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Updated Mar 05
Updated Mar 05

😀TAG & Share Please /Follow Game & Gain More

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More Followers = More Shares = More Likes = More Closet Views = More Traffic to your closet and ultimately more Sales $$$$ I want to do my part in helping others gain more followers and I have tested this method and it does work. I've only been on Posh a month and 11 days and already have over 3000 followers after participating in a few of these exercises. Go ahead, try it and watch the followers start rolling in... Happy Poshing!!! FOLLOW ME/ LIKE POST /LIKE ALL WHO LIKED /TAG FRIENDS / RETURN
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lolosaw It's always good to get a head start with these exercises... help me share guys, Sharing is caring.. it's also a good avenue for new members of Posh to gain followers.. it has helped me gain followers and I've only been on Posh for a little over a month.. whoever came up with this idea is brilliant... Happy Poshing!!!! and thanks in advance beautiful ladies of PoshMark bellafiore4@valorieann @munci @nikongirlrocks @mytherapy @manymurrays @vacat @isa_loves_wine @robinj @bschuler @buykellee @cmarshall38 @jakeamom12 @missposhtrendy @t_ms_sincerity @ej135 @lorlordeluxe blingbabe10@a2z6 @t_ms_sincerity @lolosaw @trendyg @blingbabe10 @khloe80 @bellanblue @0verdr3ss3d @mistielee @teramuse @xomolly @vanadzor @valorieann @mrsmadariaga @jimsprincess @vance289 @hayleesherrie @ringleader @pinkdiamonds @katz2 @munci @brittanydillon1 @@saundie @altaloma @hawraan @kalyn_423 @lmfashion @mandavais @hleannb21 @kkherma @bwelsh0930 @tammyleetucker @yazzyz @mellyboo1 @jules2209 @vainilla @tammyleetucker
Jun 17Reply
jakeamom12 I have this posted too and it has really helped me!😘😘😘
Jun 17Reply
jakeamom12 I like and share everyone of these I see!
Jun 17Reply
lolosaw @jakemom I do too, they're really effective, trying to spread the word to other poshers and newbies, thanks for liking and sharing love...
Jun 17Reply
mistielee @lolosaw I like the way you think Lolo💕 I'd be happy to share!! @missposhtrendy @tdkbkt6 @daliasg
Jun 17Reply
lolosaw @mistielee I was only just checking to make sure I didn't miss you.. Thanks hon... really appreciate it....
Jun 17Reply
blingbabe10 @lolosaw on role doll. I love it!
Jun 17Reply
mytherapy @lolosaw Wow, that's an impressive amount of followers in a little over a month! I've been here since the end of January and just hit 5K! 👏👏👏
Jun 17Reply
mistielee @lolosaw Sure, Lolo!! Thank you!!
Jun 17Reply
thesassyblondes Thx for the tag Lolo!! It's a great way to gain followers!! Welcome to Poshmark! I didn't realize you had only been here a month. I know we share in our share group but we have not formally met. I'm Lynn! & I'm from NC! It's very nice to meet you!! It's great that you've met up with some of the best ladies of Posh (in the share group) & great they have/are great PF's to me!! 😊💖. Hope to see you tonight!! 😊
Jun 17Reply
thesassyblondes @isa_wine_lover. Hey my dear friend! I saw your name above but I believe it's a typo. (Unless there is an Isa_loves_wine lol. I believe that would be you too!! Lol. 😉❤️😘🍷🍷🍷. @lolosaw- Lolo, tagged Isabel's correct user name so she would see your post. It's ok. She answers to anything with wine in it. Just kidding Izzy!!😉. Lolo is newer to PM. She's in the share group I was telling you about.
Jun 17Reply
mrsmadariaga @lolosaw Done!!! Liked, shared and followed. 👍👍😘😘
Jun 17Reply
isa_wine_lover @lmfashion I saw the other Isa, lol! Lolo, very nice to officially meet you! We've exchange a few shares, I recall🍷🍷🍷 And yes, the wine glass is my 🍷®™ 😝 I have to check the share group ladies. Cheers my friends🍷
Jun 18Reply
buykelee @munci awesome!
Jun 18Reply
babyfern @ej135 @linsleppo @mytherapy thanks for the tag, ladies! you are all my special ladies! :)
Jun 18Reply
thesassyblondes @isa_wine_lover Cheers my friend!!🍷
Jun 18Reply
beautyblack Thx for the tag @katz2
Jun 18Reply
treasuresbytrac @lolosaw Wonderful idea!💐😃💐 Following game 😃👍 @anoliver @read247 @chemierre @moorepatrice Thank you 💕😊💕 @mistielee @katz2
Jun 18Reply
saundie @katz2 thanks Clara!!💕💕
Jun 18Reply
read247 Hope I got some newer closets who aren't listed! @newenglandgal @teeveeb @qteejodee
Jun 18Reply
azthreadz @lolosaw Such a great idea! Thank you for the tag @katz2! Check this idea out @isabellascloset @janet0103 @sweetie21 @emidawn03 @wenrella @saundie @edizarodriguez
Jun 18Reply
katz2 Here's some new gals who could use followers and shares. Ladies, read the listing above👆 @mattitee @gagy @sfrelin @tatiloveu @jenneferpalmer1 @zayradiamond
Jun 18Reply
katz2 Ladies, here's a great way to gain new followers. Read the listing above👆 @elayjenn @ellaroseee @stephanieleeg @myikos @hannahbradham 💕
Jun 18Reply
bouchic Thank you for the tag Mina! 😘 I hope you are enjoying your vacay!
Jun 18Reply
bouchic @mytherapy 👆 forgot to tag you, lol!
Jun 18Reply
hessdog6603 Thanks for sharing
Jun 18Reply
sharke02 Thank you!! 💜
Jun 18Reply
honeypig14 3k followers in ~month?!? i'll give it a try!!! @afchick007 @tallison @jessica_sal
Jun 18Reply
tabithadancer Thanks @mytherapy!! Let's do this ladies! (sorry for any retags!) @lemonbundtcake @gauthreaux105 @skinnycow21 @jenniferrlee @missrochelles @bellanblue @discoverandco
Jun 18Reply
honeypig14 thanks for the tag @mytherapy 🌞
Jun 18Reply
saundie @lana_88 thanks lady!😘😘
Jun 18Reply
katz2 Ladies, here's a great way to gain new followers👆 @gracefu @kdmartin96 @camrid @gmendoza3 @platinumhobo 💕
Jun 18Reply
saundie @vanadzor thanks Suzy!
Jun 18Reply
saundie @ej135 thank you!💕💕💕
Jun 18Reply
qteejodee Thanks @read247! Check this out @katz2 @emilyrubin @goldengurl7
Jun 18Reply
kdmartin96 Follow me and i will follow you back 😘
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw @aligrab go ahead and like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw @lmfashion ... Thanks love and very nice to meet you, yes I'm still a newbie, still so much to learn but I have to give a lot of thanks to my mentor and bff @blingbabe10 she has really taken me under her wings and showing me around. @isa_wine_lover Im so sorry about the wrong name.. hope you can forgive me and we can have a glass of wine together some day ~Cheers... Thanks for the tags and shares guys
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw @Mytherapy yes hon, im still pvery new, learning a lot as I go along, thanks for all your support love!!!
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw Hi Ladies, just go ahead and like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier @gracefu @kdmartin96 @camrid @gmendoza3 @platinumhobo
Jun 18Reply
jenniferrlee @tabithadancer Thanks for the tag darling! 😘😘😘
Jun 18Reply
platinumhobo Thanks!
Jun 18Reply
thesassyblondes Oh Shena is great! You're in good hands with @blingbabe10. No worries about Isabel. We got a good laugh! She's such a sweetheart. Most of the ladies you originally tagged are good PF's of mine so you have met some of the best of the best!! We all were new once & I think you learn a lot in your first month or so, so in my eyes you aren't a newbie. That's why I said you were newer, lol. I can tell you are working very hard & have accomplished a lot in a short amount of time. You are going to do Amazing here!! ! If I can ever help pls let me know!!! 😊💖
Jun 18Reply
thesassyblondes @kdmartin96 Thx for the tag!!😊💕
Jun 18Reply
isa_wine_lover No worries about the name doll! And you're lucky to have Shena @blingbabe10 as your mentor! She's amazing! I'll be back tomorrow to tag some friends; it's almost 1:00 AM here🙀 Nighty night Lolo 🌷
Jun 18Reply
emilyrubin Awesome @qteejodee thanks for the tag!! 💗💗💗 @leggn @elenaopossum @mytherapy check this out my sweet pff's!! 😘😘😘
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw @khloe80 Thanks doll!
