Trade her fake Trevi LV bag formy LV authentic bag
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Scammer please share... And look my other post for more details ... Let me know if you want more details about that...

9 others
like this

@chandra0930 share this post please
Apr 03Reply

@my_vo share this
Apr 03Reply

Apr 03Reply

@chandra0930 tag people and let them share please
Apr 03Reply

@annenananini @betty1946 @blingiton32 @bunzaiciber @bratinella @csara @cpmendez @cpaladines @chasemeridian @cheriedanielle1 @cpdurana @cirrusmissing @divacouture08 @deedee555 @devika08 @erin11376 @ecake @elda_est85 @eddymysterrr @fashionlover125 @helloicu @iamevie2 @jadaj @jaimelyn0214 @jamieh23 @juno08 @kennedyc @lv_dee1379
Apr 03Reply

Again? She's in someone else's closet too! Wow... Sry hon I'll share this for u❤
Apr 03Reply

@chandra0930 thanks for tagging me!!👍 It's a shame what some people do smh! 😣
Apr 03Reply

@chandra0930 thank u😘
Apr 03Reply

@cirrusmissing I know! She has scammed so many already!
Apr 03Reply

@buymyproductnow 👆👆👆
Apr 03Reply

@juno08 whats her pm name?
Apr 03Reply

@chandra0930 Thx so much for sharing this. I shared it with my followers and blocked her!
Apr 03Reply

@cirrusmissing how do I do police report!!!
Apr 03Reply

How DO I DO THIS!!? I just traded my Louboutins for an LV bag I have not yet received.
Apr 03Reply

I put insurance on my shoes and sent them separately. What do I do now to get my money back.. Has anyone else been scammed by her? She gave me her phone number, e-mail and I have her address. How is it possible for her to scam. She said she switched out the boxes by accident ( which I have done) and Mine will ship ASAP
Apr 03Reply

@tiaramarie07 call USPS and tell them to stop the shipment you can do that
Apr 03Reply

@cirrusmissing I will do it for sure
Apr 03Reply

@nisrinkawetmey she already has them, she texted me to tell me they fit her
Apr 03Reply

@nisrinkawetmey I'm sorry about this hon. I'm also a victim a few weeks ago by a different scammer. I just finally got my refund back from PP. hope you get your money back dear. I'll shared this for you❤
Apr 03Reply

@chandra0930 thanks hun
Apr 03Reply

what bag did you trade her?
Maybe she is sending me your bag?
Maybe she really did mess up. I guess I won't know for sure until my bag comes in
Apr 03Reply

@tiaramarie07 did she give you her phone number??
Apr 03Reply

@nisrinkawetmey I have been texting with her
Apr 03Reply

@fashionlover125 you got your refund because you sold through poshmark!!! She traded
Apr 03Reply

what do you mean!!?
Apr 03Reply

@tiaramarie07 I tagged you with the LV bag she scammed me with.. It LV galleria...I mean please give me her number if you have been texting with her!!? I will file police report
Apr 03Reply

@tiaramarie07 at least I will call her and see if she send it back or not😡😡sooo mad
Apr 03Reply

@chandra0930 Thanks for the tag hon😍
Apr 03Reply

@nisrinkawetmey Trading is not safe at all unless you really know the person well. I read so many bad stories about trading on here. That's why I always stay away from that area.
I sure hope there is some way you can get your purse back. These people are so pathetic and disgusting. I'm so sorry dear.
Apr 03Reply

@nisrinkawetmey she did this again????
Can posh press charges against her? She needs to be held accountable for what she has done.
Apr 03Reply

Thanks for letting me know! She sent me the same receipt picture and I was like why does that say Arkansas when I'm from la. She got really defensive and said she made a mistake. I canceled shipment on her item too!!!!! I knew something was up by the way she was acting. THANK YOU.
Apr 03Reply

Apr 03Reply

@baym17 I'm glad you worked it out ...
@tiaramarie07 please I need her cell phone number
Apr 03Reply

@bayum @kennedyc Did you get scammed by her too?
Apr 03Reply

@justmeevamarie let's add her to our list
Apr 03Reply

@tiaramarie07 if she traded you with my bag then your safe... It's authentic but please let me know... Read the comments on the LV bag I traded for her I was defending her to last minute
Apr 03Reply

