Want Deals AND shares? New Deal EVERY Day!
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I will change the deal at 10PM (Eastern time) everyday. Run sale for 24hrs and if doesn't sell...back to original listed price. Why Not? Today’s Deal: NWT Urban Outfitters Ruffle Bralette Sz M Retail: $39 Today $16 and back to $18 if not sold. Check it out and like this post so you can see what's on for tomorrow! All sizes, all brands. OH YEAH....I share...Like this post so I remember to share your items often.

304 others
like this

@tsaia1977 , what a clever idea!! :)
Sep 08Reply

Thanks for your wisdom! ❤️
Oct 01Reply

Thx for sharing =)
Oct 18Reply

@tsaia1977 Thank you so much Tara for being so generous with sharing. I really appreciate it!
Oct 23Reply

@tsaia1977 ~ Thank you for sharing!
Oct 27Reply

I love this!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍
Nov 02Reply

Hi thank you! I'm going to check it out.
Nov 04Reply

@sherriesharley having a blast in your closet! Will share gladly!!!
Nov 05Reply

Thank You For The Shares 😃
Nov 21Reply

It's 1:30 and I am still trying to catch up with shares in my newsfeed. I will get out double tomorrow PFF. 💐🌷💐🌷💐🌷
Dec 11Reply

@chicaccessories hey silly. Dont ever worry about sharing back. Seriously. I will share from the closets on this listing every day and it can get overwhelming. Toss me a share every once and again when u have time if u can and if not dont think twice! You are so kind. A lot of people have never shared anything! You are a share machine!
Dec 11Reply

Thank you. You are awesome. You are on my list of daily shares. I need to make a list like you have. I don't keep my list in my closet because the people that I share daily I do out of love and they do the same for me. I also get so many random shares in my newsfeed and I always share them back. I appreciate even one share. It's just very busy for me with the holidays and I want to continue to show love to my PFFs like you. Thanks for being so great. 💝💝💝💝🌷🌷🌷🌷
Dec 11Reply

Welcome back. Hope you are enjoying the Holiday Season. 💐💐💐💐💐💐
Dec 27Reply

I share back! Thanks.
Dec 28Reply

@trendsanddeals pls don't worry about me. I do these likes every day as first priority. Sharing back gets overwhelming so never worry, lots of peeps that like this don't share at all.
Dec 28Reply

I appreciate that, but I like sharing back as long as I can keep up! Lol 😊
Dec 28Reply

Listed to party by accident! Sorry yall
Dec 30Reply

@tsaia1977 hey i didnt receive package and usps just says it went back to boston and this eas two weeks ago... Could you help me with this? :/ xoxo catharina
Jan 02Reply

@fyenamuzik hi I am at pizza shop with daughter. I just read ur tradesy email after this. I'm sorry I never saw it. I have only been using this site now since stuff I had listed there sold before Xmas, I am heading home in a couple moms and will check the tracking and get right back to u! I'll email u back on other site I think they have tracking posted there too. Give me like 4Omins and we will figure it out
Jan 02Reply

Thank you for the shares! You are awesome
Jan 03Reply

Good Evening Tara!!! Thank you so much for sharing my closet every second of the day. I truly appreciate it. I love it when i see your daughter's picture pop in my news feed :) she is sooo adorable. Thank you for being sooo generous and kind hearted :) I look forward to sharing my closet each day and of course yours too ! LOTS OF LOVE 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Jan 06Reply

Thank you so much for so many shares! It's so great to run into super sharers like you on PM!
Jan 07Reply

Sorry for the late shares. I was at the vet.
Jan 08Reply

@vchacon2012 sharing is optional my friend. Never feel obligated to share back. Seriously. And more importantly, everything ok? Vet?
Jan 08Reply

Unfortunately, no. I had two lovely Queensland heelers that were old and sickly and had to be put down ( 14 years old). After I put the last dog down in August ( I live in a bad neighborhood by myself so I need a dog for protection), immediately the same day I adopted two puppies. Unfortunately, my home was robbed about a week later. They didn't take my pups ( one queenie and one German shepherd) but they did torture them. My German shepherd is now seven months old, and he is going lame in both back legs. The vet ordered x-rays to figure out why. He could have back problems related to injuries caused by the burglars ( he wouldn't come out of my room for six hours after the burglary and he peed the next day when the repairman came to fix the window), hip dysplasia, or some other problem. Hopefully, surgery can correct the problem.
Jan 08Reply

