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Updated Jun 26
Updated Jun 26

Bundled ๐ŸŒ€ True Religion ๐Ÿ‘– Reduced

True Religion



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Nice pair of TR jeans size 30. Great condition. I purchased these from another posher who took out the hem and never told me!!! Inseam is 28". I was going to take them to the tailor to have them made into shorts but they are to big :(. So my loss is your gain. Great jeans at an excellent price!
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geniferb2013 @tangising Thank you for the like. Let me know if you're interested. Everything in my closet is 25% off today!
Jun 04Reply
geniferb2013 @cullenuout yes 30 waist equals a 10/11.
Jun 19Reply
geniferb2013 @addyjackson123 ๐Ÿ’ข Thank you for the like. Let me know if you are interested. Everything over $10 is 25% off this week.
Jul 01Reply
geniferb2013 @amve13 ๐Ÿ’ข Thank you for the like. Let me know if you are interested. Everything over $10 is 25% off this week.
Jul 04Reply
geniferb2013 @amev13 ๐Ÿ’ข Thank you for the like. Let me know if you are interested. Everything over $10 is 25% off this week.
Jul 04Reply
geniferb2013 @dae_mf_raw women's jeans
Aug 25Reply
bamarose @geniferb2013 Did they cut them or can the hem be taken out?
Oct 26Reply
geniferb2013 @bamarose they took the hem out. Just didn't have them tailored.
Oct 26Reply
bamarose @geniferb2013 What size do you wear? Wanna trade mine for yours? Mine have a bit more embellishment.
Oct 26Reply
geniferb2013 @bamarose thanks for the interest. Sorry I don't trade, and your jeans are a bit to small for me.
Oct 26Reply
bamarose @geniferb2013 Don't apologize!! I don't make a habit of trading either after one got me:/. So the hem was taken out of these and they never had it fixed? I have jeans I had to let the hem out and they will re-hem them longer for me (so lucky to have such long legs;). Just so I'm clear, they took out the hem and did not have it fixed. So that leads me to the question, is that inseam you told another posher AFTER the hem was let out? I have to have at least a 32 inseam or I can't wear them.
Oct 26Reply
geniferb2013 @bamarose I wish I knew how I measures them but I'm at work. I will measure tonight however it will be after 10pm before I can respond. Thanks!
Oct 26Reply
bamarose K thx;)
Oct 26Reply
geniferb2013 @bamarose okay so the inseam with the hem out is 29" so they will be too short. Sorry!
Oct 27Reply
bamarose @geniferb2013 ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’” too bad....๐Ÿ˜‹Sorry to put ya through all that trouble. If it's any consolation I plan to get that jean jacket and maybe another item or so Thursday (payday๐Ÿ’ฐ). I'm gonna be adding some new stuff tomorrow so keep in touch!!
Oct 27Reply
geniferb2013 @bamarose oh it's no problem. It was good info to know! The jean jacket is one of my favs! It kills me to let it go however it just doesn't fit me anymore ๐Ÿ˜ข and it's such shame to let it waste away in my closet. I will be adding at least 50 more items over the next 30 days do keep checking back, you never know what I will find hidden in the deep. ๐Ÿ˜„๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿ˜„
Oct 27Reply
hunter17 Thanks for the follow๐Ÿ˜Š
Oct 29Reply
geniferb2013 @hunter17 sure thing. Thanks for the share!
Oct 29Reply
4daluvoffashion Hi! Can you post a pix with it on?
Mar 04Reply
geniferb2013 @4daluvoffashion sorry I cannot model. These are way to big for me.
Mar 04Reply
fitnesshaze3 @geniferb2013 can u hold till Friday?
Apr 08Reply
geniferb2013 @fitnesshaze3 yes, I will hold until Friday. Just tag me when you are ready to purchase. Thanks.
Apr 08Reply
fitnesshaze3 @geniferb2013 awesome thanks ;)
Apr 08Reply
geniferb2013 @fitnesshaze3 hi. Just wondering if you were still interested in these or if I should go ahead and take them off hold. Thanks.
Apr 15Reply
fitnesshaze3 @geniferb2013 Omg I'm do sorry I totally forgot Please forgive me U can remove from hold as I don't want to keep u waiting any Longer so sorry
Apr 15Reply
jullym_ Still available ??
Apr 27Reply
geniferb2013 @jullym_ yes they are.
Apr 27Reply
cclancy1 Could you take close up of bottom of leg? The pix look like they are hemmed.
May 18Reply
cclancy1 Are the bottoms to wide to roll up ? Like boyfriend pants? 29 is pretty short so sounds like previous posher maybe cut them too?
May 21Reply
geniferb2013 @cclancy1 thanks for the interest. The last pic shows the hem is out. These are great jeans in great condition otherwise. You could roll them up like boyfriends, capris or cut for shorts at this price. I'm thinking of just cutting them off and bleaching or doing something fun with them to reposh if I don't sell soon. I would keep them but they are just to big.
May 21Reply
cclancy1 Hello what could you do for these and the Frankie bs?
May 27Reply
geniferb2013 @cclancy1 hello. I could do $45 for both pair. I can't reduce these anymore. I have them listed as not for sale. I was going to cut them into shorts and relist. Just LMK. Thanks.
May 27Reply
cclancy1 The Frankie's - I'm usually 29 do you think they will be ginormous ? But I think fb usually run small
May 28Reply
cclancy1 Hello- I received these. It does look like someone took hem out as you mentioned and cut shorter, little big BUT are perfect and adorable as rolled up boyfriend jeans! LOVE them. Haven't tried the fb yet. Thank you!
Jun 12Reply
geniferb2013 @cclancy1 glad they worked out for you. I'm a big fan of TR! Super comfy fit. Enjoy and thanks again!
Jun 12Reply

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