💕💕MY BEAUTIFUL SISTER💕💕2/28/71-12/17/12
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TODAY MAKES 3 years that we got our own ANGEL👼 I will be taking time today to remember her so please excuse my absence here and on other Social Media. All sales have been packaged and dropped this evening. I've been asked many times why I have this listing. The beautiful women in the cover shot is my sister. She was taken from us DECEMBER 17, 2012 due to domestic violence . This listing honors her. She was beautiful ,smart, giving, caring, and the most fashionable women in any room ❤️

81 others
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Oh no so sad honey thinking of you 💜🙏💜
Dec 17Reply

Much love honey-thinking of you as always xxxx
Dec 17Reply

Dec 18Reply

Much love and prayers, my friend @amandamarino
Dec 19Reply

God bless her soul
Dec 21Reply

@amandamarino just saw this. Love you.
Dec 22Reply

So sorry. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
Dec 29Reply

My heart is with you❤️Sending much love!
Jan 07Reply

@amandamarino I had no idea. You're so strong. I'm sending you Posh love and retail therapy and anything that contributes to help you through your great loss. Thank you for sharing and being an advocate. Hopefully this will help others.
Jan 27Reply

@coolmelanie thank you. I've said it to many of the other ladies on here, my sister Stacy would have made everyone's head spin if she wldve been here to Posh! A true Fashionista! Beautiful inside and out! Heaven got quite the well dressed angel. I appreciate your kind words. If this listing effects even just one person then I've done my job! 😘💕
Jan 27Reply

@amandamarino so very sooty for a terrible loss sweet heart 😢prayers 🙏😘
Jan 27Reply

@jeanjean2014 thanks doll😘💕she was a true beauty ! Love keeping her memory alive! Thank you !
Jan 27Reply

@amandamarino I'm so sorry🌹💔🌹
Feb 03Reply

Oh I'm sorry about ur loss hun🙏 God bless her soul RIP
Feb 17Reply

@vanadzor thank you! She was 1 in a million !💕💕💕💕💕
Feb 17Reply

I'm sure she was💞
Feb 17Reply

I'm sure it brings u peace to kno u have a beautiful angel watching over u. Love and light to u and ur fam. 💖✨👼
Feb 19Reply

I'm so sorry! I was in an abusive relationship for a few years ... I'm one of the lucky ones. I hope you find peace. :-*
Feb 21Reply

@amandamarino Oh Honey I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. 🌸
Feb 25Reply

God bless... she looks like an angel:)
Feb 28Reply

Feb 28Reply

@allylovesart thank you, she does. Today's would have been her birthday . 💕
Feb 28Reply

happy birthday angel !! send that message to her in prayer :)God bless you all.
Feb 28Reply

@amandamarino :)
Feb 28Reply

Prayers always, heaven gained a beautiful angel! Shes always watching over you🙏❤️
Mar 14Reply

Omg, my aunt too, the feelings I have towards her ex give me nightmares! I never seen this amanda im so sorry, my mom.still cries over her sister I cant even imagine.... shes so beautiful!
Apr 05Reply

Sending you and all affected the most ✨Healing Light✨💪Strength🙏Peace 🌺Happiness and infinite amounts of L💚VE .........................🌸🌷🌸
May 03Reply

@bunkie thank you💕
May 03Reply

This stopped me. I'm sure you think of her often and miss her. Thanks for posting this and educating people that there's support out there. 💚💚
May 11Reply

@camposcc Catherine thank you. She was one of a kind. She would have loved this community and all of the wonderful supportive people I've met here! Kind words like yours help me to remember that although what happened to her was tragic and the worst nightmare Anyone can imagine, I have to find a way to make some good out of it. Thanks so much Catherine! Happy Mother's Day! 😘💕
May 11Reply

As you continue to recover, Calm thoughts and peace sent your way sister 💚
May 11Reply

I'm sorry for your loss! God bless HER!💗
May 15Reply

Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for you and your family. I never understand it. So hard to loose one that way, awful. My heart goes out to you. I hope others will see this and get out while they can. Thinking of you.
Jun 01Reply