She d me she was gunna ship some miss me jeans and were doing a trade. She told me she had done went to the post office and inwas like well why didnt you ask for my address?! She got defensive and then sent me a bogus recipes with someone else's address on it. I was like um no! She will not be getting anything if mine. She tried turning it around on me saying she willing sent me a receipt so that proves she wasnt lying and she said i was the one lying because she hasn't seen proof. No sugar, I canceled the shipment and got my jeans back before they shipped. I had a funny feeling about her from the start. Thanks again! @nisrinkawetmey
Apr 03Reply

@chandra0930 thanks for the head up sis! I'll share this.
Apr 03Reply

@tiaramarie07 check the last pic!! That was April 2nd
Apr 03Reply

Smh this is y people should not trade or do paypal-u can email poshmark with her user name n she will b taken off the closet im sorry she treaded u a fake LV purse i will share
Apr 03Reply

@sasisachi I know, it's my fault from the beginning because I agree to trade,,, but she needs to be stopped
Apr 03Reply

What's her username?
Apr 03Reply

@eddymysterrr her name is justmekatie
Apr 04Reply

Omg thank you so much for sharing.
Apr 04Reply

@tiaramarie07 no I wasn't scammed by justmekatie but I was sent a fake LV wallet by c.lancing. I don't think c.lancing is on posh anymore but everyone be aware just in case.
Every shopping site has scammers, I'm sure, but on posh at least we can tell everyone about a scammer. Just remember, karma is a bitch!!
Apr 04Reply

@tiaramarie07 check my post for the bag I traded with her, I didn't want to call her a scammer and I was defending her but look what she sent me know!!!
Apr 04Reply

@chandra0930 look what she answers me back
Apr 04Reply

@nisrinkawetmey my fiance is an expert on this he said if u r really piss n wants fairness u can def call her state police n report her if u have ur bag info n her address since u shipped it they will go over there n get ur bag n u can file a small claim n get the same amount of ur LV bag he said it will take like a month for processing but if ur bag is honestly real n her is fake n u have proof she cheated u than she will charge n pay a fine to u base on ur bag amount.
Apr 04Reply

N beside i went to report her n block her she had her own scammer lol someone scammed her too so i went n report both n block them i am very new here on PM it hasn't been 2 weeks n i am already disappointed
Apr 04Reply

She went in one of my pics trying to call me a scammer when shes the one who sent me a bogus receipt and lies about shipping! @nisrinkawetmey
Apr 04Reply

@baym17 @sasisachi check what she answers me back ..
Thank you for the info I have all the pic and emails I will defenetly do mom bought the original bag from Germany and she is LV coholic they know her sooooo good... I will tell her to go back to the store and get me the bag information ... I will not let that go...
I know she can see this post so she better realize that it's serious so it better for her to send it back
Apr 04Reply

Yes NP i dont approve scams idc who they are how nice or how it will effect them i dont play lol wish u the best luck im leaving poshmark soon i c to much scamming here
Apr 04Reply

She's a real piece of work thats for sure, shes sent me a picture of the same bogus receipt in the pic above. Then had the nerve to call me a scammer. Lol. That girl is cray cray. @reecey
Apr 04Reply

@couturechiquita ^^
Apr 04Reply

@allyaamsc ^^
Apr 04Reply

@allyssamc ^^
Apr 04Reply

@chandra0930 thanks for the tag hun!! Sorry this scammer thing happened again, make me sick!!
Apr 04Reply

@nisrinkawetmey I am going to give her until sat to get me my bag. If its fake or doesn't happen I will get in touch with you and we can both call on her. If not, then shame on people for trying to ruin her on here. I will be in touch sat and we will get it all cleared up!
Apr 04Reply

@tiaramarie07 which bag are you getting from here!!! Didn't she send you a tracking number if she sent it!!!!
Apr 04Reply

@tiaramarie07 I sent her an email and I told her if she doesn't send my bag tomorrow or give a sold proof that she did I'm calling the police in her area.... And by Saturday I will contact you
Apr 04Reply

@nisrinkawetmey the trevi bag for my louboutins. When did you send your package to her where are you located?
Apr 04Reply

@tiaramarie07 the Trevi bag!!!! I sent it today email me I will send you the receipt so you can track it to know exactly when is she going to get...and check up for the post how she said to send her back either the Trevi or the neverfull!!!!!
Apr 04Reply

