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Updated Aug 30
Updated Aug 30

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kardinalkandy @marlanap @prizedpossesion trying to pave it forward as you have done so with me. Feel free to share!
Jun 07Reply
ladyfair Thank you Mrs. Beautiful
Jun 07Reply
marlanap @lovenwright Great tip. Another reason is your closet is looking really great, better all of the time! Thanks for sharing. Shared! I will share again, Posh friend. (-:
Jun 07Reply
lycn4717 ๐Ÿ˜˜thanks! ๐Ÿ’ sharing is caring ๐Ÿ˜˜
Jun 07Reply
lifeinstiches Sharing everyday your items at different times of day helps too, the more people who share your items also helps. if you get new items tag people on your list of previous buyers as well as people here so they can share share share
Jun 07Reply
destinyshea Thanks!!!
Jun 07Reply
southernstyle88 @lovenwright Hi & Good Morning to you, I think I understand. So go to my feed & start following the people that liked my item, then like it myself & share it. Did I get it right?
Jun 07Reply
southernstyle88 @lovenwright I love the fact that we have 1 major thing in common that we both follow 1 person's word "My Lord & Savior Jesus Christ" Thank You for sharing this. I will share. I have one if you're interested. Have a Bless Day! Sherry
Jun 07Reply
kanyejoyner @lovenwright you got the right idea. Anybody that follows Jesus will succeed & your other ideas were go as well. I did the same thing & yes until I became a SU I was following more people than I had followers.
Jun 07Reply
little_bit_hp That's a great tip!!!! Thank you for sharing it with us!!! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ‘ฏ๐Ÿ‘ฏ
Jun 07Reply
platinumhobo Thanks!
Jun 08Reply
kardinalkandy @badisbetter please unlike this post babe! Thank you ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
Jun 08Reply
xoxo73 Nice;)
Jun 08Reply
pinkdiamonds This is truely a cool I deal. I'll give it a try ...see what happens!๐Ÿ˜
Jun 08Reply
tere55 @lovenwright I like your comments! I wonder the same thing, but you know? I share, like and follow, am respectful, honest and just trust that although Posh has countless Poshers with amazing and exclusive closets, expensive ant reasonable priced items, there will be someone who will be looking for something in our closet and the sale will happen. We all have different. Tastes in everything, thus the variety in closets. Slowly but surely! I don't feel bad anymore; I gladly share wether people are following me or not, as time allows. Good luck, and be persistent, pAtient and be happy others are selling, because our turn will come! Have a great Sunday! I sure did! :-)
Jun 08Reply
sandrich Thanks for offering some very helpful suggestions!! U are awesome, and good luck!!
Jun 09Reply
mottsie Thanks for sharing the great idea! It's poshers like you who shares ideas with others and not keeping it to themselves that make Posh so great. Muwhaaaaaa !
Jun 24Reply
mottsie Great closet By the way !
Jun 24Reply
kardinalkandy @mottsie GM Linda!!! Thank you so much!! There have been so many nice and kind ladies here on posh I figured I could pay it back in some way!! Thanks for the compliment!!
Jun 24Reply
southernstyle88 @lovenwright Hi W, How does this work? Very interested. Thanks, Sherry
Jul 14Reply
kardinalkandy @sherry8888 hey Sherry. Simply go to your feed find a Post with 50+ likes and then follow everyone who liked the listing.
Jul 14Reply
k_chef Very interesting strategy! I think I'll give it a try. Refreshing to hear a bit of honesty. Thanks!
Jul 19Reply
sorena So I love you ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜ You said everything I wanted to say.
Jul 20Reply
vivasm @nikiwhit read this
Jul 30Reply
nikiwhit @vivasm This is good advice!!! Thank you!!! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
Jul 30Reply
nikkipaige93 @laurieriales1 here is another helpful post!
Aug 07Reply
my_boutique @lovenwright hi i know i Keep liking a million things in your closet :) you have so many lovely items. I'm not looking to purchase at the moment I need to make some sales but I'm liking for my party next week for host picks
Sep 20Reply
kardinalkandy @hayleesherrie hey Hun! Morning to ya! Yes I figured but I wanted to at least acknowledge you coming back and adding to my like count!! Kinda like going into a store and no one speaks - that drives me crazy! What day (night) is ur party?
Sep 20Reply
my_boutique @lovenwright that's true it's always good to acknowledge all your customers people don't realize that they can lose a sale by not doing do :) the party is Wednesday night i have it posted in my closet
Sep 20Reply
kardinalkandy @hayleesherrie Yeppers! To include virtual shoppers and on person. A hello can go a long way!! Party: okie dokie! I will be sure to stay up later on Wednesday to participate in your party! I get up at 5 am to prepare to teach 23 kiddos everyday so I usually turn in at 10, but I'll hang for a little whole long Wednesday. Again thank you!! If you want I can share your closet to your party as a thank you? Jlmk happy Saturday
Sep 20Reply
msimperfeckt isn't it crazy. when i joined i only wanted to follow ppl w stuff i like in my size... who followed rules. But after i started selling it threw that logic out the window. Now my only rule is FOLLOW EVERYONE and then block the people you dont want :) but dont unfollow or you'll keep re-following and unfollowing them again hah.
