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✨Do you know the Savior of the world?❤️



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Taking a moment to remember what CHRIST has done for me... Do you know what He did for you? I know this is quite personal for some... But I love to spread the good news!! Especially at CHRISTMAS... Because He is the whole Reason for the season. He loves all of His creation. And so do I... Happy New Year to you and your family. May God bless you richly! According to His riches in glory. YOU CAN READ SOME OF MY TESTIMONY BELOW♥️if you have ?'s Please feel free to ask!
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mistielee Through my LORD JESUS, I am a child of the MOST HIGH GOD. This means I am to know Him intimately, taking every possible chance to do so. I am HIGHLY FAVORED and rich according to His riches and His glory. This is not of my own accord for I am but a sinful wretch, who in realizing this; has received the blessing of being washed by the BLOOD OF CHRIST. All of these are our PROMISES because of the BLOOD OF JESUS. I am UNFATHOMABLE, PASSIONATE; OVER EMOTIONAL when it comes to all whom I love. I have great friends and a church family that ROCK! They are some of the coolest people I know! I'm mesmerized by the atypical as well as with people who are constantly thinking! I am perfectly content with my own company (remembering that God is always with me) BUT, just as comfortable socializing in a large setting. I love the feeling I get from sitting in a still quiet place, finishing a good book, listening to music or playing with Eddie out on the grass. I make choices based on what I BELIEVE not on what others WANT me to believe. I have been accused of being a perfectionist most of the time and of being too organized. I love old things, especially things that remind me of “The good old’ days” everyone has a “Good old’ Days!” I love people from my past like Grandma Ruth, Aunt Anna, Candy, Louie (the old man that lived beside uncle Dallas), Johnny Cash, Tom T. Hall, Jeannie C. Riley, Deborah, Cathy, Tyler and many others I have not mentioned. I simply adore the one who puts a smile on my face, the one who makes me think beyond my normal range, the one who impresses me with knowing their Savior, and the one who yearns for what they know and for what they know they need! I always respond to emotion, But not more than to, logic. I'm very visual and use gestures when I speak. I don’t like the world’s philosophy, nor do I live by it. I am a creative thinker, intuitive, I need reason... and at times, have no sense of time. I listen more to your tone than your words. I can talk about GOD all day... and love to sleep outdoors with His trees and His wind. I believe in reaching out to the LOST, the LONELY and the FORGOTTEN! I was a teenager of the 80's where spiked hair of all colors was normal. A time when I thought wearing used clothing was a curse and now I am absolutely thrilled to shop at any Goodwill or Salvation Army store for pieces of clothing you could never find in any department store! Some of my favorite hobbies include reading good books as well as the Good Book! Riding through the hills of God’s fantastic creation, [Potter County, “God’s Country]” on my ATV; thinking, praying, feeling the warm sun, breathing the fresh air, worshiping, praising and singing to my Creator. Dancing to the music even when other people aren't aware there is music. Sometimes, I scribble down thoughts when it is difficult to express myself in speech I calm myself with the inner peace I have been given as a gift from my Savior. I find great joy in going to places I have yet seen, and I am enthralled with nature; even soil smells heavenly too me. It holds memories of my father’s logging and trucking days. Please be HONEST with me and speak for yourself. I am an OPTIMIST! I love to LAUGH and to sit outside on cool nights with a cup of hot chocolate; Summer-nights ~ simply watching the beautiful sun being set by the beautiful Son. I enjoy the COLORS I see and attach to all of them situations and EMOTIONS that I want to be able to quickly EXPRESS and define with ease. EXPRESSION flows from within through music, and the words I write. Much of my spare time is spent diving into God’s Word… or sleeping through movies. I also enjoy talking to my Husband, my CHILDREN and even the birds that fly overhead above our home off route 49. I enjoy walking, I am observant and not much escapes me. I try to keep it SIMPLE and believe in total comfort at all times; although I know that it is not always afforded to me! I may purposely get lost in hopes of DISCOVERING a new Path. I usually