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Updated Aug 18

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suzqz @liv1966 hey girl! Thanks for the shares! I wanted to post more today however life came up and did not get the chance. However I will be posting much more tomorrow so please stay tuned... Thanks again for all of your help and hospitality!
Nov 07Reply
incognito13 @suzqz I'm happy to help you! Yes, I've been trying to get the chance to post too but both girls were here and house full! Life does get crazy around here! All girls lots of drama! LOL! I'm so happy you started a closet. You'll love it. It's a great hobby and you make tons of friends.
Nov 07Reply
justjessi @suzqz lol‼️ I have been asked that a lot. I use about 5-10 diff apps in very UNCONVENTIONAL ways. I combine & tweek each listing depending on my moods. I could never duplicate any one. Just play around with diff apps to see which ones suit you. I have tried some that others have suggested that just plain frustrated me‼️‼️ My "tried & true" is InstaCollage for iPhone. LMK if I can help out in any other way. Sorry I don't have an "easy" answer for you. Good luck. I am following you & will def 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 ur closet. Would appreciate the same‼️💜💜💜💜 💋 #xojessi
Nov 07Reply
justjessi @mrfike @dcnativegirl @manymurrays @920designs @bellanblue @janicegw Please help one of our new Poshers spread the 💜💜💜💜💜 like I know you can‼️‼️‼️ thanks, lovelies‼️‼️‼️ @suzqz closet 💋 #xojessi
Nov 07Reply
suzqz @justjessi I thank you a million lady! N I sure will do the same right now.
Nov 07Reply
justjessi @mrfike THANKS, l💜ve‼️‼️ yes, @suzqz join as many following games as you can. Not only great to gain follows, you will "meet" lots of lovely Poshanistas, too‼️‼️ Win. Win. 💋 #Xojessi
Nov 08Reply
mtnhiker Thank you @mrfike ❤️Follow game @tracysg @hurdkb @yellowandpink27
Nov 08Reply
justjessi @suzqz You bet ‼️‼️💜💜💜💜 💋 #xojessi
Nov 08Reply
chenchita @la_boutique thanks chica for the tag ...this will keep me going til 0700
Nov 08Reply
miami_wife 😘👍
Nov 08Reply
suzqz @vanadzor thanks alot lovely!
Nov 08Reply
miami_wife Yw👍🌹
Nov 08Reply
heartmykids @mrfike Hi... If you don't mind can you remove me from the tagging. I am so busy ..don't have time to keep up right now.. -thanks
Nov 08Reply
suzqz @mrfike so sorry but thAt is not a problem. I just need you to tell me how to take u off from it.
Nov 08Reply
heartmykids @mrfike Thanks!!!😉
Nov 09Reply
luvmyqh6 @suzqz Hi!! Here are some great ladies to play your FW Game! @abbiesexton @brandid93 @jcass5 @abmarks @sandikny @tahdysmom @holiday_corner @stephdemarquez @jessicamichxoxo @mcamacho @lindsey31814 @clb222 @tasad3 @kempfiefer10 @lalacv05 @salley1972 @juliewang @theyloverissa @luxyluv @pcalliepilson Hi ladies! Let's help each other get more followers! The more followers you have the more sales!! Like, share, follow, and tag!! You guys are the best! Thank you so much ladies! Sorry if I double tagged you!❤🐴
Nov 09Reply
deyonceb Aw thanks😘😘 your so sweet
Nov 09Reply
dressyu @suzqz Welcome to Posh. Ofcourse I will help you let me Introduce some Additional Wonderful Poshers. Isn't this Great. @kookc @dierks24 @mytherapy @justfabulous32
Nov 09Reply
janet0103 @bre_1210 Follow Game😄
Nov 09Reply
kgdean6 Follow my closet @kgdean6
Nov 09Reply
tiff_liu Just followed your! I have a following game too 😘
Nov 10Reply
daisyd0102 @vanadzor thanks for the tag. :)
Nov 10Reply
temptations4you Just returned and followed all the new likes ;)
Nov 11Reply
suzqz @liv1966 I deleted my Boyds Bears :( I was actually getting a couple sales off of them so im kinda upset but I have to follow the rules. Im not one to stir the pot. I just wanted to tell you so you can be assured that I am a good posh girl lol
Nov 11Reply
incognito13 Awww @suzqz I love ya girl...even if you are an outlaw! LOL....we all did it when we started out. Hey are you home or able to share 12:00 noon tomorrow? If so I can introduce you to the share group.
Nov 11Reply
incognito13 @suzqz I'll give you a big shout out when I'm on my computer or I pad. But I have to take care of some family stuff first.
Nov 11Reply
suzqz @liv1966 I usually am not but I will try to be tom for you girl!
