Not for sale
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Things have changed around here!
My daughter that was Interning is now working in Chicago as an CPA.
My daughter studying fashion (mega fashionista) is now living in Italy taking classes at a fashion school.
And my youngest (edgy hipster) graduated H.S. a year early and joined the Army National Guard!
I have a variety of styles, so please take a step into my closet and take a look around!
Our home is smoke and animal free environment.

114 others
like this

I can totally relate I have 3 a blonde brunette and red and they are 8,10,11
Sep 15Reply

@lnp916 <3 best wishes on raising your daughters! Just wait for the teenage years, it's a roller coaster ride, but a ride worth taking!!!
Sep 15Reply

Mother of 3 girls as well! 2 in college, one a HS Junior. I can totally relate to finding new clothes in their closets, unworn since the day they were purchased...ugh! Happy Poshing. 😁
Sep 18Reply

@jenlouwho Lol Thank you Poshmark! I just found out about this two weeks ago! I was getting ready for a garage sale when the girls gave me all the clothes they don't want and I'm pricing everything and getting madder and madder by the minute. I do without so I can buy them these things they just have to have. I tried taking it to the resale store that starts with a P and ends with a S Closet and they were going to give me $8 for dresses I bought for $90. OK better get off my soap box. Happier now, in less than two weeks I've sold two item, with hopes to sell lots more!! Yea!!!
Sep 18Reply

@premkicks Thanks for all the shares!!!
Sep 23Reply

Adorable! I might have things they like? :)
Sep 26Reply

Thnx! I'll have my girls check out your closet!
Sep 26Reply

@red4392 check out @hopecross
Sep 26Reply

I have dresses if you're looking I saw you commented on a dress
Oct 11Reply

@becky1004 Oh how I love this little write up and know the feeling well :) my two are night and day, From Gothling to Miss Priss! It sure does make life interesting and lots of fun. ✌❤🌞
Oct 14Reply

@liv1966 Ha Ha! Yep, it's lots of fun! Best to you and your daughters!!!
Oct 15Reply

That is so awesome! I have one toddler girl...and I would LOVE to someday have three! How fun! (and stressful, but still!)
Oct 24Reply

@amfegan @threebeez much ❤️to you and your daughters!!!💗💕
Oct 24Reply

Its nice 2 meet U ✌ Thank You for all your shares.
Oct 31Reply

Have you tried posting your kids items on the new site? Flipitbaby.com. It's a new site and there are bugs to work out but I think in the long run it will be good. I already bought some nice things from there and there are so many great items people are posting.
Nov 13Reply

Bless your heart, lol!!!! I can't manage one 16 yo and lil' 3 yo:))
Nov 15Reply

@becky1004 You and your daughters have a beautiful closet! I shared a few things! If I had time I would share it all! It's all so cute! Nice to meet you on here!
Nov 25Reply

@lucylou002 Thanks for sharing my closet! It's nice to meet you too! Lots of really wonderfully nice women on this site!😊 Have a great day!!!
Nov 25Reply

Your girls are absolutely gorgeous:) will you all be together for thanksgiving?
Nov 26Reply

@tammysbeachwear Yes, we will be together. Unfortunately two of my daughters work retail while they are in college and both are going into work at 8:00pm to 12:00am Thanksgiving and then go back in 6:00am Friday. We will enjoy spending time with them Thanksgiving day! Thank you for your kind comments and you have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
Nov 26Reply

That's a great plan:) I suppose they should be grateful to have jobs, right? Lol. My son graduates in December from nau in flagstaff Arizona. He's exploring his options, but it's not easy:)
Nov 26Reply

so well written 💞hope you make many sales your closet is great🎉🎉🎉💝
Nov 27Reply

@ela_luna Thanks! I hope you have many sales too! Love your Host Pick boots, happy Poshing!
Nov 28Reply

amazing closet =)
Nov 28Reply

@mcp528 Thanks! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Nov 28Reply

I love love love the fact that your 3 girls have different hair colors, that's crazy😝😝😝wow! Amazing!
Dec 05Reply

