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Hi I am Tiffany! And my pics sum it up pretty well I am a proud mama to that handsome lil 2 year old (as of Oct 3rd!!)!! He is my world. My son has a genetic condition called ccms. He has had two brain surgeries he has a trach a pacer and a g-tube for feedings he is in and out of the hospital and he has lots of docs and therapies once a week it started roughly two weeks after his 1st bday thats when he fell ill he is doing good now and i am just trying to get by..please no hate for he is my soul

41 others
like this

What a cutie!!
Oct 08Reply

@stars82 thank you :) he is my everything hehehe
Oct 08Reply

@tiffyc05 awhhhhh cutie! Our kids are our worlds. Once we become mammas everything about us changes.
Oct 08Reply

@cherryblast the honest truth haha i never knew what love was until i had him..i remember when we were in the hospital before his first surgery i was a mess and crying to the surgeon i told him i can't lose him he's my best friend and god heard and answered all my prayers and we are lucky :)
Oct 08Reply

God Bless you both sweetie! πππ
Oct 08Reply

@linmp1031 thank you very much hun and thanks for all the shares also ;))
Oct 08Reply

Your son looks like a little sweetheart! The two of you must be very close. And I want you to know that you're a very good mommy!!ππΈπ·π
Oct 08Reply

That's how Posh works! ππ
Oct 08Reply

@hhudson thank you love he is a sweetie :)) and yes we are he is my little love-muffin heehee
Oct 08Reply

@tiffyc05 he is truly a blessingπ and I'd love to pinch those chubby cheeksπ
Oct 10Reply

@funkypunky831 hahha yeah thank you i think his hair and chubby cheeks are the attention getters for sure lol :)
Oct 10Reply

@tiffyc05 I had to check out ur closet to c if u had some pix of ur lil man, and I'm SO happy u do :-). He is absolutely gorgeous and u two r lucky to have each other. I'll be praying for u and ur lil angel, that his health improves and there won't be anymore surgeries or unexpected hospital stays :-(. No child, or parent, should have to go through what u guys r. Lots of love, hugs and prays sent ur way :-)<3
Oct 11Reply

@tanyacarr thanks hun :) yeah it's been a long year it will be a year in six days exactly because we arrived in AZ on the 16th and everything that followed was just a hurricane of events thank you so much for all your prayers :)) email me whenever you can doll :))
Oct 11Reply

Awe what a cutie pie!ππ I also have a son and he is my everything!ππ. He is ten now, but still a mommas boyπ wishing you and your little munchkin all the best! God bless you fellow BurqueΓ±a, jaja π
Oct 12Reply

@adelajael aww thankz hun!! Hehe it doesnt matter how old he gets he will always be my baby too :D mamas boy forever lol
Oct 12Reply

Oct 12Reply

@tiffyc05 Hugs and prayers to you both!! God Bless! πΌππΌ
Oct 12Reply

@cleegarcia ty hun!! :))
Oct 12Reply

Precious!! He's absolutely adorable. You are very blessed.
Oct 12Reply

@rachieebradley aw ty hun yes we are very blessed
Oct 13Reply

Awe he's the cutest thing !! Such a strong baby and mama!!ππ
Oct 13Reply

@stacydayana thanks :) i only wish i was half as strong as him lol
Oct 13Reply

@tiffyc05 aww he is so ADORABLE! He has such a happy vibe to him, even through pictures! Such a sweetie! ππ
Oct 14Reply

Hehhe thanks :)) yes he is very happy he makes me very proud because he has been through more than most adults and still keeps smiling!!
Oct 14Reply

@nmatison sorry forgot to tag ^^^^^^
Oct 14Reply

@pioneerbabe ty for sharing :))
Oct 15Reply

@galaxyfashion ty for the shares love :)
Oct 15Reply

@wendy_salas ty for the share hun :))
Oct 16Reply

He's such a cutie, god bless!ππ
Oct 19Reply

@jayany hehhe thanks hun βΊβΊu as well
Oct 19Reply

@kim354 awww thanks babe yes hes been through more than u could imagine he has horrible spells where his body just stops breathing...he turns blue and stiff like seizures but they aren't and i have to manually resuscitate him with an ambu bag :( he does this on a daily basis and more than once its awful but go to his fb page it tells everything his condition is rare in the us but popular in nm where we are p
Oct 19Reply

