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Updated Sep 11
Updated Sep 11

My Children, Not For Sale



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Sydney, Gracie, Aldous, and Sharkey. We love them so much! Sharkey is Aldous's girlfriend that I rescued from a Cat Colony in Downtown Orlando. She is a sweetie and Aldous loves her!
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kimberlygorman @ninacole199 Thank you, you are kind! They are my children. Was not in God's plan for me to have babies, so they are so special to me. 😊
Sep 11Reply
2dgnte OMG so cute!!! Thanx for posting them!
Sep 11Reply
2dgnte I know you understand about pet hair...combed my shepherd for 45 minutes last nite n I think it all grew back lol!
Sep 11Reply
kimberlygorman @2dgnte I hear you!! We have a brush called "The Furmanator"! We could knit sweaters and sell them on Posh!!! Lol😜
Sep 11Reply
cmcoroa Love your "kids". Unconditional love and they don't answer back!
Sep 12Reply
pamela77 Ty for the like love your pets !! 😊
Sep 12Reply
kimberlygorman @pamela77 Oh you are welcome. I'm creating my wish list. And thank you for your kind words! They each have their own personalities and are all wonderful animals! Our Blue Point Siamese "Aldous Snow" rules the roost! ☺
Sep 12Reply
pamela77 Lol love the look on the face of the tan dog!! Lol so cute!!
Sep 12Reply
pamela77 Let me know if you need any help w/ your wish list I have many connections!!! Pamela
Sep 12Reply
kimberlygorman @pamela77 She's my watch dog believe or not! Her hair stands up all the way down her back! Scary! My Dad thinks she part Ridgeback, but our vet says she is Lab & Sheeba Enu. Whatever she is doesn't matter anyway right. She was found on the streets of Orlando and my sweet man rescued her and Sydney the same day at the pound. He's a great man!!!!
Sep 12Reply
kimberlygorman @pamela77 Oh and thank you. I will be back to get those earrings real soon. 😉
Sep 12Reply
pamela77 Ok hon
Sep 12Reply
crystalann85 Awww they are so precious!
Sep 20Reply
kimberlygorman @crystalann85 Thank you Crystal! Each have their own unique personalities! Animals have a huge part of my heart! True meaning of unconditional love right!
Sep 20Reply
crystalann85 Oh yes! I just lost my precious 11 year old weenie dog, I miss him so much. I feel like part of me is gone. My husband got me a darling Yorkie puppy who I adore and has helped heal my heart, but I miss my little Roo.
Sep 20Reply
kimberlygorman @crystalann85 Oh sweetheart I totally understand how your heart is broken! Poor baby. My only wisdom that I can share with you right now is that time is going to make it easier to bare. My ex husband in 1997 gave me as a gift two Siamese Kittens. Brothers from the same litter. Teyve my chocolate point, Moitle my seal point. I had Tevye for ten years when we lost him. Moitle almost died too from a broken heart. They had never been separated since birth. The two of us grew so close and had such a special bond. He clung to me since Teyve was gone. I just lost him from Cancer last Nov 15 th. I have had great loss in my life, but nothing knocked me flat on my face like losing Moitle!!!! Babe it still takes my breath, just not as often. It will get easier love. I suggest you write down all the special tricks, moments, habits etc... So you will remember why your feelings are so valid. I had a hard time because others did not understand how losing a pet could devastate me with in their minds I faced harder situations in my life. I u dear stand your heartbreak.
Sep 20Reply
crystalann85 Awwww I feel your pain! Our sweet poodle was best friends with our weenie dog and he's been so depressed. We had a funeral and buried little Ruger at my parents house by the pond and we took lucky the poodle with us so he could say goodbye and he has been so sad every since. Everyone said he needed to see that Ruger had died so he wouldn't think we just got rid of him. Lucky is 10, so I don't know how long he will last with his best friend gone. We have the beagle and Yorkie, but they are both young and are best friends. We don't have any kids, so our animals are truly our children. Thanks for your words of wisdom, I love talking to other animal lovers.
Sep 20Reply
kimberlygorman @crystalann85 You just give Lucky lots of attention and he will be just fine sweetie. We don't have children either, so like you say they are our children. Yes, you share your feelings with animal lovers because they truly understand. Hey I'm here if you ever need to chat Crystal. 😊 Have a blessed day doll!
Sep 20Reply
crystalann85 Aww thanks! You too doll! You're so sweet. I don't know if you like cooking or enjoy good food, but I do and I write a cooking blog. It's feel free to check it out. 😊
Sep 20Reply
kimberlygorman @crystalann85 What!!!!! My Hubby is a chef and owns a restaurant. Today is Fish Fry Friday! "Plantation Oaks". I would love to check out your blog! We just became Vegetarians in July. We have changed our entire lifestyle to a Plant Strong non Dairy Diet. We have lost so much weight and are feeling incredible! We were encouraged after we began the "Engine Two Challenge". I would love to tell you more about it! Have you heard about the documentary "Forks Over Knives"?
