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Updated Jun 02
Updated Jun 02

FOLLOW GAME Help me reach 100K Please!



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msimperfeckt Also game in. Closet too! Look for the big red DOT ^_^
Jan 03Reply
sunrisepickers Game in my closet too!
Jan 03Reply
luvmyqh6 @dvacante Hi! I just love these FW Games?? You get too meet more Poshers and see new closets and best of all it creates more sales for all our closets! @dashin_fashion @janicegw @pamelam @fotogranny @jaaayneey @blackhb @gigilouis1 @lana_88 @chuchala99 @missy5982 @daliasg @randie21 @lorenad_21 @hollynoel25 @daisyd0102 @ringleader @aggielayla @lored_21 @armywife555 @greatviewscosme @cherac @nsep @randi21 @idastuff @tfitial @goodbuys @janet0103 @bellasita @deenanelson @redurb @marlanap @mrfike @luvbucs28 @mixitup @page5 @bellanblue Hi Ladies! Let's help each other get more followers to reach our goals and get some more sales!!! Like, share, follow, and tag!! You guys are the best! Thank you so much ladies! Sorry if I double tagged you! @mrfike Thank you for tagging me? 😊❤️🐴
Jan 04Reply
bendthetrends @luvmyqh6 Thanks for the tag :)
Jan 04Reply
msimperfeckt 🍭 just wanted to say I have a game in my closet too if anyone would like to play 🍬. Xoxo and happy Poshing!! 💟
Jan 05Reply
blackbird327 Thank you for all the shares!
Jan 05Reply
rsider @dvacante thanks so much for the shares!!!!
Jan 06Reply
thewispygypsy @rsider Thank you as well. That's what it's about right! Happy poshing! And keep checking back. I will be adding more!
Jan 06Reply
thewispygypsy @blackbird327 thank you too. Keep up the love! Happy poshing!
Jan 06Reply
sydniandsiera2 @dvacante Wow! Thanks for all the shares! 💕💕
Jan 06Reply
bbnova @cblaylock11 Another Follow game😃‼️‼️‼️YAY‼️‼️‼️👗👖👛👠👢
Jan 08Reply
mistielee @dvacante Diane🌟 Thanks for the game!! Thank you Laura for the tag!! @msu0712 💕💖💕🍃GIRLS DO YOU WANNA PLAY?!🍃💕@kookc @hninh @lolosaw @dollface86
Jan 08Reply
51twenty Yes! Thank you @mistielee @dressyu @gstravaganze @purplearies Join in ladies..😀
Jan 09Reply
thewispygypsy @yellacat I see your closet is brand new! If you want more people to see your items (and therefore a better chance of selling) these follow games are a great idea. Lmk if you are interested. I will tag you in some of my PFF follow games. (They have bucket loads of followers!)
Jan 25Reply
daisyd0102 @loveangel15 thanks for the tag. shared :)
Jan 25Reply
51twenty @loveangel15 Thanks Maleah. Here's a few more @beautyblack @luvsmink @monadlrm A chance to grow your followers..
Jan 25Reply
mtnhiker Thank you @loveangel15 ❤️ ️Re-️Shared @hurdkb @tracysg @la_boutique
Jan 25Reply
thewispygypsy @ellensemones I noticed you closet is huge and you have a lot of sales but not as many followers. This has really helped my to grow my followes! Feel free to copy mine if you like & search follow game and join others as well! If you like I can tag you in some later this evening!!!!And again, welcome to the share blast!!
Jan 25Reply
moviecloset Thanks for the tag and yes I'm new as of the first of December! So I'm learning the rules and trying to be a good sharer! And most of all trying to get more followers! Yes followers!!!!! I torn between up loading more photos of great clothes or building my followers!!! Thanks! Happy Shopping
Jan 26Reply
hopesparkles ✨💖 @bellanblue 💖✨
Jan 27Reply
thewispygypsy @katz2 Thanks for the heads up. I don't even think I got it from hers. Lol. I have seen it in so many closets I forgot who I got it from but I do see her name right there! Lol. I think I will change that. @bellanblue Sorry for infringing. I didn't mean to.
Jan 27Reply
bellanblue Yes if you can just change the name that would be awesome. Thanks a bunch!
Jan 27Reply
katz2 I wasn't sure if you new about Posh's Copyright Policy, but in my job at the college, I had to enforce the law on it.🌹👍
Jan 27Reply
thewispygypsy @bellanblue You should search follow game. There are lots of your image out there!!! That's why I used it. Never noticed your name in the smack dab in the middle. Lol. Just a heads up!
Jan 27Reply
thewispygypsy @ellensemones Idk if you used my image bit if so ask @bellanblue if it's OK and remove her name in it. Or you can use mine I made. I made a boo boo. That image was created by her!! Sorry for the inconvenience. Just trying to help.
Jan 27Reply
katz2 😘💞💞👍
Jan 27Reply
moviecloset Hey girls not sure if I did something wrong? I haven't copied anyone's images though. 😢😢Please advise!
