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You'll soon LOVE the word BUNDLE! This gives you the opportunity to get more than one item you like while just paying ONE shipping cost! Poshmark charges $4.99 for shipping on all orders! AND you can ship up to 5 pounds of "likes" for that flat $4.99 fee! See- I told you that you would soon love the word Bundle! Now- get to "liking", then loving, then owning the items you want! Most users discount bundles of two or more items- I do! Happy Poshing, ladies! And welcome to the app!

394 others
like this

Hi @ashley1985..Just want to say hello! and I hope all is well! Smile!
May 16Reply

@noy2312 Thanks, girl. I hope your doing well also :)
May 16Reply

❤❤❤❤❤the new profile pic!💋
May 16Reply

@kimmiedee Thanks, girl! It's been awhile since I changed it up 😄😄😄
May 16Reply

I'm new lol
May 16Reply

@shellietorres Welcome!! 😃😃😃
May 16Reply

Ty :)
May 16Reply

@ashley1985 this is great for our new Poshers! I've shared it! Thanks for putting this together! 💕
May 18Reply

Great! Great!
May 18Reply

Bundling is a great idea ;)
May 18Reply

@ashley1985 Thanks for the info!
May 19Reply

@workinmama13 You can enter it from the "Edit Profile" section where you would enter a website
May 19Reply

Is there anyway I can set my feed so only my size would show up??
May 20Reply

@jillianrodkey Unfortunately you can't view someone's closet by size, but you can search categories (Dresses, shoes, etc) by your size. Hit the "Feed" button and click on the magnifying glass in top left corner. There is categories to search from and also a search bar. After you search your size, all listings from various closets will show up fir you to browse :)
May 20Reply

Thank u!
May 20Reply

@jillianrodkey No problem, girl! :)
May 20Reply

@ashley1985 hiii. I just came upon this wonderful app today and I love it! So far I've only listed a few baby things because I already had pics on my phone but I plan on listing more of my own stuff tomorrow. I was just wondering how I get followers besides obviously asking my own friends?
May 20Reply

@ashley1985 if I don't have followers my closet won't be seen basically, right? New items won't show up in anyone's feed.. They'll only been seen if someone happens to search for a specific item?
May 20Reply

🌂Just stoping by and sharing some of your items with my followers if you get the chance please return the favor 💕
May 20Reply

Hello everyone.(:
May 20Reply

@karennn8 Yay!!!! So glad to see all the new folks! You'll be addicted in no time... Trust me! 😄😄😄
May 22Reply

Hi Ashley, Thanks for the post! I'm brand new here and am excited to have joined and to discover the joys of reverse retail therapy. Cheers!
May 22Reply

@mksells4less Oh, girl- just wait. You'll be addicted in no time flat! Glad your here! Have fun! 🍻
May 22Reply

@ashley1985 Question: Does Poshmark not accept MasterCard?
May 23Reply

@klasiklybomshel Yes- they do :)
May 23Reply

I keep getting an error message 'Credit card type is not accepted by this merchants account' @ashley1985
May 23Reply

@klasiklybomshel That is so strange... Are you sure you typed everything in correctly?
May 23Reply

Yes I've tried several times... Is there a way to contact someone at Poshmark? @ashley1985
May 23Reply

@klasiklybomshel Bless your heart. Yes- you can email them - :)
May 23Reply

Thanks gorgeous! @ashley1985 :)
May 23Reply

@klasiklybomshel Aww your welcome! Hope you get that figured out soon :)
May 23Reply

I have heard positive and negative reviews about this app, how can you be sure it is an authentic piece? Say a louis or coach or jacobs?
May 23Reply

@elissaemoto Thank you! It sucks when new people buy several different items and pay shipping several times- Hoping to prevent that ;)
May 24Reply