@tiaramarie07 I can also email you the pic that she sent to my email... And then the pic of the lining of the back when I told her I don't see the code anywhere.. Even the emails between me and her... I put them in one folder...
Excuse me ok now I'm going crazy here and I blame my self but I'm sure you ladies understand
Apr 04Reply

@nisrinkawetmey is my email
Apr 04Reply

She wrote on every picture of mine calling me a scammer! BEWARE. SHES PATHETIC.
Apr 04Reply

Thank you for tagging me!!! Oh gosh - another one?? I just got a warning on this girl a couple days ago!! @betty1946 I will add to my long list. So sad. I'm so sorry to all the girls who got scammed!! File Police Reports!!! It is a federal crime - theft - through the postal system!! Girls please be careful!! If you are going to trade- do it only with friends you trust or with sellers who have done only successful trades. Read all of their sold/traded listings to make sure their transactions all went thru with no issues!!!
@iconicfashion @designsbygabby @ttrust @krishosman @kylarea @poshezam @renm85 @jpc1219 @phoebescloset11 @gretchy808 @twee @jadaj @jennifer14 @cindikaye @jgamblesings @jendierksen @tonya616
Apr 04Reply

@justmeevamarie have you heard anything bad about xoxobella ??? Think I may have been scammed :(
Apr 04Reply

@kimberanne No hun- I've not heard anything about that user. I sure hope you didn't get scammed!!!! This is awful. Was it a trade? Please keep us updated.
Apr 04Reply

@justmeevamarie yes ma'am a trade I traded her a 300.00 diamond ring she has received it but look at her closet says she has 100 and something items but nothing listed anymore and I have not received anything yet !!!!
Apr 04Reply

Omg I talked to this chick the other day, she said shed been scammed for some LV bag!!!!!! And she's the damn scammer! Do a police report!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 04Reply

@mikeswife1 I have all her emails and pic by tomorrow if she doesn't send me back my bag I'm reporting on her
Apr 04Reply

@kimberanne what did she said she will send you!!!
Apr 04Reply

@nisrinkawetmey an iPod touch 32gib
Apr 04Reply

@nisrinkawetmey maybe I'm being hasty I dunno hope I wasn't scammed
Apr 04Reply

@kimberanne I hope that you didn't get scammed too... I thought we are all adult here, I guess I'm too naive :(( but I learned my lesson and I'm not letting this go just like that
Apr 04Reply

@nisrinkawetmey I hear ya ... I guessing naive as well .. But I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt lol I hope I'm not scammed either .. If I did that to someone I couldn't sleep at night knowing damn god and well it was wrong
Apr 04Reply

@justmeevamarie IT NEVER ENDS!!!!! :((((
Apr 04Reply

@kimberanne Oh hun😊I hope it's not true & that your pkg is just delayed. This really stinks. Posh was not like this 6-7 months ago. Lately all I see are scammer warnings and it makes me so angry. Lets all stick together though. We know who we are, and lets just deal with each other! Good luck hun😊 Do keep us posted if you receive your item. I sure hope you do🙏🙏🙏
Apr 04Reply

@justmeevamarie I really hope it's delayed as well but yes I will def keep y'all posted .. If she did scam me I'll prosecute to the fullest extent .., I'll let you know and thank you so much
Apr 04Reply

Good luck hun ❤👍 @kimberanne Also, just to let you know, all of the gals I tagged 👆👆👆above here are AWESOME - trustworthy great girls that I'd trade with, buy from, sell to.....with no hesitation at all!! 👍😊 and I've talked with and done business with almost all the other gals on this listing who are so very concerned about us all. 💖ALL WONDERFUL peeps to deal with!!
Apr 04Reply

@justmeevamarie thank you very much
Apr 04Reply

@justmeevamarie @chandra0930 @nisrinkawetmey hey ladies...please tag me on anything u see that's a scam...I'm new to PM and am terrified of being scammed...Eva can u share your long list with me? I want to block and report them all...I missed a bullet cause that justmekatie person has asked me to trade before
Apr 04Reply