@vchacon2012 OMG that is so horrible. I can't even imagine. Thank goodness they have u, those poor little dogs. UGH. And as for you...You doing okay? Im telling you right now, I would be a sh*tty mess if that happened to me.
Jan 08Reply

I'm okay. I'm hoping with surgery he will heal. He's been through a lot, but puppies are resilient.
Jan 08Reply

@vchacon2012 Very true. Feel free to keep me posted...My money is on the puppy ;)
Jan 08Reply

LOVE this!! XO
Jan 08Reply

I'm just trying to help some poshers out here. There is this new app called m-e-r-c-a-r-i (spelled without the dashes of course) and they take 0% away from sales, so what you sell for is what you get :) you can also sell more than clothes, you can sell makeup, perfumes etc. if you use the sign up code DHJRUF when signing up you get a free $15 credit to spend on whatever you like on the app!
Jan 09Reply

This is awesome! 😊😀 thank u!!!😄😄😄
Jan 10Reply

Ty @tsaia1977! What a kind and amazing thing to offer. The PM community is full of she-roes! 💖
Jan 11Reply

@danag2 thanks. I like yours too =) Ill get you with more shares later. Im at work now. I really like that sweater u just reduced....hmmm LOL
Jan 12Reply

Thanks for the shares! Getting you back with the shares!♥️♥️
Jan 14Reply

For all you do and are, thank you for being you... absolutely wonderful.
Jan 16Reply

@emilyswardrobe @prittimonster @blakeblair @jenniann5246 @chicaccessories @shari_p @landerites Hi guys, New Posher, following the rules who has a really great closet so far....let's help her get started :)
Jan 17Reply

LMAO wrong tag. I tagged my own closet!! hang on....I'll try again!
Jan 17Reply

Sweetie, as much as I appreciate the sharing and WILL definitely share back👍💕😃 You're gonna make yourself crazy sharing that much! Just 4 or 5 is plenty and I promise I will share your closet whether you share or not, ok?💕😃
Jan 17Reply

@msserene963 Ha I share more certain days. During the week I'm working, but on weekends I have more time to go through closets and shop n share. No worries about sharing back whatever works for u works for me :)
Jan 17Reply

I see💕😃 I just don't want to feel slighted. I'm like that too, some days are heavy share days and some are .....nada! Lol😂😂
Jan 17Reply

Jan 18Reply

Thank you for saying hello yesterday! And about my HP, I really need to get some better pictures up, it's just hard because I cannot squeeze into it and I haven't figured out a good way yet...but...I'll think of something. Even my mannequin is too big for it 😄
Jan 20Reply

Oops I wasn't done yet but that's ok. I just wanted to make sure i introduced myself! I've been a bit overwhelmed between trying to get listings added and wanting to socialize. Hahaha!! I guess that's not exactly a new issue however!!! Thank you again and I hope you're having a great week!!!
Jan 20Reply

@tsaia1977 - Hi Tara. How are you? You read my mind bc I was just thinking about you & my shirt (lol) 🌟💖
Jan 23Reply

You are totally awesome!! Hoping to grow into a fab Posher like you. !@!
Jan 24Reply

@ambernicole33 hi, you don't have any listings so I figured I'd comment here. I saw you liked a listing for gift cards for baby items. Those cards can all be obtained online for free. I fell for that on another site when I was pregnant.
Jan 25Reply

@tsaia1977 think I can steal this idea ?
Jan 25Reply

@ajceraso sure! Couple others did too. Hope it works for everyone! I've met some of the awesomest people on this posting!
Jan 25Reply

@tsaia1977 I'm really impressed with how u run your closet ! I love it ! Happy poshing to you 💗
Jan 25Reply

@ajceraso same to you! I appreciate how nice you have been to me and all the shares ect..Yahooo!
Jan 25Reply

Thanks for all the shares ever since I've liked this post! I'll be trying to share your listings as much as I can if not everyday. You're an amazing posher - thank you(:
Jan 26Reply

@tress_426 don't worry about sharing back. thanks for being great yourself! you have a really nice closet so it's a pleasure sharing it! have a great night :)
Jan 26Reply