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw @isa_wine_lover good night and good morning hon!
Jun 18Reply
katz2 @modafrancesca 👆 A good way to build your followers.
Jun 18Reply
marywkariuki @sweetie21 thank you so much! 😻🙈🌹
Jun 18Reply
modafrancesca @katz2 - that's awesome!! thank you for including me!!! 💞😘
Jun 18Reply
kmb42 Thanks for sharing my closet last night.....sorry I missed the share party
Jun 18Reply
munci @lolosaw You are very welcome!!
Jun 18Reply
katz2 @modafrancesca You're welcome💕
Jun 18Reply
katz2 @beautifulbutton 👆 add to your followers💕
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw @njalbert1614 Hi Nicole, go ahead and like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw @tatiloveu Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw @kmb42 It was my pleasure hon!!!
Jun 18Reply
mytherapy @emilyrubin Thanks for the tag! 💕💕💕😘
Jun 18Reply
mytherapy @jessica_sal 💕💕💕😘
Jun 18Reply
njalbert1614 Thank you for the love and warm welcome. I love this! Wish I would have known about it sooner!
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw @sfrelin Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw @njalbert1614 My pleasure honey!!
Jun 18Reply
isa_wine_lover @sweetie21 Thanks for the shot out lady🌷
Jun 18Reply
sweetie21 @isa_wine_lover ❤️💗😘💖💖💖
Jun 18Reply
wineyblonde Well miss @isa_wine_lover I will see your post and raise you my real life friends @thriftymama1 & @kristiaknowles
Jun 18Reply
isa_wine_lover @wineyblonde Whaaaaaat? You have not introduced me to your friends! Followed them, and off to share now😘
Jun 18Reply
wineyblonde And miss @lolosaw I was already a huge fan of you!!!! :* Ty
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw Aaaaww @wineyblonde you're the sweetest, love your closet.. thanks for tagging....
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw Thank you lovely ladies,.. You are the best!!!! @nystarlight1 @isa_wine_lover @hurdkb @mytherapy @katz2 @vortega0613 @modafrancesca @marywkariuki @sweetie21 @tatiloveu
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw @emershine really appreciate it love!!
Jun 18Reply
goodbuys You are rocking @lolosaw and Thank You @isa_wine_lover xo ANDDD I do see lots I would have tagged!!! So many wonderful Posher's and feel so blessed that I'm meeting more everyday..
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw Aaaw thanks @Goodbuys its a wonderful community, glad to be apart of it... and great meeting you love!!!
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw @mljb05 @mistyheart Thanks for tagging, liking and sharing ladies, you're the best!!!
Jun 18Reply
read247 @tdkbkt6 Tracey, I forgot to thank you so you could follow the new tags!😲
Jun 18Reply
lmd1410 Thanks for the tag @emershine :) ! This is great! @designor @materialistchic @tdkbkt6 @aam2023
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw Thanks a lot lovely ladies!!! :) @lmd1410 @read247 @shelbee199x
Jun 18Reply
rooney52 @mljb05 ❤️🎈🍉 Thanks for the tag 🍉🎈❤️
Jun 18Reply
treasuresbytrac @lmd1410 Thank you, Lauren! 💕💐😊💐💕
Jun 18Reply
treasuresbytrac @read247 Thank you😊🌺😊💐
Jun 18Reply
katz2 @lolosaw 😘💕💕
Jun 18Reply
lolosaw @kylarrosex @tdkbkt6 @rooney52 Thank you ladies!!!
Jun 19Reply
azthreadz @lolosaw This is fun and so helpful! Such a great idea! Although trying to do this and all the Posh party shares was difficult lol. I'm still going strong with this! 👏💕
Jun 19Reply
treasuresbytrac @lolosaw 💕💐😊💐💕
Jun 19Reply
mrsmadariaga @jaimerstone Hers a way to add followers.
Jun 19Reply
a2z6 Thx for the tag lolo. I don't posh as much now so just getting to your post now 😁. Awesome listing!! ❤️💖💚💜👍👍
Jun 19Reply
lolosaw @ @vshleyox_ Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier
Jun 19Reply
lolosaw @a2z6 I really missed you presence on here... and thanks love!!!
Jun 19Reply
lolosaw Thanks a lot ladies... love the support!!! @jaimerstone @mrsmadariaga @afchick007 @pallas @mellyboo1 @supertina123
Jun 19Reply
lolosaw @lana_88 thanks love, I know it can be so overwhelming poshing... you're doing a great job!!!
Jun 19Reply
bella10385 @linsleppo @cbvixen @deekell invited you ladies to try this :)
Jun 19Reply
lolosaw @rikkiraiford Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier
Jun 19Reply
lolosaw @bella10385 @afchick007 Thanks lovely Poshers!!
Jun 19Reply
lolosaw @fashuniztah21 Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier
Jun 19Reply
lolosaw @bella1014 Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier
Jun 19Reply
lolosaw @alokken Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier
Jun 20Reply
lolosaw @slebby @Afchick007 @goathillgirl Thanks lovely ladies!!!
Jun 20Reply
lolosaw @trendyshoppers Hey ladies, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier
Jun 20Reply
lolosaw @haileyrutt Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 20Reply
lolosaw @kolleenj Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 20Reply
lolosaw @oliviamae_ Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 20Reply
lolosaw @daisyhoule Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 21Reply
marlanap @lolosaw Great! You have your own now! I Liked it. Will also Follow and Share! @tiff_liu @desidooo @lorenad_21 @larochelle @cody7150 @little_bit_hp @kanyejoyner @chenlalaland 👯👯👯👯👯
Jun 21Reply
lolosaw @citygirlny Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 21Reply
lolosaw Thank you so much @marlanap .. and I really appreciate you tagging me in the others... Have a great day love!!!
Jun 21Reply
marlanap My pleasure. You have a great day and Sunday too! 😎
Jun 21Reply
lolosaw Thank you love.. today is Saturday right? @marlanap :)
Jun 21Reply
lolosaw Hi Ladies, I’m fairly new to Posh and I was met by a bunch of beautiful ladies who gave great advise, helped and are still helping me to navigate my way through… I found that this game helps tremendously in gaining new followers, more followers equals more of everything on Posh, importantly more sales, I'm grateful for help received and I love to help others, let’s gain more followers together guys.. Happy Poshing ladies and thanks in advance. Like-Tag-Follow-Return-Repeat (Sorry for any mass Or re-tags) @alikaz83 @jessica_sal @ileeebeee @kisoag @a2moda @nayla1988 @pakainin @beautybooster @carmenileana @oksana114 @linsleppo @shewriteswords @linmp1031 @shoret411 @dcnativegirl @quiteamazing1 @carmenileana @kewpiedoll @iluvhandbags @aprils2ndcloset @paintedjezebel
Jun 22Reply
aprils2ndcloset @lolosaw Thanks for sharing! 💖😊
Jun 22Reply
kewpiedoll Thank you for the tag so nice of you. ✨@paintedjezebel ✨. ✨@dollfacern ✨ @mtnhiker ✨ ✨@em_stjohn✨
Jun 22Reply
paintedjezebel Your so welcome @kewpiedoll! Yes it works!!
Jun 22Reply
paintedjezebel This is a great thing and I've been sharing with others and it does work! Thank you so much for the tag!
Jun 22Reply
lolosaw @carmenileana @stjames @dcnativegirl @kewpiedoll @veros16 Thank you so much lovely ladies!!!
Jun 22Reply
kewpiedoll @lolosaw You're Welcome🎀💕🎀
Jun 22Reply
lolosaw @rmarlar333 Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 23Reply
lolosaw Thank you so much lovely ladies... @lwilke @laynap
Jun 23Reply
lolosaw @legland79 Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 23Reply
lolosaw @eternalcandy Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 23Reply
lolosaw @mccowanmilw Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 23Reply
lolosaw @thetimetraveler Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 23Reply
lolosaw @happysun Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 23Reply
chic007 @caragoug18 This one is on fire right now! Like this post, share this post and follow the people who have liked this post. Then come back and share again and again!
