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Updated Dec 04
Updated Dec 04



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Today is surgery!!..will be off posh..for a while today as we proceed this morning..4/24/13...please send up prayers!!!
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wassermanalison Oh no! Keeping you all in my thoughts and sending you lots of love and good wishes! 🙏
Apr 24Reply
gettumgirl @wassermanalison ..thank you Alison!!..just a few minutes now...the feel good meds are on there way!!
Apr 24Reply
coolmelanie Sending positive vibes!
Apr 24Reply
gettumgirl @coolmelanie ..I feel the positive)))))
Apr 24Reply
britediamond Prayers sent for both of u🙏🙏🙏🙏
Apr 24Reply
jenkcwyn @gettumgirl prayers for your baby girl, and have a safe surgery and fast recovery!!!
Apr 24Reply
noyesno777 Prayers!!!!!
Apr 24Reply
wassermanalison 💊💊💊 hope 👈 works fast and everything is uneventful. Speedy recovery! 💋
Apr 24Reply
yehudis Hope everything goes well❤❤❤
Apr 24Reply
gettumgirl @wassermanalison @coolmelanie @britediamond @jenkcwyn @alu0515 @noyesno777 @yehudis ....ok first of all thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules just to let me know you were thinking about her/us!!!....she is sleeping right now...biopsies are going to the labs a couple of states over to be dissected once again....again thank you so means a lot!!!
Apr 24Reply
wassermanalison Thanks for the update. Keep us posted and keeping the fingers crossed! 🙏
Apr 24Reply
gettumgirl ...aweee..@alu0515 ...honey everybody is going through there own stuff I felt so selfish mentioning it to you...but look how spiritual you are !! had been thinking about her...and did not know why...see how God used you.:))))
Apr 24Reply
gettumgirl @alu0515 ...Allison...big hugs to you.))))))
Apr 24Reply
southernstyle88 @gettumgirl Praying for your beautiful Daughter for all results to come back ok. I know she's having to have that done for a reason so whatever it is, let it be a very minor thing that can be treated with medicine. That's what I always pray for when its me or someone I know that's having issues. I pray today that whatever it is that God will take his healing hand & comfort your Daughter as she wakes up from anesthesia and will keep his healing arms around her & I pray that he gives you some peace so that you might be able to rest some tonight. Please keep me updated as I will be praying for your sweet Child until those results come back.
Apr 24Reply
gettumgirl @sherry8888're sooo sweet and yes God has this!!!...NEVER giving us more than we can bare....I love him for loving us in spite of ourselves...:))....I receive your prayer in the wonderful name of Jesus!!!!...I will keep this post up until the results are in...:)))
Apr 24Reply
southernstyle88 @gettumgirl how old is She & if you don't mind me asking her first name?
Apr 24Reply
gettumgirl @sherry8888 ..sherry she's 11...her name is Alazjah...:)pronounced...a-liez-jah
Apr 24Reply
southernstyle88 @gettumgirl like Elijah just spelled beautifully right? Is that the pronunciation of it like the book in the Bible Elijah just spelled different.
Apr 24Reply
gettumgirl @sherry8888 ..yes!!!!..when I was married my husband wanted to name the baby Elijah...if it was a boy when we knew it was a girl...I named her the same name with a twist!!
Apr 24Reply
southernstyle88 @gettumgirl It's gorgeous! Just as she is! Is she still asleep & are they going to keep her overnight?
Apr 24Reply
gettumgirl @sherry8888 ...we are home and she is resting from the anesthesia ...kinda of uncomfortable ..:((
Apr 24Reply
southernstyle88 @gettumgirl Surely they sent her home with some 💊's right for discomfort?
Apr 24Reply
britediamond Thx for the update:) I will keep u and her in my prayers😃🙏
Apr 24Reply
gettumgirl @sherry8888 ..yes..but meds must kick ...thank you Hun...we appreciate it!!!
Apr 24Reply
gettumgirl @aoyaoyxoxo ..thank you hunny!!..He really does!!!
Apr 24Reply
pinkpearlz @gettumgirl awww said a prayer I hope everything went well!!! 🙏
Apr 24Reply
gettumgirl @pinkpearlz ..thanks Tiffany!!...yes waiting for 5 days..will be torture though..:(((
Apr 24Reply
ibblesd @gettumgirl oh Girl? I am praying for your baby girl!! You can call me anytime. I am slow at making phone calls due to what's going on but YOU KNOW YOU HAVE MY PRAYERS! Give her a BIG KISS AND HUG FOR ME AN PLEASE KEEP IN TOUCH and let me know. May I ask what's wrong? I may have over looked if you said.
Apr 24Reply
ibblesd 🙏💋💗👼
Apr 24Reply
gettumgirl @ibblesd ...hey deb!!!'s my Haley???...I will text you...biopsies are now off...they went into her stomach today...she was completely under anesthesia felt nothing!!..about 10 biopsies were we wait...they speculate...while we pray for the best!!!!!!
Apr 25Reply
donasfinds @gettumgirl just saw this post and stop to send up prayer God is a healer and a miracle worker and he sits high and looks low and I know it's alright Hallelujah!
Apr 25Reply
gettumgirl @donasfinds ...Dona...yes he is...I know he gives us nothing we can't endure!!..he's awesome!!!
Apr 25Reply
mampg01776 @gettumgirl "believe have faith trust in God for he is here.... All around us forever. Kisses and hugs to your daughter🌟🌟🌟🌟💖
Apr 25Reply
gettumgirl @mampg01776 ...Annette you are very kind...yes God holds us ...even when we don't deserve to be held...thank you soooo much...:)))
Apr 25Reply
mampg01776 @gettumgirl "so true he is a loving.... Please keeps us posted❤
Apr 25Reply
gettumgirl @mampg01776 ..Annette sure will!!...each and everyone of you.. My posh family!!!
Apr 25Reply
stillshoppin76 Sorry I seen this late Prayers Goin Up... And may Blessings rain down 
Apr 25Reply
gettumgirl @stillshoppin76 ..I appreciate it so much!!!!
Apr 25Reply
clwyllie Sending big warm hugs, sweetie!!!
Apr 25Reply
gettumgirl @clwyllie ..thank you for the warm hugs!!!!
Apr 25Reply
jenjones Oh I hope she's ok! Sending prayers!
Apr 25Reply
jenjones I really hope it all turns out ok, and she is resting comfortably. Anesthesia can be so nauseating. Poor girl! I just got goose bumps because I read through the thread, and saw you say "gods got us" About 30 mins ago I was doing the dishes, and out of no where the voice in my head said "gods gotch you " 3 times. That's not something that happens on a daily, or even weekly basis. Lots of love to your family! It's never selfish to ask for prayers. We humans need each other and we are here for you, even if its through the Internet prayer chain.
Apr 25Reply
robinjoely @gettumgirl I have been reading your comments, you are amazing, it's true g-d only gives us what we can handle, which means you are truly blessed. I wish your baby girl a complete and speedy recovery/results. If you find a minute google welcome To holland by Emily Kingsley it always brings me clarity. G-d bless you and your families.
Apr 25Reply
ibblesd @gettumgirl I don't know what all they are doing biopsies for, but if you wanna ask any questions at all feel free to call me. We have been through a lot with the stomach as well as the brain, central nervous system etc., so I will be more than glad to help if at all possible. GOD LOVE HER SHE'S AN ANGEL!!! Tell her she has prayers in Alabama and I posted this on my fb page. (256)590-6561
Apr 25Reply
gettumgirl @robinjoely ...Robin thank you for stopping by to give us love!!!!...yes I will check out what you suggested!!..and that's correct God does not give us more than we can handle..he is God..girl he knows us better than we know ourselves!!!!
Apr 25Reply
gettumgirl @jenjones ...Wow isn't God amazing!!!...he brought people to this posting..because people just needed to know...people who have commented...some I've never had come into my closet until this post was made!! guys here on posh are amazing..and we HIS vessels ....everything we do and say is for His glory not mine not my daughter but His!!!!...thank you Jen for leaving such encouraging words....:))))
Apr 25Reply
jenjones And thank you for being such a great person, and obviously a great woman! It was definitely one of those glorious serendipity things. It went through my head, for no particular reason, then I looked at my phone, and there you were with a nice share, so I popped in to see what you had new listed because I realized I haven't heard from you in a while, and had been thinking About you and the gucci bracelet in the past few days. I love those mysterious ways that are just meant to be. They just are. They're the moments, and circumstances that remind me to have faith that its all ok, out of my control, and that's ok too, and that it all works out. My control freak OCD self dies a little but every time I'm reminded and reassured that the right people and circumstances come into place at the right time, and that it has nothing to do with my attempts at control. Big hugs to you, gentle hugs to your DD, and many prayers. I'll be checking in tomorrow :)
Apr 25Reply
gettumgirl @jenjones ..I love you Jen...thank you for those kind words...:))))
Apr 25Reply
jenjones @gettumgirl love you too girl! Adding you both to my angel prayer lists as we speak. Talk to you soon!
Apr 25Reply
southernstyle88 @gettumgirl Good Morning Charm, How's our Angel this morning? How's Mom better yet? Did you get some rest?
Apr 25Reply
gettumgirl @sherry8888 ...she's doing better...thank you...just really tired sherry...thank you for your thoughts!!!!!