Thanks for following! Please check out my closet when you can:)
Jan 30Reply

Thank you for the shares!
Feb 02Reply

Then you SOOOOOOOO much for continuing to share my stuff Girl! Trust me...I am NOT gonna be forgetting about you, ok? I've been struggling with my CRPS big time this week, I'm even thinking about posting some kind of thing that lets everybody I am paying attention and literally making a list of people that I hope to one day soon be able to sit down for a few hours and just spend that time sharing. You've been my biggest supporter and it means THE WORLD to me!! I've been trying to list one or two things here and there...but the mound of things is growing and my "to-do" tasks keep piling up. Meanwhile, I'm supposed to be resting in bed. OMG, are that insane??! So, with that...I just had to let you know that I see it, and I have been so grateful!!! Ever since that dress and then that post where I met everybody, I have met so many fantastic women such as yourself, and a handful of of others. I'm hoping once I have this block tho, I can get back to a somewhat normal routine. Thank you always 🙋💕💕 excuse any grammar oopsies...I just don't have it in me for editing! I always trying to list some things but nah. I'll save the pics for when I'm feeling a little more...hmmmm, smarter? The only word I could find!!! Have a great weekend!!!
Feb 07Reply

This is awesome!!😍
Feb 17Reply

Very cool idea!!!
Feb 17Reply

@tsaia1977 I am so loving this idea!! It totally keeps people coming back ! Would you mind if I did one like this ? It's ok if you tell me no it's totally your amazing creative thought ! It's just such a good one lol let me know 😊happy poshing 👍💕💕🙆
Feb 17Reply

@nik670 Sure! Good Luck! Your closet is great :)
Feb 17Reply

@tsaia1977 your so sweet !! Thank you so much :) your closet is fabulous as well !! Wishing you many sales 😊😊😊
Feb 17Reply

@tsaia1977 oh my gosh deal of the day totally worked. How much do I love you right now LOL thank you so much
Feb 17Reply

@nik670 Yay! That's awesome. It was a good deal on the bag too so that helped i bet =) Only problem Im running into with this post is it is getting harder to keep up with sharing each closet every day. plus my own feed and share groups. YOW
Feb 17Reply

@tsaia1977 oh I bet !! I just joined a share group too!!!! Tonight at 8 will be my first share
Feb 17Reply

I really this idea, how has it worked for you?
Feb 18Reply

@crazyw5 Hi, thanks for asking. I feel like it has worked pretty well. The best part is that Ive met some awesome people and we share eachothers closets every day. Bad part is it is very time consuming sharing everyones closet every day that likes this. I have less than 8k followers but over 100k shares lol. Many people dont share back either which is fine. I have sold a decent amount of listings through my deal of the day but..they have all been significantly reduced in price of course...im still learning so everything is trial and error. Many people have taken this idea and are trying it. Im sure i wasnt the first one either
Feb 18Reply

Wow that's a lot of shares. I will have to try something of the sort, somethings I just get tired of seeing lol. Out with the old and in with the new. 😘
Feb 18Reply

Thanks for all the shares! Appreciate it!
Feb 19Reply

@tnt2 I am trying to list new items at moment, I am half crying and half cracking up...I got all these awesome shoes and....they are all for the right foot. WTH lol
Feb 21Reply

@tsaia1977 I have totally been glued to posh to see your next deal of the day .. One day maybe on the 100 day it will be one im gunnna snatch up lol they sell quick for you
Feb 22Reply

@tsaia1977 shared @mamielovve
Feb 24Reply

Hi, Tara. Please, check your email and get back to me ASAP. 😃
Feb 25Reply

Ps. I will start sharing again shortly. I've been "Out of the Office" 😃
Feb 25Reply

@royalfunkies I just emailed you and NOOOOO one of the BEST high end closets on Posh can NOT close!
Feb 25Reply

Hey there! Okay call me a dill, I'm having brain fog, what was this about? I'm so sorry, seriously due to my current health issue a bad side effect I've noticed is momentary laps of forgetting what your doing/talking about in the middle of something! It's driving me crazy! Anyhow I hope you aren't going anywhere?.. I'd cry my little eyes out! Please enlighten me again & forgive me too. Normally I'm not the slightest bit airy in the head. I'm also extremely overwhelmed w/a ton of stuff & trying to deal w/it all while not well is no fun. So I'm always feeling like I need to get caught up but can't ever get there! I need a team of people to help me so much is going on & w/Posh I have an immense amount of stuff to list, it just takes so long to prep & list an item. Ugh! Okay getting ready to go for a potty walk w/my puppos! Talk to Ya soon. I hope you are having a lovely day!👑
Feb 25Reply