Jun 23Reply
lolosaw @melizabeth80 @afchick007 thanks loves... it sure is on fire.. thanks to all your support!!!!
Jun 23Reply
1glamorousdiva @zak00 like this Latin and added everyone that liked this listing
Jun 23Reply
destinyshea I am doing the same thing in my closet! It works great!!!
Jun 23Reply
lolosaw Hi Ladies, I’m fairly new to Posh and I was met by a bunch of beautiful ladies who gave great advise and helped and are still helping me to navigate my way through… I found that this game helps tremendously in gaining new followers, more followers equals more of everything on Posh, importantly more sales, Im grateful for help received and I love to help others, let’s get more followers together guys.. Happy ‘Poshing ladies and thanks in advance. Like-Tag-Follow-Return-Repeat (Sorry for any mass Or re-tags) @kisoag @a2moda @pakainin @beautybooster @mary447 @isabellascloset @lolabella6 @nluciano @allygirl1964 @la_boutique @elenaopossum @atequilarose4u
Jun 23Reply
lolosaw @destinyshea it sure does, thanks love!!
Jun 23Reply
lolosaw @zoilascloset @dancer_grace thanks dolls.. appreciate it!!
Jun 23Reply
legland79 Thank you very much for the advice I am over whelmed by everyone being very nice and helping me sale my stuff seriously thank you
Jun 23Reply
lolosaw @legland79 you're welcome doll... so happy I could help!!!
Jun 23Reply
beautybooster @lolosaw hi lolo, thanks for the tag, I have to think of who to tag that's not yet! but thank you anyways and will share this too :D
Jun 23Reply
kaylief @liscobb try this out if you have time!
Jun 23Reply
read247 @atequilarose4u Thank you for the tag! What a beautiful name :-) @erikagannon @ridinghood13 @leggn
Jun 24Reply
atequilarose4u @read247 🎀Your Welcome!🎀
Jun 24Reply
mistielee @lolosaw Hi Beautiful💕love the new Pic!! Hope you had a great day!! Nite 😊
Jun 24Reply
lolosaw @mistielee thanks hon.. You're the sweetest, I'm off to bed, had a long day.. Thanks for asking... Sleep tight!
Jun 24Reply
lolosaw @hannahlehoux Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 24Reply
lolosaw @atequilarose4u @read247 @ganjaprincess22 @kaylief @beautybooster Thank you so much for the support.. Posh has a bunch of really beautiful ladies, inside and out.. Have a great day poshing guys!!!!
Jun 24Reply
kaylief @lolosaw thanks for posting this! My followers are slowly climbing up & every day I'm reaching my follower goals! It has been great to meet you!
Jun 24Reply
lolosaw Aaaw @kaylief thanks love.. I wish more people could see the benefits of this exercise.. I try to reach as many people as I can.. Im so happy I could help you with your goals and please continue to tag and share so we can reach as many poshers needing help.. Happy poshing hon!!!
Jun 24Reply
mccowanmilw @lolosaw do i like this site ive been trying everything
Jun 24Reply
lolosaw @mccowanmilw Hi love, im not sure I understand the question. For this exercise, all you do is, like the listing, follow the people who liked, tag a few of your friends or followers and others who do the same will automatically follow you, thus increasing your followers list... return as often as you like and like those who came after you and tag more people if you wish. Let me know if you have further questions, im happy to help. Also it would help for you to join a share group where other poshers apart of the group will share your closet at different times during the day.
Jun 24Reply
marlanap @julieg1 Thanks for the tag. I am already on this one. But please keep tagging me and I will do the same. 👍
Jun 24Reply
chic007 @aedanceo This post is also a great way to earn followers too! Lolo, this is Annie. She's new if you would like to check out her closet!
Jun 25Reply
lolosaw Sure @afchick007 I will share her closet... @aedanceo Welcome Annie, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 25Reply
goldengurl7 Just sharing! Share & tag 3 more each 😘😘😘 @galaxyfashion @fab_fashionista @isabellascloset
Jun 26Reply
a2z6 Hi lolo!❤️😘 how've u been? I'm trying to catch up big time 😅 after being away for a few days 😳😳.
Jun 26Reply
lolosaw @kee27Hey hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 26Reply
lolosaw @a2z6 Hi Jen, I'm doing ok, thanks for asking.. Welcome back, your presence was surely missed!!! :)
Jun 26Reply
lolosaw Thank you so much, ladies, you're the best.. please continue to tag and share, there are new followers everyday so feel free to return daily.. Happy Poshing ladies.. @xoxolove110 @kb14 @aabbott1 lolosaw @goldengurl7 @aprils2ndcloset @jillybugg12 @foreverwhitney @mistyheart @julieg1 @hotpantsrhoads @ @katjo @ytracy @juliecruz777 @neidafrisz
Jun 26Reply
lolosaw @shonrenee28 hon, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 26Reply
lolosaw @lindseybull hey Lindsey, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 26Reply
lolosaw @aedanceo hey Annie, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 26Reply
lolosaw @moni7801 hey Isabel, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 26Reply
lolosaw @jessicansmith hey Jessica, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 26Reply
lolosaw @natinthehat01 hey Natalie, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 26Reply
lolosaw @lafoi2750 Hey Karlie, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 26Reply
lolosaw Hi Ladies, I’m fairly new to Posh and I was met by a bunch of beautiful ladies who gave great advise and helped and are still helping me to navigate my way through… I found that this game helps tremendously in gaining new followers, more followers equals more of everything on Posh, importantly more sales, Im grateful for help received and I love to help others, let’s get more followers together guys.. Happy ‘Poshing ladies and thanks in advance. Like-Tag-Follow-Return-Repeat (Sorry for any mass Or re-tags) @glamgems @kimmiedee @@little_bit_hp @tiff_liu @cmfowler85 @elvie101 @__vivian__ tibo2008 @saxx_5th_avenue @mermaids @eeagn @ashalexander538
Jun 26Reply
marlanap @bkimh I think you have not seen this one yet either. Please tag others to this one too! Thanks! 👯👯👯
Jun 26Reply
lolosaw @marlanap thank you so much... you're one of my faves on here, I swear... :)
Jun 26Reply
lolosaw @elvie101 thank you so much, can I ask you, does posh have an email on the app, I will see an email pop up on my phone and when I open it, it takes me to the app but I never see it again.. Hope I didn't confuse you just now, I just don't want to miss out on important notices from Posh, but I cant seem to find the emails they send. Thanks for your help..
Jun 26Reply
lolosaw @marlanap it's not quite 10k but I believe I will be hitting 4k today.. im also pretty excited, can you imagine when I hit 10k lol
Jun 26Reply
stolson64 @Lovell, @mc_Malian,.@lizdugg @ezcheesepleaz, @spedsyl
Jun 26Reply
lolosaw @andidp247 Hi Andrea, You are my 4000th follower , Thank you, I followed and shared your entire closet.. Happy Poshing!!!!
Jun 26Reply
andidp247 Yay that's so cool! @lolosaw
Jun 26Reply
chictowear @alyssa6648 thanks for tagging me. I am already following but gives me an opportunity to share it again. :)
Jun 27Reply
lolosaw @shaeblair Hey Shae, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 27Reply
lolosaw @harpersofia721 Hey Harper, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 27Reply
bkimh @billetking Follow this and you will get to your 5k quickly. Thanks @marlanap for this awesome post. Passing on in hopes that it helps others. 💖💖🎉💖💖
Jun 27Reply
bkimh Thank you so much for this wonderful follower listing. It is helping me reach my 5k.😏🎉
Jun 27Reply
lolosaw mpasquale78 Hey Michele, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 27Reply
lolosaw @bkimh You're welcome hon.. glad I could help.. and thank you too for your support!!
Jun 27Reply
lolosaw @ncafashion Hey Nancy, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 27Reply
lolosaw @lau_ren Hey Lauren, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 27Reply
bkimh 👍🌟🌟🌟
Jun 27Reply
marlanap @lovenwright Another Game! 👯
Jun 28Reply
lolosaw @muharem43 Hey Melisa, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 29Reply
lolosaw @italian_bella Hi Michelle, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 29Reply
lolosaw @musicpassion Hi Michaela, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 29Reply
musicpassion Thank you 😘
Jun 29Reply
lolosaw @summertime31 Hi Summer, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 29Reply
lolosaw @kleer69 Hi Kimmielee, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 29Reply
lolosaw @musicpassion, you are welcome and thank you too!!!