Apr 25Reply
coolmelanie I know hospital living... And biopsies; have had many with and w/o anesthesia. No fun. Waiting is tough, but you have to be positive and distract yourself from any worries. Stay strong!
Apr 25Reply
gettumgirl @coolmelanie ...Melanie than you for the encouraging words...trying to stay focused on the positive!!!
Apr 25Reply
carenlovesgucci @gettumgirl How is your daughter Hun? I am at work, but took a quick break to say a prayer!
Apr 25Reply
gettumgirl @carenlovesgucci ...she's doing a lot of sleeping...THANKYOU for all the prayers!!!!!
Apr 25Reply
gettumgirl @mrskay ...she has been very tired today...just waiting for these results..from the biopsies...
Apr 25Reply
gettumgirl @mrskay ...yes prayers is what we all need...thank you!!!!
Apr 25Reply
pammiesammie _@gettumgirl I am a sister in Christ and will be praying for all of you too! Prayer is powerful!
Apr 25Reply
gettumgirl @pammiesammie ...Pamela..thank you for your prayers!!!...God is in control..not I let go and let God...:)))
Apr 25Reply
kittyxrufus Thank you so much for your support. I truly appreciate your words of thanks. You take good care of yourself girl<3
Apr 25Reply
gettumgirl @kittyxrufus ...thank you and we will...:))))
Apr 25Reply
kittyxrufus May god keep your daughter close to his heart. May his grace bless you and your family. My thoughts and payers.
Apr 26Reply
gettumgirl @kittyxrufus ..thank you Hun ..and Hod always has us..even when we feel he is not there..:)))))
Apr 26Reply
jenrose @gettumgirl praying for a speedy recovery!!! 🙏💐❤
Apr 26Reply
dianna29 @gettumgirl I don't know you, but I saw this pic of ur little girl and had to stop to send u some well wishes. I don't know what's exactly what is going on, but I do know what u r going thru w/ all the worries, uncertainties, and prays. ( along time ago my daughter spent 3 wks at Mayo clinic) As I scrolled thru the comments my heart ached for u, ur daughter, ur family and friends. I hope and pray for the very best out come for ur daughter
Apr 26Reply
gettumgirl @dianna29 ...Diana...aweee...THANKYOU for stopping know what God is Great!...and no matter what the circumstance...he knows how to bring people together for his name sake!!!...nobody really "knows" that left comments..prayed..etc...but we all have one thing in common...and that's our great Hearts!!..your daughter was in the Mayo Clinic??!!..I hope that situation turned out ok's amazing how somehow because of a child's can bring all of the adults together..:))))
Apr 26Reply
gettumgirl ..@jenrose ...thank you for the prayers hunny!!
Apr 26Reply
gettumgirl @mrskay ..kaylen..she's doing better...thank you for asking...what she has is a daily battle...the biopsies are to determine exactly what the abnormal growth inside her tummy...
Apr 26Reply
ibblesd @gettumgirl thinking of all today
Apr 26Reply
ibblesd @gettumgirl y'all I meant
Apr 26Reply
ibblesd @gettumgirl just one more thing, I am bad about Laying my phone down when at home. I keep my ear piece on incase my son calls. I ck it periodically so if ever and Er pls call me. I don't want you for one second to think I don't care (which I know you wouldn't buy JS) I wanted to explain to everyone why I don't respond quickly. Our days and nights are totally messed up as well. BUT YOU ARENIN MY CONTINUOUS THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS 👼🙏✋👌✌✊
Apr 26Reply
gettumgirl @ibblesd ...I LOVE YOU DEB!!!!....:)))
Apr 26Reply
classyvintage The power of prayer is so powerful🌷🌷🌷
Apr 26Reply
gettumgirl @classyvintage ..yes does!!!..I thank you!!
Apr 26Reply
jenrose @gettumgirl thinking of you and your daughter! Sending my ❤ and prayers still. How is she?
Apr 27Reply
gettumgirl @jenrose was rough!!...some days better than others!!!
Apr 27Reply
jenrose @gettumgirl be strong!! She is in my prayers
Apr 27Reply
gettumgirl @jenrose ..Thanku Hun!
Apr 27Reply
gettumgirl @deedee7430 ..THANKYOU Hun..she is now home...just waiting on the biopsy reports....
Apr 27Reply
pinkblonde7777 Sending them your way babe
Apr 27Reply
robinjoely @gettumgirl how's your baby girl?
Apr 27Reply
gettumgirl @robinjoely ...robin yesyerday(night)..was really bad...can't wait for biopsy results to come back...ughhh!...thanks for asking Hun...:)))
Apr 27Reply
gettumgirl @robinjoely ...*yesterday*
Apr 27Reply
robinjoely @gettumgirl the Dr. Works on Sunday? I'm praying I know it's scary. Xoxo
Apr 27Reply
gettumgirl @robinjoely....girl yes!!!!...he does!!!!
Apr 27Reply
robinjoely @gettumgirl thank g-d please keep me in the loop. Would love to send her a teddy bear.
Apr 27Reply
gettumgirl @robinjoely ...awee Robin she would love that!!!..I promise to keep this up until the biopsy results come in!!!!
Apr 27Reply
kittyxrufus Hi, Wanted to check in on your Angel. How is she feeling? I'm sure your both exhausted. Have a good day. My thoughts & prayers.❤
Apr 28Reply
gettumgirl @kittyxrufus ...she's doing night there's a lot of throwing I feel really bad..but she's a trooper..and we can never be thankful for the good if we never experience the bad correct ?? we just wait for the Biopsy we can try to get her better...God is good!!!!!
Apr 28Reply
cmb1972 @gettumgirl , sweet baby girl! I wii be thinking of her!!! Strong! Sister!
Apr 28Reply
gettumgirl @cmb1972 ...thank you Chris!!!!
Apr 28Reply
cmb1972 @gettumgirl 😢😍🙏, stay strong! Of course is easy to say! But I have a daughter, and cannot not image !!! What you thru. But we uplift, you and your precious baby girl! Please us posted! your friend from posh! Many foe you and Her!
Apr 28Reply
gettumgirl @alu0515 ..aweee thank you Allison!!!!!
Apr 28Reply
gettumgirl @cmb1972 ...Chris thank you will definitely keep you posted!!!
Apr 28Reply
gettumgirl @alu0515 ..I pray for you guysz too!!!!...I really do...I thank you in advance for every prayer ....and I ask that he keep you and your family covered in his blood in the name of Jesus....!!
Apr 28Reply
rose515 @gettumgirl ohhh I missed this. Im so sorry. I thought she's ok now. My prayers to ur beautiful baby! I have a 12 yr old son too. We were at Children's Hosp last Friday and the endocrinologist informed us that all the testing were normal. God is awesome indeed! Be strong Charm, things will be ok. 😘😘😘❤🌹
Apr 28Reply
gettumgirl @rose515 ...yes I hope your baby is ok...waiting on the biopsy results from her stomach from surgery...and yes God is Great!!!!!
Apr 28Reply
lizzielulu Praying
Apr 28Reply
gettumgirl @lizzielulu ...thank you Elizabeth !!!!!
Apr 28Reply
gordomom Oh goodness - I'm so sorry I missed this. I hope that she is ok and the results come back normal!! Hugs & positive energy, my friend!! 💖
Apr 29Reply
gettumgirl @gordomom ..Michelle..I know your going your own healing so I didn't want to bother you...but yes I pray for a great biopsies result...we know something is wrong..but hopefully something they can bad age up..and that's it...:))
Apr 29Reply
karmakat Prayers sent! I'm a single-mom of a 15-year old daughter who is also going through some serious medical issues & I know just how scared & isolated it can make you feel. My "chats" with God help me keep my sanity. Hang in there. @gettumgirl
Apr 29Reply
gordomom Thanks, my friend! I just want to support you like you've supported me through my difficult time. 💐💐💐
Apr 29Reply
gettumgirl @karmakat ..I thank you and I will absolutely hang in there..for it's all I know...@gordomom ..Michelle I thank you...and will keep you posted on what comes next with my daughter...:))))
Apr 29Reply
melliescloset God bless Hun :) I hope everything went well. And I'll keep praying anyway for you & your family :)
Apr 29Reply
melliescloset What's her name?
Apr 29Reply
gettumgirl @melliescloset ...thank you for your prayers...God is in total control...will keep Everyone in this post up to date when the biopsies return back..:))...her name is Alazjah...pronounced...a-liej-jah
Apr 29Reply
tribalsister Many prayers & much love. ❤
Apr 29Reply
gettumgirl @tribalsister ...thank you Glenda!!!
Apr 29Reply
gettumgirl @brookesgranny ..thank you christeena!!!
Apr 29Reply
brookesgranny @gettumgirl As another sister in Christ....Father God please keep this beautiful angel in prayer...Father God please watch over her delicate body and heal her of all impurities....In Jesus name Amen....Lots of love and healing to the family also..... Katie
Apr 30Reply
gettumgirl @brookesgranny Jesus name we pray..Amen!!!!!
Apr 30Reply
brookesgranny @gettumgirl You're so welcome sweetie...
Apr 30Reply
britediamond Thinking of u and ur family🙏🙏🙏
Apr 30Reply
cmb1972 @gettumgirl , thinking of you and your precious daughter! I hope you two fell the biggest HUG, that I'm sending you! You are real warriors !!! Lets keep you in prayers!
