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Updated Apr 14
Updated Apr 14




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Hi and thanks for visiting my closet! I love that I can use Poshmark to share my unique jewelry finds (and other things) with you beautiful people across the country. I think Posh is a great platform for empowering small businesses. My favorite style is a mix between trendy and boho chic. Leave a message just to say hi, give feedback about purchases, or if you have questions about any items. :)
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daisyb806 Thanks for following!
Mar 05Reply
glcarlson @nerdynerss What a little cutie you have there.
Mar 06Reply
saundie @nerdynerss you are precious!!!
Mar 06Reply
goldenlinings @gcarlson Thank you! She's my little angel. She's gotten me through some tough times.
Mar 06Reply
goldenlinings Oops ^ @glcarlson Thank you! She's my little angel. She's gotten me through some tough times.
Mar 06Reply
goldenlinings @saundie Thank you Saundra, you are too sweet! PS. Your package is going out tomorrow!
Mar 06Reply
saundie @nerdynerss thank you very much! Love your little pup too! 😘
Mar 06Reply
goldenlinings @saundie Thank you :)
Mar 06Reply
goldenlinings @dhwanp You're welcome and thanks for sharing back!
Mar 06Reply
chanelgirl777 God bless you sweetheart!! Nice to meet you! :))
Mar 06Reply
chanelgirl777 Your jewelry is beautiful!!
Mar 06Reply
goldenlinings @chanelgirl777 Thank you so much! Nice to meet you too! I've met so many wonderful people through Posh, I love it!
Mar 06Reply
goldenlinings @gem53 Thank you and thanks for the shares! I will return the favor. :)
Mar 07Reply
fisety Awww looks like my dog 😃
Mar 08Reply
goldenlinings @fisety Yours is so cute I could just eat that nose!
Mar 08Reply
fisety @nerdynerss lol! Malteses are soooo cute!
Mar 08Reply
dmatchers1 @nerdynerss . Hi dar......thats a cute puppy. U can come & check out my closet . Also see my puppy Lola she got attacked by a pitbull at my doorstep & she didnt survive:( now I have puppy pl us a cat her name is Smokey:)
Mar 10Reply
goldenlinings @dmatchers1 Oh no I am so sorry for your loss! I saw the pics of your babies, they're all so cute. I hope your other two babies will keep you happy for a very long time.
Mar 10Reply
dmatchers1 Yeah they will. It took us awhile to get over Lola. It's been a month ago that incident happen. The two came from the same mom:) but thanks for visiting my closet.
Mar 10Reply
sparky01 @nerdynerss Cute puppy.🐶 @dmatchers1 Did I hear u have a cat named Smokey too? Lol💖
Mar 11Reply
goldenlinings @sparky01 Thank you! :)
Mar 11Reply
dmatchers1 @sparky01 . Yeah I do. She's get n old so she's a crybaby....wants attention:(
Mar 11Reply
sparky01 @dmatchers1 Sry about the loss of ur other fur baby.😿 My boys are 3 1/2 (I think)🙀
Mar 11Reply
dmatchers1 @sparky01 . Oh yeah? Dats cute.:). So doggy years wud be 21 yrs old for yur boys? My are/ were 49 yrs old doggy years.:)
Mar 11Reply
sparky01 @dmatchers1 I think cats are diff in times than dogs.
Mar 11Reply
dmatchers1 @sparky01 . Oh yeah yeah! I was thinking dog years. Cats r like 3?
Mar 11Reply
marilynn54 @nerdynerss You have a lovely closet!Congratulations on graduating from Nursing School! what type of nursing do you plan to follow after you get your feet wet?Best Wishes on your new career.
Mar 12Reply
goldenlinings @marilynn54 Thank you so much! I really appreciate you taking your time to drop me a message here. I have so many different interests! While I was in school I really liked maternity and psych nursing, which oddly, are totally different lol. But my main passion is in integrative/alternative/holistic medicine so I hope to go back to school or get additional training and ultimately I want to end up in that area of nursing...Thank you so much for visiting my closet and it was so nice meeting you! :)
Mar 12Reply
marilynn54 @nerdynerss Good you have a plan.I have been a Nurse almost 40yrs.Over the years I have certified in orthopedics then Rehabilitation,that was great then moved into Wound Ostomy and Continence.I have been able to consult,teach work with a group of Urologists and have my own program.For the past several years I have devoted my time to psych,it has always been integral to what I did but now to focus on mental of the big problems is stigma they are not only their diagnosis but a whole person that needs to be recognized as such.Best Wishes(I tend to go on)
Mar 12Reply
goldenlinings Oh wow! That's amazing! What kind of program do you have of your own? I love that you can do so much with a nursing degree because I have such varied interests. Who knows where life will take me. I totally agree about the mental health issue. I majored in Biopsychology and Brain Behavior before I did nursing so psych has always been my passion. I know that no matter what field of nursing I'm in, psych will always come into play.
