🔴Dealing with an unkind comment on your listing🔴
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Yes, People write mean/unkind things on my listings, too..Here is what I have found to be the best way to handle any pesky unkind/unnecessary comments on my listings. Also, as mentioned below, take a deep breath, remove yourself from the negative comment, regroup and come back and handle it like a lady, when you are calm & collected..always remembering that the comment is really NOT about you, at all.💗

213 others
like this

Charis, your right. The best way to handle it is with class! And you, my dear, are the epitome of class. Definitely agree and heeding your advice! 👏👏👏🙏😘
Jan 10Reply

@ashley1985 💗💗
Jan 10Reply

@enigma Thank you so much for sharing this to us oldies and newbies! Sometimes we forget out of frustration. Maybe you can add - when you read a nasty comment, take a deep breath. Turn off your app and re-group! Lol or else your emotion will take over! Thank you so much!
Jan 10Reply

@noy2312 oh!! That a great idea!! Ok!! I'll put that in text!
Jan 10Reply

@noy2312 👍👀
Jan 10Reply

I would just ignore them ,probably that person has no class at all...
Jan 10Reply

@bhkh yes, that's what I do..but it's easy to relist, too..the important thing is to not let it affect you💗
Jan 10Reply

Good advice, very well said! 👍😘
Jan 10Reply

@enigma So true even in real life! It only adds more fuelmto the fire. No different than engaging in a nasty email rather than walking to talknto the person. Thanks for sharing!
Jan 11Reply

@munci thank you. I remember the first time this happened to me..I was devastated. So, if it helps a new Poshmarker..then that would be worth the experience💗
Jan 11Reply

@enigma That has not happened to me..YET! Why would they leave nasty comments? Did they not get the deal they wanted? Hope I am not prying...
Jan 11Reply

@munci I think people get bored..or they have a bad day..or they are just being trolls ..just like the real world..grumpy people do grumpy stuff..you just have to let them be in their grumpiness..never take it personally.💗✌️
Jan 11Reply

@enigma I always try not to sweat the "Small Stuff". You have a gorgeous exclusive closet so anybody leaving that kind of comment has no other reason than just being bitter. Love your closet and you are Dead Drop Gorgeous!!! Nice talking to you:)
Jan 11Reply

This is so well written/thoughtfully explained. Thank you!!! 👍👊💓
Jan 11Reply

So true!
Jan 12Reply

@cath_stylist 💗thank you!
Jan 13Reply

@classyvintage 💗
Jan 13Reply

hi @enigma - great advice. i think the important part is what you said - not letting it get to you, which can be hard to do. it happened to me early on. i bought an item that was badly damaged (basically unusable but described as in very good condition) and asked politely if i could return it. within hours i started getting nasty comments from another user. so they were either retaliatory or someone had a rather boring life. either way, i just ignored them. but on a different note, i have a question - i hope you don't me asking here (i tried to search for the answer but came up with conflicting results) ... someone has asked me to trade. typically i don't but this person has things i would trade for. what is PM policy - is it allowed? just curious before i agree to anything… thanks :)
Jan 13Reply

@brinda hi! Happy Monday. I'm sorry you experienced this, too! Honestly, I have found the more you can let PM handle returns/complaints/etc. the better it goes down. It somehow becomes less 'personal' a complaint and less of an attack..when I have tried to 'soften' it myself, no matter who polite you are, people become upset..now ..
Jan 13Reply

@brinda now, about trades, I know others feel differently, but I honestly believe nothing good can come of trading. PM frowns on trades, they cannot protect you in anyway. You are basically on your own, just as if you mailed someone on CL money and hoped they would mail you what you bought. No protection. ..cont..
Jan 13Reply