Apr 30Reply
gettumgirl @cmb1972 ....Chris we feel your here's one for you)))))))))
Apr 30Reply
gettumgirl @britediamond ...thank you hunny!!!!
Apr 30Reply
gettumgirl @alu0515 ...still no results...will keep you posted..posh sissy!!!
Apr 30Reply
cmb1972 Bless you, special mother that you are! You and Deb,and the girls on my mind every day!! We never meet, and yet I feel like I know you! Your and Deb are the powerful testimony of faith! And strength! It humbles me!
Apr 30Reply
gettumgirl @cmb1972 ..Chris it keeps me humble at all cost!!!!
Apr 30Reply
kittyxrufus Just a note. ❤ Thinking of your precious angel.😇 My thoughts & prayers💙
Apr 30Reply
gettumgirl @kittyxrufus ...thank you so much!!'re so sweet!!!!
Apr 30Reply
ruffmel Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family !!! All my best🌹
May 01Reply
gettumgirl @ruffmel ...thank you Melissa for your kind words...:)))))
May 01Reply
ruffmel Ur very welcome....prayer is powerful and I believe God gives us strength through other people as well....I offer you mine😃 stay strong girl ....ur baby needs ur strength too
May 01Reply
gettumgirl @ruffmel ...we serve a God that answers prayers!!!!
May 01Reply
wassermanalison Any news yet Charm? Taking a break from work (yes burning the midnight oil almost 😣) but wanted to touch base and see how you were doing...💞thinking about you and your girl. 😘
May 01Reply
gettumgirl @wassermanalison ...Alison...not yet..I hope there dissecting the heck out of that tissue!...we want no surprises!!!
May 01Reply
wassermanalison Oy vey! When do they expect to give you some kind of answer? Is this waiting period in line with what the doctors told you to expect?
May 01Reply
gettumgirl @wassermanalison ..yes with these type if biopsies it can be up to 10 ten days...just depending on what they think they see..and need further dissecting of the cells...
May 01Reply
wassermanalison Ok then. We wait with you my friend. 😘
May 01Reply
rolexrenee Something made me go to your page even after I sold the item you commented you "Loved" (MCM pouch), I'm so sorry Elazjha is going through all of this with her stomach issue. And you as we'll. I will be praying for Elazjah, you and the rest of your family that all goes well. And will be sending all positive energy that her biopsy results come back with the best of results. May God bless......XO
May 01Reply
gettumgirl @rolexrenee ...renne...thank you sooo much!!!
May 01Reply
5kewlklosets How is she doing? My daughter had her first surgery this year also...she work up very high..that part was funny!!! Anyhow, @stacey1971 asked me to have u text her, her entire closet was pulled because after "dropping" the whole misslab issue..she kept reporting everything she was doing....if u need her # again I have it. They deleted all her listings-all that time!?!?! I feel bad for her.
May 01Reply
5kewlklosets @gettumgirl ok never mind...I see your issues are much bigger and ill let her know. She didn't want u to think she was avoiding you or something. Prayers from my big family in Michigan. No child should have to endure this....the poor girl. Much love and will keep praying 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
May 01Reply
gettumgirl @5kewlklosets!!!....on Stacey !!! far as my daughter is concerned...we are just waiting for the biopsy results...thank you for asking..I will text her...
May 01Reply
sheelagoh Oh no :( HUGS @gettumgirl
May 01Reply
gettumgirl @sheelagoh ...thank you so much Sheila!!
May 01Reply
hebetin5 🙏Prayers!!🙏
May 01Reply
gettumgirl @hebetin5 thank you so much!!!
May 01Reply
hebetin5 @gettumgirl No thanks needed, Hun!! Pray it forward 😉 "Where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them" Matthew 18:20 You have a whole prayer army! I feel God is working miracles as I type this. God Bless!!
May 01Reply
gettumgirl @hebetin5 ..AGREED!!!!!
May 01Reply
gettumgirl @whimsylizzy ...thank you Liz...:)
May 02Reply
cmb1972 Hello, sweetie, how was your day an your precious girl? Did she have a good day? Any way just thinking of you guys! Can you send me your home address, my email is Sophia and I got her a little something! Shhhh, don't tell her!
May 03Reply
gettumgirl @cmb1972 ...Chris you did not have to do that!! are really sweet..I will send over my address in the morning as I'm getting ready to go nite nite...I should have the results tommarrow ...spoke to Drs today...thank you for dropping by...:)))
May 03Reply
cmb1972 @gettumgirl, honey what is your daughter suffering from? I want do some research about it! Good nite Dear!
May 03Reply
gettumgirl @cmb1972 ...Chris will find out today...knowing is half the battle right??....:))))
May 03Reply
gettumgirl @cmb1972 ...oh yes my it is ...I don't mind putting it in this closet...Lord I ask that you keep me covered with your blood and that every person that comes across this post of my daughter has only good intentions for your names sake...In Jesus name I pray...:) address is 95 prospect path...Hiram is my you can send yours...gettumgirl00 too would like Alazjah to share a THANKYOU to your we prepare to send off Haley's ...:)))....I prayed because I understand that everyone on posh does not have good I always ask for his covering...for anyone who wants to add negativity in my closet...thank you so much for being who you are as a person!!!!...your family is blessed to have you around them!!!!
May 03Reply
twiggy113 My prayers are with you and yours! God bless your family During this time! May God use this situation as an opportunity to show off His healing Power!!!
May 03Reply
juno08 @gettumgirl 🙏prayers🙏
May 03Reply
gettumgirl @juno08 ..will get results today from biopsies...thank you for all prayers!!!!
May 03Reply
gettumgirl @nena2013 ...thank you Hun!!
May 03Reply
gettumgirl Ok so I'm happy yet sad???...results are they still are not sure what's going on with my's a relief to know it's not like a Cancer...however...the flip side is...she's going back have another test to see how her body absorbs these radiation balls???...will keep you posted ...
May 03Reply
lisalovesbling @gettumgirl - Thoughts, prayers, & much love your way. 🙏💟🙏💟🙏💟🙏
May 03Reply
gettumgirl @lisalovesbling ...Thanku Lisa for the prayers....:))
May 04Reply
ibblesd @gettumgirl radiation balls? What is that? If they don't find anything may I ask what her symptoms are? You know what Haley has is RARE and if go read Dysautonomia there are several diff Types. POTS involves digestive system including intestines, stomach, and if its not that I pray you don't have to go through what we did. It took us 2 years to find out what Haley has with these country quack drs. I dont mean to sound disrespectful but we changed doctors I don't even know how many times. We finally got an AWESOME medical Dr in our home town but ALL OF HER specialists are on Birmingham which is almost an hour drive but way worth it. Thank God you're in Atlanta. Hopefully you will find a good one rt off the bat. I am still praying she is healed. We are in the ER as I write this. Her night time itching is unbearable
May 04Reply
gettumgirl @ibblesd ..deb you have your phone on you right??..I will text you if that's ok...
May 04Reply
gettumgirl @arabcouture ...thank you so much for all of your concerns and shares...I have to believe this thing with my daughter will get better...but until then...I ask God to help me carry this cup...:)))
May 04Reply
jenncall69 @gettumgirl - You still have my #? I'm sick that I didn't know about this, my friend. I'm sending up prayers and thinking about you, but, I'd like to know everything's ok... Email me if you can't find my #. jenn(dot)callahan @ cox(dot)net. 😘😘😘
May 05Reply
gettumgirl @jenncall69's ok have your own things going on that's why I did not tag you on this...if you go down to the bottom you will see the next steps for daughter is in great spirits through it all...:))
May 05Reply
610nicola @gettumgirl I just came across this on your page. I am saying prayers for you and your beautiful daughter. I hope you get some answers soon. My son has surgery and a biopsy on Friday :-(
May 06Reply
gettumgirl @610nicola really this Friday...will keep you in our prayers as well..:))) old is he..and what type of biopsy??
May 06Reply
610nicola @gettumgirl Thank you. He is 9. The biopsy is on the side of his face right near his ear.
May 06Reply
gettumgirl @610nicola ...nicola..will he be put under...I hope so..his poor little nerves...
May 06Reply
610nicola @gettumgirl Yes, he will be put under. He has Aspergers with high levels of anxiety so he has to be.
May 06Reply
gettumgirl @610nicola ...ok good will all work out...what are they checking for...
May 06Reply
miisskay I pray for ur daughter and I hope she is doing ok ❤🙏
May 08Reply
gettumgirl @miisskay ...hello and thank you for your concern...she has further testing coming up...
May 08Reply
gettumgirl @whimsylizzy ...thank you...:)))
May 12Reply
clea4583 Prayers sent above... Happy Mothers Day . :)
May 12Reply
gettumgirl @tammymccollum ..thank you hunny!!..and thanks for Alll the shares!!!!
