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Updated Nov 06
Updated Nov 06

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All jokes. I don't have these to sell but really... I do wish I could send these out... to both friends and acquaintances alike haha sometimes we all need to be reminded to get our lives! I purchased this on etsy, and it's my accessory recommendation that I just wanted to share with you ladies online! I might purchase more to post! What do you think? Would you like to see this in my Kloset?
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karisrenee @itslove thinking of actually sending these always makes me feel better hehe
Feb 05Reply
itslove I.cant.... This is just so good. I need to find this. Lol. Oh ladies... 👀👆👆👆👆🙊👏🙌 @mrsalliexo @phoebescloset11
Feb 05Reply
phoebescloset11 @itslove DYING LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!! This is the best
Feb 05Reply
itslove @mrsalliexo @phoebescloset11 All have to say is I 💓 this girl. Karis is the shiiiiiit. 🙌👊😘
Feb 05Reply
phoebescloset11 Can we just buy this Karis?
Feb 05Reply
phoebescloset11 Never mind u don't even have it I wanted to buy it for @itslove.
Feb 05Reply
karisrenee Haaaaaaa @itslove you are a gem! @phoebescloset11 I think I found this on etsy... I'd say it's a well-worth investment LOL I SO want to own it! Just sit back, sip my tea and watch the craziness haha
Feb 05Reply
karisrenee "🐸☕️ but that's none of my business..."
Feb 05Reply
mrsalliexo @karisrenee @mrsalliexo @phoebescloset11 Omg I'm dying😹 I need this cup!!! Byeeeee 👋✋👋✋👉🚪
Feb 05Reply
itslove THAT'S IT!!! Did we just become friends?!? YUP!!! (To quote one of the best movies ever... Step Brothers)
Feb 06Reply
karisrenee why. Hahahahaha! I cant! Why are yall making me crack up in real lifeeeeee!! @mrsalliexo @phoebescloset11 @itslove so done with you haha i LIVE for that movie. Whoever hunts this down 1st has to share, cuz I think we all need it.
Feb 06Reply
itslove Hehehehe. Well get on it miss thang. You're the one who found the image. Search and rescue ASAP.
Feb 06Reply
karisrenee DONE!
Feb 06Reply
phoebescloset11 Karis, @mrsalliexo @itslove consider operation Bye, Felicia in full force!!!!!
Feb 06Reply
itslove Orrrr, and this is just a suggestion,"Girl, BYE!" Lol. @mrsalliexo @phoebescloset11
Feb 06Reply
karisrenee Dead. Literally commented "Girl Bye" to a posher with an attitude this week. I caaaaant @itslove
Feb 06Reply
phoebescloset11 @itslove ORRRR, Bye, Crazy! Just sayin... @mrsalliexo Are we all texting AND on here? LOL
Feb 06Reply
karisrenee HAAAAAA! Is it wrong that we're blowing up EVERY avenue of modern communication right now @mrsalliexo @phoebescloset11 @itslove #PShopeyouhaveunlimitedData
Feb 06Reply
itslove Pretty much lol.
Feb 06Reply
phoebescloset11 I want to be Felicia. She sure goes a lot of places! ha
Feb 16Reply
karisrenee HAaaaaaaa! She's so busy! Felicia is a damn world traveler- maybe we should start going with her lol @mrsalliexo @phoebescloset11 @itslove Too many girls saying "bye Felicia", not realizing Felicia's running things with places to go, and you're still at home! BLOOP & Bon voyage! Looks like Felicia is in charge lol maybe it's time to bring back "Go home, Roger!" from sister sister <3 #nextMugIdea
Feb 16Reply
lindalea44 Hi I need this my Daughter is blue eyed Felicia too lol too cute. .......
Mar 11Reply
lindalea44 Oops that's embarrassing I think maybe I should have read that better .oh man. Anyway cute cup. Lol
Mar 11Reply
karisrenee HAhahaha @lindalea44 no the font is super cute! I think the gal on etsy that makes these does cute custom mugs that your sweetie would love! lol but just make sure there's no middle finger on the bottom haha I think some of these sassy mugs have that detail that we'd want to omit ;)
Mar 11Reply
karisrenee @bevans91 this is something you need to just make yourself calming cup of teeheehee☕️☕️ when people try you on posh lol I found it on etsy, and every one who has it- loves it 👍 hahaha just had to share!