I'm new !! Thank you for the information 😊👏
May 24Reply

@cabheid Your quite welcome! Welcome to Poshmark!! :))
May 24Reply

💕💜 this
May 25Reply

Hey I'm new! As a seller how would you make a bundle listing?
May 25Reply

@crystal_marie If your selling a bundle of four items or less, you can upload pics into a new listing (up to 4 pictures). If you want, you can take a pic of all items in a pile and make a listing with a picture of that. Or- I use the free app Pic Jointer which allows you to make a collage of all items and save it to camera roll. You then can use that pic as a new listing. :)
May 25Reply

@ashley1985 Thank you so much! I've seen bundle so many times already and I was a bit confused. Thanks for clearing that up! :)
May 25Reply

@crystal_marie Your welcome, girl. If you ever have anymore questions, hit me up. I have been on posh a year now and I might be able to help ya :)
May 25Reply

Thanks for posting this and sharing all your insight. This app is sooo addictive, your not kidding about that. Thanks for the info about the pic joiner app too. Hopefully I will be selling items soon and will need to know how to bundle. Lol. Thanks for the shares too!
May 25Reply

I'm new and don't know how to work this site. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!😖
May 25Reply

Thanks for the info.. Lol new here as well
May 26Reply

@ashley1985 New on here as we'll. Love it so far! ❤❤❤
May 29Reply

@kristin0685 This post has some good tips for newbies 😉
May 29Reply

Thanks for the great
May 29Reply

Thanks for the great info. Very helpful! Happy poshing!
May 29Reply

How do I as a seller bundle?
May 29Reply

@sinkevich Sure :)
May 29Reply

@sinkevich Sounds like you did the right thing! Item was actually not as described- it appeared something better than it actually was. You have all rights to contact posh about a refund. Just because she doesn't want to refund you, doesn't mean she has the choice. It's poshmark's discretion if they believe a refund should be issued. I'm assuming you told them the same thing you told me- In that case, I would believe a refund is necessary. Don't be upset or worried. If the seller is upset, maybe she has learned a lesson in how she promotes her items. You likely are not the only one who would have been upset. I hope you get your refund :)
May 29Reply

@ashley1985 hi there!! I'm glad I'm following you and you're closet is sooo full which means you've been busy busy! If you get the chance I would appreciate it very much if you could take a look in my closet and let me have some feedback on what I can do to improve it. Thank you!!
May 29Reply

@sinkevich I definitely understand! Let me know if you get refunded! :)
May 29Reply

I am brand new as of today! Have alot to learn
May 29Reply

@aswad Hey, Angela! I think you've got a great closet! Shared some of your items! Keep up the good work :-))
May 29Reply

@alexag69 Hey girl! Thanks for purchasing the sequins detailed dress and the light wash denim shorts. Please read my post here about bundling. It saves on shipping if you like two or more things. :)
May 30Reply

Follow Me !!!!!!! @ashley1985
May 30Reply

Happy poshing!
May 31Reply

Thank you!
Jun 02Reply

Thank you for this! I'm new and somewhat lost hahah
Jun 02Reply

Ashley, I think I messed up. I am pretty new and have bought one item from someone's closet. I hit buy now and gave my cc info but was I supposed to comment this to the seller? Do they i bought something? Did miss a step?
Jun 03Reply

Sorry for the typos, dang iPhone. Should I have sent a comment to the seller, or does one just click "buy now" and their done? Thanks girl!
Jun 03Reply

@ashleyrich Hey girl! No- you just press buy now and the buyer gets a notification and an email so don't worry- they are aware of your purchase :-)
Jun 03Reply

Thank you!! 😃
Jun 03Reply

@ashleyrich No problem!! :-)
Jun 03Reply

I had no idea! Thanks!!!
Jun 03Reply

@ajeea Lol! Glad I could help! :)
Jun 03Reply

@lauralu217 Read this :)
Jun 04Reply

I am new here! Getting the hang of this. I listed the Swarovski crystal heels I'm selling BUT when I get home, ill be uploading my closet :) nice to meet you ladies!
Jun 04Reply

