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Maybe you need to hear this for the first time. Maybe you need to hear it again. Regardless, hear it--because it is truth. You, beautiful person, are loved. YOU. And you are never, ever alone. 💖🌈🦋🪩

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I love this💗💗
Jun 22Reply

@meg9813 aww thanks 💗☺️ I just know how important it is to reach out any way you can to someone suffering from depression. 💗
Jun 22Reply

You're such an amazing person for posting this! 💕
Jun 30Reply

@ally4080 aww thank you. That is super kind of you to say. 💗 I lost a friend recently to the battle of depression. I just pray others will be able to find someone to talk to if they don't want their family or friends to know.
Jul 01Reply

@dmashburn oh Debbie, my heart goes out to you. 💗 I'm so sorry for your loss. I know first hand how devastating depression can be. I pray for God's blessings on you and yours. 💗
Jul 04Reply

@london32 you're so sweet, Christina!! Thank you! I love my friends, and just want to see them happy, enjoying life and successful. 💗
Jul 16Reply

This is amazing, thank you for posting it. So many people out there need to hear this more often :}
Aug 16Reply

@jaymeicorpsey I agree!! I hope people know just how beautiful, precious and fearfully made they are -- including you!! 💗💗💗
Aug 17Reply

@lyndseyrose Thank you! Including you as well!
Aug 17Reply

@lyndseyrose This hits home for me personally. Thanks for posting. The more awareness the more prevention! Xoxo
Sep 13Reply

@missnickied Hugs to you! And I agree. 💗
Sep 13Reply

Love it so much that you're sharing this message🎈
Sep 20Reply

@auchieau48 it's a cause close to my heart. I'm happy to spread love. <hugs> 💗💗
Sep 20Reply

@vashby 💗💗 I'm just happy to share love wherever I can!! I know the darkness of depression all too well. I just want to share any light I have. 💗
Sep 20Reply

@vashby it really truly is. I'm a person who struggles with depression, so I know how lonely life can feel. I still ache when people are so deep in darkness that they can't see any light. 😔💗
Sep 21Reply

@vashby aww 💗💗 lots of hugs to you!! Depression runs in my family, but it really started with my postpartum depression. But God blessed me with a beautiful little girl (a true miracle, I wasn't suppose to be able to have children) so she is my reminder of hope every day. 💗
Sep 21Reply

@vashby I totally agree!! Medicine helps but it certainly doesn't make everything kittens and rainbows! lol It's the great friendships you find (like yours here) that make the journey easier. 💗
Sep 21Reply

@vashby I'd love to chat! I'm poshwithlyndsey at gmail if you ever want to email!! :)
Sep 21Reply

@mariellelauren how cool is what you're doing?! You go girl! The world needs your light. 💗💗😘
Sep 21Reply

@lyndseyrose Thank you so much for sharing this!🙏🏼 We lost our nephew 3 years ago to suicide & it has definitely been a long journey for our entire family!😢 Life is definitely not the same after you experience something so unimaginable & devastating!😰 But we know he's an Angel in Heaven & happy now😇 Thanks again for posting!😘 I'll keep you in my prayers!🙏🏼 Gretchen 🌺
Sep 21Reply

@frostinggifts I'm so sorry for your loss!! 💗💗 May God give you and yours peace and comfort always. 💗
Sep 21Reply

@wenndelynn how awesome!! The semi colon project is a wonderful tribute. 💗💗
Sep 22Reply

@curvygirls0811 aww thank you 💗💗💗
Sep 23Reply

Absolutely beautiful! ❤❤❤
Oct 02Reply

@stunning_29 thanks 💗
Oct 02Reply

@lyndseyrose your welcome. &just like the post above, we all need to hear we are loved unconditionally ❤❤! BTW. I'm Michele 😊, nice to meet you, wanted to introduce myself 💕💕💕💕
Oct 02Reply

@stunning_29 nice to meet you!! I'm Lyndsey :) I agree - everyone needs to hear it, and often! 💗😘
Oct 02Reply

@meg9813 thank you 😪 I needed this...i need this!
Oct 02Reply

Amazing!! 💓 Thanks for sharing 😊
Oct 02Reply

Thank you for posting this. I lost a good friend a few years ago- it's heartbreaking how stigmatized mental health is, and how scary it can be to reach out. <3 take care
Oct 02Reply

@suzmeow I'm so sorry for your loss. 💗 I fully agree, not enough people know the truth of mental health issues. :(
Oct 02Reply

@behappytoday it's my pleasure to. 💗💗
Oct 02Reply

Thank you for posting this. Depression can be very isolating. It's always nice to remember that I'm not the only one. Hugs! XoXo
Oct 13Reply

@mossgirl007 you are absolutely not alone. 💗
Oct 14Reply

@lyndseyrose This is beautiful! 😄💖 the world needs more people like you who care to stand up and say something!
Oct 17Reply

@whitleyskye aww thank you 💗 I am happy to share love wherever I can for men and women who are in this darkness. I know the struggle all too well. 💗
Oct 18Reply

@breakaribecca oh my goodness, you're so incredibly sweet! Thank you!!! I am happy to share hope and love wherever I can. Depression is such a dark thing I unfortunately know first hand, but I'm confident that love conquers all. ☺️💗 Stay beautiful, girl!! 😘💗
Nov 13Reply

Do you mind if I repost this in my closet ?!
Nov 18Reply

@cjborrero hi!! I'm not sure how I ever missed your comment, but absolutely go ahead! The more light out there, the better. 💗💗
Dec 01Reply