Mar 21Reply
marly911 @frantastic2010 I saw the t-shirts yesterday in Spencer's and was gonna buy one. 😂😂
Apr 19Reply
karisrenee Hey @frantastic2010 @marly911 welcome to my Kloset! Don't you just want to get out your frustration and send thus to some people you know? Lol well I did, and this silly diva @itslove bought herself this very one. And when @pm_editor saw it on her Instagram, they shared it to the entire poshmark Instagram page! 😂😂 sometimes we all need a lil "bye Felicia" moment 🎀 xo
Apr 19Reply
frantastic2010 😂👍 great closet!
Apr 19Reply
karisrenee Aww 😍😍 thanx girl! You too @frantastic2010
Apr 19Reply
laundrydayshop @laceleigh
Apr 28Reply
karisrenee umm @mrsalliexo @phoebescloset11 can we just take a moment to discuss how LONG OVERDUE this was for @itslove YOU GO GIRL! well deserved! xoxoxox
May 08Reply
itslove Lol whew it's been a cool minute that's for sure! TY Karis you are too sweet. I still feel like I need to be pinched or something. Lots of love ladies @karisrenee @mrsalliexo @phoebescloset11
May 08Reply
karisrenee btw @itslove I think it's time for a Real Housewives of Poshmark cast, and you'd be my 1st pick lol As I am still unmarried, I guess that makes me the "Porsha" of the group, but whatever... I'll be up to your NeNe status in no time ;)
May 08Reply
itslove Pssssssh gf I'm not married lol.
May 08Reply
mrsalliexo @karisrenee @phoebescloset11 @itslove SERIOUSLY 😏🙈😆 it's taken wayyyyy to long to get it 👭🎉💜 So excited for you sissy 👯🌸
May 08Reply
karisrenee sh!t, that means I'm Marlo @itslove
May 08Reply
itslove Thanks Twinsie!!! 😘👯🎉 @mrsalliexo
May 08Reply
itslove hahaha! Or Kenya? Life twirls on girl
May 08Reply
karisrenee im dead on the ground... LOL reasons why I love @itslove #you'dBeInMyPilotShow
May 08Reply
itslove Bahahahaha! I don't do a Chinese Jamaican accent. BOOM
May 08Reply
karisrenee "whazzagoaaan!" You know our show would NOT be that #Whack lol @itslove "RHOP coming soon" LOL
May 08Reply
itslove Lol! Get that script goin girl 😉🙈
May 08Reply
teetee312 @itslove yals Killin me! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Oct 30Reply
karisrenee omg... @mrsalliexo have you seen >> lovestoryshop? I swear I thought that was you in passing for like, a good week! lol I was so confused when I actually went to her page and realized it wasn't yours 😉🙈😉🙈😉🙈
Nov 02Reply
mrsalliexo @karisrenee Hi love! Unfortunately yes... Lol & that's the short story! 😎
Nov 02Reply
karisrenee 😎 See, this is why I don't tag, my dear @mrsalliexo 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 lol Glad to have found the REAL Allie again and share in the right direction :) 🐸 ☕️ So many people are going as YOU for Halloween this year, boo! haha there should be a memo that costumes are not acceptable past the 31st...but that's none of my business tho...🐸☕️🐸☕️🐸☕️ PLUS I just saw your amazing news! I bet you could not be happier! Keeping you and the fam in prayers and thoughts for health and Fabulousness! xoxox
Nov 02Reply
mrsalliexo @karisrenee Omg ha ha ha totally!!! 🙊😂🙌🏼😬 I love those sayings, "blah blah blah, but that's non of my business" 🐸🐸🐸 lol. Hope your doing well 👭☺️💜 Love your page as always 😘😘
Nov 02Reply
karisrenee hey ladies, @mrsalliexo @phoebescloset11 @itslove I have a question for you as sellers who also have several sales/day. I need to talk to my boss ladies! 👭☺️💜👭☺️💜 Im kinda noticing something & wanted to get your opinion- Do you have difficulty tracking your earnings in your redeemable balance?
