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Updated Apr 24
Updated Apr 24


"Posh Clean"


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"One Million ... No, 100 Billion" Followers! Let's all gain followers and make our goals! Mine is 100 BILLION followers! If your closet is "Posh Compliant" "Posh Clean" Like this listing, follow all who have "liked" then tag all your PFF's with this listing! Don't take risks with your closet, make sure to follow Posh rules 💫 PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CLOSET IS COMPLIANT BEFORE PLAYING! People will be checking the list, don't take the risk!✨💫No Unsupported Items includes no Counterfeit items. xx
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dimndgrl @mandapanda83 can you help me spread my follow game?
Feb 11Reply
dimndgrl @kookc @leliluv can you tag some PFF's ?
Feb 11Reply
mk4 Thank you for the tag Angie 😘💕✨@anoliver. new follow game @prettyinpeplum
Feb 11Reply
mytherapy Good morning! I'm following you, so I will share often! :)
Feb 11Reply
mytherapy @hollynoel25 @msu0172 @nkhob @mandapanda82 New Follow Game - Posh Rules clean!:)
Feb 11Reply
hollynoel25 @dimndgrl haha I love this!! Ty @mytherapy for the tag! 😘 @marlanap @liv1966 @daughtrey @erikagannon @vanessa_03 @1hermitcrab Let's all tag someone that nobody knows, we need newbies, not the same old circle! Just be sure to vett their closet first! This is a great one for the newbs cuz it emphasizes POSH COMPLIANCE!
Feb 11Reply
mytherapy @hollynoel25 How funny, I was thinking the same thing! :)
Feb 11Reply
jteach23 @dimndgrl hahaha. I 💜 it. Can I tag newbies I come across that are not following the rules??
Feb 11Reply
mytherapy @prettyinpeplum @ironmissy Ladies, here is a following game, these will help you gain followers in a short time! :)
Feb 11Reply
jteach23 @dimndgrl I always am not sure how to tell them they r not posh complaint. Cuz I'm thinking they will become offended. 😞
Feb 11Reply
hollynoel25 @mytherapy 😂 even if it means we each just pick any random posher & vett their closets, I find most FG I may find 1-3 new followers, at best, so why not get the best for our efforts, right?
Feb 11Reply
mandapanda83 💎 Girl, I love this, LMBO!!! Yes, of course!!! Grey has his IEP meeting today, if I forget, remind me love!!!!!! Muah!! xx Mana Lou 💘🐼
Feb 11Reply
incognito13 @dimndgrl @hollynoel25 now I know why we are all Posh Besties!!!! LOLOLOLOL !!!!!!
Feb 11Reply
mtnhiker @dimndgrl I love the way you created this 😍😍
Feb 11Reply
incognito13 @dimndgrl I'm so going to be posting more later!!!!
Feb 11Reply
saltydeals LoL >> love James Franco >>> Cheers to 100 Billion Followers <3 hahaha <3 Thank you @marlanap <3 @nsep @shopandpop @derinda @btessfaye @blorrainet @teaca @ximena86 @tufflove @apilotinheels @pandas_fave @mtnhiker @daisyd0102 @weimaranermom @luvmyqh6 @lakeforest >> New FG
Feb 11Reply
hollynoel25 @mytherapy we all have thousands of followers ... To choose from, and the "Suggestions" List is a great place to find compliant closets to tag!
Feb 11Reply
mandapanda83 Hi ladies, sorry for the mass tag; but I'm helping out one of my absolute best friends with her new follow game! Please join in on the fun!! 💎💎💎 @alimikiger @nyreecox @stefanilea @dimndgrl @pjmack @larochelle @leliluv @leilagares @ramya91 @drizzymizzylove @katz2 @sweetbee17 @xicanani @jml2255 @daughtrey @splendeur @jewelska @elevenroses @ridinghood13 @ajceraso @marykat @pampiglet @sheokay @sherenem @retta13 @bellanblue @lovemygirlz @maidmarian @star_gazer99 @herparallax @miami_wife @countessvintage @mbeesting @kewpiedoll @whatsleft @rozsingh @sobacat @smcarey @rockdiva @dressyu @mistielee @ex_globetrotter @bellafiore4 @cassandra8187 @isa_wine_lover @saundie @anoliver @mytherapy @tdkbkt6 @bellaconfusione @currentfashion @ginger71 @marlanap @sydneypelts @hbottenfeld @izzy40 @msu0712 @nurseleslea @kfowler86 @bayleepc @debbie043059 @dallize @craftcraze @shellybe123 @frogsforme430 @manymurrays @charmcity @kres0043 @truedesign @courtneyhaller @shopjomens @edamerval @phyzylizzy @lovelm @serendipity8888 @freneticmadness @footcandy @bluidvll @lnp916 @dubbaa @armenian_2014 @lucidemotion @nkhob @laurenchar27 @d2mosel @emmyrawrs @hydrogirl @jen26vegas @mickydkat @kmb42 @ojennyjen @erikagannon @lolosaw @mary447 @puddpudd0 @roxygirl1 @wendac @vanessa_03 @classyvintage @kmariec @julskewl @jakaemom12 @ownpudi @aflattery @synde77 @liv1966 @shoediva810 @rbarney96 @elizimul @bwenger @theonenetwork @gators73 @stef02 @needeebees @cjpritchett @roxygirl1 @courtneyhaller @vacat @italianxbella15 @airforce1821 @mwooding @dianakemoer @izzyb2210 @r12stokes @2dlala @emmyrunr
Feb 11Reply
daughtrey @dimndgrl This is too cute Anastasia!
Feb 11Reply
mandapanda83 Thank you for the tags ladies!! @ridinghood13 💘 @mytherapy 💘 @jadrch 💘🐼
Feb 11Reply
leliluv Ladies, check this out! (Super fun pictures Anastasia!!) New Follow Game! @xovelesquez @janet0103 @dmv25 @michellel614 @csconlapn @pprabhu @ashbashes @jhaleyddd @bronte83 @lovelm please tag your PFFs :)
Feb 11Reply
bluidvll Another follow game and just like always if you would like me to stop tagging you just let me know, thanks😀😀😀 @reyreyfasho @christi_405 @gracejaques @reaganscloset @jtran06 @ashleyaveilino @mc820897 @laurenscloset90
Feb 11Reply
bronte83 New follow game! @motherskiss @dmv25
Feb 11Reply
51twenty Love this😂
Feb 11Reply
pearlsposh Lol, Luv it!😍 already following and will be sharing👍 @shopaholic2k @myin2828 ✨👯✨ thanks for the tag @lovemygirlz 😘💕
Feb 11Reply
chenchita Thanks @hollynoel25 💞@taunyaarmstrong @tiffany561 @sparklestoyou
Feb 11Reply
berenice__23 I'm new here 🙋😊
Feb 11Reply
cali_gal @dimndgrl LOVE IT!! 😁 thanks @anoliver for the tag!!💖 My goal is to get to 5000 today!! (Hey we all have to start somewhere) Check it out girls @erikagannon @kellydavis05 🌺
Feb 11Reply
cali_gal @civvisavvi 👆 (but maybe you already were tagged) 🌸
Feb 11Reply
erikagannon I don't do a lot of these because I always want people to follow me because they truly like me and my closet... But this one is focusing on keeping closets clean and compliant... What a fabulous idea!!! Thank you @cali_gal @hollynoel25 for the tag!!! I'd like you to meet a few newer poshers that I've met recently @mykidsfault @rhondaleblanc @synde77
Feb 11Reply
fischforthehip This is hilarious! 😄
Feb 11Reply
synde77 @erikagannon awh thanks Erika!
