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Trading is a great way to save money, recycle & update your wardrobe/shop. Trading honestly & fairly is beneficial to you & your posh reputation by building positive feedback.

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@kimzap Please read
Jun 23Reply

Thank you, great information. I truly appreciate you taking the time to post this. I now have all the information I need to proceed. THANK YOU! !
Jun 23Reply

Hello ladies, just wanted to share important information that you should be informed of if anyone ever tries to scam you. It's always good to know this, and LET THE SCAMMER KNOW that you are aware of this information and that they should be aware of it as well and that they need to do the right thing! @tattooedred25 @dreamer722 @ohsogorgeouss @karladiaz36 @malsaud @snazzybunny3 @luxurythrift @ballin_likejay
Jun 23Reply

You are so very welcome. I was literally moments away from proceeding and once I told her what I would do she moved her butt so fast and sent me my stuff. This is why it is good to have this info, and let them know to scare the crap out of them. Hopefully all you will have to do is tell her this as well and not have to go through the process of actually having to call the post office and precinct nearest her. I wish you the very best of luck! @kimzap
Jun 23Reply

I love this! I had this happen to me a couple months back where I had to take it as far as getting authorities involved due to being scammed. Thank you!
Jun 23Reply

Thanks so much, hun. It may have already been in there, but I wanted to mention that you can get your items back BEFORE they arrive at their house/local Post Office. You can create an account with the USPS online & it will give you details regarding how to stop a package. I have done so just in case this ever happens & the "other party" doesn't send their items within 2 days. It costs, yes, but if your items are worth it to you, then that is something to seriously keep in mind.
Jun 23Reply

@profashionalnyc - thanks for this info. I was actually talking abt this with my sister. We have all the shipping information, if poshmark can't do anything I'm sure we can involve authorities.
Jun 23Reply

@hayliann23 this is what I meant by things getting taking to the next level legally. I've had to take it there before on posh with a girl who tried to scam me. Just ship the stuff to Kim & be done with this or it will get ugly!
Jun 23Reply

Jun 23Reply

Jun 23Reply

@tattooedred25 Very good information as well! I wish I could've done that, I would have paid to get my $70 worth of items back! But I had shipped the next day and I gave her the benefit of the doubt. But thankfully, due to awesome poshers, and the info I had, she ended up sending me my part of the trade. And even then, one of the items she sent was damaged and smelly. I must've had some luck because Poshmark refunded me the $8 trade shipping I had paid when I sent them the pictures.
Jun 23Reply

Yes. Posh is great with giving some of your money back or some posh credit.
Jun 23Reply

@profashionalnyc My very 1st trade was with Kim. She took a chance on me & I shipped the day I said I would. I always ship 1-2 days, but from now on if the person doesn't have any references or even feedback they will ship first. Even then though you have to wonder if the stuff actually being sent to you is real :/ So many ignorant people on here! I don't even understand it. I am so sorry to hear that :( I wish I would have known about this sooner to have helped you.
Jun 23Reply

@chrisanny - check this out
Jun 23Reply

@chrisanny - this will help u with ur scammer
Jun 23Reply

Awesome information. I will definitely share and tag others. Thank u
Jun 23Reply

@malsaud Thank u so much for the tag
Jun 23Reply

@mikmerica great info
Jun 23Reply

@chrisanny - you need to tag ur scammer and let her know u will take legal action.
This is ridiculous and how people think they can get away with scamming people.
Jun 23Reply

This is great! I learned a lot from friends going through the process with the scammer briianarene who said she is making things right with the 6-7 women she scammed. Thanks for the tag @chrisanny
Jun 23Reply

I do hope you & your sister can resolve the issue you are going through. I know this world is full of sh!tty people, but it still blows my mind how people can walk around, act like they grind hard, but yet have to steal from people. I wish you both the best of luck. Feel free to tag anyone so that they can be informed. Stealing & scheming is Fraud! These people must not value or respect themselves as much as the things they want to acquire. SMH @malsaud
Jun 23Reply

@chrisanny Your default pic melts my heart. <3 I don't understand how some of these people can sleep at night, knowing you are doing everything in your power to make any bit of cash for you & your family. Family life is expensive!! Selfish people do not understand what it is to put others before themselves. Feel free to tag anyone that needs a kick in the ass or someone who needs to be informed. I do hope you find a resolution.
Jun 23Reply

@mikmerica Your green hair is soo giving me life!! I love it!! I hope you do resolve your issue with your scammer. They have some balls don't they?? Its so funny, before people take a huge leap, it is best to do extensive research, & scammers just don't do that. They just act on selfish impulse, Little do they know the harm they are inflicting on themselves is worse than what they do to others. Their actions reflect on their character. Karma is a MUTHA......! And I hope she catches your Scammer!
Jun 23Reply

@profashionalnyc - yup thanks.
It sucks I traded my brand new purse with this girl. She sent me her used up peeling bag. When I demanded to send my bag back she refused and made this excuse that her sister took it and blah blah.
The next day I saw her selling it on another site.
Her closet is blocked on poshmark, but who knows maybe she made another one and is selling again.
Jun 23Reply

Jun 23Reply

Jun 23Reply

@profashionalnyc you're the best! I can't say what my connections are... But I have connections. Within minutes I knew everything about her. Never in my life would I cause or wish bodily harm on someone but I made her realize you're messing with the wrong people. She said she's going to make it right. It just ruins this awesome community that we have of women that for the most part that lift each other up instead of being catty b!tches.
Jun 23Reply

@profashionalnyc I'm still newish so I was thinking of leaving but kick ass chicks like you make it worth it! Also, it's pink now hehe if you check my meet your seller you'll see the new color! Loved the mermaid colors but it faded and time to change!
Jun 23Reply

@hayliann23 There is no TRYING to fix it, Just Do It Already! You don't want people calling you a liar & a scammer? THEN DON'T ACT LIKE ONE. You have free time to ship, I suggest you GO get Kim her Pallet & ship out by Friday or a Federal case will be charged against you. All your convos of when youll ship for everyone else just proves even more that you are doing nothing to resolve THIS situation. You are really going to screw yourself over.
Jun 24Reply

@lovecolors @snazzybunny3 This girl is seriously out of her mind. @hayliann23 If you take a step WAAAAAAY BACK, and read all of your comments and messages and excuses, it wouldn't be hard to miss how much like a freaking pathelogical liar you sound! You change your story every 5 seconds! Fix it already, IT'S NOT HARD TO RESOLVE. You are only going to SCREW YOURSELF!
Jun 24Reply

Thanks a lot
Jun 24Reply

how do you stop your package if its in transit? I traded with somebody 2 days ago, i shipped hers-she said she shipped mine, but she did not. I would like to stop it if I can. Looked on USPS website and couldn't find anything about that.
Jun 25Reply

@lelelulu Hello There! I saw that she shipped only 13hrs ago. Sometimes scan updates can take up to 24hrs. When shipped, you should receive an email from Posh stating it has, with tracking info. Ask her again, If you do not have an email by morning. If you still feel wary about it, notify her you are canceling your order, request a cancelation with Posh, check the progress of your package to her & if it has not been delivered yet, go here: https://www.usps.com/manage/package-intercept.htm
Jun 25Reply

Thanks. I figured out how to intercept and did so around 300 am. At 330 I received notice that it shipped. I want to cancel the interception but that doesn't appear to be an option. It cost me $25 to intercept.😬
Jun 25Reply

I received that she shipped I meant to say.
Jun 25Reply

The tracking info says the pkg was delivered to her. The intercept didn't get it in time😃 so I won't be charged the $25 and don't have to go through the hassle of reshipping. Your info has been so helpful. I never knew you could reroute a pkg.
Jun 25Reply

Very informative. Thank you
Jun 26Reply

great info, thanks.
Jun 29Reply

@winterfoxx u should read this
Jul 03Reply

Well said! Thank you soo much! I have been very lucky to not have been scammed to the extent of any stories ive heard ~ however, i very much try to do my "homework" on sizing up your client! This OTHER completely AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL woman had a listing such as this, and after reading... It just clicked! I am not computer savvy by ANY means, but i do realize PM puts our credentials rt out there! You can also conclude mUch by simply browsing their closets, or lack there of!
Jul 05Reply

@profashionalnyc Thank you @tpeck and THANK YOU MISS PRO~ FASHION!! I hope you wouldnt mind my bringing others to read, learn, and grow!
Jul 05Reply