Jan 27Reply
thewispygypsy @ellensemones You did nothing wrong. I offered to let you copy the original image I had used for the follow game if you wanted to. I had copied it from another closet (there are several like it out there) Just so happens the one I copied had another poshers name in the picture and I didn't notice. I was just giving you a heads up. Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.
Jan 28Reply
thewispygypsy @tthomas58 This is my follow game! Feel free to copy it if you like. I don't mind!!
Feb 03Reply
thewispygypsy @carolac173 This is my follow game. Like and share. Then follow the people who have liked this post. Everyone who comes to this this listing after will also be following you. They are all over poshmark. I will tag you in a few.
Feb 05Reply
thewispygypsy @m_montosa You already saw this!!! Thank you for all the ahares!! You are awesome!
Feb 06Reply
lakeforest Followers Game already following @shopgirl2119 @careygirl @closetenvy2 @na25na25 @savvymediachick @flowersnmyheart😻😻🐾🐾
Feb 16Reply
thewispygypsy @savvymediachick Thanks for joining my game!!!And inviting your friend!
Feb 16Reply
thewispygypsy @lakeforest @evie311 thanks for joining my follow game and inviting your friends!!!!
Feb 16Reply
alainea Thank you @marlanap for the tag! @danystormborn here is another follow game 😄
Feb 16Reply
lakeforest You're very welcom😘
Feb 16Reply
thewispygypsy @alainea Thanks for visiting my closet, joining my follow game and tagging others!!!!
Feb 16Reply
thewispygypsy @danystormborn I Love your name!!! She is one of my favorite chatacters!!! Her and Aryia.Do you read the books as well as watch the show?
Feb 16Reply
danystormborn @dvacante Dany is AWESOME! I get so tired of the female cliche where the most beautiful ones are helpless and trapped in relationships or marriages and only talk about men, blah blah blah. But Dany is a FIGHTER! A total powerhouse that no one wants to cross! Plus she has DRAGONS?!? She can't get much cooler lol. Same with Ariya, (I think I spelled that wrong), she grew up in a castle as a lady but she is really boyish and has no interest in men or anything. Her whole world has been ripped away from her and instead of crying about it (*cough cough* Sanza *cough cough*) she takes her future into her own hands, learns to fight, and no matter what always seeks vengeance for her loved ones. I loved that last scene with her and her and the hound. It made me a little sad, but it was so powerful, even without her saying a word. I keep planning on picking up the books but I don't know where to find them!! Maybe I should look on Amazon or something. Plus honestly, I'm afraid if I read the books it will ruin the show for me. Sometimes I get SUPER passionate about books I like, and then if a movie or show leaves too much out, it will make me unreasonably angry 😝 Wow, sorry for the book I just wrote! I love GoT lol
Feb 16Reply
thewispygypsy @danystormborn I feel EXACTLY the same way and love that you are passionate about it. I get just like that. I was afraid of watching the series because I was already reading the book. But some of the conversations are word for word. They have made some changes but really the ones they made, make sense to the story and I am ok with them. The character portrayals are spot on! I can't wait to see what the next season is like so that is a great sign!!!! I am just SO impatient! You can find the books anywhere. I got most of mine at half price books. There is as large a book following as the series!. And now I have written my own book. Lol. And I think K I speeded Arya's name wrong too. Anytime you wanna talk Game if Thrones, come visit me!!!
Feb 16Reply
danystormborn @dvacante careful, once the series starts back up in March, I may be pestering you every week 😜 lol!
Feb 16Reply
thewispygypsy @danystormborn I will start a listing just for it! Lol
Feb 16Reply
danystormborn @dvacante oh my gosh, do it!!! It will be like a fan club!!
Feb 16Reply
thewispygypsy @danystormborn I will. I will tag you when it's up!
Feb 16Reply
danystormborn @dvacante yay! Come March, this is going to be so much fun!! I always want to talk about GoT but don't have any friends that watch it!
Feb 16Reply
thewispygypsy @danystormborn Now you do! I have a feeling we won't be the only two. It is going to be fun!!!
Feb 16Reply
danystormborn @dvacante I don't think we will! I have met a few other GoT fans recently as well! I will tag them once you have the listing up!
Feb 16Reply
tamarismom @chenchita @tinawears @hollynoel25 @elevenroses @candace011 @kimz_kloset @blorrainet @s_rosebud @ecorll @jag1981 @themissnixon @hiilei @elizmul @casualglam @carrie_rebekah @myrucca876 @aly9411 @youlovewe @abstractdreams @kalyn_423 @fyyerfly @tiff_liu @marina2427 @pearlfectfix
Feb 19Reply
lucidemotion @dvacante TY for starting this! Feel free to check out MY FOLLOW GAME IN MY CLOSET for more follows, shares, likes AND SALES!!!! <3 @victoria29west @caldwellkelsie @smchop @lll420
Feb 19Reply
elevenroses @tamarismom Thank You Cora !
Feb 19Reply
thewispygypsy @magicmorgan This is my follow game!