Jun 29Reply
lolosaw @keshaprincess Hi Jackesha, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 29Reply
lolosaw @tmiller0 Hi Patrica, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jun 29Reply
musicpassion You're welcome!
Jun 29Reply
lolosaw @chrimsonshane Hi Becca, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 01Reply
lolosaw @myaann Hi Myaann, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 01Reply
lolosaw @ginabinamaria Hi Gina, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 01Reply
lolosaw @joviscastaneda Hi Jovis, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 01Reply
lolosaw Thank you ladies, you totally rock... feel free to tag your friends so we can all gain more followers together.. Happy Pshing!!! :) @tajadiahj @seantellesmith @jassssyyyy @tystylez @savvy_mason @dancer_grace @caitlinleighann @lindsey.dover @missy1304 @sparklingrachel @rachalmcgee @shawna185 @vbgirl167 @musicpassion @beachbound43 @bamninjacat
Jul 01Reply
chrimsonshane @lolosaw thanks for the intro!
Jul 02Reply
southernstyle88 @lolosaw I love these following games! So much fun & you get so much exposure to so many different closets! It really dies work! I try to keep mine at the top of my closet as best as I can. Have a great day Lo!
Jul 02Reply
lolosaw Thank you @sherry8888 .. you are so right, I try to do the same... You have a superb day as well....
Jul 02Reply
lolosaw @chrimsonshane you're welcome hon!!
Jul 02Reply
lolosaw @linjon Hi Linda, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 02Reply
lolosaw @purpledreams Hi, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 02Reply
mattietee @mattietee I did it and we can watch it work. Great idea. 😃☕️
Jul 02Reply
lolosaw @mattietee it sure does hon... thanks for tagging and sharing
Jul 02Reply
supernursemel join my share group tonight at 9 PM EST for some more share fun ! =D
Jul 02Reply
saltydeals @marlanap maybe this one too : )
Jul 03Reply
marlanap @la_boutique Thanks. I already Liked this one. Awesome tagging! I will tag you for any other Following Games I find and also list as many as possible in my 10K Chat Room. So always check that periodically and please add others in the Chat Room too so all can refer to a list there. Thanks so much again! 👯👯👯
Jul 03Reply
saltydeals @marlanap yeah I was not 100% sure on these larger ones if you had them I just did a quick scan on them & figured better to double tag than All the others so far you seem to be on. : )
Jul 03Reply
marlanap @la_boutique Thanks! 👍👍👍
Jul 03Reply
lolosaw Thank you ladies, you totally rock... feel free to tag your friends so we can all gain more followers together.. Happy Poshing!!! :) @la_boutique @sterlinglife3 @platinumhobo @jakeamom12 @allygirl1964 @evcomev @alyssonc @wifeymorris @mattietee @m_montosa
Jul 03Reply
lolosaw @917stylist Hi L, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 04Reply
lolosaw Hi Ladies, ... Happy 4th of July... It's a great day to gain more followers.. I know a lot of us have sales going on...more shares= more followers=more sales .. Let's get our closets some exposure... share, share, share this listing, tag as many of your PFF's and don't forget to follow. Posh should have a lot of traffic today and new Poshers sign up daily.. Let's do this.. Happy Poshing Ladies!!!! @missbags @shopforever2014 @ladybookworm @mikertini @kfowler86 @hotpantsrhoads @65ds_do_it_btr @mrsesmon @nikbottom30 @sarahzk67 @sammy @trixxi @actionkatie @heyits_glenda @kookc @myfashionkloset @dressyu @sparkling1 @marykat@bthereasap @mollydolly @meunice33 @caryann1 @bkimh @tmc3526 @lnp916 @lana_88
Jul 04Reply
mikertini Happy 4th of July Ladies!!! Let's get some sales and eat hotdogs :) !! #GodBlessAmerica
Jul 04Reply
lolosaw @laylani23 Hi La'Quana, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 04Reply
lolosaw @mikertini I'm with you on that... thanks love!!!
Jul 04Reply
lolosaw Hi Ladies, ... Happy 4th of July... It's a great day to gain more followers.. I know a lot of us have sales going on...more shares= more followers=more sales .. Let's get our closets some exposure... share, share, share this listing, tag as many of your PFF's and don't forget to follow. Posh should have a lot of traffic today and new Poshers sign up daily.. Let's do this.. Happy Poshing Ladies!!!! Sorry for mass or re-tags :) @adriannacantu@bellanblue @lindseytodd @jenniiiiii @tallison @jacksonamanda @leighb0213 @elissaemoto @xena77 @vivacouture @vickie21 @stephanyy @burberrie2008 @allie89 @caput1996 @katefrancis @erikame @alvictoria @mack10988 @jules2209 @mrsword @classyfashion
Jul 04Reply
tmc3526 Thanks for the tag!! @lmartin32 @bamagirl017 @marykat.
Jul 04Reply
lolosaw @candiefox1 Hi Candie, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 04Reply
lolosaw @cascon Hi Casey, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 04Reply
lolosaw @loved2x Hi Felony, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 04Reply
lolosaw @katiefritts Hi Katie, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 04Reply
lolosaw @dwyatt17 Thank you hon!!
Jul 04Reply
kristikreations @lyndseyrose @julia_rose @tnt2 👆👆👆👆👆👆Gain followers👆👆👆👆
Jul 04Reply
lolosaw Just wanted to wish you lovely poshers a happy 4th of July.. Enjoy Ladies (stay dry) its already raining here in NY!! @khloe80 @mistielee @marlanap @blingbabe10 @t_ms_sincerity @a2z6 @katz2 @isa_wine_lover @valorieann @Sweetie21 @trendyg @mandavais @jakeamom12
Jul 04Reply
backporchdealz 💕💕Thank you love and same to you😘 be safe 💕💖💐
Jul 04Reply
marlanap Thank you, Lolo! You enjoy your 4th too!!! 💥💥💥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Jul 04Reply
lacci916 Happy fourth to you as well
Jul 04Reply
51twenty Thank you, the more followers the more 👀
Jul 04Reply
51twenty @dressyu Comment above
Jul 04Reply
xena77 Thx same to u
Jul 04Reply
lolosaw @kookc @dressyu Thank you so much ladies!!!
Jul 04Reply
51twenty You're more than welcome 🌻
Jul 04Reply
blingbabe10 Happy 4th Ladies....let's go!!! Lol
Jul 04Reply
katz2 Thanks Lolo, have a great 4th! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Jul 04Reply
a2z6 Happy 4th of July lolo. 🎉🎊🎈👯 it will stop later when the fireworks start, I cked the weather 👍😁😀💖💜
Jul 04Reply
just_dandy @idastuff another one!
Jul 05Reply
marykat @lorenad_21 💕 Not sure if you were tagged on this one👍
Jul 05Reply
tinatima i really like this idea and would like to use ur pic if u dont dont. let me know if i can do that. thanks @nayla1988 @glamitup @gorgeous_mess @qteejodee @erix @mais_clothes_ @tuesdaymundy @unique_chic @bolesko @veronika @gossipgrl89
Jul 05Reply
lolosaw @tinatima sure go ahead.. Tag me when you're done so I can follow, tag and share... Happy Poshing!!
Jul 05Reply
chictowear @marykat Thank you for reminding me :)
Jul 05Reply
marykat @lorenad_21 💕🌹👍
Jul 05Reply
veronika @tinatima sure go ahead, tag me :)
Jul 06Reply
star_gazer99 @maidmarian @vainilla @rbillings2 Lets get us some sales today! 😘
Jul 06Reply
maidmarian @lucylou002 All followers no sales😅😅😅😅 Sure why not!
Jul 06Reply
star_gazer99 @maidmarian I am trying today! Because I seen something I want! Lol I want to make what I plan to spend!
Jul 06Reply
julia_rose I'm going to like share & if you wouldn't mind #reblog? That's what they do on other social sites they Reblog on Tumblr Share on Facebook Retweet on Twitter & so on of course you will get credit bc it's your material your the Author. 💋💋💖💖💖💖💖🙏Thank you! Lmk if that works I'm also going to throw some shares in your closet for being amazing 💃💞❤️💕💕👏👏👏👏💖💃
Jul 06Reply
lolosaw @julia_rose go right ahead hon, I definitely won't mind.... And thanks for the support..
