Authentication of Designer Items (under $500)
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There are many fakes out there & it can be difficult to know the difference. Posh authenticates $500+ items, but what about those under $500? Check out the authentication guidance provide on The Purse Forum.
If you believe you’ve received a fake item under the $500 threshold for auto-authentication, reach out to PM about what evidence they’ll review to support your claim.

187 others
like this

@dawnsfinallywed @katantoinette finally posted! 💝
Aug 02Reply

@gordomom aw, thank you! 💕
Aug 02Reply

Ty for this post I need someone since my mom no longer has The receipt a vintage Prada bag. My sister bought it at a Prada store years ago and by years I mean 9- 15 years ago not sure she doesn't remember either. My mom had no idea about expensive bags and I've been told by some that it's fake but my sister spent a lot of money on that bag and I like to know if it's real. Thanks for your help.
Aug 03Reply

@hotpantsrhoads Hi Heidi - there are some great gals on The Purse Forum who authenticate Prada. There is a dedicated thread on TPF just for that. They typically have a list at the beginning of the thread that tells which photos are needed. The main website is forum for purseblog dot com. Then, you can search be designer. Please let me know if you have trouble finding it and I'll see what I can do to help.
Aug 03Reply

@hotpantsrhoads sorry, was over the text limit...Keep in mind that the gals on TPF volunteer their time and are not paid (but they may auth professionally outside of TPF). 💖
Aug 03Reply

Ty so much for the info it helps a lot 😘👍
Aug 03Reply

@gordomom hope you don't mind me adding to @hotpantsrhoads question...if you aren't able to get an authentication on TPF for your Prada, provides email authentications for $7.50
Aug 03Reply

@gordomom love this - funny, but then again, not funny of course!
Aug 05Reply

Nice to meet you!
Aug 05Reply

@katantoinette no problem at all! Glad you're able to suggest other resources! Thanks so much! 💐
Aug 05Reply

@mommalaughing Hi Stacy - agreed! Humor is the best medicine and I've really needed it the last couple of years. How have you been? So sorry I haven't been as active. Hope you are well! Do you think you will attend PF this year? 💝
Aug 05Reply

@gordomom @katantoinette @dawnsfinallywed What a great idea and so incredibly generous of you both! I'm sure you will be inundated with questions. And I am one! LOL! Do you know of anyone who can authenticate vintage LV? I just bought a keychain from a brand new Posher and it arrived today but I'm not convinced it's real.
Aug 06Reply

@blandw there is a thread on TPF for authenticating LV. Let me know if you need more info on how to find it. Or if you would like professional auth, I believe CarolDiva dot com authenticates LV. Faith or Dawn may know other options as well. Hope it works out ok for you! 💝
Aug 06Reply

@blandw @gordomom Carol might be wonderful at authenticating LV, I honestly don't know, but she has made so many obvious mistakes with other brands over the years that I personally no longer trust her expertise. If you can't get an authentication on TPF, offers a $7.50 email authentication
Aug 06Reply

@gordomom @katantoinette The Purse Forum- oh gosh yes! How in the world do you find/follow specific threads and the pictures? I have TPF on my iPad but have such a hard time navigating around that site. I believe it could be a terrific resource though.
Aug 06Reply

@blandw @katantoinette oh I had no idea about Carol Diva. Thank you for the info and I'm sorry to pass on outdated info. I'm not much in the LV circle, so I need to default to the experts. Bland, would you like for me to send you a link to the thread via FB?
Aug 06Reply

@gordomom Yes please Michelle. That would be great! Thanks so much!!
Aug 06Reply

@gordomom hi Michelle 😊 there's also My Poupette and Bland I can suggest Loud @bratinella for LV she's really good😍
Sep 16Reply

@fccandles thanks Kim! I really appreciate it. 😍😍😍
Sep 16Reply

@fccandles @bratinella oh great to know! I've been stalking many LV listings and trying to decide which style is my fave! Thank you for the heads up! 💝
Sep 16Reply

