💕Meet your Posher, Tijana! 💕
Not for sale
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Hi PFFs! So nice to meet you! I have been a Posher since July 2015 and I absolutely love this community! I am honored and excited to have been a Closet Consultant at Poshfest 2017 and a Speaker in 2021 and 2022! 💕
I list shoes, casual pieces, denim, evening wear, club wear, swim wear, athleisure and more!
Hope you find something you love at fantastic deals! I also host lives as often as I can.
💕 Happy Poshing! 💕

332 others
like this

Lovely meeting you tonight! 🎉🎉🎉
Aug 16Reply

You too, @materialhurl
Looking forward to the next time!
Aug 16Reply

What a beautiful family! I took a belly dancing class many many years ago & I loved it! Keep dancing lovely & it was a pleasure mtg you 😘
Aug 18Reply

Thank you @hila808 😇🌷🎁🎈💖
You're one of my favorite poshers, I must say, and encouragement from you means a lot:)
Aug 18Reply

So sweet of you to say! You're one of my fav LA posher peeps & I love your name 😘
Aug 18Reply

It was so great to meet you on Saturday!!! Beautiful family! Never stop dancing :) I love to line dance!
Aug 19Reply

@tijanala hi so we're just neighbor!! I wasn't able to mail today your bag but for sure tomorrow, I already preferred it, hopefully by sat. you are going to have. Thanks💓you have a nice kids. Cutest😍
Aug 21Reply

Thank you @thesscbanaag 💖💕
And how awesome, what city are you in? We're you at the LA meet up???
Aug 21Reply

@tijanala I mean not really far, Ontario going east!!! My husband work in LA. Like 45 minutes drive.😊
Aug 21Reply

Nice to meet you, Tijana! Beautiful family!! Beautiful closet! I tap danced for 7 years and then I started clogging, which is a lot like tap dancing, and I've been doing that for 11 years now. I also do Zumba two nights a week. I love staying active!💃xoxo, Beth
Aug 21Reply

Hi Tijana, nice to meet you! Beautiful family.. Beautiful that you belly dance too! I luv ur closet..I've a 9 year old son. He's the joy of my life. If u need any help w/ anything like tips or learning the app, I'm ur gal (or anyone else for that matter, hehe). We want you to succeed & looks like you are off to a great start. Take care & hope to chat with u soon. Dee
Aug 25Reply

Thanks so much @grace4d and nice to meet you too. Boys are so much fun, right?:) and thanks for offering help- I will keep that in mind and may just take you up on it. I've been learning about Poshmark so much, and that's part of the reason I love it- there's so much to learn and so many wonderful poshers like you. 😘😍🎈
Aug 25Reply

Hi Hannah, nice to meet you, too:)
You gave me my very first hist pick, so I want to return the love. 💖🎁😊
Aug 26Reply

If the buyer of the Sam Edelman Booties decides they don't want then. Please let me know!!! I wanted them so BAD!!
Aug 29Reply

Thanks for the feedback! Glad you love the James Perse shirt! xoxo😘
Sep 01Reply

@vennesa 😊
Sep 07Reply

Love the outfit!
Sep 07Reply

@tijanala love your lifestyle! :)
Sep 07Reply

Hi @mommakatt66 😘
Sep 07Reply

Thanks @vennesa, I love Bellydance costumes! 😍😍😍 it's so fun to dress up:)
Sep 07Reply

Thank you @emkae 💕 Though most days you can find me at the park. Hehe.
Sep 07Reply

@tijanala oh wow I wanted to be an anthropologist growing up :) love that!
Sep 18Reply

Thanks @fancybusiness :)
It's never to late 🌺
Sep 18Reply

@tijanala ha :) true
Sep 18Reply

Thank you for following me, did the same in return. Feel free to visit my closet, there are not many items there but will have more soon. :-) :-)
Sep 22Reply

I love your closet 😍😍 I look forward to buying from you soon!
Oct 04Reply

Thanks @lady_leibz 😍😍😍
I can't wait to see what you'll post. 🎀
Oct 04Reply

@tijanala i love the shirt ty so much for modeling i also have a priemevil and salvage dress on ebay too under a littlebitjacked a rad piece just sold today ugh all smalls too anyway here is the deal with the shirt girl its on the bay for bid small exact same as yours and a seller i buy thru honestly its easeir for me to purchase off their as my sale money goes into pal
Oct 09Reply

now the bidding starts at like 1.00 she has 6.00 shipping on all her items so ugh i was outbid once and decided to come check on here there is no way i can do 25 and then 5 pm ship which sucks so im kinda stranded on what to do it reminds mfe of free people but less $ as i cannot afford them and like my salvage more
Oct 09Reply

i wrote on this listing cuz i didnt want to write on the shirt girl due to potential other buyers so didnt want to mess you up could u list it on the bay or what is your lowest here or i dont know and there are some others on here selling the same one one is way less but a m and the seller is a little rude and mentioned it runs large i am a medium in a lot of long sleeve things due to arms so lmk your thoughts girl @tijanala sorry to write so much btw
Oct 09Reply

Hi @naturalmuscles
You're welcome- I had some time to model today and it seems you really like the shirt, so I was happy to. It sounds like eBay may work better for you? I don't list anywhere outside of Poshmark. I've only worn the shirt once, it's worth it in my opinion.
Oct 09Reply

Hi - seeking your advise. Why is postmark better than eBay? Sincere question if you can please respond! Thank you
Nov 10Reply

@tijanala thanks for following my closet.😊
Nov 12Reply

Hi, I saw you on my news feed and checked out your closet. We seem to have some similarities in style! Stop by anytime!
Nov 12Reply

I was going to purchase your wildfox tee, but no longer see it... Is it still available? Thanks:)
Nov 13Reply

Hey girlie. How much for the True Religion tee and the cute pink long sleeve that I liked?? Thank you!! :)
Nov 21Reply

Hi lovely @scubabess 😊
I just sold the long sleeve tee today in a bundle, I'm sorry:(
But I do still have that offer for you to include the true religion tee with your purchase, so let me know if you like something else. 💕
Nov 21Reply

You have a great closet. <3
Nov 22Reply

So cute!
Dec 17Reply

Thanks @javenegas 😍💕
Dec 17Reply

Hi, Tijana! Nice to meet you! I'm sparrow from @sparrowsage Nice purse to win!
Dec 23Reply

still trying to figure this website out. Anyway, are the sales final?
Jan 02Reply

I'm happy to help you figure it out, I know how it is when we first start Poshmark. :)
Sales are final, with the exception of us receiving something that's not as described. It's good that you ask your questions before ordering. :)And when you receive an item, check for its condition. You have 3 days to look it over, but most people have had an amazing experience and have accepted their orders right away. Continued...
Jan 02Reply

@crgillett please have a look at my about section for the feedback (love notes) I've personally received and given. And have a look at poshmarks support center FAQ, too. Let me know if you have any other questions. 💕
Jan 02Reply

Loving your closet, too!!!
Jan 09Reply

Thank you. 💕 And thanks for the tips. I'll be back in your closet often. 💕
Jan 09Reply

Hi!! Just had to say I'm officially in love with your closet. 😳😆
Jan 21Reply

Hello, Tijana! 👋🏼 I'm Jan! it is great to meet you! 🌹 wow! Those gorgeous cheekbones on your gorgeous face!😄💖
Feb 09Reply

Nice to meet you @tijanala Tijana I have always wanted to learn how to belly dance!Awesome pics💙💙💙my name is Wendy💋
Feb 10Reply

Hey girl! Congrats on hosting today! 🎉🎉I'm new to Posh and would love for you to check out my closet for potential host picks!
Feb 10Reply

Hi please check out my closet for the party tonight ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 10Reply