May 12Reply
mommalaughing 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
May 13Reply
gettumgirl @mommalaughing ...thank you Stacey...:)))
May 13Reply
stacey1971 @gettumgirl omg finally I got my privileges granted to me back after almost a month I couldn't even reply to anyone .. Been worried sick over your situation w your sweet daughter .. Have been praying heavy for your family and started a prayer line as soon as I was notified by Kristin @5kewlklosets .. How is she doing doll .. If she is as strong as you and I'm sure she is .. God willing she is past the worst of this .. Please text me when u can I know your cup must run est over but would live too here from you .. You have always been my # 1 supporter along w select few and I am here for you anything I can do or you may need just name it kiddo so glad I can communicate again God Bless 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
May 16Reply
gettumgirl @stacey1971 glad to see you're daughter is ok...she will pull through this with everything else...I'm glad you're ok.:))))
May 16Reply
lilmoma225 I hope all went well!! I was in the hospital until I was 5, & can't imagine if one of my kids were sick!! I'd panic! The Lord will protect y'all, hope she heals quickly!!
May 17Reply
gettumgirl @lilmoma225...thank you Jessica!!!...we know The Lord is in total control of allllll....she goes in for more test in a lol bit...trying to find daughter smiles through it all...she's so sweet ...:)))
May 17Reply
lilmoma225 @gettumgirl that's great! That quality will stay w her forever! I was the same way, ALWAYS smiling!! As I got older I asked my Grandparents once, "did y'all male me smile in every picture?". They said, no, you were just happy!!! 😉She'll be strong, & know The Lord has a plan for her! What others see as obstacles will be challenges to her! She'll be a blessing to everyone she encounters as well!!
May 20Reply
gettumgirl @lilmoma225 ...Jessica thank you for your insight!!! know your
May 20Reply
almoyes Oh, dear. I just stumbled upon your listing. I am so sorry that you and your family have been going through a difficult period. I hope your daughter feels better and that you figure out what is going on to proceed with treatment/procedure(s) to help her. You and your family are in my thoughts.
May 22Reply
gettumgirl @almoyes ..thank u Hun...:)))
May 22Reply
addictd2retail @gettumgirl I was strolling & came across listing & it's 5:19am where I am as I was reading it brought tears to eyes & I am still crying... I think as ppl we sometimes think that when stuff is going wrong w/ us it's the worst... No it's no this is a young lady full of energy ready to live life... I will tell the god that I serve is a almighty GOD & I lift you & your daughter up in prayer... Whatever it is lord my you have the final say... Not man!. May the results may not be what you want them to thank god it's no cancer.. Amen
Jun 05Reply
gettumgirl @addictd2retail tears ok...we serve the same God!!..and Jesus Christ my SuperStar!!!'s not Cancer some digestive daughter who too is a born again Christian knows God has this!!!!!...the things we go through in life carves us into humility...thank you so much for your thoughts and you much!!!!!
Jun 05Reply
tinanesse @gettumgirl sending prayers:)))
Jun 24Reply
gettumgirl @tinanesse ..and we accept those prayers..:)
Jun 24Reply
vero 🙏🙏 the one thing I was soooo definitely thankful to God for, was that it was me that got sick and not my kids! I don't know if I could of handled it
Jun 30Reply
gettumgirl @vero's hard to see her keel over and cry sometimes...and there's nothing I can do...but "she"...reminds me who is the real doctor...:)...but as parents we are real people..and it still are YOU doing recovering....
Jun 30Reply
vero I know! My kids get sick and I get so frustrated cause I can't take the pain away, you're a strong momma, I'm so blessed! I just have a remaining shake on my left hand, taking meds for the tremors, but I'm super good compared to what I went thru, I finally drove after 8 months of just being home bounded, headaches are still present but are getting less lengthy, I had a cerebellum hemorrhage - so it affected my left side of my body, I'm glad I can read and speak without a slur cause my left eye was also in the mix, I can say as my old coworkers said to me, I'm the miracle lady! 🙏☺
Jun 30Reply
gettumgirl @vero ...yes you are a miracle...but more importantly're a testimony !!!! while you're on here...share his grace on others as he has on you...let me show you how he I was in the grocery store...this older woman..maybe 70s..was standing next to me having a hard time finding cereal with no I asked her...why no wheat??...she explained "her daughter"..has a serious "stomach disorder"...and that after her daughter almost dying at 49 years of age..she asked God to not only to make her better...but to make her well before she(mom)..leaves this earth..I explained to her about my 12 year old...she begged me to take my daughter to this specialist...because her daughter is finally getting better...who would have thought that me helping someone in a grocery store...would end up giving me another direction for my daughter...:))
Jun 30Reply
vero WOW! Praise be to God! That is truly remarkable! He works .. I know he does, i turned 40 a month after my stroke, I've never celebrated any of my birthdays, but my daughters thought and stated that for now on, the celebration of my birthday is for them not for me if I don't want it, my oldest just turned 19 and my youngest is 16.. This hit them hard but they told me my recovery has confirmed for them that God is with us.. Always! I hope your baby gets better soon, I know patience is hard, that's my downfall - I'm inpatient, I want things done and I want them now, but I'm learning is all in Gods timing
Jun 30Reply
gettumgirl @vero ....yes all the praise is his...!!!!..she will be alright and so will you!!!!
Jun 30Reply
jazznu68 @gettumgirl I just came across the photo of your daughter and the post below ,I have your daughters name and I will add her and your family to my Prayers. Just reading the posts I know that God is good due to all of the Encouragement , Support and Prayers you have been receiving from our fellow POSHERS . I know God is good and will heal your daughter of this Stomach Disorder. Thank you for continuing to stay Positive , Prayerful and at the same time ministering to others about God. May God continue to Bless you and your beautiful daughter.🙏👼
Jun 30Reply
gettumgirl @jazznu68 ...Angela..thank you for your prayers...and yes God is great!!'s amazing how out of the millions of closet here on he selectively chooses who will come into this's amazing to say the least...God bless you and your family...:))))...and thank you for the prayers....:)
Jun 30Reply
jazznu68 @ Gettumgirl My Family has a Prayer line on Tuesdays at 7 pm Est if you ever want to request prayer or just to give your Testimony the number is 209-647-1000 code is 476285. My mom is a Minister and started this line for my family and friends. It's called knowledge through the word. My Moms name is elder Bessie Harmon. I will request Prayer as well on the Prayer line. God Bless !!
Jun 30Reply
gettumgirl @jazznu68 ..aweee thank you for that information and thank you for all the prayers and shares!!!!
Jun 30Reply
jazznu68 @gettumgirl Your most welcome 💕💕
Jun 30Reply
shelaynemcd Have been so encouraged and inspired by reading this post...don't even know how I found it today except that I am supposed to pray for your family. I too know THE HEALER and will be standing in agreement for you all. Blessings!
Jul 03Reply
gettumgirl @shelaynemcd .....thank you hunny...and YES!..My Jesus is the almighty Doctor...:)))
Jul 03Reply
gettumgirl @miamia ...aweee you are really sweet...oh we will take those prayers anytime!!!! is my 4th!!!
Jul 04Reply
danie8280 Though I'm late because I didn't see this....I hope everything went well!! Prayers sent! My surgery was on 4/24 for bypass surgery
Jul 04Reply
gettumgirl @danie8280 ...oh my gosh!!!...bypass...and you are never too late for did your surgery go????
Jul 04Reply
danie8280 Thank you! It did! I feel a lot better!
Jul 04Reply
gettumgirl @danie8280 ...I'm so happy for you..:))
Jul 04Reply
crmnrcks 💞🙏continued prayers🙏💞
Jul 05Reply
imanimom Everything ok now right?
Jul 09Reply
gettumgirl @imanimom still testing...we know what it's not...just don't know what it is..:(
Jul 09Reply
imanimom Ok so my prayers shall continue!!!! Keep me posted (when you have time) your hands are full!!! I'm going to send you my phone# we can text!
Jul 09Reply
couturegirl How is your daughter doing? I have to say that you have an incredible heart and beautiful soul. I love always seeing your comments on others listing because you are always so uplifting no matter what is said and that is something special! My thoughts & prayers to your daughter.😘💕
Jul 11Reply
gettumgirl @couturegirl ..Penelope ...I too have been through so much not excluding Cancer...Colon to be's so humbling...God has taken all the pain and hurt in my life...and turned it into genuine Humility ...I try for my children to live by's so funny yesterday my daughter was in the car with me and we passed by a young man( maybe 20) daughter saw sadness in his face as we were passing him by..she said"mom he looks like he needs someone..he looks sad" natural instinct was to turn around and I did....children see and live through our actions not our words...:)
Jul 11Reply
couturegirl I hope you are doing well now..cancer definitely knocks us down a few levels. You are a wonderful role model for her and now see she is like you. I don't and can't have children but if I did I would want them to be like yours, kind and caring.
Jul 11Reply
gettumgirl @couturegirl ...I have years in my eyes..because so many of us take for granted these amazing gifts..:(
Jul 11Reply
couturegirl I've come to terms with it a few years ago. It wasn't easy but what other choice did I have. So I give my love to those in my life with kids and I'm an aunt to them all...that is a great feeling!!
Jul 11Reply
gettumgirl @couturegirl ..where are with the cancer..remission..
Jul 11Reply
couturegirl Thanks for asking! I'm now 8 years cancer free. Had a scare in feb where they had to remove a portion of my lung because of nodules that had been growing but they were benign. Pseudo lymphoma it's called. I have to continue to be checked for those now too since they can grow back malignant. But I'm so grateful to be ok and truly try to appreciate the little things more. How are you now?