Dec 05Reply

@becky1004 hi Becky! Nice to meet you! Mind I I ask what 1004 is for? My birthday is October 4... Just wondering!
Dec 05Reply

@erikagannon Hi! That's my birthday also! I like that date for a b-day, it's when the leaves fall and the weathers not too hot and not to cold and it's not too close any holiday. Nice to meet a posher who shares my b-day!
Dec 05Reply

@becky1004 I couldn't agree more!!! Fall is by far my favorite season and oct 4 is such a beautiful time of year! ...and not just bc its out bday!! Heading over to follow you... A posher that shares my bday is someone I need to keep up with for sure!
Dec 05Reply

@becky1004 Thank you for sharing my Christian Louboutin host pick on 12/15 for the Flirty and Feminine Party! I truly appreciate the share💕💕💕 so I came by and shared a few amazing items from your closet! It's been a busy time preparing for the holidays so I'm just now trying to catch up on Posh! Happy Holidays!🎄🎄🎄
Dec 19Reply

@becky1004 Thanks for the shares!! 😃👍❤️ super cute closet!
Dec 28Reply

Your girls are beautiful :) I have 3 too, two girls and a boy, but mine are 4, 3 and 1.5 :)
Dec 30Reply

@msmara18 Oh wow! Your at a very busy time in your life!!!😊 It goes fast! Take lots of pictures and enjoy the moment! Before you know it their teens! 😢 Happy New year to you and your family!!!🎉🎈🎊
Dec 30Reply

Thank you! Yes! It does go by quickly! *sigh* I'm nervous for those teen years, lol
Dec 30Reply

@becky1004 Thank you for sharing my Louis Vuitton Alma GM which was a HP during the Pretty, Flirty, Girly Party on 12/27/2013! I know this is a bit late but I appreciate the posh love so I came by to share a few of your beautiful items! Cheers to a Fabulous New Year!💃❤️💃
Dec 31Reply

@augustpinkstyle Your welcome! Happy New Year!!!🎉🎈🎉
Dec 31Reply

@becky1004 Thanks for all the Awesome shares. Happy New Years, Poshing. Be blessed. Great closet, too.
Jan 01Reply

@justbecauseiam Thank you for all the shares too!!! 💖Happy New Year! 🎉🎈🎉
Jan 01Reply

Your daughters are beautiful and your closet is wow😍 really nice🌹thank you for following my closet🌹🌹🌹
Jan 04Reply

@sweetbee17 Thank you! And thanks for giving me elisehunter's message! She was accidentally blocked and know unblocked.😊 All is good now!!!🌺
Jan 04Reply

Jan 04Reply

Love this!!
Jan 04Reply

I hear ya!!
Jan 05Reply

@carlysmommma 😃
Jan 05Reply

@alexoxo3 Thank you for following me! You are my 4000 follower!😊 I had been waiting a long time to get to that number, I thought maybe last night but couldn't stay up so I thought that I would be there by morning to no avail!😞 and then "Yeaaaaah!" 10:15 CT you followed me. If you are interested anything in my closet, I will give you 10% off the new and 15% off gently used! 🌺 Have a wonderful day! 🌺 And Happy Poshing!!!
Jan 07Reply

@becky1004 Mother of 3 too! And like yours, they're as different as their hair color! Your daughters are beautiful.
Jan 12Reply

Beauties all! 😘
Jan 12Reply

Your daughters are all lovely:) let me know if I can help them out with their swimsuit attire:)
Jan 16Reply

I hope you had an awesome time hosting your first party! I know it was hectic so I wanted to wait until it died down to add to your notifications lol ...
Jan 16Reply

Aw, @angel10 Thanks so much! Everything has very much died down on Posh! Now I'm doing catch up at home and getting caught up with cleaning, life, paying Xmas bills.😞 Thanks again for recommending me to Host!💖
Jan 16Reply

