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Updated Apr 20
Updated Apr 20

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Lilly Pulitzer

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I can't believe how greedy some of these people are being. It might be 'supply and demand' but that still doesn't make it right to up charge 2x, 3x or even more than the original retail price. Absolutely pathetic and shameful. PS: I also don't care how far you drove, how long you waited in line or how many times you got pushed around- IT'S STILL NOT RIGHT to up charge so much! I'm LOVING the excuses from these sellers! πŸ˜‚
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rmwoods πŸ™ it's so tacky!
Apr 20Reply
maritimebecky You said this perfectly πŸ™
Apr 20Reply
graysonevans I don't think there's anything wrong with having it a little above retail. I have added listed buy i only want a few dollars more than retail so I can get my money back! πŸ˜”
Apr 20Reply
erk1214 A couple dollars over retail is fine!! I'm talking about the people trying to charge outrageous amounts! Like $50 for a turban that retails for $8?! It's horrible. I'm not even ISO of anything but I just get so mad looking at some of the items posted and I feel so bad for the ladies who just want to pay retail price @graysonevans
Apr 20Reply
graysonevans Absolutely! I've been blocked once or twice for saying something πŸ˜‚
Apr 20Reply
erk1214 I got blocked just giving a suggestion!! I wasn't even rude at all. Absolutely ridiculous. Some of these people are just childish!! Haha @graysonevans
Apr 20Reply
graysonevans Agreed! I was completely honest and not rude one bit.
Apr 20Reply
mcareyxo @graysonevans I think this is directed towards the people who went in and bought CARTS of lilly for target merchandise with the sole purpose to resell and make $. It totally ruined it for consumers who were looking to purchase lilly at a good price!
Apr 20Reply
graysonevans Yes! @mcareyxo I just don't want people to think everyone is out to make a quick buck! I wouldn't even have listed if I hadn't accidentally bought two!
Apr 20Reply
laureenkattan1 I can't wrap my head around why someone would pay $250 for a target dress on eBay when they could walk into a lilly store and pick out practically anything they want for that price! πŸ™ˆ
Apr 20Reply
erk1214 Yes that's pretty much who I'm referring to!! I've seen people clearly just make a Poshmark account today just so they could resell their stuff. Ridiculous! @mcareyxo
Apr 20Reply
erk1214 Right?! I've gotten an actual Lilly dress new with tags for less than some of these dresses are priced at!! I can't get over how absolutely ridiculous it is @laureenkattan1
Apr 20Reply
dezziisrad I think that if you bought too much just return it!!!! You're getting your money back anyways. People are looking for a profit weather it's $5 profit to $500. It's disgusting. I saved up my money for 6 months to buy a real Lilly dress and I was so excited to see they were partnering with target and I could even get one thing! Not even a head band. I am so disgusted. True Lilly fans got screwed over by tacky, cheap, poor, and classless human beings purchasing everything to just resell it.
Apr 20Reply
mcareyxo @erk1214 haha I know and I love reading how they marked the price up because they waited in line and drove there, like so did I and walked out with nothing because you bought the same dress in every size it came inπŸ˜’ such a joke.
Apr 20Reply
alwaysclassy96 I was pissed because they let one customer purchase one FULL PALLET of Lilly items.. That wasn't fair at all
Apr 20Reply
erk1214 I know!! I had to save a while for my first Lilly dress too, but it's my pride and joy and I'm obsessed with it haha but I'm just plain disgusted with some of these people! @dezziisrad
Apr 20Reply
dezziisrad @erk1214 whatever we'll shell out the real money for real Lilly πŸ™†πŸ½πŸ’‡πŸ½ after all that's what Lilly Pulitzer would want
Apr 20Reply
lostinarkansas @erk1214 thanks for sharing! Lets keep on getting the word out!
Apr 20Reply
laureenkattan1 And I wish poshmark would make a separate category for the target stuff. I'm over scrolling through pages of overpriced target. It's getting in the way of me finding my next fabulous real lilly purchase!
Apr 20Reply
baltimorebeauty I've seen the markups and though the same thing. I didn't even go to Target today because I didn't know it was day only. I thought it was going to be like with Toms and it would stick around for a month. Thanks to all of you how speak up for what is right and reasonable!
Apr 20Reply
erk1214 I agree!! Not putting a limit on items was definitely a failure on Target's part. I've seen pictures on Twitter of entire carts full in the store AND holding items on top of that! @dpalmer1389
Apr 20Reply
erk1214 @lostinarkansas of course!! 😊
Apr 20Reply
badkitty9482 @alwaysclassy96 - you should make a complaint to Target corporate. It's my understanding that there was supposed to be some sort of per customer limit.
Apr 20Reply
erk1214 Yes I agree!! @laureenkattan1
Apr 20Reply
erk1214 Of course! 😊 yeah the mark ups are crazy, I saw a makeup bag on eBay for $2000 something! I was in shock. RIDICULOUS!! @baltimorebeauty
Apr 20Reply
badkitty9482 I can't believe the people willing to pay $100 for a target dress when Poshers have actual Lilly items for less. Why wouldn't you use your $100 to buy half off Lilly items instead of upcharged target items?