Your closet is insanely good💞. Cheers💋
Feb 11Reply

@tijanala beautiful pictures nice to meet you 🌹😘💕
Feb 11Reply

Thanks so much @sami023 😍😍😍 I love your closet, too. 💕💕
Feb 12Reply

Thanks @janimack7 :)
Nice to meet you too, and thanks so much for stopping by my closet. 💕
Feb 12Reply

Hi @warrior04 Wendy, nice to meet you too! If you were close to me, I would teach you Bellydance! 💕
Feb 12Reply

Thanks @amedack I love your closet and your well deserved host picks. 💕
Feb 12Reply

Thank you @bsociale 💕 You have some amazing pieces as well.
Feb 12Reply

@liledamame25 thank you. 💕💕💕
Feb 12Reply

Nice to meet you too @rabiha86 And thanks so much. 💕
Feb 12Reply

@tijanala 😘🎀🌹💋❤️welcome lovely
Feb 12Reply

Feb 12Reply

@tijanala 💕💕 what's your parenting blog? I'm in the digital marketing profession 😎
Feb 14Reply

I just started it and only have one post... Still figuring it all out. 💕
Feb 14Reply

@tijanala it's a fascinating world for sure. I run a digital marketing agency and have published /presented extensively on social media. The blogging world has exploded in the last 5 years especially mommy bloggers - some even have agents now and many belong to networks but you have to really build up your following - takes some real effort. I'll check it out! 💕💕
Feb 14Reply

Thanks @dezchic 💕
Feb 18Reply

Love your editing now 😉😘
Feb 18Reply

Cute closet !! Love your stuff 🍕💫💕👌🏻☕️💋
Mar 07Reply

Thanks so much @sara_128 💕💕
Mar 07Reply

I dunno why, but you remind me of Lisa Loeb 😉
Mar 10Reply

Hi, thanks for the invite! 💌
Mar 11Reply

@ohmynay had to google that person. 😁 I've gotten Tina fey before. I think some tourists here in LA really thought I was her! 😂
Mar 11Reply

Mar 11Reply

Mar 15Reply

hi!...great closet!!!...happy poshing!!!
Mar 16Reply

Hi there Beautiful Lady!
Mar 24Reply

Hi @ladykrc thanks for all the posh love and hope to see you tomorrow!💕
Mar 24Reply

@kiarasruth thanks and right back at ya! You're off to a great start! 💕💕💕
Mar 24Reply

@missnico1e no way! I guess we keep missing each other! 😁💖
Mar 24Reply

I'm bummed I missed your event. Let me know if u have another one.
Mar 29Reply

@tijanala You have such a beautiful closet!
Mar 31Reply

@kristina9916 thank you, so do you! Are you from the Balkans by any chance? 💕
Mar 31Reply

@tijanala where's that lol?
Mar 31Reply

@kristina9916 Eastern Europe... The way you spelled your name with a k and your last name reminds me of Serbian names (where I'm from:)
Mar 31Reply

@tijanala that's pretty cool to know. I live in Pennsylvania, a lot of people tell me I look European or sweetish.
Mar 31Reply

@tijanala lol
Mar 31Reply

Your closet is beautiful💐
Mar 31Reply

Girl, I 💕💕your closet😍😍😍 thank you for the shares!!
Apr 05Reply

@valtiger thanks lovely. 💕
Apr 05Reply

@tijanala You are Beautiful, anyone ever tell you that you kinda favor Jennifer Garner :) my opinion anyway...
Apr 16Reply

@angelaswear thank you. 💕
Apr 17Reply

@luvprada hi! I'm from Serbia, and you?
Jun 09Reply

Awesome closet! 😍😍😍
Jun 10Reply

Love your style and closet!
Jul 27Reply

@orchidisle aw thanks so much! Mahalo. 💕
Jul 27Reply

@orchidisle let me know if you have any questions about your bundle. I'd love to send one of your likes as a surprise gift to you. 💕
Jul 27Reply

@tijanala hi great closet, when u get a chance come follow and check out my closet 👠👗👛💗
Jul 30Reply

@tijanala you are my posh-mate lol (posh-mate = someone who has very similar closet and tastes as you do) so I wanted to reach out and say hi. Also here's a pineapple. Treat it well. I named it Steve. 🍍 xoxo 💋 Hillary Marek from Hillary's of Houston Vintage Boutique
Aug 15Reply

Fabulous closet💕💕💕❤️
Aug 15Reply

Aug 19Reply

Hi my name is Megan. I'm new to Poshmark. Trying to get my closet going... Maybe you can check it out. 👏👏congrats on being a suggested user. You must be too cool. Haha 😎
Aug 23Reply

Hi @tijanala ! Thanks for the offer! Do you think you can do 44 +shipping (so the grand total would be $50)? Let me know! 💕
Aug 27Reply

@karebear129 hi love! I can do that for the 2 tops, and if you'd like to still have the Joie tank dress, the best I could do is $50 for all. I can make you a custom listing now with whatever you decide. 💕
Aug 27Reply

@tijanala Okay sounds good! I'll take all three then...thanks for the bundle deal!!! 💕
Aug 27Reply

@karebear129 you're welcome love, my pleasure. I'll create your listing now and tag you in it. 💕
Aug 27Reply

@tijanala you have a beautiful closet!!!
Aug 29Reply

@eknelson25 thanks so much, love!💕
Aug 29Reply

Closet crush bigtime! Whish you were my size!!! ;)
Sep 05Reply

Check your fb msgs ☺☺☺
Sep 25Reply

@tijanala aloha!! Thanks again, no rush, I realized the holiday Friday would throw shipping back a while :) I can't wait for those pants thou! Ps I saw on your profile you're a bruin?! Nice, that's my alma matter as well 💙💛💙💛
Nov 14Reply

@frankieinhawaii so cool! What did you study? I was an Anthro major. Are you Italian by the way? I studied Italian too at ucla and almost double majored in it. 💕
Nov 14Reply

@tijanala I am very Italian 😊 born and raised, well until the 3rd grade! My family mostly is still all there. At UCLA I double majored cognitive science and psychology. Took a few anthropology classes for fun, but I'm old, that was 20 years ago 😳😂 crazy how time passes!
Nov 14Reply

Awesome! I started as a psych major myself and it was a bit much for me. Such a big department! Do you practice it now? I was born and raised in Serbia, so maybe we were neighbors at some point. 😊 Nice to meet you!
Nov 14Reply

@tijanala I don't practice it, I design jewelry ha ha life is crazy like that. Check it out if you'd like :)) instagram page is francescabdesigns thanks again for the pants and nice to meet you as well!
Nov 15Reply

@tijanala you are so adorable! Love your closet!
Nov 19Reply

Hi Tijana! I'm Rocksan! I know I've been in here but I don't know how I've missed you as an entity! Give it hell. I'll be back for sure now n u can't loose me. 💀
Nov 19Reply

@loopholer so nice to officially meet you, Rocksan! I love your name and you sure do rock! Yay! Let's stay in touch! 💕
Nov 19Reply

@tahnaa thank you love! 💕
Nov 19Reply

@frankieinhawaii hi! :) I'm so happy to hear you love the pants and thanks for your sweet love note! ❤️ 📝 💕
Nov 19Reply

Yes please I try to say hello now because I forget to even do follow up I get so busy I'm sure you know what I mean to try to even keep up with notifications is sometimes insanity
Nov 19Reply

Now you have to come over somewhere and put your butt in mine
Nov 19Reply

@tijanala you're so welcome! Your listing pictures are fantastic too!
Nov 19Reply

@tahnaa awww thank you!💕
Nov 19Reply

Sorry to bother you! Do you know if you can order the size 7.5 or 8 in those Matisse loafers? I desperately need them! So sorry to bug you! Thanks!
Dec 04Reply

