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Updated Jan 26
Updated Jan 26



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Just sharing a few of my loves
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ladypepper954 @carolsilvers..these are the crystal/geodes I collect..I know you can't wear them tho!! HAha
Aug 30Reply
ladypepper954 @carolsilvers ..ThANKs! Most of these go for big bucks to But once in awhile I score! Again I bought most of these in my money making days..& have many & Never sold any or hopefully ever have to!
Aug 31Reply
brickhousevtg I have some that I might be able to sell to you!
Aug 31Reply
ladypepper954 @eweid Oh yeah! These are Definitely my addiction! LOL
Aug 31Reply
brickhousevtg lol I'll look and see if I have any to sell and let you know!:)
Aug 31Reply
decadentglo_88 Beaitiful!
Sep 01Reply
decadentglo_88 Beautiful..i meant lol
Sep 01Reply
archaicinsane Sorry, i pressed add to bundle when i was trying to comment! Anyway!.... There is a store here in Albuquerque, NM called Mamas Minerals. They are technically listed as a bead store but they sell just about every rock you could imagine. They had a floor to ceiling amythist cut out that you could stand inside! I would search them if youre able. They might ship some smaller items!
Sep 02Reply
archaicinsane Also @maltese possibly had some thinga but it may have been already set into jewelry. I dont know entirely
Sep 02Reply
christi77dur @ladypepper954 i collect rocks too :) i have tons of them! a wonderful energy they give off.
Sep 03Reply
ladypepper954 @christi77dur I LOVE the rocks! I too have been collecting since I was about 18 & I'm 48 now! YeA a long time LOL! I have so many..but will always make room for more!!! :-)
Sep 03Reply
korofino Awesome! 💗
Sep 07Reply
quintabelle Love it! Love it! Love it! Wow! I love all your stones but that's little bit to much 😞
Sep 07Reply
cherryblast @ladypepper954 I used to have some beauties we had collected in the early 90's. If I find them I will let ya know. I hate that when you misplace items. Urgh
Sep 13Reply
danysfx GORGEOUS!!! If you ever run across any alexandrite, lemme know!! Even if it's something I cannot wear, I'll buy it from you!!
Sep 28Reply
ladypepper954 @danysfx Thanks for all the LOVE!!! Oh yeah Alexandrite is a stunning stone! And a true one is very very rare! Worth tons!!! Most these days are beware! But I will keep you in mind if I happen across one!:-)
Sep 28Reply
janicehelen I'm guilty of being a rock collector myself,,,😳😳😳😊😊😊☺️☺️☺️☺️
Oct 21Reply
speejink Wow!! I guess size IS important !! Hee hee
Nov 07Reply
janicehelen Wanna trade my jewelry lot ,,,LOVE THEM
Nov 14Reply
nannyharper @ladypepper954 hon I have a few of these, beautiful! Interested I can pull them out. They have been stored but gorgeous!
Jan 29Reply
cupcakekillah I have an uncut rock, we bought it with the intention of getting cut but then never did. I can send you pictures if you want.
Feb 03Reply
peaceout55 LOVE your Amethyst!! I have a mini version of yours! Hope to get a bigger one when I grow up! Lol 😄💜😁
Feb 07Reply
ladypepper954 @nannyharper @cupcakekillah I'm just now seeing this!!! I would LOVE to see your rocks..FOR SURE!!!!💟😀
Feb 07Reply
ladypepper954 @peaceout55 Thank you! And the one in your pics is gorgeous btw!!!!👍😀
Feb 07Reply
cupcakekillah @ladypepper954 cool! I'll tag you in a picture of it tomorrow
Feb 07Reply
ladypepper954 @cupcakekillah Awesome!!! Look forward to it!!!!😁
Feb 07Reply
peaceout55 @ladypepper954 Thank You! 😉
Feb 07Reply
hesperiagirl Wow that is a beautiful collection! 🍃🌹☺
Feb 19Reply
ladypepper954 @hesperiagirl Thank you!!!!!✌👍🙌💞
Feb 19Reply
careernavygirl @ladypepper954 Did you get the larger at homegoods or Marshalls? My sons has found some amazing large ones where he's at but he's in a large city. He found a HUGE one the other day for $900. I'm in a Podunk beach/boat town in NC where they sell sand in a miniature bottle attached to a cheap necklace. lol
Mar 10Reply
ladypepper954 @careernavygirl WOW! They sell these at Marshall??! Gotta check that out! No my husband bought at a local beach shell shop here in my town..He never would tell me how much $ LOL & YES I know all about those little sand things..HAha!
