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Updated Dec 19
Updated Dec 19

Hi everyone! Meet your Posher "Shy"




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Hi, My name is Shy and a few of my fav's are MKors, New Balance, Coach & North Face. Please leave me a comment or questions on any item interest. Thanks for visiting my closest. I will post items but will not model. Please ask any question regarding the item and I'll do my best to provide an answer. Thank you!
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 3+ Bundle

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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nita69 @elleemann Thanks so much!
Aug 28Reply
nita69 @elleemann are so sweet. Thank you so much!
Aug 28Reply
shauniegirl Hello beautiful nice to meet you😍
Sep 02Reply
nita69 @shauniegirl Hi Shaunie, thanks so much & nice to meet you as well.
Sep 02Reply
tracyd1023 Oh no hun everything was great thank you again. I have a date tonight and im gonna wear my new capris with some heels
Sep 18Reply
nita69 @tracyd1023 Okay, great! They will look so cute too. Enjoy your date night. Again, thanks so much!
Sep 18Reply
tracyd1023 You have the cutest pants. I just ordered another pair
Sep 19Reply
nita69 @tracyd1023 looks like someone had a great night. lol! Are you interested in the red top for the other pair of jean Capri's? It's new without tags. Never been worn.
Sep 19Reply
tracyd1023 I did have a great night lol. Im done shopping for now though
Sep 19Reply
nita69 @tracyd1023 okay, I'll get it shipped out on Monday. I'm at work now. The post office will be closed when I get off. Sorry!
Sep 19Reply
tracyd1023 Thats cool. Thank you
Sep 19Reply
megz31 You crazy generous girl sharing 1/2 my closet! Gotta show my new follower my appreciation
Oct 11Reply
nita69 @megz31 Most times when I'm in a closet, I just keep going. You have really cute stuff.
Oct 11Reply
megz31 Your so cute! I love your shoes but I wear a 10...just an FYI, when you purchase an item from my closet you get a free custom made accessory I base it off the style in your closet but also ask you what you like...statement peices, gold or silver etc. if you buy 5 things you will get 5 custom made accessories you can say I want warming I want a necklace I'm also making belts but they aren't perfected yet so keep that in mind
Oct 12Reply
megz31 Also all the summer there is something you like and you do a bundle I'll discount it big this is for special people such as you who share a whole persona closet. If your generous to me then I need to be the same to you!!!
Oct 12Reply
nita69 @megz31 Awww...thanks Meg for the info. I will keep them in mind.
Oct 13Reply
itzposhable Glad you like the bags!!!! Enjoy and Happy Poshing!!!
Oct 13Reply
sewerrats1 Nice closet except for the Bengels bracelets 😜 😄 Go PACKERS !
May 20Reply
ls0609 Thanks for being my 14000 follower ! I am now offering you 10 percent off any item in my closet 😆😀
Jun 30Reply
mcvice Hi Ms Shy . Thank you for liing my Mk shoes. If there's anything i could hepmyou let me know and i try my best to make a posher happy😊
Nov 11Reply
outofmykloset Good morning. I shipped your order yesterday but it's pending acceptance from the Post Office. I'm going to call this morning to find out why it's not moving. I had a problem with office last week.
Jan 18Reply
nita69 @outofmykloset Oh okay. I was wondering what had happened. Thanks for letting me know.
Jan 18Reply
outofmykloset @nita69 ok they're investigating it and should call me soon.
Jan 18Reply
nita69 @outofmykloset No problem. I'm sure they will figure out. Thank you.
Jan 18Reply
outofmykloset @nita69 they must have shipped it and didn't scan it in. It's in your area now.
Jan 19Reply
nita69 @outofmykloset Yes, I believe it arrived at our post office. I may get it tomorrow. Thank you for checking on it.
Jan 19Reply