@brinda Most fights/drama/scams/issues occur due to trading and/or PP than anything else. It also doesn't support PM, if everyone started trading, and this became a barter platform PM would not make operating expenses. I traded early on, a couple times when I thought PM was ok with trading, but now, even if I know the person, I would prefer to buy outright, this way everyone is protected💗
Jan 13Reply

thanks for the thoughtful input, it's really helpful! i'm anti-drama so i think that gives me my answer… :)
Jan 13Reply

Jan 16Reply

Beautiful closet and very wise words. While it's tempting, I wouldn't engage the offender, nothing good can come from that. Fortunately, t's only happened to me once. Their words speaks for themselves, but if it got ugly, I would get Posh involved and, as you suggested, simply re-list the item. No sense in letting small people have a big impact on you. 😉
Jan 16Reply

@isa_wine_lover @specialk104 @neelug @amandamarino great advice
Jan 16Reply

Thanks Lexi; saved it to my likes 😃 @alexislovebee
Jan 16Reply

I learned the hard way , now I ignore
Jan 16Reply

Hummmmm..Charis....I think humility goes a long way...I've had it done...and I know it sounds weird...but I actually shared there closet...it was not done in my closet...however a certain posher listing was removed...and Poshers banded together to get it put back up...Posh realized it was a mistake and reinstated the item back up....however sooooo many tags were made(which I don't agree)...that no one took the time to see Manish himself apologized right on the listing...I was trying to tag every person making negative comments to tell them it was resolved so it could come to a halt...for it really got out of hand...and just one person came at me really rough....I didn't even comment...I simply went to her closet and shared about the whole thing....love always begets love...she did not know how to take that...she apologized......and in the end I earned a trust worthy follower...Manish himself!!!!!!
Jan 16Reply

Jan 16Reply

@alexislovebee thanks! Someone asks me this every month or so, so it's good to have it up💗
Jan 16Reply

@gettumgirl yes, I like it when you can 'flip' the whole post back to positive..but sometimes after you do, people still jump in about the negative, it's a delicate line and it's hard for newer users to deal with..we are better at it, because we have seen what can happen and know it's just best sometimes to ignore or delete the negative💗💗sending you love
Jan 16Reply

@lrbennett12 you know this comes up a lot, so if it helps..that's good💗
Jan 16Reply

@hilarysmom 💗💗
Jan 16Reply

@specialk104 💗💗thank you
Jan 16Reply

Sending you love back...my Charis!!!!
Jan 16Reply

So agree very classy way to Handel
Jan 16Reply

@karim12 💗💗Thank you so much
Jan 16Reply

It's great advice, I had experienced seeing this happen more recently and was tagged quite a bit when the closet owner reacted. When I had a situation happen to me I did the same thinking that was what you were supposed to do.. And immediately after i could see where I fell short and there was a much better solution. I could've used this.. Lol.. But it's great advice, thanks for posting and always lending great insight. 😘😘
Jan 17Reply

Can I borrow this? It's awesome!!!
Jan 23Reply

@sdshopper yes, of course..as long as its a positive post💗💗👍
Jan 24Reply

Of course!💖 TY!💋💋
Jan 24Reply

Jan 25Reply

Great tips!! 😘😘😘
Jan 25Reply

@enigma BLOCK LESS POSITIVE POSHER, RELIST and call it a day FTW-Life is too short!!! Great listing and sound advice!
Jan 27Reply

@courtneychan Thank you..I try!! 💗💗
Jan 30Reply

This is so awesome!! Luv it💜💜💜 Thank you for tagging me Kristine👯💋💋 @specialk104
Jan 31Reply

@enigma Great advice, I personally have not experienced but have seen my share of it in other Posher's closets. This rudeness just hurts the ones doing it. When I see this I just make sure I block the instigator from my closet, I just refuse to do drama🙋👏
Feb 02Reply

Great advice. I'm sharing and reposting on my wall. (Hope that's ok cause I've seen enough drama to last a lifetime over rude comments )
Feb 02Reply