How do I get ppl to shop & see my items ??
Jun 04Reply

@boojody You need to "share" or "update" your listings often so that they will renew themselves in your followers news feeds. You can press the "Share" button under your photos on your listings or press the "Edit" button in right uppers and corner and renew that way. Also- you need more followers so your stuff can get more exposure!! You can go to my page and click on my "Followers" list at the top of my page and follow as many people off my list as you can. The more people you follow, the more that will follow you back in return :)
Jun 04Reply

@boojody You've got a great closet started by the way! I shared your listings with my followers!
Jun 04Reply

Thank you @ashley1985
Jun 04Reply

I'm new 😊
Jun 05Reply

@krystine33 Welcome!! :-)))
Jun 05Reply

Thank you. 😉
Jun 05Reply

@lilmisslauralou Welcome!!! :-)))
Jun 06Reply

@lilmisslauralou I definitely understand! Check a users past sales for comments prior to trading or purchasing to get a feel for how they've done with past transactions. Some bad apples- but mostly good :-)
Jun 06Reply

@lilmisslauralou There ya go! Your a fast learner! 😀
Jun 06Reply

@lilmisslauralou Bless your heart! Are you trying to get a refund? Yes- they have great customer service though it may take them a couple of days to respond :-/
Jun 07Reply

@lilmisslauralou They will I bet! Don't worry! Sorry you had a bad experience :(
Jun 07Reply

@tatianasiles I bundle! :)
Jun 07Reply

💙❤💚💜 LOVE THIS!!
Jun 07Reply

Can you please share my page? I have beautiful items but I'm new and I need some help! Xoxo :)
Jun 08Reply

@ashley1985 Question! (I'm a newbie) Is there a way to filter through party listings? There gets to be thousands...there's gotta be a more efficient way to browse them, no?
Jun 08Reply

@riaaa0917 You mean by size, etc? Unfortunately, not the parties. But- you can go to the Feed button and click on Search and search your sizes in various categories :)
Jun 08Reply

@ashley1985 thanks!
Jun 08Reply

Love your you tube video! Totally stole my idea lol! Oh well....I may just have to be a copycat anyway 😜😘. Love ya chicky!
Jun 09Reply

@kimmiedee Well, thank ya girl! I tell ya though- I'm not made for the wide screen LOL- Gah! Losin this weight is gonna KILL ME! Thank you for the compliment though! Hope your doin well!! :-)
Jun 09Reply

@ashley1985 OMG! I just saw I didn't have an original! How funny is that?! Can anyone upload to the Poshmark Live You tube? Or do u have to be invited? Just wondering. Keep up the working out chick! I've been running and doing P90X (kind of lol). Still got a ways to go but hanging in there❤😋
Jun 09Reply

@kimmiedee O-M-G P90X would really kill me! LOL! You go girl! I need a workout partner- wish you lived closer! And yes- I was asked to make the video to spread the news! I didn't really have a clue how to even make a youtube video but it was actually kinda fun! My poor husband was the handy dandy camera man LOL
Jun 09Reply

It DOES kill me! My face looks like a purple onion when I'm finished! I by no means can do all the workouts, I've just been doing some odd and end ones here and there in between running. If you can do it, running is just about THE best and quickest way to get in shape...just don't give up if you can't go far...just go a little further with each run and you will be running a 5 or 10K in no time😋
Jun 09Reply

@kimmiedee I think walking/running is more up my alley than going to a gym - I hate working out around all those hard up toned people LOL! I may need to do P90X- my neighbor has it and says I can use it... I'm gettin desperate, girl! Thanks for the inspiration! :-)
Jun 09Reply

U need to email me...I've got the Tony Horton 10 minute trainer DVD's....that is good to start with....dude...u would be amazed at how HARD those 10 mins are...if ur interested, LMK and I can see about getting you the workout....then after that work up to it...OR just start with the P90X and do what u can & & work your way's hard, not gonna lie. Seriously though, try to start running...there is an endorphin rush after running like u have never seen in your life! Get a taste of it and u will quickly get addicted to that run baby😜☺
Jun 09Reply

