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Updated Aug 21
Updated Aug 21

Harper's Story was Submitted to Ellen Nation!!

Harper's Sale

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- Click the link at the top of my closet :) A few months ago my cousins' baby girl Harper nearly drowned. Miraculously she survived. Since then she has been in the hospital healing and overcoming obstacle after obstacle. This month we celebrated Baby Harper's 2nd Birthday, and she was able to return home!⚡️Please pray for little Harper and please like this listing for updates from Cheryl. 💜ALL PROCEEDS FROM THIS CLOSET WILL BE DONATED TO HARPER
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harperchic Thanks for liking this listing! I know that many of you have already liked the update listing in my @chic007 closet. I want you to know, that I will update both listings, BUT I will ONLY be dropping the price on the original listing for now. So don't worry, you won't be inundated with price drop updates :) Thanks again for all of the LOVE and SUPPORT!
Feb 14Reply
weatherlymh01 Glad to hear things are going well.
Feb 14Reply
capecodterry I will keep this sweet little miracle girl in my prayers👼🙏
Feb 14Reply
dressyu @kookc Lets Share this. @2ndfitting @lovinyayahood Please know that you and Your family are in my thoughts... We all look forward to the time Our Loving Father fulfills in full the words of Hope in the Lord's Prayer. I will check back from time to time
Feb 14Reply
51twenty I'm truly sorry to hear about Harper. She is going through a lot right now. And so are you and her family. When unforeseen occurrences happen, it's so important to continue to pray to God. He will give you the comfort you need to endure....2Cor 1:3 His reassurance is our promised hope. Xoxo💟 Thanks Doll..@dressyu Sending Love her way
Feb 14Reply
hinaqr Sad to hear about the accident... Hope she makes a full recovery soon. Will keep your family in my prayers 🙏. God bless!
Feb 14Reply
mollys3 Thank you for sharing this with me. It will be my honor to pray for Harper. I lost 2 of my children, faith and Daniel and nearly lost my daughter Alexa. It was a devastating time for myself and my family and something u hostly never really get over. I understand the pain u and ur family are feeling. U r doing just what we are called to do... Turn to Him! Keep faith in The Lord and don't stop praying! I'll be on my knees in praying for ur family and Harper. Good Bless, Molly
Feb 14Reply
teresaposhlove @harperchic 🙏❤️ Our God is an AMAZING GOD. I'm praying and I have lots of prayer worriers I'm putting you and your precious angel on our western Kentucky prayer list
Feb 14Reply
mistielee @harperchic Thank you very much for the update and for the beautiful testimony of how God has worked during your suffering. I with you believe that everything happens for a reason and though we can not see now... We can hold fast to the very ️TRUTH that He will never leave us or forsake in our time of need because of His love for us. He alone has heard our prayers for Harper and will answer things in His way and in His time. Praying with you for healing and strength. MUCH LOVE TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. May God bless you according to His riches in glory! ALWAYS. 💕💖💕sweet Jenny thank you for the Update tag @xovelezquez SHARED!!
Feb 14Reply
tazze @harperchic it's really good to hear Harper is doing better, I'll continue to pray for a speedy and healthy recovery. We have an amazing God.🙏💖🙏💖
Feb 14Reply
marykat 🙏 I will keep your precious little one in my prayers ❤️
Feb 14Reply
fashionretreat @harperchic I found this post after sending the comment lol. That is great to hear that she is getting better!!!
Feb 15Reply
rmccouture Harper is in my prayers. God bless. Amanda
Feb 15Reply
salonstyle14 I will keep you all in my heart and prayers. My niece went through the same thing this past summer and we were so blessed she made it through. With the fast actions of her mom and God's amazing work she is a striving vibrant 3 yr old again!! Wish you continued success and love through all of our thoughts and prayers
Feb 15Reply
grace4d Will pray & often. "Any two who gather in my name to pray, I will be there with them." not perfect quote but the meaning is there. He is with us when we pray but when others join us, it's like a healing party. Heal this precious child, Lord, in your name and for your glory. We are all here waiting, expecting and we trust you.