Mar 12Reply
christyd330 CUTIE PIE!!!!
Mar 12Reply
goldenlinings @jblacombe Thank you so much Janis! You are so sweet!! :) Let me know if you ever have any questions at all. Thanks for visiting my closet!
Mar 13Reply
idahotammy @nerdynerss hello I just wanted to say hi and tell you that I adore India jewelry. They all make a statement. When I was in India for work one of the gentleman I was working with his wife took me to the best places to shop. I bought nothing but jewelry.
Mar 13Reply
goldenlinings @idahotammy Hi Tammy nice to meet you! Where in India did you go? I go crazy when I'm there like a kid in a candy store lol. Thanks for visiting my closet and let me know if I can help you with anything!
Mar 13Reply
idahotammy @nerdynerss I was in Mumbai, Bangalore, and New Delhi. Lots of fun. Crazy drivers. I was not scared the driver assigned to me was wonderful. I too shopped like crazy in the country run jewelry stores plus other items. I loved it.
Mar 13Reply
shroud That dog! 😍
Mar 14Reply
ggraham74 @nerdynerss I looove your closet! So many beautiful pieces! I shall return to purchase on payday :-)
Mar 16Reply
goldenlinings @ggraham74 Aw thank you for the compliment! Please do come back soon. I'm always happy to answer any questions! :)
Mar 16Reply
ggraham74 @nerdynerss you are very welcome! :-)
Mar 16Reply
katz2 Hi Naz, I'm Clara. Nice to meet you. 🙋You have a great closet with beautiful pieces. Your dog is a cutie! Thank you for all the shares and I will continue to share your closet, too.😘
Mar 16Reply
goldenlinings @katz2 Hi Clara! Nice to meet you too.Thanks for stopping by and for the compliments. You have a lovely closet as well! I loved all your Posh tips especially the one that said "Out doing other things, will catch up later" because I always feel so behind in all my shares and I want to return the favors! I might use that as inspiration from you for my closet, only with your permission though. Thanks for all your shares and thanks again for introducing yourself! :)
Mar 16Reply
katz2 @nerdynerss Naz, of course you may use it. Most gals that work or have young children at home have some type of listing similar to thus because it's not possible to respond 24/7. Keep in touch💕
Mar 16Reply
katz2 *this......I also hate autocorrect😬
Mar 16Reply
goldenlinings @katz2 Thanks Clara! Appreciate it and wish you good luck in sales!
Mar 16Reply
goldenlinings @mnestheide Thank you so much, that's so sweet of you! I appreciate all the shares too :)
Mar 17Reply
paru09 Love you pic of your dog. I dress my up my dog all the time. Cute dog he looks kind of like my dog
Mar 18Reply
goldenlinings @paru09 Lol thanks! What kind is yours? Mine is a Maltese-Yorkie mix. I try not to dress her up and spoil her too much, but because she's so tiny and little she starts shivering outside when is a little cold or windy.
Mar 18Reply
paru09 Mine is a Maltese and bichon frise but he looks like a Maltese. He is tiny also.
Mar 18Reply
goldenlinings @paru09 He is so cute in that little hat in your pic :)
Mar 18Reply
jakeamom12 Nice to meet you!
Mar 20Reply
goldenlinings @jakeamom12 Same here and thank you once again for all your generous shares! :)
Mar 20Reply
sakshi9984 Hello Naz I m Sakshi .. It's nice to meet u . U have a beautiful closet girl 😍 where r u from ?
Mar 20Reply
goldenlinings @sakshi9984 Hi Sakshi, nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the compliment. You have an amazing closet! My parents are originally from India. You too?
Mar 20Reply
sakshi9984 Aww that's nice . Yes I m from India the capital city New Delhi were born here ??