@gordomom oh she's def your girl!! If she doesn't have it for sale...I KNOW she owns it!!! 😆😆😆@bratinella 😘
Sep 16Reply

@gordomom thanks for all the shares!!!🙌🙌🙌 I will do my best to help. @fccandles hey kim you always crack me up. Haha! Thanks always for remembering your scratchy friend is just around d corner. 😗😗😗
Sep 16Reply

@bratinella you're welcome! So glad to get to know you a bit better!
Sep 16Reply

@ropicado see above for suggestion from @katantoinette on 3rd party authenticators. Perhaps Faith or @dawnsfinallywed can suggest other Chanel authenticators in addition to TPF. 💝
Oct 14Reply

@gordomom Thank you so much! 💗💗💗
Oct 14Reply

@ropicado @gordomom is the premier chanel authentication site, it's their specialty :)
Oct 14Reply

@katantoinette Thank you! 😘💗💗
Oct 14Reply

@ropicado any time <3
Oct 14Reply

@katantoinette you totally rock! Thank you!! 💝
Oct 14Reply

@stacimresnick1 not sure if you've seen this, but Faith really knows MJ well 💝
Feb 09Reply

Awesome! Add more!!! Love this!
Feb 15Reply

@erikame sure will! I have a couple of other people in mind but haven't approached them about it yet. Too many things to do - I haven't even planned my vacation coming up in a month!! 😄💝
Feb 15Reply

@gordomom I just went through this thread and saw some comments about caroldiva from @mostlymarc - I see its you-Faith- can you pm me on FB. She is my go to for CC, LV, Prada and Hermes. I am pretty good myself on LV and Prada but use her as double check. Faith I am Fran Wasserman on FB
Feb 16Reply

@franonymous sure!
Feb 16Reply

@gordomom @mostlymarc @dawnsfinallywed 😘
Apr 08Reply

I miss you!
I swear you read my mind. I was thinking of you today.
May 03Reply

@bellanblue @tanyakara oops I just saw that she has cuff links. I thought they were earrings at first! Sorry about that!! 😁💝
Jun 10Reply

@spadoni57 😊💝
Jul 12Reply

@gordomom This needs to be shared!! Awesome!! Thank you!
Jul 12Reply

@spadoni57 props to @krangele for sharing it with me. 😊💝
Jul 12Reply

Jul 12Reply

@gordomom LOVE it!!! 🍾😂🤑🤑🤑👍🏽👏🏼
Jul 13Reply

@mswhite56 it was a real article too! Good timing! I hope people take it to heart. 😳
Jul 13Reply

@gordomom Michele, would you mind if I used these photos in a listing in my closet? If you object I TOTALLY understand! I always ask! It's so great! 😤😍😊
Jul 19Reply

@mswhite56 sure! 💝
Jul 19Reply

@gordomom Thanks!
Jul 19Reply

Thank you SO MUCH my dear PFF! I received the goodies you donated for our Carolina party yesterday - you are amazingly generous! I just adore you! Can't thank you enough! We will be sure to get a pic of the "Got Posh" winner!
Dec 04Reply

@erikagannon yayyy! So glad they arrived in time! Enjoy!!! 💖🎉
Dec 04Reply

Thank you thank you thank you! Happy Sunday FUNDAY!!
Dec 04Reply

@katespadeexpert just updated this with your new info 💝
Jan 05Reply

Thanks again!!!
Jan 05Reply

@katespadeexpert thank you for all you do for our community! 💝
Jan 05Reply

Hi I had originally had this posted not for sale and had asked for help identifying if it was authentic or not but got no legitimate responses. I did google it and get some tips but I still wasn't quite sure, but if I knew if I listed it this way someone would tell me, so I do appreciate that. I don't normally deal with Kate spade products but it came to me so for future reference would you mind giving me some pointers on spotting a fake KS
Jan 06Reply

Jan 06Reply

Jan 10Reply

Jan 10Reply

@katespadeexpert lol
Jan 10Reply

@hsohailk ... Did you actually read the description above? Those women have no idea what theyre talking about. That wallet is fake... It isnt what you say it is.
Jan 10Reply