Feb 11Reply
erikagannon @synde77 you're very welcome! love YA share sister! ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 11Reply
sssylviah Lol @dimndgrl 😂😂😂
Feb 11Reply
mandapanda83 @motherskiss Anastasia is my bestie!!!! I already sent out my mass tag!! Thanks for including me!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Feb 11Reply
motherskiss Sorry, I know how it feels- got tagged 4 times for this post already, but it's ok it just reminds me to follow New "likes" and share it again ;D @mandapanda83
Feb 11Reply
sassbadger @willialm, @the_hill_closet, @lknight1, @emmyrunr
Feb 11Reply
mickydkat @crystal_iris @rozsingh @nikeezy new follow game ladies!
Feb 11Reply
Feb 11Reply
wisprynwardrobe Shared 💟💟💟💟
Feb 11Reply
wisprynwardrobe @mandapanda83 thank for the tag girl! 😙
Feb 11Reply
dimndgrl @hollynoel25 Thank you so much Christine! Thats why I created this, I have closets following me daily and I'm not able to follow back or share from their closets because they are not compliant. If I think they are approachable I will try to help them recognize Posh rules. But I thought it would just be nice to have a safe FG where everyone would feel comfortable to follow, knowing the integrity. :->
Feb 11Reply
mandapanda83 @motherskiss I don't mind actually!!! If I don't have time for something I'm tagged in, I try my best to get back to whatever it was!! You can tag me anytime u want!! Lol!!! Thanks again!! 😘😘😘😘
Feb 11Reply
dimndgrl Thank you to everyone who is supporting this idea ! I really appreciate the time taken to tag "Posh Clean" closets! xx Anastasia
Feb 11Reply
dimndgrl Thank you so very much for taking the time to tag "Posh Clean" closets! xx @anoliver @mtnhiker @drea04 @dierks24 @pearlsposh @dressyu @leilagares @fischforthehip @stefanilea
Feb 11Reply
mistielee @dimndgrl Anastasia✨Fabulous Game!! Thank you!!💕💖💕 Amanda thanks for the tag Love @mandapanda83 🍃NEW FOLLOW GAME ️GIRLS!! WANNA play?!🍃💕@kookc @daisyd0102 @pinkdiamonds @lolosaw @miami_wife @bellafiore4 @bellanblue @janet0103 @msu0712
Feb 11Reply
miami_wife ️Yw 💖
Feb 11Reply
vacat Hard to hit 100B since there's not that many subscribers, but I applaud your ambition😻😻😻 NEW FG: @mk4 @lakeforest @csconlapn @mcccshe @goidbuys @tinpat
Feb 11Reply
hollynoel25 @dimndgrl same here girl! I agree.. Nice to have a fail safe FG .... Compliance ppl! 😂 or Polaroids 😂😂😂😂
Feb 11Reply
gretchen42 Hey ladies, I don't usually do these following games because of the mess it makes of my feed, but since this one is for Posh compliant closets only, I'm going to give it a try. @hydrogirl @kaylen26 @maidmarian @mommy2007 @puddpudd0 @roxygirl1 @vanessa_03
Feb 11Reply
dimndgrl Hi Gretchen! @gretchen42 Thank you! I am always so disappointed going into the follow games to find out I can't follow half of them because they aren't compliant!
Feb 11Reply
leaguon @sobacat, if you're interested 😊 because you have a gorgeous closet!
Feb 11Reply
leaguon @stefanilea thank you for the tag 😀
Feb 11Reply
mk4 Thanks for the tag Holly, already following her. Will share.😘 @vacat
Feb 11Reply
lakeforest @vacat Thanks😻🐾
Feb 11Reply
leaguon @willialm, if you're interested and because I love your closet 😊😀
Feb 11Reply
lesleyscloset Thanks for the tag @lknight1 !!
Feb 11Reply
leaguon @sobacat you're very welcome 😀 love your items and you certainly have a "clean" closet 😄
Feb 11Reply
gretchen42 I KNOW!!!!! I can't stand to have my feed all crapped up with baby clothes, broken iPads, bookends, Ninja blenders, tractors, etc, so I usually never do these but I like that this one is for compliant only closets! Thanks for inviting me to join!
Feb 11Reply
elevenroses @dimndgrl Thank you so much Anastasia !!
Feb 11Reply
vintage4lovers Love this, Anastasia!! Thanks for the tag! @jburke4444 @danellecw @estumpff
Feb 11Reply
luvmyqh6 @dimndgrl This is awesome!! I love these picks! So funny!!! Let's go for it!! WOO ! HOO!! FW GAME!!!! @karenvictoria9 @rperry01 @hlfreeman7 @amandaekelly @grvdanger @ellamarie00 @sydneylnelson @lindsaybrooks97 @electric_looks @xoxohayley @squinn15 @rosylnmiller @dominodixieget @keonna22 @chenchita @chuchala99 @clothesboss Hi Ladies! Let's help each other get more followers to reach our goals and get some more sales!!! Like, share, follow, and tag!! You guys are the best! Thank you so much ladies! Sorry if I double tagged you! @marlanap Thank you for tagging me!!❤️🐴
Feb 11Reply
dimndgrl @luvmyqh6 Ginnie thank you! xx
Feb 11Reply
eliteapplause @dimndgrl Thanks Ans!💕💗💗💗💕
Feb 11Reply
dodiek @everyone Sounds like a bunch of Posh Snobs to me. So much for support and camaraderie for ALL Posher's. 😕 I am SO sorry my child's clothes and my boyfriends coveralls OFFEND your delicate special 'Rules' you speak so highly of. Way to exclude many who share, like and BUY things from your closets. Shame on all of you. 😳
Feb 11Reply
dodiek @hollynoel25 Please read above. I'm sorry I didn't include all of you 'special' Posher's.
Feb 11Reply
dianakaren @alise28 this is awesome!!
Feb 11Reply
ncmom57 @alise28 thanks Alise for the tag 😉
Feb 11Reply
dimndgrl @dodiek Dodie Clearly you misunderstand. No one here is a snob, quite the contrary ... you won't find another group of women so generous, supportive and helpful. It's not rules that any of us have made up. The rules and terms for use of this app were designed and created by POSHMARK. You will see and understand by reading Posh's FAQ's and following the Forum. If you list unsupported items or follow and share others that do, you risk having Poshmark close your closet. None of us want that to happen to anyone. Most people who have unsupported items are not aware of the rules, and once they find out that there are rules pertaining to what is allowed they usually try to comply.
Feb 11Reply
dodiek @dimndgrl I understand about the rules, but some of the comments on here are proof that mean girls from high school sometimes never grow up. Everyone on this site that I've come across have been wonderful, wether buying, trading or holding something for me. I try to be as accommodating to all who are interested as much as I can. This struck me the wrong way, and I had to give someone an 'outsider's' take. My sincerest apologies if I offended, it wasn't my goal😊❤️ Thanks for being awesome about it😊❤️
Feb 11Reply
thewispygypsy Love your sense of humor. This is too funny!!