@royalfunkies Ooops! That comment was for @royalliving , sorry! But i did message some people about ur closet today..I am going to try and help!
Feb 25Reply

I emailed again. Let me know 😉 ur call
Feb 25Reply

Just spilled the beans. Hope you like😃
Feb 26Reply

Thanks for the shares.
Feb 28Reply

Hey Ms. T! Just wanted to say, again, thank you So very much! I appreciate you so much. You are a true Posh rockstar & I 💖 u to pieces! Hope all is well w/u & I am crossing fingers & toes that you get picked to host your own party, you sooo deserve it! 👑
Mar 03Reply

Thank you for sharing!
Mar 04Reply

This is so cool!
Mar 10Reply

Thanks for all the shares! 💕💖
Mar 11Reply

This is a great deal thx 4 the shares 👀looking forward to tomorrow 🌟🌟🌟
Mar 16Reply

@tsaia1977 sharing
Mar 16Reply

THANK YOU soooo much for sharing my listings! 😄😀 I really appreciate it!
Mar 20Reply

You are a sharing machine!! I just noticed your share #! Thank you bc I know so many have been from my closet:)
Mar 22Reply

Keep those sales up girl. 👏👏👏👏👏
Mar 30Reply

@teresamarie01 Love her!! She's amazing, has impeccable taste, gorgeous closet and great deals!
Apr 09Reply

@deniminiquities genius!!!!!
Apr 09Reply

@teresamarie01 @deniminiquities Thank you both for the big smile u just put on my face! :)
Apr 09Reply

I just have to say thank you for the shares... Specially in these hard times for me & my family...
Apr 16Reply

@tsaia1977 thanks so much for your shares! 😊😊
Apr 17Reply

Thank you for your shares I l9ve your closet wish I was in a position to buy not just sell! I will share a bunch tho of urs !
Apr 18Reply

Thank you for the shares @tsaia1977! Love your closet btw!!
Apr 18Reply

@jhuff77 thanks so much, I haven't been able to post much lately because i am in a cast and crutches. I am attempting today, to take my 2year old out hunting for new listings. It will either be great or a total disaster lol STAY TUNED!! ha :)
Apr 18Reply

I had a question about the black plaid layered top! Want to purchase today
Apr 19Reply

Love this idea! I may do it in my closet too! 🎀🎀🎀👍👍👍
Apr 22Reply

UGH I totally didn't mean to share this to party! I didnt mean to share the party listing either. Doh. There goes someone's Host Pick. SO SORRY PFFs
Apr 23Reply

Apr 23Reply

"My look is a cocktail. I'm not as nicely turned out as the french, but I don't care like the English." —Jane Birkin Congratulations,On your Work Week Chic Host Pick !!
Apr 23Reply

I saw you were looking for a Victoria's Secret umbrella, I have one nwt in my closet. Let me know if interested.
Apr 28Reply

Hey!! I have a question..youve been very helpful to me..I was looking today at an item in a closet I have never made a purchase from..and I went to ask a question..and it said I had been blocked. .I have never had a conversation with this seller that I know of..why would they block me? Do you know? Thank you!
Apr 30Reply

@rhonda_latimer hi, anyone that blocks you is coo coo cause you're awesome. I bet it was a mistake and they don't even know. Or some people are just weird. I mailed an item to someone once, they gave me 4 stars then messaged me that they loved it, it was so perfect and thank you so much...then blocked me. Um? Don't let it bother you. Some people block traders or people with bad dealings on others posts and I know a few ppl that block ppl with nothing in their closet but YOU? no way Jose :)
Apr 30Reply

Thank you..I do trade on occasion..maybe that was why..youre so helpful..and so kind! Thanks again and have a great day!
Apr 30Reply

Mahalo nui (thank you so much) for sharing my items @tsaia1977! I just moved so my poor, neglected closet appreciates any and all TLC! 😊
May 10Reply

@tsaia1977 , thank you so much for all of the shares! Great idea you have here! I've got so much going on I can't keep up with all of the shares, I feel overwhelmed at times with all of the Posh love:) Maybe I put up a post thanking everyone & apologizing at the same time:) Not enough time in my days, I'm exhausted now, thank you again & have a great night doll:) By the way, love your closet, sexy, awesome, nice, you've got it all covered:)
May 12Reply

