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Pathetic little girl!! Received my item by mistake! The original shipper sent her an extra shipping label.. and instead of mailing the item that I purchased she mailed me something else. Now she's threatening me that she's pressing charges against me! Because I want my item!

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Mar 07Reply

She stole your stuff?
Mar 07Reply

@bermudalove yea. She got my item my mistake and instead of sending my purchase to me she kept it and sent me something else..
Mar 07Reply

I hate people like that. I'm sorry! I hope you get your item and I hope posh deletes her account :)
Mar 07Reply

@morganmelynne thanks it's pretty ridiculous.. I purchased well over a month ago.. took me this long to finally get her to send and when she finally did it was the item that she purchased.. of course it was a trade so I lost out on my items and what I was suppose to get.. it's all a big mess.. even if I contact posh and they delete her account, she will just make a new one.
Mar 07Reply

Yeah and doesn't posh not protect trades?
Mar 07Reply

@genesisxoviedo <3 you!
Mar 07Reply

Anything to help a fellow posher! 😊
Mar 07Reply

@morganmelynne no they dont. First time I tried to trade. I
Mar 07Reply

The real problem is that they don't verify that these teens are of age. AND clearly their parents aren't supervising their Internet acess! It's crazy! I am having a similar problem with a little girl. SMH.
Mar 07Reply

aw no im so sorry to hear that!!
Mar 07Reply

I think the person you traded with that sent your items to the wrong person should make it right by either returning your things or paying for them since it was her mistake not yours.
Mar 07Reply

@ericavillegas I tried that she blocked be her name is @kay1019
Mar 07Reply

I totally feel your pain girl! One time I actually sent an item by mistake to somebody else, I confused the shipping labels. And for the longest time I didn't notice but when she got it she sold it! I was so freaking mad because it was like $100 Victoria's Secret jacket. Don't worry about this girl she can't sue you or whatever she is threatening. On the contrary she is the one who can get in trouble
Mar 07Reply

@ilovetito I know she can't press charges. I didn't do anything wrong. Not even harassment.. it makes me laugh that she would say something like that. I mean she's the one that stole something.. not me.. and it is considered stealing. Keeping something that is not yours..that you didn't pay for.. and you know who the rightful owner is.. is STEALING. And to send something else in the mail is really just plain disgusting.. the nerve of this child. Like I'm not gonna Persue further action because she finally sent something out. I probably would have let it go if she never end up sending it..but the fact she sent something completely different.. with stains and not my size is disrespectful.. that makes me even more mad!! Sorry for the rant! Had to get that out!
Mar 07Reply

@angkos1209 oh no I totally understand! It's so dumb :P freaking immature people on here.... I hope you get your item back!
Mar 07Reply

@ilovetito. Thanks all of you! I appreciate it!
Mar 07Reply

@ericavillegas thanks girl!! I appreciate!! Everyone who posted on this is awesome!! Thanks so much!!
Mar 08Reply

@angkos1209 she's changed her profile pic now and only has one listing. People like this makes it hard to trust anybody anymore! 👎
Mar 29Reply

@angie441970 of course she did!!
Mar 29Reply

@angkos1209u daughter had a scammer so the same thing it's just crazy!!! 😡
Mar 29Reply

Hey are u shipping today ? I already send out UR item the day before yesterday
Mar 29Reply

Hi there sweet list I need to ask you some question
One did you do this as a trade or did you paid for it I want to help you but I need to know first ok
Apr 09Reply

@babyblue03 it's kind of a weird situation.. I actually did a swap with another girl.. she sent my item to this girl.. after a month of asking for her to mail me my item.. (I offered to pay to ship it)she mailed me something that wasn't what I initially suppose to get.. I was suppose to get a vs pink hoodie.. but instead sent me a northface jacket. Not my size with stains all over it
Apr 09Reply

So you swap with aother girl and she send it to this girl and this girl sent you something else right
Did you contact the girl you swap with and did you send what you swap with to her the girl you swap with I want to help you I am studying law so I want to help you
Apr 09Reply

I will help you so I have to ask you cause even if she charge you the Juge will ask you to so I will help you solve it so you can get what everbody she of got but need to know how it started that's all
Apr 09Reply

@babyblue03 ya I sent what I should of. The part I don't understand is that this girl got what I was suppose to get. But I never got anything of anyone elses.. if that makes sense. I did contact the original girl.. and pretty much said I was screwed and blocked me on here. The girl that got my stuff said she was gonna press charges on me.. which is impossible. Lol
Apr 09Reply