Feb 15Reply
mrs_ladybug Praying for healing for Harper. Amen.
Feb 16Reply
harperchic @mrs_ladybug Thank you so much :)
Feb 16Reply
shari23114 @harperchic You bet I'm a believer and know He works all things for the better know matter the consequences. But I can say God does hear my prayers and will pray( talk with Him) for your precious daughter.
Feb 16Reply
cmgsalang I will pray for Harper and ask the Lord to surround her with healing energy and light until she has fully recovered. I will also include those who are around her in my prayers that they may continue to be strong and in their faith. Much love to you, Harper & your family.... Caroline 🌹
Feb 16Reply
trabag God is good...all the time...and all the time, God is good!
Feb 16Reply
aflattery @harperchic I am keeping Harper and your entire family in my thoughts and prayers as you go through such a difficult time. I'm hoping for Harper to get a bed in the hospital quickly and hoping that your closet has tremendous sales to help support this amazing cause! If there is any way I can help or donate to this cause please let me know. Come on ladies lets help out Harper! @dclopes 💕@jag1981 💕 @kalbee 💕 @tudie11 💕@msu0712 💕 @magicmorgan 💕@kzamp 💕 @pprabhu 💕 @aliciahaney 💕 @luvmyqh6 💕 @cocomarmalade💕 @dreadhead 💕 @barbiefashion 💕@baglady24 💕@jteach23 💕@mandapanda83 💕@jadrch 💕@ursilina 💕@jmroby 💕@sapphire_ice 💕@dvacante 💕@theneonetwork 💕@katwieme 💕@maidmarian 💕@dbjlfamily 💕@kleslie86 💕@lisa1203 💕@jessicanguyen13💕 @bswirl81612 💕@my_boutique 💕@emmakait06 💕@jenniann5246 @bwenger 💕@marypa13 💕@drea04 💕@nkrueger 💕@glcarlson 💕@carenhelm 💕@ericany80 💕@carolynnscloset @bronte83 💕@stephstef 💕 @h_e_a_t_h_e_r 💕 @tooandtwo 💕 @jkahle 💕 @oyuki76💕 @noahsmama04 💕@m_rodriguez35 💕@bellasbeauties 💕@karenscloset53
Feb 16Reply
longca1959 @harperchic I will praying for your sweet niece and your family.
Feb 16Reply
jteach23 I am praying for your sweet niece and family. Thoughts & prayers coming from IL. I shared your closet and will continue to do so. I hope u get sales very quick. 🌟Jen
Feb 16Reply
sakshi9984 Hello my dear @chic007 . I m hope the feeling is better now . I am keeping him in my prayers and will do 🙏🙏🙏. I saw you created this new page for helping the baby . I m glad u are doing a good work 💕👍. I was wondering is their anyway I can help . I really want too 😘 I mean some donations . By no means I mean to offend you . Just wanted to help the baby 👍
Feb 16Reply
karaninak 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Feb 16Reply
rayne17 •••IF YOU HAVE A MOMENT● I know you probably talk to her while she sleeps and everything else, but this is my area of focus and she looks like she is asleep, place her hand on your cheek and talk to her, if you can, when she is is a storm. Tell her everything is going to be okay. Try not to let her hear that you are upset or scared...Mommy is her rock and will do what she can with God to get her thru this. The human interaction of touch and vibration sends calming reminders to the brain. I would love to text or talk, try to help in anyway possible if you like, I know you are busy. But if you do need just a new sounding board, (256)399-6757. Small steps mom, for you and Harper!!
Feb 16Reply
harperchic @sapphire_ice THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! you are amazing :)
Feb 16Reply
splendeur Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way.. 👼🙏👼 @sapphire_ice - thank you for the tag lady 🌸
Feb 16Reply
poshlove78 @bellalize!