Jul 06Reply
julia_rose Absolutely great idea check out my edits
Jul 06Reply
marifun @julia_rose Thamks for the tag!💞
Jul 06Reply
julia_rose On I'm a little slow sorry long weekend😢 so I tagged you in all the edits & I think ppl thought they had to tag both of us ? That's not a bad thing... It's a possibility they are not liking my post & sharing tagging Ect..we've Been stuck in a huge traffic jam coming back from our cottage I still have u tagged in the post just not sure I did it right so sorry luv I have sleep deprived car sick brain mush rt now😉no worries I will figure it out
Jul 07Reply
mistielee @lolosaw Thank you for this post!!💕 Thank you for the tag Cara!! @caruh Sharing!! @gigi_girl33 @beautybooster @beblessed2014
Jul 07Reply
lolosaw @kristenkrauss Hi Kristen, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 07Reply
lolosaw @ifinkyoufreaky Hi Haley, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 07Reply
lolosaw @rachel989 Hi Rachel, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 07Reply
lolosaw @ kelolo1 Hi Keo, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 07Reply
lolosaw @iamalwaysmel Hi Melinda, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 07Reply
lolosaw @sizebeautiful Hi Alexis, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 07Reply
elenaopossum @kimbfung another one! Good luck! 😎
Jul 08Reply
lolosaw @joannakaelani Hi Joanna, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 08Reply
neelug Wow I don't realize you were on here for only 1-2 months! This following game really helped! @sdshopper @sommer83 @lchouser
Jul 08Reply
lolosaw @neelug it surely helped...
Jul 08Reply
lolosaw @lchouser thanks.. Good point.. Added
Jul 08Reply
chictowear Just letting you know. I will occasionally unlike then relike this listing so I can organize my 'likes.' This will allow me to have your listing as my top priority to share and follow those who have liked. :)
Jul 08Reply
katz2 @lgthompson Lorraine, follow what this listing states to gain more shares and followers and potential sales.💕
Jul 08Reply
lolosaw @michael5sos Hi Sarah, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 08Reply
lolosaw @lorenad_21 .. that's no problem at all.. also what idea did you have in mind for the follow group, interesting concept... let me know .. thanks
Jul 08Reply
katz2 @ericacampbellpr Erica, here's a great way to gain followers👆 💕
Jul 08Reply
ericacampbellpr Thanks so much! @katz2 <3
Jul 08Reply
saundie @lolosaw thank you! I love these share gsnes. They help a ton!💕💕
Jul 08Reply
saundie @lolosaw GAMES!😩
Jul 08Reply
lolosaw @saundie ur welcome hon!!!
Jul 08Reply
julia_rose Thank you so much for doing this.I. Have been Poshing away daily Sharing adding new items editing while everyone around me was becoming a suggested user And Co Hosting several times I kept the faith and kept Moving forward because failure is not option i have ever choose. Thank you for inspiring me to keep moving in the right direction xoxo
Jul 08Reply
jaqron @suns @skila @natsie 😘😘😘
Jul 08Reply
closetchelle thanks for the tag already following but i'll follow the new ones and share :)
Jul 08Reply
katz2 @ericacampbellpr You're welcome💕
Jul 08Reply
katz2 @queenie18j Jennica, start with this one !👆
Jul 08Reply
bkimh @kimbfung Kim, you are doing great. I know you are going to get a lot of followers and do so well on here.💖🎉🎉
Jul 09Reply
lolosaw @sdfree Hi Shauna, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 09Reply
mistielee @lolosaw Thanks Lolo for the share game!! Thanks for the tag, Kimberly!! @kimbfung ❤️ @frogs4me430 @sestito4 @jaimerstone
Jul 09Reply
lolosaw @julia_rose . .so happy I could help.. Im hoping to achieve a similar status on Posh... guess we all just have to just continue to push.. Did you get SU yet?
Jul 09Reply
lolosaw Thank you ladies @kimbfung @bkimh
Jul 09Reply
lolosaw You are welcome @mistielee :)
Jul 09Reply
mistielee @lolosaw 💖💚💖💚💖💚💖💚
Jul 09Reply
iluvhandbags @kimbfung Thanks for the tag. I'm already following but will continue to share & share.
Jul 09Reply
julia_rose No I'm not sure how it works & I don't think I'll get it😉 for some reason I just can't seem to be able to get such luxuries
Jul 09Reply
lolosaw @steaithg Hi Gem, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 09Reply
lolosaw @julia_rose I believe its gonna happen, and when it does, please tag me so we can celebrate together...
Jul 09Reply
julia_rose You have almost 400 likes that's amazing👏💋❤️ I added a new twist. When someone liked my post I went and followed them & also shred items in their closets. I've put together a formula to like everyone In the post , then follow them, lastly share at least 3 of their listings❤️💞💕 some people may not be able to do it all & that's ok I suggest help anyway maybe they can't right now or maybe they will catch up doesn't matter it's a numbers game & it does come around.. 😘😘😘
Jul 09Reply
lolosaw @leandra276 Hi Leandra, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 09Reply
lolosaw @julia_rose that's a great idea, poshers tend to return love once it's shown to their closet.. good job!!!
Jul 09Reply
lolosaw @marlanap please help me find the instructions for July's Challenge.. Thanks hon!!
Jul 09Reply
lolosaw @marlanap Thank you so much, just liked to save, Im working on it as we speak lol.. this is fun...
Jul 09Reply
lolosaw @alexislovebee hi love, I tried commenting on the July Challenge and it says im blocked.. can you help....
Jul 09Reply
marlanap @lolosaw Enjoy! 💕💕💕
Jul 09Reply
kc1101 @lolosaw Thanks for sharing my closet while I was away! You are a true Angel!
Jul 09Reply
lolosaw @coquy20 Hi Maria, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 10Reply
lolosaw You are so welcome @kc1101
Jul 10Reply
lizamaeperry @lolosaw ok I'm now following you now what???
Jul 10Reply
lolosaw @lizamaeperry I'm not sure I understand your question, but be sure to like the listing itself, that way new people and all the likers will be able to follow you.. only those people who like the listing will be followed.. there are a number of other following games and support groups for gaining followers if you're interested... happy poshing!!!
Jul 10Reply
lolosaw @lizamaeperry closets that participate must also follow posh rules.
Jul 10Reply
mommielove Thank you for sharing my closet! Happy poshing!
Jul 10Reply
katz2 @tlstevenson @klutterkeeper Here's a great way to get more followers, shares, exposure and potential sales. 👆
Jul 10Reply
katz2 @tlynn54 Add to your followers.👆
Jul 10Reply
katz2 @beautybooster Add to your followers👆
Jul 10Reply
katz2 @dyfcloset Add to your followers.👆
Jul 10Reply
katz2 @akemi_fashion @stephcondori @lauralew86 @shaylaplease @lushberry Ladies, here's a following game. It's a great way to add followers, get shares and potential sales. 👆😊💖
Jul 10Reply
katz2 @fashionm4women Grow your followers. 😊 👆
Jul 10Reply
lauralew86 💛Playing the sharing game 💛 @hunt4malikah @lolosaw @wjwhit68
Jul 10Reply
rupa @aprils2ndcloset @rooney52 @saundie
Jul 10Reply
saundie @rupa thank you!
Jul 10Reply
tlstevenson @katz2 thanks Clara, I will definitely do this! 💐
Jul 10Reply
lolosaw @katz2 Clara, you are a gem... thank you so much for supporting this activity...
Jul 10Reply
rooney52 Thanks for the tag @rupa Share @djgross5 @chenchita @page54
Jul 10Reply
katz2 @lolosaw Lolo, it gives the new users a good start.😊💖
Jul 11Reply
katz2 Here's a following game 👆 to grow your followers, shares, get more exposure and potential sales. 💛 @laurafavella @morganwi @goldengirl459 @mellykw @c_berbos @misty548 @idkvivian
Jul 11Reply
lolosaw @katz2 it sure does, I tag all the new users I come across.. #VeryHelpful.. thanks again!!
