Meet your Poshmark Seller/ Buyer :)
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I've been a part of the Poshmark Family since they began back in 2012 :) I wouldn't be here without all you lovely poshers! Thank you for all the support, shares, likes, follows, & purchases. You've all made so much possible and I want to thank the entire Poshmark community! I'm Stephanie, 27, and live in sunny North Florida. Fashion and giving deals on beautiful designer items is my passion & I'm utterly obsessed! Don't be shy, say Hi :)
Follow me on instagram: Thrifting4Trends

349 others
like this

You're gorgeous!!!!!😍😍
Sep 18Reply

Hi! I use or at least I try to use coupons all the time to save some money here and there. . . But I must ask how do u or those people that are shown on the show amass so many coupons and usually a lot of the same item!? I'll be lucky if I get one of each item in the Sunday newspaper 😊please share your tips with me. Thx!
Sep 18Reply

Hello Stephanie! It's nice to meet you! What a wonderful thing you are doing! It makes my 💓 feel good to see people like you making a difference by giving! God bless you and your family! Happy Poshing! Stephanie 😀👆🌎✌️
Sep 20Reply

You have gorgeous eyes. You are beautiful ;)
Sep 22Reply

Thank you so much love. You just made my night. If you are able to help others why wouldn't you? If I was in need I would want the same in return. Bless the ones who are less blessed!!! 🙏🙏🙏😄 @pfassionista
Sep 23Reply

You are so sweet! Have a blessed night! Thank you! @pamela3395
Sep 23Reply

Thank you hunny!! 💟💟 Happy poshing!!! 🎉 @lwy5012
Sep 23Reply

@lavishlook beautiful 😍 stay blessed 😘
Sep 23Reply

I love your hair!
Sep 26Reply

Thank you LOVE!!! Have a beautiful day!!! <3
Sep 26Reply

What I want to know is..... How much did those two baskets of items cost you? 😊
Btw, ur lovely!!!!
Sep 26Reply

LOL. Thank you so much! I didn't pay a penny for anything in those carts. They paid me :) But Publix is changing their policy no longer giving cash. They will put it on a gift card. But that's still okay with me! ;) I love cheap or free dog food. Great for my puppies and animal shelters!! Xo @mollys3
Sep 26Reply

Do you use Instagram?
Sep 26Reply

Hi, Thanks for sharing my listing, because of Poshers like you, it SOLD! ❤❤
Sep 26Reply

Thank you do much for sharing my D&G bracelet! You are absolutely beautiful btw:)
Sep 27Reply

@lavishlook you are drop dead gorgeous! I have never seen such symmetrical eyes! Haha! Thanks for the shares
Sep 27Reply

Thank you so much for your kindness! You are gorgeous yourself! @jdcuba
Sep 27Reply

@lavishlook how did you learn to extreme coupon? Any good websites you could share?
Sep 27Reply

I first started just looking at sales and matching up with coupons. Manufacturer and store coupons. You have got to learn the store policy's. As every store is different with their policy and limits of items you can buy. A great site for extreme couponing all over the U.S. bc they have every store is the She breaks it down for you and tells you want to do and how to get the coupon. Hope that helps. @dlauren1977
Sep 27Reply

@lavishlook thanks so much will check it out. You and your closet are amazing. Be blessed and prosperous! !!!♡♡♡
Sep 27Reply

Thanks for the share. Have a great weekend!
Sep 28Reply

I love this!!! I'm not "extreme", but couponing is a big part of my life too!! Nice to meet you!
Sep 28Reply

I got into couponing a few years ago & loved it lol. My husband loved how much we were saving lol. You have a great closet!!
Sep 30Reply

so nice to meet you!!!! thank you for the posh love and shares!!!
Oct 02Reply

Oct 02Reply

Wow u remind me a lot of a young sarah jessica parker, especially in the first photo!
Oct 04Reply

LOL, thank you! I hear that a lot actually. Have a blessed day! 🙏😘@kimberlydriskel
Oct 04Reply

💕 Hi Stephanie! Nice to meet you. That's very nice of you to donate to shelters in your area, I kni the shelters really do need help! I tried cutting out the coupons but I have trouble trying to match up what is the best deal! 😜😜😜😜 and my hands start hurting! Lol, I give yo lots of credit!
Oct 04Reply