over-tip, if I don't have CASH to give you and you have the time, I would gladly give you the Gospel; which is worth much more than cash! I ADMIRE those who never strive to fit in and those who don't need to even try to STAND OUT. That always impresses me… although I am not easily impressed by mankind. I try to be the BEST person I can be...sometimes this works and other times, I fall short. I have survived some terrible situations only because of the Father’s kind, precious hand. I have the support of dear FRIENDS, and a loving church family. I go through PHASES of accepting myself as I am and of feeling weak and extremely incomplete at times; However, I know that the Bible teaches me that I am more than an over-comer! And I remember that God is with me always. I try not to pass JUDGEMENT on others and to ACCEPT them for who/what they are. I do have a terrible habit of JUDGING THINGS RIGHTEOUSLY for Christ’s sake. I CRY easily, feel with great INTENSITY at times and feel it is a GIFT to feel so strongly. It is part of what makes me SPECIAL… It is Christ in me! I'm naturally drawn to lowly, lonely and broken people and desire to fix them. I am drawn by the wind that captivates my heart with empowering memories of the “good old’ days.” I miss loved ones who have gone on eternally. I bask in the memories of them and savor each thought. I thoroughly enjoy dreaming of the future tasks God has for my life and wonder how I will fair? Will I hear His every call? I can only pray that He will give provision and lead with His gentle hand as He has shown me in the past…I long to fulfill His every whim for my life, just as He has preordained, for me to do. Father, let me hear with clarity! I love the sound of a baby’s laugh and when a child recognizes knowledge… how exciting! I love to worship my Savior, especially with a song! Praising GOD and fellowship with BROTHERS AND SISTERS in the FAMILY of GOD is more than an interest...It helps to SUSTAIN me and blesses my LIFE! I am going to meet one day… my Advocate, The Lamb Of God, the Resurrection & the Life, Shepherd & Bishop Of My Soul, Judge, Lord Of Lords, Man Of Sorrows, Head Of The Church. Master, Faithful & True Witness. The Rock, High Priest. The Door. The Living Water, the Bread of Life. The Rose of Sharon, the Alpha & Omega. The Messiah. The Teacher, the Holy One. The Mediator. The Beloved. The Vine. The Carpenter. The Good Shepherd. The Light of The World. The Word. The Chief Cornerstone. The Savior. The Servant. The Author & Finisher of My Faith. The ALMIGHTY. The Everlasting Father. Lion of the Tribe Of Judah. The great I AM. The KING of kings. The Prince Of Peace. The Bridegroom. The Only Begotten Son Of God. The Wonderful Counselor. Emmanuel. The Son Of Man. Dayspring. The AMEN. The KING of The World. The Prophet. The Redeemer. The Anchor. The Bright & Morning Star. The Way. The Truth. And The Life....JESUS CHRIST MY LORD AND MY GOD. WHILE I AM here... I'd like to meet the Cast of C.S.I., Third Day, Jeremy Camp, and Addison Road. JOHNNY DEPP, Julia Roberts, Sylvester Stallone and Dr. G! Not to mention, of course, loved ones that I have yet to meet and grand children that are only yet in MY DREAMS. ~~ The one who would RISK everything for a PURPOSE, a BELIEF, a DREAM, a PERSON~~. People with VALUES and COMPASSION ~ Someone who can show me something NEW. There is so much more, I could say... not nearly enough time =) MY LIFE MESSAGE... When I think of the wisdom and scope of God's plan, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit. And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love. And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it. Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope. Ephesians 3:14-20
Dec 18Reply
elizmul WOW...Amen girlfriend...AMEN!!! I feel the same husband and I both have been married now going on 21 years...our marriage has been STRONG and LASTING because of our STRONG FAITH in the LORD! Thank you for NOT being afraid to share yours...too many people are now days! BLESS YOU and YOUR FAMILY! Stay strong in your walk...I for one can't wait to meet my Lord and Savior in person one day!! P.S. I love Goodwill shopping too!! (wink)
Dec 18Reply
mistielee @elizmul Elizabeth. Thank you... You have no idea how YOu have lifted my heart at this very moment. I like you can't wait to see His face.. The One who died for ME. I can not keep myself from sharing His GooDNess!! I have learned it is only my faith in Him that always.. Carries me through!! Thank you for believing in the One who loves us more than anyone ever could!! Merry Christmas! ️PS. You know that is my very favorite place to shop!! 😎 God bless you, always.