@hsohailk .... You dont think helping people not to get conned by buying fake goods is something good? Wow.
Jan 10Reply

Read description above @peghallwilliams
Jan 11Reply

How would I authenticate an Alice and Olivia leather jacket. I do not have a AO shop anywhere near me. Thanks!
Oct 21Reply

@jennifer4090 have you tried The Purse Forum? I think there is a thread for A&O. Maybe someone could help you there? 💝
Oct 23Reply

Hi! What happens if the seller posts a bag for $500+, but the buyer offers less than $500 and the seller accepts...does Poshmark still authenticate bc it was initially priced over $500?
Jan 12Reply

@girlygirljordan Hi Jordan - I believe the sales price needs to be $500 or higher in order for them to provide the authentication service. On some high end items, I’ve been hesitant to purchase at lower prices, but there are also independent authentication services out there as well. 💝
Jan 12Reply

@gordomom Ok, thank you!
Jan 12Reply

@girlygirljordan no problem at all! 😊
Jan 12Reply

Hiiiii are you and your son doing?!?....I hope all is well with my Survivor we speak I’m here at Children’s Scottish Rite Hospital with my daughter...she was admitted here on you...Charm❣️
Jul 13Reply

Love this post!!!!!!!
Sep 01Reply

@mostlymarc this is awesome news!
Sep 01Reply

@lipsticknjeans thanks! I hope people take it seriously! There are so many fake items that sellers claim are authentic. 😥
Sep 03Reply

Hey lady good Saturday afternoon to you! I’m going to consign the Chanel wallet (not moving on here!). I just wanted you to know before I did! I will drop price for you if that helps you decide! I know you were eyeballing it 💞💞💞
Sep 22Reply

@imanimom hi, my friend! Thank you for the heads up! I would love it, but am really trying hard not to purchase right now. What a temptation - it’s just gorgeous, but I understand you have to do what you have to do. 😢😍💞
Sep 22Reply

@gordomom yes I’m going to hold for a few more weeks with the holidays coming I may give her a home if not then consign she goes!!!🤗🤗 sorry I won’t see you at Posh this year 😪😪
Sep 23Reply

@imanimom ok cool! I will see what I can do over the next few weeks, but I have a bunch of travel that I’m trying to save up for 😄🙈 I’m so bummed I won’t get to see you, but I will watch for updates!! I’m sure it will be amazing!! 💞
Sep 23Reply

@gordomom ok if I drop which I probably will I’ll let you know first 🤗 I’m just rearranging my closet and moving while adding at the same time!!!
Sep 23Reply

@imanimom sounds good to me! Thank you, my dear! 💝
Sep 23Reply

I wish I would have know this a few years ago. I bough a pair of CLB on Poshmark for $150 and I thought they were fake. Postmark did nothing. I was very disappointed. They were fake. I use Tradesy and other sites that guarantee authenticity regardless of price. I work to hard for my money for a company not to stand behind what they offer. Shame on Postmark for not protecting us.
May 31Reply

@kristinarealtor hi Kristina - did you get the shoes authenticated and provide the result to PM? I believe that they would review it in that case. I once purchased a fake Movado watch and they allowed me to return it based on the jeweler’s statement (who would not work on it because it was a fake).
Jun 02Reply

@gordomom no I did not. Actually after learning that there were fake shoes...had no idea there was such a could go back and look at the pictures and it wasn't even a question if they were fake. I was uneducated about it and fell for it. Poshmark actually should have caught it, it was that simple to catch ...
I just didn't know.
Jun 02Reply

@kristinarealtor so sorry that happened. It’s so sad that fakes exist and some of them are so well done that it’s hard to tell. Maybe I will add a statement to this about reporting fakes under $500 so that others will know there’s still something that can be done if they believe they receive a fake item. 😢
Jun 02Reply