Feb 16Reply
shell143 My heart and prayers go out to your beautiful baby cousin. As a mommy, my biggest fear is something happening like this to my daughter. It happened to me at age 3 but luckily I was saved. I believe in God and I believe in angels. The reason is because My father had said it was like someone grabbed his face and turned his head towards the pool. He saw my hair floating on the surface and jumped in the pool, dragged me out and gave me CPR. If that higher power had not turned him in the direction of me, I would most likely be dead as I wasn't breathing and I hadn't been for at least 5 minutes. Your baby cousin is strong and she will make it. Look how far she's gotten! What a wonderful miracle! She will do well and I will pray for her continued recovery.❤️💞❤️
Feb 16Reply
harperchic @shell143 You are exactly right! 5 years ago Jeremiah's (my cousin) brother-in-law study to be an EMT and graduated top of his class, but ultimately could not get the driver's license to become an EMT. It felt like a failure at the time and was just heartbreaking. But fast forward to 4 weeks ago, yesterday, and he was there and he was the only one who knew how to do CPR on a baby girl. God had a plan in place before Harper was even born. The story is still scary, but honestly so many pieces are inspiring as well. We still believe for full healing everyday, but we also trust is His plan. Thank you.
Feb 16Reply
omybunny Praying for here quick recovery in the hands of our Lord the healer! Amen!
Feb 16Reply
lauras_boutique I am keeping Harper and your family in my thoughts and prayers❤️💗🙏 Ladies please help if you can!😘 @aflattery💕@alwtober💕@amandamjalapeno💕@anoliver💕@b_agae💕@baglady24💕@bamagirl💕@bbnova💕@bellanblue💕@bibiblocksberg💕@bre_1210💕@brittanydillon1💕@bronte83💕@caitygabrielle💕@cecampbell💕@ceejayjay18💕@charm_boutique💕@cjpritchett💕@ck_closet💕@copper1286💕@currentfashion💕@daisyd1012💕@danischaefer💕@donn4vw💕@eclecticloft💕@elegantgalante💕@elementary💕@elizander💕@footcandy💕@gardendiva0710💕@gretlew💕@heatherschoice💕@hellosydney💕@hila808💕@hrachal💕@hwiginton💕ij0c3lyni💕@izzyb2210💕@jessicanguyen13💕@jmroby💕@jnicole0813💕@joyzhax💕@jrhtexas💕@jteach💕@jwavey💕@kellidavis05💕@kimzkloset💕@lindsayrose💕@lizamc💕@ltucker090906💕@lululucy💕@luvmyqh6💕@magicmorgan💕@maira2190💕@mandapanda83💕@marypa13💕@mbvaughn💕@meekamouse💕@miamiwife💕@missella77💕@mistielee💕@moonglo💕@mountaingoats💕@mytherapy💕@nkhob💕@ohmyposh44💕@ousassyosu💕@patts💕@pprabhu💕@pre_pa514💕@psage416💕@ramy1314💕@sc1202kb💕@shuri13💕@songae💕@sparkling1💕@splendeur💕@stephrhodes💕@strosper💕@tdkbtk6💕@tfaske💕@thebrightside💕@tudie11💕@valorieann💕@vintagedynamite💕xovelezquez💕@yllek123💕@2avfunshopping💕 🌹❤️Ladies have a fabulous day and happy poshing! Laura❤️🌹
Feb 16Reply