@becky1004 Thanks for the shares! Hope all is well with you!
Jan 18Reply

Hello my friend! Long time no see! Thanks for the love! I shared you some too 😘
Feb 01Reply

@isa_wine_lover Hi! I've been taking care of my mother, she has been in and out of the hospital. My brother has flown up to help so I have a little reprieve. Please forgive me if I don't share back or attend the parties. I will do my best to return the favor when I can!😊
Feb 01Reply

Oh darling, I'm sorry about your mom! I will put her in my prayers 🙏 And please don't worry about the shares; you have enough on your plate! I just had not seen you pop up on my news feeds, and it was nice when I saw your listing on the HP room. Take care, and God bless!
Feb 01Reply

I may have some things that your daughters may like :) check out my closet if you want to:)
Feb 05Reply

@becky1004 my girls are 17,16,13,12 I'm right there with yaw:)
Feb 16Reply

@tinalynngip Wow, 4 girls all close in age! Teenagers to boot! I have to say it gets much better after the teen years!
"Here's to good women,
May we know them
May we be them
May we raise them"
Feb 16Reply

@becky1004 Thanks for the Shares
Mar 28Reply

Hi Becky! I wanted to pop in and say hello! I hope all is well with you and your family. Sending much love your way 💕.
Apr 10Reply

@angel10 Hey! Been taking care of my mother. I'm not on here a lot anymore. I've been checking in often to see if anyone has questions. Hope all is well with you!
Apr 13Reply

Aww well I hope all is well with your mother. I noticed you weren't up here as much so I figured such. I will continue to share you me closet but do NOT worry about sharing mine back. I know how important family is and that's your priority so she is blessed to have such a caring daughter! Take care and let me know if you ever need anything.
Apr 13Reply

@becky1004 Wanted to pop in to say hello! Hope your mother gets better soon. 🙏🙏🙏
Jun 24Reply

I laughed, because my daughter's were and are the same way. Great share thanks, and hope you noticed my model mannequin?! Lol! ; )
Apr 14Reply

@becky1004 your daughters are beautiful! I'm a redhead too ❤️
Jun 08Reply

@kjd1015 thank you!!! I love redheads!😊
Jun 08Reply

Thank you for your shares. I will share back tomorrow. I was on Poshmark all day today so I am taking the night off. 😊👍🏻💕🍃💐🍃🎀
Jun 10Reply

@aprild0311 Hi! Thank you! Nice to meet you too!😊
Jul 08Reply

@becky1004 Oh Mama, you made some beautiful girls! Love your closet!
Aug 06Reply

@jjames7118 Thank you!🌺 There's a reason my picture is NOT on here. Lol
Aug 06Reply

Hi Becky! Thx for the 'welcome'! Im already having fun shopping & will be listing items soon. Please stop back.. 😊 - you have 3 beautiful daughters & I have 3 handsome sons! wanna trade one? Haha joking
Sep 03Reply

@holdon3 Thank you! Nice to meet you Donna!😊
Oct 04Reply

Hi Becky, so nice to meet you! I'm the newbie on team posh and have so much to learn from all of you amazing ladies :)! Wow you've raised such amazing young women, all so unique and they sound like they are on their way to becoming inspirations! Love your closet, hope you have a great rest of your weekend! ✨💃
Oct 05Reply

@auchieau48 Thank you! I'm very proud of my girls! We just got back from my daughters Boot Camp graduation! Drove to SC from IL and just got back last night! You will really enjoy being part of Team Posh. I've learned so much and everyone is so helpful!
Oct 05Reply

@julesbee7 Hi! I feel your pain!😉
Oct 06Reply

@lizress Your welcome!😊 And thank you for sharing back!🌺
Jun 27Reply

This is so funny it reminds me of me and my sisters-a blonde, brunette, and redhead!! I thought we were the only ones :) sounds like you raised all your daughters to be strong, successful, independent women. :)
Jun 29Reply