Jul 11Reply
lolosaw @laurenzaslav89 Hi Lauren, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 11Reply
katz2 😊💖
Jul 11Reply
tlstevenson @ajlab @aimilyn @raynamarie @haileybartlett @bitterzoe @kylarrosex @sixtwo14 Hey ladies, here is a game that will help build your followers, shares and hopefully increase your sells! :)
Jul 11Reply
lolosaw @julianaiscool Hi Juliana, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 11Reply
lolosaw @ravesdancer23 Hi Lauren, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 11Reply
tlynn54 @alyssa1992 follow these rules to get more followers!
Jul 11Reply
tlynn54 @idk4@alyssa1992 follow these rules to get more followers!
Jul 11Reply
lolosaw @isabellaa___ Hi Isabella, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 11Reply
abstractdreams Thx for the tag @tracee08 :👍
Jul 11Reply
alyssa1992 @tlynn54 can you text me? I need some help.
Jul 11Reply
lolosaw @alyssa1992 is it regarding that sale you just made? Im checking on it for you...
Jul 11Reply
alyssa1992 @lolosaw yes. She needs it shipped to a different address. I understand everything else, just not sure how to confirm a different address.
Jul 11Reply
lolosaw @alyssa1992 oh don't mind me.. I thought you were asking me under this listing.. never mind carry on....
Jul 11Reply
lolosaw @alyssa1992 ok im checking
Jul 11Reply
lolosaw @blingbabe10 please view the sale in @alyssa1992 closet and advise her... Thanks!
Jul 11Reply
lolosaw @alyssa1992 did you see @vanessa_03 comment? you should be able to advise your buyer now.. Let us know if all goes well and if you need further assistance.
Jul 11Reply
tracee08 @linmp1031 your welcome 😊😋
Jul 11Reply
alyssa1992 @lolosaw I did advise her that she needed to change that address she will be at before I ship and that I have to cancel the order first
Jul 11Reply
wilburn03 @saundie Hi, thanks for the tag. Appreciated. Thanks
Jul 12Reply
wilburn03 @lolosaw Hi, thanks for the tag. Thank you so much.
Jul 12Reply
paintedjezebel @saundie thank you so much for tagging me! :) xo
Jul 12Reply
saundie @paintedjezebel you're so welcome Lisa!
Jul 12Reply
lolosaw @saundie you're a gem...thank you so much for supporting this venture...
Jul 12Reply
saundie @lolosaw yours is the most effective one I've seen and I totally appreciate you!💕💕💕
Jul 12Reply
lolosaw Thank you @saundie .. I really try to get it out there daily...
Jul 12Reply
lolosaw @audette Hi Allison, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 12Reply
lolosaw @simonezee Hi Simone, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 13Reply
sprklgracelace @roxybeach @tshell36 @aligrab Thought you ladies might want to try 😉☺️😊
Jul 13Reply
tlstevenson @candiefox1 Here is another following game! I am sure these will help! :)
Jul 13Reply
tfree714 Cool 👏👏
Jul 13Reply
lolosaw @rosiejacab Hi Rosie, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 13Reply
finethreads @saundie My pleasure!!
Jul 14Reply
katz2 @dstiletto Another following game.👆
Jul 14Reply
marlanap @motherskiss @hollynoel25 @tgavril Following Game! 👯👯👯👯👯
Jul 15Reply
briewineposh @maggiew 😍😍😍😍
Jul 15Reply
lolosaw @lowpricess Hi , you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 15Reply
lolosaw @smwitham You are more than welcome hon!!!
Jul 15Reply
mk4 @lakeforest Thank you for the tag 😊💕
Jul 16Reply
katz2 @byebuybb Start with this one.💕👆
Jul 16Reply
katz2 @naturalbeauty9 Janae, time to get more followers. Follow the above 👆directions. 😊💕
Jul 16Reply
blingbabe10 @shoeduce_me here is one follow game.
Jul 17Reply
katyv86 @rmarlar333 Thank You !
Jul 17Reply
vintagespeaking Thanks for the share!
Jul 17Reply
azthreadz @marsala Join this wonderful listings to add more followers 😄💕
Jul 17Reply
sorena Hi if anyone knows anymore following games! Please tag me! I want to be apart. :)
Jul 20Reply
lolosaw @aboisvert Hi Angel, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 20Reply
lolosaw Thank you ladies for participating... You Rock!!.. continue to tag and share to gain closet exposure, gain followers and help out your fellow Poshers, especially the new ladies.. I will continue to share daily, so we can all benefit.. Have a great day ladies... Sorry for any re-tags ... just wanted to make sure I reached all participants... I have also added some other follow games below so you can participate in those also. @irbautista @mistielee @jenniferrlee @electrophilicc @kalyn_423 @flowerchildbeau @electrophilicc @usaigcnum1 @owlene @stephaniemay94 @flowerchildbeau @vanessa_03 @xoxoadina @sorena @shopforever2014 @yazzyz @goodbuys @vacat @emershine @ @kimsgurl143 @sta_buggin @andrea_27s @bbelle07 @katyv86 @beautybooster @lana_88 @marsala @katyv86 @rmarlar333 @joceputney @yazzyz @jakeamom12 @lovelm @vettyblossom @joceputney @daismarketcw @kchanel1117 @lakeforest @ashleyema @mk4 @hopesparkles @shopgirl2119 @Cherryville @elianaj37 @kellyjoy @elianaj37 @kellyjoy @saundie Here are some other following games you can participate in: @4sq @fitz_elizabeth @pinkdiamonds @shorty3794 @@vanessa_03 @thepeanut1201 @kahlamarie @nappyglam @savvylicious @simplysimonej @ashh @brigettschic @michelfelderk @otter1980 @tayylynn @annalynk13 @princesshh17 @makyyyy @closetchelle @@mistyheart @kecampbell @randie21 @ecorll @la_boutique @jaimerstone @tiff_liu @excreations @kland09 @selefl1977 @coachsherman @lolabella6 @read247 @hamptongal
Jul 20Reply
lolosaw @sigdevera Hi Sigrid, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 20Reply
flowerchildbeau @khloe80 @irisfabiola @umbarger 😍💯😁❤️💋😘
Jul 20Reply
sigdevera Thank you sweetie I will my dear 😘👍
Jul 20Reply
lolosaw @sweetszalt Hi , you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 20Reply
saundie @lolosaw this is a really good one girl! Thank you!!
Jul 20Reply
sweetszalt @lolosaw thanks Hun for sharing😘😘
Jul 20Reply
just_dandy @klharter these are great!
Jul 20Reply
lakeforest @meggienew Hi Megan😊 Welcome to Posh! Here's more I tagged you on; if I come across more ill share💗@ashleyema @shopgirl2119 @hopesparkles - maybe some already got this one, lol😊👍
Jul 21Reply
just_dandy @jessiiicamae going to send you some more similar to help you get some followers!
Jul 21Reply
just_dandy @lilyannaaa these posts are great for getting followers. I'm going to send you several.
Jul 21Reply
lakeforest @meggienew You're welcome anytime 😊
Jul 21Reply
lolosaw @princessr77 Hi Princess, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 21Reply
katz2 Here's another following game to grow your followers, your shares, get more exposure and potential sales. 😍 @paperpearls @vlewis25 @chelsealeigh13 @ameenah35 @iloveducks123
Jul 21Reply
katz2 Here's another following game to grow your followers, your shares, get more exposure and potential sales. 😍 @meli_c14 @chloestew @styletheif @edonkogl @quingalvin @hobbleigh
Jul 21Reply
katz2 Here's another following game to grow your followers, your shares, get more exposure and potential sales. 🌹 @rebecuuuh @brittanyg2212 @yneliabustos @17forever @4nastasia @hawaawah @msha1 @katherinekurtt
Jul 22Reply
katz2 Here's a following game to grow your followers, your shares, get more exposure and potential sales. 💛 @fh12tara @rheymoon @kristinaclark_ @jayran @yennicita
Jul 22Reply
citichic2311 @upscalecloset do this game it helps you gain more fashion followers
Jul 22Reply
citichic2311 Hi @meggienew I thought you might be interested in this game it helps you gain more fashion followers 😊
Jul 22Reply
citichic2311 Cool 😎👍 @meggienew
Jul 22Reply
lolosaw @alexacejaa Hi Alexa, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 22Reply
lolosaw @ocotter Hi Olivia, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 22Reply
lolosaw @snowwbvnny Hi tiffany, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 22Reply
lolosaw @daphnilyn Hi Daphni, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 22Reply
lolosaw @quingalvin Hi Quinlan, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 22Reply
lolosaw @yolandabelly Hi Yolanda, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 22Reply
lolosaw @edonkogl Hi Ella, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 22Reply
lolosaw @ameenah35 Hi Ameenah, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 22Reply
lolosaw @regswife98 Hi Tonia, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 22Reply
lolosaw @ rebecuuuh Hi Rebecca, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 22Reply
lolosaw @4nastasia Hi Anastasia, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 22Reply
lolosaw @vanadzor please help.. Thanks hon!!!