Feb 19Reply
thewispygypsy @clairep65 You tag just like that! Did you join my follow game already. They are great ways to gain followers. And the more followers, the more exposure which gives you a better chance of connecting with the person who wants to buy your item. Recently poshmark said that at 4000 followers is when you start to see sales. I have almost twice that and have had like 6 sales. I started listing items in late December but didn't really get going until last month. Share groups are another good way to get exposure. Everyone shares a certain number of items from each closet that signed up that day. Your items will be shared to the feed of all of the followers of the person who is sharing. So if I share your item, 8K people will have it on their feed. Most will not let you join if you have any items poshmark prohobits. I will tag you in that and check your closet. That's a lot of info. Hope I didn't overwhelm you! You will find many amazing ladies in here!
Feb 26Reply
clairep65 Great way to start!
Feb 26Reply
thewispygypsy @dierks24 She had just listed it. That us why it was the first item! I was like, What, I know I checked. Lol! She said she was going to remove it. ; )
Feb 26Reply
tamarismom @m_montosa @my_boutique @glamupstyle @jeren27 @ariellayne @daisymae061874 @edydmedina @liscrivs @cassandra8187 @alwtober
Mar 03Reply
nealie75 @nealie75. Can I join?
Mar 05Reply
thewispygypsy @nealie75 Of course sweetie!!! Everyone is welcome! Happy poshing!💖💖
Mar 05Reply
janet0103 Follow Game😀👍 @linseymn @lindsayrose🌹 @miami_wife @courtneyhaller Sorry for the re-tags!
Mar 06Reply
peachystatus I'm Barbara Marshall Griffin. Always there asking about my sterling pieces lol Nice to meet you!
Mar 07Reply
marlanap Good Morning! I was just checking our 10K Help List and the progress of the 3 currently on our sign. Well, one of them has their closet temporarily closed until early next month so now is a great time to put your name up too so we can help you more towards getting to 10K asap. Please let me know asap today if you want me to add your name to our 10K Help sign. As I recall, it was @supernursemel (formerly m_montosa) who recommended that we help you which is great because we helped her reach 10K last year and now look how far she has come! (-: @la_boutique
Mar 07Reply
thewispygypsy @marlanap I would absolutely love your help!!😉YES PLEASE. I worked very hard to help @vlcs66 to reach 10k before her party last night. And have worked hard on my own followers! And it probably was @supernursemel who introduced UA. I have shared in her group in the past! And she is a fellow nurse(to be)!Thank you so much. I can't believe someone you were helping like that closed their closet and didn't say squat to you! I will be much more appreciative!!
Mar 07Reply
saltydeals I am missing some of those name changes @marlanap ...I have added Diane to my list too <3
Mar 07Reply
thewispygypsy @la_boutique Thank you so much😘😘😘
Mar 07Reply
marlanap Great! I can add you on the 10K Help sign right now. As for the other Posher, I do not recall her telling us. But it can get hectic on here very fast. So we can just focus our attention on you and the other 2 Poshers for now. @la_boutique @kookc @thebrightside @larochelle @hopesparkles @bkimh @janet0103 @ridinghood13 @lauras_boutique Adding @dvacante to our sign. See comments above for additional info. Thanks for always helping, Ladies! XOXOXO
Mar 07Reply
marlanap @tdkbkt6 Thanks for always helping! See above comments. XOXOXO
Mar 07Reply
thewispygypsy @vintagestatus Hi Barbara. Great name(it was my moms)! Diane Vacante here. I will look for you next time I am on. If you would like you can friend request me too!
Mar 07Reply
fair_lane @la_boutique Thanks for the tag 😊😊
Mar 07Reply
51twenty Thanks Marlana @marlanap @drizzymizzylove @lchouser @stylezoo @maira2190 @dmndgrl @chiqtita @yazzyzy @pprabhu @beboundless👏👏👏 Goal Seeker 🎯
Mar 07Reply
chiqtita @cook. Thanks for the tag
Mar 07Reply
vlcs66 @dvacante You sure did!! 😊😊 Thank you again so much! You're sooo close--we're going to get you there in no time! ❤️
Mar 07Reply
thewispygypsy @vlcs66 😘😘😘😘Ty
Mar 07Reply
vlcs66 @anabel22 @motherskiss @miami_wife @dmv25 @bkimh She's so close to her goal!! (Sorry if you've already been tagged!! 💗💗)
Mar 07Reply
gemsbyjoan Thanks for the tag @la_boutique 👍 Follow game lovely ladies @chicaccessories @angelicaltouch @hrachal @sistapray @maudeschild 💗💕Val
Mar 07Reply