Feb 11Reply
dimndgrl @dvacante Thank you Diane! :-> xx
Feb 11Reply
gemsbyjoan Don't stop, Get it Get it!!! 😃👍👊 shared.
Feb 11Reply
hollynoel25 @dodiek I'm so very if I offended anyone. I'd never do that intentionally. I just try to honor the agreement I made with POSHMARK when I signed up. I don't make the rules, I just follow them. I Have heard great things about TOT SPOT, I wish there was a great site for men's clothes as well. Again , I'm very sorry I offended you, I promise it was not my intent. 💕🌺💕✌️
Feb 11Reply
dimndgrl @hollynoel25 no one intended to offend anyone here, I explained that very same thing to her. xo
Feb 11Reply
dodiek @hollynoel25 I'm so sorry if I offended anyone! It's so not my nature to ever say anything, I swear I open my mouth and my mother comes out (or her thoughts anyway☺️). Thank you for the heads up on the kids clothes sites, I'm just trying to get rid of it all, lol. Thank you for not being offended by my big mouth. 😊❤️
Feb 11Reply
dimndgrl @dodiek Thank you so much Dodie! LOL ...We all have our days, I know I certainly do! :->
Feb 11Reply
hollynoel25 @dodiek Also, I spend quite a bit of time helping new poshers learn the ropes, because I care & want them to succeed here. 💕🌺💕✌️
Feb 11Reply
sherenem Let's make it happen!!! Your closet deserves it! 💜
Feb 11Reply
dimndgrl @sherenem Lets make it happen for everyone!!!! @vacat dashed my hopes a dreams a bit by reminding me that there aren't that many subscribers... :-> lol but hey .... xx
Feb 11Reply
vacat Oh no - didn't mean to dash your hopes & dreams!!! I like big goals & this certainly is one! Now, we just have to recruit enough new subscribers! LOL
Feb 11Reply
elizmul I just posted a FOLLOW GAME as well girlfriend! Of course I will spread the word for you! It's crazy...I looked at who all I was following...20K...then looked over at who was following me...9300...confusing to say the least! LOL
Feb 11Reply
sherenem @larochelle Hi!! This posher is awesome!!!, if you have time to share it would be appreciated!
Feb 11Reply
dimndgrl I was just teasing @vacat ... ha ha Agreed with the recruiting!
Feb 11Reply
nlgka Perfect
Feb 11Reply
dimndgrl @elizmul I know right?.... your choice of words for definitely confusing.... I have already liked yours as well!
Feb 11Reply
dodiek @dimndgrl @hollynoel25 I can't apologize enough😊 Thanks for understanding😊❤️😘😘
Feb 11Reply
dimndgrl @dodiek it's all good... :->
Feb 11Reply
marykat 😘👍 Anastasia TY for tagging me! I will definitely Share!! I am away from Posh for a little, my nephew 26yrs old passed away last Friday, we are all so devastated! Saw your tag and wanted to share ❤️🙏 @bthereasap @sbw1252 @tmc3526 @mollydolly @coralryley @jadrch @4sq @nycrelady11 ❤️ will share more as I can
Feb 11Reply
hollynoel25 @dodiek I agree with @dimndgrl , you've just misunderstood how all this works! I was never, and wi never be a mean girl, I couldn't be further from that if I tried. I have my challenges like we all have, but lack of compassion, rudeness or plain meanness has never been one of mine. It is nice to meet you though lol, and I hope we get to know each other better. 💕🌺💕✌️
Feb 11Reply
gracerush1990 Love these follow games thanks for tagging me @bluidvll !
Feb 11Reply
hollynoel25 @dodiek 😘 no worries, it's forgotten!! 💕🌺💕✌️
Feb 11Reply
dodiek @hollynoel25 Thanks for not holding it against me😘😘😊❤️
Feb 11Reply
wenrella Bahahagiggle This is the best follow game I've seen a billion times! @lchouser @splendeur @blandw @quenmumm @janulmer
Feb 11Reply
elizmul Thank you again chica...means a lot!!! :)
Feb 11Reply
dodiek @hollynoel25 😊😘😘😘❤️
Feb 11Reply
wenrella Dang, your a Poshetts w/lots of ❤️ Thank You ❌⭕️✌️
Feb 11Reply
bluidvll @gracejaques no problem just say the word if you ever prefer not to receive them. 😀
Feb 11Reply
xicanani Brilliant! Love the pics!! 😉
Feb 11Reply
serendipity8888 @serendipity @elizmul @mary447 ♡♡♡ I wanna play Anastasia! @dimndgrl and @mandapanda83 and @mandapanda83 and @nyreecox ( I love you ladies!!) ♡♡♡♡
Feb 11Reply
landerites @dimndgrl woo hoo! I'm clean, posh clean too. Heh heh. So are these fellow women @ksadog22 @sfconway @tippiejax @920designs @tsaia1977 @wavecurls @jloway These women rock it like it's hot.
Feb 11Reply
landerites @nyreecox you drop it like it's hot too. Lol
Feb 11Reply
landerites @dimndgrl , can we also add no counterfeit items? I see a lot of "inspired " handbags and shoes.
Feb 11Reply
eliteapplause @mattieter You are probably tagged in here two or three times but I certainly wanted you to see these cute pics!🎶🎶🎹🎊🎊🌸🎻🎋🌺😝🍀🎷😝💐💐🐽🐷🐽🎉🎶
Feb 11Reply
eliteapplause @dimndgrl I just put the pics in my closet! What do you think about everyone who wants to , to put the pics in their closet and then we would be a United front of compliant cleanliness!🌷🍄🍀🍄🍀🎶🍄🌷🎋🍄🎉💐
Feb 11Reply
tippiejax You are SO FUNNY! You & Dr. Evil made my day!!!
Feb 11Reply
skinnycatshop @dimndgrl hahah I love this I'm cracking up !
Feb 11Reply
73v3n Lol love this 😂 @dimndgrl
Feb 12Reply
jteach23 @dimndgrl Do u think my closet looks better with mannequin? I'm not sure.
Feb 12Reply
dimndgrl Your closet looks Fantastic!xx
Feb 12Reply
dimndgrl oops @jteach23 see above lol xx
Feb 12Reply
mandapanda83 @suzivk Join in!!! 💘💘💘💘🐼
Feb 12Reply
dimndgrl @mary447 Hi Mary I like where you are going with the idea! Maybe adjust your listing to direct them to mine to like, since its already got a good start here.... otherwise it will be 2 totally separate lists to like and follow and tag? What do you think? xx
Feb 12Reply
eliteapplause @dimndgrl Yes I agree! I can take this down! Look at it and see.💓
Feb 12Reply
51twenty Isn't this Fab! I love the creativity 👌👍 @mistielee
Feb 12Reply
dimndgrl @mary447 Thanks for great idea Mary! I hope it works!