Nov 11Reply
suzqz @dyfcloset thanks for the shared!
Nov 26Reply
gemsbyjoan Hi ladies NEW FOLLOW GAME!!! 😃💗💕💕 @msu0712 @alwtober @hrachal @sistapray @chicaccessories
Dec 05Reply
suzqz @kira9870 hey girl!!! Welcome to Posh! I was so excited to see your name come up! Are you going to be just buying or selling as well? Either way we are happy to have you! If you do want to start a closet n have any questions just let me know. Il hemp in anyway I can. Il bring lots of people your way to! This is like a big family. You will meet alot of really nice ladies on here. Im very excited for you!
Dec 13Reply
incognito13 @suzqz Holy Crap Suzi, do you want to come over here and post for me????you can bring the baby :) love ya girl!
Jan 06Reply
suzqz @liv1966 hey girl! Lol you crack me up. Im so overjoyed by my grandson. It's so much love I just cant explain. Your closet is amazing you can come post for me hun!!! Things on here have slowed down for me. I made a sale right before xmas and then nothing since. Any tips? What do u think about the pricing of my closet? I thought it was very fair but I want to sell sell sell girl lol. I tried finding you on fb but I couldn't. Maybe you will try to find me. Suzi Smith from Shamokin. I love ya girl!!!! My pff!
Jan 06Reply
incognito13 @suzqz I'll look for you. A lot of us posh pals talk on FB. I share the host picks at the party's. It seems to bring a lot of traffic in my closet. Yes your prices are fair. Give yourself a little wiggle room to negotiate. I know it's slow sometimes but when you get a sale it seems like you get a ton all at once.
Jan 07Reply
incognito13 @suzqz Yay you found me on FB. Now we can really party down. LOLOLOLOL
Jan 07Reply
suzqz Thats right! Im so excited!
Jan 07Reply
luvfchanel Hiya, I apologize for imposing, but I saw your comment about a women who is beginning chemo?? You were asking a posher who had a bundle of beanies Id she would donate them to her? Could you let me know who she is so, I can send her some hats?? my sister fought that fight and won, so anything I can't do to help. Please let me know
Jan 08Reply
suzqz @luvfchanel her name is @kristenrog206. Thank you so much for spreading the word. This lady is so sweet. She is about to start up chemo. She purchased a sweater from me n I had no idea about the chemo at the time. I always throw in a gift n this was shortly before xmas. I threw in two beanie hats and a scarf then later received a message from her thanking me so much for the extras because she is starting chemo. So I thought without her knowing I would try to get some posh sisters to help her out. Thank you so very much for your help! If there is anything else I can help you with at all ever you just let me know! 👼
Jan 08Reply
luvfchanel Could u possible ask her if she will allow u to email me her address, that someone just wants to help. My email is
Jan 08Reply
luvfchanel @suzqz thank you so much for the kindness you showed her, that's awesome. I will continue to spread the word and help where I can as well. Thank you again
Jan 08Reply
suzqz @luvfchanel certainly. I will message her now and I will email you her info if she allows. I will let you know either way. Thank you very much again!
Jan 08Reply
suzqz @luvfchanel thank you! You are an angel!
Jan 08Reply
luvfchanel My pleasure sweetie
Jan 08Reply
luvfchanel I see my sister this weekend too, so I'm going to ask her for some of her scarfs, and hats we got her. I'm sure she would love to help
Jan 08Reply
suzqz @luvfchanel oh that would be so wonderful! I messaged her. Im not sure if she is on alot or not but as soon as she replies I will let you know. You are doing such a selfless act and it wont go unnoticed! Im sure she will appreciate your kind gesture. I hope your sister is doing well. Is she done with the chemo now? Is she in remission? What kind of cancer does she have? Sorry for the questions. Only answer if your comfortable! Again thank you!
Jan 08Reply
suzqz @luvfchanel Kristen got back to me with her email and she is elated for you wanting to help. Anyway here is her email. God Bless you! kristenrog206@gmail. com
Jan 09Reply
tonteezy @laurencarey11 follow everyone that "liked" this post!
Jan 29Reply
faynna Hun it's fayna I dint cancel your order uh push did . Cuz I can't sell toys in here and somebody reported me so I got my account blocked . Just made you a listing I tagged you I can se rube the item but you know what it's if you still interested in purchase ..sorry
Feb 11Reply
metalhead8412 @suzqz I still have your item on hold. I removed it from posh because it's against the rules. LMK when your ready and I will make you a listing. Unless you can purchase a different way:)
Feb 16Reply
batasoy @suzqz shared and followed all these lovely ladies😘😘😘😘😘
Mar 08Reply
suzqz @batasoy thanks for your help! 👍
Mar 08Reply
aridni99 @dmv25 Another FG!