Mar 20Reply
goldenlinings @sakshi9984 Yes I was born and raised in NY, but I try to stick to my roots and culture. Poshing is one way I can share the lovely items from our culture with others and that's another reason I love it! You have some lovely Indian items too!
Mar 20Reply
sakshi9984 Yes u r right dear . Our culture is So diversified that we have a lot to learn from .. Thanks for the compliment gorgeous 🎀🎀
Mar 20Reply
drs1943 Congratulations on your graduation!!! Good for you and your mother for starting your own business when things were difficult.
Mar 21Reply
drs1943 Forgot to say I love your little dog.
Mar 21Reply
goldenlinings @drs1943 Nice to meet you Dinah! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. :)
Mar 21Reply
silvahhh Oh I love this! I don't think I saw your intro posh before. You are gorgeous - congrats on your graduation!
Mar 22Reply
goldenlinings @silvahhh Aww thank you so much! :)
Mar 22Reply
ringleader It's amazing how tough times launch us, ultimately, into something new! I've been though a tough few years, and a Posh will hopefully help fill in the income gap until I have work again! I'm new at Posh, and it's nice to meet you! :)
Mar 22Reply
goldenlinings @ringleader Hi Holly! Thanks for stopping by and nice to meet you too. Very true, and it is only until later that we realize why certain things happened for a reason. I have met so many wonderful, supportive women through Posh, and I hope you will too. I will help you share your closet and I wish you the all best with sales. If you ever have any questions don't hesitate to ask! :)
Mar 22Reply
ohsosexy971 @nerdynerss Nice Picture.
Mar 22Reply
goldenlinings @ohsosexy971 Thank you and thank you so much for all the shares!!! :)
Mar 22Reply
ringleader @nerdynerss thanks so much for the shares! Congrats on your graduation, BTW, I have a friend who is working on finishing her last few credits for her nursing degree. It's a huge accomplishment! :)
Mar 22Reply
leic @nerdynerss , hello Naz. Great meeting you! Ah.. Adorable family😊Congratulations 👏👏👍😘
Mar 22Reply
goldenlinings @leic Thank you so much and nice meeting you too! I really appreciate all the Posh love and shares. :)
Mar 22Reply
leic @nerdynerss , Naz my pleasure☺️
Mar 22Reply
goldenlinings @ringleader Thank you so much Holly, really appreciate it! :)
Mar 22Reply
rdomal @nerdynerss Hi my name is Ruth ... Love all your items, Congrats on completing your education. also congrats on all of your Host Pick well deserved,I have a question for you..with the cutout writing is that a special app or is it on your phone?Good Luck with your closet. Have a great week...♥♥♥❇
Mar 25Reply
goldenlinings @rdomal Hi Ruth nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by! I use many different Android apps for the writing, some of them are Phonto and Text on Pics. Hope that helps and wish you good luck with your Posh sales as well. :)
Mar 25Reply
rdomal @nerdynerss Hi thanks for everyrhing ..the app info &your most generous sharing..truely appreciate. I am just starting out had only 1 sales. I'm trying anything to attract my closet.♥♥♥
Mar 25Reply
goldenlinings @morokoth Thank you so much :)
Mar 26Reply
sheile Thank you SO much!!!! So fast and they were perfect! Loved your note. Blessings to you!
Mar 26Reply
goldenlinings @sheile Great I'm so glad you liked them! Thank you so much for shopping from my closet! :)
Mar 26Reply
suewilliam Isn't your name turkish @nerdynerss
Mar 30Reply
goldenlinings @suewilliam Yes it's actually a Persian name :) but it might be Turkish too!
Mar 30Reply
suewilliam Oh I didn't know that. Thats great! I am turkish so I was just wondering 😊😊 @nerdynerss
Mar 30Reply
goldenlinings @suewilliam Oh cool! Nice to meet you Lisa :)
Mar 30Reply
suewilliam Nice to meet you too! 😊 @nerdynerss
Mar 30Reply
goldenlinings @iloveme07 Thank you so much! ♥♥♥
Mar 31Reply
linsleppo Love that doggie!