Hi! I'm new to this and I'm doing it to save money for my senior year fees and what not. If you wouldn't mind, could you maybe share some of my listings and help me sell some of my things? it would mean a lot.
Oct 08Reply

Sharing 💕💕💕💕 just keep up sharing your own A LOT!!! And you will get some sales. 😘 @ayee_itsbrii
Oct 08Reply

Thanks a bunch 💚
Oct 08Reply

i love that sharing is innate! you're an awesome person! the world would be such a better place if everyone learned to share!
Oct 09Reply

Love your closet and love your reason for extreme couponing! I also try to give back whenever I can, one of my passions! Nice to meet you love 💜
Oct 16Reply

@lavishlook hi 🌹nice to meet u . I do s lot of donations too for the people in need . God bless ur heart.
Oct 20Reply

What a wonderful thing to do the world needs more people like you!!! Btw u have beautiful eyes . . . I'm sure uve heard that a lot lol thanks for the share u just did for me !! :)
Nov 25Reply

Thank you so much! I try my hardest. You can only do so much with the resources you have. I just started a gofundme page in hopes other people will help me help others :) Thanks so much and have a blessed day!!! @sweetestcyn1
Nov 25Reply

Thank you so much! I do. I'm always getting designer jeans in different sizes. I will keep you in mind and tag you when I post. Just Hudson? @heathermirra
Apr 15Reply

Hi I live in Miami ❤️, when you have size 26 denim could you please tag me ?
I hope you can buy your dream house 🏡
May 04Reply

You are SO SWEET!! Thank you. It's so nice to meet you! I will tag you when I post size 26 jeans. I'm jealous Miami! I'm stuck in Jacksonville :-( @efsane
May 04Reply

Let me know if you come down
We can posh together 👍😊
May 04Reply

@lavishlook Hello Sweetie👋🏽👋🏽 Nice Meeting you & visiting your Closet😊👍🏽
May 07Reply

It's a pleasure, Stephanie! - lovely closet, lovely you! 💚😽 tari
May 08Reply

Thank you so much sweetie! Hope you are having a wonderful day! I am so happy it is finally FRIYAY! LOL :-) Hopefully this weekend has beautiful weather!! @tezza630
May 08Reply

Lol, FRIYAY! I love that!! It's beautiful in Richmond - hope the same for you! 💚
May 08Reply

Hey Girl!! Congrats!! You are my 100,000 follower :) Enjoy anything in my closet for 50%!! @christinap711
May 08Reply

You're so pretty!! :)
Jun 01Reply

Thank you! You are so sweet :) @sharlovesalex
Jun 01Reply

Gorgeous :)
Jun 03Reply

Girl you are too!!!! Thank you :) Hope you are having a wonderful day! @irishgirl76
Jun 03Reply

@lavishlook Your to kind doll, thank you so very 😊
Jun 03Reply

Have Mercy, absolutely beautiful
Jun 03Reply

Aww OMG! So sweet. Thank you soo muchhhhh!!!! You are as well!!! Thanks for stopping by :) @bigdoggs76
Jun 03Reply

Thank you so much! I, myself, am from Georgia :-) @colormefemme
Jun 19Reply

You have a great closet!
Jul 10Reply

And you are stunning!
Jul 10Reply

Thank you Love! You are as well. Great closet btw. Love that you model most of your items with an outfit! ;) @fashion4hp
Jul 10Reply

Thank you ! I try to do that with all but sometimes there not enough time in the day :-)
Jul 10Reply

Girl I hear you. I work a full time job lol! I never have enough natural lighting and daytime! @fashion4hp
Jul 10Reply

Lol me too its so true!
Jul 10Reply

I'm late to this but I love your poshmark profile. I just started mine. Only have two things up but slowly but surely to have more. Any tips for me? I could really use some help.
Jul 27Reply

Nice to meet you! Just wanted to stop by and say hi!(: Oh and btw your hair is gorgeous!! 😍
Aug 29Reply

You're so pretty! 😁💙
Aug 29Reply

Hi 😊🎀 I'm stephany my daughter is Stephanie too 😁 and I'm 25 like you lol
Welcome to my closet I'm always putting news things I'll give you a discount because we are namesake and age 💖🎉
Aug 31Reply

Great closet & great style girl! I love all your stuff! 😎
Sep 01Reply

Thank you so much girl. It means a lot:) Hope you are having a great day!! @amy0228
Sep 01Reply