@tsaia1977 Just wanted to stop by and say hi to a fellow Bostonian :). Browsing your closet is addictive - your clothes are so well priced and your positive attitude is awesome to see. Thanks for the shares!
May 13Reply

Love this idea! And great closet, btw. Will definitely be sharing lots (and buying, once I pay my credit card bill this month 😳). Thanks for your shares and support! ❤️
May 14Reply

@tsaia1977 Tara if you ever end up selling any of the fp thermals will you tag me? I know you'll offer them at a reasonable price! All of the ones I find are RIDICULOUS and I can't justify spending that much, especially since I live in Arizona 😂
May 19Reply

@tsaia1977 👆🏻the thermals with the embellished cuffs that is 😊
May 19Reply

@karenepeters what size do u need? I have one that got cancelled today. I think it's a large. Haven't relisted it yet
May 19Reply

@tsaia1977 pretty sure I need a small. Maybe a medium but I think a large would be too big
May 19Reply

@karenepeters okay doke. Noted and eyes peeled lol
May 19Reply

@tsaia1977 thanks lady!!!
May 19Reply

GIRL! We have the same taste!! Happy to have met you no matter the circumstances!😘
May 29Reply

I love your closet💕@tsaia1977
Jun 02Reply

Ok, maybe I'm slow but I can't find this baby listed anywhere 😂
Jun 10Reply

@erikagannon oops! That's because I had only edited half the info. Sorry. Thanks for noticing!
Jun 10Reply

you're very welcome!! At least I'm not losing it!!! lol
Jun 10Reply

@treasurefinds welcome! Do you mean when you lower the price and shipping changes for 1hr? You can edit the title of your item to say "1.99 shipping 1hr!". Even on days when Posh is not doing shipping deals, if your item drops in price by 10% or more from historical lowest, and final price is $10+ theres a good chance it will qualify for random ship discount between .99- 3.99. Before u lower the price, "like" your own item. U will get the same alert as those that liked it with discount amount
Jun 23Reply

Jul 03Reply

Thanks for the shares PFF 4 eva!!!😘🌹🇺🇸
Jul 04Reply

@tsaia1977 haha I was just thinking about you last nite ! Haven't felt great ad was away visiting my mom while she gets chemo . I was like I haven't seen my friend on my feed in a bit I have to go share and say hi lol
Jul 19Reply

@nik670 yes I haven't been on/around much lately. I'm sorry U haven't been feeling well. Is she handling it alright and feeling ok? That is hard, I'm sorry ur both going through it
Jul 19Reply

@tsaia1977 she has stage 4 lymphoma and just started chemo but she seems fine just tired
Jul 19Reply

@nik670 oh man. Hopefully it doesn't hit her too hard but most importantly makes her well. You are not n my thoughts and prayers
Jul 20Reply

@tsaia1977 thank you 💕💕💕💕
Jul 20Reply

Hi. Just stopping by. Wow your little one is growing. So cute!!!!
Aug 01Reply

Hey Ms. Tara. So I am having some problems with Posh right now. For some odd reason my customer is not receiving discount shipping when I lower the price. What should I do?
Aug 03Reply

@nadsssss hi, sorry I haven't been on much, the discount unless its a special promotion day (today isn't) is random and won't always happen. In order to qualify for random ship discount, final price must be more than $10 and the price had to have dropped 10% or more from historical lowest. But again it's random so might not happen
Aug 03Reply

Thank you for your help.I hope all is well 💓
Aug 03Reply

Thank you so much for all the times you have shared things from my closet. You are an example of what all Poshers should strive to be😄 I have been having trouble selling items for awhile now and I'm really wanting to shop in your closet so hopefully soon. Thanks again Tara😄😄😄
Sep 17Reply

@brijen2012 I hear that. I think everyone has been a bit slow selling lately. Thanks so much for your kind words and shares as well! I pretty much Posh for the interaction with nice people like u and...of course the deals! LOL
Sep 17Reply

I agree with you. But I've been cut off from buying until I sell more. No more cash out of pocket with a closet full lol...husbands 😁
Sep 17Reply