Mar 10Reply
suzqz Thank you so much @dmv25 !!!!
Mar 10Reply
bluidvll Another great follow game to increase your followers @mkribs @laurenscloset90 @mc820897 @reyreyfasho @christi_405 @reaganscloset @gracejaques @jtran06 @fabfashions4you @sweetpeasdreams if you would like to be removed from tagging for these just let me know and I will remove you. Thanks and happy poshing!!😀😀😀😀💜💜💜💜
Mar 11Reply
suzqz Thanks @hwiginton . Help me spread the word! Thanks so very much!!
Mar 11Reply
hwiginton @naturelover @currentfashion @classyvintage @myspoiledwife Help share this sweet PFF's Follow Game!! 💞💞💞💞💞
Mar 12Reply
hayleelovesyooh Thanks for the follow! Here's $5 to spend in my closet!😊
Mar 28Reply
suzqz @hayleelovesyooh thank you so much!
Mar 28Reply
lucidemotion @dmv25 TY SO much for the tag! @suzqz TY for starting this! I can't believe I didn't see this earlier. Feel free to check out the FOLLOW GAME IN MY CLOSET(if you haven’t already) for more follows, shares, likes AND SALES!!!! <3 {There's also an FG in the bottom of my closet that is maxed on likes but I am sure if you followed those ladies you"ll get follows back}
Mar 29Reply
ariyanka @lucidemotion keep em coming 😁already following this posher!
Mar 29Reply
suzqz @lucidemotion thank you so much!!! I will make sure I follow both of them! Tha ks so much again. Happy Poshing!
Mar 29Reply
suzqz @ariyanka thanks for following 😉
Mar 29Reply
suzqz @traimichelle thank you for your help :)
Mar 30Reply
justjessi @suzqz U ROCK‼️🎵🎵🎵 Thank you so much for 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 my closet with your friend ‼️‼️💜💜💜💜💜💜 💋 #xojessi
Apr 03Reply
suzqz Thank you sooo much for the tags and shares @justjessi ! You frkn rock!
Apr 03Reply
islandthreadsvi Thank you:)
Apr 12Reply
suzqz @hopesparkles Thank you so much for ragging your friends and helping me gain followers! I truly appreciate it!
Apr 13Reply
hopesparkles ✨ (((Suzi))) You're more than welcome. Btw, I have a FG too. ✨
Apr 13Reply
suzqz @hopesparkles ok. I am coming to share your game now! Thanks
Apr 13Reply
thewispygypsy @tammycb Follow game!
May 04Reply
nolanmain Whewww all done! Thank you for posting. 😉
Jun 03Reply
thriftguru_ Thank you💕💜👍🏾 #shared
Aug 01Reply
mmbracelets Following
Aug 18Reply
classygirl41 @camocrazy17 thanks for the tag appreciate it 😊💕❤
Aug 21Reply
camocrazy17 @classygirl41 your welcome dear
Aug 21Reply
michelle3167 I look several times a day and follow as many people as I can imagine pretty new to the site and I am trying to figure it all out so I appreciate all the help and advice I can get
Aug 23Reply
suzqz @michelle3167 definitely keep up with following people. The next thing you should do is share your own closet as many times a day as you can. It brings attention to the items you have for sale. Also if somebody shares always share back. Ask away if you have anymore questions. 😊
Aug 24Reply
michelle3167 @suzqz thank you I'm new yet and it's nice to get advice and tips
Aug 24Reply
suzqz @michelle3167 np. Just ask me anything.
Aug 25Reply
luxelles Hey guys come check out my follow game!!!😊
Sep 09Reply
buffy16 Michelle S has moved to Merc.
Sep 12Reply
suzqz Thanks for the love everyone! 😆💖💖💖 I will make a new listing to make following others easier soon.
Sep 14Reply
cugabear Hi! @suzqz hope you're doing well 💐
Oct 18Reply
thefashionnook 👜👠👞Let's follow ladies! FG alert 🚨! 👞👠👜 @larisa_rose 📖 @gingerjane 📚 @coffeebeansclst 📖 @sarah_elisee 📚 @cjskolnik 📖 @orangejewce 📚 @alenaco 📖 @kirabella35 📖 @tipsy4me2 📚 @whatcom1 📖 @tracima 📚 @angelbritton 📖 @rachrich2022 📚 @posh411 📖 @hollypo 📚 @mimireed 📖 @cajt62 📚 @vlsavell 📖 @angelaenigro 📖 @alluck1210 📖 @sydneydak 📚 @sara_miichelle 📖 @tropicalmama 📚
May 17Reply
royce5000 Thanks for shopping with me!Item ships tomorrow!!
Oct 01Reply

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Last Active: Oct 13 2017

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