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Updated May 17
Updated May 17

Co-hosting Posh Party!!


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Hi everyone! I'm so honored and thrilled to announce that I'm co-hosting the Wardrobe Essentials Party this Friday!! I'll be looking for the most essential wardrobe essentials all week! Help me make this party a HUGE success and send me what you think are fabulous essentials!!! Thanks to all of you and let's get Poshing!!
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ginasjewels4you Awesome!!!! Congratulations!!! I will be there! 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
May 11Reply
lula44 Congrats!! I will be there for sure!! Have a blast 🎉🎉🎉
May 12Reply
jenniferrlee Hi @txpresbi! So nice to meet you & congrats on co-hosting!!! 🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏👯👯👯 I'll definitely be there to check out your fabulous finds! Woot woot!!! Please take a look at our closets: @dollface86 @iheartpurple @a2z6 @lucylou002 @jenkan23 @linsleppo @ellebee206 @bellanblue @aprils2ndcloset @katz2 @isa_wine_lover @little_bit_hp @drogl @pmgr22 @mytherapy @kastudillo @jenniferraynor @elisehunter for potential HPs. We follow all Posh rules 😊💕 Thank you for your consideration! 💐 Have a blast!!! @lorriebug Thank you Lorrie for the tag! 😘💖
May 12Reply
miami_wife Congrats hun 😘🌺🎉👏😊 hope u hav lots of sales and an amazing time!!! I'll def be there to support u and share ur amazing HP's!!!
May 12Reply
bellanblue @txpresbi hello & congrats on Hosting sweetie. How exciting! See you there. @jenniferrlee let's help her share!
May 12Reply
star_gazer99 @txpresbi Congrats on Co Hosting! 🎉🎉🎉 thank you for the tag @jenniferrlee 💕💕💕
May 12Reply
christinadepasq Congratulations!! 💜💜💜
May 12Reply
xena77 @pehang thanks for the tag🌹 Congrats 🎉🎉🎉🎉👏
May 12Reply
sammy @txpresbi congrats . Have a blast! 🎉🎉🎉🎉please check out my closet. I have so much!!!! Thxs!
May 12Reply
chicbirdie Congrats on your party!!! Hope you'll stop by for a pick! 😊
May 12Reply
katz2 @txpresbi 🌟🌟Woo Hoo‼️Yay👏👏Congratulations on co-hosting your 1st Posh Party! What an honor! I will be there cheering you on 📢 and checking out ✅ the great Host Picks. 💞💞 Thanks for the tag @jenniferrlee
May 12Reply
ashinu27 Congrats on your party host! Thanks for the tag @lorriebug!
May 12Reply
classyvintage Whoop! Congrats - you will have a blast - while we wait let me get this out there on social media sites
May 12Reply
mandavais Congrats!! 🎈🎊🎈🎊🎉🎈🎊🎉🎈🎈🎉🎉🎈
May 12Reply
ohhh_my_posh Awesome!! That is a fun theme :) You'll have a blast - see you there!! Party time @jenkan23 :)
May 12Reply
augustpinkstyle @txpresbi Congratulations on co-hosting!!! Will share the great news forward! @lorriebug Thank you for the tag!😊 Ladies, here's an amazing party coming up!! @hemojemo @vacat @fccandles @vivacouture @classicpatty @camposcc @letteshop @cholaspi @cindytn @gre5 💕💕💕
May 12Reply
isa_wine_lover Congrats girl! I'll be there cheering you on. Thanks for the party tag luv @jenniferrlee
May 12Reply
fccandles @txpresbi congrats and great theme!!! I'll help spread the word and I'll be cheering and sharing👏👏👏💃 thanks Pinky😘@augustpinkstyle
May 12Reply
windylouu Congrats!! 😊🎉
May 12Reply
needeebees Thanks for the tag @jimsprincess
May 12Reply
nadiafashion Woohoo!🎉💃🎉 Congrats!👏👏
May 12Reply
katjo Congrats!!!🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈😘🎈😃
May 12Reply
carlysmommma Thanks for the tag, @lorriebug! WIll be sharing your Host Feed! Looking forward to a great collection of things that we ALL need!! Off to share!!
