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Updated Feb 13
Updated Feb 13

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I don't want to list any names but be cautious is someone asks you to ship RIGHT away and not just within 24hrs.
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jessimakah @jesslvickers hey stranger!!! I sent u an email a while ago miss you hope ur doing ok 😘
Jan 16Reply
jessimakah @twiggy113 was going thru my comments to tag and ugh realized I totally spaced on those tops I will be in touch so sorry! 😩
Jan 16Reply
shopnikkishop Thanks for the heads up! 😊 @jsuchs
Jan 16Reply
twiggy113 Thanks so much for the heads up!!
Jan 16Reply
ninaraudy @jessimakah thanks ! I can totally see how that can happen because there is a lag in time between the payment and the shipping usps scan . Thanks for the heads up
Jan 16Reply
cmjla Omg!!! It's frightening how unreliable the mail has been!! There's a few examples I know of where the buyer and seller are reimbursed then the buyer gets the package anyway... Not only is there often a delay in shipping outgoing items, USPS isn't scanning deliveries. Things can go into a black hole... lost, untracked, for weeks. It's happening to 1 in 4 or 5 of my shipments... Often seeing a the posh shipping notification on the same day the item is delivered. As a seller this is unnerving to say the least! There really must be a way... especially in the case of a fraud cancellation, to see that the item was shipped and track back to when. I have a feeling this is going to be a huge issue. Ladies be warned!! @michelleannette @hopehendrix @enigma @alexislovebee @erix @mangrami @susanleeyogi @tanterosa
Jan 16Reply
cmjla @hopehendrix see it's not just the desert dead heads! Lmffao!!
Jan 16Reply
susansupernova @cmjla OMG 😡😡😡😡😡 boo on those people. Karma 😈😈😈
Jan 16Reply
cmjla @hopehendrix rampant!! A pandemic of epic proportion! 😹😹😹 ahh we joke but this is some 💩💩💩
Jan 16Reply
cmjla @susanleeyogi 👊👊👊 right?!?
Jan 16Reply
jessimakah @cmjla LOL I know it's true I had sold an item diff site tracking showed it was sitting to be picked up but they buyer already had it and was honest and kind enough to tell me
Jan 16Reply
jessimakah @cmjla @hopehendrix you guys r cracking me up!! 😛😂
Jan 16Reply
cmjla Yes!! Wish they were all like that! Like @susanleeyogi said... Karma!! It's a silent killer... You just can't cheat it! I saw Final Destination! Or was that about cheating death. Lol!! @hopehendrix
Jan 16Reply
maniezzz Thank u for the heads up ;)
Jan 16Reply
walkinmyshoes @jessimakah This just happened to a respectable SU. The scammers are on the rise again! @corpusjuris
Jan 16Reply
jessimakah @hopehendrix @cmjla I had forgotten! We had quite a few laughs on here back in the day she always keeps me rolling!!! 😂😂😂😂
Jan 16Reply
jessimakah @walkinmyshoes ugh makes me nervous wish there was a quick way to ban them from here and signing up with a diff profile
Jan 16Reply
cmjla Bwahaahaa 😹😹😹 @hopehendrix Me and Jess used to laugh a lot! She's one of us!!
Jan 16Reply
walkinmyshoes @jessimakah I know Angela (methodclothe) was just scammed. I'm sure PM will make things right.
Jan 16Reply
emilyslife Wow, I hope everyone is cautious and doesn't get scammed!!
Jan 16Reply
jessimakah @cmjla I miss our days of tagging the stuff we would find to outdo each other! @hopehendrix I think she ALWAYS won
Jan 16Reply
jessimakah @walkinmyshoes does she have anything posted? I've been blocking the names I see so I hopefully don't encounter any of them
Jan 16Reply
jkinney13 @jessimakah thank you for tagging me on this!
Jan 16Reply
mus1cdanc3fabz Thank u for sharing that's so scary! I'm worried now. I'm selling designer bags right now CUZ I need money. I pray this doesn't ever happen to me.
Jan 16Reply
jessimakah @mus1cdanc3fabz I would def be careful I know trades r super dangerous lots of ppl never get the item they trade for so their bag is just gone and I think u just have to make sure the cancel timeframe is over before mailing unless it's someone u have done biz with. Sad these ppl have nothing better to do than ripoff ppl 😞
Jan 16Reply
mus1cdanc3fabz Thank u for the advice. How long is the cancel time frame? So I cn mail stuff on time
Jan 16Reply
jessimakah @mus1cdanc3fabz I think it is 3hrs but may be safe to wait just a few more hrs before dropping off to mail I think someone said it happened to them at 6hrs
Jan 16Reply
mus1cdanc3fabz Alright thank u so much for this. I shared the posting. Hopefully more people can be warned.
Jan 16Reply
labelsxcouture Thank you so much for sharing! I really appreciate! I will share this as well. @diorp,@gypsydd,@rebeccaravenna,@bettypolo,@sofla,@amy_mt23,@jadakiss22a
Jan 16Reply
cledford1 Thanks for sharing! Xo
Jan 21Reply
jessimakah @louisfan1 ugh Thxs for sharing it sucks to keep hearing this more and more 😞
Jan 22Reply
jessimakah @louisfan1 It will come back to them, I firmly believe that!
Jan 22Reply
nluciano Omg thank u
Jan 23Reply
rozsingh @ridinghood13 Thanks for the tag! Good to know! Scary that there are so many less than savory people out there. @kleinlori you may want to know this!