Nov 11Reply
karisrenee Like, I know that we all have access to our own $ info, but I'm one of those people that likes to see where exactly each sale dollar & purchase has broken down into my balance. Like if poshmark gives me a refund- I want to see it broken down like a bank account! 😏 not just the final result.
Nov 11Reply
karisrenee IDK about you, but back in March, poshmark actually had a processing error where they actually deposited and removed several hundreds of dollars from my bank acct trying to fix some technical mistake they made. Everrrrr since then- I like to double check anytime a big deposit is supposed to be made or anything out of the ordinary.
Nov 11Reply
karisrenee For example- USPS just lost a pkg of mine that I shipped out. Posh just cancelled the order and gave both me and the buyer our $ back (awesome!), but with several transactions pending and releasing each day- I've got no way to see or verify that the funds from THIS transaction actually came through as promised. Do you have any suggestions? I emailed support asking for a detailed report for the month to verify, but who knows if I'll actually get 1, you know?
Nov 11Reply
mrsalliexo @karisrenee I watch mine daily or every other day and never have money sitting. I don't feel comfortable with posh having my earnings. Then I compare the transactions to my bank statements to make sure here all there 😀👍🏼
Nov 11Reply
karisrenee that's wise! @mrsalliexo I have a bad habit (from not selling often) of just leaving my earnings & forgetting I'm making money! haha it's always a stupid large amount - but that makes it much more difficult to watch, so I think if I take your advice and manage/redeem it more often- i'll have a better handle on it. THANK YOU SWEETS! hopefully I didn't get TOO up in your business 🐸☕️
Nov 11Reply
mrsalliexo @karisrenee Not at all! Maybe every Monday or every (pick two days) weekly do transfers so you know your earnings better 💕 helps keep track of your page better. Xo
Nov 11Reply
karisrenee you rock! I appreciate the suggestion, girl! @mrsalliexo 💕 I'm doing it!
Nov 11Reply
karisrenee omg FYI ladies- if you ask- poshmark will send you a report of all your sales from day 1. I just asked for this month, and I got mine in less than 4 hours after requesting 💕 💕 💕 This is a great tool if you ever have any questions regarding your funds @mrsalliexo @phoebescloset11 @itslove
Nov 11Reply
amyp3 Omg I wish. Love this post!!
Nov 16Reply
faiththrifts101 Do You have this?
Nov 25Reply
karisrenee oh, I WISH! :) @fashionfreak101, but no as the description shows, " I do not have these to sell". But I DO wish I could send these out to both friends and posh acquaintances alike haha sometimes we all need to be reminded :) I did make a few myself! But I only gave them out as gifts. If you want one, I could do one for ya or you may be able to find one on etsy 💕 💕 💕
Nov 25Reply
chateau_monroe All seriousness you are the ish! I love how straight up and hilarious you are in your posts. I'm dead every time I read them! 😩😂💀
Feb 18Reply
karisrenee Hahaaaaaa @chateau_monroe thank you boo!!!! that made my whole night 😎😎😎 I totally thought that beyonce was you in one of your listings btw lol so glad we wear around the same size too! I'm karis btw, glad to meet you! I don't have time for bs, so you sound like my people! Lol
Feb 18Reply
chateau_monroe Nice to meet you! I'm Sagine but you can call me Sage. Awww I'm glad I made your night. Beyonce?? Lol girlllll stoooop 😁 I'm happy we wear the same size too! You have such great style...your closet is flawless! I'm working on cleaning up my closet and making it more visually appealing. Like a closet I'd like to shop in lol. Right now I don't feel like it reflects all my fab-ness haha. I'm not app savvy and I take a good pic by chance. I'd love to step it up! Thanks for the shares boo!!
Feb 18Reply
hollylilly My daughter would 💙 this!!!!!
Feb 19Reply
karisrenee @hollylilly I think it's still available on Etsy! Just search for bye Felicia mug, & I think you'll find it! ❤❤
Feb 19Reply
hollylilly Thank you
Feb 19Reply
chunglee4819 Love this mug
Feb 19Reply
vvnvuong18 I WANT!!!
Feb 19Reply
karisrenee Omg ove it! @vvnvuong18 @chunglee4819 I think it's still available on Etsy if you want one of your own! Just search for "bye Felicia mug", & I think you'll find it! ❤❤ this was too funny to pass up!