racustomcloset Hi Sister...i am so glad you like my magnets and the other gift items 😀😎 😀 i am so sorry to hear about loss lost of your family members. My prayers are with u and your family. I have experience the same experience you have recently experience in the past when it comes to friends/family not being there when u really need them. Keep you head up and continue being the beautiful woman that you are inside and out!😀 Take care and thanks so much for your purchase😀
Feb 15Reply
nita69 @racustomcloset Thank you so much!
Feb 15Reply
normaje16 Thank you so much for sharing all my items. ..i really appreciate it. just getting started, it's a big help.
Feb 27Reply
nita69 @normaje16 No problem!
Feb 27Reply
racustomcloset Hi Sister..i hope all is well with you & your family and that u are enjoying the inspirational quotes. I am thinking about getting a vendors booth at the Cincinnati Festival in July 2017 selling my jewelry and novelty designs. My cousin wants to sell his delicious vegetarian dishes such as his red beans and rice, veggie tacos. If i do ended up being a vendor...i will let you know. May you have a Wonderful and Blessed day today and the rest of the week ahead! Sincerely , Rita😀
Mar 21Reply
nita69 @racustomcloset Hello, and thank you for thinking of me. My family and I are getting by. Been a rough start to the year but we can't argue with God's plan. Yes, getting a both will be awesome! Keep me updated if you do. My husband and I haven't been to the festival in years but I plan to go this year.
Mar 21Reply
racustomcloset @nita69 Great, i surely will let you know if i can get a boith space. If i dont get a booth space. . i will most likely will be coming with my husband and family members to the concert...i should know something by next week!😀 Take care and may the All Mighty Creator Bless you and your family!😀
Mar 21Reply
tdannunz Hello. I offer a 10% discount if you purchase so it would actually be 49.50 but I just put in $49
Mar 29Reply
nita69 @tdannunz Hi, will you consider a offer for the shoes only?
Mar 29Reply
abir1977 Hi sweetie Very nice to meet you 😘🤗😍 thank you for visiting my closet ☺️please let me know if you have any questions or if you interested to bundle. It's the best way to save money 💰
Jun 25Reply
nita69 @abir1977 Thank You! Love your closet!
Jun 25Reply
mortokien Wow! Thanks! 😀
Sep 09Reply
hearth Thanks for the like😍😍feel free to make an offer😍😍😍
Sep 29Reply
workingmom314 Hi thanks for following me! Happy Poshing 👕👚😊
Oct 20Reply
freedom2soar Thanks for the like!!😃☺️😀
Nov 02Reply
boutique_121 Hi Shy! I see that you went to college here, in my home state...Cool 😉 I mailed your package this morning and it will ship out today! Thank you for shopping my closet! Happy Holidays!🎄⛄💕
Dec 23Reply
nita69 @shellie4posh Thank you so much! Merry Christmas
Dec 24Reply
hollyone Hi Shy ! I will ship your purse tomorrow 🤗 Thanks so much for your purchase!
Dec 29Reply
nita69 @hollyone No worries! Thank you so much!
Dec 29Reply
hollyone So glad you liked the purse!!! Thanks again 😃
Jan 02Reply
nita69 @hollyone Yes, my niece will love It! Thank you so much!
Jan 03Reply
hollyone @nita69 you are welcome -thank you 💕
Jan 03Reply
vcribb Hello Shy. I was just in Cincinnati last month. It is a beautiful place my daughter and I loved it. I'm getting ready to take a look at your closet and thank you for checking mine out. Any questions don't hesitate to ask. Open to offers 10% off of bundles of two or more. Happy poshing.
Jan 04Reply
nita69 @vcribb Oh really? Yes, it's very nice but freezing right now. It's about 10 degrees. Love it but so over this cold weather. Thank you so much for checking out my closet. I need to list some more items soon. Let me know if you have any questions.
Jan 04Reply
vcribb @nita69. The temperature is really cold here too but it's not just here and there. You know it's freezing and snowing in Florida today! It's in the teens here as well inspected have single digits next few days. Yes that's my great grandbaby she's a doll. No thank you you have a great evening.
Jan 04Reply
nita69 @shinningstar21 Awww...thank you so much!
Jan 31Reply
soonerchef Hi, have an odd question. Did you purchase a blue ombre ruffle bathing suit? If so did you like it or are you thinking of selling it?
Jun 22Reply