lauras_boutique 💜💗Following Game Ladies💗💜 @aflattery💕@amandamjalapeno💕@anoliver💕@b_agae💕@bamagirl💕@bbnova💕@bellanblue💕@bibiblocksberg💕@bre_1210💕@brittanydillon1💕@bronte83💕@caitygabrielle💕@cecampbell💕@ceejayjay18💕@charm_boutique💕@cjpritchett💕@ck_closet💕@copper1289💕@currentfashion💕@daisyd1012💕@danischaefer💕@donn4vw💕@dreadhead💕@dvacante💕@eclecticloft💕@elegantgalante💕@elementary💕@elizander💕@fababscloset💕@footcandy💕@gardendiva0710💕@gretlew💕@heatherschoice💕@hellosydney💕@hila808💕@hwiginton💕ij0c3lyni💕@izzyb2210💕@jag1980💕@jenna4411💕@jessicanguyen13💕@jmroby💕@jnicole0813💕@jovanaong💕@joyzhax💕@jrhtexas💕@jteach💕@jwavey💕@kaytee2800💕@kellidavis05💕@kimzkloset💕@letshop123💕@lindsayrose💕@lizamc💕@ltucker090906💕@lululucy💕@luvmyqh6💕@magicmorgan💕@maira2190💕@marlanap💕@mandapanda83💕@marypa13💕@mbvaughn💕@meekamouse💕@miamiwife💕@missella77💕@mistielee💕@moonglo💕@mountaingoats💕@mytherapy💕@nkhob💕@ohmyposh44v💕@ousassyosu💕@patts💕@pprabhu💕@pre_pa514💕@prettyhenz💕@psage416💕@ramy1314💕@sc1202kb💕@serendipity8888💕@shopgirl2119💕@shuri13💕@songae💕@sparkling1💕@stephrhodes💕@strosper💕@tdkbtk6💕@tfaske💕@thebrightside💕@tudie11💕@valorieann💕@vintagedynamite💕xovelezquez💕@yllek123💕 🌹❤️Ladies have a fabulous day and happy poshing! Thanks for the tags sweet ladies❤️🌹
Feb 16Reply
thewispygypsy I too will be praying for Harper and her family
Feb 16Reply
hrachal @msu0712 I've been praying ever since seeing about Harper on PM just after it happened and follow her FB page for continued updates. ♡♡♡ Prayers will continue for Harper and the entire family!
Feb 16Reply
mistielee @msu0712 Thanks for the tag Laura💕💖💕 Following...SHARED!!
Feb 16Reply
breadhead @sapphire_ice Thank you for tagging me into the new post, shared today!
Feb 17Reply
heatherschoice Many prayers going up. Jesus is our strength at all times, most definitely in times like these. Speaking your faith has definitely put more faith out there, letting God show off thru Harper! Beautiful!!!
Feb 17Reply
baglady24 My best wishes and prayers are pouring out to Harper. I am aware of the hurdles that Harper will be reaching for. I had worked as an RN in rehab for several years and worked with patients such as Harper; my heart goes out to her and her family.🙏
Feb 18Reply
vennesa 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😘
Feb 18Reply
1203sam What a Hugh improvement . Looks like she has come a long way. With all the love and prayers coming her way and the gentle touch from her family she will improve every day. I'm sure we all think and pray for everyday. Blessed Be🙏
Feb 22Reply
needeebees 🙏 many prayers for this sweet angel
Feb 22Reply
roxys_treasures @harperchic Shared💕This breaks my heart & I wish this Beautiful Baby a speedy recovery🌹🙏sent too!
Feb 22Reply
miami_wife @chic007 hi Amy I just got back from my vacation and asked the girls to share Harpers closet and I got a chance to read her update. Omg im so happy for u guys that there's progress and she's doing so much better now. I'll keep on praying and I no with Gods help ur very strong niece will be fully back to reality and of course with the help of the doctors and staff and the love of her family and everyone around her. 💖💖💖
Feb 22Reply
downtowntiger @harperchic God bless you and Harper!
Feb 24Reply
tsaia1977 Hi, how are you? how is the baby doing? I stopped sharing your closet because I think ur away? please let me know when to resume or if I can help in any way. I will keep praying for Harper and her family
Feb 25Reply
jenniann5246 @cblo22 This is the baby I requested prayer for! Thank you!
Mar 05Reply
kenzierz Praying for Harper & her family!