@goblue1997 hi!:) Sorry, I have sold out of those sizes and I won't be able to get more at the moment. :(
Dec 04Reply

If you do--- please please let me know. I tracked down a pair of black but need the burgundy. Thank you so so much! I'll even buy yours if you ever decide to part with them ;-)
Dec 04Reply

@goblue1997 sounds good, I'll keep an eye out for you. 💕
Dec 04Reply

Thanks! Will pay up to 100! Should have just bought them at 69 😂😂😂 hard not to haggle on posh because everyone does with me
Dec 05Reply

Sorry had been a crazy week. Thanks for the counter...will keep vest in mind 💕
Dec 15Reply

@janisfb no worries! I'm here, anytime. 💕
Dec 15Reply

I looove your closet!!!
Jan 07Reply

love your closet and also you have REALLY great hair!!! so fabulous!!
Jan 11Reply

Hi! Have you shipped out the j brand? It says it was delivered but I haven't received it yet. Do you have the tracking? Thanks! Xx
Jan 11Reply

@alyluxe hi!:) I found a copy of the label and the tracking says it was delivered at the front desk/reception, have you checked with them? I hope you find them quickly. Here's the Tracking Number: 9405510899359206733576 Let me know if I can help with anything else. 💕
Jan 11Reply

@tijanala I just checked and they can't find the package! :(
Jan 12Reply

@asquared17 thank you! You're so sweet! 💕
Jan 12Reply

@alyluxe oh no!:( I would contact USPS and report it as missing. Often packages get delivered to neighbors by mistake. I say there's still hope to find them! You could also contact Poshmark support. I'm so sorry this is happening, if I can do anything to help, I'm here. 💕
Jan 12Reply

@tijanala I escalated a claim to USPS :( my concierge does not have the package. I hope I get it too.. Was the package insured?
Jan 13Reply

@alyluxe 🤞🤞🤞 fingers crossed! I believe there is some insurance with priority mail. If the jeans don't turn up in a few days, do contact Poshmark - they will issue you a refund because of the protection they provide. 💕
Jan 13Reply

@alyluxe your closet is so gorgeous, by the way! 💕
Jan 13Reply

@tijanala sure! I'll give it one more day, and then will contact Poshmark. Thanks for being so responsive and helpful! Love your closet too, it's amazing 💕😍
Jan 13Reply

Gorgeous lady!! 💖💖💖💖
Jan 14Reply

@tijanala are the shoes in your background pic for sale?
Jan 26Reply

@samslizzy hi!:) they are not, sorry. I'm here if you have any other questions. 💕
Jan 26Reply

@vaganoff thank you! 💕
Jan 26Reply

@tijanala uggg. Well they're very pretty!
Jan 26Reply

@tijanala let me take a look - I will try to find something in the same price range as the dress. 💕 the dress though so if you ever have something similar let me know - I'll tag you when I find a replacement item 😊
Jan 29Reply

@sknoesel thank you! Don't worry about the price point too much, and let me know if you have any questions. 💕
Jan 29Reply

Thanks so much!! Your closet is so gorg!!! Couldn't help but share EVERYTHING!! 😘🎉😘🎉
Jan 29Reply

Wonderful closet 💕💕
Feb 01Reply

@tijanala I actually wore the sweater this evening 💕 it!
Feb 02Reply

@sknoesel I'm so glad you're enjoying it!💕
Feb 02Reply

Hi there! Congratulations on hosting the party tomorrow 🎉 Feel free to check out my closet for a potential Host Pick! Congrats again 😃
Feb 24Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. ❤️
Feb 25Reply

Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Feb 25Reply

@tijanala OK I just tagged you a bunch on Instagram. It does say on here to do that, so sorry if I misread! 💞
Feb 25Reply

Could u considered me for a hostess pick maybe?
Feb 26Reply

💖great pics, Tijana💖. Have a blast at the party! So lucky to be 🌴Hosting🌴, excited for you! I hope you are UP ALL NIGHT 💌💌filling orders💟💟and following back new friends and followers. ️HAPPINESS Always. Deb579💜👑🐝
Feb 26Reply

Hi Tina I'm Pam & nice to meet you! I love your closet & can tell you've put a lot of time and effort into it 🙋if you get a chance come by & visit me! Take care.
Mar 01Reply

I meant Tijana ... Voicetext is annoying sometimes...lol
Mar 01Reply

Hi 💕 welcome to poshmark 🤗 check out my closet when you get a chance 🙈 have a good day ! Happy poshing ❤
Mar 13Reply

Thank you so much for accepting my offer. I know it wasn't the best offer, but i am not familiar with how this brand will fit me. They are absolutely so cute!
Mar 28Reply

@tugboatca you're welcome, my pleasure! And thanks for shopping my closet. You'll love the jeans! I'll send them your way tomorrow. 💕
Mar 28Reply

@lionelle sounds great! Shall I bundle and make an offer? And could you ship tomorrow? No worries if not. 💕
Apr 01Reply

@angiebrooke hi! Thanks so much! And thank you for reaching out. I see that your photos do look clear and your closet looks great. What I would recommend is that you keep sharing your own closet 2 to three times a day if you can, and if you can list at least one or two new things every day that will also help you to keep building your closet. And of course follow people, follow back, share back, participate at the parties and all that fun Poshmark stuff. 💕
Apr 04Reply

@tijanala Hi Tijuana. So glad I met you last night. What fun! Yes, let's get together soon. Would love for our boys to meet too. 😘
Apr 07Reply

@kitschy_chick sounds great! What days do you guys usually go to the parks? We are free tomorrow. 💕
Apr 08Reply

@tijanala Hi! We are in Mammoth this weekend skiing. We get back on Wednesday though.:)
Apr 09Reply

@rashi0629 thank you so much! 💕
Apr 12Reply

@kitschy_chick how fun! Hope you enjoyed your escape to the nature! Let's figure out a day soon! 💕
Apr 12Reply

You have a beautiful closet!!! 😊💕💕
Apr 25Reply

@cococameron hi!:) I mention briefly here where my pieces come from- sample sales and exclusive shopping events! Even pool parties! Tomorrow I am going to a pool party with dvf swimwear and rosé! I shop specifically for my posh closet more so than for myself! It's so much fun!💕
May 06Reply

@cococameron yes! You absolutely should! You have amazing taste and you would do so well!💕
May 06Reply

Nice meeting you at the sale today! Posh goals-hope to be where you are someday! Your closet is beautiful! Look forward I'll see you at the next Posh event ☺️.
May 07Reply

@tijanala you have such a kick ass closet! Love it ♥️. And if I must say you're are gorgeous! ☺️
May 10Reply

I LOVE your style! Your closet is amazing! 😍
May 23Reply

Hi Tijana, I wanted to reach and apologize that I haven't purchased yet 😢 ❤❤❤all your items I had ordered some pieces most to small so I think needing to remeasure my size in process of moving trying to locate tape measure in a box somewhere 🤦🏻♀️ anyways I promise to get some pieces from you ❤ I have a ton to post as well And wanted to also thank you for being so helpful 🤗😘 👖👚👗 def 25 in jeans xs -s 👗but 👚are xs -m Depend on fit brand super ex to start asap
May 23Reply

@gayle_woodruff hi Gayle! I love hearing from you! But no worries, take your time. I am about the same size as you and I model most pieces, so feel free to ask me about the fit or measurements whenever you need them. Hope your move goes smoothly! And please let me know when you post your pieces so I can shop and share! 💕
May 23Reply