Thank you LOVE! @aida90
Sep 04Reply

@lavishlook 👀pretty eye makeup!!❤️
Sep 05Reply

Hi from California!
Sep 07Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!
Sep 09Reply

Thank you!
Sep 10Reply

Your hair 👌😍❤
Sep 11Reply

Sep 11Reply

Good saying! I love that flat tire idea 👍🏼👏🏼
Sep 12Reply

I do too! I love going by that quote... so true! @purequalityonly
Sep 12Reply

Thank you for the like on my black blazer! All prices are negotiable, let me know if your interested:)
Sep 13Reply

Hey just wanted to say your closet looks great! So clean with cute affordable items. I'll bookmark your closet for sure! Have a great week! ☺️
Sep 14Reply

Your eyes<3
Sep 22Reply

I'm a new follower and just made my first purchase from you...following closely; I LOVE your closet! 😍
Sep 23Reply

I am so happy to hear that! You are going to LOVE Poshmark along with all the lovely ladies that come along with it :) Thank you so much for the purchase! I really appreciate it and have a blessed night! @bono7211
Sep 23Reply

Thank you Darling. That was very sweet of you to say. I try my best to be a better and smarter person everyday! @kn_faith
Oct 07Reply

@lavishlook welcome to Poshmark Stephanie, im Christopher☺ you live in north florida, what part? im in Mobile
Oct 09Reply

Alot of peoplw have already said this but you are extremely gorgeous.
Oct 27Reply

I LOVE your entire closet!
Nov 05Reply

Hi Stephanie, my name is Karen, nice to meet you. I read your note to Manish, I too love this site. And all though I was not almost homeless,it helped me when I was at my lowest. The community and supportive woman on here that all have the same goals and love of fashion. I just thought your letter was very moving, thank you for sharing it. BTW you have a beautiful Closet! I'm still trying to perfect my photo skills though, I need some good photo apps! LOL! Have a nice weekend! :)
Nov 08Reply

Bonjour!!! Great items. I will seek for you in Instagram. Or even look for me.... @jewelsieb2 or Tweet @BJewelsieb2 😘
Nov 12Reply

Welcome to posh !!!!! I wish you the best of luck in selling/buying
Dec 15Reply

Hello you have a lovely closet
Dec 16Reply

Thank you Love. Have a beautiful and blessed day! @chunglee4819
Dec 16Reply

@lavishlook thank you u too
Dec 16Reply

Your closet is adorable!!!♡♡♡
Dec 16Reply

LOVE LOVE LOVE your clothes girly
Dec 21Reply

Love your closet . Super nice items . How long you been doing this with Poshmark
Dec 30Reply

🎉Happy New Year!!🎉
Thank you for the follow - Love your closet! 😘
Jan 01Reply

Bless you for your Awesome quote-I was outta here right before the LORD lead me to your Awesome Quote!!! Bc my SSA/DI just finally settle an I'm perm disabled. So this was perfect for me do on my good days(I have help to ship the packages so they r never late)
•order/refund/clothes MIS represented (I'm a 5Star seller/Mentor). Integrity is huge for me. -May the LORD bless you Abundantly
Blessings Kelli
Ps I need help with my closet it's to bland lol. Can u help me 😊
Jan 03Reply

New to this, even though it says April 2015. Great closet. How do I share your whole closet?
Jan 03Reply

Hay, I need your help to stop this order I did not place this order there's a $250 mark across back I did not buy that kind of stuff I do not spend that kind of money please stop this order I don't know how is happened but it's fraudulent
Jan 07Reply

Hi 🤗 Stephanie! Beautiful closet!!
Jan 19Reply

You're beautiful! I'm Rachel, nice to meet u!
Jan 21Reply

Wow girl! Thank you :) You are as well!!!!! @livefree24
Jan 21Reply

Hi Stephanie🌼... I'm Holly🌷
Wow, impressive you have been here with Poskmark from the beginning ! Your Closet is Gorgeous! Will get me into more fun trouble :)
I'm just here checking this out and finding a lot of great things and admiring all the closets and enjoying meeting and talking to some great Women! So thank you for following me. ( not much to follow but appreciate it. Take care going to go check out more of your great Closet! PoshLove 😘
Jan 27Reply

Thank you for liking my listing, you have a great closet!! Happy poshing!!🎉🎀
Jan 29Reply