@specialk104 Oh, thank you, great advice, I've relisted many items and have blocked and reported also. Yes, I have sold ALOT on here and most of my items, not all but they are pricy. They have made a lot of money on my sales and my purchases. Because of owning the store, I get ALOT of higher end things. I really liked this site in the beginning because it seemed like a close knit community of things in common closets. But since the " growth spurt" , it's just a lot of effort trying to keep away the "Poshers who don't play fair". This is good information and I thank you. Are you a Suggested User? I did not look. You SHOULD BE, you are very helpful. 👏👏👏❤️🎈💝👍👍👍👍👍
Feb 06Reply

@alikatz13 this is the best way to handle, It's saved me from some added drama I do not need, wish I saw it sooner.. I have had similar situations, all have.. It's unavoidable.. Don't waste your precious time or energy just follow this😘
Feb 07Reply

Girls compete with one another /pick fights
Women empower one another
If someone is childish to go and right hateful comments the best thing to do is leave them alone just leave them alone and if they continue then u may report them for hatful comments and report them for spam but i say poshmark needs to work on the fact that we cant erase comments i especially hate when people ask questions about the item then tell me if i can lower it and i do but then they disappear and never buy the item :(
Feb 09Reply

Love this! You are so right❤️
Feb 11Reply

@miss_bc you know I asked this more than anything! I wish it were in the do's and don'ts or etiquette guide..it so disheartening to new poshers!! Breaks my heart!💗💗
Feb 11Reply

Well said! BRAVA!!! 👏
Feb 11Reply

It is very disheartening to new poshers especially when they don't know what to do and then don't want to use Poshmark anymore. It's just unneeded meanness! So I definitely agree that it should be in the do's and dont's!
Feb 11Reply

@enigma Charis your intelligence is superb! I Love how you help the Poshmark community!!
Feb 14Reply

Thank u. Your info totally helps. Some people don't seem to realize Posh is a business and 20 % is a very fair deal. 😃
Feb 15Reply

Said with class!! Amen!
Feb 18Reply

@specialk104 I'm glad I didn't respond! I had a whole paragraph written! Such a waste of energy!
Feb 20Reply

@specialk104 💗
Feb 20Reply

@specialk104 I would. I would ignore the pettiness and maybe email PM, as well, if you have reported it and it hasn't been remedied. I know it's hard to do, but it's better than letting it fester and upset you. Put it out if your mind, anyone reading her posts, will surely check out your closet and see the truth!! We are pretty smart ladies💗💗
Feb 21Reply

@specialk104 💗💗
Feb 21Reply

Say "thanks for sharing"
Feb 23Reply

This is awesome!👏👏
Feb 25Reply

@enigma I agreed with 👆👆😊
Feb 26Reply

@sophie01 HERE! I love all of @enigma 's tips and this is he one I meant for you. It's hard to not respond to them I know😜
Feb 28Reply

@sassified Thx a million!! I'll save the document!!💚💚
Feb 28Reply

Enigma, great advice. I had this happen to me. Was so very nice to this person, apologised to her over not wanting to sell something to her for personal reasons and she kept at me being nasty. After telling her for the last to stop, she had did it one more time! I reported her and blocked her. She said all people on here are dishonest and scammers. She was a very disgruntled person and told her so.
Feb 28Reply

Love it!
Mar 03Reply

@enigma I did not read all of the common. But when that happens to me, I delete the listing. I block that user. And then re-list the item.
Mar 08Reply

@dstrausser yes , that's usually what I do, too..bit I've left some up, when I just didn't want to delete all the previous comments. As long as you can move on without causing drama and upset, both work💗✌
Mar 08Reply

@enigma Excellent advice! Love it!
Mar 30Reply

@amandajean4589 Good afternoon Amanda. I'm sorry I was away for the weekend when you tagged me about someone being mean to you. I've experienced it too, and this post has been a life saver. Next time that happens, take a deep breath, and just follow these simple steps. And if you're not following Charis yet, please do. She always has important information for us and is a legend on Poshmark!
Apr 01Reply