Feb 12Reply
dimndgrl @kookc thank you Carolyn! xx
Feb 12Reply
eliteapplause @dimndgrl If anyone tries to follow under this I will take it down.💝
Feb 12Reply
eliteapplause I just deleted it! No problems!💝💝
Feb 12Reply
dimndgrl @mary447 I really did like your idea! xx
Feb 12Reply
lauras_boutique Hi Anastasia great game!💗 💜💗FOLLOWING GAME PFF'S💗💜 @aflattery💕@alwtober💕@amandamjalapeno💕@amberrrrrrr💕@anoliver💕@b_agae💕@baglady24💕@bamagirl💕@bbnova💕@bellanblue💕@brittanydillon4💕@bronte83💕@caitygabrielle💕@cecampbell💕@charm_boutique💕@cjpritchett💕@ck_closet💕@copper1289💕@currentfashion💕@daisyd1012💕@danischaefer💕@donn4vw💕@dreadhead💕@eclecticloft💕@elegantgalante💕@elementary💕@elizander💕@fababscloset💕@footcandy💕@gardendiva0710💕@hellosydney💕@hila812💕@hrachal💕@hwiginton💕ij0c3lyni💕@izzyb2213💕@jag1980💕@jessicanguyen16💕@jmroby💕@jnicole0816💕@jovanaong💕@joyzhax💕@jrhtexas💕@jteach💕@kellidavis08💕@kimzkloset💕@lindsayrose💕@lizamc💕@ltucker090909💕@luvmyqh6💕@m_montosa💕@magicmorgan💕@maira2190💕@marlanap💕@mandapanda83💕@marypa13💕@mbvaughn💕@meekamouse💕@miamiwife💕@missella80💕@mistielee💕@moonglo💕@mountaingoats💕@mytherapy💕@nkhob💕@ohmyposh47💕@ousassyosu💕@patts💕@pprabhu💕@pre_pa514💕@psage419💕@ramy1317💕@sc1202kb💕@shuri16💕@songae💕@splendeur💕@stephrhodes💕@strosper💕@tdkbtk6💕@tfaske💕@thebrightside💕@tudie11💕@valorieann💕@vintagedynamite💕xovelezquez💕@yllek126💕❤️Ladies have a fabulous day and happy poshing!❤️ Laura💗💋
Feb 12Reply
dimndgrl @73v3n thank you ^.^
Feb 12Reply
73v3n your welcome =)
Feb 12Reply
dimndgrl @landerites Absolutely! I will add it in the description! xx
Feb 12Reply
dimndgrl Thank you Rocky! @serendipity8888
Feb 12Reply
dimndgrl @xicanani <3 ^.^ xx
Feb 12Reply
landerites @dimndgrl , hi, oh that would be awesome!! I understand if the seller is leery regarding authenticity and leaving it up to the buyer. I have encountered some honest women whom are unsure and ask for assistance. We now have the concierge service to assist in authenticating, which has been needed for sometime. I do not condone people selling "replicas" AKA fake bags and shoes to make dirty money. These people become extremely vulgar and don't care about their actions. I hope PM is able to handle the exponential growth of this app and can weed out the bad apples. This follow game is great and I promise to try and check back regularly. 💕😘 Namaste ✌️
Feb 12Reply
dimndgrl @landerites Thank you so much for everything you do ! I added to the description I had just enough room! xx Anastasia
Feb 12Reply
landerites @dimndgrl , thank YOU for all you do!!! This listing is perfect. I am so glad we have connected. Please, let's stay in touch!! I have checked back tonight three times. :) Namaste ✌️😘
Feb 12Reply
daisyd0102 @miami_wife thanks for the tag. shared :)
Feb 12Reply
daisyd0102 @mistielee thanks for the tag. shared :)
Feb 12Reply
920designs @shari_p - Well, thank you for the heads up. Well, what can I say I always have had a thang for this closet. So just getting back to the states after a un- Be-lize-able vaca it was nice to see you thought of me. Oh, can't go wrong attaching yourself to this closet. Except you may spend! I'll be checking in later.
Feb 12Reply
shari_p @920designs So glad u had a good vaca!😃
Feb 12Reply
920designs @landerites - So nice to see your closet name, I just returned to the US, after a trip to jungle. Now love this closet, this is a closet to get lost in. Thanks for including me,☺️.
Feb 12Reply
mistielee @kookc Carolyn I do love this!!😊💖💕
Feb 12Reply
dimndgrl @920designs Wow! Belize I love it ! I hope you had a wonderful time, glad you're back!
Feb 13Reply
scarlettstained @dimndgrl what an excellent idea girlfriend!!! Very creative thinking on this game
Feb 13Reply
dimndgrl @scarlettstained Thank you! I had been trying to think of a way to do it for a while and finally got it up! ^.^ xx
Feb 13Reply
freneticmadness Love this, @dimndgrl!!!! :D <3
Feb 13Reply
lucidemotion @airforce1821 @tiaria07 @smchop @victoria29west maybe you ladies would like to join in? @mandapanda83 @dimndgrl TY SO much for the tag and including me in this! I'll share often as well! <3
Feb 13Reply
mandapanda83 @lucidemotion Courtney, you are one of my girls!! I don't forget!!! I'm so happy you have flourished so much since we "met"!!!!! Anastasia is one of my best friends and you cannot go wrong with this AMAZING woman!!! 💞💞🐼
Feb 13Reply
mandapanda83 @dimndgrl Lol, I only had to follow 10 more ppl!!! Love you my sweet! Thank you for understanding!! That is what true friends do!!! Love u to pieces!! xx Manda Lou 💞💞💞💞🐼
Feb 13Reply
pink_kiwi I think this is my new favorite follow game! 😍😍😉
Feb 15Reply
peachystatus I wanna play!
Feb 17Reply
peachystatus Don't know who I know who hasn't been tagged, but looks like GW is already playing lol
Feb 17Reply
dimndgrl @vintagestatus You are always welcome Barbara bring your toys! :->
Feb 17Reply
peachystatus He's at work :)
Feb 17Reply
dimndgrl @vintagestatus Aha hahahahahaha that was good!!!! xx
Feb 17Reply
motherskiss Thanks for the tag! @conniemarie12
Feb 18Reply
candykissa143 @conniemarie12 it's so funny so many if not almost all the people you suggested are already following me or I'm following them lmao
Feb 18Reply
noahsmama04 Hey girl sorry if I didn't return any shares or comments over the past week! I feel awful but I was in the hospital for 5 days and had to get emergency surgery and my appendix taken out and it's been so overwhelming going back in all my shares and comments so I gave up and am just letting my PFFs know why I was slacking and not sharing back or participating in party alerts! I've had a very rough 3 months of bad health and they finally found the issue!! so Im on the road to recovery now and back Poshing again!! Yay! Thanks for all your Posh love girl, it means so much and Im glad to have Ya as a PFF! 😘💕
Feb 18Reply
dimndgrl @noahsmama04 OH my goodness Angela! I am so sorry you have been going through all that! I wish I would have known I could have kept everyone up to date and we could have been watching your closet for you! Don't ever feel like you have to keep up with shares or tags when you have things you need to take care of, especially your health and your family! I'm going to speak for everyone here... we adore you and there is never any need to payback or apologize ... that is for certain! I hope you are recovering now and on your way to being 100% soon! Please lmk if there is any thing at all I can do besides show your closet some love.... relax and get better, DO NOT worry about sharing right now or answering tags .... it will all still be here when you are ready and feeling well! xxx thank you for letting me know - sending lots of good love and vibes your way <3 Anastasia
Feb 18Reply
noahsmama04 @dimndgrl you are so incredibly sweet girl! Thank you so much but I actually can Posh aLittle here and there while Im re cooperating (a lot of laying around) I always have a hard time "taking" Im way better at giving so thank you so much you Already help and support me a ton by tagging and sharing for me and just by being my PFF so I wouldn't ask for anything more! Hope all is fabulous in your life! See U in a share group soon! God bless you! Xoxo -Ang
Feb 18Reply
westmittenco This is so great! :)
Feb 20Reply
havenb1 Awesome! L💜VE this! 😙😙😙 @smartyknickers @jhaleyddd @smcarey @ewhit @shay3624
Feb 20Reply
dimndgrl @havenb1 xx thanks!