Jan 23Reply
nanobunny @ridinghood13 Wow, this is ridiculous! Thank you so much for tagging me hun! @alba330 @alyd86 @wlew @victoriamax @cmjla @cheekbones @migle @wasabigirl
Jan 23Reply
wlew @nanobunny Thank you I have had a few posher that wanted it out same day!
Jan 23Reply
wasabigirl Thanks @jessimakah and @nanobunny! I've heard of expensive items in the past - the card they use is stolen/fake and you've already shipped quickly, but no valid payment.
Jan 23Reply
nanobunny @wlew I have shipped same day before and not had any problems, but I have never even though of this! @ridinghood13 @wasabigirl I have also heard about people rejecting an order and sending back something completely different...this is just crazy
Jan 23Reply
cheekbones @jessimakah Thanks for alert! I just ad some crazy posher from Canada who tried to get me to send a sweater. Right away,but it was only 40 dollars- but posh does not ship to Canada😃😃
Jan 23Reply
wlew @4me. You may want to see this!!
Jan 23Reply
nanobunny @cheekbones Not a problem :)
Jan 23Reply
wlew @christine1993. Read this!! Beware!!
Jan 23Reply
nanobunny @ridinghood13 Same here! I can't believe the things people will come up with to scam others. Its just such a shame. I haven had any problems to date *knock on wood*
Jan 23Reply
jessimakah @wasabigirl something similar may have happened to me but Posh caught it after I shipped and gave me my $ and I guess refunded the original card holder according to the email but it sounded like someone used a stolen card but there is no way for a seller to know.
Jan 23Reply
jessimakah @cheekbones "shaking my head" the things they come up with is just crazy
Jan 23Reply
jessimakah @ridinghood13 holy cow that's a lot of sales!!!
Jan 23Reply
wasabigirl @jessimakah and @nanobunny Wow. I haven't heard of this kind of scamming in a while. I've heard of trades gone wrong where someone got shipped a roll of paper towels.
Jan 23Reply
nanobunny @wasabigirl wow! I haven't heard of that one either. Just crazy how far people will go scam others :(
Jan 23Reply
christine1993 @jessimakah thank u for the heads up !
Jan 23Reply
jessimakah @wasabigirl definitely lots of bad trades people are always getting taken for items on those. I know they hit high end purses a lot those too good to be true trades usually end badly for ppl
Jan 23Reply
platinummermaid @ridinghood13 had this happen to me tonight with a $3800 ring
Jan 23Reply
christine1993 @shiningbrighter@allyd86@pockets_full@tamtam_82 a friend of mine looking out & tag me. Beware !!
Jan 23Reply
platinummermaid @ridinghood13 it's okay they caught it in Nashville. That was only by a chance Miracle!
Jan 23Reply
allyd86 Oh yikes that's not good at all :/ Makes me sad to see people do things like that! Thanks for the heads up @christine1993
Jan 23Reply
tamtam_82 @christine1993 Thanks for tagging me on this!
Jan 23Reply
pockets_full Thank you..
Jan 23Reply
shiningbrighter I was recently scammed by a neighbor...she received my we have the same address but my condo is #B. They delivered it to our address i.e. 5595 Blah St.....which is the front house where she lives...tracking showed it was "delivered"...she said she received it but placed it on her porch for the USPS to pick up because it wasn't her name....she knows my name but claims she doesn't....the package magically disappeared - Pay Pals refused to reimburse me because it showed "delivered" even though the address was wrong....and Priority Mail who supposedly insures the package denied my claim for the same reason...tracking showed delivered. I never got it and Im out $ was a MK purse. I filed a police report and appealed the claim but it was also denied. Super service by our USPS. It was an Ebay purchase not Posh but still....beware!!! Im super bummed!
Jan 23Reply
jessimakah @shiningbrighter oh gosh that's terrible you have a neighbor like that! I have to say everything I hear Posh is great about handling these issues. I'm hopeful they will find a way to ban these ppl by address or banking info 😊
Jan 23Reply
alba330 @nanobunny Thank you for the heads up!
Jan 23Reply
shiningbrighter @jessimakah I know...its dreadful living next to a thief but Im a true believer of karma so hope she enjoys hers!!!
Jan 24Reply
6151richmond @lapienke21 Just found this post. 😉
Feb 01Reply
lapienke21 @sophiapetrillo clever...but so criminal! I hope that PM can stop these people soon!!! I wish these smart people would use their evil for good!!!
Feb 01Reply
jessimakah @suekeyta and here btw is something to watch for on here 😊
Feb 04Reply
jessimakah @bailliebarnett here is a post in my closet abt the issue 😊
Feb 08Reply
annelibug One thing I always do is to wait in line and ask the postal clerk to scan in the package and give me a receipt when they do. It takes a little extra time but is worth knowing that you are covered and there is no delay in the package getting scanned in.
Feb 13Reply
jessimakah @annelibug that's prob a good idea even when I have it to the carrier it takes them forever I swear they don't even scan then
Feb 13Reply
annelibug Haha yeah no I go to the actual post office and get a receipt. Be safe!
Feb 13Reply
melfran13 Watch out for @jocelynlaraa ! You can look at the post in my closet to see what happened! Absolutely ridiculous
Jun 08Reply
jocelynlaraa Yes, I said "selling an empty box is dumb" get over it!! That's not even close as bad as making fun of someone's appearance in which case you did. So get over it once again. You blocked me to a reason, If you don't stop mentioning I'm going to do the same things I did that got me blocked on the 1st place. I'm sorry I was such a big impact in your life but, it's time you get over it!
Jun 08Reply
jocelynlaraa Did you sell your "money making box"?😂😂😂😂 @melfran13
Jun 08Reply

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