Yep exactly i hate that feeling!! Thank u god bless hun :)
Oct 19Reply

@tiffyc05 Hi! Your son is absolutely adorable. I know what you are going through. Brandon underwent open heart surgery at 5 months. It was a scary experience. Like you with your son, Brandon is our life. I could not imagine life without him. I hope your little guy is doing well and continues to feel better. By the way what is your little angels name? Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your handsome boy. π
Oct 20Reply

@jfs Noah πand this year including everyday that we wake up has been and probably for a long time will be completely terrifying but i wouldnt change anything he is my everything our case manager with the med frag program always is telling me of familys that have lost their baby and its so sad i would be lost without him im so glad theres someone out there that understands ty for looking at this :)) god bless u and ur family love :)
Oct 20Reply

@tiffyc05 Noah, what a beautiful name. I know you lead a very busy life but if u ever need someone to talk to, please feel free to reach out to me. Give Noah a big kiss for me. I will follow his Facebook page also. I will keep u and Noah in my prayers. π
Oct 20Reply

@jfs thank you so much babe ur so sweet and thanks for following my noah is one of a kind for sure hehhe god bless u guys fb msg me on his site i will send u my email if thats ok the more i have to talk to the better and u seem so understanding not a lot of ppl get it ya know :))
Oct 20Reply

@tiffyc05 He's Adorable! God bless you both :)
Oct 21Reply

@tchietti awww ty ππu also babe :))
Oct 21Reply

@tiffyc05 Keeping you and your son in my prayers!
Oct 23Reply

@pattycoo17 ty so much!!!
Oct 23Reply

@tiffyc05 You are very welcome!!!
Oct 23Reply

@tiffyc05 too cute rockin those sunglasses!!! What a strong lil soldier!!!
Oct 26Reply

@stephanieaparks hahha yes he is quite a ham!!! Lol thanks babe
Oct 26Reply

@tiffyc05 you're welcome!!
Oct 26Reply

@ashley1985 ty for liking my boy and meee π
Oct 27Reply

Hi there. These pics have touched my heart and I want you to know I have prayed and will continue to pray for you and Noah. I have a 2 year old boy - just turned 2 on Oct. 19th. These pics remind me so much of my baby. I know God hears my prayers and your prayers and everyone else who is praying for you guys. I can't imagine what your going through. Will this be something he has to deal with forever or can he be fully treated? I'm not familiar with CCM.. I'm thinking if you guys!
Oct 27Reply

@ashley1985 aww sweety thank you π unfortunately yes it is something that lasts throughout his life..ccm's is short for cerebral cavernous malformations they are tiny clusters of blood vessels that grow (in his case in his brain) depending on the type you have you can also get them on different extremities of your body they are usually described as little popcorns or grapes because of how they look and they can expand which is what happened to his his were in his brainstem and they burst because they got too big and bled which led to brain surgery number one shortly after and im talking like days later two more grew in its place double the size of the first one and he had brain surgery number two on the 31st of october (the first one was on the 22nd) anyway after this it led to many other complications and right now aside from his trach gtube and pacer he has spells where he stops breathing kind of look like seizures but they aren't and unlike kids with typical "blue or breathe holding spells" he does not come out of it on his own most kids pass out and their body takes over breathing for them..his body doesnt so mama has to come in with an ambu bag and manually resuscitate him its very frightening very sad thing to watch and for us it happens on a daily basis and more than once a day i have the worst nightmares he is on a pulse oximeter that reads his heart rate and oxygen levels whenever he sleeps and also a vent because he had a sleep study and he stops breathing in his sleep due to central sleep apnea...i am so sorry this is a novel of a comment but theres really no readers digest version of our lives right now lmao he has speech therapy physical therapy occupational therapy once a week and vision comes by once a month along with tons of specialty doctors it is a very exhausting lifestyle but we manage and he is on many medications
Oct 27Reply

Oops left out oxygen he is also on one liter of continuous oxygen throughout the day as well
Oct 27Reply

@ashley1985 read above comments sorry forgot to tag the second one π¬
Oct 27Reply

Tiffany, I am praying for you and Noah so hard and I promise you I will pray everyday. I'm sure it is hard for you to sleep when he sleeps because you are so worried. Do you have help so that you can get rest? Will he always suffer from these apnea spells?
Oct 27Reply