@amandamarino I am so sorry for your devastating loss, my heart goes out to you and your family❤you are making something good out of what has happened to your loved one, you are bringing awareness to other people❤you are touching a lot of lives, so this tragedy (CRIME) that happened to your sister, was not in vain❤❤❤❤prayers🙏🙏🙏
Jun 01Reply

@mfoxhollow @julieg1 what beautiful comments to wake up to this Sunday morning . Thank you so much, I appreciate both of your beautiful words more than you know. She was a true beauty, inside and out, taken much to soon from this world . I could not justify it without purpose. If at least one person in her situation sees this and it helps them in the slightest way, then that is enough reason for me. Thank you both for all of your wonderful shares as well. I will return them on my way to work later this morning. Thank you so much again. Women like you are the reason Posh is such a great community. Xoxo💕💛❤️
Jun 01Reply

Amanda you're so welcome. Every time I see her face it makes me so sad, she does look like an Angel, I'm sure she was amazing. I guess you have to make some reason for it, because it sure didn't seem fair. Don't worry about shares happy to do it. I will continue to share her for the awareness. Your so right about the posh community, for me, the out pouring of love for Brayden is off the charts. I would never have dreamt it. I'm not sure Hillary is the right one for the job, but when you see what can be done through the women on it, OMG I think we need that compassion to change the world. You have a great day. My love goes out to you.
Jun 01Reply

@amandamarino ❤❤❤❤
Jun 01Reply

Jun 03Reply

Oh my... I am so sorry...... Was it the abusive relationship that lead to her passing? If i may ask? No pressure to answer my dear. Thanks for.this post. She was beautiful and still is!!
Aug 09Reply

@mathchallenger hi nice to meet you. I don't mind answering your question at all. I prefer to keep awareness alive about this subject. Yes, my sister was a victim of Domestic Violence. She was killed by her husband and he then killed himself immediately after. My sister was a teacher for 21 years. Had a beautiful home, did so much for the community and the people she loved, was always kind, had a son in college, was a great mother, her husband owned many businesses, they looked like the perfect family. She wS always dresses impeccably and you would never think for a minute that she was going through what she was. I don't mind answering questions because people need to know that this can happen anywhere to anyone in any situation . We lost her December 17th, by way of a gunshot. She is at peace now, however a beautiful person was taken way to early. I appreciate your kind words and your questions. Hope to see you around Posh again.💕💕
Aug 09Reply

You are so strong for sharing and being so open. May she.forever rest in peace!!
Aug 09Reply

@amandamarino hi there, I was browsing through and I started reading this, I'm so sad for your loss, and from domestic violence. My aunt was also killed by her boyfriend from a gunshot. It's such a tragic loss.. It's so upsetting hearing about women going through abuse, and have to live day to day going through that pain and suffering.. I feel sorry for the woman going through it. Again I'm very sorry
Aug 12Reply

@sheaco thank you, as I am sorry for your loss as well. It's up to people like you and I to continue to spread the word and tell our stories . People close to us were taken for such horrible reasons. I hear more and more of these stories everyday and it's heartbreaking. Domestic violence is something that should never happen no matter the circumstances. I am truly sorry for your loss and appreciate your kind words💕💕
Aug 12Reply

@amandamarino I am so sorry about your sister. My Godmother was killed because she didn't want to marry this man. So sad that people like this exist. I will keep you in my prayers. 🙏
Aug 16Reply

It is sad! I'm a big time supporter of getting information out about how to take your life back and being codependent no more. It's a vicious cycle with victims of abuse as I was one of them. Never physical but verbal and I believe it worse than physical because I am still healing from the damage it caused along with PTSD. Some feel they a not worthy, some feel they deserve it, some just want love no matter the form, some are terrified because they have been broken and see no way out. No one deserves abuse period. It hurts my heart to see another go through this horrible endless cycle but with guidance there is help and so many wonderful educative websites out that instruct you step by step on an exit plan and how to build yourself back up. Another factor is our judicial system. Quite frankly it sucks. People of domestic abuse need to all come together and demand harsher punishment, better protection and investigation. I've seen too many Judges say it's your word against there's, even with evidence. Something's got to change and only we can demand it! I'm so sorry for your loss. If you ever have any questions I am happy to help. I've been divorced since May from a Narcissist. I didn't know when I met him that there was a word for his personality type. We have a 6 year old daughter that I spent all I had on attorneys to gain full custody only to get told the custody will be joint. Because my ex "was an outstanding citizen of the community and in the Rotary club." My daughter has suffered from this and if they investigated they would see behind the mask. I send my prayers to you and your family. Thank you for posting this. People need to be aware it goes on more then they think. Best wishes Stephanie
Aug 16Reply

