a sweet picture ❤
Jun 05Reply
mary_koko @larissal2011 thank you! And yes she's such a little cutie ☺
Jun 05Reply
nela1385 You and your sister are so beautiful. :) Happy selling!
Jun 05Reply
mary_koko @nela1385 thank you! 😊
Jun 05Reply
mary_koko @nena2013 very glad you liked everything! 😊
Jun 05Reply
heismyjoy Thank u for the share. You and your BF make a very cute couple and I love the pics of you and your sis. Looks like you mean the world to her too! 😊❤❤
Jun 06Reply
mary_koko @heismyjoy awe thank you very much! :)
Jun 06Reply
tamrra @mary_koko nice to meet you!!
Jun 12Reply
mary_koko @tamrra thank you! You as well 😊
Jun 12Reply
amandap88 Thank you for all your shares! That's so sweet of you! God Bless you and your family! :)
Jun 12Reply
megappell My little sissy has Down Syndrome! And she is my dolly baby!!
Jun 18Reply
mary_koko @megappell I just went in your closet and commented on the post about her :) precious! God bless her☺ what awesome little sisters we have haha we are truly blessed 👍
Jun 18Reply
megappell Yes we are truly blessed! 😊
Jun 19Reply
lillyana21 Awww you and your sister are so pretty
Jun 19Reply
mary_koko @lillyana21 aww thank you ☺
Jun 19Reply
gabby_mccloskey You and your sister are gorgeous!!
Jun 19Reply
mary_koko @gabby_mccloskey aw thanks so much ❤☺
Jun 19Reply
sassyangel @mary_koko You look so pretty. And your sister is beautiful!
Jun 20Reply
mary_koko @sassyangel thanks so much 😊
Jun 20Reply
yonkers10 Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww big blessing your huge ❤ for your sister! You did deserve it! You got alot of credits from God. Jeep up. I love any handicap people noooooooo matter what! Human is human! Know what? I'm hearing impaired. I totally understand how she feels inside! Your sister is a lovely girl! Tears my eyes! I wrote but not finish yet. Like I m author and the editor will be gladly print and become book about life, handicap people, and anyone. I want send your sister a tight hug so badly. Blessed you both gorgeous ladies! 🎀😘🎀. Love you both guys, ❌⭕❌💜 hey one more thing, your hot boyfriend seems so lovely! My fiance is hearing. His grandmother was deaf. That is how he fell in love w me! Lol so am I! I do support your young sister!
Jul 03Reply
mary_koko @yonkers10 thanks so much for all the love and support! ❤ Sending blessings your way!
Jul 03Reply
iheartpurple @mary_koko good luck gorgeous & happy poshing 💜😘
Jul 22Reply
mary_koko @iheartpurple aww thank you and thanks so much for all the shares!😘
Jul 22Reply
gigicp you guys look adorable with great hearts. 😍 Thank you for following. Let me know anything you like in my closet. I can give you a great deal. I am pretty new in PM, not sure I should leave in here but i still want to stop by and say thank you. 😊
Jul 23Reply
pursenut Very nice to meet you! Your little sister is adorableL how nice that you have taken up the cause to help people with disabilities. Best of luck in your college career!
Jul 23Reply
mary_koko @pursenut thank you so much! 😊
Jul 23Reply
mary_koko @haolynnx awe thank you ☺
Jul 27Reply
chelseaaflorres Hey hun! Did you receive your package today?(:
Aug 04Reply
mary_koko @chelseaaflorres no not yet :/ I will let you know when I do :)
Aug 04Reply
chelseaaflorres Alrighty then (: shouldn't take any longer then today
Aug 04Reply
tinamrgn Nice to meet u! I work with the disabled & I love it. I've been working with them for almost 12 yrs. Each one of them brings such joy to my heart & look forward to going to work everyday.
May 20Reply
mary_koko @tinamrgn that's great :) thanks for sharing!
May 20Reply
ario7585 God bless you girly!;)
May 25Reply
mary_koko @ario7585 thank you!☺️ if you'd like to bundle any of your likes let me know!
May 25Reply
mary_koko @leshekah thank you so much! Unfortunately he's hardly my "baby sis" anymore- she'll be turning 16 this summer! 🙊😮 where does the time go. If you're interested in those heels let me know- they were just recently marked down from $50 so you'd be getting an excellent deal!
May 27Reply
mary_koko @leshekah she's* not he's haha oops!
