Support the Cause: A Sibling for Caleb
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I don't typically post about personal things but I really need this to be passed around. I really appreciate the posh community and the friends I've met. If you have any extra cash to donate, we would be forever grateful, but you would also have our profoundest thanks to just share my link found in the first comment below to your social media circles.

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Apr 02Reply

Rebekah! I just saw this! I just had to send you a virtual hug and let you know that I have walked this road, my friend. We had a failed fresh cycle, one frozen embryo (that no one expected to even make it to freeze), and a lot of prayers. That last little one stayed frozen until I was ready to face that it was our last shot... And he is waking up right now from his nap. God was totally in the details and in the timing. I'm going to visit your link now.
Apr 02Reply

@ball_mom I'm sorry to hear you went through this too! I'm amazed how many people I've met in similar situations. This is most likely our last shot (bank account cannot handle another fresh cycle, lol). I would really love Caleb to have a sister, but I am so grateful just to have him! Thanks for any donations/shares you can do. It's really appreciated 😊
Apr 02Reply

Absolutely! We IVF mamas stick together. I'm so sorry you are walking this road, but know that incredible blessings can emerge. I know about the strain on finances. I'll share and get my plastic!
Apr 02Reply

@ball_mom 😘
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @navarrecharm
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @ejworsham
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @savvyj
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @mandysue
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @seasew
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @kimsthings
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @styled
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @jlrey
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @megger
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @eileennk
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @laurenha
Apr 02Reply

@jesslwallace @mamatofmany @txbetty @sunbursthanock @manymurrays @allygirl1964 help spread the word friends!!! This sweet one needs our help and prayers!!!
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @allie89
Apr 02Reply

@rebekah_allen - you've got me crying over here my friend. I am so sorry you are going through this. I am so proud of you for being open about infertility issues, it's so common, but no one talks about it. When you realize you have a supportive community around you- the burden becomes just a wee bit lighter. Will be praying for you! Thanks @ball_mom for the tag my sweet friend!
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @methodclothe
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @kathdmuzz
Apr 02Reply

@navarrecharm going through all this I've definitely learned it can't be done in private. The first five years we didn't tell anyone and it just ate us up. Having support has really changed things for us and made the process easier. After speaking out about it I've found there are so many other couples going through the same thing and we can help each other out. Thanks for your support!
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @jules2209
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @edamerval
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @robinj
Apr 02Reply

Hi! Can you help me spread the word to support our friend Rebekah? Thanks so much! @mknight101
Apr 02Reply

@ball_mom absolutely
Apr 02Reply

@ball_mom - you bet! I also had my share of issues, heartbreak and disappointments. I would never wish this struggle on anyone and hear too often how many people are affected. Things do happen for a reason so stay strong Rebekah! 😘
Apr 02Reply

@kathdmuzz Thanks for your kind words and support!
Apr 02Reply

My prayers are with you and your family. Praying for God to provide according to His riches in glory; praying for you guys for peace while you are thrown in this roller coaster ride. I have a really good friend and pastor who is going thru this and already has been tru a lot in this journey of becoming a parent. My heart breaks for you but at the same time I know His glory and mercy will prevail. @ball_mom - thanks for sharing this with me!!
Apr 03Reply

@styled Thanks for your encouragement and shares! It means a lot!
Apr 03Reply

@rebekah_allen I can't imagine how hard this is!! Praying for you as your family!!
Apr 03Reply

@ejworsham Thanks for you support!
Apr 03Reply

Absolutely will share and share again ❤️
Apr 04Reply

Thanks, @ruby2nb ! I really appreciate it!
Apr 04Reply

@peppersgrrrl thank you for your kind words and support. It's such a hard journey and I feel for you with your losses. I'm still working through mine. I pray that things will work out for you too. IVF is definitely tough. If you ever decide to go through it and want some insight beforehand, feel free to message me on fb (my username is in the pics). Thanks again!
Apr 04Reply

Rebekah I'm sending tons of prayers, love & thoughts your way!! I read through your post with tears of joy and heartbreak. 💗😔I am 32 years old & last year after a long run of tests I was told the same. I don't want to bother you with my story but I feel your pain & I will do anything I can to Support, Share and sending those prayers!!! It's so expensive & it's a child-not a materialistic thing - I try tell people that BUT WANT IT KNOWN. I'm here to support!! I also get paid on Monday so I would like to purchase something to help out! With tons of X's and O's!!! Tami
Apr 04Reply