May 12Reply
poshinistajen Congratulations! Sounds like an awesome theme! :)
May 12Reply
linsleppo 👯👯👯👯👯👯👯👏👏👏👏👏😘😘😘😘
May 12Reply
emilyrubin Congrats on co hosting!!!!!!!! 🎉🎊💋💕👏👏 woohoooo!!!!!!! 🙋💁🙅🙆💃👏👏🎉🎉🎉💋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'll be there to share your hp's and cheer u on!!!! 👍😘🎉💕💋 If u get a moment to check out my closet I would appreciate it 😘🎉❤️ Thanks for the tag love @lorriebug 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
May 12Reply
daisygirl321 @txpresbi Hi, my name is Joanne and it is nice to meet you. 🎉 Congratulations on hosting a Posh Party. I will be there to support you by shopping and sharing!! It would be an honor if an item from my closet was chosen. See you at the Party!!!❤️🎉😊🎀🌼
May 12Reply
cheekbones @txpresbi congrats! Have a great party- I will get my party outfit ready! 😍🎼🎧🎤🌞🌞
May 12Reply
coralb 😍😍😍OH MY!! How exciting! I will be there to cheer you on!! Please check out my closet for a possible host pick!!💕💕💕@lorriebug Thanks for spreading the great news darling!
May 12Reply
vacat Congrats!! You'll have a blast! I'll be there to shop and share🎉🎉 @augustpinkstyle Thanks Pinky @fancy514 @hydrogirl @poppy64 @ginger71 @acephalous @styled @vivacouture @brittanydillon1 @lorlordeluxe
May 12Reply
thejeweladdict Congrats on hosting this Friday! 🎉🎉👏👏💙💜I hope you have an awesome time!🎈🎈🎈and Holly, @vacat thanks for always keeping me in the loop. I don't say it every time so I'm not bugging you but I truly appreciate it😘😘😘
May 12Reply
longca1959 @txpresbi 🎉Congrats🎉Have fun too💃
May 12Reply
classicpatty @txpresbi Congratulations, will be there to cheer and share. Will also tag you to a Hosting Tips listing. Thank you for the tag sis. @augustpinkstyle
May 12Reply
little_bit_hp Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉 @jenniferrlee 💖
May 12Reply
crystaljos Congrats on hosting! I'd love if you'd take a peek in my closet. P.S. I follow posh rules! 👍
May 12Reply
finethreads Congrats on co hosting!! Thx for tag @lorriebug
May 12Reply
mytherapy Congrats! 🎉🎉🎉 I'll be there to shop and share your picks! @jenniferrlee Thanks for the party tag, love! 😘
May 12Reply
elisehunter Tyvm, Xena and Jenn, for the party invite. Congrats @txpresbi !! I'll continuously help spread the word! Sorry for any retags...LMK if you want to be removed from my list by leaving a comment in my closet. 😄🎉PARTY ALERT🎉 @sandygaboury @gettumgirl @carenlovesgucci @kstallman1031 @vacat @patricewymore @73v3n @maidmarian @hydrogirl @neelug @breananana @barnette @blandw @janicegw @jefsweetie @nikkinoodles @jbear @oliviaraeann @ginger71 @lindsay2367 @alanetx @tinawears @anna_redbridge @missrochelle @nikkinoodles @ilovesunset @daisygirl321 @cmjla @lolabella6 @loriscloset50 @theeyecandyshop @isa_wine_lover @lucia0777 @cassandraknox @pandaears @judithchan @micheleedesigns @snhboss @brooklyn_s @imanimom @mcalhoun2204 @lyvonne7298 @cftgirl @italgal33 @kanyejoyner @jessicacampbell @sophiapetrillo @nadiafashion @getluckyvocals @cody7150 @sherry8888 @classyvintage @mrinurse @saintchic @songlady @judyt726 @tgoode1 @kll0123 @lisadraper @audreycee @bwenger @uzanne @nkhob @mskfar @ktrn777 @allyd86 @tdkbkt6 @aluther420 @thenewera @amandamarino @elizabeth3374 @trendytouch @sweetbee17 @kristenc21 @jenniiiiii @ahoodie94 @mrsdiva703 @poppy64 @ej135 @bbarnes362 @maryhuff1979 @marleone87 @lexilouhoo84 @myrucca876 @puddpudd0 @windylouu @vanessa_03 @jessiewing @selvey5 @omegachild @cerchiones @charming_mhel @robynwenell @mcreeves @kimsthings @swissmistress @cljenson @femininefashion @heather3141 @splendeur @anoliver @jaismeen @tracy_36 @_fab_finds @bekah11 @mjv411 @aprils2ndcloset @crystaljos @marifun @bamagirl017 @jaimerstone @ginap7777 @bamagirl017 @amiekfreeland @wendac @read247 @cajhitchcock22 @carlysmommma @kammieb @cpohndorf @sammy @partymk999 @katralvin @a2z6 @sebrothers @emilyrubin @lorlordeluxe @misscheeseball @coolstuff4u @petalsofyouth @lmfashion @theweerouss @motastiic @meeeagan @sllewis @samwa125 @linsleppo @jferr114 @keg90 @afaluuu @imherrera @viverz @jenniferrlee @kkherma @finethreads
May 12Reply
maryhuff1979 Congrats!