Jul 11Reply
gettumgirl @couturegirl glad for's been 3 years...took out almost all the colon...I was pretty young for the disease ...and was almost misdiagnosed but God stepped in and put the right people in place at the right time.....all and stay I week..they removed 55 lymph nodes...all came back we speak..I'm due for my colonoscopy ...:)
Jul 11Reply
couturegirl So happy to hear that all is well now. Make that appt!! Wow 55 LN's, I though my 23 were a lot. My tumor was missed at first but I fought the drs and its a good thing I did because it was so aggressive. It's wonderful that we have come so far and it's an inspiration to those who are just diagnosed to hear they can beat it too!! Congrats 'sister'...wishing the rest of your years nothing but good health and happiness, for your daughter just as much!!
Jul 11Reply
gettumgirl @couturegirl ....yes!!!!....thank you sis!!!...I'm so inspired!!! you much!
Jul 11Reply
door4 @gettumgirl Charm, i'm praying for your daughter ,and you, after happening on this post ... i am a Christ follower and believe in His healing powers - He is with you always 🙏🙏🙏
Jul 12Reply
gettumgirl @4sq ..we humbly accept your prayers..thank you!!!
Jul 12Reply
door4 @gettumgirl if you ever need anything , a shoulder to lean on, additional prayers, whatever - just let me know ...
Jul 12Reply
gettumgirl @4sq ...thank you...and thanks for all the shares!!!!!
Jul 12Reply
vacat Hello, we've never met. My name is Holly @vacat. I stumbled into your closet and now I know why! I have read this thread. My prayers are with you and your daughter!! I am so moved by all the prayers and offers extended to you here! I am even more moved by the faith that I have never seen on this app before. God does indeed take us on journeys that we wish we didn't have to ride, but he is always with us to guide us through. The Good Lord is with you and I include you and your family in our prayers tonight. God bless you and keep you. Amen.
Jul 16Reply
gettumgirl @vacat ...holly yes!..he makes no mistakes..( my God)...I'll accept it all the ups and downs...because guess's all part of this thing called life's for his Glory...every person who has stumbled upon this's for some reason...and I don't need to know why..because God knows why..and that's all that matters..I thank you for your prayers..we gladly accept you lifting us up on this day...shoot...who doesn't need prayer right???...thanks again..:))
Jul 16Reply
samsd0ll Awwwwwww! What happened??????
Jul 17Reply
mrscookey Ok praying she's better
Jul 25Reply
gettumgirl @mrscookey ...thank you hunny...:))
Jul 25Reply
azulpacifica Any news on what the diagnosis is on your baby girl? Prayers she is better soon. 🙏🙏🙏 My coworker's hubby has been in and out of 🏥 a lot, it's such a tough thing. You're such a wonderful woman and mom, thank you very much for being a great friend in need to me, too! 💖
Jul 28Reply
gettumgirl @azulpacifica really kim...and honestly some days she is great...others are really bad..:(
Jul 28Reply
azulpacifica I'm so sorry, poor princess. 💐💐💐
Jul 28Reply
gettumgirl @azulpacifica ..Kim she will be fine...oh and if I can help you with anything! got it!!!
Jul 28Reply
azulpacifica I know she will, she's got an awesome momma to help her through. 🌺
Jul 28Reply
gettumgirl @carenlovesgucci you too sis!!!
Jul 28Reply
rchl62 Praying for everyone, ❤❤❤
Aug 10Reply
gettumgirl @rchl62 ...thank you!!!!!
Aug 10Reply
rchl62 @gettumgirl is he in Florida now? I hope she's getting the care she needs, God Bless you and your family. Nothing more than we can handle ❤❤
Aug 10Reply
gettumgirl @rchl62 daughter is here in friend @ibblesd ...her daughter went to the Mayo in Florida...she lives in Alabama...and yes God does not gives us more than we can handle...:))))
Aug 10Reply
hellokittyworld ✨Hello! I live by those words...God does not give us more than we can handle. It's all in His hands and time. I often find myself trying to resolve or change things that I have no business trying to do. I run over to my cross, ask for forgiveness and guidance and suddenly, things are on their way to back on track. Yes, we are all texted on a daily basis and as long as God is priority, we shall overcome...."We fall down, but we get up!!!! For a Saint is just a Sinner who fell down....and got up!!!!! (I'm sure you know the song!) As for your baby's nausea, ask the doctor to put Compazine or Phenergan in her drip or in the form of a tablet. Works wonders. I am in your daughters shoes at this time, but I'm freshly 40 and I can handle the pain in a different way. Mind over matter. Younger girls work from a place of fear, I believe. Tell her to fear not!!!! Also, for nausea, I dab pure peppermint oil on my nose, temples and base of neck and take deep breaths in and out. Oh Joy it works! Well, just wanted to chime in. Be well and Be Blessed!!!!!!!✨
Aug 15Reply
hellokittyworld ✨*typo...tested^, not texted* typo's drive me crazy!!!!!! :)✨ daughter is 10 years old. We send you all of our love and strength...🙏
Aug 15Reply
gettumgirl @hellokittyworld ...thank you for all your words of encouragement!!!!! are the best! daughter has strength and a love for The Lord that is amazing!!!...I try to live by example...though not perfect...I try...thank you again!!!!
Aug 15Reply
patricewymore @gettumgirl Charm, please LMK how all is going now. Thinking of you, daughter and family!
Aug 21Reply
jenns_addiction I just read this. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your daughter, and family!!!! May God bless you during this difficult time.
Aug 23Reply
soriano87 Our one and only Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, all glory belongs to you. Thank you for all you have done, all you are doing, and all you are going to do. Lord Jesus, please send this beautiful girl a healing touch that only YOU can give. Strengthen her and her family and bless them in all the things that glorify Your Holy name. Bless all those who have come across this closet. THANK YOU for your abiding love which NEVER fails and ALWAYS endures. And thank you for dying on the cross for our sins, for without which we would NEVER see the gates of heaven. All glory belongs to you, and we will be careful to praise you, for you alone are worthy. In your precious name I pray, Amen.
Aug 23Reply
gettumgirl @soriano87 Jesus name I agree and Pray Amen...:)...let me you how Great The Lord is...recently my daughter started having problems with her Stomach again...and just like that people...started coming to this page again praying for her...God is so awesome...:)))
Aug 23Reply
gettumgirl @jlynn84 ..thank you was better than yesterday...and she got to go to school...:))
Aug 23Reply
abstractdreams One more reason to take very good care of your daughter's mama! I think a sick child is an even heavier burden! Sending you and she all the prayers and good vibes I can muster! 👍💕😘
Aug 24Reply
gettumgirl @linmp1031 ...thank you very much!!!
Aug 24Reply
southernstyle88 @gettumgirl Charm, My Sweet Beautiful Charm, God Bless You & that sweet Angel of yours. Your Family kremlins in my prayers. Thanks for the updates. Tell that strong prayer warrior of mine, to KEEP THE FAITH STRONG GIRLFRIEND! As I know she will! Love to you all! Thank You So Very Much, Sherry
Aug 24Reply
phoebescloset11 GOD BLESS U & YOUR ANGEL!!!!!!! It's stories like this that put life in perspective & remind us what & who is REALLY important!!!!! BIG HUGS TO YOU & YOURS! ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
Aug 24Reply
gordomom Hope your baby is getting better!!! Sending good vibes!! 💖
Aug 24Reply
gettumgirl @sherry8888 know I always welcome those prayers...I thank you for stopping by!!...keep doing what you do Hun you much!!!!
Aug 24Reply
gettumgirl @phoebescloset11 @gordomom ...thank you ladies for all you do!!!...I'm sending big hugs your way))))))))
Aug 24Reply
ahabit 💗💋💋💋just checking in, hope everything is going ok and that more and more strength is gained everyday💗💗
Aug 24Reply
phoebescloset11 ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Aug 24Reply
walker17 @gettumgirl Your prayer for @sassypants13 just brought me to tears. That was very kind of you to take a few minutes of your time to pray for someone. So many ugly/hateful/selfish people in this world today. The Lord gets left out of so many things anymore. People like you make my heart smile with pride!😘😘❤
Aug 25Reply
gettumgirl @sassypants13 ...I thank you so much!!!...I believe in the power of prayer works!!!
Aug 25Reply
gettumgirl @walker17 ...I thank you with complete humility...I don't know any other way...for I have been brought to my knees...for I'm a Cancer have to give it to has changed me so much!!!! I know he has my daughter...and I'm human and cry when I know it's nothing I can do for her...but she has such peace...I can't explain it...and she wants to help everyone...
Aug 25Reply
walker17 @gettumgirl I'm so proud to be a Christian, and to see all of you on here as well!!! I wish I had seen this post sooner how is your ANGEL doing? I hope she is doing better. Please, anytime you need someone to join you in prayer I will be here for you, just a click away!!!!😘😘
Aug 25Reply
gettumgirl @walker17 ...thank you for the prayers!!!!...she has her days...sometimes she's good...others not so good...
Aug 25Reply
walker17 @gettumgirl She looks so sweet innocent and scared. You and I know The Lord has his loving arms around her, and his healing hands upon her. I have 2 of my own and don't know that I could be as strong as some of you ladies on here.😘
Aug 25Reply
gettumgirl @walker17 ...oh you will muster up the strength some's amazing the strength that God gives you...he will never give you more than you can handle!!!