@drwhofan Hi!😊I love you and your sisters are like my daughters! 🌺Thanks for the shares. Sharing back!
Jun 29Reply

@becky1004 beautiful daughters. Ironically I am mother to 5 sons so I got to be the one to shop for lol yet my closets yes closets are packed. I love so many dif things that I def have a hodge podge of items. My sons are grown & I now have a bunch of firemen paramedics EMT's and wildland firefighters. Expecting 1st grandbaby after Christmas. Fingers crossed for a little girl to spoil. Beautiful closet !!!!!!
Aug 09Reply

@rrhaefner Thank you! I can only imagine what it would be like to have 5 boys! When we were first married, my husband often said he wanted 5 boys, so he could have a basketball team. Lol Congrats on your first grand baby! I'm sure even if you don't get that girl to spoil, your going to be very blessed!!!
Aug 09Reply

@becky1004 it was a basketball team plus always a few extras. We did not spend a lot on clothes but our grocery bills were astronomical lol. Boy or girl we are beyond thrilled. They are a fabulous young couple and best friends & will be incredible parents. Did everything for all the right reasons. So refreshing in this day & age💖
Aug 10Reply

I think it's awesome that y'all are all sharing a closet!! And..in my family I am the red head, my little sister is a brunette & my little brother is blonde!!!😂😂😂
Aug 17Reply

@luckyangie11 I started selling here when all the girls were living at home and was buying most of their clothing. Now they sometimes give me stuff when they visit. Lately I've been buying some of my inventory (I try to find brands and styles they are into) and I put some of my clothing on here too. I don't wear the name brands they do and I tend to keep clothing longer. They tend to tire of things quicker and want the latest styles. I'm always asking them for advise about what to list.
Aug 17Reply

It's funny because looking at your closet..it looks like mine! I switch it up from converse & overalls to sun dresses w/ sandals to chic w/heels! That's prob why my Moma says I have split personalities! Never knows which one will show up to take her to lunch!😂
Aug 17Reply

@becky1004 Thanks for all shares ❤️
Aug 29Reply

Hello! You are great items! Thank you for your P💟SH L💟VE and sharing my listing! Have a Blessed Sunday ☀️ night!
( ̄(エ) ̄) Yesenia
Sep 19Reply

What a wonderful home that was when they were/are all there🎉🎈💌you have raised such accomplished women. You survived the teen years so well❣️I was 41 when I had my one and only . He's now 19 and at my alma mater - Michigan State. I grew up in MI and left Lansing 35 yrs ago. I'm moving back in summer 💞
Nov 05Reply

@msdebrasue Yes. I wrote that when they were all living at home, at least home was where they came to during college breaks. They are all moved out now and I don't get as many of they clothes, just when they come home to visit. Nice your daughter is attending your alma mater!
Nov 05Reply

When I was first pregnant at age 41 : I wanted twins . Or a girl. I was youngest of 4 w/3 older brothers . God indeed has a sense of humor💞I was given a beautiful💌 boy. (Preeclampsia😥) and my brother was given a girl :when he was age 53.
Nov 05Reply

@msdebrasue oh I misread your first comment. I thought you had a girl. God does have sense of hummer! My husband wanted 5 boys, so he could have a basketball team. He got three girls instead! Lol
Nov 05Reply

Your husband had/has one heck of a lesson on women . 💞
Nov 05Reply

Hey!! I love your closet! 😍💗 check out mine and let me know if you see anything you're interested in!! I'll let you know if I see anything i like also!! ❤️️✨😘
Nov 21Reply

Hi! Thanks so much for the share! 😁💕🎉 Happy New Year!🎉
Jan 01Reply

@essiex78 Happy New Year to you too!!! Best way to thank someone for sharing is to share back!
Jan 01Reply