May 12Reply
cdiva917 GREAT NEWS! I can imagine your excitement and energy when you opened the email for your THEME!. CONGRATS! I am so happy for you. Have a ball browsing our closets for FABULOUS FINDS for host picks! Enjoy the process, it’s a memorable journey! Xoxo~Cheryl
May 12Reply
goldenpolkadot @txpresbi 🙋congratssssss on Co-Hosting🌹🏆🌹🏆🌹🏆🌹🏆🌹 i will be sure to save the date for your rockin partaaaaaay🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 BTW are u from Texas? Im fron N Tx 😘💨 ~Olga
May 12Reply
1shoppingmomma Congrats!!!!!
May 12Reply
songlady @txpresbi 🎉🎉 Congrats and what fun👏👏
May 12Reply
bwenger Yayyyyyyyy congrats!!!! 🎉🍷❤️ Have a blast, I had the honor of hosting in April, and it's an amazing experience! I would be honored if you checked out my closet for a host pick. I follow all posh rules and hand make my own jewelry. Happy poshing!!
May 12Reply
kimsthings 🎀🎉🎀congratulations on co hosting!!!!!! Very exciting news🌟. I will share to social media and tag excellent poshers to this listing!!! Xo Kim 🎀🎉🎀 @cuccdn @beautyblack @nkhob @vacat @ex_globetrotter @bellanblue @splendeur @sarahdleigh @katz2 @open @valorieann @tamarismom🎉🎉🎉🎉 these gals are great and also spread the good word!!!! I will tag more later today 😃
May 12Reply
cuccdn Congrats on Co- Hosting👏🎉🎉How exciting and what a Fabulous Theme😍Have an awesome time! I'll see you there🎉🎈🎉🎈 @kimsthings - Thank you Kim for the party tag😘 Party alert ladies 🎉🎈🎉@pamelam @splendeur
May 12Reply
carlysmommma Happy for you!! Great theme, from business casual to professional wear - you have your work cut out for you!! SO looking forward to the fun, and will be following your Host Feed! Enjoy every second. Thanks, @elisehunter - you are a queen!!
May 12Reply
elisehunter @carlysmommma 😘😘💨💨💨
May 12Reply
janet0103 Congratulations!👏👏👏👏👏👏👏Have Fun!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
May 12Reply
splendeur 🎉🎊🎈👏💁💁🎈🎈ᑕOᑎGᖇᗩTᔕ!!!! ᗯᕼOOHOO!!! IT'S GOIᑎG TO ᗷE ᗩᑎ ᗩᗯESOME ᑭᗩᖇTY ᑎO ᗪOᑌᗷT!! ᑕᗩᑎT ᗯᗩIT TO ᔕEE YOᑌᖇ ᗩᗯEᔕOᗰE ᑭICKᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᔕᕼᗩᖇE ᔕᕼᗩᖇE ᔕᕼᗩᖇE!!!! 💁🎊🎈🎉👏👏🎈💁 @anoliver @mytherapy @lorlordeluxe @amandamarino @jessicacampbell @little_bit_hp @specialk104 @frantastic2010 @pamelam @cuccdn @snarkyfree @sdshopper @bal91 @alexislovebee @queengeorgi @herparallax @tatyana123 @tanyatalin @mrsdiva703 @viverz @gggina169 @craftcraze @eternalibra @electrasshoes @kaylinml @daliaa0724 @alikatz13 @christina9898
May 12Reply
marifun @txpresbi Yay Congratulations!💜💜😊😊😉💐I will be there to shop and share!👍
May 12Reply
viverz @txpresbi 🎉🎉🎉Congrats on hosting a posh party!! I'm so excited to see your fabulous picks! 🎉🎉🎉
May 12Reply
blandw 💖💖💖💖 Congratulations on your upcoming Posh Party!!! I am so happy for you and i cant wIt to join your party and share in your joy!!! I would be so very honored if you would consider taking a peek in my closet as you select your picks. May I also tag you on some new closets that deserve recognition and a push to get them started on the road to Posh success? Hve a blessed day!!!! 💖💖💖💖
May 12Reply
beautyblack Congrats on co hosting. I would be honored if u could take a peek at my closet for possible HP. Thx @kimsthings
May 12Reply