"Fifty Shades of Cray Cray" - too funny! 😂
Sep 21Reply

Hi Tara @tsaia1977 thank you so much for always being so nice :) I was away in Europe for 5 weeks but ended up having emergency surgery (appendix) there :( so it wasn't much of a vacation :( I spent about three weeks in the hospital (surgery got infected) ughhh :(
I've been back for a couple of weeks now but been feeling SO "out of it" 😕
Just wanted you to know that I really appreciate you 💗 Thank you 🌹
Sep 21Reply

@auzie oh man. I am so glad ur ok! That stinks and was probably ESP scary being away from home. Welcome back!
Sep 23Reply

Hey you! Thank you so much for all the shares, luv u bunches! Oh BTW I was messing around w/my closet in the middle of the night & saw for that I was in the top 10% of sharers, I did not know this! Lots of cute things floating around! Im thoroughly enjoying your thread on new closet ideas, lots of good tips. Looking forward to see what you end up doing. Hugs👑
Sep 24Reply

Thank you for the support on the shares! I enjoy your creativity with your marketing strategies.
Sep 28Reply

Oct 02Reply

@tasia1977 U forgot to share me
Oct 02Reply

@mamielovve sorry! I have like 300 people on this thing now. I just do everyone when I can. I'll get you now. thanks for the reminder! I gotta catch up on shares!
Oct 02Reply

I can't find your fabulous compliment from yesterday anywhere but I wanted to thank you!! I saw it pop up while I was working and it couldn't have come at a better time... You totally made my day!! Thank you soooo much my sweet friend!😘
Oct 03Reply

@tsaia1977 CONGRATULATIONS!!! Gorgeous closet, way to go! 😼❤❤❤❤❤
Oct 11Reply

Oct 12Reply

@dsvensonrn hi, I did 😀 It is always in the description of this listing and Also marked in my closet, the people that have liked it get the notification from Posh usually when I drop the price :)
Oct 15Reply

Woowhoo, looks like ur closet is back to its usual success😀 Hope ur happy with the changes and having fun with ur renovation! All looks fab in my book😁
Oct 18Reply

This is great! Dee
Oct 23Reply

Thanks for all the shares tonight😀
Nov 04Reply

Please help me report user Jouer she is telling you to download an app so she could purchase your item but in reality she really wants to get a two dollar credit when you use her code. She is not interested in buying anything.
Nov 09Reply

@tsaia1977 Thxs I shared back
Nov 11Reply

@tasia1977 being induced Thursday share me
Dec 08Reply

@mamielovve woohoo congrats! almost time! best wishes on your little holiday miracle!
Dec 08Reply

@tsaia1977 Awe thx U Keeping My Hopes Up Because I'm in so much pain
Dec 08Reply

can u pay boscia black mask on M or P?
Dec 10Reply

@tasia1977 u shared
Feb 02Reply

@tsaia1977 Plz share me i lost my phone this weekend
Feb 20Reply

@tsaia1977 Thanks for the shares!!
Feb 24Reply

very cute closet!
Mar 27Reply

Saw that we have some of the same sizes and just wanted to ask if you could check out my closet! Happy poshing💞💞
Jun 12Reply

@tsaia1977 SHARED 6/14
Jun 14Reply

@tsaia1977 hi my posher friend. Good to here from you. :) thanks for sharing
Aug 03Reply

Good Idea!! I like this!!
Nov 02Reply

Jan 06Reply

@tsaia1977 A fun & good idea!
Jan 11Reply

@tsaia1977 Great idea! It worked enough for me to purchase the deal of the day! 😁😁😁
May 15Reply

This is a great idea ! I hope you don't mind if I use this.
Jul 14Reply

@jesabellbulosan of course!
Jul 14Reply

@tsaia1977 Sweeeeet closet! And I'm ready to party...AGAIN!
Aug 10Reply

This works! A few years ago I sold a vintage coach bag that was lingering in my closet! Good luck, Marian
Aug 20Reply

Congratulations on hosting this fabulous party . I will be there to cheer you and share your special listings.I will bring my friends along with me.If you have any spot available please consider my closet for a potential host pick. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖Looking forward to this great party with you.
Aug 20Reply

🎉COngrats🎉Just share bombed your closet, Hope that helps with your party tomorrow😆If you get a chance, please look in my closet for a possible pick!
Aug 20Reply

Thanks for sharing my stuff babes 😍😍😍💋
Sep 13Reply
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