Hey lavishlook I see you have followed me I guess that's a good thing, and u seem to know what you're doing on here but if u wouldn't mind I have about 3 or 4 questions that are better answered by another seller not the faq section so if u could spare a moment hit me back here or shoot an email to p.albrechtsen@yahoo thanks
Feb 02Reply

I'm open to offers on the purse
Apr 04Reply

You're so pretty! I'm new to Posh, thanks for following me! I love Florida, I lived in central Florida for a year! Well, take care!
Apr 15Reply

Ok Sorry I updated my payment info
Apr 25Reply

Hi, I just accepted your offer but it states there is an issue with your payment information. Did you update everything? @iamashleytbrook
Apr 25Reply

Ok I did but let me check real fast maybe it did not save right one min
Apr 25Reply

Does it give u a spot to put last three number the security code if so its 084 on mine it keeps disappearing if that don't work I'll put a new card in
Apr 25Reply

I am not able to change anything on the payment. That all goes through Poshmark. I don't even see your information. You may have to cancel offer and resubmit with new card information. @iamashleytbrook
Apr 25Reply

Ok thank you will do that right now
Apr 25Reply

You really are just amazing I love your stuff so beautiful just as you are in every way you just kill it
Apr 30Reply

Hi, crazy ?.. Maybe not since it's about fashion lol!! But where did you get the blue cold shoulder leopard shirt at that is in your profile pic? I LOVE it!! I love blue and leopard too lol😃
May 04Reply

@lavishlook Thanks for following me! You're absolutely GORGEOUS! We're talking trophy-wife stunning haha ;)
May 12Reply

😍😍😍😍 your closet!! Has anyone ever told you that after you look like a real life barbie??? Absolutely beautiful!! Lucky girl!! 😙
May 24Reply

Good to meet you. Have you shipped my purse priority mail? Tracking #? Thank you so much.
Jun 24Reply

Thanks for being my 500th follower. 😎✌🏼️
Jun 29Reply

🌷 My name is Shannon and I noticed that you like Milly of New York dresses. I have a beautiful brown and white palm leaf print strapless Milly dress listed and wanted to invite you to checkout my closet and consider following me. I also have Lilly Pulitzer, Tibi, and Trina Turk dresses as well! Happy Friday and Happy Poshing! 🌷
Jul 08Reply

Omg u are so beautiful 😃
Sep 14Reply

Beautiful closet and your adorable. 😉
Sep 15Reply

Hi, STEPHANIE!👋🏽 I'm Jan! Great to meet you and your lovely closet!
Sep 22Reply

If you are interested in those 2 dresses, I can waive the shipping cost for you and you can take advantage of the 25%off bundle discount. Let me know!
Sep 27Reply

Pretty Florida girl - hello OG. So, I am trying to sell you stuff you like, but I see you are hosting soon... so you may just be scouting picks. Regardless have a blessed day. Any questions welcome.
Sep 28Reply

Sep 30Reply

Congratulations on the party for tomorrow. If you are still looking for host picks I do hope you will consider my closet. Thank you❤️
Oct 03Reply

@lavishlook .
🌪Congrats on your Poshparty🌪
🌟✨Wishing you amazing party
I'll be there and partying with you🌟✨
Pls take a look @ my little closet for possible HOST PICKs!!!
Oct 03Reply

Thanks for following my closet and please feel free to make an offer if you like what you see in my closet. More to be added soon so check back often.
Oct 10Reply

I love that message. Totally awesome. 👯
Oct 29Reply

HI. Nice to meet you
Nov 03Reply

Thanks for following my closet 😊❤️
Nov 12Reply

@lavishlook 💕💕💕💕gorgeous closet doll☺️
Nov 16Reply

Thank you so much!! I appreciate the love :) @camechieb
Nov 16Reply

Thanks for following my closet 😀❤️️
Nov 16Reply

Omg you are so beautiful 😍
Nov 18Reply

Beautiful closet!! My primary closet is @danalouf and I'm a Suggested User as well as a top 10% seller and mentor. This 2nd closet is devoted to all things kids and my new boutique listings. Hopefully you'll have a sec to check out my primary closet, have a great day!💕💕
Nov 21Reply

Love your closet! ❤️
Nov 22Reply

Thank you sweetheart! Have a great rest of your day! @adissongrace
Nov 22Reply

@lavishlook hi friend, if you're interested in that banana coral dress… I can sell it to you for $70. Just make the offer and I can ship out after the holiday :-)
Nov 24Reply