motherskiss FOLLOW GAME> SORRY IF YOU HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY TAGGED FOR THIS LISTING @bronte83 @efillingham @shorty3794 @acinom131 @mamaskiss @ksrolfes @brichh @sakshi9984 @ccappello1 @tazze @dallasstyle @newyorkbound @wonderkat @alexsboutique @alaskanstar @blancheberry @seclendenin @glam0205 @kathyxoxoxo @ndiana95 @curvee @msjetua @sherenem @veropm @ramatin @charms245 @sssylviah @brookealst @blingbliss @savvymediachick @jag1981 @svetylka @jkahle @bboop13 @njoiwyatt @lanamomof4 @theneonetwork @jennybiiii @kellidavis05 @jackeescloset @tanstaafl @vettmail @bethjennings @livylove @winecountrylife @klutterkeeper @sweetcandiyams @marypa13 @becca656 @moxiemoves @dawnkinard @skjk @jakeamom12 @tdkbkt6 @maidmarian @bjgilliam @marycstephens @peacockowls @divakrit @loveangel15 @twinkle1076 @travelinggirl6 @beccanoel @leighkubra @pieceratops @conniemarie12 @dvacante @elevenrose @auzie @ummickey23 @tlb1963 @prpltulip @healchno @sterlinglife3 @infinitelyyours @alysha_worthen @katvis @baglady24 @teresakimbro @ceejayjay18 @jazzi_love13 @nadsssss @funstuff89 @lucia888 @mandapanda83 @allyssamixie @travelinggirl68 @delazy @ticklemepunk @ironmissy @upsidedownciera @britshim @daleanne @ncmom57 @annalise0800 @thisjasmine @liliya2013 @izzyhindle @becki131 @jeren27 @teresakimbro @monikasmoshposh @brightestlight @laurahabeib @tonamikal @sylviaharris55 @klwkiwi @bubblicious1017 @elizmul @heather1315 @rcristela25 @clairep65 @amber @_mpavia @nuggiie @cassandramares @lilnuggz7 @veryrs @sara1580 @vlcs66 @mikkimo @mswk @donnak777 @saramaloneysapp @beboundless @americanvintage @moslehi2 @boutiqueafford @gabby1984g @ladysmalltalk
Mar 07Reply
miami_wife @vlcs66 ty didn't Hav this one😘
Mar 07Reply
luvsmink @dvacante ...I am one of your followers, already, but sharing with my followers
Mar 07Reply
skydancer @conniemarie12 Thank you darling. Have a great weekend!✌️😍🌟
Mar 07Reply
thriftybedhead @dvacante I have a follow game too. But can't seem to figure out how to get it out there! I post it multiple times daily? Help me please😳😜👍😍❤️
Mar 07Reply
treasuresbytrac @marlanap Thank you! 💕💐🌹😊💐🌹💕
Mar 07Reply
thewispygypsy @la_boutique ☝☝See my comment please
Mar 08Reply
saltydeals xoxoxoxo ♥
Mar 08Reply
candykissa143 Happy to help ;-)
Mar 08Reply
original_couve @dvacante of course!!♡♡♡
Mar 08Reply
daisyd0102 @miami_wife thanks for the tag. shared :)
Mar 08Reply
thewispygypsy @leliluv look in my closet. I finally got a group page started. Wanted you to see it. It's late and I will add the other days and let some friends know tomorrow but I wanted you to be first!
Mar 12Reply
leliluv Omg love the signs and the name, it is very catchy and easy to remember!! Did you post a conversation listing too, so people can ask questions before they sign up? (It's good to have one, so people don't ask questions using the actual sign up sheet!) Congrats, great job!!
Mar 12Reply
leliluv Once you have a conversation listing, tag me so I can tag others for you!
Mar 12Reply
thewispygypsy @leliluv 💖Thank you! You are great😘
Mar 12Reply
thewispygypsy @mistyheart these are a couple of the raw photos. The finished listing will look better
Mar 15Reply
jewelry_party Cool I can't wait!!!
Mar 15Reply
thewispygypsy @mistyheart Good. Glad you approve.
Mar 15Reply
mandapanda83 @dvacante Diane, do to my closet and follow everybody that follows me! IT DOES NOT MATTER whether they are posh compliant or not! As long as we don't share no no items, or pick HPs from their closet if u co host, we are fine!!!!
Mar 16Reply
thewispygypsy @mandapanda83 Thank you for offering girl! I have done that in the past. Not with your followers but it does work. I will do so! Also, I deleted the listing where you nominated someone for the surprise shares! I learned from that!!! Lol. But next time you join us, you can renominte and we will use your nomination!!!! Been meaning to tell you that! I also thought of uyou when I got my last shipment of jewelry. I got a panda necklace and earrings. Your user name us cute catchy and memorable!
Mar 16Reply
mandapanda83 @dvacante Aww, Diane that's so sweet!! You wouldn't believe how many panda things I'm tagged in, lol!! I so planned on attending, but sprained my ankle and stuff has been very hard lately... You know about my son, right?? Anyway, I LOVE that u are doing that share group! Just jewelry is great!! Love, love, love it!! I also have a follow game in my closet. Please tag me in the new share listing!!! I try to make me memorable, lol!! I even sign things with this 💟🐼💟🐼💟 so ppl will remember me! Strategy baby!!!!
Mar 16Reply
createcollect Love your pics!!!!