@tevavold Aww, thanks so much! I'm so sorry to hear you're going through the same thing. Since my husband and I became more open about our situation I've found so many other couples in the same boat. It's so helpful to know you're not alone. I'm really hopeful that we can try one more time and have our little bean stick!
Apr 04Reply

And I truly meant every word! It is So good to hear from others in the same situation. It's a hard, long & expensive road!! I'm always here if you need anything But I just had to reach out! I will help & pray, I promise you that❤️❤️❤️!!!!
Apr 04Reply

@tevavold if you do go the IVF track and ever want to talk about it feel free to contact me on FB (my username is in the second pic). Thanks again for all your support!
Apr 04Reply

Thank you!!! We are going the IVF route just funding is the same thing for us. Oooh sorry I'm just ranting, I just have a huge ❤️for this & you! Okay I'm going to be quite and hopefully we can chat soon! 💗💗💗💗💗💗
Apr 04Reply

@tevavold Lol, no worries! Talk to you soon!
Apr 04Reply

I'm sorry you're going through this! I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers 💕
Apr 05Reply

@misspilar Thank you so much for you kind words and support. It means a lot!
Apr 05Reply

@mrssword @bbarnes362 @vivacouture @camposcc @storyofmydress @nugget_love @blackcherry7 @badz16 @manymurrays @lolafig @jentucker Wanted to share a story with you and any shares is of most help :) xoxo
Apr 06Reply

@rebekah_allen good for you for putting this out there. The more support you have the better it will be. We went through our own struggles and it opened our eyes to how many were in the same position. Good luck!!
Apr 06Reply

@ckayej I agree! Much easier to go through this with the support of others. Thanks for your kind words!
Apr 06Reply

@rebekah_allen @tevavold I get tears eyed every time I read a story like both of yours. My brother & his wife have also been thru the same situation for years. After 5 years the IVF finally worked & they are expecting baby #1 this October. **squeals** 😃 Both of you beautiful ladies are in my prayers, God is good & he promises to give us the desires of our heart. He has a plan & in the right time it will come to pass. Much love to you both! 💕
Apr 06Reply

@mrssword that's so good to hear about your brother! Infertility is such a hard road but the love and support you can get from friends and loved ones makes the journey that much easier. @tevavold 💕
Apr 06Reply

@vanityfierceson Yes, we have. We have one embryo of our own left that we want to give a chance at life. Fostering/adoption will probably be in the future for us whether or not we are able to have another child.
Apr 06Reply

Best of luck!! Praying for Caleb to have a sibling 🙏❤😊
Apr 06Reply

@tevavold thank u for the tag ❤
Apr 06Reply

Hi posh friends, please help share this wonderful story and great cause 😊 @yolirivera @nugget_love @kimsthings @camposcc @moonbunnytoo @cnguyen25 @vonnenyc @vivacouture @lindyhiphop @letteshop @vacat @ginger71 @poppy64 thank u so much ❤
Apr 06Reply

Will share💛sorry to hear you're going through this🙏🙏
Apr 06Reply

@rebekah_allen Hi Rebekah, I just saw this listing and it really touched my heart. I can't even imagine the difficulties you are going through but I hope that will get everything you've wished for and more! I believe in prayer and that good things happen to good people😊👍 my prayers and best wishes go out to you and your beautiful family❤️💐
Apr 06Reply

@blackcherry7 Thank you so much!
Apr 06Reply

Thanks @ginger71 !
Apr 06Reply

Thank you so much @chenlalaland !
Apr 06Reply

Of course I will share! @blackcherry7 Thk u for tagging!! @rebekah_allen my hugs to you Rebekah😘
Apr 06Reply

@yolirivera Thanks so much!
Apr 06Reply

You're welcome 😊
Apr 06Reply

Apr 08Reply

Best of luck😘❤️
Apr 09Reply

Thanks, @benectar ! I appreciate the support!
Apr 09Reply

I will be sure to share this!!! I hope you're blessed with a beautiful bundle of joy soon enough!! best of luck! ❤️❤️
Apr 10Reply

@randilyn Thank you so much for the support! I appreciate it!
Apr 10Reply

@benectar @hanjiun @hannaho @elissaemoto @lorigalloway @all4designer @alvictoria @misspilar @renarose2 @renea99 @sanddilee @lula44 @@madeyoublush @ejworsham @nljorda1 @camille315 @caramia10012 : ladies, I hate to mass tag - but this is a very touching and real cause! please, please help share this post and @rebekah_allen's closet. many of you are mom's and I'm sure understand what Rebekah is going through. every share will help!! xox
Apr 10Reply

keep your head up momma. You'll get your dream come true
Apr 10Reply

@nljorda1 Thanks for your support!
Apr 10Reply

<<HUGS>> @rebekah_allen I've been there too, Mama! After 6 years of infertility issues and finally IVF, we now have 15 month old boy/girl twins. And, ironically, we're due very soon with our miracle, surprise baby #3! Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way! Will definitely share this post and visit your website. Good luck to you!! 😘❤️❤️
Apr 10Reply