Such a cute closet! @kjoyhm
Dec 14Reply

Love your closet! 😊💕 @lavishlook
Dec 14Reply

@shawna_bee Yes, it is! Already following 🙂
Dec 14Reply

Hi! Welcome to my closet! Thanks for the LiKE! I’m always willing to negotiate price through the Offer Button. Questions??? I am always happy to help in any way I can, so please don't hesitate to ask. Happy Poshing!
Dec 15Reply

Hello. I'm new to Poshmark and still learning the ropes. I'm slowly building my closet, have a lot more to add. Any tips or pointers you can provide to help me learn the business would be greatly appreciated.
Dec 25Reply

Thank you for your likes! ❤️ happy holidays!
Dec 26Reply

Gorgeous closet 🎀
Jan 01Reply

Thank you 😊 Have a Happy New Year!! 🎈🎉@thatgirlsally13
Jan 01Reply

@lavishlook ❤
You too Hun
May 2017 continue to bring Health, Happiness, Love & Prosperity 🎀🦄💕
Jan 01Reply

Hi! I'm a newbie trying to clean my closet out. Shares are appreciated ! Visit my closet ! Thanks!
Jan 02Reply

Hi Stephanie, thanks for the like on the Crystal Rock tee. I have a few others in my collection as well that I may post.
Jan 02Reply

Thank you for the shares! 😍
Jan 11Reply

Thank you Stephanie for being my first follower !!! I just started this posh thing... and when I do things I do them big and you look like somebody I can learn a thing or two from on this site! I'm hoping we can connect.
Jan 11Reply

I would absolutely love to connect with you! I am the same way, go big or just go home!! You can follow me on my IG so we can connect easier.. thrifting4trends @pristineposh
Jan 11Reply

@lavishlook lovely closet 💕🤗
Jan 15Reply

Beautiful closet @lavishlook 🌷
Jan 16Reply

HI I'm DOROTHEA thank you for the like ,your pictures are beautiful I'm open to offers I'm pretty new starting posting on THanksgiving and I loVe IT my new hobby!!!🌹🌹😉😉
Jan 16Reply

You have a lovely selection🕊Thank you for visiting my listings. And selecting the top. I appreciate the views and I welcome proposals 🥂
Jan 17Reply

hello! i am trying to get rid of alot of my clothes!! if your interested in 6 items with the 💥 by it ill give it to you for $25 lmk 😋😋
Jan 20Reply

Just stopping in to let you know I love your closet 💕💕💕
Jan 26Reply

Hi doll thank you for visiting my listings. I saw you liked a top I have listed. I can always do better on pricing. Lmk and again thank you for visiting you have a great closet! ☺
Feb 04Reply

Mar 01Reply

Thank you for liking my creation. 🌹I accept offers😊
Mar 07Reply

@lavishlook Hi! Thanks for your like! Just a FYI, I offer a 10% bundle discount and include a free gift on purchases $15+. No pressure but let me know if you have any questions! ☺️💕
Mar 07Reply

Hi,thank you for the like😊
Mar 07Reply

Hi friend, if you're interested in the beautiful wool skirt… I could ship it out to you for $35. Just make the offer :-)
Mar 14Reply

Don't just like it own it make me an offer and it could be yours
Mar 29Reply

Thank you for visiting and liking my closet! Hope you find something to like and bundle! Make an offer!
Mar 31Reply

Thanks for poshing around in my closet 💃🏽😘❤️
Apr 04Reply

Can also sell you the J.Crew striped dress for $48. Just make the offer
Apr 10Reply

✨Hey there👋🏼 Thanks for the like!💖 ☺Feel free to make me an offer &or bundle a few things up🛍 I have a lot of deals going on right now🤗 Scarves, Earrings, Shorts &Short Sleeve Tees are all 3 for $15.✨ Bracelets are 2 for$15 or 3 for$20💖 See something else you just have to have? Go ahead & make an offer on ANY item👏🏼 I NEVER refuse🤗 Pricing can always be negotiated😏✨
Apr 18Reply

Thanks for following me and visiting my closet, you have an amazing closet 😍😍😍I will be following you
Apr 20Reply

LOVE your closet 🙌🏼 Shared several items- I hope they sell! I liked a few things too so I can find them again when I'm looking to shop 😍
Apr 21Reply