Mar 08Reply
hwiginton @harperchic Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. Praying for Harper!! 💞💞💞💞
Mar 12Reply
thewispygypsy I have followed Harper's progress and I am so happy to hear that she is progressing so well! I will keep her and all of your family in my thoughts and prayers. Children's brains are amazing in their ability to heal. I am sure you have been told that as well!! Hold on to that hope and to God!!!
Mar 20Reply
mrsmadariaga 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖💖💖💖💐💐💐💐💐
Mar 28Reply
bkimh @harperchic I am rejoicing with you for I know that I know that Our Father and Lord Jesus has touched little Harper. Just look at that pretty face. You keep your faith, don't waver at all. You are going to hear her talking to you very soon. God is in control. Praise his Holy Name!! 🙏🙏🙏
Apr 13Reply
lilime07 That's awesome!! I pray that she will continue to improve.
Apr 13Reply
downtowntiger @harperchic Prayer works and God can do anything! Bless Harper and her family!
Apr 13Reply
grace4d This is such great news & thank you for the update! What Dr's & others say can't or won't, God says yes. Be still & know he is God! He is doing a thing in your lives! She will recover! Praise the Lord! Thank U Jesus! Amen. Dee
Apr 13Reply
martynigirl20 @harperchic so happy to hear she is doing well. Praying for continued progress :-)
Apr 13Reply
mistielee @harperchic What a blessing and tremendous direct answer to prayer!! Praise God. Thank you for the update... Will continue to trust God for your family!❤️🙏
Apr 13Reply
ulivjulie69 May god bless you, your family,and Harper everyday my heart aches for you because i know what your going through :-) my son is turning 4 on the 25th and he has s cyst on his brain. Not sure whats upcoming but i know god will take care of him as well as haper! It takes special mommys and daddy's to deal with all the things that illness brings my hats of to you. Xoxo
Apr 14Reply
bbnova Continued prayers being said🙏
Apr 14Reply
ulivjulie69 Everyday prayers and my church is praying!
Apr 15Reply
sass83 @harperchic I'll continue to keep baby Harper in my prayers 🙋🏽🙏🙏
Apr 15Reply
thecadylady @harperchic I'll keep your whole family in my prayers especially that beautiful little girl!
Apr 15Reply
maidmarian You know I'm praying hard!🙏🙏🙏🙏
Apr 15Reply
sarasmiletx 🙏🙏🙏
Apr 15Reply
tsaia1977 As a mother and a Catholic, Cheryl is an inspiration to me. Her faith is so strong. I have found myself crying for Harper, laughing & smiling for Harper, and always, always, Praying for Harper. At the end of my prayers, I talk to God about how Cheryl, in opening her heart and sharing so openly to the rest of us, is making the faith of SO MANY that much stronger. I have this baby and her family forever in my heart. I will keep praying for Harpers full recovery & for her whole family's strength
Apr 15Reply
abstractdreams Keeping you all in my prayers. Try to stay strong.🙏🏼💕
Apr 15Reply
anoliver So heart breaking and achingly beautiful... Praying Always🙏
Apr 15Reply
shari23114 @harperchic Your in my prayers sweetheart. 😜The funny is for you!