@ashley1985 aww ty hun that means so much to me ππyes i hardly ever go to bed before four am because im really a nervous wreck all the time especially nighttime haha which is why i am up right now at two am hehe but ya know i sleep sometimes i have some help i gave up on the nurses tho that they were bringing to the house because none of them knew what to do when he would have a spell they would get big wide eyes and just stand there i was like omg how the heck are u certified and the. The one nurse i did like showed up for one week and i never saw her again πsooo its pretty much me his dad helps sometimes but i moved out of the house because we lived with his parents and two brothers and it was really stressful and crowded soo i live with my mom now but she works so its usually just me and noah
Oct 27Reply

@ashley1985 oh sorry hehe as far as i know the future is unknown cuz he is too little for us to know anything yet and ccm's are scary because more grow as u age so u could live ur whole life with nothing and then turn thirty and boom there ya go problems but i love god for keeping him safe throughout everything thus far and pray every night to continue his handy work i belong to quite a few groups on fb for special needs adults and children and share the love on his page as much as possible because i know what it is to struggle and i want them to feel loved the way we have i have lots of people who pray for us and who were there for us from the beginning even a very special nurse we had in the hospital when he got sick and this was a year ago so im very blessed βΊ
Oct 27Reply

Well, I am praying. I wish there was something I could do. I'm actually a nurse myself, but never worked with anyone that had this. I love your baby and I don't even know him.
Lord, please help Tiffany and baby Noah. I know they need strength that only you can give. I pray that you give Tiffany peace and hope and that you keep Noah happy and heal him, Lord. Put your hand on him and give him peace. I pray that your love surrounds this mother and her son, Lord. Amen.
Tiffany, please remember that you have someone here praying for you and your baby. I'm always here if you need to talk
Oct 27Reply

@ashley1985 amen to that πthat was a beautiful prayer thank you so much and thank you for the support it's nice to talk to someone once in a while i have met some great people on posh and u certainly are one of them since i dont get to go places often it's nice to talk to someone thats a little taller than my lil guy hehe thank you for taking the time to know us βΊand your prayers and love are very much appreciated sweety ππππ
Oct 27Reply

@ashley1985 appreciated ..i dont know if u saw the last word mine cut off lol
Oct 27Reply

Your welcome. I don't have Facebook but would love to hear updated on how he is doing. If it's ok with you I will check on him here on this listing? I will definitely continues my prayers!
Oct 27Reply

@ashley1985 absolutely hun the more the merrier anytime u wanna know anything my world is an open book and i will be sure to update u βΊ
Oct 27Reply

@acacias ty for liking my buggy and me βΊ
Oct 27Reply

Alright, girl. Talk to you soon. Try to rest when you can ... Goodnight π
Oct 27Reply

@ashley1985 okay sweety thanks again it really made my night you have a good one and please check back it was great talking with u π
Oct 27Reply

Great talking to you too, girl :)
Oct 27Reply

@bonmag thanks for liking my baby and me :))
Oct 27Reply

Thank you for all the shares, sweetie! Blessings and strength or you both!! π
Oct 27Reply

How are you guys today?? :-)
Oct 27Reply

@peetzijen aww thank you hunny and no problem ππ. @ashley1985 we are okay im just sleepy but noah seems okay weekends are usually ok cuz its downtime for us a break from all the appointments and therapies haha
Oct 27Reply

Awww... Well, I want to send Noah some things- toys, clothes... Since my son is 2 also, I've got some things to spare! What is the weather there? Does he need fall/winter clothes? Jeans/long sleeve? I will also need your address. I can give you my email so you can give me your info :-)
Oct 27Reply

@ashley1985 omg thats so sweet of you!! Thank you hun! Yes fall/winter clothes he has grown out of a lot of his stuff so anything warm what is your email i can email you hun βΊβΊπππ
Oct 27Reply

Ok, great! My email is daviddiedrich9@gmail.comπ
Oct 27Reply

@ashley1985 sent u an email babe let me know if u got it
Oct 27Reply

Got it!! :)
Oct 27Reply

@ashley1985 k i will talk to u there babe π
Oct 27Reply

@milfbby1 ty for liking my buggy and me hun βΊ
Oct 28Reply

Hi @tiffyc05 I m so sorry. Yesterday someone asked what a bundle would cost and it included the jewelry box. I thought for a minute it was you and set up the bundle. The Thomas click is still available. Again I'm so so sorry.
Oct 28Reply