Thanks for sharing!! You have beautiful girls!
Jan 21Reply

@shop4joy Thank you!
Jan 21Reply

Thank you for the share!!!
Jan 22Reply

@becky1004 Thank you for sharing my closet !!
Feb 02Reply

What a beautiful family! 💕💕
May 11Reply

@lilyandaspen Thank you! Shared your closet back.🌺
May 11Reply

@becky1004 omg you have such beautiful daughters! I also have a blonde, a brunette and a redhead (can be seen in my meet the posher) but mine are all boys and much younger than your lovelies. I see you are in Bloomington, are you familiar with Jacksonville? My husband is from that area. Nice to meet you and happy Poshing! - Laura
May 26Reply

@pepperrican Hi! Your boys are so cute! I wish they were a little older, maybe we could have fixed them up with each other. Lol Yes, I'm familiar with Jacksonville, IL. My oldest, the red head graduated from Illinois College. She loved the small school and that it was close to Springfield! Nice to meet you!
May 26Reply

@becky1004 ha ha, hooking them up! What a hoot that would be. That is great she enjoyed Illinois College. What a small world. I enjoy Springfield, myself, but we don't get up there much. Usually his family visits us here now since we have so many kids, or we visit them closer to their homes. Thank you for the shares! 💞 hope you're having a great Thursday!
May 26Reply

Lovely family & closet! Go Cards!
Jun 27Reply

@ses54 Thank you!😊
Jun 27Reply

@becky1004 You're quite welcome
Jun 27Reply

@becky1004 ... Thank you for the share. 😊😉❤
Jun 27Reply

Thank you for the sharing of my closet 💕💕. Have good holiday 🇺🇸
Jun 30Reply

By the way gorgeous young ladies 😍
Jun 30Reply

@ycbear22 Thank you! You have a wonderful Holiday also!🇺🇸
Jun 30Reply

Which ones the daughter's???
Jul 03Reply

@kathrine27 All three are my daughters.
Jul 03Reply

@becky1004 beautiful ladies ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 04Reply

Beautiful family!!!❤️ thanks for following I just love your closet! 🙏😍🌺
Jul 08Reply

Thank you for the share I appreciate it. And congratulations on all your daughters success all the happiness you deserve. My momma is also a single momma of three girls. Wish this was around when we were young she woulda made a fortune. Happy selling!
Jul 11Reply

Beautiful young ladies!
Jul 18Reply

@labobte Thanks!
Jul 18Reply

I love your profile pic/statement. That is too funny! I drove my mom crazy doing the exact same thing--- she'd find new with tags items in my closet from three years prior lol
Jul 25Reply

Oh Lawdddd!! Preach it!!🤣😂 I am a Mama to 2 princesses. Age 10 & 4! The most gorgeous bi-racial babes ever!! We too go through this dilemma! How on earth do I need see that they do not need anymore clothing???👀👀🤤🤤🤤 add family purchasing items on holidays and we are drowning in cotton. Also, factor in my oldest refusing dresses and jeans thats just so much fun!!(some adorable stuff!!) I joined Posh in late June and I think I should jump on the bandwagon and work on peace of mind!!👍👍🙌🙌
Aug 21Reply

@izzysmom07 lol. It starts so early! Middle daughter (blonde) would only wear pink and dresses in preschool through kindergarten. Youngest (brunette) refused to wear dresses and wanted only wear jeans. Wish I had something like this when the girls where younger! Good luck with selling on here!😊 I love it!❤️ Love this community!!!🌺
Aug 21Reply

Closet share implosion—too kind. Thank You! 💙
Aug 23Reply

@handmedown Thank you! So sorry about last night! Should have known better than to tag the other person on your listing! Lesson learn! Happy Poshing!!!🌺
Aug 23Reply