anoliver 🎉🎉Congrats on hosting!🎉🎉 I hope you have a blast😊 I'll definately be there, cheering you on from the sidelines, and ready to share all your picks😊😉
May 12Reply
peaceloveposh 🎉🎉🎉 congrats 🎉🎉🎉
May 12Reply
kanyejoyner 👏🎉congrats🎉👏
May 12Reply
herparallax Congrats on co-hosting a Posh Party!! 🎉💃🎉💃🎉💃 Will definitely be there to shop and share! 🌷🌹🌻💐 Most importantly... I hope you have a blast choosing all your Host Picks!! Absolutely cannot wait to check them all out! It's PARTAYYYYY TIME ladies!! @little_bit_hp @mytherapy @la_boutique @chemierre @bamagirl017 @longca1959 @jenkan23 @orchrids @thebrightside @ij0c3lyni @heavensreign @blondsoul @chenlalaland @blingbabe10 @splendeur @mrsstorer @lwilke @tamarismom @emmyrawrs @vmallicoat @open @aliciao15 @carlysmommma
May 12Reply
aliciao15 🎉🎉🎉yay!! Congrats on being selected to host! What an honor 😊😊 I hope you have so much fun preparing for the party - I will be there sharing! I have a couple great pieces I would love for you to consider. Have a wonderful day!! 👏👏👏 thanks for the tag @herparallax 💕
May 12Reply
saltydeals @txpresbi Congratulations The "Wardrobe Essentials Party" on this Friday <3 Will be there sharing & supporting your special event !!!!! Thank you @herparallax for the tag.... Ok Ladies >> @diasyd0102 @mixitup @weimaranermom @naturelover @gracethedawn ♬♪ ♫ ♫ Friday, Friday Gotta Get Down on Friday....Everyone's Looking Forward to the Weekend ♬♪ ♫... : )
May 12Reply
mannequeen 🎊C O N G R A T S !🎊 Please come visit my closet sometime.💋
May 12Reply
mytherapy @splendeur @herparallax Thanks for the tag, lovelies! 💕💕💕😘
May 12Reply
carlysmommma Thanks for the tag, too, @lorriebug! @txpresbi, my closet is always open!
May 12Reply
lorlordeluxe @txpresbi Congrats on your hosting honor! You're going to have such a blast let me help you spread the word! 🎉Party ️ @blingbabe10 @valorieann @jessicacampbell @trendyg @t_ms_sincerity @a2z6 @bamagirl017 @isa_wine_lover @nadiafashion @windylouu @splendeur @caruh@pehang @vacat @alexislovebee
May 12Reply
backporchdealz 🎉🎉CONGRATS AND WHAT AWESOME NEWS 🎉🎉Here's some awesome closets to look through💗@nikongirlrocks @ej135 @bellafiore4 @bamagirl017 @munci @nkhob @t_ms_sincerity @lorlordeluxe 💗💗😊🔴PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU WISH TO BE REMOVED FROM FUTURE NOTICES🔴 😊
May 12Reply
backporchdealz 💗💗👏👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉🎉☝️☝️☝️@jakeamom12 @kammieb @cboyd221 @windylouu @mytherapy @noy2312 @sheerglamour @@babyfern @tpreje3 @trendyg 🔴PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU WISH TO BE REMOVED FROM FUTURE NOTICES🔴
May 12Reply
backporchdealz 💗💗👏👏👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉🎉☝️☝️☝️@alie1122 @saundie @mistyheart @elizabeth3374 @blingbabe10 @demitria67 @closetgems2 @anoliver @nkhob @brittneyshea 🔴PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU WISH TO BE REMOVED FROM FUTURE NOTICES🔴
May 12Reply
backporchdealz 💗💗👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉☝️☝️☝️☝️👏👏@maryhuff1979 @mands13 @kimsthings @classyvintage @mariaskorner @lmfashion @missposhtrendy @sherrylgoodman @pamelam 💗😘Let me know ladies if you want to be removed from my list😘💃💃NO HARD FEELINGS😊
May 12Reply
mytherapy Thanks for the tag, Val!