God bless to you & yoursπππWhat a qt pieπ
Oct 29Reply

@nattyg115 ty very much ππand god bless u as well dear!!! ππ
Oct 29Reply

@pinkprep ty for liking βΊβΊ
Oct 29Reply

ππyou both look adorable together! I do pray he is getting better daily! Stay strong and full of love for yourself and for him. Hugs πππΉπΉπΉπΉπΉπΉ our birthdays are a day apart! πmany blessings to you!!
Oct 29Reply

@quiteamazing1 aww thank you very much!! And happy belated bday!!!πππππtehee god bless sweety β€β€ππ
Oct 29Reply

@katie1431 ty for the like babe βΊβΊ
Oct 30Reply

@hlovesj aww thanks βΊβΊhe is a doll isnt he?? I love my lil man hehe
Oct 30Reply

@pioneerbabe ty for the share this listing os especially special to me βΊβΊ
Nov 03Reply

Your welcome. I'm sure you two love each other so much. Good luck. Have faith and bless you
Nov 03Reply

@pioneerbabe hehe thanks and yes we do very much βΊβΊgod bless β€β€β€
Nov 03Reply

God bless you two...I admire you for your strength. ππ
Nov 04Reply

@thenewera awww ty so much god bless u two ππππ
Nov 04Reply

@thenewera aww ty for the shares babe ππ
Nov 04Reply

Nov 04Reply

How was your Halloween ?:)
Nov 04Reply

@stacydayana heyy!' Sorry for the late response i had ppl at the house it was good we had an appt so we dressed him up took him to his appt as darth and then came home we were gonna pass out candy but we got sleepy lol so i gave him his toy bag i made and we just slept hahha but he was the cutest dang darth vader i ever did see βΊβΊβΊ
Nov 04Reply

Awe I'm so glad you guys had a good time !!:)
Nov 04Reply

ππyes and thank you so much uhm can i have ur permission to send u somethin in the mail? As a thank you??
Nov 05Reply

Praying for you and your family! My motto is if a God brings you to it,he will bring you through it! God bless you and your familyπβ€οΈπππ
Nov 05Reply

@jakeamom12 aww thanks sweety god bless you all as well πππππ
Nov 05Reply

Hi Tiffany, you are a remarkable woman. Your son is a true gift. I'd love to offer you any support as a friend could. My prayers and thoughts are with you every moment of the day.
Nov 06Reply

@silverskyes aww ty sweety thats very kind of you. Poshmark has proved to be an amazing thing for me and the people here are so caring and sweet to me it is such an awesome support system i have here ππthank you so much for your love and prayers hun god bless you always πππππππ
Nov 06Reply

Thanks for your sweetness. You've really touched my heart and soul.
Nov 06Reply

@silverskyes awww ty hun thats so wonderful βΊβΊi am glad i can reach out to people like that my mission in life is to provide an amazing life for my son it has been since before he was born and the support you all give me is what helps me get through so thank you as well hun :))
Nov 06Reply

@sammythepoo thanks for liking my boy and i!! Lots of love βΊβΊ
Nov 11Reply

Nov 11Reply

@sparklyisra thanks!! βΊ
Nov 11Reply

He will feel be better
Nov 11Reply

@sparklyisra thanks i hope so βΊ
Nov 11Reply

@tiffyc05 He is adorable & a precious blessing! I can tell you are a wonderful loving & strong mommy. My heart goes out to you. I'm a mommy of a 10month old boy and he to is my world. It is amazing how our lives change when we become moms. The love we have for our children is unexplainable. I will keep you both in my prayers. You are amazing & your little boy knows it. Take care hun. Thanks for the shares!
Nov 11Reply

@ttmaurizi aww thank you!! And yea i know from the moment i heard that heartbeat for the very first time...i just knew we were made for each other it's so crazy i had always wanted kids and even wanting them forever i never knew how much i could love someone and he really is amazing he blows my mind every day and just to watch him learn when he plays it's just incredible haha i could go on for days lol thank you for your love and support i love my poshers you all are so sweet and kind many blessings to you and your family this holiday season as our year comes to a close hun πβΊβΊ
Nov 11Reply