What's the number for
Feb 24Reply

@sabrina166 it's a hotline anyone can call if they need someone to help them talk through things without judgment. 💗🖖🏻
Feb 24Reply

Oh so I just call so all I need to no that's not your number that would be creepy
Feb 24Reply

@sabrina166 no, it's not mine! But, I'm always happy to chat with people if they want someone to talk to. ☺️
Feb 24Reply

Ok so drama is happening at my school and some how I got involved what do I do
Feb 24Reply

@sabrina166 stuff involving you, or your friends, or both? If it's bullying, definitely speak up! Talk to a counselor or a teacher. No one deserves to be bullied in any way, even if the other person is doing it "for fun." 💗
Feb 24Reply

Ok good advice I will try tomorrow and get back to you
Feb 24Reply

@sabrina166 yes please do! 💗 I know it can be tough out there, but true friends won't ever intentionally hurt you, or ask you to accept things that aren't what you feel comfortable with. Just know that you're worth the very best, so standing up for yourself is essential! 💗
Feb 24Reply

Super sweet. Thoughtful and incredibly important
Mar 04Reply

@emazzymazz aww thanks!
Mar 04Reply

Awesome for posting this. I'm sitting here right now with my best friend whose brother hung himself 4 years ago today. It affects so many people.
Mar 28Reply

@mamazthang aww 💔😢 My prayers go out to your friend and her family. Depression is a loud, ugly thing that permeates through many, not just a silent killer. 💗
Mar 28Reply

this is amazing of you ... because you just never know who's reading it & being affected. 💜
Apr 12Reply

@jooky aww thank you. I just want to shine light wherever I can for those who need it. I know how dark it can be sometimes. 💗
Apr 18Reply

@lyndseyrose 💓I am so glad to see this post. I just know that there are people seeing this that may really need to read those wonderful, kind & encouraging words and that this could make all the difference in their life right now. You r fabulous for posting it! Thank You!🙏🏻💐❤️💕😊
Apr 19Reply

@creative2 it's my pleasure! The world can be a lonely place, so I'm happy to help whoever I can to know they aren't alone. 💗💗
Apr 19Reply

Love this 💕
Apr 20Reply

Thank u for sharing this! Much love 2 u! XXX
Jun 08Reply

@badromance76 it's my pleasure to 💗
Jun 08Reply

Best post here ❤️
Sep 23Reply

Thank you! There is always hope. A bad day is not a bad life.
Sep 24Reply

@curvesandmore I just saw your comment - how incredibly kind of you! 💗 thank you! I am just hopeful, that if it is even one person who needs it sees it, that it helps. 💗
Sep 26Reply

@kmpetras 💗💗 lots of love to you!
Sep 26Reply

@craycrayrach absolutely! I love the idea that, so far, I've survived 100% of my worst days. We can do this thing called life ... together! 🙌🏼💗
Sep 26Reply

@lyndseyrose Yes! My 19 year old son struggles every day, has had 2 hospital visits in the past year after going to the Golden Gate Bridge twice. The daily struggle is so hard, but there is always hope. Things won't always be this way. We have received good advice & comfort from jw.org under "depression". Never give up!💜
Sep 26Reply

This is the sweetest, most thoughtful post I have ever read on here. I'm sure it is touching someone that needs encouragement. GOD BLESS YOU!!
Sep 26Reply

Amen Love this! God bless you!
Sep 27Reply

@myomaris aww thank you! And God bless you!
Sep 27Reply

wow i absolutely love this 🌸
Oct 09Reply

Love this
Feb 21Reply

Dec 18Reply

@lyndseyrose This is really sweet of you to put this here. God Bless you.
Dec 23Reply

@kendallcollins I’m so sorry, I just saw this comment — I’m glad it is something to bring hope and love to others! 💗
Mar 17Reply

@bluezebra8 thank you! 💗
Mar 17Reply

@_closetspace_ back at you! 💗💗💗
Mar 17Reply

@misslesabby I’m so sorry, I just saw your comment now. Thank you!! I try to do what I can to help others not be afraid to speak out about mental illness. 💗
Mar 17Reply

This is so important!! ❤️
Jun 10Reply

@sswiftie it is 💗 I just hope those who are struggling are able to find the help they need.
Jun 11Reply

I might need to use this tonight ~~ Thank you
Jun 15Reply

@angelaannestyle I’m so so sorry you’re struggling! Please know that there are many people in the world that love and care about you. You are a part of their life story! You matter, and your feelings matter. Don’t be afraid to seek the love and support of those around you. 💗
Jun 16Reply

Thank you so much for including this… I really need to hear this not only now but always.
May 15Reply

Thank you for this 🥰
May 18Reply

@cocodear I’m so glad it was something you needed to hear!!! Sending you hugs and light and love!!! ❤️❤️❤️
May 21Reply

@triciaking381 it’s my pleasure! ❤️❤️
May 21Reply

Thank you for your suicide post - 12 years since my son killed himself at age 29 I am more comfortable talking about it - He was the child I never worried about until a call where he did not sound right & called about 1am - He was saying goodbye, he told me he was planning to leave his computer science job in a year and go into a math job - It was his voice that scared me + he lived 1000 miles away Next day I called-no answer - my gut feelings-I was right-I knew.About a breakup- "Forever 29"
May 06Reply

This here! 🥹💕
Aug 05Reply

I lost my mom to this when I was 19
Thank you for this 🩵
Nov 20Reply
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