Mar 16Reply
thewispygypsy @vlcs66 Thank you!!😘
Mar 17Reply
hila808 Hi sis please help Diane @dvacante reach her goal @joycee98 Thank you
Mar 17Reply
mandapanda83 @dvacante Diane, what do the asterisks mean when ladies are signing up???
Mar 17Reply
thewispygypsy @mandapanda83 Those that started the list before it is closed at 3 mark where they stopped sharing like that. Then when signup is closed they know who they have already shared for. Make sense? Are you signing up today? I haven't closed yet. I will wait a few for you. If so, remind me of who you nominated for suprise shares please!
Mar 17Reply
mandapanda83 @dvacante Got it! I signed up! It was sssylviah!
Mar 17Reply
thewispygypsy @mandapanda83 Got it! I will announce it with the games todsy. Waiting on word from 1 more person for today. Then I will close the list!
Mar 17Reply
mandapanda83 @dvacante Diane, ok maybe I don't understand, LMBO!! So it's CST, so what time is it for u right now?? I'm on EST... So I just shared all of the ladies, so what do I post??? Oh my, I'm so embarrassed!!
Mar 17Reply
thewispygypsy @mandapanda83 You have no reason to be embarrassed. I closed late. Was waiting to hear from a friend if she was joining. I just closed it. So you can sign out JABBED now if you got everyone! Check back for the games and suprise shares. I am announcing now!
Mar 17Reply
mandapanda83 @dvacante I'm still embarrassed, lol!😳😳😳 What time is it now for you???
Mar 17Reply
thewispygypsy @mandapanda83 Im in Texas. It is almost 4. 1 hour behind East Coast and 2 ahead of the West Coast. Where are you?
Mar 17Reply
thewispygypsy @mandapanda83 DONT be embarrassed! And you have til midnight YOUR time to share. Or later if you need. I just try to remember that the east coast is ahead of everyone and people don't stay up as late as me!
Mar 17Reply
mandapanda83 Diane, ok I'm just an hour ahead! So I have until 2:00!!! That is the key to my predicament... Lol! If I don't sign up, and I've been tagged, please sent me another comment!!! When I wake up, I have hundreds of notifications...
Mar 17Reply
leliluv @cmakowski Follow Game!
Mar 18Reply
thewispygypsy @marlanap 45 to go!!!!! YAY💃💃💃💃
Mar 18Reply
marlanap Countdown Time! Only 11 More to go! Awesome speed! @la_boutique 👍👍👍
Mar 18Reply
marlanap 8 More! 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃
Mar 18Reply
marlanap 4 More! 💃💃💃💃 So Fast!!!
Mar 18Reply
marlanap 3 More! 💃💃💃
Mar 18Reply
bluidvll Another great follow game to increase your followers @mkribs @laurenscloset90 @mc820897 @reyreyfasho @christi_405 @reaganscloset @gracejaques @jtran06 @fabfashions4you @sweetpeasdreams if you would like to be removed from tagging for these just let me know and I will remove you. Thanks and happy poshing!!😀😀😀😀💜💜💜💜
Mar 18Reply
marlanap Just 2 More! 💃💃 @la_boutique 😊❤️😊
Mar 18Reply
saltydeals yes I have been sharing her closet early this morning.. been watching....@marlanap just for got to tag you ...
Mar 18Reply
saltydeals YaY!!!! Diane You Did It <3 CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!!!! <3 Welcome To 10k >> So Exciting @maralanap... like a New Years Eve Countdown!!!
Mar 18Reply
marlanap WhoooooHoooo! 🎈🎈🎈🎈👏👏👏👏💃💃💃💃🎉🎉🎉🎉Congrats on reaching 10K 💃💃💃💃 What an awesome Countdown! So Fast! So Happy for you, Diane!!!! 👏👏👏👏 @la_boutique @janet0103 @kookc @lauras_boutique Please help spread the Great News! 💃💃💃❤️❤️❤️
Mar 18Reply
thewispygypsy @marlanap @la_boutique 💃💃YAY!!!!! I have been following people all nigjt. Lol. I was determined! Whoooo! 😚😚Thank you both sooooooooo much! You have no idea how much your support means to me!!!💖
Mar 18Reply
addybri4 Yay, Diane! Congrats on reaching 10k!! @dvacante
Mar 18Reply
thewispygypsy @leliluv @katielady1982 @altaloma @djgross5 @baglady24 @lucidemotion @vlcs66 @laurenchar27 😲😲LOOK😲😲💃💃💃💃💃💃I made it to 10K followers! Thank you all for your support!💖💖
Mar 18Reply
thewispygypsy @addybri4 @bluidvll Thank you both for the support and congrats!!💖💖YAY💃💃💃
Mar 18Reply
katz2 @marlanap 😘🌹 Shared💕
Mar 18Reply
saltydeals 10k Party in Diane's Closet >> Wooooooooo!!!!!!! > @mtnhiker @chenchita @dimatteo @weimaranermom !!!