@enigma Great advice! Wow loving your Classy attitude and advice!
Apr 28Reply

Great advice. Sharing
Apr 30Reply

@enigma I absolutely love This. Ty 🙏.
Apr 30Reply

Luv this.. Sometimes it's hard not to say anything but sure is the best thing. And like it's mentioned your closet and listings will show what kind of person you are.So why even engage with people that have nothing else better to do.
May 01Reply

Words of wisdom Charis!! I remember when I started & the meanies would know just how to get me. I would give it to them back real good!! oh how I've grown. I've learned the nicer I am back then they have nothing to come back at me. I've even gotten a few apologies. Of course sometimes I keep my trap shut lest I say something I regret & cannot delete..Thank you ! great advice !!
May 03Reply

@thenewera 💗💗💗
May 03Reply

@pattilabella 💗💗yes, been there!!💋
May 03Reply

This is awesome 👍Well put 👏👏👏😊
May 09Reply

@jenniferrlee 💗Thank you 💗
May 09Reply

I think if u block the person, the comments delete? Not sure though.
May 12Reply

What if someone writes negative things about you on their listing? I purchased an item from a Posher and when it arrived damaged and I returned it she accused me of intentionally causing damage to the item! Even after she acknowledged that she didn't take any precautions to protect the item. Then she tagged her friend in the post and blocked me!
May 20Reply

@missmuftin69 hi! Yes, just ignore people like that! Handle all issues through PM and don't even pay mind to unkind/inappropriate posts..let it go! I've had to do it too, and it's the best/easiest way (even though it's hard to do at first!)💗💗
May 20Reply

Thanks! I guess with all of the people on Posh you're bound to run into crazies!
May 20Reply

@enigma This is SO on point! So positive and well put! Love it!
May 20Reply

@courtneychan 💗💗💗thank you!! I am in the middle of a full house move, but just can't wait to get back up on PM mid-June!!!💗💗💗
May 21Reply

Ahhh wish I would've read this before I dealt with my unkind comment. blocked the posher and they made a listing in their closet about how their buyers should avoid my closet :( of course I tried to defend myself. Either way great advice and I love it :)
May 22Reply

Jun 10Reply

Thx @classyvintage 😘👏👍🎉 this def an awesome & helpful post for those challenging moments😉
Jun 10Reply

@maxedout just breath deep oh spunky one😘🌻
Jun 10Reply

I need some cute CHEAP designer sandals lol size 10 to 11 😘 if you come across any please tag me
Jun 13Reply

@lovedana oh!! I just had a newbie follow me with cool shoes your size!! I shared last night ..let me look!!
Jun 13Reply

Always classy Charis! 😊😘💓💓💓 Hope you are well gorgeous! 💗
Jun 14Reply

Some people need god don't waste your time some people our just not happy with there life be the better person let it go I wAs always told if u can't say nothing nice don't say it all and people hAve made little smart comments about my stuff saying they can buy it in the store I said by all means good luck I don't need that crap and u don't either stay strong keep your head up and there our still good people out there
Jun 21Reply

@mrsbrown7 💗💗thank you! Yes, I agree!💗
Jun 21Reply

Thank you for putting in writing how to deal with something that happens far too often on here. I am continually amazed by the way grown women conduct themselves on here. It"s like the adult version of the "mean girls". If everybody would only write what you would say to someone's face....this would be a much better site. Your tips are great!!!
Jul 14Reply

@alwaysannie 💗thank you! It's a tough one to have happen..so if this helps, then that makes me happy💋
Jul 14Reply

You need to write & publish the Poshmark bible!!! 😇😇😇
Jul 19Reply

@lilacrose 💋
Jul 19Reply

Brilliant! :) Thank you!
Jul 22Reply

@enigma Love this! 😊
Sep 07Reply

@enigma this is EXCELLENT advice and wish I had this earlier. This has happened to me three times in the last year. :(. :(. :(. Not that I went off the deep end, but now I know exactly how to handle it! Thanks so much!!
Sep 11Reply