Feb 20Reply
caseyspluss @careygirl Hi, can you check my closet and see if it's compliant? I'm new and am unsure. I'd really appreciate it!
Feb 21Reply
dimndgrl @caseyspluss Hi Casey! thank yo for reaching out before "liking" ... really very thoughtful, I appreciate it. I know you asked @careygirl , but I got the tag as well. You have a lovely closet, I would never guess you to be new! :-] I only see a couple of items not allowed by Posh... the pen and plushie... I hope this helps.... no liquids, lotions nail polishes, nothing that can be plugged in, no children's or men's clothing, no designer "inspired" counterfeit items.... for more tips and advice you can go to Posh's FAQ and my listing for "New to Posh" in my closet!
Feb 21Reply
careygirl @dimndgrl @caseyspluss does have a great closet doesn't she? Definitely looks like a posh-pro!! I answered your question on another listing :-). Good job!
Feb 21Reply
dimndgrl @caseyspluss @careygirl Absolutely!!!! <3
Feb 21Reply
caseyspluss @dmndgirl Okay, I think my closet is clean and a-okay! Whew, what a rule breaker i was, lol. Thank you ladies for the support, I really appreciate it! Now I'm ready to play the game!
Feb 21Reply
dimndgrl @caseyspluss lol, you rebel you! thanks for playing! xx
Feb 21Reply
ejeveryday @dimndgrl hi! I'm a newbie, totally compliant and eager to share!
Feb 23Reply
dimndgrl @ejeveryday That's great Liz! Welcome so glad you are playing I hope this gains you many new followers! I am going to tag you on my New to Posh listing as well! xx Anastasia
Feb 23Reply
modafrancesca haha! love this! 😘
Feb 24Reply
dimndgrl @mginman here you go ! xx Anastasia
Feb 25Reply
dimndgrl abby_murph a good list of closets to follow!
Feb 25Reply
mginman @dimndgrl thanks for the help!!
Feb 25Reply
dimndgrl yanashevchenko a good list of closets to follow and share!
Feb 25Reply
dimndgrl @yanashevchenko a good list of closets to follow and share!
Feb 25Reply
dimndgrl @abby_murph a good list of closets to follow and share!
Feb 25Reply
dimndgrl @tayejord a good list to follow and share... like this listing and ppl will follow you!
Feb 25Reply
dimndgrl @emilyyyann86 Emily ... read through some of the comments above there are some great tips and sound advice from many helpful and kind women of Posh! Feel free to tag any of us if you ever have any questions... I'm sure Debbie @debbie043059 has already given you loads of help, she is such a sweetheart! Happy Poshing! xx
Feb 25Reply
dimndgrl @emilyyyann86 sorry this is the follow game to follow all the great closets, ... I will tag you on the other listing now!
Feb 25Reply
dimndgrl @fluffydivah like this listing, follow everyone who has liked it, share it often and check back every now and then and follow the closets that have liked it after you- your followers will grow!
Feb 26Reply
dimndgrl @shaunda8709 ..... like this listing, follow everyone who has liked it, share it often and check back every now and then and follow the closets that have liked it after you- your followers will grow! Always remember to share back anyone who has shared for you!
Feb 26Reply
dimndgrl @kayliealdrich this listing, follow everyone who has liked it, share it often and check back every now and then and follow the closets that have liked it after you- your followers will grow! Always remember to share back anyone who has shared for you!
Feb 26Reply
dimndgrl @pprabhu LOLOL I know it's crazy! You guys are so Awesome!
Feb 26Reply
dimndgrl @pprabhu LOL I know but I feel bad your finger is going to be numb.... the last one just wont come along hahahahaha!
Feb 26Reply
dimndgrl @pprabhu thank you dear friend!!!! xx
Feb 26Reply
landerites @dimndgrl , hi, I hope you're having a great day! Thank you for being a generous and honest posher. People like you keep this community strong and empower women. Thank you so much. 😘💕
Feb 27Reply
dimndgrl @dinky1972 ... .like this listing, follow everyone who has liked it, share it often and check back every now and then and follow the closets that have liked it after you- your followers will grow! Always remember to share back anyone who has shared for you!
Feb 27Reply
dimndgrl @landerites Oh wow I came on here to tag someone I was just introduced to by a friend and saw your sweet comment above! Thank you so very much it means the world to me! Wishing you a beautiful weekend... <3
Feb 27Reply
dimndgrl @fuegoo99 did you do mine?
Feb 27Reply
dimndgrl @pprabhu YES ! It was so funny just hanging there at 14999 for ever... lol thank you so much for all your effort! I really appreciate it my friend! xx
Feb 27Reply
dimndgrl @fachappell Francis, like this listing, follow everyone who has liked it, share it often and check back every now and then and follow the closets that have liked it after you- your followers will grow! Always remember to share back anyone who has shared for you! :-) follow games will help you gain followers and get to know closets!
Feb 27Reply
dimndgrl @pomerinkemom Follow Game!
Feb 27Reply
x_makeena_x Omg the first face lol franco will always be bae!!💖💖💖
Mar 01Reply
dimndgrl @x_makeena_x Ha ha haa ha ha Ikr!?
Mar 01Reply
arigrldesigns @dimndgrl OMG 😂sooooo hilarious - LOVE!!! You're awesome 😘😘😘
Mar 01Reply
dimndgrl @pmgr22 aha ha.. gotta love James... thank you <3
Mar 01Reply
dimndgrl @yohannat this Follow game will also help..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 01Reply
dimndgrl @elyssalyles A follow Game for you!
Mar 01Reply
dimndgrl @brizeyp this Follow game will also help..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 01Reply
dimndgrl @marimari12808t Follow game will also help..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 01Reply
sssylviah Not great eye candy!! Where's Channing? Hrrmph...
Mar 02Reply
dimndgrl Awww @sssylviah Seriously? I Love Franco... he has such a great sense of humor and he's smart to boot!
Mar 02Reply
sssylviah LMAO!!! He needs a haircut!
Mar 02Reply
dimndgrl Follow game will also help..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! @stellalacey
Mar 02Reply
dimndgrl @sophia141 Follow game to also help you..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 02Reply
dimndgrl @duckietm this Follow game will also help..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 02Reply
dimndgrl @dietdrama ...this Follow game will also help..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 02Reply
dimndgrl @ashopaholic1111 ....this Follow game will also help..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! ...
Mar 02Reply
dietdrama Thanks @dimndgrl - I really appreciate the help! Also tagging some faves: @retrobunnybee @s_rosebud @kookc @mandacrow
Mar 02Reply
dimndgrl @dietdrama You are most welcome! Of course tag away some like @kookc( love Carolyn) will probably be following already, but you can check when you hit on the list of "Likes" to follow! xx
Mar 02Reply
51twenty Thank you Anastasia. I'm following Terri ✨Yes' @dietdrama
Mar 02Reply
dimndgrl @retrobunnybee thank you so much ! And same to you! xx
Mar 02Reply
dimndgrl @izzifigueiredo .this Follow game will also help..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! ...