Aug 26Reply
lexymarie Hope your little angel is doing well😘
Aug 26Reply
gettumgirl @lexymarie daughter is good!...some days are rough...but God is holding my angel..:)))
Aug 26Reply
miss_moneypenny I'm going to cry... I lost my job 1+ yr. ago and our home is in now in foreclosure (I'm a single Mom w 2 little girls). Our situations may be different but my heart goes out to you. I've sold everything: wedding rings, Tiffany jewelry, even my furniture. I'm so lucky to have found Posh... it all adds up and it all helps until we get our feet back on the ground. Sending love to you and your family. Xxoo Thanks to @piecesofjen for leading me to you. <3
Aug 26Reply
miss_moneypenny Sending you love and good thoughts and MORE love... Xoxox
Aug 26Reply
gettumgirl @miss_moneypenny ...Nicole I thank you ..:)
Aug 26Reply
gettumgirl @miss_moneypenny ...@piecesofjen is an awesome person and our hearts are the have to go through things so that you realize God is in control...not us...there are no mistakes...and everything we go through is to bring us closer to him...I have complete humility towards everyone's problems...and that's what was brought out of me having Colon cancer so that's how God uses me...and he will use you too...please don't be angry...just humble ok...:)))))
Aug 26Reply
miss_moneypenny I'm actually not angry at all - just very broken and sad. But we'll survive this, too. HUGS for you and your little sweetheart. XXoo
Aug 26Reply
bunkie What an angel😇 I hope she gets well very soon!! I send you 💪Strength, 🙏Compassion ✌Peace, 🙌Great Health(Body/Mind/Soul) much $uccess💰and Lots of 💚Love💚.........
Aug 27Reply
gettumgirl @bunkie ...thank you Lisa!!...and thanks for all the shares..:()
Aug 27Reply
maggie_pie @gettumgirl oh Charm, I read thru this post...and my heart goes out to you and your little flower! I will be praying for her, and for you and your family. It's such a difficult thing to not have a diagnosis...or to not have an accurate one. My Ellena (now 12), went through years of reflux and vomiting and stomach pain. They tested her with several things...but never found anything to explain it. It all started when I got separated from my abusive husband. I eventually concluded that she got sicker every time she had to visit him (and no me to buffer his nastiness from the children), that it was her stress and anxiety that affected her little body so severely. That was 7 years ago...and just last year, her symptoms have dissipated. Praise God! It was so hard to watch, and not be able to fix it! But Jesus has carried my children through...and continues to. He carries me too! I am now bedridden much of the time from spine and neck son has OCD and anxiety, I have no job or disability, still a single mum...but my Lord is so all sufficient! He has met every EVERY need, in His good grace! I will pray He does the same for you and your daughter.... Please let me know if there is anything specific I may lift up in prayer. Praise God for your faithful trust in Him! You are a light in a dark world, Charm! So is your daughter! What would we do without Jesus? I just don't know. Lord, put Your mighty hand of mercy on Charm and her daughter right now, in Jesus Name, Amen!
Aug 28Reply
gettumgirl @alu0515 ..Heloooo my Posh sis ...I missed you so are you my dear friend..:)))
Aug 28Reply
gettumgirl @maggie_pie you are such a walking testimony!!!!...that's why God has blessed you..because you don't take the credit give him all the credit...and he loves that!!...he allows us to go through..(key word through)...for his mans...thank you for the prayer..I'm in agreement with I say in Jesus name Amen!!!!!
Aug 28Reply
maggie_pie @gettumgirl thank you! I truly am sincere about standing in the gap for you. Anytime you need prayer, just tag me, and I will be on my knees. Lots of love! -Molly
Aug 28Reply
cmjla OMG girl! Sorry to hear this! Prayers and love. Hope you're better than ever soon😘💕💕
Aug 30Reply
gettumgirl @cmjla's ok Hun...some days are great and some days are not as good..but God has her...I promise!!!
Aug 30Reply
britgirl2 Dear Charm, I am so very sorry you are going through this trial and I will put you and your sweet daughter on my prayer list, I know how it feels to have a loved one suffer so much, I nursed my dear sweet husband through throat cancer, he lost 50lbs and looked like a skeleton, during it all he was so faithful and God was so good to us keeping us peaceful all the time, he even sent a sweet sparrow to come visit us every day, we named him tapper as he wouldn't stop tapping our window, he came everyday until my husband was healed, we cannot stop telling the story in hope it will help others💓Sending lots of hugs and. Prayers your way💓💓💓
Sep 04Reply
gettumgirl @britgirl2...thank you so much for your Prayers!!!...we know the Lord has this....this situation is for his Glory and testimony!!!...thank you so much..:)))
Sep 05Reply
fashionlover125 @gettumgirl My prayers for your precious little girl will soon healed and be healthy again🙏😘
Sep 05Reply
fashionlover125 @ceege Shared and prayed hon😘
Sep 05Reply
gettumgirl @fashionlover125 ...thank you for the prayers Hun..:))
Sep 05Reply
avadisilva Sending hugs and prayers
Sep 05Reply
jgbravo Praying... @ceege thanks for sharing.
Sep 05Reply
gettumgirl @avadisilva ...thank you so much!!
Sep 05Reply
lalalalola Awe man...sorry I was t around at this time. I pray God...all is well😘😘🙏🙏🙏
Sep 10Reply
gettumgirl Aweee..@lalalalola ...everything is perfect in timing...we come across things in order ...I really believe that!!! daughter has her was one...but she's a believer as I am.....and even sometimes when I'm so tired...she comes and tells me.." Mom I prayed over you"...just amazing how a child can keep you in order ...she really gets it...thank you for agreeing in my other post for Kim...she's having such a hard time In every aspect of her life...and I get it....I really do...I just want her to have peace..:))))
Sep 10Reply
lalalalola I hear you on all. You made me cry...what a precious child you have. You are an amazing women. Please share with me sometime...if u can...your daughters issue. I hope it is resolved. I love all my posh girls but my Christian sisters are my heart. I love you girl.
Sep 10Reply
carenlovesgucci @gettumgirl Charm.. You "take care" of everyone else here! I am stopping. In to let you know that you are loved and appreciated and that YOU AND YOUR PRECIOUS ANGEL remain in my daily prayers ! God is so very good!
Sep 14Reply
gettumgirl @carenlovesgucci ...aweee I know that you not only love care about me...and today I thank you for our friendship...:)))))
Sep 14Reply
gettumgirl @retrola ...oh absolutely!!! know humility means so much...I know I'm a work in progress ...and when I pray though he knows my heart I confess that..I don't judge..and I know I'm a baby in Christ..however he uses everyone for his glory...even as we go through...key word.."through "...thank you for all the shares too!!!!!
Sep 14Reply
carenlovesgucci @gettumgirl Good Morning Sunshine! I just sent a package to you and your angel to Hiram GA 95 Prospect Path 30141 :) I tried to get your address several times... But the other day.. Checked in on your post and scanned it with a fine tooth comb and YOUR ADDRESS! :) No worries! It will not be ticking lol Just LMK when you receive it! Love ya gf! xxxx
Sep 24Reply
gettumgirl @carenlovesgucci naughty I feel so bad..I know I was supposed to get that to you...was trying to find something you liked as well to send to you...thank you my Caren!!!! you much..:)))
Sep 24Reply
carenlovesgucci @gettumgirl Baaah ;( Stop! These are just the things I got you from Europe ! Saved a like for closer to Christmas!!!! Pacing myself! I LOVE GIVING PEOPLE GIFTS! Look at you accepting it as a gift to me cause it truly makes me happy! Lol I used to work for private investigators lol I would have found mailing address eventually ;) IT SHIULD BE THERE THURS AM AT LATEST!
Sep 24Reply
gettumgirl @carenlovesgucci ...I will get you my my Wiz voice ..:))
Sep 24Reply
gettumgirl @janicegw^^^
Oct 04Reply
janicegw @gettumgirl Charm, I'm going to read all of the comments, but what is going on? I write back to you after I read all of the comments. She really adorable. She looks like her Mommie.
Oct 04Reply
gettumgirl @janicegw ...Janice we are heading to ultrasound bldg right now...
Oct 04Reply
janicegw @gettumgirl Dearest Charm, first of all I am so impressed with your strength and resolve. What an example you are for the rest of us. Someone when I first met you a couple of weeks ago, your spirit came through loud and clear through the computer. I adored you immediately. Now I learn that in the midst of healing from cancern yourself, your daughter Alazjah is not well. From what I've read it looks like cancer has been ruled out - right? You've been going "through" for months now. I got your message that you're off to the hospital lab for more testing. Please touch bases with me when you can. Both of you are in thoughts, my heart and my spirit.
Oct 04Reply
gettumgirl @janicegw ..Janice...we are in ultrasounds right now!!!..the tech is taking tons of photos..ahhh..hopefully it's good news..not upsetting don't know if the doctor will give me results today or's so late...5pm now...well I will keep you posted..Poshs honor...
Oct 04Reply
janicegw @gettumgirl You're in the ATL - right? Smooches to you and Alazjah from Ms. Washington in Los Angeles! We'll chat over the weekend. Love!