😔 That is terrible!!!! So sad. 😔 @justmeevamarie thanks friend! ❤
Apr 04Reply

@lbcharm oh my gosh Char!!! I'm so glad you didn't go thru with it!! We all have to be sooooo cautious. I hate that this is happening so much lately. Scary! Do I have your email hun? 😊 I'll send you list tomorrow. I need to update it with about 5 or 6 new names. I'll do it tmr morning, and send it to you. Leave me your email. ❤😘
Apr 04Reply

Do a police report you have her address on the label
Apr 04Reply

It's always sad when the scammers find out about a new shopping site and start causing chaos and making all of us start to question anyone who wants to trade. It is good that each of us is aware of the scammers names so we can block them and ignore them and we all need to help each other. I love this site and I will not let the scammers win!
There's nice honest women here and I have traded or sold many of my items with them with no problem. There's some I go to for advice and I want to be able to continue to do so.
Please everyone be aware and if something seems too good to be true, go with your "gut instinct" - it rarely fails.
Apr 04Reply

Thats so terrible .. I have blocked her and reported
Apr 04Reply

@gabbycorona has scammed me as well as many others !
Apr 04Reply

@iconicfashion @designsbygabby @ttrust @krishosman @kylarea @poshezam @renm85 @jpc1219 @phoebescloset11 @gretchy808 @twee @jadaj @jennifer14 @cindikaye @jgamblesings @jendierksen @tonya616 @chandra0930 @annenananini @betty1946 @blingiton32 @bunzaiciber @bratinella @csara @cpmendez @cpaladines @chasemeridian @cheriedanielle1 @cpdurana @cirrusmissing @divacouture08 @deedee555 @devika08 @erin11376 @ecake @elda_est85 @eddymysterrr @fashionlover125 @helloicu @iamevie2 @jadaj @jaimelyn0214 @jamieh23 @juno08 @kennedyc @lv_dee1379 She attempted to scam me from a bebe corset, bebe dress, sundress, AND True Religions! When I told her I wasn't sending her anything and knew she was a scammer all along, she called me poor, ignorant, and told me she would "beat my ass." Btw, I live 2 1/2 hours away from her and I am a TRAINED MMA fighter/trainer. Think I should show up to her place? Haha.
Apr 04Reply

@fit_nels Yes I DO!! 😘
Apr 04Reply

@muchiko19 ,@krishosman ,@robynrke161 ,@gorgeousjudy @frantastic2010 ,@lau_champagne7 ,@jennifer14 ,@biggill ,@chasemommy @southernvibe @katjo @vtpham .... Ladies please shared ...thank you
Apr 04Reply

@twee @ishopandshop @sillymevi13 @baseballfan @ssuong
Apr 04Reply

Apr 04Reply

I like how she is posting scammer alerts on her page. Can somebody send me her name, phone number, address and email? I will see what I can do.
Apr 04Reply

@fit_nels Good for you babe, didn't fall into her trap. These low life loser is not even worth the precious time of yours. Let it be she will get what she deserve, karma is a B...H
Thanks for sharing this post hon❤
Apr 04Reply

Someone else had it done to them by her!!
Apr 04Reply

@fit_nels please email me at
Apr 04Reply

@frantastic2010 please email me at
Apr 04Reply

@eddymysterrr please send me the name of the person that got scammed by @justmekatie before... Email me at
Apr 04Reply

@fit_nels so crazy how people can scam others. Glad you caught it before you sent things. Be careful👍
Apr 04Reply

@nisrinkawetmey I emailed you!
Apr 04Reply

@kimberanne Hi hun😊was just thinking of you. Did your stuff come today? Crossing my fingers you didn't get scammed by this chick. I'm hearing her name everywhere- scamming people. Ugh. Makes me ill. Let me know.
Apr 04Reply

@nisrinkawetmey nope !!!! So others are talking about her ????
Apr 04Reply

Wow !!!!! This is My 2nd day on posh and my last this is Crazy. Im scared to even sell anything and it's sad because I'm a really honest person and have a few fab items I would've loved to share with you ladies
Apr 05Reply

!!!! I don't trade for this reason.. So sorry you were scammed :(( @chandra0903 what is this girls posh name so I know not to buy from her
Apr 05Reply

OMG another scammer!!!! This is nuts everyone needs to share and report her!!!!
Apr 05Reply