Your closet is awesome! 💕
May 05Reply

Thanks for visiting 🍭
May 09Reply

thank you for visiting Timeline Boutique 👠 as seen on Fashiontv 👠 same day shipping + 25% off bundles + the ALL OFFERS SALE + gift with purchase on now! 🌈
Jun 16Reply

thanks for sharing my listing! be sure to check out my closet and add your likes to a bundle. i offer private offers, along with a 20% off discount for bundling 3 items or more. happy poshing☺️✨🌸
Jun 20Reply

Hi. I went to look at the chrysanthemum dress and the listing is gone. Did you remove it?
Aug 06Reply

Yes. After I sent offer I was like shoot I already sold it on another site. Sorry! @dmn123
Aug 06Reply

@lavishlook Darn!!! I waited to long! It's adorable. Thanks.
Aug 06Reply

I loved your closet! I hope you LOVE Poshmark as much as I do! Have a great night! ✨✨✨✨
Aug 11Reply

Hi, very impressive posh seller, congratulations on all your success!
Aug 15Reply

Gorgeous Closet 💓 @lavishlook
Aug 17Reply

Good morning, thanks for following me, that saying is fantastic 🤗
Aug 27Reply

Thanks for stopping by and finding something you like. Your closet is so nice and very much my style. It was fun sharing from it. Hope you'll visit us ofyen
Oct 02Reply

Oct 02Reply

Absolutely impeccable closet! Elegant, buyer-friendly, sharer-friendly! My new role model! Thanks for the inspiration! Elizabeth (@allaribalta)
Oct 14Reply

Thanks for sharing!!😃☺️😀
Oct 23Reply

Thank you for the share!!
Nov 03Reply

Thank you for sharing and helping me get my items out there! 🤗🤗 Makes my day!!
Nov 04Reply

Beautiful Collection!!! I have to force myself to share ... lol it’s Christmas and I want to buy everything for me! Nice to meet you! XoxoX I am new here since Oct but active on here since last month. I love it so much. 😍🤓
Dec 16Reply

Lovely closet with fabulous high quality items and photographs! You are inspiring!🤗
Jan 06Reply

Hi!!!!🖐 Thanks 4 sharing😄
Jan 09Reply

@lavishlook Hi Stephanie 🙋🏽Thank you for supporting me by sharing my closet I really appreciate 😃😃
Jan 23Reply

😃 Hi there! I am Gloria. Nice to meet you here on Poshmark . I would like to invite you to check out my closet for new items with tags from the most favorite brands. Bundle 2 or more items for an additional discount and to pay just one shipping charge. And there are even more offers in my closet like BOGO 50% OFF on new With TAGs Winter Items, etc so please check it out😊 If you have any questions about the items, I would be happy to help. Happy Poshing 😃
Jan 23Reply

🌺🌺🌺 🌴You've Been Lei'd, Enjoy😊
Feb 02Reply

Hello I'm kind new been here since January and I like this its easy to get hooked. Please stop by my closet when you get a chance.
Mar 03Reply

Thank you for coming to my closet
Apr 28Reply

Hi there! 🌟 I️ see we’ve liked some of the same items!🌸 mind checking out my closet?💖
May 18Reply

Thanks for the follow on IG! Just stopping through to check out your closet and spread some Posh Love! Wishing you many sales! -@Seconds2Love
Jun 13Reply

Thank you Stephanie . You have beautiful clothes. 🌝💗
Jul 06Reply

Hi Stephanie, thank you for following. Luv ur closet and amazing blue/green eyes. Have a great night.💕
Jul 08Reply

Thanks for the share and the ❤️
Jul 09Reply

Hii Stephanie! Thank you for the kind words! Wish the top would have worked out for you but thank you so much for sharing! You are awesome! ❣️
Jul 09Reply

You have a beautiful closet!!!😍
Jul 09Reply

Hello lavish look. Thank you for sharing white Columbia skirt. So sorry it’s not your size. You have the most followers I’ve ever seen. Wow! Great job!!!!
Jul 17Reply

Ty for sharing💗🌝
Jul 22Reply

Thanks for the add gorgeous 😘😘
Jul 25Reply

Thank you for following 😁
Jul 27Reply

LMAO girl!! 😂 I have a 32C so I’m super tiny! I hope you can still wear it. If not, feel free to shoot me a low ball offer on something you adore so you’re happy!
Aug 01Reply