@tiffyc05 Thanks hun. Many blessings also to you and your family. π
Nov 11Reply

@ttmaurizi thanks babe!! ππ
Nov 11Reply

@jperezort ty for liking my stud muffin and meee!!! Lots of love and blessings hun!!! πππππβ€β€β€
Nov 12Reply

@tiffyc05 He looks very happy. Looking at the pictures and seeing him, you are probably more upset about his condition than he is.
Nov 13Reply

@joanne0716 hehe yeah i most defiantly feel that way!!! He is so strong and he keeps me strong!! I love my lil man!!
Nov 13Reply

@kali_leigh ty for liking my little man and meeee β€β€
Nov 16Reply

Awww what a sweet little man you have!! Isn't being a mom the best thing in the world?? βΊοΈ
Nov 16Reply

@kali_leigh aww ty ππand yes i wouldn't trade my mommyism for anything!! Hahaha
Nov 16Reply

@lupita465 aww thanks hun!! βΊβΊhe is quite a fighter!! Thats his biggest strength...his motivation and his fighter in him πits what i love about him hehe
Nov 16Reply

AMAZING!!! You both are so AMAZING!!! You can tell you both are so closely bonded!!! Children always make our life Beautiful and I pray that you guys are getting all of the help and assistance that you need. To have to deal with things like this in life is one thing.... Having the support and finances are another thing that you shouldn't have to deal with do you can focus on what's of real importance. I speak from experience. Take care, praying for you & your Gorgeous Son with all of my heart... Let me know if I can help in anyway and if it is within my power to do so I will make it happen. Much loveβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ
Nov 17Reply

@heartmykids aww ty sweety πππyea things get hard sometimes but we manage right now tho hes getting over double pneumonia so its been awful and ty for the offer babe thats so kind of u!! βΊβΊmany blessings hunny πππβ€β€πβΊ
Nov 17Reply

@fhm ty for the like!! Tell ur friends!! πππβ€β€
Nov 17Reply

@comonica thanks for liking my honeybug!!! β€β€
Nov 17Reply

Oh,he's adorable and you are one tough momma...I wish all the best for both of you
Nov 17Reply

@comonica aww thank you dear!!! I try to be but not gonna lie it is HARD lol thanks for the love β€β€ππ
Nov 17Reply

@tiffyc05 - you're one great mom!! You rock my friend.... He's adorable & will be totally fine soon!! Will always keep y'all I'm our prayers & thoughts! Keep in touch dear..Lotsa love & hugs...β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπ
Nov 18Reply

@racharora aww thanks babe!! ππur such a sweety!! Thanks for ur posh loveβ€πβ€π we always can use prayers and love hun thank you it means a lot to us ππ
Nov 18Reply

@twosmall17 ty for the posh love!!! ππππ
Nov 19Reply

@faribao ty for all the posh love sweety βΊβΊ
Nov 19Reply

My pleasure and thank you
Nov 19Reply

@sionienate ty for the like!!ππ
Nov 19Reply

@aprilwellman ty for the posh love sweetyβΊβΊβ€β€
Nov 19Reply

You have a handsome little guy!
Nov 20Reply

@ms_krys aww ty sweety yes i believe that also my boy was given to me on purpose and he is here for a reason βΊβΊty for ur love and support and god bless u hunπ
Nov 21Reply

@ms_krys ty dear u alsoβ€β€π
Nov 21Reply

@karvo33 ty for the posh love sweety!!ππ
Nov 22Reply

My cousin is going through almost the same situation with her one year old. I'm praying for you guys!! β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ
Nov 22Reply

@karvo33 aww so sorry to hear that hun lots of love and prayers to you guys yes its a pretty craptastic situation πbut we try to make the best of what we got and im very thankful every day that my baby is alive not to sound morbid but it is what it is π
Nov 22Reply

@karvo33 and thank you for your love and support and prayers!! We appreciate that very much hun β€β€β€βΊβΊ
Nov 22Reply

Beautiful and god bleas
Nov 30Reply

@fransteve thank you you also dear!! sorry i am just now seeing this i don't come on posh very often been busy lately getting ready for the holiday :D
Dec 01Reply

No worries :)
Dec 01Reply

He is adorable! I hope you are both doing well π
Dec 07Reply

@pinkprep aww thank you sweety he's doing okay he's just getting over his pneumonia he had but antibiotics are done and he is doing much better now :)
Dec 07Reply