I have a question, if anyone can answer. Is there a way to sort my likes? I have several likes by sellers that I'd like to see together. If I had the option of sorting by seller that would be great. I normally only buy in bundles, unless it is something I absolutely have to have. Thanks!
Jun 11Reply

Hi im new Can anyone explain to me how trades work I mean is it safe ?? 😊
Jun 12Reply

Hi I'm new to poshmark and I just started adding things today! It's a bit hard to sell clothes because I'm very petite and have very small sizes..
Also I don't have many followers.. How do I gain more?
Jun 12Reply

Jun 12Reply

@mandystelk thank you for the advice 😊
Jun 14Reply

@ashley1985 I need help! 🙏 Please... I haven't sold any items and I've been on this site for about a month if not more. What do u think I'm missing!?? Thnks in advance
Jun 14Reply

Wonderful information. Thnx. I'm a newbie too. I've been on for about a week & so excited to get my 1st follower. Loved your tips on how to get more. Your advice cuts down the trial & error and trying to figure it out on my own. One question I still have, tho: how does a trade work?
Jun 15Reply

@eastelm Hey there! Trading is when you and another person both edit the price of your item to $0 and each person then purchases the $0 listing basically just buying the $6.99 shipping for the item. I do warn you- Poshmark does not support trades. This means- if the person never sends you their item in exchange for yours- your basically screwed :( OR- of you send someone something very nice and you receive a torn or stained item in exchange, Poshmark will not help you get your item or your money back. I do not recommend trading but a lot of people do it. A lot of people have had great experiences- some have had horrible experiences. It's definitely a gamble!
As far as followers go-You need more followers! You can achieve that by following more people. They will likely return the follow then they will see your items in their feed. Also- Share others' listings- they will likely return the favor and share your items with their followers giving you more exposure! Lastly, update your listings often throughout the day. This adds them to your followers news feed each time you do, so you get more exposure that way too! :)
One more thing! Make sure to always tag the person you are commenting to. This goes for anytime you speak to someone from your listings. Put a @ then their username before you comment to them. Like this -----> @ashley1985 :) Does that make sense?
Jun 15Reply

@ashley1985 Makes sense. Thnx much.
Jun 15Reply

@ashley1985 Ashley just checked out you video , what a great idea. You have a great closet. 😍
Jun 16Reply

@nettieward Thanks, Nettie! And you have an incredible closet yourself!! 😃😃😃
Jun 16Reply

Hi Ashley... I just watched your video! You are so darling and did such a great job! I was wondering if you could please check out my closet. I am loving PM and would love some feedback and shares from you! Can you tell me how you ended up with so many followers? AMAZING! Thank you so much!
Jun 17Reply

Hi. Is it ok to ask if something is authentic/original? Wouldnt want to offend the seller?
Also, I guess lowballing is ok, right?
Jun 18Reply

@robnoemi Hey there! Definitely! Asking if an item is authentic is 100% ok! Your the one payin for it, right? You have a right to ask any and ALL questions prior to a purchase! As far as "low balling", I see nothing wring with making offers. If the seller just might take it! If they don't like the offer, all they have to say is no or they may counter offer and negotiate a price good for you both :)
Jun 18Reply

I asked about this earlier. Thanks for adding this. Laura
Jun 19Reply

@laurajb Did you get your answer about bundling? :) Let me know if you still want the lace bralette :)
Jun 19Reply

Hi Ashley, I read about you in The Wallstreet Journal and that's what brought me to Poshmark. I was so excited when I read you could make money selling your clothes! I actually made my first sell yesterday after being on here for a week. Thank you for all the advise, it's helped me so much!.
Jun 24Reply

@caligrl Thanks, girl!! So glad I motivated you to try the app! Isn't it awesome??? It was a HORRIBLE picture but a GREAT article! 😜 Congrats on your sale!!! I hope many more are to come!! 😃😃😃
Jun 24Reply