Sep 20Reply
crystalann85 Oh yes! I love that movie! I was a vegetarian for about 3 years and I didn't do it right and I lost like 60% of my hair and was extremely malnourished. I would love to go back and do it correctly. I'm naturally not a big meat or daily eater, but my hubby is! I normally make dinner and then eat the veggies and fruit salad! Haha!
Sep 20Reply
kimberlygorman @crystalann85 Well you should check out the website! It has changed our lives! Remember Dr. Esselstyn from the movie, it's his son Rip Esselstyn that has created this "Plant Strong" Diet. ☺
Sep 20Reply
crystalann85 Oh I will for sure! Thanks for the info! Where do y'all live?
Sep 20Reply
kimberlygorman @crystalann85 We live in Mascotte Florida. We are 35 minutes from Disney!
Sep 20Reply
crystalann85 Oh nice! I grew up in Miami and the Bahamas, but Dallas is home now. I miss the beach like crazy!
Sep 20Reply
kimberlygorman @crystalann85 Ok now it makes sense why I like you so much! I was born and raised in Miami! My Grandmother and Mother were born their too. We are up in here in "Lake County"! We are all boaters so that's the only reason we could move from the water is because we are surrounded by Lakes. If we need our Ocean fix we go to Daytona or my Aunts in West Palm. The Ocean is my safe place so I miss it so much too! I've been to Dallas many times when I worked for Eastern and Continental Airlines. Girl I've even been to Southfork! Lol. My Step Mother is from Corsicana Texas. She is awesome! Our best friends just moved to Austin too!!
Sep 20Reply
kimberlygorman @crystalann85 Your Blog is awesome!!! What Great idea! Can't wait to share this with John. He will love it! Good job sweetie!!
Sep 20Reply
crystalann85 Aww thanks! After college I didn't know what I wanted to do with my philosophy degree so I went to culinary school. I fell in love with food and have been playing with it since!
Sep 20Reply
abstractdreams I totally missed the furry babies last time! Beautiful! 👍💕😘
Nov 14Reply
kimberlygorman @linmp1031 Oh thank you so much sweetie! They are very good babies and have such personalities! 💖
Nov 14Reply
abstractdreams For sure! My babies are in several places in my closet too. Check them out if you get a sec.
Nov 14Reply
2dgnte Hi Kim!!!
Nov 22Reply
kimberlygorman @julskewl They keep me busy, but wouldn't have it any other way!😘
Nov 25Reply
2dgnte Happy holidays Kim!!!!!
Dec 16Reply
kimberlygorman @gloriaruiz_ Thank you for sharing my items sweet lady! You are so kind!😘
Jan 11Reply
gloriaruiz_ No problem, any little bit helps!☺️
Jan 12Reply
cboyd221 They are all beautiful. You have a home FULL of love!!!!!
Jan 12Reply
pinkturtle7755 @kimberlygorman those are the best looking kids!!!
Sep 08Reply
kimberlygorman @pinkturtle7755 Thank you so much! We lost our Shepard in Feb. We miss her so much. Our hearts are still healing. You have a blessed day!🎀
Sep 08Reply
pinkturtle7755 @kimberlygorman I know how that feels-I am so sorry-they are kids and family and it hurts just as much-they are all very beautiful!
Sep 08Reply
pillerscorner It's so nice to see your darling animals. I got my first Siamese kitty in 2nd grade and have had many Siamese, Himalayan, And other cats. 4 years ago I lost one after another of my 6 old Siamese cats in their 20's, the oldest 23!! My children for sure..I loved them so and miss them dearly too! You're right, it's good to talk to other animal lovers who understand the deep love and loss of caring for them that we go through. Love to you and all others who are missing their sweeties!!💕🐶🐱
Jul 03Reply
kimberlygorman Oh you are so sweet! Yes I understand how much you love your babies! We lost Sydney (Black and Tan Shepard) 2/16/16. She was 13. We also lost Sharky (Gray Kitty) I pray our Siamese lives as long as your did! Thank you so much for your kindness! Sorry I'm just getting back to you. Dealing with a kidney stone for the first time in my life! No fun! Oh and my Mom is in Maine for the summer and I miss her terribly! Blessings and happiness to you. Kimberly 🌷
Jul 03Reply
pillerscorner @kimberlygorman 🌷Thank you Kimberly for sharing your understanding about are children!!! I'm so sorry about your losses too! Almost every Siamese I had lived so so long! I pray yours will too!! Goodness I'm so sorry about the stones.. it can be so painful!! I had a fiancee I helped through terrible stones.. Wow my heart goes out to you! Also, I'm so glad you love your summer dress, and I'm grateful for you lovely rating! Hope you can see your Mom soon!!! Lovingly, Janey💕🎵
Jul 06Reply
lalato4 Your children are Beautiful! Sharky looks like my Cat Shadow that we called KiKi that is no longer with us. We had the pleasure of having him with us for 22 years and I miss him terribly. He was such a wonderful companion and he has only been gone a short while. It seems like forever. Anyway, your children look so sweet! I hope you have Great Success here on Posh! Happy Poshing! 😊💕🦋💄👠👛💍👟🌺
Jul 20Reply
faceted_beauty What sweet fur babies.... Thanks for the ❤️. Feel free to make an offer, or ask questions, I’ll always work the best deal possible. Thanks!!! 💎💎💎
Nov 30Reply
faceted_beauty I have a Siamese as well! 😻
Nov 30Reply
kimberlygorman @faceted_beauty Thank you. This listing is bittersweet. Since we have lost our Sydney and Sharkey. We are still loving Aldous and Gracie. We also resided a kitty named Ashton snd he’s 2 now. ❤️
Dec 02Reply
kimberlygorman Rescued.