@laskinr 💗💗💗💗
Sep 11Reply

@jblacombe This was written for new poshers, who wanted to quit after an unkind comment! ..just because it's hard when someone says Ugly toes, or yuck or random unkindness..💗
Oct 06Reply

gr8 idea!! P.S. It says my package has arrived, and I know and trust you so I accepted it, bc it is locked in the mail room until I can pick it up tomorrow. 😳😁
Oct 15Reply

@kris10law 😱thank you..but now I can't wait to hear how you like her!! Please let me know💗💗💗💗
Oct 15Reply

Oh you know I will!!! I can't wait either!!! 😃😃😃
Oct 15Reply

@enigma love this! Ty! 👻🎃👻✌️
Oct 16Reply

@hollynoel25 Thank you
Oct 16Reply

I like your closet it does'n look like yard sale items!!! Robyn
Oct 28Reply

@robym Thank you💗
Oct 29Reply

Well said!
Oct 31Reply

@renitac1123 like this so that you can always find it. To read
Nov 12Reply

@enigma I live by this I read it once a week.. I love this posting.. Love and live by it😘💕
Nov 12Reply

@craysexycool 💗💗💗thank you.
Nov 12Reply

@enigma Charis I love this...
Nov 19Reply

@chenchita Thank you!💗
Nov 20Reply

Dec 19Reply

@enigma...Perfect...Thank You...I needed this!! I actually had this happen to me about a pair of jeans I had listed. I was under the impression the ones I had ( Madewell ) were from the brand's line that sold for $450 brand new. I found a picture of the same jeans that were in my closet with the $450 pricing. I listed them accordingly. Had a lot of people liking my listing...commenting positives on them and sharing...until a few weeks later a lady got so mean with me...left a hateful comment informing me she had 10 of these jeans and mine were not those same jeans and for me to stop trying to rob people of their money. It really hurt my feelings...that was the last thing I was trying to do...I simply made a mistake and didn't research as good as I thought I had. It made me feel like a HORRIBLE person...even though I hadn't done it on purpose. At first I responded trying to explain that I hadn't done it intentionally and how rude she was for assuming the worse in me without even knowing me. After I posted that...I didn't feel comfortable with that either...LOL...so I just deleted the whole listing...did a little more research and ended up resisting the jeans as new posting. They're STILL an expensive brand of jeans but not the $450 range...more in the $250 range. I just don't understand why people have to be so hateful. I wouldn't have minded a kinder comment letting me know that maybe the jeans weren't what I was thinking they were. Oh well...LOL...My point is...THANK YOU for posting something like this...IT HELPS us newbies! (wink)
Dec 19Reply

@elizmul 💗if nothing else, I sometimes hope that since people see they can't 'erase' the mean comment they have written on here, they then think a moment longer, before they post the next time! That itself is a good lesson to know! And if it's on your listing, yes, best just delete and move on..there are too many other beautiful moments worth your time, and that mean comment isn't one of them!💗💗️loves!
Dec 19Reply

@enigma...You are sooooo right...LOL...loves back at ya chica!!
Dec 19Reply

@enigma that is EXACTLY what I do!
What comes around goes around.
Just block them and continue doing good to others. If it was particularly horrible, copy and paste it, delete the listing, email the post to support@poshmark and repost your listing explaining to your followers that you needed to repost to clean your closet. Ta-da! Negativity gone!
Dec 20Reply

@enigma Hi Charis I'm Laura, and I wanted to introduce myself and say hello! 😀💗🌹 I have been on PM since November, and I am already addicted for life!😍❤️ What I like the most is meeting so many sweet and amazing women, so I feel so lucky that I can be a part of this community!😍🌹 This post was really helpful for me, as I've only had one unpleasant person but it made me feel so bad!! 😥You have a beautiful closet, and I look forward to chatting with you again soon! Have a fabulous day! Laura 💗💋
Dec 22Reply