Mar 18Reply
marlanap Sounds like you did 10K the way many of us did, but LOL even faster! I too stayed up all night until it was done! 👏👏👏 Be proud of yourself because reaching 10K is not just about others helping. It is about taking charge and helping yourself! 👏👏👏💃💃💃🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈You are clearly a Go Getter without any doubt! We are very happy to know you and be able to help you when we can. Now to 20K! 👍👍👍 Tag me any time. ❤️❤️❤️ @la_boutique
Mar 18Reply
saltydeals The next 10k comes faster >> Cheers to 20k !!!!!
Mar 18Reply
bkimh @dvacante Diane, congratulations. 10k you did it. I am so very excited for you. It really helps when we all work together. 💕💕😘😘💕Kim
Mar 18Reply
thewispygypsy @marlanap @la_boutique Thanks ladies! Truly from the bottom of my heart❤ I am exhausted and flying high at the same time!
Mar 18Reply
its_tishira FG ⭐️⭐️⭐️@cassandra8187 @mikexp2 @ajhughes24 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Mar 18Reply
thewispygypsy @bkimh Yes. It does!!!!! ❤Thank you so much. I'm giddy! Lol💃💃💃💃
Mar 18Reply
marlanap Reaching 10K in 4 months has got to be one of the shortest Posh times! WooooooWeeee!!! Let's give Diane @dvacante the standing ovation she deserves!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 @carrion @smchop @larochelle @footcandy @kaytee2800 @shopandpop @ridinghood13 @tallison @maira2190 @kookc Please help spread the Great News!!!! 🎈🎈🎈💃💃💃🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 @la_boutique 😉
Mar 18Reply
mtnhiker @dvacante Woo Hoo!!! Congratulations for your well deserved accomplishment 👏👏👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Thank you @la_boutique ❤️ 10k celebration @kewpiedoll @hurdkb @tracysg @hollynoel25
Mar 18Reply
kewpiedoll @mtnhiker Thanks for the tag 🌷 @daisyd0102 @hninh @hurdkb 🌷
Mar 18Reply
vlcs66 @dvacante YAYYY!! Congratulations Diane!! So exciting! 🎉👯👯🎉 Now go get some sleep!! 😉❤️
Mar 18Reply
vlcs66 @nami001 @lauras_boutique Diane reached her goal!! 😊🎉🎉
Mar 18Reply
mandapanda83 @dvacante Diane, you're there!!!!! Way to go PFF!!!!!👏👏👏👏👏👏
Mar 18Reply
thewispygypsy @mandapanda83 Thx😘😘I may be delirious but I am not sure if it's from lack of sleep of happiness. Hahahaja😃😃😃💃💃💃💃
Mar 18Reply
djgross5 WOOHOO!!! YIPEEEE!!!!! YAY!!!!! Way to go Diane!!!! 🎉🙌👏👍🎉😄
Mar 18Reply
janet0103 @dvacante Diane! You set Your sights high and it worked!! Congratulations on reaching Your 10K Goal so fast!! 👏👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😘😘😘 @marlanap 😘👍Yay!!!!
Mar 18Reply
lorriebug Congratulations!
Mar 18Reply
thewispygypsy @lilmisstazzy This is a follow game! (Different than the share groups). I just got to 10K followers. These games help a lot! Read the instructions and if you have questions, ask!! I can tag you in some other follow games and you can also search follow game. Starting your own is a great help!
Mar 18Reply
jessregelson Diane, congratulations on reaching 10k!!! Happy Poshing! 😘
Mar 18Reply
weimaranermom Congrats @dacante on reaching 10K!!!!! Wooo hooooo!! <3
Mar 18Reply
jo_nicole_a Congrats on reaching 10k!! Thanks for the tag @marlanap
Mar 18Reply
cmakowski @marlanap thanks for the tag. Congrats on the 10k 👍💗
Mar 18Reply
laurenlynx_ @dvacante Yayyyyy! Congrats, Diane!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 you earned it!! 10k is a huge milestone!!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Mar 18Reply
ncmom57 @dvacante congrats on your 10K!! 😊💞
Mar 18Reply
thewispygypsy @hfurlong2 This is a follow game! Join as many as you can. And make your own. You are welcome to copy mine if you like! They really help build your followers. Lmk if you would like me to and I will tag you in a bunch of follow games!
Mar 18Reply
daisyd0102 @kewpiedoll thanks for the tag. shared :)
Mar 18Reply
tamarismom Congratulations for reaching 10K. 👏👏👏😁
Mar 19Reply
ursilina You made it! Congrats!
Mar 19Reply
shari23114 @dvacante Dianne I'll help you if you help me. Oh heck I'd do it anyway.
Mar 22Reply
thewispygypsy @shari23114 I will be in your closet to play and share soon!!😉 Thanks
Mar 22Reply
shari23114 @dvacante Diane take your time Hun I can imagine just how busy you are.
Mar 22Reply
shari23114 @dvacante Shari23114. Sign me up
Mar 22Reply
thewispygypsy @mawalk5 This is my follow game Like this listing, See where it says 354 people have liked this listing. Click the number. It will bring them all up. Follow everyone you aren't already following.Then share it. Then everyone who likes it after you will be following you as well. I will tag you in a bunch of them. When you are ready you can start your own and I will help. For now, let's start with me tagging you in more follow games and we will talk about how the share group works. We can save more for another day so you don't get too overwhelmed!!😉
Mar 23Reply
baglady24 Could you please check shellyssssss jewelry category and see what you think about the "F" bracelet???