Hi! Does anyone know if the “bundle” total is over $500, will it go to Posh Concierge when shipped? Ie: considering 2 David Yurman bracelets that are $300 each. If I bundled both would that qualify for Posh to send to authentication? 🤔
Jun 08Reply

@shopaholic781 hi - great question! My guess is that it’s for individual items over $500 rather than the bundle. I looked at the website and in one place it says “items $500 or more” and another says “orders of $500 or more”. I think it’s worth reaching out to Posh Support for clarification though. Let me know how it works out! 💝
Jun 08Reply

@gordomom did hou find the answer ? Thank you
Jun 15Reply

@quin49 which answer were you looking for? On the $500 bundles? I didn’t hear back on that one.
Jun 16Reply

I appreciate this post! When I first entered the PM world I reached out to them about the authenticity of a LV that I had bought, but they said that there was nothing they could do because I had reached out to them too late. (I spent $500.) I only questioned the purse because it literally started falling apart at the seems. She is no longer on PM, under that same name anyway. Believe me I learned my lesson!
Jul 01Reply

Sep 10Reply

Sep 10Reply

@lilandy. Thanks for the share! A lot of these women are good poshpals of mine!
Sep 10Reply

@lilandy howdy! @mswhite56 how are you? Hope all is well! 💝
Sep 10Reply

I think I got a fake Gucci belt how do I go about making sure it’s real
Nov 24Reply

Sometimes they post the fake photos, but the problem is when they are posting and authenticating the original with receipt, bag etc & post those photos but that’s not what they ship. Then they disappear. 😩 so be really careful before you accept the purchase because posh didn’t help or back me up after the fact. Luckily my form of payment did.
Jan 29Reply

@abbi_916 agreed! I’ve started to cover up part of the serial #s in the photos so that the entire # can’t be replicated. Small steps, but hopefully preventing misuse of information.
Jan 29Reply

Hi all, I know you are talking about a lot of higher end items here but I am about to purchase a MK purse and some pics worry me. Anyone good at MK and spotting potential fakes? IK it’s not high end but any amt of money we spend, we should be able to be sure it’s for a item that we are not being duped on. TIA so much! All you women are so great for helping others!!
Feb 10Reply

is there any way that i can authenticate something that is under $500? if so how can i do that?
Feb 20Reply

Hi. I have a question. I just received a pair of shoes that I paid $133 for. I also received a poshmark card that states these shoes were verified by poshmark and they are authentic. I'm confused because these shoes are under 500 and I didnt request for this service. Do you have any idea why? thanks alot!
Apr 16Reply

@gervacj Hmmm that does seem strange. Are they preowned and may have been purchased by the seller for over $500? I don’t recall purchasing anything over $500, so I’m not sure what documentation Posh sends once they authenticate. I will ask around to see if anyone else knows. Have you reached out to Posh to inquire?
Apr 16Reply

@gordomom Thanks for the fast reply. I haven't contacted poshmark yet but I will. On another note, I'm co hosting Best in Tops this Saturday. If you like, you can tag me on a listing of your choosing for a host pick. Thanks!
Apr 16Reply

@gervacj No problem! Definitely worth checking out to see if that auth card is real. I’m so curious what happened. 😊
Congrats on hosting Thank you so much for the offer! I’ll tag you, but totally no worries if you don’t choose something from my closet. Thank you! 💝
Apr 17Reply

I would like to understand what reasoning you use to authenticate bags? I’ve worked in the industry for almost 20 years and can tell you that no one at any of these companies will do this, so what qualifies you to do it? I choose to post higher end items elsewhere because there are a gang of people who think they are “experts” that like to write nasty comments under them and i would like to know what garners an expert.
May 01Reply

@jillianmig Because there are many fakes, it’s important for buyers to do due diligence to ensure they’re getting an authentic product since Posh authenticates only $500 and above. While I do not claim to be an expert, I can provide an opinion on some brands based on my experience. The women recommended above have spent years helping with authentication on specific brands, including professional experience.
May 01Reply