Dec 18Reply
elizmul Same to you chica...God is GOOD!!
Dec 18Reply
mistielee @elizmul Thank you💕 Yes He is!!💖
Dec 19Reply
Dec 20Reply
mistielee @svetylka Lana💕💖💕 Thank you for the follow! I will come play your game too! God bless you and Merry Christmas!! ♥️🌲
Dec 20Reply
svetylka @mistielee thanks hon😘😘😘
Dec 20Reply
mistielee @svetylka Lana💕 You are welcome!!💖
Dec 20Reply
hobbswife @mistielee Amen and amen. So fantastic!! Crying now... Thank you so very much for this word this morning. God knew I needed that today. ❤️❤️🙏
Jan 11Reply
mistielee @hobbswife Mary💕 You are most welcome!! I'm headed to Sunday school shortly... I will say a special prayer for you💖💕 God sure is faithful to His children. May He bless you richly... According to His riches in glory. 😊 Much Love.💋
Jan 11Reply
mistielee @andrea_27s Thank you for all your wonderful shares!! ❤️😘
Jan 29Reply
mistielee @ariellayne Sue!✨ I didn't realize till this morning that you practically shared my closet!! Thank you very much💕💖✨ I wasn't sure if you read my testimony above..yet. I hope it will bless your heart. I will be out most of the day with a friend...we get to plan a baby shower together! 😊 please have a great day!! Now I think a share Bomb is in order. Xoxo
Feb 26Reply
mistielee @ariellayne Sue Thank you. God is so good. Well I had a great day... Catching my feed up now! Lol.😊 I hope your day was fabulous!!
Feb 27Reply
mistielee @jojocar Jk✨ Nice to meet you!!💖💕
Apr 15Reply
mistielee @zebra_x3 Kara✨ we are kindred spirits. 😊 Just Sharing my Post. Thank you so much for all the shares!! I will be back in your closet later for some more sharing.💖💕
Jul 07Reply
mistielee @zebra_x3 Kara God will bless you according to His riches in glory!❤️ Later Sister.😊
Jul 07Reply
mistielee @zebra_x3 I really enjoy the mutual friendship that comes from knowing our God. It's very special!! Ok gotta run down town for border paper. I'm working on VBS posters for next week. Lol, it's hard to stay balanced when I'm also addicted to Posh and the women I meet.✨💖💕 Stay in touch!
Jul 07Reply
mistielee @zebra_x3 Kara I get to teach Vacation Bible School this year. I'm making decorative posters for my room at church. I love telling little ones about Jesus.❤️ Talk to you Later!!
Jul 07Reply
travelbugginger Wow!... How have I not seen this post before, Mistie? Beautiful, Authentic, Passionate! God bless you for being so transparent here. I know you touch a lot of lives! :)
Jul 22Reply
mistielee @travelbugginger Ginger Ty💖 all glory goes to our precious Lord!! He is wonderful!! MUCH LOVE AND BLESSINGS TO YOU.❤️
Jul 22Reply
travelbugginger YES, INDEED!
Jul 22Reply
mistielee @travelbugginger Ginger!!✨❤️😘
Jul 22Reply
jodisjewelry So awesome!!! One time my husband and I were on a cruise and met a young woman from one of the former Russian countries. My church had just had a bible drive and I had a brand new Bible in my luggage. On the last day of the cruise, I was passing out tips...I don't like to just tip what is recommended and to whom they suggest, I give proportionally to those who have helped the most. Why give a large tip to the Maître D when the server has done most of he work? 😜
Jul 28Reply
jodisjewelry This young woman fixed the most perfect waffles I've ever eaten, so we ate breakfast by the pool every am, and on occasion we saw her in the dining room. She always stopped to speak when she saw us. We spent quite a lot of time discussing religion and I often spoke to her about all the Jesus has done for me, and everyone else. So on the last day, I wanted to give her a larger tip, and wanted to do it personally instead of just putting it into the server pool.
Jul 28Reply
jodisjewelry As we were walking out of our room, I suddenly thought about the new Bible in my luggage. I grabbed it and took it with us. After I handed her the tip envelope, I told her that I had a really special gift for her. When I handed that Bible to her, she burst into tears, so then I started crying too. Lol. My husband had this bewildered look on his face
Jul 28Reply
mistielee @jodisjewelry Jodi Thank you so much for sharing.❤️We are kindred spirits. Can't wait to hear the rest of your story!