May 12Reply
munci @txpresbi Many Congratulations! I will be there to cheer!!!!! @valorieann Thanks you for the tag!
May 12Reply
cboyd221 Congratulations on being chosen to host a fabulous Posh party. Have a ball!
May 12Reply
blingbabe10 @txpresbi 🎉Yayyy!!! 🎉 hearty Congratulations🎉 🎉on hosting a posh party!!! That is such an honor, enjoy every moment of this experience. I will definitely be there cheering you on. Ladies party alert @trendyg @lorlordeluxe @pehang @a2z6 @nadiafashion @valorieann @babyfern @marlanap @bamagirl017 @lmfashion @jessicacampbell @missposhtrendy @Saundie @pmgr22 @t_ms_sincerity @anoliver @herpallax @ej135 @sheerglamour @bamagirl017👏💞💕👏 if anyone wishes to be removed from my list please leave me a note in closet. Thanks for the tag @lorlordeluxe @valorieann
May 12Reply
cerchiones How exciting! Congrats! I will help share this post and spread the word! If you are looking for possible host picks, please check out my closet. I have a lot of listings and follow all poshmark rules :) Cant wait for your party!!!!
May 12Reply
noy2312 @txpresbi fabulous theme to be hosted by Fabulous Poshers! Congratulations and I hope all the best for you and the others! Just have fun!! Love Sharon
May 12Reply
thesassyblondes @txpresbi 🎉Congrats on co-hosting🎉. You'll have a blast. It's such a great experience!😃. I'll def be there to cheer you on!👯. I look forward to shopping & sharing your HP's. Enjoy!💖. TY ladies for the tag! @valorieann @elisehunter @blingbabe10 💕💕💕
May 12Reply
6151richmond Yeah! Congratulations!! Have a great time, I will be there. 😊
May 12Reply
marlanap @txpresbi Congrats on co-Hosting! Have a great time! 🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈@blingbabe10 Thanks for the tag. 💃 Spreading the great news to other friends who follow all of the Posh Rules too 👍: @cody7150 @ej135 @chenlalaland @sarah1979 @247jewelrystore @amyjcp @eburkett @lexington @luvbucs28 @kfrank722 @vpetersen @taasharenee @tlynn54 @jaismeen @kiwe @glamupstyle @shanique23 @lovenwright @joce05💃💃💃
May 12Reply
luvbucs28 @txpresbi , congratulations 💕💕💕💕🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💕💕💕
May 12Reply
hersh0328 Congrats on cohosting! Woohoo; partay time. Please consider my closet for a host pick!
May 12Reply
daisyd0102 Congratulations on Co - hosting! If you have time please take a look in my closet for a possible hp. @getluckyvocals thanks for the tag :) @la_boutique @mixitup @rosiep773 @rjoneal @sunfloweria @hrachal ladies party alert 👆🎊
May 12Reply
reappareled Congrats on hosting!! 🎉🎉 Thanks for sharing @getluckyvocals😊
May 12Reply
saundie @txpresbi CONGRATULATIONS on co-hosting!! I know this will be a fabulous event and I look forward to sharing and supporting you! If you haven't chosen all your Host Picks, please take a peek in my closet. I just added a lot of new things and would love for you to check it out. Best wishes for a wonderful party! 🎉🎉🎉🎉💕💕💕💕😘😘 thanks for the tag @valorieann @open @paisleywest @pamelam @pehang @pmaggs @pmgr22 @poppy64 @puddpudd0 @randeescloset @rjoneal @robbilen1 @roxygirl1 @sheerglamour @shopaddict911 @sivejey @sophiapetrillo @splendeur
May 12Reply
arigrldesigns @txpresbi 🐳nice to meet you🐳! Congrats!! Have a blast selecting fabulous Host Picts 🎉🍷🎊👗👓👛👠Check out these lovely closets who follow Posh Rules 💐thanks @blingbabe10 💞🌹💕🌀 @smeans1 @jenniferrlee @jaismeen @pamelam @coolstuff4u @mrsdiva703 @vanadzor @swissmistress @fashiongever88 @vmtshop @leggn @emilyrubin @sassypants13 @katz2 @pehang @mytherapy @ball_mom @caruh @a26z @anoliver @blingbabe10 @beautyblack @mytherapy @isa_wine_lover @pehang @valorieann @chenlalaland 💕💕💕🐳
May 12Reply
randeescloset 🎉🎉🎉congrats on hosting your Essential Posh Party---how exciting!!! I will be there cheering you on!🎉🎉🎉🎉
May 12Reply
saundie @blingbabe10 thanks for the tag!