@msu0712 Hi Laura! It's very nice to pmeet you! I hope you are having a lovely Holiday Season!💗💗
Dec 22Reply

@enigma Thank you for the warm welcome! I hope that you have a very happy holiday!! Laura😍❤️
Dec 24Reply

@alise28 ♥️♥️yes!!! Happy Holidays, pretty lady!!🎄🎄♥️
Dec 24Reply

What can you do about negative ratings? I am very detailed in my descriptions but it never fails, they state "not as described or dirty." This has frustrated me so much because I put time (a lot) on taking good pictures, creating the listing and description, sharing, etc. I'm not one for complaining 😟. I'm just fed up with the nonsense. I've been selling on here for almost a year. I feel in your own closet you should be able to advertise your other achievements/ratings. Especially to show I'm not a newbie. I am on here but not EBay. (I had to remove it because of "Posh rules.") also I thought you could list items NIB? I guess perfume is a no too? I'm thinking on shutting down but will definitely let my followers know before hand as I've meet some really wonderful people such as yourself 😉. I thought you may have some advice? ✌️💓😀 Thank you, Stephanie
Jan 22Reply

@enigma I have come to a time in my life where I just do not care what others think. And I do not know what what said but if it was from a chick she was just jealous of you. Some people can't handle beauty in others. Some of us can say damn girl you are awesome and we are still sure with ourselves. Just ignore it and move on. Do not waste one more moment on that person. I hope this helps. Sincerely, Suzanne
Feb 01Reply

@enigma Thank you! I am new here and I found your info very helpful.
Feb 14Reply

Hello Charis! I wanted to say hello, and that I hope that you are having a lovely day!😍❤️ I always feel happy when I see you or look at items in my closet!💗 You have such positive messages in your closet about how to live your life and treat other people with respect and kindness! Do you have any kitties?! My hubby and I have 4 that we adore! Take care, Laura💕💗🐱
Feb 18Reply

@msu0712 Hi Laura!! ♥️️Thank you! I hope you are having an amazing day, as well!! We don't have any kitties, but I have a little diva Dog Coco, who loves to lounge and stretch like a kitty! She always makes me smile😍😍
Feb 18Reply

@enigma Charis, I completely agree 💄
Feb 21Reply

Charis 😘😘❤️❤️❤️perfect!!
Feb 23Reply

I couldn't agree more!
Feb 23Reply

I'm writing a mean comment jk but this is great info
Feb 24Reply

@lnp916 I already got a very mean comment..haha..actually I get random mean comments all the time😳but it's ok..I know what to do..💋
Feb 24Reply

@enigma You're closing your closet?
Feb 25Reply

@gumbob No, this is just an older info post for new Poshers..I used to do them all the time before PM added the etiquette guide..this is the only issue not really covered in the guide, so I still rotate it through (especially after I get a mean comment post..haha)💗
Feb 25Reply

@enigma I was sad, thinking you were leaving us.....now I smiled. I read your notes, it helps sometimes.
Feb 25Reply

@gumbob ♥️♥️♥️
Feb 25Reply

Man I can`t believe someone could be mean to you, I could go into debt buying stuff from you . Its an amazing closet . I love everything you have listed :-) :-) :-)
Mar 21Reply

@enigma ...thank you, excellent advice!!!!
May 13Reply

@enigma, thanks for the great advice!
May 14Reply

You cant please all the people all the time..Haters will never be pleased they will never be happy. Envy is their disease. I applaud your individualism, you go girl! Never stoop as low as they are. They are the ones suffering not you!
Jun 09Reply

@rmccouture Hi Amanda! I'm sorry that happened! I do this..often I leave the comment, it's about their issues, not yours💗💗💗💗
Jun 24Reply