This is great information. I will continuously share this for more Poshers to read. Maybe we can put a dent into the scammers that use this site for their own gain. Great job!
Jul 11Reply

@c_noel_ @beckey68 Thank you ladies for reading and sharing this. We need to educate everyone about this. A lot of these scammers just don't get it. They clearly value material things more than they value human worth & trust. We are a community, a family, if you will and I'm just tired of people who are out to get something in such a dishonest manner. Spread the love & support!
Jul 14Reply

Hey ladies, Just wanted to share my experience with you since I read you all went through something similar. Know Your Rights. If you used USPS to ship & if you purchased postage via USPS for them to ship & they do not comply, it is FRAUD. No matter if you trade on Posh, V!nted, E*bay, or wherever, an agreement is a CONTRACT & if you have visual proof (written/text) it is even better for you. @yalilyl90 @sjustice @allyfrazer @landerites @mariana_art @samanthaphoebe
Jul 19Reply

Thank you! Great info
Jul 19Reply

Thank you!
Jul 19Reply

@pattyhenderson Well just to let you know, I don't play around with trades. This is what happened to me but I know my rights and once I told the girl I'd take further action, she sent me my items immediately. Don't let a scammer ruin your trading experiences with legit traders.
Jul 19Reply

@vknee Keep in contact with her, try to find out why she hasn't shipped yet. Sometimes people get busy. But If she doesn't ship after a couple of days, and she stops responding to you, these are the steps you can take.
Jul 26Reply

Awesome! This is beyond helpful💗 I'll think I'll comment later again today on the item she's supposed to give me. I'll wait a few days for her but if nothing happens I'll definitely take action
Jul 26Reply

@vknee I think you should just wait until tomorrow evening. You shipped on Friday. She didn't ship Friday or Saturday, and Post office is closed today. So if there is no email notification that she shipped by tomorrow night, that was was more than enough time for her to ship, then you should notify her that you are going to take further action.
Jul 26Reply

Okay I'll trust your advice💗 but I thought it was also a little sketchy because we canceled orders right after purchasing. So we had each other's shipping labels, but we didn't pay for shipping technically. She offered trading this way but since I'm not familiar with trading I wasn't sure so I went along with it. 😐
Jul 26Reply

Aug 05Reply

@shayarmelin @cydalatumn @eboneeprincs @cindiluu @nevaehranae @eboneeprincs @hollaatmanda_ @holly_sweet @hoopono74 @lilmissfashion5 @loveuuuu23 @laurencfuji @polkadots2221 @ashley1030 @xoxo49337 @yeahyachi @kimberfox @ladypepper954 @katheriinela I wanted to share my story with you. I'm so sick of people ruining the experience for us honest Poshers because they value material things more than mutual respect. Feel free to tag anyone who needs to be informed. I hope you all find a resolution.
Aug 11Reply

@profashionalnyc thank you so much for this! Me and several others have been scammed by 🚫"sfouch"🚫 she lied about conditions of her items and some she didnt even send! I got a bunch of stuff i did not want/couldnt fit/stained and had holes. I cannot believe she accuses me of lying! I sent her $200+ of clothing and received a bunch of junk. she is rude and has no integrity at all! Block her on sight or be subjected to her craziness 🙅😡
Aug 11Reply

You are awesome and I am so glad for the info. Thanks so much!!! I will pass this along
Aug 11Reply

Anyone who send me something please email me at cadiwolff@yahoo.com I'll return all items please I swear I will just email me and I'll return I don't want this to happen and I promise to make all right
Aug 16Reply

Wow! 😳
I'm knew to this site & I appreciate you taking the time to share & write this info . I can't believe how crappy people can be. How do they live w/ themselves its sad when people lack self respect ... Again thank you for sharing. 😃
Sep 09Reply

I got scammed on my first trade and I told my dad who is a private investigator and he said I committed mail fraud because I did the buy and cancel to ship so there was nothing I could do about it. :(
Sep 11Reply

My goodness. I see no reason why people scam other people. It's beyond dirty. And it also shows they have poor morals.
Sep 19Reply

Thank you for the info😘I'm sorry that you've had to deal with a loser scammer😡
Sep 19Reply

Best way to avoid this situation and wasting time is so simple DON'T TRADE. Ugly habit and risk too. Don't put yourself in that situation.
Sep 19Reply

@solanye123 This is for people That Do Want to trade and to weed out scammers. For those who do not wish to trade, that is their prerogative. Trading is not an ugly habit, it is a Mutual Decision between people who wish to do so and Does Not & Should Not effect people who don't. Almost everything in life has a risk. Even Purchasing from strangers is a risk. And those willing to take risks Can end up with something wonderful and Can have a wonderful experience. But thanks for your comment. ✌
Sep 19Reply

@areedabook This is about the time I got scammed. But I took the right steps to get my items back without having to call the authorities about mail fraud. Always keep this info in mind whenever you do anymore trades, this can seriously save you so much headache and heartache. Trading can be so much fun, so always make sure whoever you trade with has feedback.
Oct 10Reply

@areedabook Haha, I know I'm taking a chance because you've never done a trade before, but you've got to start somewhere! Lol I would be able to give you feedback which will make other poshers feel more comfortable with doing a trade with you. What we do is lower our listing to $3 (lowest posh allows) and we purchase each other's listing like normal, in order to get the 2-day tracked shipping.
Oct 10Reply

@profashionalnyc WOW Thanks for sharing
Oct 10Reply

So how does that go in regards to bundles? Considering I would like the bag and the shoes? I know if we lower them to be under 15$ we only get charged a little over 2$ by Poshmark.
Oct 12Reply

@areedabook For bundles I do the same exact thing. It's just one listing. That way you only pay once for shipping. So both the bag and the shoes will be $3 plus the 4.99 shipping. So we are both going to be paying 7.99 for our trade, and it's mostly because we want 2 day tracked shipping.
Oct 12Reply

@areedabook The 4.99 standard shipping is for anything up to 5lbs. So, people would have to be shipping or trading a large amount for it to go over 5 pounds.
Oct 12Reply

@areedabook we aren't selling, we are trading. If you are selling, you are trying to make money. And anything $15.00 or less Posh takes 2.95 out the selling price. And if it is over $15, then posh takes 20% of the selling price. But in this case we are trading. We are both spending $3 which is the lowest price you can set an item to, and then 4.99 shipping.
Oct 12Reply

@areedabook There is no profit with trading. I mean there is, and it's .5cents again because posh takes 2.95 out of anything under 15. But we set it to $3 because we don't want to spend more than we have to. So I buy your listing, and you buy mine. If it's multiple items, I bundle to one listing. You only way the 3 + 4.99 once. The shoes and bag would definitely be under 5 pounds.
Oct 12Reply

@profashionalnyc Very frustrating! Sorry you had to go through this. For this reason it has always made me very wary of trading with others :) I'm glad you had the support of the Posh community which is great in helping others and you were able to get everything resolved!
Oct 14Reply

@storri Please let me know as soon as possible what you would like to do.
Oct 19Reply

@maggiemagmai Long I know, but it is seriously important information you should always know when trading. And people also need to let their scammers know what they are doing is a felony, and maybe it will give them a wake up call before you even have to take further action.
Oct 20Reply

It is nice to know there are options...and I am not alone in this there are many out there, however unfortunately, who got duped by a trade. I recently got a fake LV wallet and damaged LV bag in exchange of my almost new LV speedy and Chloe sunglasses....I saved the sunglasses but now she has the speedy and listed for 700 in her closet.😧 she calls me a lier and scammer in reverse...I don't know how to deal with her....she has no moral...her user name is loubsandlouie
Oct 26Reply

Great info!!! Thanks so much!!!!
Oct 26Reply

@yocks4 This is what I went through when I almost got scammed. I would never sscam.someone, these are the rules I live by when trading. I really really want that stocking for my mama lol
Nov 05Reply

Nov 07Reply

@hadeeulah Absolutely! Tag away! People should feel safe on here. This is more of a community than just some random app to sell things on. And we shouldn't let liars and thieves scare us into missing out on some awesome exchanges and experiences.
Nov 18Reply