Apr 05Reply
goldenlinings @linsleppo Aw thanks! :)
Apr 05Reply
abstractdreams You're lovely! Congrats on graduating! Good Luck on the exam! Pup is a cutie too! 😘
Apr 12Reply
goldenlinings @linmp1031 Hi Linda, nice to meet you. Thank you so much! You are so sweet! :)
Apr 12Reply
abstractdreams 😘👍
Apr 12Reply
goldenlinings @mabmarie Aw thank you for the compliment! Fashion has always been a hobby/passion of mine so I just got started by doing something I love on the side. :)
Apr 27Reply
jakeamom12 Thank you for sharing tonight💖💖💖
Apr 29Reply
goldenlinings @jakeamom12 You are very welcome, and thank YOU! :)
Apr 29Reply
saundie @nerdynerss hey Naz! How are you my friend? I haven't been tagging you things because I didn't think you wanted me to. Job searching is tough but I will again if you want? Also I screwed up congratulating you on HP! I was in the main room. My phone flipped over when I was congratulating HPs and I was freaking out how many you got! Then I realized my error! Sigh. So sorry sweetie. Your stuff is so gorgeous. Love everything! Happy Sunday!💕💕💕💕💕
May 04Reply
goldenlinings @saundie Aw no problem Saundra! Yes, I have cut back on my Poshing time lately...trying to get settled professionally first, then I'll be back full swing. :) Your closet looks more and more fabulous each time I come back- great job, I love it! Keep in touch my friend!
May 04Reply
saundie @nerdynerss 💕💕💕💕💕
May 04Reply
destinyshea Adorable puppy!!!!
May 10Reply
goldenlinings @destinyshea Aw thank you :)
May 10Reply
yeshvar You are an inspiration!
May 21Reply
goldenlinings @yeshvar Thank you, that is so sweet. :)
May 21Reply
goldenlinings @loischristensen thank you! Let me know if you have any questions at all :)
Dec 07Reply
anitabp70 Hi there. My nane is Anita. I love Bollywood. I am one . Im on my way to India. But wanted to ask if u have clithing and kurta tops from north india. Or unique styles. What are ur bangle sizes? When I come back I will look further at ur stuff. Thank you!! Naz
Dec 11Reply
goldenlinings @anitabp70 hi Anita! Great to meet you and thanks for visiting my closet. Yes I have many Indian clothes and kurtis and sarees and jewelry. You can browse my closet and check it out. I give discounts on bundles too. My bangle sizes are usually 2.4 to 2.8. What specifically are you looking for? Let me know your size and then if I have anything I can help you with let me know! 😀💕
Dec 11Reply
shayden0603 @nerdynerss Thanks for the shares 😊 You have a beautiful closet!
Dec 15Reply
goldenlinings @shayden0603 thank you! you do too! love the blue back drop you have :)
Dec 15Reply
shayden0603 A www thanks! It's my balcony 😉
Dec 15Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r Love seeing you in the new boutique section! ♡♡
Feb 28Reply
goldenlinings @goodchic thank you so much!! 😊
Feb 28Reply
carolynqx @nerdynerss nice to meet u
Apr 21Reply
goldenlinings @carolynqx thanks and nice to meet you too! :)
Apr 21Reply
ginger_nj Naz your jewelry is gorgeous! THANK Y💟U for sharing my listing! Hope you have a SUCCESSFUL week! 🎯 Happy P💟SHING! 🛍 っ◔︣◡◔᷅)っYesenia
Jun 01Reply
goldenlinings @ginger_nj thank you so much and my pleasure!! 💕
Jun 01Reply
sherree1 Naz, you have the most BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING, UNIQUE, FABULOUS closet i have ever seen. If i could afford to i would buy everything, well almost everything, here. I am just starting my business here at Poshmark as it has been a life long dream of mine to work in fashion. There is nothing better to me than to help make people beautiful. Thank you for following me so that i could get to know more about you and your products in your closet. You will have a customer for life in me. Happy Poshing ! ❤
Jul 24Reply
goldenlinings @sherree1 Hi there Sherree! Thank you so much for that beautiful message! That was so touching and I am so happy that you like my closet! I am excited for you to be starting on your dream and I wish you the very best! If you ever need any help or advice I am just a message away! If you are interested in a bundle deal also please let me know and I would be happy to give you a discount. Good luck Poshing and so happy to meet someone as sweet as you! 😊💕
