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Updated Aug 14
Updated Aug 14

This listing courtesy of @jaimerstone, THANK YOU!



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hollynoel25 @ztackett hi, saw your question in another closet, and yes, you cannot list fakes or replicas. Both of those closets were doing things outside of poshmark guidelines. No trading, no paypal, no cosmetics or perfumes, no kids or men's, no household items, no copying and using someone else's pics/listings without their permission... Plz be careful, so you can enjoy POSHMARK & our wonderful community of ladies! Also, no personal contact info should ever be listed in your listings, you shouldn't ask for anyone else's and you shouldn't give yours out. I did this once and got in trouble. Hope this helps! Happy Poshing! πŸ’•πŸŒΊπŸ’•βœŒοΈ
May 12Reply
ztackett Wow I see all kinds of that stuff....and alwAys see people asking to trade.....not allowed to trade?
May 13Reply
hollynoel25 @ztackett no not reay because it often times leads to problems and POSHMARK cannot protect you if you trade. Plus it cheats them out of their 20% they get for operating the site for us all. All transactions should be done on POSHMARK only . I know, if you just see what everyone else appears to be doing... You'll end up going down the wrong path lol
May 13Reply
audkiss @hollynoel25 I did have a perfume that went before I knew. Now I am the same way. I respect the rules and expect the same from poshies. Love this place.. also I say I welcome trades. By that I mean buy-trades. We must perchase from one another at an agreed pruce (usually less than 5$)that way it goes through posh. Be blessed everyone
May 14Reply
hollynoel25 @ztackett yes! πŸ’•πŸŒΊπŸ’•βœŒοΈ
May 14Reply
prudencezweifel πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
Jul 11Reply
hollynoel25 @marlanap @sharonaskin ladies this is a good one also. Hosts will only choose hp from closets that follow all PM guidelines. Also your closet could shut down by PM as well .. Marlana was it you that listed that great kids clothing site to sell children's clothes? I think it's called Tot Spot... Check it out Sharon, I hear it's awesome! Hope this helps! πŸ’•πŸŒΊπŸ’•βœŒοΈ
Jul 14Reply
marlanap Yes, yours is really good. I guess thoroughly vetting closets has to go with recommending people for our 10K help too. As far as I recall, everyone we are currently helping and earlier, they all follow the Posh Rules. If you see any discrepancies from now on, we can try to get the person to fix it. If they refuse, we will just help others who follow the rules. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ I should have checked before I put her name on the sign. Lol, it will be alright. I hope she understands and cleans her closet. ☺️@pmgr22 @cassandraknox @tiff_liu @la_boutique @motherskiss @jaimerstone @tdkbkt6 @larochelle @ringleader πŸ‘―πŸ‘―πŸ‘―πŸ‘―πŸ‘―
Jul 14Reply
marlanap No, I did not recommend the Tot Spot, but that is a great option! πŸ‘
Jul 14Reply
marlanap @randie21 @ecorll @desidooo @kecampbell @missposhtrendy Please read my Comments above about Vetting closets that want 10K Help.πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†
Jul 14Reply
saltydeals It is additionally worth mentioning that you also need to vet the closets that are on the follow game <3
Jul 14Reply
bendthetrends @marlanap I will for sure check closets that I recommend for the 10k club. I didn't even think of doing that yesterday but will from now on. Thank you.
Jul 14Reply
marlanap @randie21 Thanks. We need to stick together. I took the lady in question off of the sign for now. Being an upcoming Posh Theme Party Co-Host, I have to be more strict about matters like that. That is what Posh expects. @little_bit_hp @lolabella6 @herparallax FYI Read our Comments above. πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†
Jul 14Reply
ringleader @marlanap @hollynoel25 just to clarify, I understand makeup is allowed if it's new with tags like swimwear? Nailpolish and perfume is not allowed die to it's not allowed to be mailed thru postal service.