@vsk333 Here is the information. This is all you need to get the authorities involved. They made an agreement with you, they broke that agreement, you paid for postage for them to ship the agreed items and they didn't. If you kept your end of the deal and they aren't compliant, they committed fraud. Stealing is fraud. And stealing using USPS is a FELONY. I know lots of people who have taken these actions, and they have gotten their items back and the scammers have gotten into tremendous trouble.
Nov 22Reply

@profashionalnyc Oh my goodness thank you so much!!
Nov 22Reply

@sahara_holden scammer <----- @profashionalnyc
Nov 22Reply

@paydenspanky Also feel free to tag your friends who got scammed by her, so they can read my Information on how to deal with scammers.
Nov 29Reply

Nov 29Reply

You need to stop scamming people or it will not be good, take this as a lesson to stop scamming people before people get ticked off and contact the authorities.
Nov 29Reply

@h_momma your asss is done I'll be in Idaho on wens and your done. I'm filing more then charges on you. And something will happen trust that my dad is a sheriff and is bringing me to her local sheriffs office and demanding charges being pressed right then I have her address my cousin has pictures of her house followed her to where her daughter is babysat and where she works so I have all her info. @h_momma will be in jail soon
Nov 29Reply

@crystal64 they are talking about smokey273
Nov 29Reply

@crystal64 Lots of Scammers are listed here but this one in particular is a well known scammer. They said she's had about 10 different accounts scamming people. If that is so, everyone she's ever scammed should post their proof, tag all of her alias', and post her address. That way if she gets a new account, and tries to trade, once we see the address we will say DENIED! This is crazy, people don't realize how much trouble they can get into for scamming.
Nov 29Reply

OMG this is super helpful I didn't know any of this!😩
Dec 16Reply

@tiger15 This is the best posting on trades and the risks of trades. As long as you see some feedback where you KNOW they have good ratings on trades, but even then it is still a risk without having an actual purchase, which is where i seen the poshers doing the $3 lowest price purchase. I hope that helps! I wouldnt want anyone to be taken advantage of especially by my advice lol!
Dec 19Reply

@kvcamp This is the story i tagged the other user in. Sorry for the delay! Just hopped back on & seen your comment. I hope this helps. I personally havent traded on Posh before, but im ALWAYS reading stories of scammers and seems to me the best way to trade is to set the listings at $3 (lowest possible price) then purchase it for $7.99 where your mostly paying for shipping BUT it makes it possible for EVERYTHING to be covered under posh!
Dec 19Reply

@profashionalnyc I hope your ok with me tagging some users in this post. Ive been getting questions about trades and I myself have been too nervous to trade here on posh and this story (your story) stuck in my head when i read it last week....i think its something everyone should read. But again, i wanted to be sure you were ok with me sending poshers to this listing for trade info!
Dec 19Reply

@trobinson611 I would LOVE it if you tagged people in this. Thank you so much for spreading the word. All Poshers need to be aware of what they can do if someone scams them.
I encourage people to tag poshers who need to be aware, and I also encourage people to tag their scammers, because they need to know they are committing a felony.
Dec 19Reply

@profashionalnyc Thanks! When i read thru it it really helped me understand trading further. So thank you for posting it! Ive tagged 2 so far and may have to "RE-LIKE" every now and then to bring back to the top of my likes lol.
Dec 20Reply

@kvcamp here is the post about trading and scammers.
Dec 22Reply

@glamazonmakeup I had been scammed once as well, this is my story. I have listed the steps Poshers can take in order to get their items or money back. Poshers need to know their rights, and scammers need to know they are committing a felony. I do not mess around with trades. I am honest in all that I do & I care about my business & reputation here on Posh. Just wanted to let you know.
Jan 02Reply

Hi @hadeeulah I'm not trying to start anything but I'm just looking out for my fellow poshers. gypsieglam84 tried to scam me. She was trying to pass off a Chanel bracelet as authentic when it is fake. I almost traded 12 of my nice items for it. Thank God I did the research and asked for close up of the stamp. I believe that she got the stamp off of the Internet because when I tried to compare with the date she said the bracelet was it didn't match up....
Jan 11Reply

She also said that she could not do the trade through posh because her printer wasn't working and wanted me to do the trade off posh. That is when the real red flag shot up for me and I told her that I was going to not go through with the trade. Moments later I was sending her a good night message and she had blocked me and deleted the whole listing where we had the conversation...
Jan 11Reply

Little did she know that I took screenshots of our entire conversation and of the bundle listing that I was going to send her so I have proof of all of this.. I don't do drama so I have not outed her but I saw that you tagged her to one her warn but she is actually up to no good😔
Jan 11Reply

I just reread that..sorry bout all the grammar mess ups.😕Another thing that upsets me is I had the proof in my about the scam with the title "Why can't everyone be honest" and POSH took it down! She has multiple items that aren't even allowed to be sold on posh and none of her listings have been taken down! I follow ALL of posh rules! It crazy to me that Posh took down the listing where I wasn't even being mean..I was just showing proof of the conversation to warn my fellow poshers. Frustrating!
Jan 11Reply

@jgajewski if this is the case you NEED to write to Posh immediately. Tell them the situation detailed but to the point. Make all the points about 1. You wanting to purchase & Her Requesting off Posh transactions. 2. You asking proof of authenticity & receiving something easily found online. 3. You confronting her and then she blocked you and she removed proof. Detailed pointing out all things against posh policy
Jan 11Reply

I definitely would had wrote posh but it was going to be a trade. I know trading is allowed by posh but it didn't think they did anything about a trade gone wrong. I'm surprised they took down the post about it though.
Jan 11Reply

@jgajewski then you include ALL screenshots of the conversation. Include the listing pics and price, include the conversation, and even include a picture of an authentic item pointing out the differences. And they should respond to you within 2 days
Jan 11Reply

I didn't go through with the trade. Thank God! Do you think posh would do anything since a transaction didn't take place?
Jan 11Reply

@jgajewski The only thing they don't do is offer returns or refunds for shipping for trades. End your email with "I know posh doesn't support trades, but everything I do IS ON posh & I decided not to after she wanted to do so off Posh. I would have even been interested in purchasing if she provided authenticity. But Posh needs to be notified that she is trying to sell & trade counterfeit items which is ILLEGAL & she could definitely find someone to scam if it goes overlooked" BAM!
Jan 11Reply

@jgajewski I'm sure they will investigate. If you make the email detailed but straight to the point. List all the reasons it was shady and make sure you mention how she could scam someone who is gullible. But regardless make sure you point out that it was counterfeit because you compared to authentic items & once you asked for authenticity she blocked you. And if she were selling authentic items she would have the proof & would have no need to block anyone.
Jan 11Reply

@jgajewski then after you write to them wait a couple of hours and then you can post your listing again that they took down. Make sure you title your listing "BE SAFE! ALWAYS ASK FOR AUTHENTICITY!" that way it is more like you are looking out for people. BUT you need to have legit proof before you do.
Jan 11Reply

@jgajewski I'm just a little shocked because I just realized that she and another posher and I were having a fun conversation and it was about people who have scammed US in the past. So I didn't think she was the type. The only thing I noticed is that she has sold nothing but it didn't alarm me. But if that is true you NEED to write to posh
Jan 11Reply

I definitely will. I'm not a real easy person to get over on so I will have to admit she has great skills. I don't know a lot about Chanel jewelry and if I didn't research it she would have about $800 worth of my stuff!
Jan 11Reply

I am sorry this happened to you, Iam sure it was a learning experience! So glad to hear u got ur items back!!
Jan 12Reply

@jessica_dabae Interesting read. Hopefully something you will take into consideration.
Feb 09Reply

Hi! I just came along this and wanted to ask for some advice.. I recently did a trade with this girl on vinted another app like this one where you sell buy & swap things. We did a trade about 1 & a half week ago but she had good reviews so i decided to trust her & just exchange addresses. We were suppose to trade for two things each
Feb 11Reply

The last time she replied to me was 5 days ago and i Messaged her telling her my package didn't come in yet and asked if hers did. After She told me she shipped it 4 days ago & she didn't receive hers either.
Feb 11Reply

I just found out yesterday that it got shipped to her on Wednesday because i forgot i had the tracking number. I have been constantly trying to reach out to her, she still hasn't responded back.Yet the app can tell you when they last get on.
Feb 11Reply

It told me shE was on yesterday and i messaged her that same day. i went to one of the listings that we were gonna swap and their was this other person asking to swap, the girl later replied saying "still wanna swap?" So i messaged the same girl that left that comment and asked her if they were planning to swap one of the items we were suppose to recieve. She replied back to me saying they havent decided what they wanted to swap yet.
Feb 11Reply