Apr 15Reply
grace4d Continue 2 lift Harper & all of u in prayer. God bless you. Dee
Apr 16Reply
grace4d @lifeisgood63 @teresakimbro @bethjennings @erika75 @read247 @tamaralite Please pray for Harper. PRAY it forward. Dee
Apr 16Reply
bethjennings Thank you for the tag Dee @grace4d! @aflattery, @alifitzpattykat, @alaskagem, @alise28, @alysha_worthen, @ariles1, @bal91 ,@fromny2nc, @guess214l, @heyella94, @jaimerstone, @jenniann5246, @katiejane3322, @leighanne0925, @lifeisgood63, @lncooper529, @luvmyqh6, @mandapanda83, @meg23, @nami001, @nitamarie1964, @nutn2fear, @pearlyshells2, @proverbs_31, @purple1616, @regine, @robynsgoodies, @scarlettstained, @suburbangirl3, @wonderwoman1978, @yetivix
Apr 16Reply
read247 @grace4d Thanks Dee, already on the list 😊
Apr 16Reply
teresaposhlove @harperchic Prayers 🙏 for your family. God knows our needs we might know what they are in time we will know. @tazze @tamiller @mistielee
Apr 16Reply
lifeisgood63 @harperchic I have prayed for your little one you and daddy. god , Jesus and Angels have been called upon to give what you have asked for. Love and more prayers to you all🙏🏻😇 @bethjennings thank you beth
Apr 16Reply
guess214l Praying for Harper! God is with you 🙏🏼
Apr 16Reply
mistielee @teresakimbro Teresa thank you for the tag!! I love to read Cheryl's up dates. I get so encouraged by her faith. Continuing to prayer for Harper and the family. God knows all things and I am trusting that His plan for Harper will not be thwarted! Love and Prayers!!💕✨💖
Apr 16Reply
nami001 @harperchic I'm so sorry you and your family are going through this. I'm keeping you and especially baby Harper in my prayers and thoughts. I know it's difficult to not question God as to "why" and you are being brave. I wish I had words of comfort but know that God is with you. I truly believe in the power of prayer and will ask my prayer group to pray for baby Harper. Stay strong my friend. God does not abandon us. When we need him the most is when He is carrying us. Love love
Apr 16Reply
jenniann5246 Still praying for you and your family! God Bless! Jen
Apr 16Reply
dreadhead 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Apr 16Reply
longca1959 @harperchic Still praying for your baby. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Apr 16Reply
longca1959 @harperchic I meant your little baby cousin!
Apr 16Reply
poshlove78 You have all my prayers honey. Thank goodness she was saved. And bless the heart of whomever found her
Apr 19Reply
1203sam What an improvement. She truly has come a long way. This most be so exciting to see her come back like this what a fighter. Gad bless and watch over her.🙏🏼
Apr 19Reply
shari23114 @harperchic Wonderful improvement! God hears sincere and unselfish prayers and from what I see she has many going her way. 👏👏👏👍Way to go Harper!
Apr 19Reply
kden_wallace Have been following your story for precious Harper! Happy to hear the good news! I will continue to keep this sweet angel in my prayers!!🙏🙏🙏💞💞💞💞
Apr 19Reply
grace4d Yeah! What Dr's first days couldn't happen is beginning to show thru these daily miracles. still praying for continued improvement. When you get down or discouraged, just remember where she was 3 months ago! Praise the Lord for this soon to be walking miracle! Dee
Apr 19Reply
mistielee @harperchic @chic007 CONTINUED PRAYER FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. Thanks so much for the updates. They just melt my heart! I can't imagine your joy to have your baby and to be able to nurture and love her back to health!! Happy Spring and God is sooooo good. Much Love and Prayers!! Xo
Apr 19Reply
mrs_ladybug Screaming hallelujah @harperchic!
Apr 20Reply
heatherschoice I will continue to pray for Baby girl's complete recovery. We serve a Mighty Mighty God!!! Speak faith about Harper continuously. Speak things as tho they already are true! Watch the miracle continue to unfold. Your whole family will be held up in prayer to God by my whole family during morning & nightly prayers, at least! God bless you & yours!💝
Apr 24Reply
mistielee @harperchic @chic007 I'm Elated!!🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎉YAY!! Thank you so much for sharing. I'm grateful to God also for the many answered prayers!! He is so kind to us❤️🙏🏻 Have a great day!!
Apr 24Reply
jenniann5246 This is awesome news! I am so excited to hear your wonderful update! Still holding you in prayer! God Bless Jen
Apr 24Reply
1203sam OMGosh, what a change. She looks amazing. God definitely has bigger plans for her. To watch her comeback like the is truly awesome. Thank you so much for keeping us informed😍🎉
Apr 24Reply
harperchic @1203sam You are so right! She has inspired so many people and brought faith in many back to life! She truly is the living embodiment of God's Love :)
Apr 24Reply
mzladycee973 🙌 God is good!! 🙏 Prayers for your little one. He has a plan for her ☺️ blessings on her road to recovery 💜
Apr 24Reply
shari23114 @harperchic Look how cute she is in her sunglasses! Now that's a diva Poshette in the making for sure!