I cannot believe I am just seeing this. I am so sorry for your loss. As much as I hate seeing these things I am so glad that families speak out. A close friend of mine was gunned down by her estranged husband almost a year and a half ago. That is the closest I have ever been to a situation like this and cannot even fathom what the families go through. My friend and her family went through hell for years & now her family has to live their lives trying to help her children get through the days without their mother or father. Just breaks my heart. Prayers for you and your family.
Aug 25Reply

Hi Amanda. I hope this finds you well, I haven't written you in a while, but I sure don't forget this page and try to share often. I didn't realize until I read a new post from you, she left on Dec. 17th that's my sons birthday. I will remember. I lost my brother suddenly to cancer in Feb. he was my best friend, I miss him so much. The doctor told me the other day. Losing a sibling is the next worse thing to loosing a child. I believe it. Love keeping her spirit alive. My best to you and your family always.
Aug 27Reply

@amandamarino god bless you Amanda. I too have lost a sibling and the hole it leaves is epic. How smart and brave of you to bring this silent problem out in the open. I'm am truly sorry for your loss, and know your sister was a beautiful, loved women💟💟💟
Sep 02Reply

God Bless you and your family! Your strength is amazing!! Thanks for being so brave!!😘
Sep 16Reply

@amandamarino XOXO Thank you for sharing your story. It takes strength, love and honor to be able to do this and I commend you for your support against domestic violence!!! I know your sister is watching over you ( amazingly dressed) ;) and giving that strength you need at times ( as we all do!) XOXO
Sep 23Reply

@ceecee3939 thank you so much . It means a lot to me that people actually take time to read this listing. 💛💛
Sep 23Reply

@amandamarino in my eyes... EVERY WOMAN SHOULD!! MORE WOMAN NEED TO SEE... HEAR AND KNOW THEY ARE NOT ALONE! THEY CAN TRY AND GET HELP!! And also for families like yours, mine and others to know the same!!
My biggest wish, want, goal, dream is to have an amazing place for woman all over the world to go that is inspiring,safe,beautiful and fucking intimidating to coward men ;)
They have shelters... Yes! But, I am talking about a place where woman went so they wouldn't have to hide or be afraid!! Oh... Don't get me started on my dream lol
Anyway I'm proud of you girl and your sister is a kickass rockin angel for you... It shows! Xoxo
Sep 23Reply

@ceecee3939 you dream of a world and place much like I dream of. I am sorry for you having to deal with this in your life/family as well. I believe if more women (and men) get behind this cause and spread awareness someday we can have exactly what you and I dream of! A safe place for all women in need . Much love and prayers for you, you are a remarkable women💛❤️
Sep 23Reply

@amandamarino I agree xoxox keep up the amazing job and I'll do my part!! :)
Sep 23Reply

I'm so sorry about your sister. She looks like a beautiful graceful regal woman. May you be comforted and know no more pain.
Oct 03Reply

Prayers ur way, ur sister looks very beautiful .. God Bless🙏🙏
Nov 14Reply

😢awww so very sorry for your loss , how very very sad🙏🙏🙏
Nov 14Reply

Thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time hugs ❤️
Nov 14Reply

🌹Much Love💜💜💜
Dec 13Reply

I'm sooooo sorry!! All my love & prayers being sent! GODSPEED! 🙏❤️
Dec 13Reply

Wow... Seems surreal what you've all been through. I'm not immune either. Apparently we flock together for a reason. Grateful to know you all @tai_chi_pug @mangrami I'm loving you girls!!!
Dec 17Reply