BAHAHAHA! I love this! Where was it hiding in your closet?? It's kind of funny, actually. I was furious with her tainting my closet (it was my pride being silly again. I'm grateful I can recognize her when she's ruffled!) I went to email PM support about it, and when I opened my email, there was an email from Leah, telling me that I was made a suggested user❤️
Jun 24Reply

I'm so grateful, and so humbled by being given the honor. I'm not one to go announcing things all over the place. I don't feel that it makes a potential buyer wish to purchase from me any more than anyone else, and it can cause jealousy in others. I'd rather keep a low profile.
Jun 24Reply

They also asked me to cohost a party next month, but I'm not sure if I can do it. Leah said that I needed to use the app on my phone. I have a brain injury from a car accident in March 2014. That's how I ended up on Posh. The injury effects my ability to process everything, including information, light, sound, feelings... I can't see my phone app well enough to use it, and I am really slow with the keyboard.
Jun 24Reply

@rmccouture I'm bad at rotating my closet through, when I started we didn't have an etiquette guide, so I made a ton of educational 'funny' posts, including a series about a rude naughty troll named unposhpatty..but I took most all down, after the guide came up💗I need to rotate them more, with all the new poshers
Jun 24Reply

I told Leah that if I could use my laptop, I would love to have the opportunity to highlight other people's great closets, and to help my fellow PFFs make sales and get the attention I believe they deserve. It's the greatest gift I could give them. If I can't use my laptop, I am not going to do it. I will be a mess, and I don't want to feel worse about how my disabilities. PM has helped me feel a part of the world again. It's beyond my ability to express...
Jun 24Reply

@rmccouture Congrats!!!!! That's super amazing! You deserve it!!!! Hosting is a lot of fun! Maybe you can use your iPad? It's a easier!! Email them!! If you do host, you need to put a post up, I don't advertise myself either much, but you need to spread the word!!
Jun 24Reply

@rmccouture I hosted once using the computer! I'm not sure when they changed that! Email her back and explain! It would be super fun for you!!!
Jun 24Reply

@rmccouture They other times I hosted, I made Pinterest secret boards and shared from there to the party..afterwards you can open the board up, so your hostpicks are further advertised and the sellers get more exposure💗
Jun 24Reply

Thank you! I appreciate that! If I host, I'm definitely going to advertise it. I need the support of the community for recommendations. All of the emoticoning all over the place drives me nuts, so I am probably going to make a couple of party-related posts, just to prevent the "party-train" from spilling over to my other listings! Lol. I was referring to the SU advertising. I don't feel it's necessary to announce that.
Jun 24Reply

@rmccouture I understand! I think it should be fine to use the computer or IPad! I can't think why it wouldn't be!! Just email back and ask! It will also help you get a lot of exposure! Let me know if you have questions!💗💗
Jun 24Reply

@rmccouture Just put it in your profile, you have earned it by following the guidelines, and being honorable! It shows newer poshers that they can trust you! I never posted it until about a year ago, but it's just like a business, where you are verified or accredited! (I'm trying to be more business minded on Pm💗)
Jun 24Reply

Oooh! I don't know how to make a secret board on Pinterest, but I think that's a great idea. One thing that I wish we could do on here is have private postings. I can't manage working out of my "likes". I did email Leah, and I explained to her how my circumstances, which she already knows about, make using my phone too difficult. I'm saving up for an iPad (well, I'm thinking about saving up for one, once I can afford to save anything!)
Jun 24Reply

Thank you for the advice on the SU. Perhaps I will put it in my profile, or maybe I'll create a post that states "Trusted Seller" or something, with love notes and info regarding my sales practices. I used to sell on eBay years ago, and learned a lot about the importance of Integrity. I have a lot of return buyers, which is a tremendous compliment. Thank you so much again for taking the time to write with me! I really appreciate all of your feedback❤️ Happy $.99 Sale Day! Lol
Jun 24Reply