@jillianmig part 2 since it was too long 😊
I’m sorry if you have experienced nasty messages. I don’t believe there is a need to leave nasty messages but I do use the reporting feature when I see fake items. Hope that helps!
May 01Reply

@jillianmig in the end, I do recommend that people contact a professional authenticator if there is a concern about the authenticity of an item.
May 01Reply

@gordomom I got burn twice for buying in unknown websites, what people do for money is incredibly, I learn my lesson! The best way is going to the Store and get it there!
May 13Reply

@maggie0169 @gordomom yes this is true but sometimes that’s not an option some items may no longer be made, or you like vintage items, or some people are on a budget and can’t afford brand new. I just spent a pretty penny on a bag that is no longer made and Poshmark will authenticate it before I receive I am still going to have it authenticated by a third party.
Jun 09Reply

@bernadetterader agreed. There are people who have been following some of these brands for many years, so sometimes they know the older and vintage items better than authenticators.
Jun 09Reply

I tried to post on the Meet the Posher but had reached the max for comments.
I am so glad you shared some of my items because I was able to read about you and your life. Congrats to your son. His next chapter is beginning. How exciting for him!
I'll be back soon to share. Keep on shining☀️💛
Jun 17Reply

I bought sunglasses at PM as Kate Spade, and only the case of it was Kate Spade. I opened a case, provided with photos that showed it was (made in China, no KateSpade Logo) and PM returned my money. :)
I’m selling my high end items after a divorce. Although I’m not an expert, I have a good eye for it as well.
Jul 13Reply

Hi! I have an authentic Louis Vuitton that I just sold and it is going to Poshmark for authentication. I have made some alterations on the bag which were disclosed to the buyer and on my listing with pictures. Would it be considered fake by Poshmark if I added side hooks on my bag although it has been disclosed in the listing?
Aug 20Reply

@maschela2 that’s a great question. I haven’t heard how they handle altered items. Perhaps they will ask you for details. I’m guessing if the other signs of authenticity are in place and you’ve disclosed the alterations, it may be ok. Let me know how it turns out. I’m curious. Thank you!
Aug 20Reply

Thank you for this thread! I just purchased a Chloe bag. Does the listing usually say something about posh authentication or do they automatically get shipped to authentication before being shipped to me? I purchased for over $500. Thx!
Aug 21Reply

@xe1v1ilyx hi Emily, for purchases of $500+, the item should automatically go to Poshmark for authentication. In the order confirmation, there is usually a paragraph indicating that it will go to Posh and the approximate timeframe to complete authentication. My most recent purchase was fairly quick.
Hope it goes well! Enjoy the new bag! 💞
Aug 22Reply

Well I bought a item on Sunday shipped out Monday received to authentication on Wednesday at 2pm and 3pm email it’s authentic and 5pm shipped out to me. I don’t trust PM either through the covid they don’t touch anything, and all the fake seller will be making money. The item will arrive Friday to me. I’ll take it to my local jewlery. I’m %100 sure the seller sells fake David Yurman s, all his items was $495 since the authentications went through all his prices went up.
Sep 03Reply

@gordomom I’m more than happy to help anyone know f they question an items authenticity- I was trained at Bergdorf’s. Reach out anytime
Sep 30Reply

@missmiscme great to know! Any particular brands that you’re most comfortable with? Thank you! 💝
Oct 01Reply

@missmiscme hi! Would you be able to help me authenticate 2 LV bags?
Oct 01Reply

@gordomom I’m comfortable with most high end brands. 5 star fakes can be the trickiest of course.
Oct 01Reply

@angeliajade96 sure- send me photos thru Instagram if that’s allowed?
Oct 01Reply

@missmiscme message sent 😃
Oct 02Reply

@angeliajade96 can someone help me authenticate a pair of Gucci vintage pumps I have? A buyer is trying to claim they’re fake and they’re not. They sold for less than $300. Help please 🙏🏼
Oct 07Reply