Jul 14Reply
ringleader *due not die ;)
Jul 14Reply
marlanap @ringleader Yes, no nail polish or perfume is allowed now! πŸ‘
Jul 14Reply
hollynoel25 @ringleader @marlanap @sharonaskin yes, do I need to read thru my list again? πŸ™€ lol it's used make up, used swimwear & used undergarments that are not allowed to sell in PM. New with tags is fine. Perfumes and such is not allowed new or used because it s considered hazardous shipping materials with the USPO.
Jul 14Reply
hollynoel25 @marlanap my count is 10,280 lol yes!!!
Jul 14Reply
marlanap @hollynoel25 I am actually glad the question of giving 10K help to only PM Rules Closets finally came up in this way. So your recommending her helped us get a really Huge matter directly on the table. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Congrats on your new numbers too! I can see you are still on that 10K High!!! πŸ˜½πŸ™€πŸ˜Ό It will last a very, very long time!!! 😸😸😸😻😻😻
Jul 14Reply
ringleader @hollynoel25 I can't imagine who would want to buy used makeup, honestly I can't! It's so gross to think of; but, apparently people do?!?!!!! 🌸 😜
Jul 14Reply
hollynoel25 @marlanap that's very cool! Yes I am lol
Jul 15Reply
hollynoel25 @marlanap hi, just letting you know that u cannot share the last follow game; it says I am blocked from @lolabellas closet. Not sure if I spelled her name right. I can't imagine why, but I am. Ty for the tag all the same! πŸ’•πŸŒΊπŸ’•βœŒοΈ
Jul 19Reply
savannah1470 Thanks for the endorsement! I try hard to follow Posh Guidelines & have a professional, styled closet. :-)
Jul 20Reply
hollynoel25 @savannah1470 YW! ✌️
Jul 20Reply
hollynoel25 @stg1000 Hey Stef! Ty for stopping by!πŸ’•πŸŒΊπŸ’•βœŒοΈ
Jul 24Reply
stg1000 Anytime! I'm new and just wanted to make sure my closet was in compliance :-)
Jul 24Reply
bellasbeauties My biggest pet peeve...
Aug 15Reply
hollynoel25 @uzanne right? It's just difficult when you're trying to get to co host or become a SU... Other closets can hurt you if they don't play by the rules. ✌️
Aug 15Reply
hollynoel25 @maloyequine They don't support trading.
Aug 20Reply
hollynoel25 @maloyequine I can't say you'd be banned, but if one of you doesn't hold up her end if the trade, poshmark can't help you. Also, if you ever want to Co Host or become a Suggested User, it's not a good idea. Even a Host Pick is supposed to be given in closets following all PM guidelines. Since PM doesn't support trading & warns against it, that would make the closet trading not following PM guidelines. Hope this helps. ✌️
Aug 20Reply
hollynoel25 @maloyequine my understanding is no, no look a likes.
Aug 20Reply
hollynoel25 @maloyequine No one is paid. I've sold on other sites in the past, in my opinion, POSHMARK is the best. I think what you make depends on you. I sell to cycle my closet lol. But some here do sell for an income. Depends what you put it into it, and what you're looking for.
Aug 20Reply
hollynoel25 @maloyequine YW! I totally agree!! Ty so much for visiting my closet & sharing my listings! Happy Wednesday!πŸ’•πŸŒΊπŸ’•βœŒοΈ
Aug 20Reply
hollynoel25 @maloyequine sure thing!✌️
Aug 20Reply
hollynoel25 @jblacombe Janis I'm so sorry I didn't see this until todayπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ I would've loved to help her with a HP!! But I'll be sharing her closet!!😘
Sep 08Reply
ladycortes Trading is not against the rules. It's just not recommended. Please stop spreading that misconception.