Too cute!!👍
Jun 25Reply

@isabel677 Read this ^^^ :)
Jun 27Reply

@ashley1985 Hi. :). I'm fairly new and have a question. There are several items in my "Likes" that have been removed by the seller. How can I remove them from my "likes"? Since the items have been removed, there's no listing so I can "unlike". Thanks so much for this thread! 💗
Jun 30Reply

@jewelia I'm a tad confused 😃 If they were removed, how do you see them in your likes?
Jun 30Reply

@ashley1985 Welllll,,,,,lol. Nvm. I just checked and they're gone now. I suppose I hadn't refreshed the page. TY for answering tho. 😊
Jun 30Reply

@jewelia Your welcome :)
Jun 30Reply

Hi. Just got this app today and added 1 dress. I have lots of things to add once I get the hang of this.
Jun 30Reply

@skingraphixbc Awesome!! Welcome!! Make sure and follow lots of people that will likely follow you back! The more followers you get, the better :-)
Jun 30Reply

new here lol hello poshmarkers 🙋
Jun 30Reply

@ashley1985 Hi Ashley, I need your advise on how can I create a feedback listing so my customers have the opportunity to leave comments on their buying experience ??
Jul 01Reply

@clsheehan Hey girl! You can use the free App, Versagram. It allows you to pick a background and write whatever you want then you can save it to your photo library and upload it onto Poshmark. There are actually a ton of free apps- it's pretty easy, girl :-) Let me know of I can offer anymore help
Jul 01Reply

@ashley1985 thanks for your quick response your the best. I also want to create a listing to warn fellow poshers to be careful when ordering advertised authentic merchandise. I recently went to purchase a pair of toms shoes advertised authentic but when asked if the insoles were sewn in the seller changed her story and stated they were a gift and didn't realize they were fake. I want Poshers to be aware of what they are purchasing and become educated on the product they are purchasing and not be afraid to ask questions.
Jul 01Reply

@clsheehan Great idea! I see so many people getting deceived- it's sad :(( Way to spread the word, girl :)
Jul 01Reply

@lilmisslauralou 😓😓😓 Did you accept delivery on the package that you didn't receive?
Jul 10Reply

@lilmisslauralou Hmmm. I would DEFINITELY contact PM support at - I'm not sure they can give you a partial refund because you have to email them in the 3 day time frame... 😓😓😓 I sure hope they can help you. In the meantime, you can ask the seller once more for them to send the missing item or send you another item free of the same value. I sure hope you get an answer soon :-( I really hate to hear that
Jul 11Reply

@lilmisslauralou Yes :)
Jul 12Reply

I'm new
Jul 14Reply

@laysmommy Awesome! Welcome aboard! :-)
Jul 14Reply

Thanks @ashley1985
Jul 14Reply

How do I get to closets? New at Poshing and new with iPad!!!!! But learning!!!!
Jul 21Reply

Hi, I was turned on to this last night. This is an awesome way to buy and sale.
Jul 21Reply

I have a ? If I sell through my paypal does posh still take 20%?
Jul 24Reply

@ashley1985 Thanks so much for shares! 💕
Jul 26Reply

@mdowdy Your welcome! :-)
Jul 26Reply

Hi I'm new. Just joined a few days ago;)
Jul 29Reply

hi @ashley1985, on the home page of the site where it shows a few select closests, I noticed a pair of boots on yours. can you tag me in that listing if you still have them? thanks :)
Jul 30Reply

@alysiab93 Hey there! Those actually sold a long time ago... I'm sorry :(
Jul 30Reply

okay thank you!
Jul 30Reply

Tysm for the tips, you are so nice for doing this 💕💕💕
Aug 04Reply

@moneymoney1612 Aww your welcome! 😃
Aug 04Reply

@ashley1985 hey love, is it true that the more people we are following, the better?
Aug 19Reply