Also, she told me that she thinks it was 2 days since they talked. Since i recall she hasnt replied to me in 5 days but can reply to someone else? Do i start calling her a scammer? Do i report her? See i dont know if thats such a good idea commenting and calling her a scammer because would if she blocks me then i cant do anything about it. I just want my part of the trade if not is their any way she can send me my items back?
Feb 11Reply

*i was suppose to recieve
Feb 11Reply

Feb 13Reply

This is awesome info! Thank you so much!!!
Feb 15Reply

@profashionalnyc Wow, thank you so much for this knowledgeable information. To think there are so many devious, wicked people out there is horrible, but at the same time knowing we have this beautiful community of women with Posh Mark to support us is a comfort to know.
Everyone should know this--Should be listed right after NO TRADES on every closet. Thank you again you're the best.Geri
Feb 28Reply

@artdiva772 You are very welcome! 💖 It really is a shame that there are people who would stoop this low in order to acquire material things. It's crazy! I LOVE to trade, I've done 30 successful trades here on Posh so far. Thank goodness there was only that one time and everyone else I have traded with has been amazing. So I have this listed so that others can know that I know my rights & options and everyone else who trades should know them as well.
Feb 28Reply

@profashionalnyc I know, when I started with Poshmark. I really didn't think I was going to continue on this venture. In the beginning I wasn't savvy to the process. Ran into a couple of bad seeds (buyers) that were vicious. Flat out lied to posh Mark to make themselves look good, I was nothing but patient, patient and more patient. So there went my five star rating. However I have stayed, and things are looking up and I have a lot of five stars now. Thank you for answering.
Feb 28Reply

I don't trade because of the horror stories I have read on here, and I have only been on Poshmark for 5
Mar 14Reply

months. But I did have someone say that they didn't receive my package, and the same day the PO and I discovered that it was delivered, she cancelled the sale! She had a 50.00 item. I sent proof of delivery to posh support and,the money was in my account the next day. My first sale was a nightmare (for another time!) And the cancellation was my 4th sale! I was /am getting a little overwhelmed. But then I read about you great ladies, and it gives me hope! Thx😆😆😼
Mar 14Reply

I love that last part 😉 CONSEQUENCES👌🏽
Mar 16Reply

@bohembebe I made sure to add that in there in hopes some scammers would read it and crap their pants lol
Mar 16Reply

@porcupiny This listing is about the situation I was talking about. I'm not calling you a scammer or anything like that at all. Im just tagging you to show you why I like to be careful with trades. So please let me know when you plan to ship and I can ship the same day. The post office is on the next block from me and there is a drop box I can drop off to literally 24/7.
Mar 18Reply

Who is the scammer so we know buyer beware ?
Mar 22Reply

I am VERY new at this thank you for the info
Mar 22Reply

@profashionalnyc wow I'm so sorry that happened to you, but what good info! I had no idea about package intercept!
Mar 23Reply

@profashionalnyc thank you for your info on scammers abd halianne. I was following her, but not any more and blocked
Mar 31Reply

Wow thanks for posting this information. I trade a lot and sometimes I feel that I'm just risking it without any type of help or support. But I've been lucky to encounter honest and great awesome traders.
Apr 03Reply

I can't believe this happened to you. What in the world. That is crazy
Apr 03Reply

Awesome & valuable information! Thank you so very much for sharing your story & also for going above & beyond with the following information. Kudos to you and I wish you many many many successful sales! 😊👍
Apr 15Reply

Thanks for putting this out there! Keeping in my likes for Newbies!
Apr 15Reply

This is awesome!!! Thanks so much for posting! I've only traded a few times and have been lucky!
Apr 15Reply

@profashionalnyc Thank you, Jenna for posting this useful information. I'm very sorry this happened to you, cause I can tell you are a sweet person! ❤️
Apr 18Reply

@lelelulu register for a my usps account then when anything is shipped to your address or you ship will be under manage and track. From there it will give you steps to follow. Not sure if it'll work on the package you just sent but should if you have your tracking numbers
Apr 30Reply

Ty, I'm going to get my tag team..👍💖😘 @mimismenagerie, @anawat40 plz read n share, TY👍😘
May 01Reply

Ladies please help share useful info @jazzybeelove @schx4 @suzmeow @songae @apriljerseygirl @azurebluecanary @bellanblue @melissa4atl @hippymama613 @Jill555 @cocobiel @wsp90 @newcreations06 @dannystormborn @persuasions @shoppingmunkee @jessica10908 @marcie0707💕💕
May 02Reply

@anawat40 Thanks for this valuable info. I'll definitely share. Have a great week 🌹
May 02Reply

Thank you for sharing this is one of the reasons I stopped traded, go with your gut feeling ..i had the same problem ..im sorry this happened to you
May 02Reply

thanks for the valuable info @anawat40
May 02Reply

@songae yw
May 02Reply

May 03Reply

Glad to see people standing up for themselves and not just letting criminals do whatever they want.
May 11Reply

@lucky1961 Hello sweets, I wrote to you & Diana in regards of your item saying it was delivered. I just saw the convoy because I clicked on her most recent sale. I purchased something from her last week & she has not replied to me since then. You can even see I wrote on her listing. She explained her situation to you but not to me so I wrote to her on there & as you can see she still hasn't replied.
May 17Reply

@lucky1961 I find it a bit strange, if someone gets into your account you would, notify Posh, just cancel the orders and change the address back (after copying it down of course) and change the password. That situation doesn't affect the orders that have been purchased FROM her. She has to figure out who is ordering things from her account but again it doesn't affect orders that are purchased from her.
May 17Reply

@lucky1961 I'm just getting a little bothered by it. I just don't like it when people don't communicate with their customers. It becomes a huge inconvenience that way. A person ordering from her account, nor the fact that "it seems" she only has Posh on her bf phone is an excuse for no communication. Is it difficult to download it on any other device? And if he's the only one with her account, wouldn't it make sense that he or someone who used his phone ordered something for someone?
May 17Reply

@lucky1961 So I just wanted to know if you guys found a resolution. Because if she just keeps ignoring me I'm just going to cancel. I'd rather the person be upfront and say they have been busy or they can't find it or they can't ship it...tell me something, ya know? I don't like to feel like I have to chase someone to answer me about something I already paid for. I just wish she would reply.
May 17Reply

@cindychihsmith I usually wait for tge otger person to ship first if they dont have any trade feedback. I havent heard from you but I shipped out your item today. When will you be shipping?
May 17Reply

@lucky1961 Can you at least let me know if she shipped your item or not?
May 17Reply

@profashionalnyc shipped today!
May 17Reply

I'm so sorry. Wasn't able to access comments. No I never got the order
May 17Reply

She is clearly a rip off artist although she was pretty obvious. A friend of mine also tried to buy the purse to see if she would try to rip her off. She did. I finally bottomed lined this girl who also listed the purse on M&rcari. I wonder if she even ever had a purse. Am waiting for Poshmark to contact me.
May 17Reply

What's so weird is it said delivered and asked me to rate it!
May 17Reply

@lucky1961 I am going to download ♏erc to see if she has the thing I purchased listed. Can I get your code? I figure we both need the $ for dealing with this crap lol
May 18Reply

Sure. I'll find it
May 18Reply

Where would I find my code? My order number?
May 18Reply

@lucky1961 I have no idea. Lots of people share a sign up code for ♏. It gives both people $2 in their account. I was just asking because I was going to sign up. I still want to sign up but I'll probably never use it because Posh is waaaaaay safer. I've been on here for 2 years and only had an issue once! Until now. She finally answered me but her reply was the same thing she said to you. Makes no sense. Printing out a label and shipping aren't affected by someone going into her account.
May 18Reply

@lucky1961 We still paid! All she has to do is ship them & notify poshmark to see if there is a way to hold the funds for her until its resolved. She told you she is only logged into her bfs phone, then she needs to start asking her bf some questions. Lol She also said someone changed the address & ordered stuff to the new address. Isn't it common sense to find out what the address is? Like ask the sellers to send her a copy of the label. The person's info would be on there if they changed it.
May 18Reply

You know I'm not convinced she actually has the purse(s)
Why would it say that the purse was delivered 2 days ago to my home?
I'm going to see what Poshmark has done because I was not trading. I was paying straight up.
May 18Reply