@leigh115 thank you so much! 💕💕💕
May 23Reply

@daniellelinson thank you! 💕🤗
May 23Reply

Thank you 😘❤ I felt so bad that I was bundling and then didn't finalize 😢 . Great to know gives me a better idea and everyday figure out how to maneuver everything so my apologies you have so many amazing pieces . Love James P and Vince they are some of my go to brands JP dress is 1 and tops can be 1-2 depending. I can't wait to finally raid your closet 😎🤗 lol
May 24Reply

@tijanala so far so good - worked yesterday but today was nice weather 😊 hope you have a great 3 day weekend as you can see I still 💕 your closet! 😘
May 29Reply

@sknoesel glad you get to relax a bit and enjoy the weather now. I went out with my friend for a glass of wine last night and now I'm tired all day, haha. But it was worth it. And thank you! I think of you often and I love sharing things with you as I list them so you have the first look. 💕
May 29Reply

Is this where ? Sorry I work from home and get side tracked 😳
Jun 06Reply

@gayle_woodruff sure! We can talk here! Just reply back to my comments. I can substitute one thing for you, and if you have a couple more pieces you'd like to purchase, I'm happy to give you the same deep discount in a new order. I am wrapping everything to ship today, so let me know. 💕
Jun 06Reply

You are literally so rad!!! 🙌🏽Your closet is one of my absolute favorites. 👏🏽👐🏽You never disappoint with your style, versatility, and I love how you make amazing outfit options from each piece. If I had more money I'd be in trouble🚨 because I'd be buying 💸ALL THE TIME. ♥️. Keep up the talented styling, 👗👜👑👙and thank you modeling it all. It's very helpful to be able to see a realistic view of how the item fits. I'm hoping 🤞🏽I can purchase soon. 🦋
Jun 09Reply

@carb7e you're so sweet! Thank you! I'm happy to offer you special discounts whenever you'd like to shop my closet! 💕
Jun 09Reply

@tijanala hi, nice to meet you. I looove your closet😍
Jun 14Reply

Thanks for looking at my closet! My online store is bekahsboutique-vintage.com☺️
Jun 29Reply

You have a gorgeous closet and I love that you model a lot of the pieces! Things looks so much different (generally better) on!
Jul 19Reply

@thaicutie76 thank you! 🤗
Jul 19Reply

@vintagedoll26 thanks so much! 💕
Jul 19Reply

Thanks for the offer, I'm heading out of the country for a few days any chance I can buy the bundle from you on 7/31?
Jul 27Reply

@bbgirl2124 hi!:) you're welcome! Sure, would you like me to reserve the pieces that are currently in your bundle for you? 💕
Jul 27Reply

@tijanala yes please!
Jul 27Reply

@bbgirl2124 you've got it! Enjoy your trip. 💕
Jul 27Reply

Awesome closet!
Aug 01Reply

Hi Tijana 🌸 I just received an offer on the Revolve shorts. Were you still interested?
Aug 10Reply

@chanelstarrr hi!:) you're so sweet to ask! Go ahead and respond to your offer. 💕
Aug 10Reply

Hi, please check our my $12 shoe sale and the top 20 Monday sale in my closet. Happy Poshing! 😊
Aug 14Reply

Great closet... you have an amazing eye for some fab pieces!
Aug 15Reply

@charmainelvivar thanks so much! 💕
Aug 15Reply

@tijanala hi Tijana. I feel silly saying this but we have the same last name and it's so rare to come by it. At least for me. I'm Olivera from Brooklyn.
Aug 30Reply

@ozangas hi!:) not silly at all. Nice to meet you, Olivera! 💕
Aug 30Reply

@tijanala of course I loved it! 💕 that's why I'm a repeat customer - maybe your biggest repeat customer lol! 😘💕
Aug 31Reply

@sknoesel hehe! You're definitely one of my absolute favorite people to Posh with! 💕
Aug 31Reply

Come check out my closet
Sep 05Reply

congrats on your Pfest speak!!!! (saw it on FB). awesome opp!!!!!
Sep 08Reply

@houseofowl . Tagging him on your ISO post
Sep 09Reply

@catwalk2reality thanks for the tag. @tijanala I sent you some direct shares on shoes that might fit what you are looking for. Let me know if you are interested in any of them.
Sep 09Reply

Got my Poshfest ticket. So excited! I hope I have the chance to meet you! Love your style!
Sep 10Reply

@alrady thank you! 💕
Sep 10Reply

@houseofowl @catwalk2reality thank you!💕
Sep 10Reply

@el_chilton thank you so much! And yay! Let's make sure we say hi to each other in Chicago! 💕
Sep 10Reply

@tijanala sounds great!
Sep 10Reply

Great closet! 😎Thanks for liking mine. I'm just getting started.
Sep 14Reply

Hey! I love how I always recognize your closet. Also noticed you a lot in the sold section of tonight's party so looks like you had a good night! Wanted to see if you had any useful tips on how to get multiple sales a night 🤗 don't mean to be so random haha but cheers, have a great week!
Sep 18Reply

@stasha820 hi!:) thank you so much! Not random at all:) I share my own closet and other closets, I add new things every day and I do offer 20% off bundles (but also accept bundle offers;), which helps with multiple sales. Hope that helps! 💕
Sep 18Reply

Will you help with jeans? I've been striking out on that front.
Oct 05Reply

@rdg126 absolutely! What size do you wear? Do you prefer skinny, straight or flare? 💕
Oct 05Reply

@tijanala I'm 4'10 with a shorter torso. I am like a 31/32 back but with big boobs. Jeans I like skinny, but not too skinny. I've been trying J Brand, but my thighs (usually 8-9" flat) are too big for the super skinny. In general I'm a 27. I am trying Paige verdugo because I tried a pair at Anthro last weekend. I have Pilcro cords ((27) and AG am 27 and 28.
Oct 05Reply

I have the citizens Ariel in 27. I think those are midrise
Oct 05Reply

Probably more straight then super skinny
Oct 05Reply

@rdg126 gotcha. Mid rise and straight. I actually have a pair of Ag in your style and size, I’ll send them your way. 💕
Oct 05Reply

@tijanala I'm looking for purple if you find any. Thank you! 😘
Oct 05Reply

@rdg126 purple jeans? Ok, I’ll keep an eye out. 💕
Oct 05Reply

What's your trick for creating white space around your vertical shots? I've started doing it in Photoshop, but that's a lot of work!!
Oct 12Reply

@rdg126 I use the app called instasize. 💕
Oct 12Reply

Hello! It was so nice meeting you at Poshfest, and all of your help at closet consultations. I have taken all of your advice to heart and am slowly revamping and styling my closet. Thanks so much and your closet is beautiful 😊
Oct 24Reply

@robin524 hi!:) thank you so much! I am so happy to see you grow! I’m glad you said hi and please keep in touch.💕💕💕
Oct 24Reply

Your closet is my spirit closet! I know where I’ll be spending my money from posh sales 😂
Oct 30Reply

@lizzypunch1 ha ha, thank you so much! That’s the best thing I’ve heard in a while, so awesome! 💕
Oct 31Reply

I'm assuming I'm never going to get the correct shirt I ordered.
Nov 01Reply

@bescalator86 hi!:) I have it ready and packed for you and will send it to you just as soon as I can. Sorry about the delay!💕
Nov 01Reply

@melides send please, ima 7.5. Can you ship today? Thank you!💕
Nov 02Reply

Thank you! I will look at the options. :-)
Nov 03Reply

Congrats rockstar of the day 🎸💥🎸🤘🏽
Nov 03Reply

I love your closet! Xoxo
Nov 10Reply

@sallyb23 thank you!💕
Nov 11Reply

Great closet! 😊👍🏼🌸
Nov 14Reply

@onedivinewoman thank you!💕
Nov 14Reply

How do you take such amazing full length selfie photos?
Nov 14Reply

Thanks the the bundle discount!! Also, I hate you a bit that you gave me such a great discount!!
Nov 15Reply