Mar 02Reply
dimndgrl @mtquense his Follow game will also help..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! .
Mar 02Reply
dimndgrl @jaccollins this Follow game will also help..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! .
Mar 02Reply
dimndgrl @jowhit9 Follow game ." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! .
Mar 02Reply
dimndgrl @sharf ...Follow game ." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! .
Mar 02Reply
dimndgrl @mikkimo Follow game ..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! .
Mar 02Reply
dimndgrl @dalisinwndrlnd Hi Dalis, here is a Follow game ..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! .
Mar 03Reply
dimndgrl @adriennesweatt If you haven't already liked this and followed everyone here is a follow game for you... like this, follow everyone who has liked it( if they are following the rules) and share this listing often to get more followers... check back often to follow the new followers!
Mar 03Reply
dimndgrl @casey14smith Follow game... read above!
Mar 04Reply
dimndgrl @kitcatchick Follow game above
Mar 04Reply
kitcatchick @dimndgrl thank you! Your such a sweet heart! 💖
Mar 04Reply
dimndgrl @michellebarba.... If you haven't already liked this and followed everyone here is a follow game for you... like this, follow everyone who has liked it( if they are following the rules) and share this listing often to get more followers... check back often to follow the new followers!
Mar 04Reply
dimndgrl @sazzy_elizabeth ... here is a Follow game ..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! .
Mar 04Reply
dimndgrl @112786isa A Follow Game for you ...
Mar 04Reply
dimndgrl @paholab ... here is a Follow game ..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! .
Mar 04Reply
dimndgrl @nealie75 here is a Follow game ..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! .
Mar 04Reply
dimndgrl @theprettytwins here is a Follow game ..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! .
Mar 04Reply
dimndgrl @pericopetes here is a Follow game ..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! .
Mar 04Reply
dimndgrl @amra38237 here is a Follow game ..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! .
Mar 05Reply
dimndgrl @angel7055 here is a Follow game ..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! .
Mar 06Reply
dimndgrl @chilliburrito here is a Follow game ..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 06Reply
dimndgrl @auntbay78 here is a Follow game ..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 07Reply
dimndgrl @natalieacazares here is a Follow game ..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 07Reply
dimndgrl @nadsssss here is a Follow game ..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 08Reply
dimndgrl @mashagabriella here is a Follow game ..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 08Reply
cmc514 this is REALLY great! Stating to be compliant before playing! I tried to gain followers faster by doing a game but I would try and "screen" closets first before following everyone. That takes SO much time! And I know I wasn't growing as fast because I didn't have as many follows as I did followers =(
Mar 08Reply
dimndgrl julialove7 here is a Follow game ..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 08Reply
dimndgrl @pre_pa514 Hi Claire! Yes I know it's so time consuming to screen each closet... As hard as we have all been trying to maintain the integrity of this FG .. unfortunately there will still be a few ppl who sign up and don't have a "clean" closet some ppl just aren't aware of how important it is to make sure they know all the rules... and thats why I try to help as many as I can become aware... I go through and try to check the list periodically but I can only ask them to either remove their like or the unsupported items... Most ppl are more then happy to abide once they are made aware... Thanks for playing! :-)
Mar 08Reply
dimndgrl @ashleyburkett is a Follow game ..." Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 08Reply
dimndgrl @mandynanette " Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 09Reply
mandynanette @dimndgrl awesome will do! Thank ya :)
Mar 09Reply
teaca Did you List today? If yes please tag me so I can share got a little business earlier.
Mar 09Reply
dimndgrl @blahh_leslie " Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 10Reply
dimndgrl @donnajeann " Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 10Reply
dimndgrl @dll7 " Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 10Reply
dimndgrl @anhyde89 "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 11Reply
dimndgrl @ninabevens "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 11Reply
dimndgrl @ashleykaylynn Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 11Reply
dimndgrl @brennakatex37 @reblack @denniskurstin @cnc8 Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 11Reply
its_tishira Ha ha! I love this! I need to add something like this to my Game lol. 💖💙💜💚💕Following game! @isa_wine_lover @ajhughes24 @centerfoldvault @soangeline @blackpearl1 @barbiefashion @saundie💕💚💜💙💖
Mar 11Reply
its_tishira Lovely following game for you! ⭐️@kittycafe @mikexp2 @alainabianca @tamarismom⭐️
Mar 11Reply
dimndgrl @crassvitsa Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 11Reply
incognito13 I believe it's time to give you a closet bomb @dimndgrl ( wicked little laugh ).
Mar 11Reply
dimndgrl Aha ha ha aha....
Mar 11Reply
dimndgrl @liv1966Aha ha ha aha....
Mar 11Reply
dimndgrl @schoomkie lol!!! Are you just seeing this? Ha ha
Mar 12Reply
dimndgrl @bargainsalot ...Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 12Reply
dimndgrl @neaomi20 ...Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 12Reply
dimndgrl @cah07 Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 13Reply
dimndgrl @kaylasaurus_8 Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Mar 13Reply
dimndgrl @babraham Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 15Reply
dimndgrl @inunezprieto ...Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 16Reply
chellebeeeee Thanks for the tag @dimndgrl ! Love the pics
Mar 16Reply
chellebeeeee Ty for tag @dimndgrl:) love the pics, too funny
Mar 16Reply
dimndgrl @chellebeeeee you are most welcome Michelle. If you have not already, like this and follow all who have liked it , it's a good way to gain followers
Mar 16Reply
dimndgrl @kylampert ..Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 16Reply
dimndgrl @rxclothes ... Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 16Reply
dimndgrl lindsay115 Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 16Reply
dimndgrl Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow @lindsay115
Mar 16Reply
dimndgrl @michelewang Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 16Reply
dimndgrl sidney_lovely Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 17Reply
dimndgrl @funkmarcy Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 18Reply
dimndgrl @sidney_lovely Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 18Reply
dimndgrl @couturecloth Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 18Reply
dimndgrl shopstomuch69 Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 18Reply
dimndgrl @lindsay115 Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 18Reply
dimndgrl @shopstomuch69 Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 18Reply
dimndgrl @deniseln1977 Denise here is a follow game for you as well.... read the directions at top! xx Anastasia
Mar 20Reply
incognito13 I'm here Bahahahaha! @dimndgrl
Mar 20Reply
dimndgrl OMG that's the second time that has happened to me today.. I was tagging a friend with a listing of a pair of shoes and she was on the listing looking at them as I did it.... and it wasn't a closet we share in a share group or anything... I was sharing this closet for the first time .....
Mar 20Reply
the_purple_iris you are so funny Angelina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxox oxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxxoxxooxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxo
Mar 21Reply
dimndgrl @robynne05 :-)Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 23Reply
dimndgrl @itsnew4you :-)Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 24Reply
dimndgrl @bethygirl82 :-)Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 25Reply
thewispygypsy Anastasia. Just wanted to tell you, full shares so far😉
Mar 25Reply
dimndgrl @reila10 :-)Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 26Reply
dimndgrl @kasias1969 @corahilliard :-)Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 26Reply
tazze @habanera87 💖Ty💖
Mar 28Reply
dimndgrl @sweetpvargo Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow
Mar 31Reply
dimndgrl Here is a Follow Game for you to play.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow @shiawase87 @holyghostrider
Mar 31Reply
ladyb_saintsfan Ahhh ❤️Franco❤️
Apr 01Reply
dimndgrl @ladyb_saintsfan gotta love Franco! xx
Apr 01Reply
dimndgrl @freaklezncurls If you are not already playing, Here is a Follow Game for you.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! :-)
Apr 01Reply
frecklezncurlz Thx so much @dimndgrl !