May 12Reply
swissmistress Congrats!! Hope you enjoy the ride!!😀👏👏👏👏👏
May 12Reply
jaismeen Hey! Congratulations on getting this amazing opportunity to host Posh Party! Awesome theme!!I will be there with my girlies as usual to cheer through and check all the HPs.! Thanks for the tag @elisehunter @marlanap @pmgr22
May 12Reply
arigrldesigns @saundie thanks love! 💝@caruh 😘
May 12Reply
poshinistajen Thanks @daisyd0102 for the party alert! And congrats again to you @txpresbi on co-hosting! Awesome timing! I just added a bunch of new stuff to my closet! ;)
May 12Reply
hrachal @txpresbi Congrats on your first co-hosting experience...and what an awesome theme! Wishing you all the best!!! @daisyd0102...thank you for the tag. I'm really looking forward to this one! 🎉🍹🎉🍹
May 12Reply
mytherapy @valorieann @pmgr22 Thanks for the tag!💕💕💕😘
May 12Reply
kkherma WooHoo 👏 Congratulations on co-hosting 🎉🎉🎉 If you have a chance please stop by my closet.... I think I have quite a few items that are worth taking a peek at as you search for your fabulous Host Picks 😉 In the meantime I'll be sharing your closet like crazy to share the great news 👏
May 12Reply
bwelsh0930 Hey there! I'm co-hosting with you! So excited! Still working on my picks, you?
May 12Reply
mariaskorner @txpresbi Hi there, congrats!!🎉 🎊 👏 🎊 🎉 👏👏👏👏Thanks Val💜💛💜@valorieann
May 12Reply
katralvin @txpresbi Congratulations. 💕💕
May 12Reply
miami_wife @txpresbi congrats hun hope u hav lots of sales and a great time selecting HP's!!!😘🌺👍🎉👏🍷
May 12Reply
maidmarian Congrats! You've got great co-hosts! Canceling my date Friday so I can party with you💥💥💥
May 12Reply
robbilen1 Woo hooo, congratulations!🎉🎉👯👯🎉🎉
May 13Reply
jaqron Congrats on co-hosting a party! Yay!!! Im sure everyone will have a great time!!! 😄🎉🎊🎈
May 13Reply
read247 Thank you @elisehunter for the party alert! Essentials is a great theme! Here are some newer rules-following closets to check out: @wkendall @newenglandgal @teeveeb
May 13Reply
wasabigirl Congratulations on Hosting! Can't wait til party time. I'll be helping to share this post until then! 🍷🎉🎈👗🎉 Thanks for the tag @drogl 👍❤️
May 13Reply
wendac Congratulations on Co-Hosting!!! How exciting!! Will be there looking out for all your host picks!!! @britnic23
May 13Reply
finethreads Thx for the tag @elisehunter
May 13Reply
caruh Congratulations on hosting!! 😊🌻🎉 (Thanks for the tag @lorlordeluxe 👯). Here are a few great closets @smeans1 @jaqron @pmgr22 @little_bit_hp @jenniferrlee
May 13Reply
jaqron Yay!! Congrats on co-hosting a party! 🎉🎊🎈 (Thanks @caruh for the tag 😘💕) i'm sure everybody will have a great time! 💃
May 13Reply
motastiic Congratulations!!
May 13Reply
txpresbi @ginap7777 thanks so much!!
May 13Reply
txpresbi @lorriebug thanks so much!! Checking it out now!!
May 13Reply
txpresbi @lula44 thanks so much!!
May 13Reply
txpresbi @jenniferrlee thanks so much!! And thanks for the amazing suggestions!!!
May 13Reply
txpresbi @vanadzor thanks so much!!
May 13Reply
txpresbi @bellanblue thanks so much!!
May 13Reply
styled This is awesome news indeed!!! I'm completely thrilled for You, what an awesome party this will be! I hope You have lots of fun and get LOTS of Posh Love
May 13Reply
selvey5 ➰💠➰CONGRATS on Hosting a PM party!! If you get the chance please check out my closet for possible HPs!! 🌟💋🌟My closet follows PM rules and is suggested by elisehunter! Thanks so much and have a fantabulous party!!➰💠➰
May 13Reply
jenniferrlee @txpresbi You're so welcome! 😉 Enjoy browsing all the great closets out there in Posh 🌎 & most importantly, have fun! 👯👯👯💖
May 13Reply
ilovesunset Congrats! Hope you have a blast!!!!