@lucky1961 I don't think she has the iron I bought from her either. I looked up her name on ♏ and she had what I bought listed in her closet twice. 1 was purchased but who k owsnif she jipped that person, and the other had people inquiring about it only 11 days ago.
May 18Reply

@lucky1961 make sure you send the screen shot of you 2 chatting when she admits she didn't ship
May 18Reply

@ellotheremate I see you were on an hour ago and I wrote to you 14 hours ago. Please let me know if you are shipping today. This is making me feel uncomfortable that you have yet to reply to my question regarding shipping.
Jun 02Reply

Thank you for posting this!People recently!!!
Jun 08Reply

This is scary. I'm beginning to feel like I may be getting scammed too
Jun 16Reply

@dumsersrt50 That stinks. Did you trade on here or off Posh?
Jun 16Reply

Kinda here but we just exchanged info and then mailed on our own. Hopefully I'm jumping the gun. She has good trade feedback. It's just taking a long time for her to ship and hearing excuses. Gonna give it a full week since she received her items and then dig deeper I guess. Hopefully I'm just being paranoid after reading this
Jun 16Reply

@dumsersrt50 when did you guys confirm a trade, and when did you ship?
Jun 16Reply

Traded June 8. I shipped the 9 th bright and early. She got hers the 11th. I feel bad even thinking this but by now I should have it or a tracking number.
Jun 16Reply

@dumsersrt50 Listen, don't feel bad. You have every right to worry. You spent time & money shipping, and your items have cash value. That's a loss of money if that were to happen. It's already been plenty of time. You have to tell her you are starting to feel uncomfortable being that you were courteous enough to ship the next day and here it is 8 days later without even a tracking number. You have every right.
Jun 16Reply

@dumsersrt50 This I why I refuse to trade off of poshmark because you ship and suddenly they don't have $ to ship your stuff and that's the end of it. It becomes a horrible game of cat and mouse and it's time consuming and honestly just a pain in the rear! At least on Posh everyone purchases their own shipping so it deters people who are trying to scam that way. But no matter how the transaction, scammed will try to get away with it
Jun 16Reply

@dumsersrt50 I wouldn't give it another week, I'd give it until Saturday. If there is no legit tracking info then I would start being more stern with her. If you feel her reasons for not shipping see legit then I'd still wait until Saturday. I feel like 10 days is enough time to get things sorted.
Jun 16Reply

Sorry. Had to run out for a minute for birthday stuff for my little boy. But thank you so much for your response. I go way out of my way sometimes to ship things immediately and I am very trusting so I like to be treated the same. I have been in contact with her and did tell her I hated to be like this but I need a tracking number so hopefully she will send me one within the day
Jun 16Reply

@dumsersrt50 I don't like being that way either but it's very hard to be at ease in situations like this. I would give her no later than Saturday to ship and even that's too long. If she is not compliant by the time you two agreed then just tag her on this listing the day before and say please ship within 24 hours if not I will be moving forward with other methods as to getting this resolved. That way she can read the type of hassle she can get into for not being reliable & reputable.
Jun 16Reply

Good idea. Thank you so much!
Jun 16Reply

@justineegbert. We can totally get that girl if we work together
Jun 20Reply

@dallass_xoxo and several others from NC are scammers
Jun 20Reply

@dumsersrt50 I shared this. It's amazing.
Jun 20Reply

Jun 20Reply

Furthermore, you can contact USPIS (United States Postal Inspection Service). This would be considered Mail Fraud which is a Federal Crime. Once these scammers use the Postal Service for their intentions of stealing they put themselves in a bad predicament. I'm a Staffing Specialist for the USPS.
Jun 25Reply

@danie8280 Thank you Danielle! You are the bomb! I am going to be updating this listing soon with all the formation amazing Poshers like you have given me. The more info the better & safer we can make our community. We should all feel safe selling, buying & doing transactions with each other. I don't understand the crazy things people will do to acquire something materialistic. Smh
Jun 25Reply

Thanks for sharing with us!!!! Horrible people in this world. So awful.❤️
Jul 03Reply

Great info
Sep 13Reply

Awesome info!! Thanks so much!
Sep 13Reply

@ajones1985 @buymystuff_posh @collectionbyk @dkdthreads @emmyrawrs @fashion_deity @gypsy13eclectix @hannalab @itsmelilly @justfabulous32 @kendallstylny @laithsjewels @missolgat @ninascloset5 @okcoljack @pizzaislife94 @queenofdenial1 @rach6678 @shannon2005 @trendiitamii01 @urbandivaglam1 @vintageplaybook @whitneerose @xoxodarla @yvdodson @zvucnik1 Lets help each other by spreading the word of this important information
Jan 22Reply

@orelia thanks for sharing the info. This is crazy. Glad to know my rights for future just in case incidents
Jan 22Reply

@r_hill I'm also not sure if I had asked you to trade, but I've done 39 trades here on Posh, I have great feedback & I'm trustworthy & honest. When trading, poshers choose the items they'd like to trade (equal value) & they are all listed/bundled into one listing. Lower the price of listing to $3 (that's the lowest price Posh permits) Then poshers purchase, package & ship out like a normal transaction. I have lots more items to add, If you are looking for anything in particular, let me know.
Feb 28Reply

Awesome! Thanks for sharing! Check out my closet if u ever wanna trade! 😊
Mar 29Reply

@profashionalnyc Commented: Hi! My PFF Sister, I Myself Almost got Scam by a fellow Posher on Here. She Waited for me to Shipped My package out and Said Shipped and Then Cancelled My Trade Order From her and put as excuse it was damage items. I Had already mail out her package with her Trade Items.
Mar 30Reply

@profashionalnyc Commented: Cont~ I look up the tracking number to her package I send out and Paid to get it back $12.95 to rounted back to me. To stop her from getting it and scamming me. It felt great to put a stop to her. One way to stop people like them.... I got my package back. I just wanted to share my story Thanks! Much Love & Be Brave Your PFF Sister, Liz ox (Suggested User)
Mar 30Reply

@profashionalnyc thank you I just got scanned people suck !
Apr 06Reply

Omg this is sooooo informative!! Just what I needed! I'm pretty new to the poshmark and I've been scared to even sell!! Due to all the terrible things people to do another! Thank you so much for sharing this💕
Apr 07Reply

@parachutes__ Ugh!, so am I! I can't even find anyone to trade with anymore. Everyone is either scared or a scammer that knows they won't get far with me. They kill the fun out of trading & ruin their chances of making actual friends. Posh was based on honesty & helping each other. Now it's full of simpletons & desperate people willing to screw someone over for something that was free in the first place. So sad what ppl do over a fu<king piece of clothing.
Apr 13Reply

@ars1966 hope this helps
Apr 26Reply

This is awesome. And also why I believe most people are skeptical of trading. I have a question for you though! Is there a safer way to conduct trading than doing it off poshmark? I usually give them my email where we talk about the trade there. But is there a way to do some of it through posh? You meantioned how Poshmark would take legal action, but how would they if they don't know you conducted a trade?
May 01Reply

@maddiestrunsee Hey Maddie, yes I ONLY trade through Posh. It is actually the safest way to trade. I wouldnt trade any other way. The reason it is the safest is because your conversations are saved on the listing. Once purchased the listing can never be deleted. Thats proof. Also the shipping is tracked, you can see if someone shipped their end. And if the person does not comply, Posh can provide any information authorities may need if you end up contacting the authorities.
May 01Reply

@profashionalnyc okay that's really helpful! Would you just purchase the item they have up for sale for the same price as the one they purchase so you both receive the same amount? Why did I not even think of this 😅
May 01Reply

@maddiestrunsee You can still contact the authorities if you were scammed outside of Posh, but if the person sends you a fake address, or fake name, using a faulty email you would never know where to start & neither would the authorities. I could go on forever about the pros & cons. I use to sell & trade on IG using Paipal and it was very risky. Now that im on Posh, I feel more secure and protected as Posh can provide much more concrete information if need be.
May 01Reply

@maddiestrunsee As a suggested user I can not promote or condone people who find each other on Posh & take their transactions out of Posh, as it's against Posh rules. But I know people do it & I'm not here to bust anyone's balls. Lol There is protection whether you trade on here or outside of Posh, just more so on Posh. And though scammers will scam & liars will lie no matter who, what, when, or where, selling & trading on Posh is 5000% Better & Safer. That's just my opinion lol
May 01Reply