Oct 04Reply
gettumgirl @janicegw ...yes way of NYC...ok will talk with you soon MissCally.:))))
Oct 04Reply
elisehunter Charm, I read through all of this.....I have no words! Figuratively and literally. You and your daughter and everyone who has carried the weight of a sick child is on my prayer list!!! God Bless you, Charm, for keeping "me" in your likes! There are no coincidences!! 😘😘😘
Oct 14Reply
gettumgirl @elisehunter ...Elise thank you for your prayers...and my daughter understands that God gives us no more than we can bare...our tribulations is what makes has given myself and my daughter so much humility...if you look through my closet you will see a picture my daughter drew on her dry erase board for another posher she always here's me talk about...when you get a chance go take a peek at it...God Bless you...Well of course...he already has!!!!!
Oct 14Reply
elisehunter I did see that!! I'm beyond words!! I'm getting ready to settle into bed and return shares...they'll spill into tomorrow, I'm sure. That post was as far as I could go, for now. Your beautiful, kind and generous gesture has brought me to tears...the good kind...I'm literally having trouble, more trouble than of late, with words! 😘😘😘
Oct 14Reply
jbonds007 My sweet humble SIC. I thought of you today and wanted to show some love; you know sharing is caring. I don't recall reading this post before. It could have been all that I've been through. But I declare right now in the name of Jesus that by His stripes your baby girl is healed. By His stripes you hear me. Psalm 34:19 is one o my favorites. All is well. Continued blessings! Love ya!
Oct 14Reply
gettumgirl @jbonds007 ...yes Mam...And I stand on his Word!!!
Oct 14Reply
gettumgirl @janicegw ...thank you for asking about Alazjah...last night was not good for her...lots of pain...she's sleeping now...I'm getting up for work..5:53am...why are you up soooo's 2:53 there...ewwwwee
Oct 16Reply
janicegw I went to sleep way too early last evening, then woke up at 1:30 thinking it was almost 6:00am! LOL. I'm so sorry about your baby, bit I can tell you are strong and COVERED! I think of you often.💝
Oct 16Reply
gettumgirl @janicegw ...yes we are and will be just fine..:))...did you see all the Favor going see Posh suggested User!!!?
Oct 16Reply
janicegw Absolutely @imanimom There are so many messages that I hope she saw my congratulations to her. A proud Posh moment. Sometimes I miss a message and feel horrible afterwards. Just in case CONGRATULATIONS @imanimom!💝🎁🎁🎁
Oct 16Reply
imanimom Now I'm Losing it for real. I missed this post since April 23rd. I know we've talked and I know I've prayed didn't know what for but I've prayed for you always!!! I know the power of prayer ..... I'm asking Him to continue laying his hands on your mini me (and you) keep her safe and restore her strength and health. Give this angel all that she needs to be the woman you want her to be... This isn't over yet!!! Lord how did I miss this..... 🙏🙏👼👼🙏🙏👼👼 @janicegw Janice I did see your post!
Oct 16Reply
gettumgirl @imanimom were supposed to see this now!!!..not back in April...everything has it's season...I love you girl..@janicegw have been chosen to connect...I don't know if you realize yet!!!!
Oct 16Reply
imanimom @janicegw charm she's bad!!!! I mean she's the best addition to the circle we roll in...... Who brought her in our /posh/life because we know who brought her on our lives.,,, she's the BEST!!💖💕💞 Charm I luv you from way waaaay back. My mentor to posh. Never leave you luvbug 😘
Oct 16Reply
janicegw @imanimom @gettumgirl GUESS WHO'S UP AND RUNNING, AWAKE, BREATHING AND POSHING! It's me! Your new P-E-S-T! LOL Ladies, in the middle of the night I had so many feelings of STAY/GO/STAY/GO regarding Poshmark. I wanted to reach out to somebody who could give me some perspective on different levels. That led to me touching bases with Charm to make sure Lisa knew that I had sent her a message earlier. After reading many notes, comments, expressions, words, etc., I somehow ended up energized. Lisa, your path to Suggested User is an inspiring one, and it seems as though it happened in a short period of time, and of course, RIGHT ON TIME! Charm, you are an inspiration because of the things you have had to overcome over the past year, and continue to do so with your baby. If you ladies can prevail, then so can I. THANK YOU for accepting me and for supporting me. I do believe that we all need each other for various reasons. It is why we are all here. SMOOCHES! P.S. Charm, I am aware of my calling and it has always been as a connector. For several years I had a women's ministry that I ran from home called "The Shechinah Connection - God's Women Moving from Glory to Glory!" It was delicious and powerful and good. Thank you for everything.
Oct 16Reply
gettumgirl @janicegw ...Janice..girl where would all be without you??? were that missing link...that just fit!!!!...No quitting's not in the plan..@imanimom ...Lisa can tell you..she too was about to be out...and I told her the same's not an option...everything happens for his Glory not No Quitting!!...oh yes...I love you guysz!!!!!
Oct 16Reply
imanimom @janicegw 404-642-4522 ... Anytime call me for support 📞📞☎☎📞📞
Oct 16Reply
gettumgirl @imanimom ...aweee thank you Lisa...will lock it in right now!!!!
Oct 16Reply
cortneyk I'm putting this comment here because it has to do with my baby. She is turning the big "13" and I know that you have a very large circle of friends. Here's what I'm asking I know a lot of you donate to people so if any of your peeps that have stuff in there closet that's been in there forever and ain't selling, maybe they would want to donate to a child who's absolutely wonderful, but is also gonna send me to the poor house! Lol Her birthday is Nov 14 so if you could spread the word I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks O
Oct 21Reply
jbonds007 Hey lady! You and your family have been in my thoughts so heavy lately. I have been going through but God..... I'm crying now and don't really know why, but maybe it's because of the compassion and respect I have for your strength. You have encouraged me during some difficult times by just reaching out with kind words. You've encouraged me unintentionally with your story of triumph and victory. I pray that I can offer you an iota of that. You are victorious and so is Alizjah (sp). Praying the updates are favorable, but I know our God is able. @imanimom you already know how I feel about you my BPF! Continued blessings you beautiful spirit you! Suggested user couldn't have gone to a better person. @rjoneal congrats to you too on being a suggested user ~ great job and great closet! @janicegw I know we were introduced but I just want to shout you out and tell you that I look forward to getting to know you better as well. A SIC of these ladies, is definitely a SIC of mine! Blessings ladies! Please keep me in prayer and I will do the same for all of you!
Oct 27Reply
imanimom @jbonds007 oh my posh. You were all on my mind today. I was tagging you all over the place today. God is awesome that's for sure. My prayers shall never cease for you Faith and hubby. We are in this thing called posh life together!!!! @gettumgirl you already know how I feel about you. My luv is unconditional and always there! Hope you can make the nov 2nd date at No Mas!
Oct 27Reply
orthogal2012 @gettumgirl prayers for healing! He's got this❤
Oct 31Reply
wenrella Always praying for your health. U have been on my list since I first saw u
Nov 15Reply
gettumgirl @wenrella ...we love prayers...Always...and thank you so much!!!!
Nov 15Reply
i0uonegalaxy7 Prayers for your sweet daughter!!!
Nov 15Reply
missrochelles Oh I'm so sorry. Your family is in my prayers. It's so nice that on Posh we can help each other through diff times. Most of my friends & I have severe health issues too 😣 We were all meant to meet each other! Xoxo. How scary.
Nov 23Reply
gettumgirl @patricewymore @imanimom @carenlovesgucci @couturegirl @piecesofjen @cvz15 @blandw ...please send up prayers as I'm at the hospital with my daughter
Dec 02Reply
carenlovesgucci @gettumgirl Awww Charm :( Many prayers for your daughter and YOU my friend! God is good and watching over your angel! I do not know her first name.. May I put her on my mom's churches prayer list? LMK if you need anything!!!! Caren15@ msn dot com xxxx Love you Charm xxx
Dec 02Reply
imanimom Prayers never ceased but I can/will increase! Touch the baby and touch the mom with your blood! Keep them strengthened Jesus. Keep the faith full in the IV. Keep them today and everyday. No one is stronger than you and we know that. We follow your path and your ways. Guide everyone in the care of your child. Jesus we ask in your name and it shall be....
Dec 02Reply
gettumgirl @carenlovesgucci ...her name is Alazjah ...and that would be great...thank God for a room waiting right now...
Dec 02Reply
gettumgirl @imanimom ...thank you so much!!!!
Dec 02Reply
carenlovesgucci @gettumgirl Wrote down name .. Mom and I are praying now and will continue to do so ! She is contacting her pastor! What happened Charm? Give her a hug from NY! I still have your address (I believe) So I will be sending a care package out by Wednesday AT THE LATEST!!!!!!!
Dec 02Reply
imanimom Thanks not needed required or anything it's what I do for those I luv!!!!
Dec 02Reply
gettumgirl @carenlovesgucci ...she was complaining of sharp pains..under her right breast bone..then she could not eat not drink because of the pain...then the throwing up..and nose bleeds began so it was time to take her in...was going to wait until tommarrow for Peds but too much pain..:(
Dec 02Reply
gettumgirl @imanimom you too!!
Dec 02Reply
gettumgirl @elisehunter ...please see above and send up a prayer...:)
Dec 02Reply
imanimom Keep me posted via cell/email/posh!!!