Apr 01Reply
dimndgrl @freaklezncurls you are most welcome!
Apr 01Reply
luvsmink @dimndgrl ......You are awesome for our share group!!! Thank you so much💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐Suanne
Apr 01Reply
dimndgrl @luvsmink xx :-* Thank you!
Apr 01Reply
dimndgrl @holyghostrider @roxy2885 @ajianicole If you are not already playing, Here is a Follow Game for you.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! :-)
Apr 01Reply
dimndgrl @scardenas411 If you are not already playing, Here is a Follow Game for you.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! :-)
Apr 03Reply
dimndgrl @bmforbes Here is a Follow Game for you.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! :-)
Apr 03Reply
dimndgrl @ladykayykayy Here is a Follow Game for you.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! :-)
Apr 04Reply
dimndgrl @khiabeth12 Here is a Follow Game for you.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! :-)
Apr 04Reply
dimndgrl @imaginexfashion Here is a Follow Game for you.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! :-)
Apr 04Reply
dimndgrl @keiralynnbowen Here is a Follow Game for you.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! :-)
Apr 04Reply
dimndgrl @justfaith1210 Here is a Follow Game for you.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! :-)
Apr 04Reply
dimndgrl @crawfordfp Here is a Follow Game for you.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! :-)
Apr 04Reply
dimndgrl @taylap Here is a Follow Game for you.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! :-)
Apr 07Reply
taylap @dimndgrl thank you very much i will!☺️
Apr 07Reply
dimndgrl @tessvongal Tess, here's a Follow Game for you.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! :-)
Apr 08Reply
dimndgrl @ryleem12 Here is a Follow Game for you.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! :-)
Apr 13Reply
ahelmcken Thank you SO much for all the shares!!
Apr 15Reply
global_wardrobe @dimndgrl athank for all your shares! Returned the favor! Cheers!
Apr 16Reply
tamarismom @tinawears @kookcl @candace011 @hopesparkles @kimz_kloset @s_rosebud @ecorll @themissnixon @harperchic @fyyerfly @tiff_liu @marina2427 @my_boutique @myglamupstyle @jeren27 @ariellayne @izzy40 @edydmedina @alwtober
Apr 16Reply
tamarismom @elly45 @hwiginton @efacha @beboundless @walters522 @teresakimbro @laurahabeib @sweetday302 @suburbangirl3 @kaytee2800 @ariyanka @jenespo @bfreeman01 @createcollect @justjessi @pbjelly12 @kmisdesign @klow93 @sukinukiss @sharig28 @t1234me @elenafnaf @msmichellros @derinda @shoeterrace @annalise0800
Apr 16Reply
poshlmt Thanks for the tag! @tamarismom
Apr 16Reply
aishabintoz 😯 Am I "PoshClean" 😯 Heeeeellllllpppp! 💕 💞
Apr 16Reply
aishabintoz @dimndgrl If I am not "Posh Clean" please, help😇
Apr 16Reply
bethjennings I love this! Thanks @teresakimbro for the tag :)
Apr 16Reply
bethjennings @melllaaa_2011, @suburbangirl3, @katiejane3322
Apr 16Reply
dimndgrl @aishabintoz Hi there! I just looked through your closet , thanks so much for asking before just adding your name. That was very thoughtful and appreciated! Just a couple of things, all bathing suits, bras, undergarments of any kind need to be NWT. Your coming soon VS needs to be NWT as well. Other then those items your closet is compliant at this time. I have a "NEW To Posh?" listing that states most of the guidelines, and you can always go to Posh's FAQ section on what can be listed.
Apr 16Reply
dimndgrl @aishabintoz I hope this helps, feel free to tag me anytime! xx Anastasia
Apr 16Reply
aishabintoz @dimndgrl 💖 I will get to work cleaning things up, asap! Thank you😊
Apr 16Reply
dimndgrl Here is a Follow Game for you.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! :-) @kayleneharbert
Apr 17Reply
giga5 Would u do me a favor..valorieann ..i cant get thru to her..we wete talkin n a couple days later i was almost positive it was a mistake..could you just ask her to check..PLEASE
Apr 17Reply
aridni99 Great idea. Maybe it will inspire others to tidy up 😉👍🏽
Apr 18Reply
incognito13 @dimndgrl I'll be over today Anastasia, I've been tending to a few family matters so I've been busy and in a blue mood.
Apr 20Reply
bellanblue happy monday sweetie. everytime i see this post, it brings a smile to my face. james franco was so darn slap slick funny in this movie. love him! have a wonderful day. thanks for being an awesome posher.
Apr 20Reply
luvsmink @dimndgrl ....what happened to your friend, that she asked to join our group this morning, and then an hour later, backs out??
Apr 20Reply
dimndgrl @luvsmink Hi Suanne! I'm not sure, I think maybe she ran into a commitment issue ...
Apr 20Reply
afterall2014 Thanks for the shares! Love your closet🌺
Apr 21Reply
dimndgrl @bellanblue :-* OMGEEE I had to see this movie twice! He has THE best facial expressions ever xx
Apr 21Reply
nmcdaniel03 Thank you for the shares my friend 😄💖
Apr 22Reply
dimndgrl @olivialee91 Here is a Follow Game for you.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! :-)
Apr 23Reply
purvee02 @nellym Thanks for the tag nelly .. shared
Apr 26Reply
aly9411 ❤️💛❤️
Apr 26Reply
dimndgrl @brendaly88 I can't add you, you have to add yourself once your closet is completely Posh Clean Check out the rules and remove any listings that don't follow.You have woman's undies that need to be NWT or removed. All undergarments MUST be NWT by Posh rules. Keep your closet compliant at all times, otherwise ppl won't share your closet and you risk being reported. Take care of any listings that aren't compliant and then you can add yourself by liking the listing.
Apr 28Reply
infinitelyposh New goal! Scratch my Million and add your Billion!! Woooo!! Cheers to being filthy rich! lol
May 30Reply
pink_kiwi I just wanted to thank you again for making this follow game with such great photos! 👍🏻😉 I love going through my likes and seeing such a gorgeous face! Hahaha. 😍😁
Jun 14Reply
dimndgrl @yellowandpink27 ha ha ha I'm glad you are enjoying ✨💕💫💜
Jun 14Reply
pink_kiwi 😁😁😁
Jun 17Reply
paulaalbe1 YOU are a riot. I thought I was funny in my posting, but this blows me away! Have to get on board. 😉
Jun 19Reply
dimndgrl @paulaalbe1 Aha haha... please do !
Jun 19Reply
travelbugginger @janimack7 Thank you for the tag, Jan. Already have this saved to my likes ;) and love Anastasia's closet. :)
Jun 22Reply
dimndgrl @j3nnafire here is my FG ..they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! :-)
Jun 22Reply
j3nnafire Awesome @dimndgrl thx! :)
Jun 22Reply
dimndgrl @kveryser333 Here is a Follow Game for you.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow! :-)
Jun 25Reply
kveryser333 thanks
Jun 25Reply
blondejetli Ha ha! This is hilarious :-) love your closet btw!