Sep 20Reply
eliteapplause @lovenwright Thank you for your kind words today and reference . Much posh love!๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
Sep 22Reply
sammy63 Please share thank having hard time selling I share a lit just no sales. I see victory secret sells good I sent vs expensive I would know what to price there bras at if I sole new!
Sep 30Reply
stapleandtrend @lovenwright hi! How are you? Thank you for the tip on receiving more followers and making more sales. I would like to have more follow sales as well, please. Thanks!
Oct 09Reply
kardinalkandy @serenagray hi kd! Thanks for taking the time to read, like, share and comment on this post! I took a look at your closet and I think you have great items it's just a matter of how they are displayed. I try my best to just photograph the item. Nothing less nothing more. I find that people are able to SEE what it is that I want them to purchase versus a lot if clutter or extra photos. For example your guess boots that sold- great display as it was a clear shot. Try to retake a few photos: use a white background, wood or even a wall. Try to make it as airy, clear, and undisturbed as possible. I'm here if you need me!
Oct 09Reply
stylindeal Cool! Thanks for the tip!
Oct 13Reply
newyorkchic So honest! Thanks for the advice!
Oct 23Reply
silvia1114 Hi dear I was where you were about a year ago. I'm following about 157k and have 39 followers. So what I do is share, share, share. And before you know it they start following me back. It also helps to have nice clean items in your closet I have seen some if these listings and wonder who on earth would buy that item and for that price? Just keep at it and it will pay off trust me. Good luck love.
Oct 23Reply
wine1104 Thank you for the advise. Look forward to more shares, feeds, and sales!
Jan 11Reply
tinalynngip @lovenwright i followed all 193 that liked
Jan 27Reply
theneonetwork Thank you for posting this! It's very inspirational! I am a share maniac but I don't see that helping my closet grow very quickly. I, going to try your tip and would love any other tips you might have for how I could improve!! XO
Feb 03Reply
theneonetwork DARLING!!! You are so brilliant! I followed your tips here last night and BAM! I made 3 quick sales in a row! Just like that!! Thank you so much for this post. It's incredibly helpful and I will do this regularly now!! XOX
Feb 03Reply
kodacflash Thanks so much for these helpful tips ๐Ÿ˜Š
Feb 09Reply
fashionnflyy @lovenwright Thank you! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’‹
Mar 26Reply
whackteen This info will help Me a lot thank you!
Jul 05Reply
chicknthesticks @lovenwright Hmmmm... I'm not a Suggested User yet, so I probably don't have much credibility here. I just tried your suggestion, and most of the Likes on the first item were from non-compliant Poshers. I don't follow or share closets that aren't Posh-compliant, and, IMHO, most successful Poshers don't, either. Before I follow or share anyone's closet, I read their "About" page, and scan their closet. I'm always surprised to see how many Poshers have lotions or perfumes or curling irons.
Aug 05Reply
chicknthesticks @lovenwright @alise28 is right on the mark: we should only be following those who follow Posh rules. I'm just sayin. โ˜บ
Aug 05Reply
chicknthesticks @lovenwright One of Posh's tried-and-true suggestions is to follow party hosts, and share their own host picks, as well as the host picks they select. It's pretty much guaranteed they all follow the rules, and they all have other host picks we can follow and share. It's a win-win! @lovenwright, I didn't mean to step on your toes by butting in here. I hope by trying to help I didn't hurt your feelings or offend you in any way.,
Aug 05Reply
kardinalkandy @rcatheron hi Robynne! Certainly by looking at my profile you will take note that I have close to 100k followers and more than 100k shares. This method worked for me!
Aug 05Reply
chicknthesticks @lovenwright Of course, and I'm thrilled that it's working so well for you! Your method is focused on sheer volume of followers and followed, where mine is based on compliance with the company's rules (I'm honored to be a top 10% seller/sharer/Posh Mentor). That's what makes this world, this country, and Poshmark so fantastic- the freedom to do what we think is best. Ain't it great? You and I are at different ends of the spectrum, and we're both happy! โ˜บ
Aug 06Reply
poshboutique16 @lovenwright love this I'm still confused I share like stuff I like n follow people that don't even have listings it seem it's a game but I haven't figured it out but I tell you what I like your closet n I can't keep up who to follow what not to do I like you know GOD GOT IT. So I'm having a ball ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Aug 30Reply
mimicherry @mimicherry Thanks!๐Ÿ˜„
Oct 24Reply
1momx3 I have a lot of people following me as well, if you like, click on my name and follow all them ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป MANY will follow you back! ๐Ÿ’š
May 02Reply
ximenab I know, i dont know what to do anymore, i can post somthing 5 dollars and it wouldnt sell it.
Jul 18Reply
brewsterbeaches Thank you
Aug 13Reply
kingdomgal Thank you for the information! I certainly needed it.
Oct 11Reply
jacobmeade84 Oh wow!! So happy I came across your closet!! Thank you for the help and God bless ๐Ÿ™Œ ๐Ÿ™ โค
Jan 14Reply

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