Dec 02Reply
elisehunter More than one, sweetie! More than one. Please keep me updated!!😘
Dec 02Reply
gettumgirl @elisehunter ....I sure will keep you posted ...and thank you..:)
Dec 02Reply
patricewymore @gettumgirl sending my thoughts and prayers to you in the name of our Lord. Amen.
Dec 02Reply
cvz15 @gettumgirl : Charm, you & your daughter are in our thoughts and prayers! I hope everything is OK! 😢💖👭
Dec 02Reply
couturegirl Charm I'm so sorry, just seeing this now as I don't get the pop ups on my phone. How is she now? I will keep her in my prayers and have my grandmother add her to her prayer circle. If there is anything I can do please just reach out to me.
Dec 02Reply
gettumgirl @couturegirl ...Penelope ...she's in a lot of pain again with her stomach...they have given her some concoction to relax her stomach so she's resting finally here at the hospital ...hopefully not her gallbladder ..will tag you when it's over...
Dec 02Reply
gettumgirl @cvz15 ...carol she's resting here in the hospital thy gave here something to take some of here pain away...they did blood and ultra sound...praying its not here Gallbladder along with her other tummy conditions...will keep you posted and thank you for the prayers...
Dec 02Reply
piecesofjen @gettumgirl Charm, you are both in my prayers at the moment. I am lifting you both up to God and his angels. May they surround you and provide you and your daughter with comfort. You know He heals all. I will be back after I put my son to bed with some scripture to inspire you. Love you my friend and I am holding you close to my heart. My thoughts, positive energy and prayers are with you and your daughter. Let the prayer chain begin.
Dec 02Reply
couturegirl Please give her my love! We're all here pulling & praying for her💗
Dec 02Reply
carenlovesgucci @gettumgirl Charm, how is your daughter this morning? Take care of you too please! Love ya gf! Praying
Dec 02Reply
gettumgirl @carenlovesgucci ...she just took the meds from the hospital to try to calm her esophagus down...her acids are all over the place causing serious problems once again the meds they gave are liquids that she drinks and it actually numbs her throat and stomach and makes her sleep as drys me nuts because they know it's her stomach/esophagus ...but can't pin point what's enflaming it...but God has there could be no worries...@blandw @cvz15 @couturegirl @piecesofjen @patricewymore ...thank you for all your warmth...and prayers..:)
Dec 02Reply
patricewymore @gettumgirl Please stay in touch you both are constantly in my prayers and thoughts.
Dec 02Reply
cvz15 @gettumgirl : Thank you for the updates on your daughter. 😢 We continue to pray for her healing...that God will grant her doctors the wisdom to discover her problem and the means to cure her. Stay strong and please let your daughter know we are all praying for her healing. Love & blessings from Momma Eagle. 👭💖
Dec 02Reply
couturegirl How is Alazjuh? Pray she's doing much better💗
Dec 03Reply
gettumgirl @couturegirl @carenlovesgucci ...thank you guys for loving us!!!!...unfortunately we are in the ER.....once again the pain management given is not working...she's added on more symptoms...but I know who the doctor is...@patricewymore @piecesofjen ...thank you too hunny!!!
Dec 04Reply
couturegirl Not the news I was hoping to hear! So sorry Charm, I know this isn't easy on you either. All we can do is keep praying and send healing vibes her way. Love you both and here for you💗
Dec 04Reply
gettumgirl @mskfar @couturegirl ....maryjo and Penelope...we are home and thank you guys for all you do!!!! yet another symptom...she's been throwing up so much it's caused her nose bleeds and it inflamed her breast bone connected to her cartledge on her ribs...the kick to this is that they can't give her an anti inflammatory because of her stomach condition she now has some Tylenol with codine so she can rest....the inflammation must come down on it's we will let our God take care of you guys!!!!!!
Dec 04Reply
gettumgirl @mskfar ...I sure will...thank you..:)
Dec 04Reply
vacat Oh Charm, I wish I had the words to really express what's in my heart. I'm just sickened to learn of your daughter's relapse. I'm adding Alazjah, and you, to our family's nightly prayer list. I pray that the Good Lord touches her and heals her and that he continues to guide everyone involved in her care giving and diagnosis. Your sweet baby, as I know you already know, is in God's hands and he shall carry her through this. I just feel it🙏🙏👼
Dec 08Reply
lovelylashes I have read through this entire post- so sorry for you and your daughter! How is she doing? 🙏 Prayers
Feb 18Reply
gettumgirl @lovelylashes ..Lauren everybody is good!...she has her days...but we are good!!..thank you..:))
Feb 18Reply
ortreneg @gettumgirl It is 3:01 Sunday morning and for whatever reason God has allowed me to see your post I know that without a shadow of doubt God only wishes to perfect His children for his kingdom. So Heavenly Father as I pray for strength for my sisters I know that in your Word that you have given your power for us to be healed through our faith, I ask for complete healing right now for both mother and daughter. AMEN
Feb 23Reply
gettumgirl @ortreneg ..and my daughter and I receive it in the name of Jesus...she was not well I thank the Lord for his confirmation....thank you for listening to the Holy Spirit...
Feb 23Reply
ortreneg @gettumgirl How is your daughter doing?
Feb 25Reply
gettumgirl @ortreneg ...she's actually laying in my bed with me...and not feeling to well😔....she did not go to s hook today and threw up a lot today as well...I'm really concerned because she's down from 90 to 84 lbs...
Feb 25Reply
ortreneg @gettumgirl Let her know that it does get better. Tell her that she can tell Jesus anything about how she feels. Have you thought about changing her diet to foods that help fight cancer?
Feb 25Reply
ortreneg @gettumgirl The diet can help to fight disease. I do a lot of it myself. I hope I'm not saying too much.
Feb 25Reply
ksalexander95 Charm, my prayers go out to you and your family, especially your daughter. As a mother, I can totally relate to what you are going through with your daughter. I have a daughter who is 26 now, but from the time she was an infant until she was in her early 20s we had her from one doctor to another, on various medications, and even surgery, but none of it ever alleviated her problems or gave her any relief for very long. Thank God she was eventually referred by a friend to a Naturopath, (a doctor but not an MD), in Gainesville, GA. Since nothing else had worked for her and she continued to get worse, we decided to try this unconventional approach. Within 2 weeks of going to him, taking some nutritional supplements he recommended, and making some small dietary changes, my daughter was like a new person, her symptoms were GONE! I believe God blessed her through him. Five years later she continues to see him off and on if her symptoms flare up but 95% of the time she is symptom free and what she has are minor. It was hard to believe but one thing we discovered through him is that her nervous system is so sensitive that drinking tap water causes flare ups fr her! Only bottled water for her now. I only tell you about this because I had never heard about a Naturopath until my daughter's friend told her about the one she used. I wish I had known about them much sooner so my poor daughter didn't suffer so long. I thank God every day for the help he has given her. May God bless you and your family!
Mar 09Reply
gettumgirl @ksalexander95 ..thank you Shawn.....everything is worth a try...Thank you so much😘😘😘😘😘😘👯👯👯🌟💫✨
Mar 09Reply
lovelylashes It has been several months since any updates. How is she? Any news on what is causing the pain?
Aug 20Reply
gettumgirl @lovelylashes ..Aweee Lauren...she's better but she still has her bouts with the reflux...her intestines are stretched and makes it hard for her bowels to pass through correctly ...will have to see another specialist for this...thank you for your concern😘💨
Aug 20Reply
lovelylashes I'm glad to hear that things are getting a little bit better. I hope everything works out soon!
Aug 20Reply
gettumgirl @imanimom ...Lisa she is not well today....throwing up line crazy again...and today running low grade fever...which is new to the equation...from her GI problems the throwing up is not normal but it is...but anything besides that is too much...took her to Egelston on Friday...and they did more blood work and gave 2 new prescriptions...the will be looking in her upper GI system and lower on Friday...we check into Egelston Friday morning 7am...
Sep 07Reply
imanimom 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏oh my gosh m prayers are with you and her 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 he will wrap her in his bosom ; it's his child!!!
Sep 07Reply
gettumgirl @imanimom ...Thank you Lisa!!!
Sep 07Reply
sharryls007 @gettumgirl hey.. I came across you from your lovely items and noticed this of of your princess. I truly hope and pray you continue to find the needed strength from our Loving Heavenly Father (2 Corinthians 1:2-8). I wonder if Celiac decease is ruled out, many people are finding out they have that or Crohns and have to totally changed their diet ( especially taking out wheat and gluten).
Nov 29Reply
ladycentral @gettumgirl Tears start flowing once I just realize this post and as I went down the thread I felt my pain flipping ,my stomach issue which took 10 years for me to determine the doctors had me giving up till I went to a vascular specialist that finally then diagnose me last year or so and with that said I say lil to much cause many get sensitive by the message without knowing on here...
Oct 14Reply
ladycentral Continuation *****^^^^^^^ In general messages can be taken out of context so quickly as I seen so many times occur with plenty and the one attempt that came my direction I nipped it and corrected it and put it in prayed but with that said I pray this message and site come to you with blessing ...
Oct 14Reply
ladycentral Continuation ****^^^^ Please,please,please look into this as I'm looking into facing my fear and surgery will be set soon for me.....This may seriously help your and your princess...
Oct 14Reply
gettumgirl @ladycentral ...thank you sooooo much😘😘💨💨💨
Oct 22Reply

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