Thanks for the follow!! I went ahead and shared a few of your items!💕💕Beautiful closet!!!
Aug 08Reply

Nice doggie 🐶
Aug 30Reply

You have the cutest closet on Posh. Nice job girl!!!
Aug 31Reply

Thankyou for the follow babygirl 😘😍❤️
Sep 20Reply

It's a Wonderful Fall Sunday! Enjoy. Thank you for Sharing. Happy Poshing and God Bless
Oct 21Reply

I have a for Love and lemons dress you may like!
Oct 26Reply

Nov 28Reply

Thanks for the follow beautiful 🤙🏽
Dec 18Reply

Well hello lovely lady thanx 4 following I'm really new to this thing so if it's cool i may inquire with you for a little advice sometimes!?😉
Jan 03Reply

😎🌴☀️Good Morning local fellow Posher! I live in PVB also 😊 🌊 🐚 How long have you been Poshing for? You have a ton of followers! 😳😬. Do you have a local store somewhere also? What’s your secret to so many items and sales? I’m fairly new and learning! Please visit my closet and give me any feedback. 👗👛👠
Jan 09Reply

Hi! Thank you for checking out my closet and for the likes! You have a super cute closet, I love your clothing options! Good luck to you <3
Jan 26Reply

hey odd question, is that Cinnamon Bay St. john in the usvi? in your cover photo?
Mar 07Reply

@katetomlinson15 Hi there! It’s Trunk Bay in USVI 🌴🌊
Mar 07Reply

@lavishlook that’s awesome i used to live on st. thomas next island over! i lived there 16 years😂thats so cool to see this, brings back good memories, in a way its a small world!
Mar 07Reply

@katetomlinson15 I’m jealous! It’s a beautiful island. Love the vibe and people. Yes it is a small world. I see this picture all the time on the web of the same view but I did myself take this picture 👍🏼🤗
Mar 07Reply

@lavishlook i love that! i love this picture this view it awesome and gets me everytime
Mar 07Reply

Hi, you have beautiful closet and I love your photos, may I ask where you get the plastic bags to ship your items?
Mar 19Reply

Awesome shot
Mar 26Reply

Nice place ya live, summer breeze
Mar 27Reply

Procaffeinating I love that! 😍💕😘
Apr 24Reply

I just started a month ago and I’m very new at this whole thing. You have an absolutely gorgeous closet!!
Apr 25Reply

Absolutely, class act thou art. ◇ Just left your lovely Ponte Vedra and St Augustine a few weeks ago ~ Say, in the no•such•thing•as•a•coincidence realm, you wouldn't know some of my new Inlaws family, would you? The Shields of PV? ▪ Best to your zest and journey of success. ~ Kate✒ absolutely
May 03Reply

Just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
May 19Reply

Great to Connect With You!! Love your Closet!! Very Elegant and Organized
May 24Reply

Have the best day😉🥰🥳
May 25Reply

Thanks for following me from the other coast! Great closet and posh style :)
Jun 17Reply

Hello, will you please let us know your suggestions on our closet! What should we improve? How do get more followers? Thank you so much! Blessings 🙏
Jul 04Reply

Your closet is so visually pleasing to browse through. Beautiful 🙂
Jul 17Reply

@curated_clothes Thank you so much for the love and support 🥰
Jul 17Reply

You closet is gorgeous!!!
Jul 18Reply

Thanks for following me. Just wandering, if you wear makeup?
Aug 02Reply

Hi! Please check out my brown peep toe bootie heels listing And the rest of my closet! I think you’ll love it!
Aug 18Reply

Hi, thanks so much for following & sharing 🌺
Aug 19Reply

Hi Stephanie, Very nice closet! Lots of fine things.
Thanks for following my closet.
Aug 21Reply

You have a beautiful outlook and your words are very inspirational💕 Stunning Closet and beautiful woman!
Aug 24Reply

Hello fellow Posher. Nice to meet you. I invite you for a special bundle savings. Sending positive vibes. Wishing you the best experience in buying and selling. Happy Poshing! :)
Aug 24Reply

Thank you for the follow. I've returned the favor :-) All the proceeds from my closet sales are donated to my nephew for his trip to Washington DC, so I appreciate you looking around and sharing. Have a great evening!
Sep 04Reply