Apr 20Reply
sarah_emily PREACH ITπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ there are a lot of greedy people out there who only do things for themselves. NEWS FLASH: no one likes a greedy selfish person!
Apr 20Reply
erk1214 My thoughts exactly!! @badkitty9482
Apr 20Reply
erk1214 Exactly! Some of these sellers are just awful! @sarah_emily
Apr 20Reply
sarah_emily @erk1214 I was really excited to be able to afford Lilly dresses with my own money and not have to get it from my parents.. The things people do to make money sickens me.. It's pathetic, disappointing, and it's rude.
Apr 20Reply
erk1214 I know! And clearly they don't need the extra money if (most of them) are going to the store with a cart full of stuff and buying all of that at once! Pathetic. @sarah_emily
Apr 20Reply
baltimorebeauty SMH...I'm not saying don't sell anything, but when you buy something intended for resale, there is a price the market will bear - no more, no less. Smart consumers know what to do and decent sellers don't try to be shady and take advantage of people. Buying at retail to sell on a site where prices are supposed to be lower than retail is like a slap in the face and stinks of greed.
Apr 20Reply
erk1214 I completely agree @baltimorebeauty
Apr 20Reply
alwaysclassy96 I talked to a store manager about it and she said not every Target store had to follow by that limit rule in person. 4 Targets in my area let customers come in and purchase as many of the same items they wanted. Also, they even let one lady purchase one FULL PALLET of Lilly. I still can't get over that. Lol but everything was snatched up by the first two to five people in the store because they wanted to purchase full shelves and pallets... Yet, Target employees let them... @badkitty9482
Apr 20Reply
alwaysclassy96 I'm just so over it at this point.. If I can find a deal on something, I'll be happy but if not I'm just going to purchase from Lilly Pulitzer straight out.
Apr 20Reply
animarie53 @morganallie It would be great to see a true Lilly lover return the dress to Target, if only to let another Lilly lover like yourself get something from their wish list for the reasonable price you paid. :)
Apr 20Reply
xstephanierenee This is sad. I hope whoever bought items just to sell get stuck with what they bought and don't make any profit!
Apr 20Reply
millerlindsay23 I actually had a lady tell me she justified selling a shift dress for 168 because she has medical bills πŸ˜’ what has this world come to!?!
Apr 20Reply
carolcoletta33 Also just saying all those target dresses are cheaply made with target fabrics, and they do not look good on, they are shapeless and baggy. The models had them fitted so they look good in catalog
Apr 20Reply
millerlindsay23 I get that. I have a ton of true lilly however, this line allowed girls scraping together what they can a chance at a line they can't afford. People make me sick
Apr 20Reply
alwaysclassy96 So true a lot of people I've talked to said a lot of it is exactly what you pay for (cheap and wouldn't last long)
Apr 20Reply
alwaysclassy96 By saying that I don't want to seem as if I'm being funny or rude to people who can't afford Lilly straight out... I'm just stating facts
Apr 20Reply
millerlindsay23 No you're good i got a romper was not overly impressed but at the same time it's a chance for someone to say they have something "lilly" and now scumbag resalers are taking that away from them
Apr 20Reply
sarahmarie93 This is perfect! πŸ™πŸ™Œ
Apr 20Reply
shoebox8402 I'm just BEWILDERED! The target items were priced less and therefore not the same material as the true store. That makes sense and is fabulous to get a Lilly version in great price range. I think $36 for a not as great dress makes perfect sense and I would buy it. I would also pay much more for the boutique version and quality. I don't get why someone would actually pay MORE than the boutique price for the target item. Yes they only had a limited amount but they were by no means collector items!
Apr 20Reply
millerlindsay23 @shoebox8402 sadly, because some people do not do their research and get scammed by people who know that.
Apr 20Reply
melissaw1159 Thank you for posting this!!!! It's so sad that fellow Lilly lovers are trying to scam each other. Marking up phone cases to twice their price, etc. Tired of it and taking note of those sellers...wouldn't buy anything from their closet now.
Apr 20Reply
shoebox8402 @millerlindsay23 so true. And not just young excited girls. Adult women! And adult women and probably mothers scamming younger girls. Very disturbing
Apr 20Reply
shoebox8402 Meanwhile I'm accepting $10 for $70 items with tags lol. It's what the site is really for
Apr 20Reply
simplyhannahrae Definitely agree with this!! I've been getting so frustrated watching all the items pour into Poshmark today. It's so ridiculous how much people are charging because of stupid excuses. One lady said she drove 100 miles to target. Really? Where do you live that target is that far away... Totally ridiculous
Apr 20Reply
mjenkins203 are you taking into account poshmark fees? I know the higher you sell, the more posh takes... so if you sell something that's $30 for $60, posh takes like $12 leaving you with $18 profit? After going through the hell of a Target Lilly sale... I'd pay someone $20 to put up with that to get the dress I NEED. $200, no. $20, yes.