@valssandraxo I don’t have any knowledge of Gucci unfortunately:/
Oct 08Reply

@angeliajade96 thanks for getting back to me anyway 💖
Oct 08Reply

@valssandraxo have you tried The Purse Forum (search for the purse blog). There should be an authentication thread for Gucci, but I don’t recall if they include shoes.
Oct 08Reply

@gordomom yea it’s a bit harder for shoes, but I’ll give it a shot. Thanks for the suggestion 💖
Oct 08Reply

What shall I do if my two LV bags don't have a date code but everything else looks authentic? Can I post it or better not. Those are LV Vernis Houston Tote and Louis Vuitton
Pochette Accessoires NM Monogram Vernis. Thank you!
Oct 08Reply

@hanianyc Thanks for your question! If you’re unsure about authenticity, I would recommend getting a 3rd party to authenticate before posting. I’m not sure what happens if your post is reported if people think it’s not authentic. 3rd party authentication can be done via email and isn’t always very expensive.
Oct 09Reply

@gordomom Thank you! I will do it.
Oct 09Reply

Funny I live in Coconut Grove & remember this story
Oct 26Reply

@fikayotunde stop!! Selling fake bags!!
Oct 28Reply

Unfortunately I received a Gucci fake last week. I paid for an online verification but it came a day late. Pm can’t seem to do anything at this point. The funds have been released to seller. There should really be repercussions
Dec 07Reply

@alisha_renee oh that’s sad! Did PM not authenticate?
Dec 07Reply

@gordomom nothing under $500
I paid $450. I think they should change that
Dec 07Reply

@alisha_renee ahhh, I see. I’m so sorry. I also wish they authenticated lower prices too. I think $250 or at least for those with a high retail that are priced below $500.
Dec 07Reply

Any YSL experts out there?
Dec 08Reply

@chrissy2678 I haven’t run across any yet, but I’m also curious since I love the brand! I’ll tag you if I meet any. Thanks!
Dec 08Reply

Would you kindly give me your opinion of the credibility of Poshmark seller & authentication of Louis Vuitton bag?
Seller: mandarint
Louis Vuitton Articles deVoyager Neverfull Pink Tote.
Seller: amn 2017
Louis Vuitton Monogram Neo Noe Rose Poudre Pink Bag.
Thank you so much for your time & opinion regarding both LV bags & sellers.
Dec 15Reply

Here is the complete seller user name.
Seller: Glamorous@mandarint
Louis Vuitton Articles deVoyager Pink Neverfull Tote
Louis Vuitton Monogram Neo Noe Poudre Pink Bag
Thank you.
Dec 15Reply

@rbrown2996 hi there - I don’t know LV enough to authenticate, but you have a few options. Posh authenticates anything $500+ or if you prefer, there are 3rd parties who provide authentication opinions by photos. The first bag doesn’t show enough photos, so I would ask for more to be posted in the listing. The 2nd listing provides good detailed photos that may be enough for a 3rd party to authenticate. Let me know how it works out!
Dec 15Reply

Thank you so much for your reply.
I really appreciate it. 😊
Dec 15Reply

@rbrown2996 you’re welcome! Good luck with your purchase(s)!
Dec 16Reply

@kateincali I had a bag authenticated by TPF, but Poshmark said it is not. What can I do? They used Carol which I totally agree that she made a lot of mistakes. She said Prada bag has fabric lining, if they are leather lining it is fake. But a lot of Prada chain bags use leather lining. That’s just one of the mistake I remember from Carol.
Feb 10Reply

@leathertote I wish I had a place to recommend other than Authenticate4u because they are not known for always replying in a timely manner. You might want to email them first before paying to get an idea of their response time.
Maybe AuthenticateFirst is fine now but they were awful years back and that’s been my only impression. 1/2
Feb 10Reply

If it’s something you sold and Posh is questioning it during their review, there probably isn’t a service fast enough to respond before it gets returned to you. It couldn’t hurt to email CarolDiva and ask how she came to that conclusion and provide her with evidence to the contrary.
Feb 10Reply

@leathertote Also, if you can find your style bag for sale elsewhere at a reputable site that could help. Best of luck ❤️
Feb 10Reply