@rmccouture ❤️❤️❤️Have an amazing Wednesday and rest of your week! Loves!
Jun 24Reply

@meganlaru .😱here's hoping that you don't have to deal with this ever... But just in case @enigma has some great advice on dealing with the minority of unpleasant people on POSH. ❤️🍒💣
Jul 18Reply

Great advice and thank you for sharing @siouxshawn ! You are officially my POSH big sis! (Sort of like in sororities! Were you involved in the Greek community in college? )
Jul 18Reply

@meganlaru Oh....Kappa Kappa kappa Gamma, i'm so happy that I am a, Kappa Kappa, Kappa Gammaaaaaa, nobody knows how happy I am!😂😂😂😂😂
Jul 18Reply

Thank you for this great advice @enigma !!! :).
Jul 28Reply

@enigma Hi Charis! Really appreciate the positive vibe of this post. Like anything in life, drama and negativity can creep which one cannot control but we can always control how we respond🌷 Love always prevails.
@molinda25...great post and closet to follow. Charis co-hosts EPIC parties💐
Sep 17Reply

@kimeejae : thank you for the tag 😘
Sep 17Reply

@kc1101 I'm so sorry. It happens. People do silly & unkind things, when THEY are unhappy🌷
Sep 20Reply

@kimeejae Thank you🌷I've been away on vacation, and missed so many notifications, my apologies! Much love!
Sep 20Reply

@molinda25 💗💗Thank you
Sep 20Reply

So true, I'm just afraid she will pick names off my listing and do the same too them! That seems to be her Modus Operandi! Sorry. 😔.
Sep 20Reply

@kc1101 😘😘😘😘
Sep 20Reply

@cindyandsally Thanks Sally (&Cindy?) 💗💗This has happened all week..and it really can get you upset..it's hard to rise above it..but it's the easier, politer solution. People post mean things, because they are lacking some happiness in their lives..btw..sometimes I share this when I want to react!!! It keeps me grounded😘😘
Oct 16Reply

Going through your closet was soooo much fun! My Husband oood and awed the whole time. lol
Oct 16Reply

@enigma I love this..💗
Oct 24Reply

@craysexycool 💗thank you
Oct 24Reply

@enigma reading that last year has taught me to be a better posher.. Love it and I owe it all to you.. Thanks again💕
Oct 24Reply

@starstealing I live by this i read that t often to keep myself out of trouble on here.. Read it it helps a lot.. Trust me💕💕💕
Feb 23Reply

@starstealingurl 😍💕
Feb 23Reply

@enigma Awesome advice and something we could all use--hope u don't mind that I repost but this could save some a lot of hassle & wasted energy!! Thank you!
Apr 24Reply

What an awesomely unique closet!!! I love your one of a kind style! 💖
Jul 19Reply

@enigma Gosh when I'm down and need a pick me up. I just read this over and over because it can be so awful rude people that enters your space on here.. My gosh your post really do touch me...💕
Oct 09Reply

@craysexycool ❤️❤️❤️thank you, Andrea!
Oct 10Reply

❤❤ very wise advice!
Mar 16Reply

Love this!!!!
May 02Reply

@tamrahaselman ty😘😘😘
May 02Reply

@enigma ... I needed to see this. I just had someone give me so-so rating because they did not read the description. They were expecting a different color. I responded (should not have) and blocked them. Not my proudest moment.😔
Nov 26Reply

@scfischman Ah, Sarah! I’m sorry! It’s hard not to react and take things to heart! Sending you loves❤️❤️
Nov 26Reply

@scfischman ok..maybe this isn’t my place, but I’m going to tell you anyway..I feel really silly, because I thought you only had two available listings up, since there are so many sold items at the top of your closet. I wonder if maybe other people don’t realize (as I didn’t!) that you have more available items for sale in your closet, because of this.❤️
Nov 26Reply

@enigma ... No worries, love! I appreciate your support, regardless! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 26Reply
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