Apr 20Reply
mjenkins203 btw, I only will buy from people after doing my own pretend listing... for example, if someone is selling a $60 dress for $80, I use the "sell" feature on my phone to see how much they are making... if it's under $20.... I buy it. But yeah, those $60 chairs I coveted are selling for $300 or $500 - for ONE CHAIR
Apr 20Reply
mjenkins203 @morganallie - you poor thing! I'm following you! The insults I've seen are horrible. I will gladly pay an extra $20 mark-up to have you go through the crazies that I didn't want to bother with... I admit it... :( I was lazy and didn't want to wake up at 6am to stand in line... :)
Apr 20Reply
aflattery @erk1214 it's just sad! Some people are listing them as from target and saying they paid over $150 to get more money! I just hope they all realize by upcharging that if something does sell they have to claim it as income on their taxes next year and it can really screw them if they don't!
Apr 20Reply
alwaysclassy96 This funny thing is before Lilly for Target dropped... almost nobody had any Lilly for sale on here now everyone does.. I'm so over it but I do wish I could find some cute summer Lilly pieces
Apr 20Reply
millerlindsay23 Honestly it makes me sick some of the excuses. I had a sister pass away from cancer and I had a lady tell me she's selling them because she's in the middle of her second bout with cancer. If true I feel for but I know how weak cancer makes you and it's hard to believe she went shopping and bought over 30 items to sell for profit. I'd be more likely to donate to a go fund me page!
Apr 20Reply
badkitty9482 Medical bills, they were a gift, wrong size, no one likes Lilly where I live, drove over 100 miles...we've heard it all with this one!!!! The more you say it doesn't make it true. Karma is a B!
Apr 20Reply
shoebox8402 I did some research. The high prices aren't selling! Woo hoo! Plus if you have high medical bills, like I actually do, I'm not ransacking store and spending the money like they supposedly are. Im getting a second job.
Apr 21Reply
dede2015 @badkitty9482 Right! Why lie! We know you that you didn't receive one dress in 4 different sizes as a gift.
Apr 22Reply
tb_ashleigh I posted something along the lines of this and it got reported by one of the sellers and posh removed it. I don't understand. Not once did I use profanity or name call and yet these sellers marking up for 200%+ profit have left me nasty, offensive comments telling me that I'm uneducated because I don't know "supply and demand". I do understand, but I also understand ethics and greed. So upsetting!!
Apr 22Reply
badkitty9482 @tb_ashleigh sat what?!? That's bs.
Apr 22Reply
tb_ashleigh @badkitty9482 I know, and yet all of the Lilly nail polishes, beauty and home goods (aka not woman's fashion) are still up. So annoying.
Apr 22Reply
arichards83 It's really so disgusting how people scoffed up everything to try to sell and make a profit. I personally can't afford real Lilly, unless I buy it second hand, so I was super excited they were bringing it to target at an affordable price! I couldn't get there till mon, and practically everything was gone :( it's not fair to people like me who don't have all the money in the world! If you bought a bunch of stuff and don't like it, RETURN IT! give people like me a chance to love some Lilly!
Apr 22Reply
robinlynnlevine Lots of people live over 100 miles from a Target. They aren't on every corner like some may think. Up until I moved where I live now, I had to drive an hour to get to one.
Apr 24Reply
robinlynnlevine And some people do buy a size & it ends up not fitting. Like myself, I went to my Target days after the sale & found one jumpsuit in xxl. I grabbed it & bought it but it didn't fit so now I can take it back or sell it. If I do sell it, I will want to make a small profit. Not a crazy profit but after fees & such, at least something. Just like I do on every other item I sell in my closet. Thats the point of having an online business. To make a profit.
Apr 24Reply
robinlynnlevine I wish people would stop saying the clothes are cheaply made. They actually are very well made clothes. Just because its for Target, doesn't mean it's crap. Theres a lot of judgement & stereotyping being done here by women who are claiming to help others not be ripped off.
Apr 24Reply
chiefofstyle I don't really have a dog in this fight as I'm not really an LP fan. [I will say that I feel slight rage when I see cheap jewelry from China that sells for .99Β’ to $10 selling for $75-100 here...don't get me started on those "gypsy coin necklaces!" ((Grumble))] The Target collab is/was kinda blah, IMO. But, I will say that I πŸ’•LOVEπŸ’• LP's vintage stuff. Have you seen her blazers?? They are KILLER!! If anyone spots one of those bad boys, please LMK. βœŒοΈπŸ˜˜πŸ’•
Apr 25Reply
marystrub Bravo!!!!! I recently countered on a β€œLilly bundle”, was declined on the second counter offer and then the seller went and upped the prices of her items in her site!!!!! How pathetically greedy is that???!!!
Jun 28Reply

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