Mar 23Reply
thewispygypsy @baglady24 Can you PM me? I'm Diane Vacante. The one and only
Mar 23Reply
baglady24 This is regarding Jewelry Jab grp
Mar 23Reply
thewispygypsy @janismarie Thank you Janis! You are so kind and have no idea how much this means to me!
Mar 24Reply
thewispygypsy @justmexo Debra, this is a follow game. Follow the instructions and it will help you grow your followers which means more exposure and more sales. I can tag you in others if you like. Also, I saw your shares are at 0. One of the easiest ways to get exposure is share others items. Most will in turn share yours and all their followers will see your listing. Share groups are another opportunity and I can help with that as well. Let me know if I can help you and Happy Poshing 😘
Mar 25Reply
dcnativegirl Where do we sign up for the share group?
Apr 12Reply
thewispygypsy @dcnativegirl Did you mean the Game of Thrones group or the jewelry group? I see you found the GoT one. YAY!!!!
Apr 12Reply
thewispygypsy @dba28 No. It is probably a new sale. Wither skip the sold items or you can filter using availability to get rid of all the sold items😉 Hope you are enjoying yourself😊
Apr 12Reply
thewispygypsy @dba28 You assumed right!! Congrats girl!! Sound like you are doing everything right!!!! That us such an awesome feeling, when things start falling into place. YAY💃💃💃👏👏👏👏👏👏
Apr 12Reply
thewispygypsy @dbush3662 Hi Diane! I want to show you something. I will find it and tag you. Obviously your pricing is your business. I just want you to know what you have!
Apr 13Reply
dbush3662 @dvacante thanks. I am always open to info, ideas, help. ♡
Apr 13Reply
thewispygypsy @dbush3662 oh good. I never know how that wil be taken😉 And obviously they aren't the same but all Disney is collectable💋Have a great night. I will have more fun tomorrow sharing your awesome jewelry!! And if you are interested and have tine, check out my jewelry share group. You are welcome to join any day you can😊
Apr 13Reply
thewispygypsy @dba28 Hey Deb. Were you trying to sign up for tomorrows share group?
Apr 14Reply
thewispygypsy @atorre57 This is a follow game. Don't know if you've already found these. You just like this listing, go to where it says 384 people like this above the xcomments and click it. Then follow everyone on the list. Most will follow you back. Don't forget to follow the host closet (me) & then share. Everyone that joins after you will also follow you!
Apr 14Reply
bonafidebeautie @sssylviah thank for the tag 💕💕 @kidsdayoff FG for you to increase your followers @dawn520 💕
Apr 20Reply
aliciasophia @fancyfabulous27 yay! Game on! Thanks girl 😉
Apr 20Reply
thewispygypsy @sssylviah Thanks for starting all these new tag ins!!! I appreciate your help!! I've been working hard to build my followers!
Apr 21Reply
lifeisgood63 @dvacante Good morning beautiful!💕 have a blessed day😇
Apr 21Reply
thewispygypsy @lifeisgood63 Good afternoon Molly. Your such a sweetheart😊 I just saw this. Feeling congested and yucky today. I've already taken a nap!!
Apr 21Reply
lifeisgood63 @dvacante So are you!! That is stinky! I hope you feel better, get sone rest honey
Apr 21Reply
lifeisgood63 @dvacante oops! Get some rest honey and feel better!! 💕💕💕💕
Apr 21Reply
thewispygypsy @lifeisgood63 Thanks so much! I got both messages! You're a doll
Apr 21Reply
cileia @dvacante So, her second item is a acarf. Is that right? Because first is Meet your seller...
May 07Reply
thewispygypsy @cileia The second item for sale. Only because another group does 10 shares on the first listing and the host of that group asked I do it different so it was distinguishable. And she is a dear friend😉
May 07Reply
cileia Ok. Done! I often share randomly, too. I like the idea of surprising. I changed all my jewelry back to jewelry (not Accessories anymore :) )
May 07Reply
thewispygypsy @jsuchs Thanks Jennifer!
May 10Reply
jsuchs @dvacante anytime! 💕💕😉
May 10Reply
cmc514 ONLY 2 MORE LEFT!!!!
May 13Reply
thewispygypsy @pre_pa514 Thank you Claire!!!💋I made it!!💖 How was your graduation? I know you were flying high all day💃💃
May 13Reply
djgross5 👏🙌👍❤️😄😘
May 13Reply
goldenpolkadot @shugahs @pre_pa514 @leilagares @sonpaises @randikandi @needeebees @a2z6 hi Girls 🙋🏻 follow game😱💕💕if ur not alrdy playin plz join in w/ @dvacante Diane and share 🙏🏼 .... And thank you! 🌹 😘💨
May 14Reply
peachystatus Over 15k baby!!! 🎉
May 20Reply
thewispygypsy @wenndelynn This is my follow game😉 I didn't get to any parties today really but I am about to tag you in a BUNCH of follow games!!😉
May 29Reply
thewispygypsy @mistyheart I was asking because I leave town Friday evening and was trying to decide on taking a chance I would get it in time or not! Lol It would look amazing with a white dress I have that I'm wearing with a cropped denim jacket!