@tai_chi_pug ironically tomorrow is the anniversary. I actually just got done texting with Nancy about it. I am sorry for your losses as well. It's so difficult. Especially during the holidays. I hate the Christmas season because it happened so close, so I feel your pain. It's something very difficult for people who have not experienced this type of loss to understand, but now I know I have someone else in my life who knows what I'm feeling! 💛Thank you for your kind words. I think this is going to be the beginning of a great friendship .😘💕💕💕💕
Dec 17Reply

@cmjla tomorrow's the anniversary. It's another sh*t show here. Just trying to get through tomorrow at this point. It's funny how we all find eachother right? I feel very lucky to have you all in my life ❤️❤️(PS I tried to type s h I t and I got a message that said no profanity here) WTF?🙈
Dec 17Reply

I know you don't know me and came across your closet and this post. I am so sorry for your loss, and am myself a VERY strong advocate and for raising awareness about domestic violence/sexual assault. May you be able to carry her legacy by continuing to fight for those who need a louder voice! It is never easy. She seems like a beautiful soul.
Dec 22Reply

@jillianka hi nice to meet you. Thank you so much for your kind words. This passed Wednesday was the anniversary of her passing. It's been a rough week, however with all the love and support I am receiving from the Posh community alone, it has made it much easier ❤️Keep on doing what you are doing! The more awareness the less loss. She was a beautiful soul for sure! Heaven got an angel like no other! Thank You so much. Merry Christmas to you and yours.❤️
Dec 22Reply

Yes...I saw that her anniversary was just the other day...again I am so sorry, and glad that posh has mad things a little easier to see the support. Thank you, and that's great for you to keep raising awareness. ♡♡♡
Dec 22Reply

So sorry for your loss. Sending you hugs! 💝
Dec 25Reply

I am so sorry. I can't imagine the pain you are experiencing. Im so sorry. She is beautiful like you.
Dec 28Reply

@lovecolor7 thanks babe❤️
Dec 28Reply

@amandamarino I was introduced to your beautiful closet by @lovecolor7
I clicked on this listing thinking I would read about how your sis is your model and muse for your closet. Well I guess I got it half right! Dec 17, 2012 was a terrible day for me too. My mom had a serious stroke (a side effect of her lung cancer) that day, we lost her exactly three months later. Your sister's story is even more heartbreaking. I sometimes find myself wondering about my own relationship at home. Although it's not physically abusive, I am often made to feel less than... And wonder why I stay. The kids and our lifestyle are a big part of why we're still together. I'm definitely going to be purchasing from your closet soon to help your cause. We fashionable & strong women need to stick together. :-)
Dec 28Reply

@bbq415 hi. I see you found the answer already 💜
Jan 03Reply

I hope all is well!! So sorry to hear this💜💙💛 @amandamarino
Jan 04Reply

Jan 10Reply

Ouch, just read this -- I hope January has brought you some respite. Very sorry you lost your sister at all, much less this kind of way. I hope that soon after she got her own wings, she found a good guy with a set of his own!
Jan 17Reply

My heart goes out to you and I'm sincerely sorry for your loss. I'm in tears right now. I was a victim of domestic abuse and I'm lucky I got out when I did. It makes me so angry and so sad that this happened to your beautiful sister. Much like her, no one knew I was going through it either. I was too ashamed to talk about it and even more scared to admit to anyone about the horrible physical abuse that was taking place. I went through this 20 years ago but the emotions of it all are something that never really fade away and quite frankly still hurt every now and again. I'm not jaded by it, my spirit wasn't broken by it, I've had much time to heal, I'm a pretty happy person, it absolutely made me stronger to have survived that whole situation, to be able to share, support, and understand others that have gone or are going through it but it's an experience that no one should ever have to endure, one I wish I didn't, and one that we never forget. My love and prayers go out to you and your family. Sending you a huge hug, hold it for at least 30 seconds, you know, those tight meaningful hugs😊 and an even bigger thank you. I appreciate you for sharing, advocating and keeping awareness alive. God Bless.
Jan 17Reply

Rip beautiful😘
Jan 18Reply

She's beautiful! I'm truly sorry for such a great loss in your life at such a very young age. It's very sweet to share her in memory, her aspirations, and keep her close by........as she is near you now as an Angel and she must be so proud to have a sister as you! Thank-you for sharing, caring, and telling your story from such a preventative and sadly to many go through. We need more awareness and for this I thank-you again! God bless!
Jan 22Reply