May 27Reply
tams @mary_koko Hi Mary. I'm Tammy. U just followed me today. I gotcha right back. I do this everyday. I pick about 10-20 girls an share a lot in their closets. U don't have to share back although that would be nice. But anyway. I just stopped in to say that and HELLO. So I picked u today. Sharing is caring. So I share. Simple. Later Mary. U also have a beautiful closet and family😘. ❤️✌️Tams
Jun 03Reply
mary_koko @tams thank you so much! 😀
Jun 03Reply
catvan You're sister is adorable😄she is lucky to have a sis like you!
Jun 13Reply
mary_koko @catvan thank you! ☺️
Jun 13Reply
claudiaasanchez @mary_koko Love your closet sweetie💕
Jun 26Reply
mary_koko @claudiaasanchez thanks so much! 😊😄
Jun 26Reply
nisamalyyy Aww beautiful family, beautiful friends and looks like a beautiful life! Thanks 4 the follow! Wishing you much luck 😊
Jul 14Reply
fernandaxgarcia omg that pic of you and your bf in the snow is super cute! wish you two the best! & I love your clothes :)
Jul 30Reply
mary_koko @fernandaxgarcia thank you so much! :):)
Jul 30Reply
colleen_marie Minnesota!
Aug 05Reply
mary_koko @colleen_marie yay! So nice to see another Minnesotan on here ☺️
Aug 05Reply
melo4242 Gm and Thanks for the follow.Wish you all the best.
Aug 11Reply
apaiva78 Lovely! 😊
Aug 12Reply
mary_koko @apaiva78 thank you!💕
Aug 12Reply
maidmarian Great fun!⭐️💞 Looks like spring break!👯👯
Apr 04Reply
hnel1301 You are beautiful! My boyfriend went to saint johns last fall so I was up there all the time!
Jun 25Reply
mary_koko @hnel1301 no way, what a small world! I just love it there😊 Does he still go to saint johns?
Jun 25Reply
hnel1301 Not anymore! He just went there for the first semester of last year. Seems like a fun place to go to school though
Jun 25Reply
mary_koko @hnel1301 oh ok I see! I was wondering if maybe I knew who he was but probably not then haha. But yes it's been treating me well so far ☺️
Jun 25Reply
chanelbarbi33 Your such a doll how pretty ! Welcome 💕
Aug 19Reply
mary_koko @sarahvsis woo hoo!! Nice to meet you as well ☺️
Oct 28Reply
shoppershigh Luv ur posh photo, looks like we are both in the same boat ,as most of us poshers are , with a constantly changing style and a boatload of cloths drowning us and taking up every closet in the house !! Lol I want to unload then I seam to just buy more.. It's a true sickness of mine . Lol
Nov 29Reply
kileyleb Hi Mary! You are so pretty! I'm a fellow MN girl too!😊
May 10Reply
sophie_koko Happy birthday lol!🎉❤️🎈
Mar 20Reply
mary_koko @sophie_koko omg staaahhhppp hahaha
Mar 20Reply
mary_koko @madison12345662 thanks for all the likes! Would be happy to give you a good deal on a bundle ☺️
Aug 16Reply
cekema711 Obsessed with your outfit in the first photo 😍
Dec 10Reply
mary_koko @cekema711 thank you! ☺️💕
Dec 13Reply
araphoto @mary_koko thank you for letting me know you will take offers, Winston do you trade? 😊
May 21Reply
mary_koko @araphoto you have some great items! Unfortunately I’m not looking to trade right now- really trying to downsize before I move. But I can make an offer on the bundle you created!😊
May 21Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Moschino, Aritiza, Lululemon, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Sep 08Reply
brawdcaster Thanks for the follow! I'm looking forward to seeing all of your new posts 🙆‍♂️ Feel free to check out my closet and leave a like and comment on my "meet the posher" page. I regularly share anyone who leaves a comment there.
Jul 15Reply
hollywould_buy You have some cute stuff! Just noticed we live about 20 minutes from eachother, what a small world! Happy poshing! 🥰
Apr 11Reply
i_heart_shop Hi friend! Thanks for connecting with me! I wanted to invite you to my 1 YEAR poshiversary Sale! Before I advertise it. -Single Items are 50% off! - Bundle 2 or more items and I’ll send you an offer for 60% off or more! Like or bundle to receive offer! And or comment on your bundle! Happy Poshing! Offer Ends April 30th 2023 10:00pm MT
Apr 21Reply
khare008 Ahhh you’re a Minnesota baby too..Thinking I could have just driven and picked up the package!
May 18Reply

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Minneapolis, MN
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Last Active: this hour

Minneapolis, MN
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