Jul 25Reply
jannies @nerdynerss , Hi there Naz, just looking through your beautiful jewelry, An, thanks for following me 😉😉❤️
Sep 13Reply
goldenlinings @jannie56 hi Janet, thank you so much! Let me know if I can ever help you with anything! :)
Sep 13Reply
lcw1011 Thank you for the like :)
Sep 16Reply
kikistore Hi! Trying to clean my closet out. Shares are appreciated thanks! Great closet
Dec 26Reply
goldenlinings @kikistore thanks! Will share :)
Dec 27Reply
nhrrmama Beautiful jewelry 💞🎊
Jan 22Reply
goldenlinings @nhrrmama thank you! Let me know if you have any questions at all. I give bundled discounts :)
Jan 22Reply
fivetenandahalf Hi Naz, thank you for following my closet. Love your message. WOMEN POWER! I hope you find things in my closet that you love
Jan 22Reply
goldenlinings @fivetenandahalf hi and thanks for visiting! great to meet you :)
Jan 23Reply
enocharden Thanks for following my closet 💕😊
Jan 24Reply
rosieforshort thanks for following my closet love 😘💋✨🙏🏻
Jan 31Reply
hauteinthecity 👏🌈🌠🎉Saying hello from the Midwest! Thank you so much for following my closet! 🎉🌠🌈👏
Feb 07Reply
goldenlinings @thewardrobecoll hello there! Lovely closet :)
Feb 07Reply
globalboutique @nerdynerss Beautiful Closet! We need a Bollywood Share Group. 😘
Apr 01Reply
goldenlinings @annieslebonheur you too! Great closet! Let's find some more people and start one! :)
Apr 01Reply
eccentriclady Hey there!! I hope you'll be able to check out my closet and maybe find something you'd like! I will be listing more things in the next few days! Happy poshing💕
Apr 02Reply
omboutique Naz tyvm for the follow. Love your closet. Happy poshing 😁
Apr 02Reply
goldenlinings @isis121061 thanks! Nice to meet you and happy poshing as well! :)
Apr 02Reply
goldenlinings @bairose thanks same here! Nice to meet you and happy poshing! :)
Apr 02Reply
58longhorn Thanks for the follow, you have an awesome closet 😍😍😍
Apr 19Reply
newemporium Thank you for the 2-4-1 faux leather hand bags. Soon to be removed from closet. Make me an offer!
Apr 21Reply
urstyl Thanks for the share 💋 XOXO
Jun 02Reply
goldenlinings @skatdy71 thank you! Willing to accept offers and negotiate :)
Jun 06Reply
bobbie747 Hey i love the earrings in your profile you have those in ur closet??
Jun 13Reply
goldenlinings @bobbie747 hi and thank you! Unfortunately I don't have these exact ones but I have others like it.
Jun 14Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for following my closet!!☺️
Jul 25Reply
goldenlinings @ashlyn_bekah sure! Nice to meet you :)
Jul 25Reply
pari209 Hi dear I would love if you visit my closet:)
Aug 07Reply
goldenlinings @pari209 beautiful closet :)
Aug 07Reply
pari209 @nerdynerss thank you love😘
Aug 07Reply
anneadellestyle I love your sparkly jewelry! I'm a newbie. Do you have any tips for me? See my closet and do tell! 😃
Aug 10Reply
goldenlinings @anneadellestyle Hi Cynthia! Nice to meet you and thank you for the compliment! Welcome to Poshmark! I would say sharing is caring! Share share share! I would also suggest taking pictures in good lighting for your covershots and keep adding new items! Let me know if you ever have any questions. Good luck to you! :)
Aug 10Reply
anneadellestyle @nerdynerss guess I've got to set up an outdoor studio 😂 Hmm. Now how to accomplish this and when is the best Light? Perhaps the afternoon, the golden hour. Whew! So much to learn 😂 you are so sweet to help me.
Aug 12Reply
anneadellestyle @pari209 Hi, thanks for the invite. Such beautiful dress. 😊
Aug 12Reply
anneadellestyle Me again, where does everyone get the cute signs and posters, etc. Used to announce things like bundles, trades, all offers considered, etc? 😊
Aug 12Reply
goldenlinings @anneadellestyle Hi Cynthia! I would say yes, outdoor lighting is great and the more you can describe items or model items the better. And there are many apps you can search for like text on pictures or over that allow you to type and make banners and posters. Hope that helps! Keep sharing others' listings and grow your Posh network. :)
Aug 12Reply
cesca56 Hi Naz, thanks for following me 😊
Aug 22Reply
dadi0784 Your beautiful!!