Dec 02Reply
faceted_beauty @kimberlygorman Oh, I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s so hard to go through, I know. I truly empathize. They really become a part of our souls. Glad you were able to get a rescue and continue giving all the love you have to share. You’re making such an impact in their lives and they always give us so much love and support, in return. (((hugs)))
Dec 02Reply
kayligage Hi,thank you for your bundle purchase! I am shipping it out today, blessings!
Dec 02Reply
kimberlygorman @kayligage Thank you 😊
Dec 02Reply
kimberlygorman @faceted_beauty You are so sweet! If we could only save all of them right! God Bless you for your huge heart! 🌷
Dec 02Reply
faceted_beauty @kimberlygorman I’d have a house full! Even on the darkest of days, they are there for us. Unconditional love at its finest! 🙏🏻 Enjoy your weekend. 💎❤️💎❤️💎❤️
Dec 02Reply
mrs_calijewels AWE!!!! Love your fur babies!!! 💖
Jan 30Reply
kimberlygorman @mrs_calijewels Thank you 🙏🏻
Jan 30Reply
mrs_calijewels @kimberlygorman you're welcome! :)
Jan 30Reply
madnls Welcome to Poshmark!! I hope you have fun finding treasures, connecting with followers, sharing the Posh love, and selling special items from your own closet. Enjoy saving money, making money, and helping the Earth by reusing, recycling, and reducing. Good luck and much success to you. I am just a closet away. Treasure Resale 😎
May 13Reply
azabbey2018 Such pretty babies!💕🐶🐱
Sep 23Reply
go4gina Thank you for the like. So glad to meet you!
Dec 01Reply
island_sos I love your fur babies. Thank you for your purchase today. It'll go out in tomorrow's mail. 📦📪📬
Apr 04Reply
amazingoffers4u Hi and oh my your animals are soooo sweet!! I love animals their unconditional love 💕 is so true!! Humans should acquire more of it...Lol but true!Thanks for stopping by my closet and liking the Crocs sooo cute! I am going to send out an offer to those who liked them so if you are interested in purchasing I am sending it so you can get them for your feet, otherwise please visit often as my inventory changes daily...😊🦋🌸
Apr 10Reply
inspire_style Hello, I hope your experience with Poshmark has been going great! ❤️ If you would like to check out my closet I have tons of items from great brands like PINK, Torrid, Vera Bradley, Vans, Converse, Betsey Johnson, and Coach 🛍️ I also have a number of great brand mystery boxes in my closet right now 👛👚👜 Have a wonderful day! Happy Poshing!
May 24Reply
packleader3 Hi KimberlyThanks for visiting my closet & for liking my bracelet!! It’s a beauty 😊 I see we are kindred spirits.... I have pussycats from the street & rescue pups as well....they are my heart & the center of my world !!!! I Love love love them all.. you can check out my pics... Your babies are beautiful!!!!🐶🐶🐱🐱😇😇😇😇... each one of them !!!!💕💕💕💕
Jul 19Reply
kimberlygorman @packleader3 💕🙏🏻❤️
Jul 19Reply
kimberlygorman @packleader3 Thank you so very much for your kindness! 😊
Jul 19Reply
sweetswagfinds Happy Poshing! Thanks for stopping by my closet. Let me know if you have any questions on your bundle. Posh On!
Sep 02Reply
marcemc All your 🐾kids are adorable 😍💝
Sep 14Reply
magpiemaven Good day ladies!! You two are Beautiful....and so are your fur babies!! Thanks for sharing. ❣️🤗❣️
Sep 16Reply
marsharomanow BEAUTIFUL!!!! 🐱🐶
Sep 26Reply
fancypants0078 Adorable fur babies. I have 2 German Shepherd’s, and two kitties. Thanks for sharing.