Jun 17Reply
jewelry_party California.
Jun 17Reply
bluidvll A great follow game to increase followers @xojennlasky @daisyjade222 @shireenb @mrsmedina99 @flowersnmyheart @mmsteinke @raefus @jamiehauben @shoeduce_me @optophelia @rockersrack @gurliegirl01 @ashstepp1 @holdon3 @celayne @trystine @treasuresbytrac @kloiemadison @jessoalabe @shawnascott @macco @kimmie4less @jeweledonyx @phoenix63 @iwearred @rosierooter @reese0702 if you would like to be removed from tagging for these just let me know and I will remove you. Thanks and happy poshing!!😀😀😀😀💜💜💜💜
Jul 18Reply
rockersrack Thanx for the tag ‼️💞💖🌺
Jul 18Reply
creative2 @dvacante Wow! Blowing my mind with so much info. I'm NEW and have lots of ?'s. This posting recommends to follow the others in "game"? Do I go to each individual's site or is there a way of doing this in mass? Thanks for a reply.💗
Jul 23Reply
thewispygypsy @creative2 Hi! Welcome to Poshmark 😊 You will see lots of Follow Games. They are a simple effective way to build followers. If you look under by he liked share buttons, you will see 250 people like this (8 made that number up😉) click on that and all the people who like this post will pop up. Then follow them all. Most will follow you back. If you will remind me tonight, I will tag you in a bunch of follow games.
Jul 23Reply
creative2 @dvacante Thank you so much!👍 Have a great day!😃
Jul 23Reply
1pickyshopper @lazulitect Did I do this right, I just pushed the share button and I guess it went to my followers. I just have a hard time understanding the follow and following. What if I have 0 on both of those symbols, 1 means like and what does the other mean. So if I share my closet and an item has zero does it go to no one it doesn't go to my 19k followers.
Sep 24Reply
4doggypawz So on this one click the 406 likes and you should get a list of people.
Sep 24Reply
4doggypawz @lissandler sorry read message above.
Sep 24Reply
1pickyshopper @lazulitect I have another question how do people know about this site to buy. Or is it only other poshers that buy. Am I making any sense? My daughters friend signed me up and showed me how to do it, and now she is back in college.
Sep 24Reply
4doggypawz @lisasandler o what happens is when you share an item it goes to everyone of your followers. So if you were to share your items they go to all your followers and in shopping feed. The posh share groups are great because everyone has different followers so when they share your item it goes to there followers which its that many more seeing your listing.
Sep 24Reply
1pickyshopper @lazulitect I never knew what that feed is. If I have 0 does it go to my 19k followers at the right top of my page. How do my items go the feed at the bottom left. Aren't you tired of me? Don't block me, ha ha😀
Sep 24Reply
4doggypawz @lisasandler 😘😘 you are to funny...the 0 is no likes the shares will go to all of your followers always every time you share. This listing you must hit the like button and the likes will go up and for the large number click on and an entire listing will come up with everyone that liked listing.
Sep 24Reply
4doggypawz Follow all of them and in there feed like messages they will see that you are now following them. I'll It takes a little bit but the share games you have to always sign up on info page for each group the name of person running group should be there to contact...they will send you confirmation after reviewing your closet.
Sep 24Reply
4doggypawz I'll look for maybe a really good direction page or I'll write something up for you and post tomorrow. Gotta head to bed I have to work in the morning. Keep all your questions and we can go over or speak on phone and get you all dialed in🌹🌹🌹😘😘😘😘
Sep 24Reply
4doggypawz Sorry Diane I didn't realize we were going over this on you page👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻🙀🙀🙀 sorry
Sep 24Reply
1pickyshopper @lazulitect Hi, I think you should go to bed and deal with me tomorrow😀.i told you, you would be sorry for ever telling me I can ask you questions. Geez, why can't I get this, it's not rocket science. How do I get on news feed and who looks on it. What does it mean? Ok again if I have an item and it has the heart and number 2 and the other sign has 19. It doesn't get shared to my 19k followers. So doesn't it only go to my 19 people
Sep 24Reply
hillaryshouston Hey there Vixens if you are on instagram and like to post Vintage items from your closet YOU COULD BE FEATURED ON MY PAGE I'm followed by some of the top style bloggers in the industry and several celebrities who Love to shop Vintage. Just follow @hillarymarek on instagram and tag #hillarysofhouston on your Vintage clothing you want bloggers to see.
May 02Reply
hillaryshouston @hillaryshouston xoxo 💋 Hi I'm Hillary Marek from Hillary's of Houston Vintage Boutique and I can't wait to see what wonders each of your closets hold!!
May 21Reply

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