@profashionalnyc yeah for sure!! I am always nervous about trading. But why not trade items and both benefit with an awesome new garment? I love the idea of trading and I wish more people were up for it! But this knowledge helps to make it more legitimate. Because even I felt sketchy asking them to email me 😂 ah! Thank you for this
May 01Reply

@maddiestrunsee Oh yeah, you can agree on a certain price and both of you change the price to that OR what most people do is just lower it to $3. We used to be able to lower to 0 but now the minmum is $3. Same goes for a bundle, you just create the listing with all the items and lower to $3. And both pay the standard $6.49 shipping + $3. The $6.49 flat fee is for up to 5LBS & 2-3 Day Priority Tracked Shipping! Which is great for shoes, coats, beautu products & heavy items
May 01Reply

@maddiestrunsee You still need to be careful. There are still tons of creeps on here lol. Always check if they have traded before, how many times & if people in the comments seem happy & if there is a lack of complaints in their comments lol
May 01Reply

Perfect example of why one of Poshmark's suggestions is NO trades! This platform is free, and using it to make offline transactions is just asking for trouble! Poshmark is not responsible for, or obligated to, mediate and/or give you remuneration for a loss that occurred due to choosing to trade/ do business off the platform. Don't cheat yourself! Scammers are out there! 😔
May 27Reply

@melscrazycloset This post is to help people who DO Want To Trade. We all know what Posh suggests but the point is, its allowed. We know that trading is a risk, just as there is risk making any purchase here. Also My post does NOT mention offline transactions. I do not promote/condone trading outside of Posh. If You don't trade or agree, cool, that's your decision. But again, This Post is to help those that do trade honestly, not for people to tell us not to trade. Thanks for the comment though.
May 27Reply

I just wanted to add that even without a contract you can still sue them under promissory estoppel. Which means it is a legal principle that a promise is enforceable law even if made without formal consideration. Don't be scared to report to authorities ladies! It is a crime!
Jul 15Reply

Great info!!!!!
Sep 27Reply

Thank you so much for the information! I know this took a great deal of time to post and it is SO APPRECIATED!! I am SO SORRY you have had to deal with dishonest buyers or traders and I pray it doesn’t happen to you again!
Oct 15Reply

@serenity33 I saw your post about a scammer... thought you should see this
Nov 16Reply

@charitymarie34 I saw your post about a scammer... thought you should see this!
Nov 16Reply

@moonchild89 I saw your post about a scammer... I thought you should see this!
Nov 16Reply

@jtoner5 I saw your post about a scammer... I thought you should see this!
Nov 16Reply

@meelah10315 @destinyfye I saw your posts about scammers... I thought you should see this!
Nov 16Reply

Thanks for sharing this with me because they did me wrong
Nov 16Reply

@yoyoposhmark this is the post you should see!
Nov 16Reply

@erinrae_1024 @justfashion1209 @laurenmasden @katz18 @jenny1312 @ilovehorses12 @adriannaf1993 @momaahs @sarahmaccx16 @xoxo_madison @mrsassi @iloveelmo I saw that all of you had posts about scammers... I thought you should see this post!
Nov 16Reply

@juleslovesnails I’m aware of your home address and I️ was easily able to look up your house on google maps. I️ know what school you went to as well. So please return my items, otherwise I️ promise that I’ll take legal action and make sure all your affiliated accounts with poshmark will be suspended. You committed a crime and your silence and actions will be punish for whatever it takes. I️ will ask nicely for the last time, please return my items.
Nov 16Reply

@nicnutz thanks, just bummer that there are dishonest people like this out there
Nov 16Reply

@moonchild89 no problem. I agree, I’ve seen so many posts about getting scammed and I didn’t think anyone could do anything about it until I saw this. I put “scammer” into the search and tried to let people know about this and hopefully justice can be served!
Nov 16Reply

@eqr978 Thankyou for this!!!!
Nov 18Reply

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I did not know this. The very first listing in my closet is of a lady who scammed me. She did the exact same thing she said she was in an accident and then it was her husband sent the stuff and it just never came and then of course I was sympathetic and then she blocked me and we are at a standstill right now because I have no way to contact her. I have no way to contact her so I don’t know how to notify her that I would like to take legal action
Jan 15Reply

@sjdrexelius I totally understand, Ive had bad experiences as well. But I love trading so much i didnt want those 2 experiences to ruin trading for me. So I made this post to help other poshers who want to trade honestly and fairly & to make sure people are aware of their options/consequences. Ive done 41 successful trades & havent had a bad experience since those first 2.
Jan 16Reply

@kaylaelwell @gracezcc @rachy13 @tiffanyvo365 @nani_3 @bkristene @pnkblue hi ladies, I saw your names on a post about scammers and I thought this information might be helpful!
Jan 24Reply

@profashionalnyc Hi! Thank you for posting this. A while back (around five months ago) i traded with a user and they deleted their account but we did the trade off poshmark (through usps) and she failed to send her items to me but i sent mine to her. i have a record through emails of her confirming the trade. my items totaling $59 with $7 shipping through usps. is there anything you think i would possibly be able to do in this situation? thank you in advance ❤️
Jan 24Reply

Thank you for this because I just got scanned and this girl seemd really legit I took screen shots of a few thing I have sent just have to look around for it I have email exchanges she deleted my comment and blocked me today this is beyond absurb
Jan 26Reply

@cleanandkeen Here is another post I made a couple years ago about my experience. I talk about how i got my items and how others can protect themselves & know their options when it comes to taking legal action. It may be a bit extreme lol but I'm a BIG believer in karma and I dont think anyone should be that much of an a§§hole just to aquire something materialistic.
Jan 29Reply

Every time I try to intercept my order, an error message pops up. Did this ever happen to you?
Feb 01Reply

I’m just trying to get some help bc I’ve recently been scammed by someone. Makes me very sad bc I lost a loved piece
Feb 01Reply

@ghiles veeeeerrrryyyyyy interesting.... she said she was going through a custody battle and then sent pictures of a bloody cut on her leg and said she was in the hospital. Then she said her ex husband abducted her daughter..... I just noticed she made another account and spammed her account. This happened in November I’m not sure what to do now. I contacted posh though
Feb 06Reply

@aliyahnh Im so happy you got your package intercepted! Karma is going to hit her where the good lord split her lmao
Feb 06Reply

@ghiles but I did learn a lesson lol. At least I have that. I keep tagging her in posts that I make hoping it’ll scare her that I have all her info... since she blocked me do u think she gets notifications of me tagging her? Or would you be able to tag her mahbe?
Feb 06Reply

Feb 06Reply

@emmagrace42000 @ghiles I must tell you that the first thing you need to do is remove her address and phone number from your account. No matter the reason, you can actually get in trouble for that and you dont want her to counter you for harassment.
Feb 06Reply

@profashionalnyc okay. Thank u for that advice. How else would I scare her into sending it back? I want her to know that I have this
Feb 06Reply

@emmagrace42000 @ghiles unfortunately thats the way it goes, because you can get into trouble for posting her information. First step is to fill out a government IC3 form for internet fraud. You can find it online and submit it immediately. And if you want to, you can call HER nearest precinct and let them know you filled out an IC3 form and that she has a record. You can see what they tell you because she is committing internet fraud, and theft by using a government agency (usps)
Feb 06Reply

@emmagrace42000 I'll write on her post as well.
Feb 06Reply

@profashionalnyc wow. Thanks so much!
Feb 06Reply

@emmagrace42000 Was the transaction made on Posh or off of posh? Just want to vlarify before i writw to her. If the items/postage werent purchased using poshmark or shipped using a posh label, posh will not be able to step in.
Feb 06Reply

@profashionalnyc the label was bought on posh but I texted her
Feb 06Reply

@emmagrace42000 perfect
Feb 06Reply

@emmagrace42000 im looking for the listing you purchased from her and the listing she purchased from you and i dont see anything.
Feb 06Reply

Can I copy this?
Feb 17Reply

Feb 21Reply

@profashionalnyc hey my parents are scared that if I call the cops she will enact revenge. What’s my next step? Do I have a next step? She stole over $200 worth of stuff it’s hard for me to let it go
Feb 21Reply

I honestly don’t know why people trade. I done it a few times but refuse to do it now. Not worth it to me.
Mar 02Reply