Jul 22Reply
rooney52 🎀💕Shared
Jul 22Reply
lolosaw @kelseymp08 Hi Kelsey, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 22Reply
blingbabe10 @magsparker hi, I've gone ahead and followed and shared your closet. Good luck and don't hesitate to tag if I may help you with anything else.
Jul 23Reply
t_ms_sincerity Thanks 4 the tag!💛😉@sweetie21 ..Following game!😃@sarahjackson1 @pinkbunny16 @lindsleanngonz @nydia_ortiz 👯👯👯🌟🌟
Jul 23Reply
mistielee @magsparker Thanks for the tag💕 Lolo... Thanks for the GAME!!😊🎉🎈 I do believe I am gaining followers faster!! SHARED! Have a super day.
Jul 23Reply
lolosaw @wongshar Hi Sharoni, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 23Reply
katz2 Here's another following game to grow your followers, your shares, get more exposure and potential sales. 💜 @daisyd0102 @nissafish @ninapauline @lovelauren_ @daphnilyn
Jul 24Reply
katz2 Here's a following game to grow your followers, your shares, get more exposure and potential sales. 🌹 @jayleedawkins @dorothy_monza @chaarlottexoxoo @owlexa @irmalexi03
Jul 24Reply
katz2 Here's another following game to grow your followers, your shares, get more exposure and potential sales. 🌻 @steph_farias @elitestyle @kriss1987 @nicolespellman @ocotter @kis777 @kimrx21 @vchshop
Jul 24Reply
lolosaw @vintagebohemian Hi Terry, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 24Reply
daisyd0102 @katz2 thanks for the tag. :)
Jul 24Reply
dressyu @gstravagnze. Did u receive this one
Jul 28Reply
dressyu @lchouser @classyvintage @paintedjezebel @kookc @myfashionkloset @ bellanblue @lisadraper @rjoneal @lickthetwang I was away for a few days--- ( from my normal Poshing) want to make sure you have this
Jul 28Reply
eclipsegirl22 Thanks doll. 👍❤️
Jul 28Reply
marlanap @karaninak Nina, Thanks. Keep tagging me.👍 I am already on this one, but I will tag others. 👍 @juilia_rose @linbh84 @coriashena @sharonaskin @missposhtrendy @cody7150 @lobella6 @chenlalaland 👯👯👯👯👯 Please tag others whose names do not pop up when you type them. 👍
Jul 28Reply
ashq_94 Thanks for the share :)
Jul 29Reply
lolosaw @enifashion Hi Eni, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 29Reply
lolosaw @myfashionkloset Thank you so much for your support and participating in this activity...
Jul 29Reply
enifashion @lolosaw thanks for the kind words and sharing this with me 😍💖
Jul 31Reply
lolosaw @kelso9494 Hi Kelsey, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Jul 31Reply
lolosaw @meownette Hi Jeannette, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Aug 02Reply
lolosaw Thank you ladies so much for participating... continue to tag and share to gain closet exposure, gain followers and help out your fellow Poshers, especially the new ladies.. I will continue to share daily, so we can all benefit.. Have a great day ladies... Sorry for any re-tags ... just wanted to make sure I reached all participants... I have also added some other follow games below so you can participate in those also. @la_boutique @weimaranermom @shopforever2014 @shopwithnadiam @nxnette @yazzyz @redsox_05 @pinkdiamonds @peachynheels @alyvlf @haileyc1 @enifashion @m_montosa @aam0828 @ @myfashionkloset @sorena @lauren1021 @juilia_rose @linbh84 @coriashena @sharonaskin @missposhtrendy @cody7150 @chenlalaland karaninak @vacat @winecountrylife @puddpudd0 @lmfashion @goodbuys @carmenileana @destinyshea @hannahbradham @kalyn_423 @zelance @angela1990 @mytherapy @marlanap @sweetie21 @mandyydoll @brie309 @lisadraper @gwgperry @justfabulous32 @lickthetwang1 @katz2 @jaimerstone @dcrussell @lifeisgood1071 @jpyattscloset @goldengurl7 @2ndfitting @4digger91 @lakeforest @meggienew @saundie @@paperpearls @vlewis25 @chelsealeigh13 @ameenah35 @iloveducks123 @ @meli_c14 @chloestew @styletheif @edonkogl @quingalvin @hobbleigh @a2z6 @@meli_c14 @chloestew @styletheif @edonkogl @quingalvin @@hobbleigh @kristinaclark_ @classicpatty @geniferb2013 @bschuler @yogiyola @deerayhs @angela1990 @haileyrutt @gabtrue @latestcraze @broque2011 @apun @allygirl1964 @beautyboxx @hessdog6603 @gorgeous_mess @ringleader @nicolena @karleebubble @kkdance15xo @quingalvin @vainilla @destinyshea @skinnycloset @liteskinjazz @zoilascloset @vanadzor Here are some other following games you can participate in, I will try to add the others as I go along: @4sq @fitz_elizabeth @pinkdiamonds @shorty3794 @@vanessa_03 @thepeanut1201 @kahlamarie @nappyglam @savvylicious @simplysimonej @ashh @brigettschic @michelfelderk @otter1980 @tayylynn @annalynk13 @princesshh17 @makyyyy @closetchelle @@mistyheart @kecampbell @randie21 @ecorll @la_boutique @jaimerstone @tiff_liu @excreations @kland09 @selefl1977 @coachsherman @lolabella6 @read247 @hamptongal @marlanap @lorenad_21
Aug 02Reply
relovedstore @lolosaw thank you luv!
Aug 02Reply
miami_wife 🌹😘
Aug 02Reply
closetchelle followed everyone else and share <3
Aug 02Reply
lakeforest Thank you💗😻going to pass on😊@ashleyema @hulselis @meggienew @beautymark1 followers
Aug 02Reply
lolosaw Thanks for the support @closetchelle @lakeforest
Aug 02Reply
lolosaw You're welcome ladies @aam0828 @meownette
Aug 02Reply
lakeforest @lolosaw Hi Lolo, you're welcome anytime😻
Aug 02Reply
lolosaw blondegirl2013 Hi Holly, I see you've already been tagged ... Happy Poshing ...
Aug 04Reply
lolosaw @belledejour2014 Hi Krissy, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Aug 04Reply
lolosaw @pfassionista Hi Marianne, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Aug 05Reply
lolosaw @shoppers1 Hi Kayla, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Aug 05Reply
shoppers1 @lolosaw will do thanks 😄😄😄
Aug 05Reply
chiefofstyle @ybf @drfoss1913👆😄
Aug 05Reply
lolosaw @leesascloset Hi Leesa, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Aug 05Reply
just_dandy @kaywawice another good one!
Aug 06Reply
citichic2311 Shared and followed everyone 💕💕💕
Aug 06Reply
lolosaw @citichic2311 Hi, I'm already following you.. thanks for participating.. Happy Poshing!!!!
Aug 06Reply
citichic2311 😎👍
Aug 06Reply
jmcy028 @lolosaw Hello, I'm fairly new to Posh selling! I hope to gain more followers & more sales, like You? Happy Poshing everyone!!😍
Aug 07Reply
voguelily @lolosaw Thx for the newbie info! What does it mean to share?
Aug 07Reply
lolosaw @voguelily you're welcome ' sharing' is actually sharing your fellow poshers sales listings to your followers. When you start adding sales listings of your own, you can share your own listings to your followers or to Posh parties, this gives your closet exposure, more poshers will come across your item (s) for sale which increases your chance of making sales. You will get the hang of it and I will try my best to answer any questions you may have. Happy Poshing!
Aug 07Reply
lolosaw @jmcy028 Welcome to Posh! You will certainly make sales, just share your listings as often as you can, to your followers and to Posh parties ( once you have items matching party themes). Sharing other Poshers listings also helps greatly, Poshers will return the love and share your items. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Happy Poshing.