May 03Reply
btessfaye @harperchic GoD is so good!! He will continue to strength her!! Praying!!
May 08Reply
1203sam She is always in my prayers🙏🏼😘❤️
May 08Reply
mrs_ladybug I'm blessed by the updates! God bless you Harper and family!
May 08Reply
heatherschoice Following baby Harper's progress & holding her & the whole family up in prayer daily! You are so great about giving updates. Thanks you for keeping us in the loop. After all the prayers, I'm sure tons of others feel like I do, feels like we know & love Harper & the family!💞
May 09Reply
cassandraknox @harperchic Praying for Harper. 🙏🙏
May 15Reply
grace4d I needed to hear hope today. Thank you. Dee
May 18Reply
omybunny God bless you all!!
May 18Reply
bethygirl82 @harperchic Look at her holding her head up like a boss! So thankful for her continued healing and progress!
May 22Reply
harperchic @bethygirl82 I know, right?!?!? She is looking better each day! She is such a little miracle
May 22Reply
sukinukiss My prayers to Harper, she is a strong little girl may the angels be with her by her side helping her get better everyday. If anything I'm here to help.
May 23Reply
bbnova Continuing prayers, thought, hugs and love to you all. Thank you for sharing this, and letting us in to your life.
May 23Reply
66annie Never easy when a child is hurt, sick or no longer with us. Sadly I know ur hurt but light at end of tunnel my niece has such a rare form of leukemia she on her 5th yr of chemo. But with family & friends support and lots of prayers MIRACLES HAPPEN so she's in my prayers :0)
May 24Reply
jjbearrn I my prayers, healing energy sent your way! God bless
Jun 02Reply
pammysthreads @harperchic Wow! GOD IS GOOD!!!
Jun 06Reply
trabag God is good! All the time!!😃🙏🏽‼️
Jun 06Reply
peaceloveposh Happy Birthday Harper and bless you sweet baby ✌️😀🎈🎈💝💝🎂🎂
Jun 06Reply
tazze @harperchic Hello Pretty girl👑she is absolutely gorgeous 👑
Jun 06Reply
mytherapy Happy Birthday, beautiful Harper!!! :)
Jun 06Reply
maidmarian Happy birthday Harper and blessings to mom and aunt! You are a beautiful miracle!💞
Jun 06Reply
mooningemini Congrats! That is awesome! Happy Birthday Harper!
Jun 06Reply
delazy @harperchic 🎂🎂🎂Happy Birthday 🎂🎂🎂 and congratulations, she is gorgeous
Jun 06Reply
capecodterry That is such great happy news😘🎉
Jun 06Reply
rayne17 Both of you are so beautiful!!! ✨💖Gorgeous Smiles, Happy faces!!💖✨ So proud that you shared this moment with your Poshmark friends and family!! Thank you!! You two are very blessed!!🎀
Jun 06Reply
lorlordeluxe Such a beautiful girl!
Jun 06Reply
lisadraper Hope all is still going well with Sweet Harper!!! I was stipping be to thank you for sharing my HP last night :)) Much love!!! :)) xoxoxo Lisa
Jun 07Reply
jteach23 Yea. So happy for your family and U!!!! 🎉🎉🎉 as soon as I get theme I will for sure take a look in your closets for a possible hp....
Jun 07Reply
babscloset Little Harper is darling. I wish her well 💖😊💐🎉🎁
Jun 08Reply
jayshapiro Beautiful !
Jun 08Reply
arigrldesigns @harperchic So adorable 🎶🎶🎉Happy Birthday 🌸🎀✨Sweet girl🌟🌟🌟Praying for you and your darling 💟Hope she continues to amaze💖👌🏼🎈🎈🎈
Jun 08Reply
forrestsnowcat God bless her and your family!