Aug 24Reply
gypsybeauty1111 Sending lots of positive energy and blessings ur way! 💓🎊🎉
Aug 30Reply
unclaimed Nice closet and beautiful pictures. Thanks for your support
Sep 02Reply
ctrwriter5 Many thanks for the follow- here's to happy Poshing!
Sep 07Reply
goldenlinings @gypsybeauty1111 thanks that's sweet, nice to meet you!
Sep 07Reply
goldenlinings @unclaimed thank you so much! Great to meet you :)
Sep 07Reply
goldenlinings @ctrwriter5 happy poshing to you as well! Nice to meet you
Sep 07Reply
anneadellestyle Hi there. I love your colorful and cute items. I have a fashion question...Boho basically means hippie/festival style, right? What style is bollywood?💛👱💖😃
Sep 10Reply
goldenlinings @anneadellestyle hi there! Thanks for the compliment! Bollywood is the term used to refer to the Indian film industry so Bollywood-style jewelry and items I have in my closet are inspired by the fashion trends of actresses in Bollywood movies. It just means ethnic jewelry from India mostly. I'm here to answer any other questions and happy to bundle & discount items :)
Sep 10Reply
anneadellestyle @nerdynerss Thank you nerdy, I love talking fashion💘💘Im liking items in your closet so when the time is right I can purchase💖🐕💘
Sep 10Reply
goldenlinings @anneadellestyle sounds good! 💕👍🏼
Sep 10Reply
traytre Beautiful closet.
Oct 02Reply
goldenlinings @traytre thank you so much Tracy, nice to meet you!
Oct 02Reply
globalboutique @nerdynerss I LOVE your closet. The amalgam of eastern and western fashions is exquisite. We need a Bollywood category. lol
Nov 01Reply
goldenlinings @globalboutique aw thank you! Your closet is the same, love it, and I totally agree about the Bollywood category! Nice to meet you!!
Nov 01Reply
ahousewright Beautiful closet✨🎉😘
Nov 11Reply
goldenlinings @ahousewright thanks! Yours as well :)
Nov 11Reply
ahousewright Thank you😘and thank you for all the shares😘😘
Nov 11Reply
goldenlinings @ahousewright my pleasure doll! 💕
Nov 11Reply
houseofmartin Thank you for the follow 😊
Nov 29Reply
paperflowers Beautiful closet! Love the jewelry!
Nov 30Reply
goldenlinings @paperflowers thanks love! 🙂
Nov 30Reply
ladybugluxe Thanks for the shares!!!
Dec 22Reply
martinpere Followed and getting ready to share you awesome closet! Congrats on being the Super Posher for the day. Don't forget to sign up for the rest of the super posher games for more chances to be SP! Enjoy your day and all the shares, follows, likes, and hopefully sales that comes with it!
Jan 03Reply
goldenlinings @martinpere thanks love! appreciate all the love! <3
Jan 04Reply
adriennef315 Hi! Thank you for following me! 😀 I hope you like my items! I'm constantly adding a variety of new items! If you see anything you are interested in or have any questions please feel free to reach out to me! I am offering combined shipping on bundles & 10% off of bundles with 2 or more items 🤗
Jan 30Reply
adriennef315 Hi! Thank you for following me! 😀 I hope you like my items! I'm constantly adding a variety of new items! If you see anything you are interested in or have any questions please feel free to reach out to me! I am offering combined shipping on bundles & 10% off of bundles with 2 or more items 🤗
Jan 31Reply
englishrose926 Hi, Hope all is well with you , have a wonderful day on purpose 🌹😁  check out my closet and bundle to save.
Feb 22Reply
roccozeus2 Hi I’m fairly new and want to list a lot of my sterling silver pieces here. Any advice for me? Some are antique some brand new. The new are really large CT pieces.
Mar 19Reply
goldenlinings @roccozeus2 hi there, I don't really have experience selling sterling silver on here. Some pieces of mine are cubic zirconia. I would say the best advice I have is take good bright clear pictures in many views, model the items, write detailed descriptions, and provide measurements. Hope that helps!
Mar 20Reply
peekatboostique I mailed out a pair of tan suede croc booties to you last week on 21st. Did you not recieve them yet?