Jul 09Reply
dimndgrl @blondejetli LOL :-) thank you!!xx
Jul 09Reply
dimndgrl @m3zz ..Here is a Follow Game for you.... they are always helpful! "Like" this listing and follow all who have liked it before you... share it often and check back often to see if there are new closets that have liked it to follow!
Jul 11Reply
blukat @amapparel Like this listing
Jul 20Reply
incognito13 @dimndgrl I'm running a bit late on getting your Thank you gift out. I'm going to shoot for tomorrow My Friend. Floyd got fixed the day before yesterday. They also removed his back do claws. The poor pup is miserable and keeping me busy!
Jul 30Reply
dimndgrl @incognito13Just you being back is my gift! No need to send me anything my friend! xxxxx
Jul 30Reply
malu2006 @alreid79 thank you
Jul 31Reply
incognito13 @dimndgrl phew! I finally got it in the mail today! Thank you for your friendship and support! I also sent you my new #
Jul 31Reply
dimndgrl @incognito13 You are such a Sweetheart, I love you! You always have my support my beautiful Friend! I'm so happy you are back and feeling strong :-) I'll txt you when I get your # <3
Aug 01Reply
4doggypawz @lazulitect 🌹 @peaceloveposh 🌹 @aprils2ndcloset 🌹 @weimaranermom 🌹@daughtey 🌹 @randie21 🌹 @mrsmadaraigs 🌹@wendac @pursetym811 🌹@amocie 🌹 @sjpaque🌹 @msdwb 🌹@hsohailk 🌹@treasuresbytrac 🌹@lakeforest 🌹@shari23114🌹@amywhip🌹@grnstreasures 🌹@d2lala 🌹@kookc 🌹@suzmeow 🌹@chrissie_marie🌹@gnrstreasures🌹@hila808 🌹@kreed324 🌹@smchop🌹@caput1996🌹@lauras_boutique🌹@bkimh🌹@luvsmink
Aug 02Reply
4doggypawz @posh_prophet🌹@theneonetwork🌹@dressyu🌹@emilyclaire82🌹@infinitelyposh🌹 @proverbs_31 🌹 @baglady24🌹@larochelle🌹@lana_88🌹@whatsleft🌹@read247🌹 @teaca🌹@britgirl2🌹@jessica10908🌹@poshlawyer 🌹@kjd1015🌹@inik🌹@mytherapy🌹@lisa1203🌹@b3416🌹@golddanzer🌹@patriciagyi 🌹@thesequel🌹@livealohagrl 🌹@chioblu 🌹@khloe80 🌹@teresamarie01 🌹@chongkiana 🌹@dbush3662 🌹 @nikle714
Aug 02Reply
hautehina 100 billions sounds like a plan buhaha buhaha (Dr. evil laugh) 😝😝😝
Aug 02Reply
dimndgrl @hsohailk Aha hahahahaha it! xx
Aug 02Reply
beauty_fashions @chicagdl Thanks PFF for the tag 💋
Aug 02Reply
original_couve @dimndgrl I agree with the billion. I am gonna ask for 100K and then world domination!
Aug 02Reply
original_couve @chicagdl I am on it. Thank you!👍👍👍
Aug 02Reply
lisa555555 Hi sweetie 😍thanks for all the shares 💗💕💗💕💗
Aug 04Reply
jooky This is hysterical 😂😆😍😋
Aug 07Reply
cinderellasrags I am pretty new to Posh 7/1415. There is nothing more exhilarating then seeing that little green dollar symbol in my news feed where something from my closet has sold. I am loving it!!! Please follow me and I will follow you! When you buy from my closet it lets me buy from yours :-) Plus I am pretty sure my closet is 100% compliant with nice reasonable priced things.
Aug 07Reply
sakshi9984 Hello my dear, Just want to stop by and thank u for your generous sharing. I m little behind on shares but i promise to complete them by tomorrow. How have u been ??
Aug 08Reply
dimndgrl @sakshi9984 hi Sweet! 💜💜💜💜
Aug 08Reply
sakshi9984 Just returned some posh love. Please no share back my friend.
Aug 09Reply
dimndgrl @sakshi9984 💜💜💜💜✨
Aug 09Reply
ladyb_saintsfan Ah some refreshing Franco to cool you off after a long day!😘
Aug 16Reply
1pickyshopper @dimndgrl Adorable closet
Aug 17Reply
dimndgrl @lisasandler thank you so much Lisa! 😘💕
Aug 17Reply
cmc514 600 likes!! Did I just max out your likes?!?! 👍🏻🎉😁🎉👍🏻
Aug 21Reply
dimndgrl Ahahahaha you may have!!!! xxx
Aug 21Reply
dimndgrl @pre_pa514 see above comment LOL
Aug 21Reply
infinitelyposh Woohoo!! Your shares got me a bunch of Posh Love! Thanks!! xoxo
Aug 26Reply
dimndgrl @infinitelyposh YAY!!! Love it✨💜💕
Aug 26Reply
mandapanda83 Ana, did you see the Roast of him??? Oh my gosh, it was hilarious!!!! @dimndgrl
Aug 26Reply
dimndgrl @mandapanda83 no I don't think I did... I'll have to look it up on Apple TV 💕
Aug 26Reply
mandapanda83 Yes!! Oh my gosh, I so love him and it was just hilarious!!!!! Did you see James in that movie based on a true story? I think it was something like 147 hours... Loved that movie, then watched the true story.. So sad! @dimndgrl
Aug 26Reply
cali_gal You're too much! Can't keep up 😂💟💖❗️
Aug 30Reply
mandapanda83 Did you watch it??? @dimndgrl
Sep 05Reply
classyvintage Omg this is funny! @hollynoel25 @vacat @pas. I never tag these but had to......
Sep 08Reply
pas @classyvintage - 😘 Thank you for the tag! 🐝
Sep 08Reply
hollynoel25 @classyvintage lol yes it is😂
Sep 08Reply
boricua54 @dimndgrl Hi! I'm new to Posh and Laura was kind enough to give me your "closet" address so I could introduce myself. I love fashion, it's my passion (sounds corny, but it's the truth!). I also enjoy being an entrepeneur. I've enjoyed my time on Posh and have enjoyed the comeraderie we all share. So, hello! Please let me know if I can be of help any time!
Sep 14Reply
dimndgrl @boricua54 Hi Boricua! so very nice to meet you! Thanks so much for introducing yourself. So happy you are enjoying Posh! As you are probably finding out there are so many lovely & generous ladies here to get to know! If you ever have any questions please feel free to tag me! This is a good Follow Game to use for closets! I'll be in your closet shortly to share xx Anastasia
Sep 14Reply
bettrthanew Thanks @brittneyb125 Brittney
Sep 21Reply
hobbswife @heathersimms Thanks for the tag! 😊 love it!
Sep 21Reply
bettrthanew It won't take my like. Is there a limit per post?
Sep 21Reply
dimndgrl @heathersimms yes, it might be at its limit😳 I'll get a part 2 and tag you when I do! If you follow the ladies in the comments they'll most likely follow you back in the meanwhile. They're all wonderful ladies✨💜
Sep 21Reply
nmmulkey I Love the picture, says it all!!!! Thank you @clothesaddict72 for the tag :)
Sep 21Reply
southernstyle88 @dimndgrl Thank You Beautiful!! 😘💋
Oct 05Reply
queensgp @mimismenagerie @casual_couture Have you seen this game? Love it!!!! Only compliant closets like us!!!!!
Oct 07Reply

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