nita69 @soonerchef Hi, not sure which bathing suit you are referring to. I purchase several on here.
Jun 22Reply
soonerchef @nita69 the one I'm referring to is Magicsuit blue ombre one piece with ruffles on the front.
Jun 22Reply
nita69 @soonerchef No, I don't have that brand or style. Sorry!
Jun 22Reply
soonerchef @nita69 ok, thank you kindly. Happy Poshing!
Jun 22Reply
normaje16 Hey there are you.. been a while.. I just got a lap top ..been selling off my phn.. may I ask how u added to the make an offer or purchase.. I see several people have it.. I'm a little behind 😣
Aug 23Reply
nita69 @normaje16 Hi Norma, once you click on an item you're interested in it should be a little blue off box on the right bottom of the listing. Are you able to click on one of my listings to see it?
Aug 23Reply
nita69 @normaje16 I am going to login the desktop site to see where it's located. It may also be up .near the top tool bar. It's been awhile since I've logged in so give me a few.
Aug 23Reply
normaje16 @nita69ahh ok I will try it... thank you so much... hope all is well... I'm still❤
Aug 23Reply
normaje16 @nita69ok I'm on... see make an offer then blue buy now ...well the long yellow one under it.. wondering how you were able to get that.. I see several people with it... is that when u get your code bar and add it.. then will it show.. i saw it said to copy and paste code bar..
Aug 23Reply
nita69 @normaje16 Ok, are you on your phone or lap top? If you're on your lap top you should see at the top 3 little lines, the posh mark symbol & name, the $ Sell, the magnifying glass symbol and your picture. You can either search for an item using the magnifying glass or click on the 3 lines and select a category. Once you do you will see the offer option.
Aug 23Reply
nita69 @normaje16 Do you have an OP account?
Aug 23Reply
normaje16 @nita69no never heard of it OP
Aug 23Reply
nita69 @normaje16 Sorry, Pay-pal
Aug 23Reply
normaje16 @nita69 ah no I dont... once i get one I can add it to the posh or will it just pop up
Aug 23Reply
nita69 @normaje16 You can add it as another way to pay for your purchase. I believe pay-pal will allow you to add your bank acct or a bank card. I usually pay that way for my purchases. I believe the yellow bar is the pay-pal option button that you see. Not sure what code you are seeing though. I tried looking for it.
Aug 23Reply
normaje16 @nita69 ah I get it now.. ok.. yes I'm a dinosaur lol..that's what happens when you only have a phone.. lol.. thank you so much for taking the time to help me.. I really appreciate it.. ❤ you have been a huge up for me... blessings to you 😁❤
Aug 23Reply
nita69 @normaje16 Anytime 😁
Aug 23Reply
normaje16 @nita69😉😉😁👌👍
Aug 23Reply
kaigem @nita69 Thank you for the shares!😊😊
Sep 28Reply
nita69 @kaigem Welcome & thank you!
Sep 28Reply
ladiesmoods Thanks for the like make sure to make your best offer before your size is gone =)
Dec 10Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions feel free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 28Reply
danasdoings 💍Hello Shy I took a few minutes and looked through your closet I loved your items so I shared a few . Come by anytime HAPPY POSHING💍💍💍
Apr 05Reply
shynettia Hey Shy
Aug 05Reply
nita69 @shynettia Hi, our names are almost the same. My name is spelled Shynita but folks call me Cynthia all the time so I just go by Shy. Short and simple. Nice meeting you.
Aug 05Reply
cutehosiery @nita69 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 01Reply
abdrizzlee Hi love. Do you mind checking out my closet? I carry accessories & clothes ranging from l-2X. Brands such as miss Lola, fabletics, fashion nova & many more. 🥰
Mar 31Reply
alli_65 Hi! Thank you for the like on the Hoka sandals. I sent you the offer and just wanted to let you know that if purchased I always ship priority mail asap😊
Dec 27Reply

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Last Active: 9 hours ago

Cincinnati, OH
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Last Active: 9 hours ago

Cincinnati, OH
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