@becky1004 All good. Here's to Happy Poshing! Cheers!
Aug 23Reply

It was great meeting you today! Beautiful family!❤️
Oct 02Reply

@lucyandjack55 Thanks! It was nice meeting you today too!🌺
Oct 02Reply

Hi Becky! Wanted to come over and say hi! I was tagged in the listing with the PoshFest info by @dressinglauren . You ladies have some great advice! So happy to be a part of all of this with you guys, especially since I can meet Poshers like you! Omg three girls!?!?! It must've been crazy before they each went in their own direction! (Which btw, Tag me if you list any goodies from Italy!!!) Your closet is awesome and I'll def be back for more shares! Thanks so much hun! ❤️ Katrina
Oct 04Reply

@kmann417 Nice to meet you! I enjoyed myself so much at Poshfest and met a bunch of really nice ladies! I hope to go next year too! With the venue in Chicago, it made it affordable for me to go this year. I live 2 1/2 hrs South of Chicago and stayed with my daughter. I'm hoping next years venue is too far away, but made up my mind that wherever they have it, I'm going!!!
Oct 04Reply

Hi Becky il from the Chicago group!! Im Sherrie but my closet name is mboth of my nicknames and Britt is actually my middle name...but family calls me Sherri! I have 2 sons and 3 grandsons so no luck for me as to getting clothes i sell my own☺. I have a ton of clothes and i think it will take me years to sell them as i keep buying. Im a retired legal secretary and went to the loop for 28 years. So this is my life. Good to meet you and your girls😘💕💕
Oct 05Reply

@angelbritton Sherrie, it's so nice to meet you! I've wanted to meet other Poshers for so long!!! I tried to get involved in the Chicago group this Spring hoping to meet people before Poshfest. Because I wasn't living in the Chicago area, I was denied. I met Jen (at jenszy) waiting in line first day of Poshfest and she invited me into the group! I think your the one of the people in the group I talked to about Nannying!🌺
Oct 05Reply

@becky1004 yes!! I am a nanny now and it was a huge transition for me but i love i only work 2 days a week! Sometimes i miss working in the city but those days are gone. I had a ticket for Posh fest but was seriously sick and couldnt go. But i have met melissa and Gwen and a few others at the last Posh & Sip! They are all beautiful women. I was shocked because in the beginning there were a couple girls here that were not so nice. Hope they have anothervposh & sip! Hope to talk more!
Oct 05Reply

Thank you for all the shares and of course i repay the favor Chicago PFF!😘💕💕
Oct 05Reply

Beautiful family! Thanks for the shares 🙏💐
Oct 10Reply

It's funny .. you do all the sharing and liking here .... (100s! )and there are a few people that you remember. your one of them for this beautiful kids! I have 2 daughters of my own and another 4 from extended relationships (ha)
Oct 18Reply

@lesbennett1 Thanks for remembering my closet/me and kids. You've got a lot kids, it's got to keep you busy!🌺
Oct 18Reply

@becky1004 well I'm doing ok! My youngest lives in Spain working for Glamping.com
Empty nester ! from the looks of your girls your enjoying your empty nest too! They are beautiful!
Oct 18Reply

I am just discovering your closet and Absolutely Love your cute intro to your girls and their style. So fun! Just wonderful. Having a bunch of kids, I appreciate it :)
Oct 27Reply

Thanks for sharing my closet! Hopefully, I’m working to get my closet up and running this week. 😘
Oct 30Reply

Thank you becky1004!! I appreciate your following my journey here on Poshmark, and sharing my listing which is still in the development stages since I’m just a newbie here. Tell you what, looking forward into this newly acquired activity on Poshmark! Wishing You and your beautiful daughters all the best, Happy poshing!!😊
Oct 31Reply

Thanks for sharing my post. I’m preparing to upload more 👜👠👗👒 soon. Have a great day.
Nov 09Reply

@becky1004 Beautiful ladies 😊
Nov 10Reply

@seminole_chop2 Thanks! 🌺
Nov 10Reply

Thanks for sharing my post. I’ll be uploading 👗👜👠👚👒soon. Have a good evening. 💐
Nov 26Reply

@becky1004 You have beautiful daughters! And they are all doing well. You must be soooo proud!! 😊😊
Dec 01Reply