Jul 28Reply
jodisjewelry So of course I'm like honey, why are you crying? She said that she had always wanted to own a Bible, but since they were prohibited previously where she lived, she had only read it at church. She said she had always wanted to have her very own personal bible but because they were prohibited, they were outrageously expensive and she had never been able to afford one. She gave me the biggest hug and held on to me forever.
Jul 28Reply
jodisjewelry She told me that receiving that was the best gift she had ever received, and that she would treasure and cherish it for the rest of her life. I honestly believe she will guard that book with her life. It was the sweetest thing, seeing someone almost beside themselves with joy, just from receiving a gift of the Bible.
Jul 28Reply
jodisjewelry A moment later one of her friends, a co worker, walked by and she called out to her in her native language. Her friend came over and was also amazed that she actually owned her own Bible. I was so humbled by this. To think how often we take for granted our access to the Bible, and yet whole countries can not have access to the GoodNews of Christ. Wow!
Jul 29Reply
mistielee @jodisjewelry Jodi✨ Stories like this always bring me to tears!! The power of the gospel is such a mystery. Those unforgettable opportunities where we are able to share Christ. Sounds like your encounter was completely preordained by God! I love it when you are within His perfect timing in helping a soul in receiving eternal life. There is nothing more joyful than that!!💖💕
Jul 29Reply
mistielee @jodisjewelry Jodi Don't you agree that here in America we are so very rich to own many copies of Gods Word! I am guilty of taking this for granted. I Love my love letter from God but not as much as I love Him.
Jul 29Reply
mistielee @jodisjewelry Jodi! My thoughts exactly!!💕💖✨ Thank you so much for sharing the love of Christ!
Jul 29Reply
jodisjewelry That was years ago, but I will never forget that young woman. She will probably never forget me either, but I think back on that and think what an amazing gift that God gave to me, the ability to make such a difference in one person's life just by sharing my faith.
Jul 29Reply
jodisjewelry I would have given her my own personal Bible if that was all I had that day, but being able to give her a brand new one meant so much to me. To this day, I'm still humbled by that experience.
Jul 29Reply
mistielee @jodisjewelry I truly believe that sharing our faith whether planting seeds or leading someone the Christ always changes lives. Theirs and ours because of the work Jesus did on the cross of Calvary!❤️
Jul 29Reply
mistielee @jodisjewelry What a fabulous testimony!! It is very nice to meet you. Thank you for stopping by. Happy Poshing and many blessings to you!!
Jul 29Reply
jodisjewelry You too Misti, so nice to meet you. I always see your name but I've never been to your closet before today! I'm so glad I stopped in!! Yes, that was definitely a "God thing" when I met that young woman. It made me cry when I was writing that. Sorry it took so long, hubby came home with dinner while I was writing it... Then had to call the restaurant bc thy forgot part of his dinner. 😱
Jul 29Reply
jodisjewelry As I was writing that, I was thinking how much we take the Bible for granted. This woman was so thrilled and and so excited to own something that is so rare in her country, yet in our country it is discounted and discarded. It is so rare in other places that it is a gift of a lifetime... Here it is so common it's in the drawer of every hotel room in every city and state... And yet how rarely those copies are probably read.
Jul 29Reply
jodisjewelry It's so odd because so many people say they are searching for something but they just don't know what... When all song it is right in front of them... God created us wth something missing so we would seek Him and find Him, and only then so we become complete. Yet so many people miss this completely. How sad!
Jul 29Reply
mistielee @jodisjewelry Oh no problem at all! And I'm glad you stopped by. 💕💖✨
Jul 29Reply
jodisjewelry I live in the Bible Belt (the south) and I was raised in church... But I'm not brain washed to believe what my parents wanted me to, as some people say about those who were raised in the church. I went through a period where I questioned everything, then I sought my own answers... And realized that having a foundation of faith is the greatest gift my parents ever gave me.
Jul 29Reply
jodisjewelry One day I will write my testimony. I should have died when I was 3, was in a coma for over a week with fever at 105... no medical explanation as to why or how I lived.... Even more amazing is that there was no brain damage that was expected from that... I have survived a car wreck that should have killed me, have pulled through surgeries that I shouldn't have awakened from.