Jun 26Reply
goldenlinings @peekatboostique hi I think I got them but I just haven’t been home to accept them. Will let you know if any issues. Thanks !
Jun 27Reply
peekatboostique Hello Naz, I'm so glad you recieved the Tan Suede Booties. I was getting concerned because I've shipped several packages & they got lost or stolen. I hope your satisfied with your purchase & thanks so much once again for doing @Peekatboostique😁
Jun 29Reply
ok_nat Thank you for sharing!😊💐💐💐
Sep 20Reply
charlotte52 You have a lovely closet. Got lost in it tonight. Just couldn’t quit! I have some vintage things in my closet maybe you might find something you love😍
Sep 20Reply
goldenlinings @charlotte52 thanks for stopping by! :) let me know if you have any questions!
Sep 20Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, Zac Posen, Coach, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Sep 23Reply
prof I am very impressed with your closet
Oct 05Reply
goldenlinings @beeblakelee thanks love ❤️
Oct 05Reply
goldenlinings @prof thank you 😊
Oct 05Reply
designerchic03 Hello! Thank you for stopping by my closet it is much appreciated :) please let me know if there is anything you are interested in always up for offers. Looking forward to taking a better look at your closet!
Oct 12Reply
blackallblack Hi Naz i like your closet!
Nov 10Reply
goldenlinings @blackallblack thank you so much 😊
Nov 10Reply
nicholepruitt73 Enjoy a free $5 beauty gift bag with any purchase in my closet. Items starting at $7 thru infinity...Something for everybody
Nov 15Reply
star2d2 Hi there I noticed you liked the rubber doc Martin style boots the prices will return to original price in 30 min.
Nov 27Reply
lizaday @goldenlinings Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for all of the shares! You have a GORGEOUS closet! I shared some of my fave of your items. Thank you again, & Happy Poshing! 😃
Dec 06Reply
goldenlinings @lizaday thank you so much for the compliment! Happy Poshing and nice to meet you! 🙂
Dec 06Reply
lizaday @goldenlinings It’s very nice to meet you too, & it’s absolutely my pleasure to share from closets that I just love. 😊
Dec 06Reply
poshiemeg @goldenlinings Hi! You have such a beautiful closet! Do you have any tips on how to get sales? You have such a successful closet! And I'm struggling to get sales. I get about one sale every 2 weeks. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Dec 10Reply
geminimkay Beautiful closet and thanks for the shares ♡♡♡♡
Dec 10Reply
goldenlinings @geminimkay thank you for the compliment and for your purchase! ❤️🙂🎁 nice to meet you!
Dec 10Reply
geminimkay @goldenlinings we've got to support one another!
Dec 10Reply
goldenlinings @poshiemeg hi there and thanks for reaching out and for the compliments! I would say keep sharing other listings, keep adding new items, and make offers. I’ve been doing this for 5 years now. It took time, patience, and also the number of users/listings since I started has exponentially increased which means buyers have lots more options to choose from. So share share share to help grow your follwers and just have fun with it- is my best advice :)
Dec 10Reply
poshiemeg @goldenlinings Thank you so much for your advice! Greatly appreciate it!
Dec 10Reply
geminimkay I love your picture ♡ you're stunning! Looks like you're wearing some of your lovely jewelry items😁
Dec 12Reply
goldenlinings @geminimkay oh no that’s not me, just some jewelry model. I’m camera shy ☺️😁☺️
Dec 12Reply
geminimkay @goldenlinings I totally understand! 😊its all good!
Dec 12Reply
jcjones46 Thank you for following. I love your closet.
Mar 20Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️
Mar 21Reply
krissysboutique How did you build your Poshmark account to over 200,000 followers?
Mar 21Reply
jandress Hi I ordered a pair of earrings that says they were delivered 2 days ago but I haven’t received them. Please contact me with tracking information so I can locate them.
Mar 28Reply
goldenlinings @krissysboutique hi thanks for visiting! I’ve been on here for about 5 years now so it takes time. Keep sharing other Poshers listings, share to parties, keep adding new items and add variety. Those are some of my suggestions :)
Mar 30Reply
krissysboutique Ok thanks so much, you’re a doll❣️
Mar 30Reply
georgiareseller @goldenlinings I am running a closet clear out sale from now until the end of the month. Anything and everything in my closet is 6 items for $22. If you are interested in more than 6 items, I will prorate the order. Simply create a bundle and I will make the offer for you to accept. This also combines shipping which saves you a ton. Thanks for looking!