Apr 05Reply

@jessikanzoey @christinamdavid
Apr 05Reply

Apr 05Reply

@korahbell @taylorm86
Apr 05Reply

@sarasteinberg @fit_nels @siobhannalex @casanova884 @inanci @renm85 @jhova @courtneypardo @tiaramarie07 @katebunny76
Apr 05Reply

@jodiebooo @luvmybabies @clea4583 @ceasler @babycakesjen @mrsmeyers3788 @lucky2me2 @halleychristine
Apr 05Reply

If i were you i would def contact poshmark and get her kicked off and they should be able to refund you.. Or if u have her adress call the police that's a serious crime as you know louis are worth a lot she can be in some serious trouble for that kind of stealing
Apr 05Reply

@aye_its_kasey @brimccuiston @eileen19
Apr 05Reply

If the people she has scammed file a police report against her together (giving the police names and phone numbers) and the total value is more than $1500 combined, that becomes a felony charge. Can you say jail time, permanent record. Done.
Apr 05Reply

@elda_est85 thank you for sharing. Very sad that people do things like this 😔😐
Apr 05Reply

@couturechiquita Your welcome! I noticed she was asking to trade on a few of your listings so I figured I'd give you a heads up about her 👍😊
Apr 05Reply

@phoebescloset11 @hilleliza
Apr 05Reply

@nisrinkawetmey please report her to your local authorities & find out where she lives & make a report to her local police department if she sent fake bags you can report her to The FBI it's a federal crime to sell or purchase counterfeit merchandise we honest Poshers need to stick together & get rid of every scammer on Posh & all the rude lying disrespectful ones as-well I'm fed up with this crap it's ruining Posh & eventually this site is going to get sued for copyright infringement or shut down if not both bc of people selling fakes it's ridiculous & spoils it for all of us...
Apr 06Reply

@nisrinkawetmey I share this post with my followers atleast once once twice a day. She is the worst I never even finished trading with her because a wonderful posher stopped me and sent me a link to your page. She wrote prejudice nasty comments all over my listings and than blocked me. She really needs to be off this site and I hope she does end up in jail.
Apr 06Reply

@chaabi @jessieb824 @tonya616 this is just one of many people @justmekatie Stole from @nisrinkawetmey bravo for sharing you are helping the rest of us.
Apr 06Reply

@chasemommy hi hun you're fine u can buy and sell but beware on trading... There's a lot of scammers here but when u sell posh has a tracking number and the buyer has three days to accept it or posh will release u your money so its ok.
Apr 06Reply

@nisrinkawetmey I just shared it. Hope you can get your bag back.
Apr 07Reply

Wow. I'm new to this. How do you share it, screen shot it?
Apr 07Reply

IT'S 2013: everything you do on a computer/phone/iPad etc is tracked and monitored through IP address's not to mention most of these scammers have known home addresses!
Apr 08Reply

@fancythings39 ,just be aware " justmekatie" she scammer .....I saw her comment about ur LV galleria gm ....:)
Apr 08Reply

This is crazy!! Now im scared to trade 😳😳😳
Apr 10Reply

@nisrinkawetmey just read all ur posts, wow amazing ppl can look themselves in the mirror! Good luck and let us know what happens Hun!
Apr 11Reply

Apr 11Reply

Wait what? You traded bags with her and hers was fake and yours was authentic?
Apr 12Reply

@dsoar001 yes the Trevi she gave me was fake and she agreed to return my bag so I sent her fake Trevi back to her but she never send me my authentic galleria
Apr 12Reply

Omg how are you going to get it back ? Never ever going to trade ever!
Apr 12Reply

@nisrinkawetmey you poor thing! This girl needs to be stopped! Just shared your post to all my followers!
Apr 13Reply

What happen girl?? I'm sorry to hear this
Apr 17Reply

@chaynes2004 @poshbagz @stelazvip
Apr 19Reply

Apr 26Reply

@nisrinkawetmey Wow! She sounds as bad as the LV sales rep that started a fight with me on my listings that weren't even for sale! Then I got so mad back at her! She put piles of crap stickers on my listings thinking that was real mature & funny! Now her & her friend took the fun right out of things for me! I don't even like the name brand anymore because of her really! I just started poshmark for a month & they did that! I'm not answering my likes unless people post comments that are nice! Terrible!
Apr 26Reply

@nisrinkawetmey Oh,her name is Luxielouis or something!
Apr 26Reply
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