Oh baby I am so sorry. I've had 2 friends killed by their husbands. One was 8 months pregnant & they found her body in the trunk of his car at a strip club. SICK!!!!! She graduated number #3 in our class then met this piece of crap. Moved away & well, u know the rest. The other one was shot bc he decided he loved his mistress more so killing her made more since. They both have been on 48 hrs. So much more to both of their stories but you get the disgusting idea. It leaves a whole in my heart. I can only imagine how you feel. All of my love & prayers are being sent. Saying a prayer for your beautiful sister, you, your family & all that loved her & all of the abused women out there. MUCH MUCH MUCH LOVE! GODSPEED xoxoxo
Jan 23Reply

Amanda thank you for sharing....your sister was so beautiful......thoughts and prayers to u and ur family.....❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 31Reply

@tinatz3 thank you for sharing . Im getting ready to drive so I had to stop. Thank you for the kind words..... She was a beautiful women , now she's a beautiful angel ❤️
Jan 31Reply

She will always be with you...ur guardian angel...❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 31Reply

@amandamarino Beautiful angel!
Feb 02Reply

@ninaville thank you luv and thank you for all the shares as well. She is a beautiful angel. Im lucky to have her looking down on me❤️👼
Feb 02Reply

@amandamarino Always xo's!!! I'm certain she's smiling from heavens above and always by your side and watching over her lovely sister...
Feb 02Reply

:(:( so sorry about that! She was a beautiful girl.
Feb 02Reply

N😰 💗💗💗💗💗
Feb 05Reply

Thank you for sharing 💕
Feb 06Reply

That just sucks. No words. DV is so prevalent and those relationships, well it doesn't matter what we say or do, I'm sure you tried and tried. I'm so sorry, I share and support this cause because I was a victim. My heart aches for you and your family and I hope that sick £¥€# (enough said) Marian💞🙏 Your sister was beautiful, may she be at peace.
Feb 09Reply

May she RIP I am trying to get out of a not so healthy relationship currently to avoid that very thing. Sad that is how she went but she is still with you and spirit and I am sure you are much more aware of the people in your life. God bless you and your family!💙💙💙💙💙
Feb 15Reply

@becrispy 💛
Feb 20Reply

I am a domestic abuse survior. My father was very mean growing up.
My heart goes out to you !
Feb 22Reply

So sad. Too many women think they can handle the abusive. I know. Sorry to hear about your sister. Women have to be strong and know they can live without this. Hugs. Joy😊🌻🌻
Feb 24Reply

@amandamarino I feel your pain. 😢We lost a niece to domestic violence. He killed her in front of her daughter then killed himself. Prayers to you and yours. I wish there were more programs available and action that the police and the public could do to prevent these horrible acts of selfishness. The family is never the same once this is done. We know they're angels now and in better hands. God bless you. Much love💕
Feb 26Reply

I'm so very sorry for your loss. Sisters are so special. Our best friends. Super sweet that you honor her.
Feb 26Reply

Sorry for your loss
Feb 26Reply

Heartbreaking...she was beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feb 27Reply

@amandamarino My heart aches for your loss of your beautiful sister. I pray that The Lord will comfort you and your family.
Feb 27Reply

Think of you love🙏
Feb 28Reply

Oops thinking" praying, hurting for you, wish I could give you a big hug😔
Feb 28Reply

Amanda I know today is tough. I share her story often. You're right she is beautiful and such a loss. When I look at her picture, she just looks like an Angel. Thinking of you today. 🙏💗😢
Feb 28Reply

So sorry for your loss however please know I just received a temporary protective order and Monday hoping to get it for one year reading this previously was a trigger to me that I need to do something. So your sisters tragedy helps others have the courage to get out. Sad it's that way but thanks. May your sister rest in peace. Prayers to you and your entire family.😀😀😀💙💙💙
Feb 28Reply