@jbischoff Yay for miracle babies! Thanks for your encouragement and support!
Apr 10Reply

@rebekah_allen I am not a mama yet, but one day I hope to be and I cannot imagine having to go through what you are going through. You are so strong and brave for all of this. God is so good and I'm so glad you have been blessed with one little one! I will keep you in my prayers 💗
Apr 11Reply

@marym1992 Thanks, my little one has really eased the grief of my recent loss. It's a tough road but I've found many women in the same boat and all the support and encouragement has really been a blessing
Apr 11Reply

@rebekah_allen I'm so glad! And I wish I could fit into your clothes! So cute!! I'd be buying many of them if they were my size!
Apr 11Reply

@marym1992 Lol, I hear that a lot. Well, keep checking back as I'm trying to expand my sizes. I'll be posting more tomorrow!
Apr 11Reply

Sharing and hope it helps !! Wishing you the best !! 🙏🙏🙏
Apr 14Reply

Thanks so much, @vivacouture !
Apr 14Reply

Thanks so much, @bluemay1 !
Apr 16Reply

god bless! shared your whole closet!:)
Apr 17Reply

@kristysalindo Thanks so much!
Apr 17Reply

Your welcome anytime :)
Apr 17Reply

Good luck on your journey for a second child 💕 I can't even have any, nor have any due to a bone marrow transplant. I plan on adopting...why don't you do that?
Apr 17Reply

@brie309 Sorry about your situation! We have one embryo left so I feel we owe it to the little guy/gal to give it a shot at life. Fostering/adoption is definitely in plan for later. But adoption costs just as much as infertility treatment, though there are tax benefits. Good luck in your journey!
Apr 17Reply

Awww...when you put it that way! It's like they're there waiting for you to get them. 😍 Best of luck on your journey as well. 😊 Maybe I should make one of these ads. Medical bills for myself, let alone adopting, is a lot to bear...especially with one income! I like your idea! Thanks! 😘
Apr 17Reply

@brie309 😊
Apr 17Reply

@rebekah_allen @tevavold Just saw this and I'm so sorry you are both struggling with infertility--it's an awful thing! I struggled getting pregnant with both my kids and had to see an infertility specialist as well. I was fortunate that IUI worked for us, so my prayers are with you two as you go on this journey. You are not alone!
Apr 18Reply

@mfanning Sorry to hear you dealt with it too! I've found it's much more prevalent than I originally thought and so often we go through it alone. I really appreciate all the support I've been getting 😊
Apr 18Reply

@ball_mom I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been updating my cover shot as I get more donations. We're over $3k now! Thanks for all your shares 😊
Apr 19Reply

I had NOT noticed! Thanks so much for pointing that out! I'll keep better tabs and will keep sharing! Praying for your little frozen one. I am rocking mine to sleep now. When I think about him literally bring frozen in time for all those months, it is just hard for me to believe. He was always meant to be our baby, and I believe that for your little frozen one, too. 💕
Apr 19Reply

@ball_mom Aww, I hope yours sleeps soundly tonight. Mine just went down after a nice bath. It's crazy to think my little ice cube baby is technically the same age as Caleb. I really hope it wants to come home with us. The $3k makes it possible for us to start the process next month! I have my first appt. next week 😊
Apr 19Reply

I agree! Crazy to really think about these things. I have a friend who did a fresh cycle which failed. She had two frozen babies but elected to do another fresh cycle instead which resulted in a daughter who is now 3. She recently went back and transferred those 2 frozen little ones--and is pregnant with twins! But, oddly, those twins are in actuality older than their 3- year-old sister! 😉 AMAZING news that you are getting started next month. 👏👏👏 Please keep me updated! 💕
Apr 19Reply

@ball_mom Yeah! That's so crazy how things work like that. I'll keep you updated. Hopefully we'll have good news in June!
Apr 19Reply

I will be praying until good news comes. June 10 is a great date, FYI. I had an IUI which resulted in my daughter on June 10 and our little guy was transferred on June 10. 😊 When the docs told me my transfer date, I just KNEW God was telling me great things were in store. I'm so very excited for you, friend!
Apr 19Reply