@moneymoney1612 Hey, girl- yes! When I first started out, I followed as many people as I could and most would follow me back which gave my closet lots more looks rather than "waiting" on someone to "find" me. I actually was following close to 20,000 at one time! So- yes- I definitely believe that it helps :-)
Aug 19Reply

Thank you for posting this!! :) I just joined and I have so many lovely ladies help me out with helping me with my closet!! Y'all are great!
Aug 24Reply

@ashley1985 Thanks for the host picks. @ cheekbones
Aug 24Reply

@cheekbones Your most welcome! Love your unique closet! :)
Aug 24Reply

@ashley1985 😍😄👏THANK YOU for my HOST PICK!! So honoured!✌👌😘
Aug 24Reply

Thank u sooo much for liking my stuff and sharing :) at the party ;) how did u like ur first party hosting ?
Aug 24Reply

🎉THANK YOU SO MUCH 👍for picking my Mickey Vans while YOU hosted the "CASUAL FRIDAY PARTY!🎉 Love POSHMARK, THANKS AGAIN!!! :))) -Lizzie
Aug 26Reply

What do you do when you trade? And how do you do it? Thanks! And sorry I'm completely new to all of this?! @ashley1985
Aug 27Reply

Thank you! I've got a question, how do you do the advertisements? There great! Like the girl at the register, then writing over it? Please LMK, thank you!
Sep 15Reply

??~I put in a request for answer but have not had a reply yet~When I click on someone's icon in a thread it is dead. This is something new happening to my app. It worked fine a couple days ago. Anyone else having this problem? How do you fix it? My phone app works fine. It's my ipad app?
Sep 21Reply

Yes I am!!!!! Love your items btw! Any tips??😊
Sep 29Reply

Sep 29Reply

@luvleegie Hey there! I made a post with some tips! I will tag you on it. Read through the comments when you can- there are some good questions and answers :)
Sep 29Reply

@ashley1985 thank soo much for the tips they are very helpful and u are very sweet 😘 love your closet it's definitely one of my favorite great job i will be making a purchase soon !! Thanx alot
Sep 29Reply

@luvleegie Aww thanks for the compliment :-) 😘😘😘
Sep 29Reply

Check out my closet I'm new
Oct 23Reply

I'm new! I lost everything in my closet from a tornado... took the rest of the house too. Lol. So now I need my designer friends back!
Oct 23Reply

That' s wonderful!
Oct 27Reply

Love this, thank you!!! ;p
Nov 02Reply

@cristinak1212 Your most welcome!! :-)
Nov 02Reply

Your closet is beautifully done and so sweet of you to help those of us who are new!! I am "liking" more than I can buy right now, but LOVE this and appreciate people like you who help keep it reputable and done right :) 😄
Nov 02Reply

@hopey864 Thank you! You are so sweet! You are very welcome and if you ever need anything, I will sure try to help :-)
Nov 02Reply

@ashley1985 I love your closet :)
Nov 03Reply

Nov 25Reply

seriously thinking about starting this posh thing lol - but wanted to ask , I received an email where my orders had been cancelled. did I do something wrong with checking out?
Dec 10Reply

Thx!!!! Im new too. Kinda gathered what bundling was but its nice to have a clear explaination.
Dec 21Reply

@supb Your very welcome!! :-))))
Dec 21Reply

@lalavanillaxo10 Oh your welcome! It's no problem or trouble at all! :)
Jan 03Reply

@carolriverdale I also made this listing to help new users - it may help you :)
Jan 10Reply

I love this I am so.glad they talked about it on Good Morning America or I would have never known
Feb 04Reply

I did that! And she posted it everything was full price!!! Ugh!!!! I kinda felt Forced to purchase it because my name was on the post!! I know nobody can make you buy anything but since I am NEW that's just how I felt!!!
Feb 11Reply

@lookingup Oh no!!!! I hate to hear that!!! I always discount bundles- ALWAYS! Maybe your shopping the wrong closets? 😉
Feb 11Reply