Jul 29Reply
jodisjewelry I was raised knowing that God has a purpose for me... I thought I had found my purpose in life but then I was thrown that curve ball of a wreck. I was 32... Just turned 43 last month, wreck was 10 yrs ago this spring. Have had too many surgeries to count since then, having to sue my atty from the wreck bc he screwed my case up so badly. I've never seen a dime from that, and it was not my fault at all... Nothing I could've done to prevent it.
Jul 29Reply
mistielee @jodisjewelry Jodi✨ Many faithful witnesses came and told me the good news... I always received it joyfully and believed in my head. I knew I was a sinner. Yet I never gave my heart to Christ till I was 36 years old. At that time over night my life changed. I read Gods Word and like you found all those answers that I longed to know. In that I was able to get to know the Saviour of the world! I have never been the same. 2/28/2004 He is everything too me!!💖💕
Jul 29Reply
jodisjewelry So there are times that I think maybe my purpose is to just live each day to the fullest and be the best person I can be. I don't talk about my faith that much any more, although I do need to talk about it more. I try to walk the walk and show people that it's still "cool" to be a Christian. It IS politically correct to have morals and values and stand for something.
Jul 29Reply
mistielee @jodisjewelry Wow❤️ I completely believe in the sovereignty of God. We have no idea the things He has for us but we can't thwart His plan because He has foreseen our lives since before the foundation of the earth... Even our mistakes and bad choices He has allowed in order to bring us into His good will where He will be glorified in all our life. All part of His perfect plan. love Him so and will praise Him all my days!! We should never fear!
Jul 29Reply
mistielee @jodisjewelry I agree Jodi... Sometimes just being seen living up godly principles is enough because when we are surrendered to Him He is at work in ways we could never know. His ways are so much higher than ours. I do love those opportunities that sometimes come... Like yours with the lady. I think you should write a book!! 😊
Jul 29Reply
mistielee @jodisjewelry Well I must call it a day. I'm so glad you stopped by! And thank you again for serving Christ and telling others about Him.❤️ Have a great night!!
Jul 29Reply
jodisjewelry You're so right. When we are finally able to surrender our will to His, things fall into place and life becomes so much easier... And I can remember praying fervently for him to just take my stubborn will from me so that I could surrender to Him.... But He couldn't do that, as free will was His gift, I had to realize that to surrender my will had to be my own choice.
Jul 29Reply
jodisjewelry How awesome that you have a date and saw your life change. Mine was gradual after I found those answers. I just know that I have prayed for years to have the faith I now have. There are things that my husband thinks I don't care about because I don't show worry. Why worry when God is in control?
Jul 29Reply
jodisjewelry Not that I don't worry, I just don't worry nearly enough because I have the faith and I know...don't just think but I KNOW that everything will happen just as it should and that He is in control. Oh Glory days!!! Night my sweet friend and sister in Christ!!!
Jul 29Reply
mistielee @jodisjewelry Jodi we sure think a lot alike! Agreed! I pray your day will be a good one. Thank you that I now have another sister in Christ! I have met manny mutual believers here on Posh... It is a wonderful and pleasant surprise.💕💖✨
Jul 29Reply
mistielee @janabarksdale Jana💖Just Sharing.✨💕Thanks again!!
Oct 09Reply
jackiejax2014 Amen, thank you for posting ❤️
Oct 17Reply
mistielee @jackiejax2014 You are most WeLCoMe! Thank you for ReaDInG!❤️
Oct 17Reply
mistielee @katilydia22 Just sharing Kati!❤️
Oct 19Reply
mistielee @kaykaye17 Just Sharing Kaitlyn✨💖💕
Oct 24Reply
forgive @mistielee hi l love your post May God bless you and your family
Nov 09Reply
mistielee @forgive Hi Anita❤️thank you very much. And may God bless YOU!! Thank you for popping to comment. And for browsing my closet. It's very nice to meet you. Xo
Nov 09Reply
forgive @mistielee you are welcome have a bless and wonderful day
Nov 09Reply
mistielee @forgive Anita✨You are very sweet!💖💕
Nov 10Reply
mistielee @ljc1963 ✨💖💕😊❤️
Dec 04Reply
mistielee @bussakitty Its Nice to meet you!!✨💖😊💕
May 03Reply
mistielee @jademonkey1 Nice to meet you Shellie✨💖💕😊
Jun 09Reply
mistielee @jademonkey1 😘❤️🙏🏻
Jun 09Reply
mistielee @marque84 Just wanted to ShaRe❤️🙏🏻😘 May God continue to bless you richly!! According to His riches in glory.