@zetraveler you’re welcome! Haha, I know, I love making irresistible offers! I️ can send everything your way tomorrow. 💕
Nov 15Reply

@tijanala As tempting as your offer was, I had to get the opinions of some people is trusted and they talked me out of a few of those dresses. I hope my offer works, if not please counter with the price you’d prefer and we’ll go from there! 😁
Nov 15Reply

@zetraveler it sounds like you have amazing people around you!💕 thank you for shopping my closet! 💕
Nov 15Reply

@tijanala yeah, they’re pretty f*#king cool. Thanks for accepting my offer!!
Nov 15Reply

@tijanala Feel free to suggest any items that you add in the future!! I love your taste and would appreciate your suggestions any time 🧐🤫
Nov 15Reply

Checking out your closet, it became increasingly amusing how much better the items looked on you than the shapeless models in the stock photos. Extra kudos for rocking the bright lipstick!
Nov 15Reply

@jobanadana aw thank you, you're so sweet! 💕💕💕
Nov 15Reply

@zetraveler thank you so much, I definitely will! 💕
Nov 15Reply

@queen1202 hi!:) thank you! I take full length photos and then use an app called insta size to crop them and make them square. I highly recommend it. 💕
Nov 15Reply

Hi thereN thank you for your styling request. Unfortunately I don’t have much in your size that’s brunch appropriate. Please feel free to come by and check things out though. Hope you had a fabulous day!
Nov 16Reply

You’re my best friend!!! 😽😽
Weird question... are you a dancer?
Nov 17Reply

@keelymaenelson 😍😍😍 Yes, I am. Are you a dancer too?💕
Nov 17Reply

Not as much as I used to be. But I’ll never stop being a dancer. I think the art is so amazing. But my daughters dance, I know everyone says that like, ‘oh! My niece is in ballet too!’ But it is their life and they love it. Both of them are SO talented. My 13 year old is the real deal, her years of hard work shows and it is so fun to see. Anyway... sorry to pry 😬
I feel like I know someone ‘better’ when I find out they are a dancer. What styles do you do?
Nov 17Reply

@keelymaenelson that’s amazing and so beautiful! I grew up ballroom dancing in Europe and now I bellydance! What styles did you do? How about your daughters? I️ couldn’t imagine my life without Dance. 💕
Nov 17Reply

@tijanala My guess a out you was ballroom. I would LOVE to learn ballroom! I would like to find out more about your belly dancing. I bet you have killer abs! But I was ballet and modern, they called it modern them. My girls do a lot of ballet but their hearts belong to contemporary, but they are very well-rounded dancers though.
Nov 17Reply

@keelymaenelson ballroom is so special and I miss it! Bellydance is beautiful and empowering. Interestingly, it is bellydance that helped me develop the little curves that I have. It definitely helped me find muscles I never knew existed. I encourage you to take some classes in both! 💕💕💕
Nov 17Reply

Out of curiousity, is Poshmark what you do for a living? Im curious whether people are able to create a high enough revenue stream from Poshmark alone. 😃
Dec 01Reply

Hi Tijanala, I just wanted to say thank you for the private offer on the bundle of things that I love. Not sure if this is possible but could we extend that offer to the weekend? Please keep me posted, and thank you again for the kind gesture!
Dec 21Reply

Hey love I received your private bundle offer and I love the price. I’m currently stuck in a bid on eBay. So if I get outbid in the lot, I’ll for sure buy yours. I actually prefer yours so hopefully I get outbid lol
Dec 21Reply

@smm630 hi!:) you’re welcome! Absolutely, the offer will stand for this weekend, check beck in with me when you’re ready to purchase your bundle.💕
Dec 21Reply

@momandlo080516 hi!:) Of course, keep me posted and have a great day! 💕
Dec 21Reply

@tijanala U2 and I love your closet
Dec 21Reply

I love your pictures and the way you model them. Yo are so cute and beautiful. Love your closet as well. Thanks for all the great ideas. Happy poshing and happy holidays. 🎄♥️😚
Dec 23Reply

@margitscloset thank you so much, right back at you!a💕
Dec 24Reply

I am constantly impressed by your ability to look amazing in anything. I wish you had a style blog, I feel I could learn a lot from you
Dec 27Reply

Hi there, I got an email from poshmark with a return label to send all 4 items back and they will give me a refund as a solution to this. But I still really want the original dress and jacket. Also the Zara jacket is amazing! The top shop pants do not fit, my calves are too large. Would it be possible for me to reorder those 3 things?
Dec 30Reply

@c4rrie789 hi!:) I’m so glad you got a quick response from Poshmark. Absolutely, i will create a custom bundle for you for those 3 pieces. Would you like to do that today or wait till I receive your package? Please keep the Zara blazer, so that you don’t have to wait for me to resend it to you. 💕
Dec 30Reply

@tijanala Yes! That would be fantastic!! I will mail back the other items in the morning then. Thanks!
Dec 30Reply

Did you mean to request styling? 🤗 just wondering because I know sometimes it can happen on accident.
Happy New Year!
Dec 31Reply

Your closet is adorable! 💕
Jan 09Reply

@outfitsbyolivia thank you!💕
Jan 09Reply

Awesome closet!!
Jan 16Reply

That’s where I recognized your face from!! Poshmark! I think we were at Noah’s arc together last week 😊
Jan 23Reply

@julie0780 hi!:) oh yes, I was there! Working on my posh pictures, haha! We go there often, do you?💕
Jan 23Reply

@lovrie thank you!💕
Jan 23Reply

@tijanala yup! Quite often! Lol. Well I noticed your Poshmark hat then thought maybe I recognized your face. I’ll say hi next time I see you there! Xoxo
Jan 23Reply

@julie0780 please do! I would love to chat with you! We are often there on Thursdays after 2pm. 💕
Jan 23Reply

@tijanala hello! Such a great closet you have!! Very inspirational. I just joined a few months ago and would really appreciate if you can take a look at mine and give some feedback... things aren’t selling as fast as I had hoped but I know I need to keep being active and sharing and hope it picks up!
Feb 15Reply

🌺 🌸🌺 congrats on getting Lei'd 🌺🌸🌺
sharing items in your closet with my wonderful followers 🌺🌸🌺 Wishing you are the quick sales today and everyday 🌺🌸🌺 Check out my follow game if you haven't already 🌺🌸🌺 Happy Poshing 🌺🌸🌺💃💃
Feb 16Reply

@kellivisco22 hi!:) thank you so much! Your closet looks beautiful! Do you post new things often? Are you on Facebook? I highly recommend the group Poshmark analytics sandbox to learn new things. 💕
Feb 19Reply

@claudiasdeals thanks! That was fun! I had no idea I would be tagged in so many posts! Lol. 💕
Feb 19Reply

@becomewinners thank you!💕
Feb 19Reply

@tijanala I sent you an offer on the bundle. If you can’t reply just tag me. My closet has been closed but I had someone purchase a top so I reopened for her. I’ll be closing back but am available until March 4th if you want to purchase anything. Thank you! 💖💖
Feb 23Reply

@nicolebolling awww you’re the sweetest! Thank you!
I love how vibrant your closet is!💕
Mar 07Reply

Hi are you loooking at offers?
Mar 09Reply

@lmitchell423 hi!:) thanks for your offer! I just saw it and I responded to it. I can send it your way tomorrow and I’m here if you have any questions at all. 💕
Mar 09Reply

@tijanala sooo excited!! I️ didn’t want to miss out and so glad you replied!! Thanks :)
Mar 09Reply

Love your NAME!❤️
Mar 10Reply

You are TOOO CUTE! And i always love your closet and your style🌸💕💕💕 xoxoxxx -Mo
Mar 21Reply