@daricek There is risk in everything we do, even making a regular purchase people have sent wrong items, damaged items, people claim they never receive their packages...a whole bunch of crap. But, I haven't had an issue since that time (2015) The rest of my 42 trades were awesome. I continue to trade with those poshers and we all recommend other poshers to trade with & we refer eachother to others as well.
Mar 02Reply

@profashionalnyc yes but if paid and you receive the wrong item, no item, an item that is damaged you have so much less work to get your money back. I just don’t have the energy to take a chance in trading.
Mar 02Reply

@daricek I totally get it. It's better to just remain in the group of people you know you can Trust and go by references and feedback. This post and my other trade post let's others know that I won't Let them get away with anything, so It's kind of a deterrent. But trading is LOTS of fun Lol I love it. If you ever change your mind don't hesitate to ask me, I know a BUNCH of honest poshers! 💕 Have a wonderful weekend!
Mar 02Reply

@profashionalnyc good to know. Thank you. I have to start listing again.
Mar 02Reply

Mar 24Reply

@profashionalnyc thank youuuu!!!!
Mar 24Reply

@profashionalnyc Hi there, Is it okay for me to screen grab some parts of your post so I can put them up on my “Trade Rules” listing? I am planning to try this Trading and this will be helpful as a warning for potential scammers. Thank you and Thanks for this very informative posts. We appreciate it. 💞
May 03Reply

@profashionalnyc Thank you SO much for putting all this info out in one place! So sad you even had to make a post like this in the 1st place, but this is great info & so nice of you to pass on your experience & what you learned... also so true about taking it so far as to possibly losing your child over scamming someone... I doubt any of them ever think that far ahead or about anyone but themselves, but maybe it'll make someone rethink their actions. Thanks again ♥♥
May 04Reply

@lneuroth Hi Lanie! Hope all is well. You have an awesome closet & I bundled 3 items. 💕 I was just wondering if you do trades by any chance? If so, please feel to look through my closet & let me know if you see any item(s) you would like amounting to your asking price. I'm a suggested user, Ive done 44 successful trades & My trade history is available in my closet for your viewing. Thanks so much for your time, hope to hear from you -Jenna
May 13Reply

@laura1986 See how you were alerted to my comment? Its because i tagged you so that you can be notified. Whenever anyone comments, you can simply click the reply link under their comment and it will automatically tag their name for you. See the word "reply" under this comment? That will help you tag the person 1,2,3! Just wanted to help, it makes communicating much easier. ✌ but yes definitely would love to purchase the swim suits.
May 14Reply

@lynnseyhidy11 @missmortician07 @cwisniew000 @maddyscloset22 @aatrox1123 @shootersaleen @fashionlver @linnessyy @savssaavycloset @smergucx @asiannnqueen_ @kkarsynemilyy hey ladies! I saw your posts about scammers and I thought you should see this info! I hope it can help get your stuff back!
May 19Reply

I’m going to do this. If I was you, I would contact Poshmark and tell them how you scammed and stole my items. Make things right, or I’m pressing federal charges against you so u can’t steal from anyone else!!!! I have all the proof I need!!!!
May 19Reply

@nicnutz would you tag mytwoboys1516 for me and let her know if she doesn’t ship my things back I will be pressing charges
May 19Reply

@mytwoboys1516 lynneseyhidy11 would like me to tell you if you don’t ship her items back, she will press charges
May 20Reply

@lynnseyhidy11 done!
May 20Reply

@lynnseyhidy11 your items were shipped back to your address months ago.
May 20Reply

@mytwoboys1516 that is a huge lie!!!!!!!!
May 21Reply

@mytwoboys1516 you are a thief!
May 21Reply

@mytwoboys1516 I would like proof of that with the tracking number. That you would have posted to Lyons you weren’t a scammer.
May 21Reply

May 21Reply

@claudis_ I saw your post about a scammer and I thought that this info may help!
May 25Reply

@nicnutz awesome great information thank you for sharing with me I’m gonna have to take this scammer to the next level.
May 25Reply

@morganlynn108 Hi Morgan, hope you are doing well. I had contacted you 5 months ago regarding a trade for your adidas sneakers. I have now done 47 successful trades on Posh & have reduced the prices of many of the current items I have listed. Please feel free to look through my closet & let me know if you see any items youd like. I am even willing to trade multiple items that amount up to $50 value. Thanks so much for your time 💕 -Jenna
Jun 18Reply

@cindypham123 @hannahe2799 @lululuxs @akim1357 @bc3712 @zee0811 @fefew1 @str86ed @jean_I @cwisniew000 @ktotams hey ladies! I saw your posts about scammers and I thought you should see this info! I hope it helps you get your stuff back!
Jul 09Reply

@pboudreaux24 Hi Paige! Just writing here as to not mess up your chances of selling your bag. Just curious as to what is the lowest price you'd be willing to accept for the bag? Thanks so much!
Aug 01Reply

@profashionalnyc Jenna thanks so much! I'm willing to take $25 for the bag, but that's probably as low as I'll go just because it is still in such good shape!
Aug 01Reply

@pboudreaux24 Okay, thank you so much Paige. Ill just need to get some things in order & hopefully Ill be purchasing this week.
Aug 01Reply

@profashionalnyc that will work!
Aug 01Reply

😲 omg! I JUST HAD A VS PINK RAINBOW BLING OUTFIT GET STOLE THROUGH A TRADE WITH @maceface9210 ! SHE LIED ABOUT SENDING IT BACK TO ME THEN LAUGHS IN MY FACE WHEN SHE POSTS IT FOR SALE IN MER ! Said posh emailed her to keep! I have all the listings posted in my closet check them out! She just sold the outfit on Mer today !! It's involved in a federal Usps fraud case !! What will happen?
Oct 05Reply

@melissalamon I posted the reciept, its the last picture. Your tracking number is 42079707(9405510899359643472335) Tracking says it will be delivered on Saturday.
Jan 17Reply

@profashionalnyc thanks girl no worries:)
Jan 17Reply

Hey!❤️ come checkout my closet! I have alot of great brands you love with great prices. If you see something you like make an offer or like and I will send an additional discount 💕❤️😊👍🏻i offer great deals and discounts!!! 👌🏻👌🏻
Feb 16Reply

I love this so much. I am going to use the photos you've featured in this listing with the warning/trade info that is awesome and Is the plain truth! I hope that's okay that I've saved/screenshot'd the info in this listing to repost in my closet. Is that okay with u? If it isn't then I'll make my own so it's not a problem. Let me know. I'm not gonna do anything until I hear back from u 1st.
Jun 07Reply

@profashionalnyc frequently trade & am honest, legit, safe & all trades I've made have been successful. I look into everyone I am thinking/planning on trading with to make sure I don't see any red flags that could result in them scamming me/not holding up their end of the trade & so far haven't experienced any trades that haven't gone as they r supposed to.
Jun 07Reply

But I had no idea ANY of the legal action that I am able to take if need be. I had no idea but am SO happy to have stumbled across your post randomly. Seriously! This is great. Just wanted to express that.
Jun 07Reply

@itsedentime Thanks! Of course you can use my photos! All I ask is that my watermarks remain visible 😊 I'm happy to pass on helpful information. I love to trade too! I've done over 50 trades but I've run into only two bad seeds. It's people like them that ruin it for everyone else. Lots of people have stopped trading and that really sucks because it's so awesome.
Jun 07Reply

I was just scammed into trading my $5,000 chanel. Police cannot do much because the name is fake. Police in her state cannot approach her house without a warrant. Don’t know what to do. Been in shock and upset all day. Posh is no help at all.
Aug 31Reply

If you stop shipping does the recipient get notified? Like can you pause the shipped until the other person ships? I’m in a weird situation and don’t know wtf to do!
Dec 20Reply

@falmusaw oh my god! I’m so sorry for that. It scares me so much how people are so nasty
Dec 20Reply

@falmusaw I think I just got scammed too with my Chanel boy bag . Did a trade . How can I get my item back ?
Jan 20Reply

@profashionalnyc I was scammed outside of posh . What should I do ?
Jan 20Reply

Extremely informative thank you!
Feb 26Reply

Mar 05Reply

@katia_love awesome, thanks!
Mar 05Reply

Mar 06Reply

@xx_railey does it feel nice to scam people?
Mar 09Reply

@xx_railey you committed a felony and there’s a lot of people who contacted me and who can confirm that you scammed them.
Mar 09Reply