Apr 17Reply
georgiareseller I saw that you liked several items. It won’t allow me to create a bundle for you. Please feel free to add items from my closet to make a bundle. 6items for $22. :)
Apr 17Reply
mugenone Ty for visiting my closet please lmk if your interested in anything in my closet 😊
Apr 28Reply
kristenhiter Hey thanks for the share and sorry to bother you with this but was wondering what app you use to divide the pictures and put the logos on there? You’re closet is gorgeous!
Jun 15Reply
luisanyc826 @goldenlinings Hi. Thank you for liking my Michael Kors tote. Please know I am very open to offers! Have a great day :)
Jun 26Reply
wareit - [x] 🔆 I would love for you to consider joining my Facebook group “SHOWOFFS OF POSHMARK” - [x] 🔆 Take a pic of you showing off your goodies & send it my way so I can upload for others to ‘oooo’ & ahhhhh!!!! - [x] ❌⭕️‼️ @wareit🔆
Jul 20Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $19 or 3 for $26!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! 🌻🌻
Aug 22Reply
teresit2011c You have a beautiful and uniques jewelry styles! OMG I love all them! 😘🌸
Oct 16Reply
goldenlinings @teresit2011c thank you so much! You have a lovely closet as well! :)
Oct 17Reply
kym728 love your closet ❤❤ thanks for the add
Nov 07Reply
goldenlinings @kym728 thanks love, offers are always welcomed 🙂 let me know if you have any questions!
Nov 07Reply
bobbett328 Hello 🙋‍♀️Thanks so much for stopping by and following my closet/boutique 😊🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍 Have a fantastic Veterans Day🇺🇸🇺🇸
Nov 11Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Sep 14Reply
blingurnewfashw Thanks for following me at BlingURNewFashW (Wardrobe). Happy poshing! 🛍 😁💝 🌟 I am here to help if you happen to have any additional questions on any item. Clothing in my closet ships out next day unless it’s a holiday.
Sep 15Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet! Be safe....Dorothy
Nov 23Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for following me I’m Emily if you like any of my things create a bundle for a great deal! Have a Safe and Happy Holidays😊❄️☃️
Nov 23Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Dec 09Reply
duckieone Hi and thank you for following me. I appreciate it and will follow you. I like your closet and will share some of your items. Please know that if you like anything in my closet I will give you a discount. Thank you.
Mar 01Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Mar 20Reply
sheerinfarhana Hi please take a look at my closet for some amazing collections of Indian and western outfits for women , girls and babies . I’ve also got hand painted decorative glass wares on sale . Please let me know if you have any questions I would be glad to help you . I accept all reasonable offers . Happy poshing 💐
Aug 13Reply
uneekfinds Thanks so much for all of the Posh Love!
Sep 21Reply
lisamoskal Hi! Thanks for the follow! If I can ever help you, please let me know… Wishing you an awesome new year full of happiness! 😊 ...Lisa
Feb 23Reply
goldenlinings @lisamoskal thank you! Happy new year to you as well! Nice to connect :)
Feb 23Reply
amberpierce524 Thank you so much for the shares! I appreciate your support ❤️
Mar 27Reply
bounty_huntress Thanks for the follow. Following you and sharing some Posh 💖 Happy Poshing‼️‼️ 🛍🛍🛍🛍💞💞💞💞🛍🛍🛍🛍💞💞💞💞
Jun 13Reply
goldenlinings @kimmi1031 thank you! Sending some posh love your way as well 💗💗💗
Jun 13Reply
bounty_huntress You are most welcome and thank you!!
Jun 13Reply
stocktonlaw100   Hi favorite shoppers, I’m running a sale pick any 10 items $12.00 & under for $40.00  
Aug 03Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you share some of ours too. Happy Poshing!
Aug 13Reply
goldenlinings @lamarquez16 awesome, that’s great! Welcome to Poshmark. Will share some of your items and wishing you speedy sales! Nice to meet you 💗
Aug 14Reply
kfab333 @goldenlinings Hello there🥰❤️ Thank you for visiting! Happy you are here - I still offer bundle discounts and gifts 🎁 with each order! Bundle for your discount! My Best! Kimberly
Apr 24Reply
goldenlinings @nazmul_armaan lovely, nice to meet you !
Feb 25Reply

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