Feb 19Reply
chunglee4819 @karisrenee thank you i will definitely look to find this i love it .
Feb 19Reply
karisrenee You need to own this @loreenny lol while wearing that queen ratchet tank
Feb 19Reply
loreenny @karisrenee that is my favorite thing to say to my students as they leave for the day. I'm professional like that 😂😂
Feb 19Reply
57042udie 😂😂😂😂
Mar 17Reply
detzold YAAAASSSSS you should totally start selling them! ❤️😂
Mar 27Reply
madreina Key--uu--ttt! 😘
Mar 28Reply
blondemoment35 Omg so cute!!
Mar 28Reply
sfgivenchy ❤️😂
Apr 01Reply
triciatx @karisrenee LOL 😂 I want to add this to my page just so I can tag the rude people. 😋
Apr 02Reply
hrhkindness Lol! I love this😍✌🏽️
Apr 10Reply
salinnyc This would have been a great buy lol
Apr 11Reply
mojo133 @budjiann16 This made me think of Mackenzie!! LOL
Apr 25Reply
nikler Heck yes!!! So its not the free gift w purchase then?
Apr 27Reply
karisrenee @nikler haha no im sorry. I WISH i had these to give away! Lol my girlfriend found one on etsy tho if you really gotta have it!
Apr 27Reply
nikler I do!!!! And thank u!!¡!!
Apr 27Reply
stephrose93 Hahahah i know some people who need this!
May 01Reply
loreenny I still laugh every time I see this!
May 02Reply
gems1955 Yes, I would buy in a heart beat😊
May 13Reply
mimi021181 @karisrenee OMG this is Hilariously Awesome!!!!!!
May 26Reply
gems1955 Lol ! Please order some to sell😊
Jun 29Reply
kleronomia LOVE THIS.
Jul 19Reply
andeyg OMG HAHAHAHAHA!!!! yes!!!! I was laying next to my sleeping husband and almost laughed out loud when I saw this! Lol!!!!
Aug 03Reply
haleydear So relevant! 😂
Aug 08Reply
tamrahaselman Love this!!
Aug 16Reply
bellelunana Dying, my husband yes husband lol.says this to me at least 3 times daily (I'm 99.9% sure he doesn't know he's using it incorrectly lol) but I got so excited when I saw this and thought you were selling them lol. Also love your closet and thank you for sharing some of my stuff <3
Sep 15Reply
karisrenee LOL That is hilarious! @bellelunana We found this on etsy, so try there if you want to take one home! Thanks so much for the kind words xoxo
Sep 15Reply
bellelunana @karisrenee Awesome thanks:)
Sep 15Reply
rockedthat I need to find this for my friend Felicia, she would love it!
Oct 23Reply
leafmarie Oh yes! I know a few daughters of mine who'd love these for x-mas
Oct 31Reply
edgutique I gotta have this lol
Dec 01Reply
karisrenee @kittyglam we found them on eysy!!!!
Dec 01Reply
karinldigi So awesome!!
Dec 20Reply
sunmommy "Hiiiii Craig"
Jan 12Reply
karisrenee @sunmommy You. Are. The. Only. One. 🙊🙊🙊
Jan 12Reply
sunmommy @karisrenee Girl stop 😎😎😎 whatchu got on my 40?! 💪
Jan 12Reply
sjo000fc Absolutely YES😂👍
Jan 22Reply
pcw15 Absolutely
Feb 24Reply
obeast @karisrenee ❤️❤️✌🏼OMG! This my girls' & my favorite! We've been saying this 4 YEARS! lol 😂 But most people don't know what it means unless they've watched the FRIDAY movies 🎥...
Mar 07Reply
msjaine Felicia doesn't travel the world. Felicia is a crackhead who always asking for money or crack so they constantly telling her to leave. A little FYI. From the movie Friday.
Mar 27Reply
acedefender Love it! Lol
Apr 06Reply
itslove Still giggle every time I drink my morning java in this cup. LOLOLOLSSSSSSS. ;)
Aug 29Reply
bellamia66 Are you really giving these with every purchase?
Oct 27Reply

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