@ball_mom awesome! That's encouraging!
Apr 19Reply

I will share often🙏 no need to return the favor❤️
Apr 21Reply

@gin_uwine Thanks so much!
Apr 21Reply

@rebekah_allen totally feel ur pain been trying for 3 years after two back to back still births and was told only through IVF first try failed I have to embryos left and lord willing it will happen but it's sooo devastating!!!!
I will spread the word and make a donation
Good luck
Apr 22Reply

@melmel09 Ugh! So sorry to hear you're in the same boat. I've run into so many women going through it. It's such a hard road. I'll keep you in my prayers for success! Thanks for your support!
Apr 22Reply

@rebekah_allen i'm sorry you are going through this, but I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Just have faith in God 😊
Apr 22Reply

@lslychvz Thank you so much for the support! Wouldn't be able to get through it without God and the support of friends, family and wonderful Posh ladies like you!
Apr 22Reply

@jlt2681 @poppy64
May 01Reply

May 01Reply

I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through this. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers! ❤️
May 04Reply

@lindsaydemo Thanks! I appreciate it!
May 04Reply

@ball_mom It's not June 10th, but I'm scheduled for my transfer bright and early tomorrow morning!
Jun 05Reply

@rebekah_allen YAY! I am so happy for you. 😘 I've already sent up prayers for this one to grow in strength and for God to breathe life into your little one. PLEASE let me know when you get your awesome beta. 💞
Jun 06Reply

@ball_mom Thank you so much! I'm feeling very good about this one 😊 first blood test next Thursday and pregnancy test the following!
Jun 07Reply

Thinking of you and praying for you today!
Jun 12Reply

@ball_mom Thanks!
Jun 12Reply

@ball_mom Positive home test this morning! Thursday I'll get the blood results but it looks like this little bean is here to stay!
Jun 17Reply

REBEKAH!!! 💕🎉😍👏. My heart is so full for you! What a tremendous blessing. Those "lone ranger" embabies can be tough and strong. YAY!!!!!!! I'll keep praying. Please keep me updated with your amazing little one on the way. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jun 17Reply

@ball_mom 😊
Jun 17Reply

@ball_mom How's a 1760 for my first Beta 😄 With my last pregnancy it was a 56. I think it's safe to say this little embie is in it for the long haul!
Jun 20Reply

That is a phenomenal first beta!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉. Wow! Congrats on the wonderful news, dear friend! 😘 Keep the great news coming!
Jun 20Reply

Think about you ALL the time. How are you doing? 💞
Aug 02Reply

@ball_mom Was at a memorial in CT for my grandfather today. He passed away from pancreatic cancer. It was tough but I was thankful I was able to make the trip up to see him with Caleb a few weeks ago while he was in the hospital. He sat in his hospital bed and read a book about trucks together. Was really precious. Other baby is doing well. 11 weeks today. Had my first OB appt the other day, graduated from my fertility doc 😊
Aug 02Reply

I just so, so sorry for the loss of your precious grandfather. What a treasure that you were given some sweet memories with him as he was so close to leaving this world. I know that you will treasure those always. I lost mom to cancer two weeks after my oldest was born, so I know what a void cancer leaves behind. SUCH wonderful news about your sweet little baby! I am thrilled to be able to share in your amazing progress. Grow and thrive, little one! 💞
Aug 03Reply

@ball_mom It's a boy!
Oct 06Reply

YAY FOR BROTHERS! 💙💙💙. My two guys are 7.5 years apart but have the most awesome brotherly bond. What a lifelong gift for your babies! I am so excited for you and your family. Thanks for keeping me in the loop! 💞 Yayyyyyyy!
Oct 07Reply

@ball_mom I'll miss being able to buy frilly girl clothes, but I think Caleb will really enjoy a brother. Although it might be a different story when he finds out he has to share his trucks...
Oct 07Reply

Oh, the trucks! 😂 I could add superheroes to that in our house. Thank heavens boys' clothes have come a long way in the past few years so boy mamas have a bit more to choose from. Still quite lopsided selections in the stores, though. Imagine them in matching Crewcuts outfits! 😉
Oct 07Reply

@ball_mom Oh man, Crewcuts! I have to wait until Caleb is capable of not destroying an outfit the first time he wears it before I start buying Crewcuts. He will eventually be the most styling little boy around :) Maybe his little brother will be calmer like me and I can start out earlier! Last year they came out with the most adorable cashmere sweater that said Dude on it. So sweet! But $150 for a sweater that would get marker or ketchup on it day one? I had to pass.
Oct 07Reply
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