Hey there! I noticed you requested styling from my closet! Can you tell me your sizes/preferred colors? That way I can help choose things you'd like 😊😉😘
Happy poshing!!
Mar 29Reply

Loved your Instagram story and a peek in your beautiful closet! You are lovely!
Apr 04Reply

Hi! I saw you requested styling however after looking at your style card I don’t think I have any thing in your size. All my women’s clothes are maternity and my kids clothes are mostly infant boys (since my son is only a month old) and toddler girl (my daughter is almost 4). Thanks for the request though 😊
Apr 09Reply

Great closet!
Apr 11Reply

@lgaimari thank you so much, really appreciate that!💕💕💕
Apr 11Reply

@sdcd82016 thank you!🤗
Apr 11Reply

@tijanala 😊💖
Apr 11Reply

Apr 18Reply

@carmeany thank you!💕
Apr 19Reply

I absolutely love your closet!! I always find myself on your page when looking for something in particular...But usually too small for me😅! You have a gorgeous closet!! Closet goals😊 Happy Poshing!!😘
Apr 23Reply

@epina006 thank you so much!💕💕💕
Apr 24Reply

Missing your face friend! Can't wait for Poshfest 2018!
May 02Reply

🌟❤️😊WOW😊❤️🌟Very impressive closet💕💥😊Steve😊
May 22Reply

@lynnsimmons hiii! Can’t wait either, beautiful!💕
May 22Reply

@tricitymerch thank you!
May 22Reply

@steejaye thanks so much!
May 22Reply

Thank you for the follow! 😁 Have a great day!
May 29Reply

Hi, I just started doing Poshmark not that long ago and I would love if you would check out my closet and tell me how to sell my clothing faster. I absolutely love the way your closet looks and would love some advice😍😍😍😍
Jun 10Reply

@kylenboyer hi!:) thank you so much! And welcome to Poshmark! I like your closet, your pictures look nice. Make sure to keep sharing your closet every day, especially to parties. List new things as often as you can. Share and follow other closets.💕
Jun 10Reply

@tijanala thanks for the advice 😃😃😃
Jun 10Reply

Sorry about the hat! You are welcome to keep it, Seems like a lot of extra trouble to box it up , etc. for Only $9, I think I’ll live! Have a good weekend.
Jun 22Reply

@louinaz1 no worries. I understand hats are tricky to ship. I send many packages daily, so it’s no trouble at all to send it back to you. Plus, it’s already in the box.💕
Jun 22Reply

I would like to keep the pants, but maybe see if I can get the spot out. Any chance you can give me a small discount off of them so I don’t have to return them?
Jun 22Reply

@andreaduzzi hi!:) I would love to give you a discount, but I can’t personally partially refund you. I would be more than happy to give you a $10 store credit to my closet if you’d like!💕
Jun 22Reply

Thank you for sharing my listing!
Jun 23Reply

You have got to be the cutest thing ever! I love your closet, and anything you model makes me want to buy! Just had to drop in and say that! Happy Poshing!
Jun 26Reply

Awesome closet hope to get on your level one day ! Hope you get a chance to check my now as well, I’ve put a lot of love into it! Sending positive vibes and energy your way for a quick and speedy sales happy polishing !
Jul 19Reply

@tijanala that is probably actually better for me (regarding size) I don’t know what is going on but I have had an unusual weight gain over the past few months and try as I may it doesn’t seem to be going away 😕. Thank you for letting me know 😊
Aug 04Reply

@sknoesel ohh ok. I’m actually going through the same thing. 🤷♀️ But curves are a great thing! I’m including a couple of extras to make up for it.💕
Aug 04Reply

@tijanala I haven’t tried on the jeans in my last bundle 😬 because I’m so not wanting them to not fit and be too tight. I have gained so much weight in the last 6 months. I’ve been working on losing it and will drop a few lbs and get excited and squeeze into my old size but it doesn’t last 😳 it’s very depressing I’ve worn the same size for over 10 years and so I’ll let you know when I’m brave enough to try them 😞
Aug 14Reply

@sknoesel I feel you, those unwanted changes are hard! Just the other day my son asked me why my belly was so big.😳
Aug 14Reply

@tijanala thank you for letting me know - I will look 😊 you deserve a vacation I hope it’s fabulous! If I don’t end up with a bundle it’s because I’ve gained this weight and am trying to lose it before I buy anything else - all the stuff I have and I’ve recently outgrown it! 😞
Sep 04Reply

@sknoesel thank you! It’s been so long since I’ve had more than a couple days away! I’m excited and nervous lol. I’ll miss posh!💕
Sep 05Reply

You are the poshmark Goddess and I want my closet to be just as Beautiful as yours!!!!! 🌹
Sep 06Reply

@silvershandiin you’re too sweet!🙈🤗💕
Sep 06Reply

Congrats on the news article. Glad I saw it as I checked out your amazing closet. It has been a pleasure sharing some of your gems.
Sep 07Reply

Oct 01Reply

Hi! Did you get the message about the black pair of Robins Jeans?
Oct 02Reply

What a tasteful closet & thanks for sharing such wonderful joyous profile pictures 🦋🌈🦄👸🏻🌺
Oct 09Reply

Gorgeous closet!
Oct 25Reply

Hi! I’m really interested in your size 24 pair of black Robins Jeans but I need to know the measurements on them! I’ve messaged you 3 different times. I’d really like to get a reply. Thanks!
Oct 26Reply

@cdrew83 hi!:) oh no, I thought I had replied to you here! Sorry about that! I don’t have access to measurements unfortunately as they’re packaged for shipping already. They’re a part of my 3 for $30 sale as I am wanting to move those prepackaged items. Let me know if you have any other questions.💕
Oct 26Reply

Ok so I’m obsessed with your closet. It’s by far the best one I’ve seen. I want and love everything but I’m afraid my husband is going to kill me soon! And good gosh every single item looks amazing on you. And if I read it right, do you have a child? If so, I’m insanely jealous of your figure. Is Posh your only job? Just curious as I don’t know how you find the time to model everything and load all the pics?! I have so many items i want to list but it takes so long to post. Any tips?
Nov 01Reply

@missywalsh9 hi!:) you’re too sweet, thank you! Yes, I have 2 boys.😊 I do everything in batches. For example, last night I modeled about 30 pieces that I will add over the next 3-4 days. I have a routine that I follow every day/week for listing, shipping and shopping. I suggest pulling 20 pieces and photographing them and then listing 3-5 a day to start. I can’t wait to see your listings!💕💕💕
Nov 01Reply

@tijanala hi there! Lmk how you want to handle this offer!
Nov 11Reply

@heather0227 hi!:) I will be making the sweater available for sale again shortly so you can me your offer.💕
Nov 11Reply

@tijanala i am so sorry about the pics i lost so much weight and things just ain’t for me and i remember asking in the past if i could use your pics and u said yes of course . Again i apologize :(
Nov 17Reply

Hi. I made another offer for the bailey 44 top. Please review. Would love to buy it. Thanks😊
Nov 27Reply

You sent me something completely different.
Dec 01Reply

@elvispants thank you so much! It is an honor and super fun to be a closet consultant- Poshmark invites you to be a part of their official events, and you get to chat with other poshers about what they might improve. Keep sharing and listing and you’ll be on your way to achieve that!💕
Dec 04Reply

Thank you!
Dec 31Reply

Hi, about the condition of the preowned guess clutch, I try to do my best making sure all my items are in their best condition before shipping, I apologize and will make sure to double check next time. Glad you got a good price!😊👍
Jan 22Reply

@misstina77 thanks! My cousin is obsessed with the bag, so it’s a keeper.
Jan 22Reply

Hi I texted you about zara sweater. Sorry to bother you. Do you accept offers ?
Jan 26Reply