Beautiful daughters! Nice to meet you on posh and hope you are loving it! 💘have a great week! I'm in chicago too. Does your daughter enjoy the area?
Dec 06Reply

@tricia77r Nice to meet you too! My daughter loves Chicago! I believe she will probably stay and raise a family there. She’s in the West Loop now. Happy Poshing!!!
Dec 06Reply

Oh wow, Italy! I bet that's amazing! I've always wanted to go there. Happy Poshing :)
Dec 10Reply

@lbirkholz4 Yes! I’d never been overseas until she went to school in Florence. I was able to visit her for a week and she was the perfect guide! Loved it!!!
Dec 10Reply

@becky1004 Hi Becky, I was just wondering if you and any of the girls will be going to the live posh get together in Nashville in the 22nd?
Feb 08Reply

@amaandaa Hi! Yes, my daughter Jacqui (she lives in Nashville) and I will be both going. Very excited, hope to see you there!
Feb 08Reply

@becky1004 Awesome, I can’t wait to hear of the adventures everyone was been on since Franklin. I hope to see you on the 22nd.
Feb 08Reply

Hi! I️ know there are many closets but I’d be grateful if you check out mine. Either way I️ was just stopping in the say hello. Have a nice weekend!
Feb 17Reply

Nice to meet you today!! 😁🌙⭐️
Feb 23Reply

I hope you and your family are ok! I saw there were a lot of tornadoes in Clarksville!
Feb 26Reply

@decadentchaos Thanks for asking! We r still in Bloomington, IL. We will move to Clarksville in May. I have my closet on Vacation mode until March 2. We are in the process of painting and putting new carpet in. Hopefully, it will all be done in time! Hope you are doing well too!🌺
Feb 26Reply

@decadentchaos Oh, and yes we were in Clarksville the Friday after the Posh Party. Back in IL now
Feb 26Reply

@becky1004 glad to hear you are ok!!
Feb 27Reply

You’re the best!
Sep 03Reply

❤️❤️LOVE YOUR CLOSET, IF YOU HAVE A SEC FEEL FREE TO CHECK OUT MINE! :) I aspire to have a closet like yours!!
Mar 09Reply

@becky1004 went 2 but the mm100 and its gone
Aug 10Reply

@sunshine856616 Yes, I reduced the price yesterday during the "Closet Clearout" with the intent to relist today, if it hadn't sold. My last offer was the lowest I'm willing to sell. I relisted the MM 100, if you would like to purchase it at that price.
Aug 10Reply

@becky1004 can you do $30 maybe
Aug 10Reply

Sandi, Thank you for your purchase of the Paige Jeans and I wanted to let you know that the shipping was delayed--I was called away at the end of the week. Your item will ship out tomorrow. Thank you again and I'm sorry for the delay. Teresa
Oct 27Reply

@grabyourgarb I’m not Sandi, nor did I purchase any jeans. It looks like you wrote this on the wrong persons listing.
Oct 27Reply

@becky1004 So sorry I mistakenly sent it to the wrong person....
Oct 27Reply

@grabyourgarb All good🌺 Thanks for the shares!
Oct 27Reply

Thank you too!!
Oct 27Reply

What beautiful girls - congratulations!!!
Dec 03Reply

@treeflowergirl Thank you! And thank you for sharing my closet!🌺
Dec 03Reply

@tracycoffey94 Welcome! And thanks for sharing my closet too!🌺
Dec 04Reply

Thanks for the Shares 😉 totally appreciated!!! My motto is Sharing is Caring!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!!😃
Dec 04Reply

@pamwali Your welcome! Thanks for sharing my closet too!🌺
Dec 04Reply

Hello, thanks for the follow! Happy Poshing :)
Dec 04Reply

@desylulu99 Same to you and thanks for all the shares!🌺
Dec 04Reply

Thanks for the follow! I'd love for you to check out our Boutique and closet or shop 24/7 at www.shopsistertribe.com - enjoy a $5 credit with promo code "notifyme" xoxo😘
Dec 05Reply