@kateincali Thank you so much.
Feb 10Reply

@kateincali Yes, I told Carol chain bag has leather lining and sent link to show her. But she insisted Chain bag is bag, so it should have fabric lining. Only wallet has leather lining. It seems to me that once they said your item is not authentic, no matter what proof you provide, they will stick to what they said. Otherwise they might look not professional by admit they are wrong.
Feb 10Reply

@kateincali My bad. I must have complained wrong authenticator. It was Lollipuff that has a lot of mistakes. They said all Prada bags have fabric lining and have country code. Both were proven wrong by Prada customer service rep.
Feb 10Reply

Can someone help me please? I sold my authentic LV and I got so excited when I saw that it was sold for a high amount but when I went to look who bought it, it was a new posher who just joined poshmark with no reviews. It is not settling well with me and I am scared it is scam. I have to send the bag to Poshmark to authenticate it, which gives me a relief that the person won’t go back and say that it is not authentic. But what if Poshmark deems it is authentic and then the buy gets it
Feb 17Reply

and claims it is not and she returns it and returns a fake one instead. I am scared I don’t want to send it can someone advise what would Poshmark do in that case?
Feb 17Reply

@bolteepoltee hi - I’ve never had someone claim a fake after posh authenticates, but I imagine that they would stand by their authentication and hope they save records to check against if someone tries to return an item. Are you in any of the posh groups on Facebook where you could ask for other opinions?
Feb 17Reply

@gordomom no I am not! Do you know the name of any of the those groups? Thank you for your answer!
Feb 17Reply

@bolteepoltee there are actually so many out there these days that you could search for the term Poshmark on FB and a bunch would come up. I think I’m in one just called Poshmark and one specifically called Designer Database where people can post to get help on style names. I think they may provide comments on authentication or maybe someone could respond about how Posh handles a claim for an item being fake.
Feb 18Reply

@bolteepoltee also, there are posh groups that form locally too. Maybe check to see if there is a group in your area? I know there are posh FB groups in SoCal, Seattle, Atlanta, Denver, and we have one here in the Portland area too. It’s fun to chat with local posters and meet up (prepandemic).
Feb 18Reply

@gordomom oh wow sweet! Thank you so much I will check them out! Stay safe!
Feb 18Reply

@bolteepoltee good luck and let me know how things work out!
Feb 18Reply

@wickedthreads_ Thanks for sharing, Lizz! Hope all is well! 💝
Apr 06Reply

@gordomom Right back atcha Lady! 💕
Apr 06Reply

@missmiscme hi, I just purchased these Dior sandals could you help verifying if they’re authentic?
Jul 19Reply

@simba28 I certainly can try - shoes can be tricky sometimes without feeling their weight and materials in person though. Just tag me in the listing :)
Jul 19Reply

I sold an authentic Christian Dior Bucket Hat for $625 originally $1000. It was sent to PM for authentication with original receipts and tags. However the couldn’t authentication the hat and gave no explanation as to why they couldn’t.
Sep 02Reply

If you're in doubt about an item <$500 or want to include a Certificate of Authenticity by a reputable company, Real Authentication, is great. They've saved my wife (& me) from buying a fake Versace, fake D&G handbag and a fake Hermés wallet.
Jun 23Reply

Thank you for posting this! Really appreciate it!!🥰🥰
Aug 15Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Oct 01Reply

Oct 07Reply

@slboyd5 good morning… did you encounter something?
Oct 08Reply

Hi🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Dec 06Reply

Hi, I just purchased a Hermes belt on Poshmark how can I authenticate it? Seller has no receipt or proof of authenticity only pictures of item. It’s under $500
Apr 26Reply

@Tye_gu is the seller you can see belt on their page. Plz help!!
Apr 26Reply

@julezcloset90 hi - sorry, I’m traveling and just saw this. Have you checked the Hermes thread on The Purse Forum? They may be able to provide an authentication opinion. There are also third party authenticators who may be able to help.
May 01Reply
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