@missmikey ty for the posh live β€β€
Dec 09Reply

Dec 09Reply

@mrscookey thank you for liking my lil buggyβ€β€
Dec 15Reply

Wow you are an amazing and strong Mom!! Bless you and your beautiful son!! Keeping you both in my prayers...i just cant imagine how hard this must beππππ
Dec 16Reply

@ginger71 aww thanks hun it is hard sometimes but im never gonna give up :) thanks for all the posh love β€β€β€β€β€ππ
Dec 16Reply

πππwell u deserve a saints medal because there's nothing more heart wrenching than to see your child suffer or worry endlessly. Best of luck to you and your little hi. He has such a beautiful smile!!! π
Dec 16Reply

@ginger71 hahha well thank you very much ππi appreciate that and thanks i agree his smiles melts me ππ
Dec 16Reply

@ladonnafranks ty for the posh love β€β€β€β€
Dec 16Reply

"very welcome! Thank you as well!"
Dec 16Reply

@ladonnafranks anytime hun β€π
Dec 16Reply

@brooklyn_s ty for liking my buggy!!! β€β€
Dec 18Reply

He is so preciousβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ what a wonderful mommy you are! You and your son are in my prayers!!! π
Dec 18Reply

@brooklyn_s aww ty very much hun we appreciate every prayer and kind word β€β€π
Dec 18Reply

@tiffyc05 be strong and patient my dear God never fell his children. He's a cutie pie
Dec 31Reply

@mcharles0277 thanks sweety πππ
Dec 31Reply

@tiffyc05 you welcome my dear never give up faith. Our God is faithful and awesome
Dec 31Reply

@mcharles0277 i never will give up on God he has blessed us in more ways you could imagine this year and I am so thankful ππthanks hun πβΊβ€β€β€
Dec 31Reply

@tiffyc05 Good morning Tiffany it's a pleasure to meet you and your adorable son, that smile he has melts my heart! May God be by both your sides always. My sincere admiration for your courage and especially that of your son. You are now in my heart forever! ππππ
Jan 02Reply

@sonpaises aww thank you love βΊβΊβ€β€β€β€thats so sweet we appreciate the love and prayers and kind words very much ππmany blessings to you doll βΊβΊ
Jan 02Reply

@kinipela808 ty for the posh love!! β€β€β€βΊ
Jan 08Reply

@tiffyc05 Awww what a blessing you have in your lil boy. God has a purpose for bringing him into this world and you two are in my prayers love! <hugs and kisses to you both>
Feb 01Reply

@tintedb aww thank you hugz n kissez to you from both of us!!! and yes i believe that god has a reason as well :) my noah is very special :D
Feb 01Reply

@tiffyc05 Awww Noah is also the name of my Godson, lovely nameππ
Feb 01Reply

@tintedb aw thanks ππand yes i totally agree
Feb 01Reply

@mmendoza89 aww thank you ππand no problem hun thanks also ππ
Feb 25Reply

Your little angel is on my prayer list everyday.
Apr 27Reply

@glittzie aww thank you ππwe just had his third brain surgery in march so prayers are def welcome and needed!! We appreciate all of our prayers ππβ€β€
Apr 27Reply

Hey girl...just wanted to add my name to the peeps praying for you and your cutie pie! May Providence continue to bless you with resiliency. :) God bless
Apr 27Reply

@foamgirl thank you so very much for your prayersβ€β€βΊβΊ
Apr 27Reply

@lauren_briggs thanks for liking my little buggy ππ
May 03Reply

He looks like a sweet boy. So adorable :-) my heart goes out to you and your son
May 03Reply

@lauren_briggs hehe thank you very much hun god bless ππ
May 03Reply

@krissy007 share!
May 08Reply

@helmar thanks for liking my little buddy!!ππ
May 12Reply

Aww..my prayers are with you! He is adorable! π
May 23Reply

@shopforever2014 thank youβΊβΊ
May 23Reply

@lacyjo628 thank you π
Jul 12Reply

@trendycutedeals thanks for the posh loveβ€οΈβ€οΈ god bless ππ
Feb 19Reply

@ecolon740 thank you for the posh love!! β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈgod bless βΊοΈβΊοΈ
Feb 28Reply

@tiffyc05 You welcome π He too cute God bless him π
Feb 28Reply

@ecolon740 aww thanks ππ
Feb 28Reply
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