Sep 24Reply
hollynoel25 @ladycortes Hi Christina, you are correct abt trading not being against the rules, just not supported by POSHMARK . I think if you'll read the comments I've posted, you'll see that's exactly what I said as well. Thank you for stopping by my closet, have a wonderful day!πŸ’•πŸŒΊπŸ’•βœŒοΈ
Sep 24Reply
shawnanagans @vameneri please read so we can all have fun Poshing. πŸ˜ƒ lets all follow the rules.
Dec 29Reply
hollynoel25 @shawnanagans You're awesome!! Best way to start out right! Ty so much for taking the time to read this listing & visit my closet!πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸŽ„βœŒοΈ
Dec 29Reply
hollynoel25 @marlanap check it out!πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘† Awesome to see this!πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸŽ„βœŒοΈ
Dec 29Reply
shawnanagans @diane5150 please read, lets all follow the rules so we can share and enjoy Poshing πŸ’ž
Dec 29Reply
shawnanagans What about wigs and hair pieces? I see alot.
Dec 29Reply
hollynoel25 @shawnanagans let me double check that for you! I'll get back to on that as soon as I find out!πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸŽ„βœŒοΈ
Dec 29Reply
shawnanagans @annspinner please read, lets all follow the rules and make Posh a great place to shop and sell. πŸ’œ
Dec 30Reply
shawnanagans @avoirduchien please read and lets all follow the rules so Posh stays fun for everyone πŸ’ž
Dec 30Reply
shawnanagans @sierrajersey please and follow the rules so Posh stays safe and fun πŸ’œ
Dec 30Reply
shawnanagans @tika320 please read
Dec 30Reply
shawnanagans Hey Holly, do you know about designer boxes and dust bags? It's strange that people want to sell these. Maybe it's just me. Lol πŸ˜„
Dec 30Reply
hollynoel25 @shawnanagans lol yes it's funny to me also, even funnier that ppl but then lol. I could see the dust bags, to protect a pricey bag tho... Checking on this too! πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸŽ„βœŒοΈ
Dec 31Reply
shawnanagans @bumblebee06 please read through this post and the comments, it will help alot with knowing what you can and can't sell according to Poshmark rules. You are doing a great job by not accepting trades or P-ypal. There are other sites for baby items and household things and men's wear too. Good luck and Happy Poshing! πŸ’–
Dec 31Reply
hollynoel25 @shawnanagans πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Dec 31Reply
shawnanagans Holly, have you checked out iphoneman? I have no problem at all with men selling here, by all means, glad to have them. But they need to follow the rules too. It's like a garage sale over there. 😱
Dec 31Reply
thepinkposher This is great. Thanks for sharing the rules and tips! I have seen people asking about trades and sending people to other websites too.
Jan 21Reply
hollynoel25 @mharris0447 I'm glad you read it & liked! It's tempting to just follow what others are doing, but best to know for yourself what's what! πŸ’•πŸŒΊπŸ’•βœŒοΈ
Jan 21Reply
hollynoel25 @shawnanagans Hi!! Sorry it took so long to get back to you!! I haven't heard or seen anything saying designer dust bags & boxes are not allowed. Wigs are not allowed. I too see them all over. As for the guys closet, yeah, it's unfortunate. There are so many not in compliance, bad thing is, it really confuses new poshers a lot! I hope this info helps, again sorry it took so long, I didn't forget, just trying to confirm what's what! Happy Poshing! πŸ’•πŸŒΊπŸ’•βœŒοΈ
Jan 28Reply
shawnanagans Thanks Christine. No problem lol, I forgot that I had asked. I also put in a question to poshmark and they sort of answered, it but not really. Maybe I'm just trying to go by the book too much, I don't know? Some lady just freaked out on me and I had to block her lol 😨 πŸ˜€
Jan 28Reply
hollynoel25 @shawnanagans It's best to go by the book, especially if you want to get host picks, host parties or become a Suggested User. Some ppl will not want to hear abt the rules, so I always go abt in a non threatening way. If they aren't open to that, I don't follow, don't share from them is all. Let me know if you have anymore questions. ✌️
Jan 28Reply

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