I think you are one of the most fabulous posher’s on the planet! Your taste is exquisite...your prices are fair....your delivery is fast...you’re just simply wonderful and what makes Poshing fun!!! Thank you for being a great mentor ♥️🥂🥰👯♀️ xo
Jan 31Reply

@eeboehme thank you so much! 😍 And thank you for shopping my closet!💕
Feb 01Reply

Your closet is amazing! And you look adorable in everything! I just went through your closet and “liked” so many things, I don’t even know where to start!!!
Feb 24Reply

@stacyalex thank you!🤗 Maybe I can help you narrow it down? Would you like some cozy sweaters or maybe sweatshirts? Or blouses? Maybe a little but if everything? I am know to offer amazing bundle discounts.💕
Feb 24Reply

@tijanala Prob a little bit of everything lol. I’d pull out anything that’s not new or like knew condition. And then I just have to take a better look at sizing. I’m petite (5ft) but you are def a little slimmer than I am. I’m prob average if that’s a thing...?
Feb 24Reply

@tijanala Good Evening I love you introduction page it is so well written.. I see you are a closet consultant can you please tell me about your services. by the way very nice closet glad you were in my feed. :)
Feb 26Reply

Feb 26Reply

@hellolovely11 hi!:) thank you so much! Sorry I’m only seeing your comment now. I was an official closet consultant at Poshfest and posh parties. I am always happy to help if I can.💕
Apr 04Reply

@tandbcastillo thank you!💕
Apr 04Reply

@tijanala Oh great thank you for getting back with me please let me know what your services are. Hopefully we can put something together.
Apr 04Reply

@hellolovely11 you’re welcome! I don’t really have any services. I was just helping poshers with suggestions on how they might be able to grow their posh closets.💕
Apr 04Reply

@tijanala ooohhhh ok will you take a look at mine and let me know what you thinks ppplllleeeaaasse!!! I want my closet to look like your when it grows up :)))
Apr 04Reply

Hi. Thanks for visiting my closet. I appreciate it very much. Have a great evening!❤️Patricia
Apr 04Reply

Hello ! I see you do a great job with Poshmark ! My wife and I are trying to get our Poshmark off the ground. Is there good money to be made? Any tips are appreciated!
Apr 07Reply

@ryanclothes hi!:) thank you! And congrats on wanting to grow your poshmark closet! I recommend listing and sharing daily if possible. It is hard work, but fun and definitely rewarding. Feel free to reach out to me any time.
Apr 08Reply

I ordered the white jean jacket for a trip I’m leaving for in a week. Is there any way you could please ship it today?
So much appreciated!!
May 24Reply

@kittychelle hi!:) thank you for shopping my closet! Sorry, I couldn’t get to it today, but I’ll send it your way tomorrow. Have an amazing trip!💕
May 25Reply

Thanks for the follow! I just wanted to stop by and say hello! If you get a chance, come check out my closet :) if there is something you like, but not the price, just make an offer. I am having a total closet clear out so EVERYTHING MUST GO! I do next day shipping and sometimes even same day! Also, right now I am offering 20% off when you bundle 2 or more items! I am adding new things every day! Happy Poshing! Xoxo, T. Also, I shared some of your listings to help with speedy sales!
Jun 12Reply

Your closet is amazing & I am thrilled to be on the selling side as of 2 weeks! I have been a shopper but now have a closet & would love any tips you have! I’m almost 50 & starting over & I want To grow with Poshmark! I love Poshmark shopping & everyone has been so kind so far! I will be shopping & sharing your closet! ❤️😘Susan
Jul 17Reply

I only received the romper, no other package was delivered to my address. Thanks
Aug 13Reply

Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! 🌻🌻
Aug 18Reply

@saraelizabethvz yay! That makes me so happy! Thank you for shopping my closet!💕
Aug 19Reply

@flowermay love your closet! Keep sharing and listing!💕💕💕
Aug 19Reply

Love your closet!!🌸
Aug 24Reply

Love your style and your closet!! Beautiful! Happy Poshing to you 😁 🥂 ✌️
Sep 04Reply

Hi Tijana! Thank you for sharing my closet! I am
So new at this and I get excited when somebody does! I just checked your closet and love it!
Sep 07Reply

@cdub1979 thank you! Happy poshing!💕
Sep 07Reply

@krystaltrends thank you!💕💕
Sep 07Reply

@svajja you’re welcome! Just sharing that posh love! Welcome to the posh community!💕
Sep 07Reply

Thanks! And thanks for replying! 😊🤗
Sep 07Reply

Your closet presentation is ver well-done. Your effort to model each item and then provide additional pics enticed me to scroll through your entire collection. Very impressive and I will undoubtedly purchase a few pieces from your line. I like your style and energy.
Sep 21Reply

Sep 21Reply

@pdbarr oh my gosh- thank you so much for taking the time to write me such a sweet message! Sending all the posh love back your way!💕
Sep 21Reply

@tijanala Well, I give positive reviews when it is well-deserved. I have tried with little success to sell a few items but I think they are outdated or my sales strategy is off. I do buy a lot off Posh. Basics as you suggest, neutral suede heels, stock dress colors from WHBM, the xxs bandage dresses that fit perfectly since I am 5'3" and 100 lbs.
Sep 22Reply

It doesnt make sense to shop other brands since monies paid to the tailor far exceeds the price of the dress! 0ke you someday who could give me pointers ... I love the Catherine Deneuve/Chanel classic look ... I love elegance of her time period. But maybe those days are past and I need to readjust my line of thinking. Thank you so much for responding to my text.
Sep 22Reply

I would very much enjoy meeting someone like you ...
Sep 22Reply

@pdbarr in my opinion we look our best when we feel our best. While I do switch my style here and there, I always have those classic looks to fill in with. They’re timeless and match so many things!💕
Sep 24Reply

Like your closet. I am a Theory fan myself.
Sep 28Reply

Great closet!
Oct 25Reply

@hrb724121 thank you!🥰
Oct 25Reply

Hey beautiful!! Are you going to be in GG on the 17th with Jen , Sarah and the girls? Can’t wait to see you all😘 Donna
Nov 03Reply

@saleallday I think so!🤞 can’t wait 💕
Nov 03Reply

Hi - I just made an offer on your cream Anthropologie sweater....I didn’t notice that it was a LARGE - you look so tiny! I’m usually no more than a small medium in sweaters .
Can you decline the offer?
Nov 19Reply

@scriptedstyle hi!:) I am a small-medium as well! But if you’d still like me to decline, no problem.💕
Nov 19Reply

@tijanala so are you wearing the large in the photo?
Nov 19Reply

@scriptedstyle yep- the same one I’m selling, the size large.💕
Nov 19Reply

@scriptedstyle let me know what you think, I’m happy to accept your offer, too.💕
Nov 19Reply

@tijanala It looks great on you...so my $34 offer stands. Cut small? Anyway, it’s lovely.
Love love love your closet....you have incredible taste! 😎
Nov 19Reply

@scriptedstyle sounds good. And thank you, likewise!💕
Nov 19Reply

@tijanala hope you had a great thanksgiving! It’s black
Friday soon :) woo woo
Nov 29Reply

@tijanala Hi Tijana! Just sent you an email if you can take a quick look!
Dec 04Reply

@kellygroves hi Kelly! Just replied.💕💕💕
Dec 04Reply

Hi I was wondering if received my package 📦 =) hope you are having a great weekend
Dec 08Reply

@sarahimuniz22 hi!:) it looks like it was delivered to my P.O. Box. I’ll try to pick it up today.
Dec 08Reply

@tijanala thank you for replying so fast ❤️
Dec 08Reply

You sold me A.L.C. Rhodes Sweater. There are many spots on the sweater; but you did not describe them. And knowing this you sold me the sweater. I wish it never to happened to you. Happy holidays!
Dec 19Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Dec 20Reply