Welcome💐Thank you for sharing your beautiful family and lovely closet collection with us. Time flies when your having fun, working, and balancing everything!!! I am a mom of three wonderful daughters as well, one starts community college next year for visual arts and graphic design. Our middle daughter, wants to become a personal chef /a firefighter like her dad. Our youngest wants to coach gymnastics and become a doctor. As parents we pray, encourage, and support every dream they have!
Dec 15Reply

@wifeof1man Yes, sounds like you have some very similar situations raising 3 daughters. Blessings to you and your family!🌺
Dec 15Reply

@becky1004 Thank you so much!!
Dec 15Reply

Hi Becky, thanks for the shares 😊 Beautiful daughters!
Dec 21Reply

@luvthrifting Thanks! And thanks for the shares too!🌺
Dec 21Reply

Hey there, thanks for all the shares! I recently went to join posh & realized I've had an account for years, but forgot since I never really used it. So actually using Posh is new to me, any & all help is much appreciated! Thx again
(I call this⬆ 'The Art of Successfully Poshing' told completely in emoji's from start to finish!😂😂)
Dec 21Reply

Cool beans ma'am.
Dec 22Reply

This bunny thanks you so much for the shares!💗🐰💗 You're daughters are lovely.☺ Have a Happy Hopping Poshing Holiday!🐇💖 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year's!
Dec 24Reply

@studiorengirl Thanks so much! Same to you!🌺
Dec 24Reply

Thank you so much for the follow and for the shares. Please let me know it there’s my closet anything that’s catches your eye. I offer super cool deals and I am open to offers 👍. Happy poshing... regards.
Dec 30Reply

Hi👋 thank you for sharing my closet, I appreciate you!🤗Happy New Year!
Jan 02Reply

@dajay6974 Thank you! Same to you!🌺 Happy New Year! 🥳 🎉🎊
Jan 02Reply

@becky1004 thank you!☺
Jan 02Reply

Thank you for sharing my items. Have a wonderful day 😊
Jan 02Reply

@jinxy231 Happy New Year!🎊🎉
Jan 02Reply

@becky1004 Thank you and you too 😊
Jan 03Reply

@becky1004 Happy New Year's 😊 🎉🎊
Jan 03Reply

@wholesalecloset Thank you! And same with you!🌺
Jan 13Reply

Thank you for sharing my Host Pick item! Don’t forget to check out the rest of my closet & boutique @thegreycat ♡
Apr 21Reply

I love your closet and the name! I also have three daughters and my youngest (19) is the worst at having things still new with tags hanging in the closet. My other two are 23 and 25 so they’re on their own now and managing their own closets 😊. Your daughters are very lovely. Best of luck to all of you in everything you do. 🌼🌸
May 07Reply

@tsmills1994 I love that you have three daughters too! Mine have all moved out now, but they are still bringing the things they don’t want to me. At least now they are purchasing their own clothes with their own money!😉 Well for the most part!😆
May 07Reply

hi hun! I’m accepting most offers (basically all)!! In honor of becoming an ambassador I am giving a free gift to every 3rd purchase I receive!! Feel free to check out my closet and bundle/offer on anything you like! Thank you and have a great day!!💞
Sep 21Reply

Nice seeing you tonight!! Xox
Dec 06Reply

@coastwink So good seeing you too! Love your hair! Hope all is well with you🌺
Dec 06Reply

@becky1004 hi Becky. I've happily shared your gorgeous closet! I'm in Chicago. Congrats on the wonderful success of your beautiful girls! 😘
Dec 18Reply

Wow, these are really pretty and wonderful daughters.
I also have two daughters. Both are college students.
Have a happy time at the wonderful Poshmark❤️
Jan 20Reply

Can you resend offer on the Jean skirt? Thanks!
Jan 28Reply

TY so much for the shares. You have many beautiful things in your closet!
Dec 21Reply
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