Aug 07Reply
jmcy028 @lolosaw Thanks so much for info!😍
Aug 07Reply
just_dandy @tardis40 hope these help get you some followers!
Aug 08Reply
just_dandy @tardis40 no problem! These are great!
Aug 08Reply
marlanap @mixitup I do not think you are in this one! Pretty big too! 👍👍👍
Aug 08Reply
marlanap Here is another nice Following Game: @alicia1991 @ajhughes24 @theresab @janet0103 @pearlfectfix @nikkim79 @kanyejoyner @cody7150 @tiff_liu 👯👯👯👯👯 Please tag 3 others not already on the game. 💖
Aug 08Reply
its_tishira 💖💚💜💕Thanks so much for creating this! @lolosaw 🎀and thank you for sharing. @marlanap I hadn't seen this one, yet.💕💜💚💖
Aug 08Reply
lolosaw @pearlfectfix You're welcome hon. glad to help in anyway I can.. happy Poshing!!
Aug 08Reply
bre5743 @lolosaw I have gotten most all my Followers by following everyone in other people's closets. Example: I go in your closet and I click on your Followers then whoever I'm not already following I click follow on those. Then I try to share at least 1 item per closet. It loads up quickly but I like this way also. Good luck on your sales hun.
Aug 11Reply
katz2 @clpxminer Rachael 👆
Aug 12Reply
lolosaw Sure @carly_reiter Welcome to Posh!!
Aug 12Reply
lolosaw Thank you ladies so much for participating... continue to tag and share to gain closet exposure, gain followers and help out your fellow Poshers, especially the new ladies.. I will continue to share daily, so we can all benefit.. Have a great day ladies... Sorry for any re-tags ... just wanted to make sure I reached all participants... I have also added some other follow games below so you can participate in those also. @slmaa67 @shebang @pk1pk2 @cherie9497 @stlblzgrl @blimline72 @stltaylor94 @melissalecci @tamiller @tlkimbro @jeanneisrael @mzann12 @kookc @daliasg @katz2 @clpxminer @alvauna31 @celestechilders @glamrockboutiqu @bre5743 @laurie2u @lealuv21 @brittneyshea @cd1981 @shawnshouse @mzxplor @pearlfectfix @alicia1991 @ajhughes24 @theresab @janet0103 @pearlfectfix @nikkim79 @kanyejoyner @cody7150 @tiff_liu @theresab @jaycastle @ahenn10 @shopforever2014 @tardis40 @jmcy028 @dollydinkl @gigi5011 @citichic2311 @pfassionista @karenbatx shopforever2014 @blondegirl2013 @@ashleyema @hulselis @meggienew @beautymark1 Here are some other following games you can participate in, I will try to add the others as I go along: @4sq @bellanblue @fitz_elizabeth @pinkdiamonds @shorty3794 @@vanessa_03 @thepeanut1201 @kahlamarie @nappyglam @savvylicious @simplysimonej @ashh @brigettschic @michelfelderk @otter1980 @tayylynn @annalynk13 @princesshh17 @makyyyy @closetchelle @@mistyheart @kecampbell @randie21 @ecorll @la_boutique @jaimerstone @tiff_liu @excreations @kland09 @selefl1977 @coachsherman @lolabella6 @read247 @hamptongal @marlanap @lorenad_21
Aug 16Reply
citichic2311 Hi ladies here is a fun game to help gain followers to your closet and possible sales 😊 @upscalecloset @love_jeannie @oliviahaven @chica_armario @aprilt267 @redgurlt @xeno @krazedgurlie it works and don't forget to tag other Poshers and spread the Posh love 💕💕👯👯 @lolosaw shared ☺️👍
Aug 16Reply
lolosaw @citichic2311 👍👍👍😀😀
Aug 16Reply
citichic2311 😎👍
Aug 16Reply
lolosaw @katrinap4 Hi Katrina, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Aug 17Reply
lolosaw @tayharris32 Hi Taylor, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Aug 19Reply
citichic2311 Hi ladies , I thought you might be interested in this following game it's very helpful to gain new followers and possible sales. Just wanted to spread some posh love your way 😊💕💕👯👯 @aprilt267 @love_jeannie @upscalecloset @melrouslin @mactress2010 @2real4nonsense
Aug 19Reply
citichic2311 Hi @melissahartsell Here is a good following game to increase followers and possible sells 😊
Aug 21Reply
blingbabe10 @danaaalyce here is another.
Aug 24Reply
lolosaw Hi Ladies, thank you so much for participating in this activity, I will continue to share daily so we can all benefit from new rule following Poshers...Feel free to return as often as you can to share, follow and tag more poshers.. Enjoy your day and happy poshing... @blingbabe10 @danaaalyce @samjane010 @ashleyburden @steibd @mdavila1007 @ohheyitsraeee @onlineshopping @hannahbradham @isa_wine_lover @frogs4me430 @fab_fashionista @vacat @dyfcloset @allygirl1964 @citichic2311 @melissahartsell @love_jeannie @upscalecloset @melrouslin @mactress2010 @2real4nonsense deedeejml @garcia098 @shopforever2014 @lindsaybrooks97 @atbrunkow62 @vmp4 @stefanieealexis @upscalecloset @love_jeannie @oliviahaven @chica_armario @aprilt267 @redgurlt @xeno @krazedgurlie
Aug 25Reply
citichic2311 Here's a great following game ladies to gain new followers and possible sales 💗💋💋💋 @melissahartsell @laylani333 @upscalecloset
Aug 25Reply
chelsie0901 @melissahartsell thanks for the tag @lolosaw nice to meet you. I have horrible cell and no wifi service at this time and I don't know when I will have internet access again thanks for the future shares. Happy Poshing.
Aug 25Reply
imatso Awesome closet!!!!
Aug 29Reply
lolosaw @imatso Hi Omitsa, thank you so much, really appreciate it..
Aug 29Reply
lolosaw @ldpeavy271 Hi Latia, you can like this listing, follow those who liked, you may return as often as possible, since there will be new likers daily.. watch your followers grow, feel free to tag your friends also, the more the merrier.
Aug 29Reply
lilmistam @annieshin ☺ 💕 💟
Sep 01Reply
ex_globetrotter @lolosaw Hi dear, thanks for the tag and the posh love. Happy Labor Day! 🇺🇸
Sep 01Reply
bella4 @lolosaw thanks for the tag Lolo 😘
Sep 01Reply
trendyg @happy holidays doll! Tnx for the tag and have a fab one.
Sep 01Reply
treasuresbytrac @lolosaw Shared! 💕😊💕🐾💕🐾
Sep 01Reply
paulinasmiles Love these types of posts! Last one I did got me 300 new followers
Sep 01Reply
daisyd0102 @mistyheart thanks for the tag :)
Sep 01Reply
randikandi @lolosaw hey Lolo...I always feel bad asking, but please take me off of your mass tag list. I'm really just trying to ease up on my new feed. Please don't take it personal...I'm asking everyone. Thx for understanding 😘
Sep 01Reply
blandw Of course I've been flowing your game already Lolo. I'm just moving back to the top of my likes. 😍 thanks for the shares dear!!!
Sep 01Reply
girlyfajas I'm new here, this really work? I try to have a quality closet for all Posh ladies
Sep 02Reply
saundie @mistyheart thanks for the FG Tags @larochelle !
Sep 03Reply
t_ms_sincerity 🙀😻Check out Lolo's beautiful closet!😍🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟@bellalize
Sep 03Reply
lolaluvvscloset This is awesome I've been trying to do my best at shares and get my sales and followers up 👍
Sep 06Reply
lolosaw That's great @lolaluvvscloset will help you share..
Sep 09Reply
lolosaw @myaann Hi Myaann, thank you so much for considering my closet to add to your favorites on your blog... I am too excited... cant thank you enough... Have a great evening and happy poshing....
Sep 09Reply
nsep @la_boutique already on this one!!! Re-shared!!!! 😉
Sep 11Reply
lilmistam Wow! I checked this not too long ago. Just checked it again and there were 148 new users for me to follow! Hopefully they'll all follow back! Awesome!
Sep 12Reply
jadrch @lolosaw Followed, shared. Please do the same.😃 Thank you in advance.😊
Sep 13Reply
51twenty Thank you! 🌷🌷 @alainea @maureen888 @finethreads @lmfashion
Sep 23Reply

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Last Active: Feb 22

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