Thank you so much for accepting my offer! I have the slacks in black and I absolutely love them!
Jan 14Reply

@jafreema you’re welcome! And thank you for shopping my closet! I’m sending them your way as we speak.💕
Jan 14Reply

@tijanala beautiful closet, by the way! ❤️
Jan 15Reply

Hi! Sent you a price drop for the awesome True Religion workout set. The quality of this is amazing, besides how super cute it is😍. Hope we can work together. Thanks💕
Feb 14Reply

Hiii! I'm Cristina ☺️I'm new to poshmark and just wanted to stop by and say hello!! You're super pretty girl! 😍 Can't wait to go check out your closet 😇 I wish you a great day and many great sales!! 😘💓
Feb 16Reply

@cristinella2000 thank you! Welcome to poshmark!💕
Feb 16Reply

Hi! Just dropped the True Religion awesome athletic Set for closet clearout. Take advantage of the amazing price for this plus discounted shipping. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks💕
Feb 21Reply

Hello! I am new to Poshmark 💙 I would so appreciate some feedback on my page. Thank you ☺️
Apr 29Reply

@murielmperez hi!:) welcome to posh! Your closet looks beautiful so far, great pics! I would make sure I also write the brand name in the title, ie “ASOS Heels in Red nwot”. Keep listing and sharing!💕
Apr 29Reply

@tijanala Thank you!! 💕
Apr 29Reply

Hi! I'm a bit confused because I got the wrong items delivered, what are the items because I'm in another country and my assistant just unpacks my boxes received. So if you can send me a picture of the items I got by mistake she can find them.
Jun 13Reply

@flashychic hi!:) so sorry about that. 🙁 I am working out the details to straighten everything out. I will have your items back and sent out to you ASAP.💕
Jun 13Reply

Hi Tijana! Stopping by to compliment your lovely closet. Happy Poshing and stay safe!
Aug 01Reply

Hello Tijana, I will let you have both pairs of Guess shoes for 73 if you are interested. Have a great day!
Sep 09Reply

Love your closet! Super cute!! 😊
Oct 31Reply

🎉🎉🎉Congratulations on your win!🎉🎉🎉 🛍Treat yourself to something fun 🛍 Happy Poshing 😊👏👏
Dec 25Reply

Hello and huge congrats on your win! I have won in the past and it’s so fun to spoil yourself with some free money! I’m happy to offer HALF OFF my entire closet for all winners! Just make a bundle and use code word “Winner” to get your special offer. Congrats again and happy Poshing!
Dec 26Reply

Hi Tijana! I appreciate your like.Thank you so much. Enjoy your day and stay safe always.
Apr 09Reply

Hey there! If you have a chance I’d love it if you could check out my closet! Thanks and Happy Poshing:)
Apr 29Reply

like, nice
Jul 16Reply

nice closet
Jul 19Reply

Hi there! Do you mind sending me the 19 with 5.95 shipping on the Rollas again & I will purchase now:)
Aug 08Reply

@luckyj1976 hi!:) since today is closet clean out, I can go ahead and drop the price by another 10% ($18) and poshmark will cover the discounted shipping. Does that work?💕
Aug 08Reply

@tijanala That’s perfect! Thanks so much!
Aug 08Reply

@luckyj1976 you’re welcome and thank you for shopping my closet.💕
Aug 08Reply

Hi 👋 Feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have an assortment of clothes, jewlery, and other items.
Something for everyone!
I try to post new items weekly 😊
Stop by often and Happy poshing
Oct 29Reply

Absolutely love your closet! you're also so pretty!
Nov 18Reply

Spreading Holiday Love ✨✨
Merry Christmas Posh friend! May God bless you and fill your heart with joy, peace, and love. 🎄🎉⭐️ Stay safe!
Dec 25Reply

Hi gorgeous , how are you?
We are doing BUNDLE and get “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”, Bundle 2 items will get 10% off.
Welcome to stop by at our store and check out our accessories.
Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Jan 02Reply

You’ve got a beautiful closet 💖
Mar 07Reply

Congrats on your PA II ⭐️ status! 🎉🎉🎉
Mar 23Reply

@olibearsfamily thank you!💕
Apr 14Reply

@zardiva1 thanks! 😊
Apr 14Reply

@kmrudo05 thank you!💕
Apr 14Reply

@tijanala You’re welcome! 🤗
Apr 14Reply

Hello there! I enjoyed reading about you, and you are one very talented woman! It's always very nice for me to learn a little bit about who I am buying from. I look forward to shopping with you!
Apr 22Reply

@shalomisrael67 awww thank you! That’s very kind and thoughtful of you.💕
Apr 22Reply

You have a amazing closet
Jun 10Reply

Trade you my blue for your white Cotton Citizen sweats?
Jul 23Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Aug 30Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Sep 29Reply

Sep 29Reply

Beautiful 😍
Oct 29Reply

Awesome Show I am learning from you - Thank you
Oct 30Reply

@rtissonic2000 thank you! Do you have any shows coming up?💕
Oct 30Reply

@tijanala no at this time still learning this platform
have a good one
Oct 31Reply

Very beautiful 😍
Nov 10Reply

hey love I have tons of vera Bradley available 8f interested please take a look thanks
Jan 07Reply

Hi Tijana, do you know that Leo’s sneakers size 8 are black?
Jan 16Reply

@fancypants_ oh no, I don’t want black. What sizes do you have in white?
Jan 16Reply

@tijanala I’ll go and check. These are at my daughter’s place
Jan 16Reply

@tijanala Hey there! I had recently sent you a msg under my bundle, but wasn’t sure if you received it. How am I able to bookmark your next show? I don’t want to miss it and I’m having trouble finding out how I can do that lol thank you!
Mar 25Reply

@kyralynn06 hi!:) I have bumped up my info listings to the top of my closet- go ahead and like them and I will drop the prices of them the day before the show to announce them. I do have one tonight! Can you make it?💕
Mar 31Reply

@tijanala oh wonderful! I will go like them now! And of course, I can totally make it tonight! I’ll keep an eye out!
Mar 31Reply

Apr 21Reply

Hi.. Lovely closet!! I do not want any notifications about live shows!!
Thank you
Apr 21Reply

@wrforrest hi!:) thank you! Go ahead and unlike this listing and you won’t get notified in the future.💕
Apr 21Reply

Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing DEALS✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing✨🎉 🎉
Aug 05Reply

Hey are you at PoshFest this year ? It’s Paula I’m on my way! Mike will be here too! We gotta go dancing !!!
Oct 11Reply

@pauladicosola hi:) oh yay! How fun! In thinking of driving up for the party, but I’m not sure yet. Looking for someone to drive with. I’ll keep you posted!💕
Oct 11Reply

Let me know if you drive up ! I think mike might have your number . I’ll ask him ! We wound have a blast if u make it it’s gonna be a fun time!
Oct 12Reply

@pauladicosola it’s sold out unfortunately 😭
Oct 13Reply

@tijanala we missed you at PoshFest! If u are ever in Chicago let me know! I’m on your instagram too!
Oct 15Reply

@tijanala Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 19Reply

Hi Tijana! I'm Christi & I was just in your Posh & Learn class. I wanted to say that you were awesome! You gave a lot of great advice. Thank you again!
Apr 13Reply

@eccentrichic hi Christi! Aw thanks so much! I really hope you’ve found it valuable and helpful. Thank you for joining. 💕
Apr 13Reply

Hey it’s Paula (From Paula & Mike lol) are you going to PoshFest this year ?? We missed you last year !
Jun 16Reply

Please do let me know when you're going live with a party or a show. Thank you! :-)
Oct 20Reply
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