May 14Reply
sassymommy95 🎉😘Congrats!! Looking forward to it🎉😘
May 14Reply
alexemmahitch Congrats on hosting!!! 🎉🎉🎉✨✨✨🎉✨🎉✨🎉🎉👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 WHOO HOOOOOOO!!! I would be honored if you would check out my closet for a host pick!! 👀🙏❤️❤️❤️ I follow all posh rules!! Absolutely NO 🙅trades or pp! Thanks for considering me! 🎀😘
May 14Reply
6151richmond Congratulations on co hosting! 🎉🎈🎉 I will be there on Friday and can't wait to see your picks. 😊 Thank you @saundie
May 14Reply
stylescouts Congrats 🎉🎉🎉 If you're still looking could you possibly check out my closet. I follow all rules.
May 14Reply
tamarismom 🎉🎉Congratulations on co-hosting your first party. I'm excited for you. 😁 I will be there with my party hat on. 👑 Get ready for an awesome experience. When time permits, Please check out my closet for a possible Host Pick. Thanks!
May 14Reply
ametzger @txpresbi CONGRATS!!!!:) 😍I'll be there with my party hat on and I'm excited to see your hosts picks and crossing my fingers that I can be lucky enough to be amongst them!<3 sharing this for you:)🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉
May 15Reply
1shoppingmomma 🎉🎉🎉congrats on co-host!!!🎉🎉🎉 take a peek in my closet if you get a chance. I follow all post rules. 👏👏👏👏
May 15Reply
kelliewest @txpresbi CONGRATS on co-hosting!!! 🎊🎉🎊🎉 how exciting!! I would love if you can take a peek at my closet for a possible host pick.
May 15Reply
lolabella6 🌟🎈🎀Congrats on co-hosting! I would be honored if you would check out my closet for possible host picks🎀🎈🌟.
May 15Reply
hollynoel25 @txpresbi 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🙀🙀👯🙀🙀👯🙀🙀👯🙀🙀👯🙀🙀👯🙀👯🙀 CONGRATS L!! SO HAPPY🙀👯🙀👯🙀 FOR YOU!! HAVE A BLAST!!!!!🙀👯🙀 hope you consider my closet for a possible HP! 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃
May 15Reply
love4justice Congrats!!!! Please check us out!!! 🎉💕 @kelliewest @love4justice
May 15Reply
effloro Congrats on cohosting!! :) I have some great essentials in my closet if you could take a moment to check it out!
May 15Reply
carolinasu8 Wow! How exciting!
May 15Reply
sllewis @cherylakers check this out
May 15Reply
sllewis @txpresbi Sooooo Happy for you!!!...Congratulations on your party tonite!! Hope you will share a few of my items...I love to share.
May 15Reply
vanessa_03 💃👏💃👏 Congrats on co-hosting!! I will definitely be there to shop and share your amazing host picks! I would be honored if you could check out my closet for a possible pick.
May 15Reply
sarajane cONGrATuLaTiOnS!!!
May 15Reply
madianite @Txpresbi congrats on co-hosting a party! You probably have already selected all of your HP by now. But if you are still looking... Please take a look at my closet. Thanks!
May 15Reply
samnl94 Congrats 🎉 Have fun! 😊
May 15Reply
keg90 @txpresbi - have a fab time hosting tomorrow night 👏👏🎉🎉
May 15Reply
mirandals Congrats girlfriend! Cant wait to see your picks!🎉👏☺️
May 16Reply
tokyoatl Congrats on hosting! You have an amazing closet I know you will rock the party! Have a blast. ✨🎉🍷👯
May 16Reply
golden_ke CONGRATS ON HOSTING!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Visit my closet for some fab host picks!!
May 16Reply
sincerelyposhp Happy co-hosting and congratulations!!!🌹🌹🌹 I'm mostly a jewelry closet so if you haven't picked all your HPs for this category, I hope you get to take a peek around. I can't wait to shop your picks!! I'll be there to support and party with you, can't wait!! 🎉
May 16Reply
lillyg3 congratulations!!! :)
May 16Reply
tamarismom Tonight is your night to shine. RELAX and HAVE FUN! This time tomorrow you will still be relishing the experience.