Aug 07Reply
mistielee @debbmhll62 Deborah I hope this will help you to have peace today. Don't give up on things... It's hard to see through so much pain but it can be overcome. You may email if you are able: also visit for prayer questions you may have about God and wonderful teachers that you can listen to on specific topics. It's all very helpful. I look forward to hearing from you. Xo
Aug 13Reply
mistielee @adorap ✨💖😊💕
Sep 28Reply
mistielee @aiana8 Aiana✨I just visited your closet and see we both have the same quote in our closets!! Many Blessings to YOU💖💕
Oct 02Reply
mistielee @jmjla7 Linda🌷Back when we were able to put more than 500 characters on a post in comments... I placed some of my testimony in the first comment. If you would like to read it. Then lastly... My favorite Scripture passage. Ephesians 3: 14-20 Please have a good day. MUCH LOVE💞🙏🏻❌⭕️
Oct 20Reply
greenshoes0 Merry Merry PEACE ✌️
Dec 24Reply
mistielee @greenshoes0 MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Paula😘
Dec 25Reply
kelly32068 1 word AWESOME 😊 I LOVE IT, 💖
Dec 29Reply
mistielee @kelly32068 Kelly✨💖💞 Thank you!! I miss YOU!! No need to share back while I'm away😘
Dec 29Reply
kelly32068 @mistielee thank you my dear PFF 😊💖😘 when will you be back 🤗💖
Dec 29Reply
mistielee @kelly32068 We were planning on returning on the 2nd... Gonna stay and help with the kids a couple days longer but I plan on being back in my closet on the 2nd no later than the 3rd. I miss you Gals!! Feels weird not having to work!! Xo
Dec 29Reply
kelly32068 @mistielee I know right 😳 I was gone last week until Monday and I felt weird myself 😊 so put a bunch of stuff in my closet today and have more tomorrow and the next day lol 😂 Have lots of fun and don't worry I'll share anyways just because I love ya girl 😊💖😘
Dec 29Reply
mistielee @kelly32068 Awe.. thanks Kelly!! I really appreciate you. I'm trying to rest and enjoy...I'm so structured at home... It's tough with so much leisure after a while, lol!! Today was my birthday... My kids got a cake...sang too me and made me blow out the candles!! How blessed am I?😘 I mean I'm only 49... Ha ha. I love you. Be back soon!! Xo
Dec 29Reply
kelly32068 @mistielee Happy Happy Birthday 😊🎉🎂 enjoy enjoy 😊 🎉💖
Dec 29Reply
mistielee @kelly32068 Thank you!!😘❤️❌⭕️
Dec 29Reply
gibsongirldiva Love the message!! ❤️️thank you for all the shares. Are you on vacation? 🤗💕
Dec 29Reply
mistielee @gibsongirldiva Hi. Thank you! Jesus is the reason for the season💞Yes I'm on vacation till the 3rd. Visiting our oldest son and his family. We have two grand babies from him! EnJOying my time away.., but totally missing PM. I love working my Posh Closet. Your welcome on the shares. I always try to share back. THANK YOU.💖💞✨Have a wonderful day.
Dec 29Reply
gibsongirldiva Have a blessed vacation! Congratulations on grand!! I had my first this year 2 months old 💝 if you remember when you get back , contact me -and I will know your back. Thank you, if you don't remember it is ok. Poshmark can be overwhelming with all THE sharing 🤗💕
Dec 29Reply
mistielee @gibsongirldiva Catherine✨Well Congrats to you!! We have 3 within the last two years... such a blessing!! I will!! I'm so glad to have met you. Have a Happy New Year!!
Dec 29Reply
gibsongirldiva @mistielee you too! 🤗💕
Dec 29Reply

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