Good morning! Wow you have been with them since the beginning wonderful! I just started it's been fun! We are retired and go to Florida in the winter. Have a blessed day! krissysammy
Nov 04Reply

Hi there. I’m new to Poshmark and noticed you are quite established on here. Can you give me some advice. When someone likes your listing do you always send out an offer?? I don’t want to be pushy with the customer but also don’t want to miss a sale. Greatly appreciate your help and advice. Thanks 😊 in advance.
Nov 13Reply

@buyitallgirl Hi there welcome! Yes anytime someone likes an item I send a private offer to them as soon as I see it. I send offers daily. Also anytime someone adds to their bundle I send an offer or will comment in it. Sharing and listing is the most important! 💞
Nov 13Reply

Thanks for the help. I will make sure to send out offers right away. I am into a routine of sharing like crazy. I seem to get a lot of likes but need to work on closing the deal. Thanks again for the help and quick response. Take care.
Nov 13Reply

Thank you for the follow 😊
You look absolutely incredible
Dec 15Reply

You have placed an unauthorized charge to my account and it needs to be reversed. You have placed two charges in the same amount for the same item on my card. Please reverse this immediately. I have contacted Poshmark support and placed a dispute on my card for the fraudulent charge.
Dec 30Reply

This has been taken care of by the credit card company. Thank you
Dec 30Reply

Adorable fur baby 😁
Jan 08Reply

Is that a Min Pin? Looks just like my baby girl. I love your closet. I will be sharing faithfully.
Mar 04Reply

Hi! Thank you for the follow. I am having a Birthday Bash Sale in my closet and everything is included. For this Birthday Sale I am accepting all offers no matter what price you offer. Have a great day!
Jun 04Reply

@lavishlook Great items listed, as usual!! Also, CONGRATULATIONS for starting @ a very young age with Poshmark. I tried Thrifting4Trends on Instagram, but no luck!
Jul 15Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my listing!!!❤❤❤
Jul 24Reply

Happy Wednesday!! I just set up an Instagram for my Poshmark account and I’m so glad I came across your page! Looking forward to following you here & on Insta 💕
Nov 05Reply

Happy Monday! I just started an Instagram for my Posh closet a little over a week ago & I’m so glad I found your page! Looking forward to following you here & on Insta :) 💕
Nov 09Reply

Enjoy your closet. Gives us something to aspire to!
Feb 16Reply

@lavishlook Hello! Thank you for the follow! I just started a BUY 1 GET 1 last night! I offer HUGE Bundle Discounts! 💸 Check out my closet and bundle your likes! 🛍 I have some beautiful Tiffany, 💎 Louis Vuitton, 👜 , Valentino, Tory Burch, MILLY Dresses 👗 Christian Louboutin Shoes 👠, Victoria Secret items, Beach Bunny Swimsuits 👙and much more! And more MENS items coming soon!
Jul 02Reply

hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 17Reply

Hi Gorgeous , how are you? You got a lovely closet :)
Here I would like to say Hi, invite and welcome you to stop by at my store to check out if you could find anything you Like.
My closet is selling 400+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”
Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Feb 03Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Mar 31Reply

Hi! I’m Jaime. New to Poshmark. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. Just stopping by to introduce myself and say hi! I list a variety of items and plan on buying from fellow poshers as well! I always send a 💝FREE GIFT💝 with every order. 💫Stay Dreamy💫 and always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! xo 💜 Jaime
May 25Reply

@lavishlook Hi Stephanie! I attended your live for the first time tonight and bought some of your beautiful items! I would is appreciate it if you let me know when you will be having your live shows! I know you announce them on social media, but I don’t have it. I love your closet and can’t wait for your next show!! Thanks so much!! 💜💜
Mar 10Reply

Hi Stephanie! Love love love your heart, your light and your style! How cool you’ve been with Posh since 2012! I absolutely love this platform but I’m so new to it! I Would love to chat/pick your brain about what you love, roadblocks, wins, losses here? I would love to get involved more in this community! If you’re willing ☺️ I’m sure you’re so busy! So happy for you and your successes!
May 19Reply

Hi there. I’m interested in your Burberry ankle boots. Are they still available? Please respond. Thanks.
Jan 04Reply

GF, where’d you go?! I used to buy from your live shows and then poof you were gone!😂Hope you’re doing ok my friend.😊
Jan 15Reply
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