@_chlxoe since you never agreed to send me back my item for which I received an embarrassing fake from you, I just opened up a case with the IPR and provided them with your name from the amazon box and address. Because in case you didn’t know: advertising and selling fake goods is a felony! They will now contact your local law enforcement and FBI field office. You messed with the wrong user...
Mar 11Reply

@_chlxoe also: stealing items from @katia_love and @amyamh is also a felony. Not looking good for you...
Mar 11Reply

@dominik_bln yes and I also will be opening a case if I don’t get my package so good luck :)
Mar 12Reply

@_chlxoe last chance for you to send me back my item now that your cheap fake is on the way back to you, Dezeray! The night club you’re working in would probably also be interested in hearing about your illegal activities which include trading and selling counterfeit products...
Mar 14Reply

@chlxoe Do you understand that scamming & stealing is already FRAUD punishable by law? And that doing so on the Internet and using an unwilling party (Poshmark) is a FEDERAL CRIME. And the worst of it all is that you did it using USPS. Didn't you know that USPS is a Federal Agency?!! 😳 Girl, I suggest you return the items you stole from @dominik_bln & @amyamh because you're looking at a MULTIPLE FELONY CHARGES. 🤦♀️
Mar 15Reply

@profashionalnyc she’s been doing this since month and scammed so many users who all reported her but she’s still noch blocked and allowed to sell on here! I don’t get it!
Mar 15Reply

@dominik_bln She keeps changing account names. @twistedpeppermt was also scammed by her. She stole items and sent her a fake gucci belt.
Mar 15Reply

@profashionalnyc she’s THE WORST! but shouldn’t posh be able to identify her regardless? If we all work together, we can take her down for good
Mar 15Reply

@dominik_bln Take screenshots of all your conversations. When you guys initiate trade...where you ask her for updates and also take a picture of the pop up that shows she has blocked you. You need to gather all of your information.
Mar 15Reply

@_chlxoe Do you understand that scamming & stealing is already FRAUD punishable by law? And that doing so on the Internet and using an unwilling party (Poshmark) is a FEDERAL CRIME. And the worst of it all is that you did it using USPS. Didn't you know that USPS is a Federal Agency?!! 😳 Girl, I suggest you return the items you stole from @dominik_bln & @amyamh because you're looking at a MULTIPLE FELONY CHARGES. 🤦♀️
Mar 15Reply

@profashionalnyc I did that and sent another email today after I realized that she successfully had marked my comments as spam where I called her out for delaying shipment and sending me an obvious fake
Mar 15Reply

@profashionalnyc I kinda knew that this was going to happen so I documented everything. She likes to discuss things in bundles so that it’s harder to see for the public eye
Mar 15Reply

@profashionalnyc I love large bundle trades
Mar 20Reply

Is it ok if I use this on my page? I will give you credit ofc!
Apr 14Reply

@palistings2003 read this
Jun 14Reply

@erinterman83 sounds good :)
Jun 14Reply

@linhpham90 read this
Jun 15Reply

@blessdrea please read this
Jun 15Reply

Jun 15Reply

I’ve been buying (wayyyy too much !) and selling on PM almost 2 yrs but haven’t traded yet. I might if we find things we’d like to trade ! I haven’t had a chance to look thru your closet but I will ! ✌🏼
Jun 21Reply

@profashionalnyc Thank you for this!!! I have found my first trade and had no idea how to do it within the app; this helps SO much!! Do you mind if I use this on my page? I will make sure to tag you and give you credit of course!
Aug 31Reply

Sep 01Reply

@bree_taylor_12 please read.
Dec 14Reply

@timfisher123 Tim.. see above. If you don’t want me to take legal action either send me the turbo greens I was trading for, or send me my YEEZY’s back. You have 48 hours to contact me to make arrangements, I have an appointment with our local Hillsborough county sheriffs office - fraud investigator. I have also spoken with the Elmhurst Police Department who will receive this report if I go through with it. That’s your choice. Do the right thing.
Dec 25Reply

@ella_organ @timfisher123
Dec 25Reply

Good to know this, last week I just got scammed on my $1600. Louis Vuitton bag, this Posher was suppose to trade me for her LV and sent me a used bra instead. She blocked me the day I got my shipment of her crap bra 😩 my bag wasn’t delivered yet so that day I raced to the Post office to try to get my bag back. I was unsuccessful. 😒 I’m heartbroken that someone would do this.
Jan 19Reply

@andanotherthing this!!! 💕🌵✌🏼
Feb 11Reply

@chicbynature_ this! Sound good?
Feb 11Reply

Would it be alright if I could copy and put in my closet please? Lmk! Thanks! I can’t sift though the 5 billion comments on here! 😂😌 That is great you’ve now helped SO many poshers!!! 🌵✌🏼💕 Here’s to Thomas & all your success to come still on Poshmark! Much love girl, much love!
Feb 11Reply

@profashionalnyc this was BEYOND helpful for me! I hope u don’t mind but I made my own post using a lot of ur information & I did give u credit in the actual post. I should’ve asked prior, honestly I get into this weird driven poshing mode lol - girl, I call it posh blind. Ugh, sorry. I also commented on it, tagging u so u could immediately be the 1st to know I made 1 & I haven’t heard back from u, so maybe it’s ok or ur just on a hiatus or something?
Feb 18Reply

@profashionalnyc I hope all is well & leave me a comment or something when you get around to it & have a minute or 2... I’d be very interested in trading with you! My collection is massive and have only a tiny fraction posted so far, so if you like the style of my closet just don’t see something you would trade for, please
Feb 18Reply

@profashionalnyc let me know a few items you are wanting and I’d be floored I don’t have anything that makes your heart skip a beat! 💕🥰✌🏼 I look forward to talking to you & again, I do hope it’s okay I did that for my own post! I have no problem removing it if it’s not alright! K doll, just lmk!
Feb 18Reply

@blueshabbychic 💕
May 27Reply

Thank you!!!! Question- how do I find other closets of those interested in trading??
Jun 13Reply

@probablypaetyn ~ Wow, this is a Fabulous Post; A great learning tool & warning for anyone that has the idea of trying to scam people!!
So happy I’ve come across this post & look forward to following you & your shop!! Best wishes & much success with your buying, selling & trading!! ♥️🙌🏻🙏🏼
Jun 25Reply

Sep 17Reply

@jaypen18 You have committed fraud and a federal felony by sending me a counterfeit,damaged handbag which is not the bag we contractually agreed to. You have therefore stolen from me by accepting my items and sending me garbage in return. I have all the receipts of our transactions including your personal information. The choice is yours in how you wish to proceed. Be a decent human and do the right thing.
Sep 17Reply

@jaypen18 hey Falaysia roberson keep an eye out for the Ypsilanti police department contacting you regarding the mail fraud and theft you’ve committed
Sep 21Reply

Thank you 🙏🏼 for posting!❤️
Sep 28Reply

Dec 06Reply

@rgvapperal Lowering the price is fine. But If it were multiple items, I would make one listing with all the items.
Dec 06Reply

@rgvapperal Whichever one is easier for you! If it's just for one item, I usually just lower the price but if it's for multiple items, I will create a new listing so that all items are included!
Dec 06Reply

@rgvapperal Im sorry, im here answering the questions lol
Dec 06Reply

@rgvapperal Okay awesome! Then I'll do the same ☺
Dec 06Reply

@profashionalnyc I got scammed in a trade. We agreed on the item/shipping the same time. I have her phone # and she sent a picture of the item and in the package. I shipped mine it got delivered to her. She canceled her order, said she didn’t have the item anymore and lied, and deleted her Posh account and blocked me on everything. I contacted her local PD and they said they can’t do anything and I’m out of luck and to file the report on Posh. but it doesn’t cover trades.. any advice for this?
Jan 09Reply

@derbyct56 this is an excellent explanation of how trading works but def let me know if you have any questions! i have only had ONE negative experience in the 3 years I have been on here and i've definitely done at least 40 or so trades. it's easy if you do due diligence and love notes are a great way to check for trade feedback. I am also happy to give recent references!! :)
Feb 25Reply

May 21Reply

Poshmark and Police report has been made. Thank you to whomever made this posting!
May 21Reply

@brummett62 read this, you need to send this to the scammer.
Jul 15Reply
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