Haven't gotten a sale yet
Feb 11Reply

((☺)) I know right!!!! Never again!!!
Feb 12Reply

@baybeautiful I'm not sure why! You have a great closet! Have you read my "Tips" listing? I'm going to tag you on it- maybe it will help you! In the meantime, I'm going to share your closet! 😃😘😘😘
Feb 12Reply

Hi there! Thanks so much for creating this post! I was wondering, is it advisable to purchase something from someone when you haven't received a response to your inquiry or their posts are months old? Thanks so much for your help! 😊
Mar 13Reply

@millaportman Hi! :) No- I do not advise purchasing from someone who has not responded to your comment/inquiry or has not updated the listing in awhile. I have had personal experience with this. If seller does not ship within 7 days of your purchase, you can go into your Purchases tab and cancel the order. If you used Posh funds to pay, it will be refunded immediately, however, if you used a card it takes sometimes 3-5 days to be refunded. If a seller is unresponsive and the listings have not been updated in some time, it is likely that the seller is no longer active and not even seeing your comments (or your purchase!) There have been many who think that deleting the app off their phone will automatically remove their closet and their listings, but that is not the case. There are a number of inactive users unfortunately. Some people download it, try it for a week, and lose interest, some lose their phone, get a new phone, etc. So- just be aware when purchasing so you don't have to wait for a refund in the end :-(
Mar 13Reply

Thank you so much for your response! 😊 I had an iffy feeling about this and you just confirmed it. Thank you so much for your insight and detailed help. It is much appreciated! 😊
Mar 13Reply

@millaportman Oh, no problem, girl! Glad to help :-)
Mar 13Reply

Shipping is only $4.99 now no matter how much the purchase is!
Mar 24Reply

@ashley1985 im new! & thanks ass o much for the tips! I read thru all the comments & they answered my questions! Have a great day! :)
Apr 07Reply

@ashley1985 Meant thanks so much! Lol typo!
Apr 07Reply

@pisces657 Lol!! Your typo CRACKED ME UP!!! I have another tip post I made that may help you too. I'll tag you on it as well. Welcome to posh and thank you- your comment made my day! 😂😂😂😘😘😘
Apr 07Reply

@ashley1985 lol im glad it made ya laugh. I was like oops that doesn't look right haha! & thanks again lady. :)
Apr 07Reply

Traveling hubby driving and sharing while I have 5 bars lol at breakfast I asked the waitress if they had wifi- the nosey old guy next to us said "everyone is buying that darn wifi these days" I said I don't carry it but I use it a lot. He wife got mad as she thought it was something risqué - shoe - ee te to get on the interstate lol
Apr 26Reply

@classyvintage Oh my gosh, I meant to respond to this yesterday and it totally slipped my mind. Haven't been on posh much this weekend. It was my husbands birthday Friday and of course his spoiled self thinks it's his opportunity to be pampered all weekend long. That wifi thing made me laugh! Reminds me of my grandmother who believes "text message" is pronounced "tex mex"! 😂😂😂😂 You guys be safe! Here in Arkansas, we have been waiting for tornados to pop up all day. The Weather Channel is actually in Hot Springs (where I live) tonight in preparation for the upcoming explosive storms we are supposed to get 😱 @scarlettstained is from here too- Any word, girl? I hate storms!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, @classyvintage Thanks for them shares yesterday- will reciprocate now! Y'all be safe!!! 😘😘😘
Apr 28Reply

@ashley1985 I know you are busy and thank you but I just make my rounds when I can and please don't feel the need! Go baby your hubby😘lol
Apr 28Reply

Woke up thinking of you and Charlotte- no one has heard from her or her niece - they live in Mayflower!
Apr 28Reply

@classyvintage We are fine thank God!!! It bypassed us! Who lives in mayflower??????
Apr 28Reply

@classyvintage Ya know, I tagged her in that comment I sent you yesterday and she never replied!
Apr 28Reply

@classyvintage One more thing, vacat said that tinker_bell's peacocks were missing! She's down here too!
Apr 28Reply