Nov 11Reply
azat Rescued animals are the best!!🐾
Dec 29Reply
ruthietoons Good evening and thank you for checking out my closet and liking my Afghan. I just picked it up today. please check out the offer I made you if interested. Thanks and have a wonderful evening.
Feb 28Reply
sandyt143 Your animals (babies) are Gorgeous!! You could show them all🥰♥️‼️
Jun 16Reply
monolidi Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Jul 09Reply
mackenzie_angst Hi! Thank you for checking out my closet ✨ Please let me know if you are interested in anything 💕
Jul 12Reply
lmcdona14 Precious babies❤️
Jul 27Reply
rockdalook Hey dear, I'm a posh ambassador and I would like to take the time out and stop by with my beautiful closet. I'm currently having a huge sale on each items 💃💃💃. I would love for you to take advantage before they goes back to regular price. If you could browse through and see if anything catches your eyes. Thanks in advance:)
Aug 20Reply
alexkc Oh my😍! We almost have the same kids.... GSD, terrier mix and 2 kitties. Love them to pieces.
Sep 14Reply
summer2winter @kimberlygorman OMG... We literally have Look Alike a dog and a cat!! Find my profile and check. This is ones in a lifetime.. So interesting!! and thank you for liking my silk scarf!
Oct 18Reply
rposen Hi Kimberly! It’s great to meet you!👍🏻💕👍🏻 Love your pictures!💝👍🏻💝
Oct 20Reply
mycustomcloset I only have fur kids too. I wanted children but God had other plans for us too. 😘 we have 3 sharpeis.
Dec 05Reply
gems_of_glory @kimberlygorman Yes, I have one too for my long haired Russian Blue cat. We'll do what it takes to keep our furbabies safe and sound. ♥I love these pics Kimberly has shared. ♥
Dec 10Reply
computershoptx Kimberly, Thank you for stopping by my closet and your like! I am always happy to answer questions. I hope you enjoy Happy Holidays and stay safe!😊🎄 Helen
Dec 12Reply
posh_princesss Thanks for your like! I just sent you a private discount with reduced shipping too! I also include a cute free gift with every purchase, let me know if you have any questions💖
Dec 15Reply
kritmon Adorbs! Many people post their items as coming from a smoke free and pet free home. I’m good with smoke free but I certainly wouldn’t give up my kitties for anything!
Jan 03Reply
5stella555 hi, thanking you for all the visits and likes. adorable furry friends. you must love the new Posh pet category! @5stella555
Feb 14Reply
wildbluemontana Great photos and great love stories! Thanks for sharing.
Mar 04Reply
proudofjoes Oh my gosh how lucky you are! Being a “pet parent” is such a joy. I have two small dogs (I have weight restrictions of 15#) They were both rescues, but I’ve always felt like they rescued me 😉
Mar 06Reply
rosemastellone Hi, Your pack is beautiful! They all seem so content and happy. So sweet to see dogs and cats loving each other and making our lives much happier. Thanks for sharing.
Mar 28Reply
melswilson So cute! ❤🐶🐶
Apr 02Reply
melswilson So cute! ❤🐱🐱
Apr 02Reply
thepatriciahall Thank you so much for the like!
May 06Reply
dv1011 @kimberlygorman Your pets are simply adorable! Love the pics! 🐶 🐈‍⬛ 🐾
Mar 26Reply
breeb2023 Adorable
Mar 31Reply
lori8910 @kimberlygorman Hi Kimberly, Love your “babies”!!! So cute. And I see you like the “Brand New, Porcelain Cross“ in my closet. Would you like it to be sent to your closet? Just let me know. And, you can save 10% instantly by bundling this and at least two other items from my closet too! Thanks for browsing! Lori8910🛍
Apr 21Reply
calhounskyler @kimberlygorman same thing with me. My pets are my heart
May 07Reply
gshep89 Hi! Love all your babies! I have 3 GSD’s and 2 rescue Norwegian Forest Cats… senior bonded sisters! Love your closet and above all I love your passion for all of our 4 footed kids!
Sep 06Reply
rosies_threads Hello! Welcome to Poshmark. Be sure to check out my closet for some great deals & feel free to leave me an offer as I accept most reasonable offers! Happy poshing💕
Dec 10Reply
claudisnook Bless you for rescuing!! ❤️🐾
Dec 11Reply
lesleyh2os so pretty!
Jul 07Reply
courgrif Look at all of them ❤️ We have a blue girl kitty 2 named Freya and we don't have children. Have the other babies. We have a house full of dogs, cats and birds. xo
Aug 17Reply
refound4you Ahhhh they are so adorable 💕
Mar 07Reply

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Leesburg, FL
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