@amandamarino 👼💞🎶💐🌷💞🙏
Feb 28Reply

Prayers and love sent your way❤️
Mar 01Reply

Mar 01Reply

May there be peace with you & your family 💕🙏 I know she's in an AWESOME place now in peace💕💐 💖
She's probably POSHMARKS "TOP 100% GIVER" (since, they have no such thing as buying in Heaven) a "SUGGESTED ADVISOR" because of her FABULOUS style👟👡👠👢👚👗👖👘👙💼👛👜🌂💄‼️. She's probably BFF/PFF with VERSACE👑🌟
May God Bless, give peace & strength to you and your family 🙏👼❤️😘
Mar 03Reply

Hey Girl I got a new account because mine was deleted for selling the black bag you were interested in , lmk if you still are !:) I have it
Mar 05Reply

She is Lovely. My heart is so saddened by this tragedy. I wish to God that Men could be turned off by remote control ... I get furious of the senseless brutality... I have several sisters and daughters. Our prayers will flow to you in the wind. And please know. This ANGEL IS BESIDE YOU.. Feel her presence. Know that she is there. ..This I know to be true. 🌟💖💖🙏💖🙏💖👼👼👼👼💖💖🌟
Mar 18Reply

OMG I'm so very very sorry for your loss. I've been in a domestic violence marriage before I was lucky to have gotten out of it .My abusers name was Paul Ash he now has to live no less then 10 states away from me and if for any reason he has to come to the state I'm living in he has to contact that states court house and ask for permission and he lost his 2nd amendment for life
Mar 21Reply

What a beautiful lady with such gentle eyes. I'm so sorry for your loss. In honoring her memory you bring her back, in a way that honors her for the love you can see in her eyes & to remind people it happens all the time - to be aware & teach the young girls that it's not okay to be hit. Even when you teach them it doesn't always help. I know bc my dad was an abuser and I watched him abuse many women including my dear mother. In a time when people turned their heads my mother fought back to live. And live she did. She's 82 more, been remarried nearly 35 years to my dad (step). who is gentle, kind and loving. Ladies good men ARE out there, just know the signs. My real dad staked out vulnerable women who could not support themselves. Be aware.
Domestic violence strikes a woman or child nearly every second. It's a wonder it's not splashed all over the news everyday but like most news, people forget if it doesn't touch them. Well, we aren't going to let it be forgotten. We are using ourselves, Our stories, your story, my mother's story and we will change it. It should never happen to begin with. That's where the change should happen - with young men who show aggression. Girls yes but they are recipients not the instigator in most cases.
Thank you for this reminder and know that my heart is with you. I'm here if you ever need to talk. I've been on both ends of this one. Watching & receiving. I know & my heart weeps. But then it rejoices bc other women & young girls will read this post about your sister & realize there is NO excuse for aggressive behavior or abuse.
Thank you and God bless you. Dee
Mar 22Reply

So glad that you shared your story and I am so sorry for your loss. This post brought tears to my eyes because I was also a victim of domestic violence and I lived to tell my story. I am an attorney and I fight for the rights of women. Your sister was so beautiful and stories like hers is why I fight on. God bless ♥
Mar 22Reply

So sad...can't imagine your loss.💋
Mar 22Reply

I'm so sorry to learn about your sister's sudden departure from you. My brother passed away 14 years ago on April 13. He was very ill for a very long time though. I hope that you have come to learn, as I have, that while the body is mortal, the energy within us cannot be created or destroyed. That's been scientifically proven in the Law of Conservation. Your sister is still with you, and always will be. It's sometimes difficult to learn how to see those we love once they vanish from our vision, but we can learn how to see them when we try... Sending you love and light... Amanda
Mar 23Reply

@amandamarino Your story really touched my heart. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sister- what a beauty she was. I don't know you, but sending love and peace your way. 💓💫Thank you for opening up and speaking out on your horrible tragedy. Wish Posh had some sort of way of for sellers to be able to donate a portion of sales to a cause like this if they choose. Or even clothes to a DV shelter.
May 24Reply

@boheme_darling thank you for your kind words..... You are to sweet. If my sisters story can reach just one person by being posted here, then I will be happy. She was a beautiful person with a beautiful soul. She had so much left to give this World. Thank you so much for leaving your comment. I appreciate it so much ❤️
May 24Reply

So sorry. 🌹
Jun 01Reply

God Bless this angel
Aug 24Reply

So so so sorry
Oct 16Reply
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