@scarlottestained Charlotte lives there
Apr 28Reply

I read that about tinker bell . Aw I hope she finds them!
Apr 28Reply

@classyvintage Oh wow! I thought she lived closer my direction! I think @vacat may have heard from her because she said that she got some damage last night. I hope she is ok!!
Apr 28Reply

Ill check withHolly and @ex_glibetrotter Shiela might know😘
Apr 28Reply

@classyvintage Sad situation, that's for sure 😥😥😥
Apr 28Reply

May 05Reply

Hi guys
May 12Reply

I'm new to the site I have 7 things in my closet
Jul 25Reply

@alyxir413 Thank you! I'll tag you in the "Tips" listing I made for new users! :-)
Jul 31Reply

@holliepwagner I also made this listing for newbies :-)
Aug 15Reply

@demilucymay And I made this one too that may help you also :)
Aug 18Reply

Awesome! Thank you so much:)
Aug 18Reply

Thanks for sharing this . Honestly i have no clue about this site and im learning as i go . Ive been selling things on ebay so hopefully with ppl like you i can learn the ropes and sell my heart out on posh instead..thanks..
Sep 21Reply

@wiggo That's awesome! I will tag you on the new user listing I made that will help you too! 😃
Sep 21Reply

@julbecool Here is another one I created that gives some tips as well 😃
Sep 27Reply

@olga_2013 ❤️ Here is another I made with good tips in comments as well :-)
Oct 08Reply

@mgraedel Here is the other one I made- check comments here too :-)
Oct 22Reply

I'm new to poshing! I cant wait to see your whole closet!
Nov 07Reply

Thanks for posting! This is very overwhelming! I'm learning every day!
Nov 23Reply

@jamr33 You are very welcome! 😘😘😘
Nov 23Reply

i'm super new also, will you 'tag' me on the new user listing?? I NEED help, i am going to start my closet, hopefully you will check it out and give me some advise, i will greatly appreciate it :)
Nov 24Reply

@margorat07 Sure!! :-)))
Nov 24Reply

@starwars151 Hi Darling! Welcome to PM! Thought this post would be a good place to start!
Jan 29Reply

HI Ashley 🌹I'm Laura, and it's so nice to meet you! 😀💗 I have been on PM since October, and I'm addicted since I love shopping and meeting new amazing posher's!😍❤️ I live in Michigan with an amazing hubby and 4 adorable kitty furry babies that I adore!😍🐱 You and your closet are so beautiful, and I would love to stay in touch!💕 Have a fabulous day! Laura 💗💋
Feb 16Reply

Hi Ashley ☺️ I'm new to posh! Thank you so much for this post. There were so many helpful tips and answers to my questions I found scrolling down these comments. I love your closet by the way 💜
Feb 23Reply

@cgranados You're welcome! Welcome to Posh! I will tag you on my New User Tip listing I made as well. Lots of good tips and good tips in those comments as well :-)
Feb 23Reply

@ashley1985 Ashley one last question 😁 regarding bundling... I know you must have sen out a ton of packages. In your experience do you have a rough estimate on how many items you've gotten away with packaging using the 5lb shipping label? I just sold a bundle 4 shirts and a necklace. Wasn't sure if I should automatically buy the higher postage or take it to the post office to be weighed. Just thought I'd get your advice/tips.
Feb 24Reply

@cgranados 4 tee shirts should be fine, 4 sweaters would be a differently story. You will probably be fine. It always depends on the weight of the items and the box.
Feb 25Reply

Oct 08Reply

Oct 09Reply

Oct 27Reply

Hello Friend, Thank YOU so very much for your recent share of my item/s. Join my share Blast.
Share my items and I'll share yours. The more we put our items into the eyes of fellow buyers
the more sales we will make. Let's host a share Blast together. Start Right Now..... Oh, yes
I'm following you, return the follow. So, what are you waiting for? Share, Share, Share. Do
Not Share More Then 20 Per Day. Interested In My Item/s? Make Me An Offer!
Feb 23Reply
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