May 16Reply
larochelle hiii!!! nice to meet you and big congrats on co hosting:) il be there to share your closet and fab picks for sure!!! see ya!!! xoxo
May 16Reply
mixitup ***^^^***)
May 16Reply
tiffyc05 Congrats on hosting!!👍👍time to partayyy!!✨✨maybe if you had a moment please could you possibly look in my closet for a possible host pick? Thanks 😊😊
May 16Reply
thehautemama Congratulations! Great closet, by the way!
May 16Reply
cdiva917 LETS DANCE!!! Well, my friends, the time has come To raise the roof and have some fun Throw away the work to be done Let the music play on(play on, play on) Everbody sing, everybody dance Lose yourself in wild romance We're going to party Karamu, fiesta, forever Come on and sing along! Get your last minute Host Picks (please check my closet!), and Enjoy your party tonight!
May 16Reply
thebrightside @txpresbi yay party day is officially here 😘💞✨ if you have room for one last minute pic please peak my closet 🙏 see you at the party ✨🙏🍷
May 16Reply
emandjem Congrats! 🎈 check out my closet, I would be so honored to recieve a host pick. Have fun!
May 16Reply
windylouu It's finally PARTY DAY!! Enjoy every second of it!! :)
May 16Reply
crazyposh Congratulations on co-hosting tonight!! :) If you don't have your picks yet or are still looking for a couple I would be honored if you took a quick peek at my closet for a pick! :) I follow all rules, etc. I have co-hosted and my best advice is to go to the bathroom before you start ;) to drink some wine, have a blast, share 10 items from your closet, realize you won't get to respond to everyone immediately but you WILL in time, try and use a laptop, iPad or desktop, and turn off your notifications on your phone! :) SEE YOU AT THE PARTY!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)
May 16Reply
sorenki Yea! Congrats on co-hosting! I would be thrilled if you would stop by my closet. I put some lovely wardrobe essentials right at the top. Thanks and have a great time hosting!
May 16Reply
danagwen Congrats!! 🎉🎉 I haven't been on here long and I'm trying to grow my followers and closet! If you have the time to take a look and share something from there that would be amazing!! Congrats again!!:)
May 16Reply
bellasbeauties GOODLUCK tonight, I'll be there.
May 16Reply
weimar Woohoo! 🎉💁🎉 please check out my closet for some possible host picks for tonight! Id love to have my first HP!
May 16Reply
sunrisepickers Congrats on hosting tonight! If you need anymore picks, please check out my closet. I follow all Posh rules.
May 16Reply
hollylynnsclost Congrats!! I hope you have an awesome time tonight!
May 16Reply
whirk Looking forward to seeing your picks tonight! I'd love for you to check out my closet if you have time. I follow all PM rules! 😇📖
May 16Reply
dizzyy So excited and ready to party with you tonight!! ☺️☺️☺️ I'm keeping my phone on the charger all day to prepare!
May 16Reply
txpresbi @dizzyy same here!! See you at the party tonight!!
May 16Reply
jessicacampbell All ready for the partaaay tonight😜🎉😎🎉 💃💃💃💃❤️❤️❤️❤️💃💃💃💃💃
May 16Reply
ktrn777 @txpresbi 🎉🍷🌷Congrats on Hosting If it's not too late I would love you to check out my closet @ktrn777 Thx Have A Great Party😘
May 16Reply
tlynn54 @txpresbi Congrats on co-hosting tonight!👏👏💜💚I hope you have lots of fun and meet lots of new and col posters! I would love to share in your joy. If you need any host picks I would love to have one! 💁. You can see my closet at tlynn54 Once again congrats🎈🎈
May 16Reply
kalyn_423 @txpresbi Congratulations on Co-Hosting tonight's party! I know that you're probably super busy but if you have a moment, could you possibly take a peek at my closet for a possible Host Pick? I would appreciate it dearly and I hope you have a wonderful time tonight and a great weekend! ❤️❤️
May 16Reply
je79 HAve fun tonight! I co hosted my first party last friday and it was so much fun! I would greatly appreciate it if you check out my closet. I have many work ready items, especially shoes! PS I love your profile pic. What a cutie!!
May 17Reply
charmcity Hope you have a blast! See you there!
May 17Reply
anoliver 🎉Have fun tonight!!🎉 So looking forward to it❤️❤️
May 17Reply
bmoller @txpresbi Great party.💐 Friday party is the best and it's almost here. If you have a chance please check out my closet
May 17Reply
herparallax ooh 7 more minutes :) have fun!
May 17Reply

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