Jun 09Reply
shugahs Aaaaamen, what an awesome Praise report! Thankful she's doing better and all of you can enjoy sleeping in your own beds now... @harperchic
Jun 09Reply
heatherschoice Keeping yall in our prayers!!!💞
Jun 13Reply
dreadhead SUCH GOOD NEWS🙏🏾👏🏾❤️
Jun 13Reply
zev4u_lexx_luvr @schoomkie 💖 Shared a bunch! 💖
Jun 13Reply
dimndgrl @schoomkie Absolutely Dawn! Love, Peace and continued Prayers.... xx
Jun 13Reply
baglady24 🙏🏼I pray that each day brings Harper renewed strength and that much closer to full recovery.☀️
Jun 13Reply
saundie @harperchic SO WONDERFUL! Prayer dies amazing things! God bless! Thanks for the tag @schoomkie sharing!!
Jun 13Reply
mrs_ladybug A beautiful reminder of the strength God provides. Harper will only get better every day that's all she knows and that is HUGE part of the blessing. Amen! God bless! 🌝
Jun 13Reply
maidmarian How absolutely blessed and beautiful!
Jun 13Reply
shirintalah @harperchic I somehow randomly stumbled onto this post, read your story, and I'm really happy to hear that Harper is doing well. I really respect your effort in supporting your cousin's child and you set a great example. I am honestly so moved by the community here on Poshmark. I'm kinda new here and I'm in awe of how supportive women from all walks of life can be to complete strangers. Wow. Harper is in my thoughts and I'm sure she has a bright future ahead of her!
Jun 13Reply
travelbugginger Just stumbled onto this post as well. I teach a children's Bible class and try to share with the ones old enough to take it in, that trust in God isn't about expectation of a pain free life, but a knowledge of his love and strength to sustain us through the challenges... and having the confidence that there's so much more to life than THIS life. What a joy to see that you know this, too. Thank you for sharing this. Putting Harper in my prayers this morning!
Jun 13Reply
sylviaharris55 I'm so happy that she's out of the hospital! God is good and if he wants this sweet baby with her family he will make her all better. My prayers are with all of you🌹
Jun 16Reply
vivacouture Awe my heart is with your family I have seen this post at @chic007 closet and I am glad to hear all is better !! May she continue with a long long healthy life !
Jun 18Reply
chic007 @vivacouture Thank you so much. @chic007 is actually my original closet. I opened @harperchic so that I could continue to raise funds for Harper, but also sell for my own "business" as well. It makes it easier to separate it out.
Jun 18Reply
vivacouture @chic007 oh ok I must have been confused lol !!! Thank you and hope all is going great !
Jun 18Reply
sugarspyce I pray Harper is doing much better by now God bless the family n that beautiful survivor God is watching over her blessings to you all! 🙏🙏💕🌹
Jun 30Reply
btessfaye @harperchic praying for you all and so happy to see the updates!!
Aug 12Reply
sheerglamour @harperchic oh my when is it airing I want to watch & what channel is it on? So GREAT NEWS HARPER is doing well each day that goes by!!💓
Aug 12Reply
arigrldesigns @harperchic Oh that's so great to hear she is improving so much - thank you for this beautiful update of your precious little Harper💓 We will continue lifting her and your family up in prayer 🙆🏼😍✨
Aug 12Reply
dehavenarts God bless
Aug 19Reply
janimack7 Harper and her last vine family will be in my thoughts, prayers and heart. It is a difficult journey, but with God, love and family, you will make it!💗
Aug 20Reply
lindseypinsey This is so wonderful!!!! Thank you for sharing. Xo
Nov 17Reply
beachmom1990 @harperchic God bless Harper and you & your family. Prayers coming your way, thanks for sharing your msg of faith and hope. 💕
Apr 03Reply

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