Ok so you was honest and send yours to the girl who you was swapping with ok and the girl who she send your stuff to was not surpose to get it it was you ok she is worng cause if you sent her what you was surpose to swap then she has to give yours back or paid you for what she sent to some one else it's not your falt it is her did you let posh know what happen here and how did you know how to contact the other person she sent it to did she tell you to cause she is surpose to
Apr 09Reply

So is the girl who has your stuff I need to know I will help you ok
Apr 09Reply

I is very worng here for this to happen and the company has to give you was yours or your stuff back you do have a very good case to
Apr 09Reply

@babyblue03 the girl who I swapped with page .. I looked at all her sold listings and saw one that was purchased around the same time as mine.. I think I asked her first if she got my hoodie. I don't remember how I figured out it was her.. the girls name I swapped with is kay1019..
Apr 09Reply

@babyblue03 on one of the listings they exchanged email addresses so I emailed both.. who were both very rude to me. I figured out one girls first and last name and what state and city she lives in.. and the other another posher gave me her name and address.. I know there's some kind if Internet fraud or scam papers u can file but I'm having a hard time finding them again. I saw another posher posted the link or something before but of course I can't find it when it need it lol
Apr 09Reply

Ok I am right now talking to posh and they are going to help use get what was rightfull your or the vale of what you was to get or your things back ok I will be texting you to let you know and some one might text you to from them but I will let you know don't talk to them ok those girls do what you do still sell your things but I will let you know what they say there are going promble need to know to ok I will help you ok I am very sorry they did that but this is a company that has ploices
Apr 09Reply

Rules are rules just let me know if those girl contact you at any time ok until I here from posh I will let you know what they will do ok don't worry you will get was you was suppose or your things back
Apr 09Reply

@babyblue03 wow thanks so much! I appreciate it!
Apr 09Reply

People understand went you are buying or selling or swapping it don't matter what company it is if you have a promble you need to contact the company's what this girl has gone to is worng and evil so if you have prombles and you don't get what you should contact the company you here I am helping this girl cause it's worng for what happen here and it hurts her for this to be done so please make sure you get what you are surposs to or contact the company's there are a lot of scams on these sites
Apr 09Reply

@babyblue03 I was reading someone's post awhile back.. and she wrote that it dosnt matter if you swap. Technically I purchased an item.. eventho it was for $3 I still purchased it and never received it.
Apr 09Reply

Your very welcome honey I will help you I might take a little time but either way you will get what you should have there is no reson for this
Apr 09Reply

These company's are sure pose to protect people things to and it seams that nobody did here
Apr 09Reply

Hi love they just contact me the will have some one call me soon and they are going to deft looking in to this for me they said so thing are moving a lot now I will let you know what they will do ok
Apr 09Reply

Hi I just want to keep you updated there are still looking in to this for me ok so I will keep you up dated ok once I here I let you know ok I am glad to help you
Apr 10Reply

Hi love they just send me the need the your name the username that it was sent to and the order number so they can help use
Apr 10Reply

@babyblue03 54c59b3afb666a424b1ead56 that's the order number.. name is angela koslik.. and her user name was kay1019
Apr 10Reply

Who was the girl you trade it from
Apr 10Reply

There asking me that's why
Apr 10Reply

I just want to help you get what was yours
Apr 10Reply

@babyblue03 she was kay1019
Apr 10Reply

I am very happy they are going to help with this matter for you
Apr 10Reply

Ok I let you know
Apr 10Reply

@babyblue03 thanks a bunch!! I do appreciate it
Apr 10Reply

Hi love I spoke with them gave them everthing you gave me and they will be looking into it for me they said they might send you a email just to confine your name I have them from here ok the will help me and you ok I will keep you in touch like I said I want to help you get what was your ok
Apr 10Reply

There no reson to be mean people out there we need to help people and not let others do worng I here to help her and hope she get her thing back or her stuff I be in touch love
Apr 10Reply

Hi love they said that they are on this case ASAP for me so just relax and I will let you know ok
Apr 10Reply

Hi there just want to let you know they are still looking into it I keep you updated ing you ok
Apr 11Reply

Hi love they just call they need you to typ in the order number you gave me so can you do that go to posh surport put in your name and my and they will know what to do ok
Apr 14Reply

Or do you have the order number cause the one you send me they can't find
Apr 14Reply
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