Mar 10Reply
careernavygirl @ladypepper954 Yes homegoods, TJ Maxx and Marshalls. He paid $300 for his and they are beautiful. If will put them on my page if I still have pics of the $300 and $900. He lives in Annapolis Md.
Mar 10Reply
ladypepper954 @cath1955 Hi! Sorry toook so long to get back to you! Crazy long work week! Any chance i could see some pics of the " rock" ????!!!! Yes! Interested!!!!😀
Apr 02Reply
babyangels I luv those , beautiful .
Apr 05Reply
babyangels @ladypepper954 they are a lot of people's addictions , I like to go out and go rock hunting , I like the Pecos valley diamonds they are very beautiful .
Apr 05Reply
momogo @ladypepper954 We have such similar taste! I collect these too. I'll post a pic of some of mine
May 26Reply
ladypepper954 @momogo Oh yeah! Would LOVE to see!!!! Our tastes are have some of the most beautiful jewelry on Posh..btw!!!!😘
May 26Reply
momogo @ladypepper954 thank you so much! Your's is lovely too
May 26Reply
peridotglow NICE PIECES!!!! What types are you looking for?? Large? Small? Any size? I make all my jewelry so I could even just make u what ever u like!!
Jun 04Reply
bullittsmom Hi😀thank u for all the shares, and for the kind words about my Bullitt-and Captain Jack 🐶❤️🐶I love your closet!! These rocks/crystals are so awesome!!
Jun 07Reply
harleygirl257 Love your closet!!! I am a huge Carolyn Pollack and Jay King fan. I will have to save some money so i can shop with you!!!
Jun 26Reply
ladypepper954 @harleygirl257 Thank you for the compliment!!! Hope to see you soon!!!😀😘😎
Jun 26Reply
italiano79 @ladypepper954 Wow totally Amazing!!
Jun 26Reply
ladypepper954 @italiano79 Thanks Larry!!!!😀 One of these days I want to get a pic of all of them together...That will be amazing..LOL! I have been collecting these for 30plus years! 😎
Jun 26Reply
italiano79 @ladypepper954 That is impressive ☺ I'm sure it's definitely an addiction.. I can see why!!! 😎. Where do you mostly get them from?
Jun 26Reply
akafangz Tnx for all the shares😁 Hope u guys are hvng a gr8 summer‼️
Jun 26Reply
ladypepper954 @italiano79 For sure an addiction! Back in the day some came from Brazil..also Rock n Gem Shows in Ft Lauderdale ( my hometown). In more recent years..EBay..Thrift Stores..Antique Stores...I'm a hunter! LoL My latest actually bought at The Cleveland the Rainforest..ha!ha!
Jun 26Reply
ladypepper954 @akafangz Same to you!!!💜😘💃🎶
Jun 26Reply
melissalarcher Hey there I told you I'd let you know if I decided to sell the turquoise necklace I bought from Jamie. It's beautiful one of the prettiest I have but I just don't wear it enough because it is a little longer on me than I wear. I don't want to waste it by just leaving it hanging. If your interested Lmk I may list on merc so I can get what I paid for it back. I'm going sell for 250
Jul 13Reply
ladypepper954 @melissalarcher Oh boy I am definitely a sucker for turquoise! I would love to see more pics of it! I know I was in love! Lol I did recently buy what I think is was the pendant w/large bail that grabbed me...Yes tag me please! I am on M too....
Jul 13Reply
melissalarcher Ok il try figure out how to tag on there. I'm new on there so I haven't much experience. I'm not at home to show more pics. But Jamie pics are still up on her sold items. I just asked her permission to use and if not il wait until I'm home and use my own 😘
Jul 13Reply
ladypepper954 @melissalarcher Yeah I haven't figured out the whole tag thing there either! But if you can find ladypepper then just comment on something & I will have your name..are you still melissalarcher over there too???😀
Jul 13Reply
melissalarcher Yes I am. Just listed it. I will try find you now
Jul 13Reply
melissalarcher Just commented on your jewelry so you can find me easier. Thanks!
Jul 13Reply
jc11900 I love rocks too!! But on a much smaller scale. 😁 Thanks for all the shares. Going into your closet now!
Jul 17Reply
gretta970 @ladypepper954 thanks sis for all the shares. ❤️😘🎉
Jul 24Reply
ginabj @ladypepper954 🌹Hi this geode is beautiful😍Thanks for sharing😊 I noticed you liked the Silver and turquoise inlay belt buckleI you have questions please let me know🌹👋🏼
Jul 29Reply
anmllvr These are beautiful!! I also have this fascination w/rocks 😃 I have alot & alot of quartz.. I'll post pix & if ur interested just msg me 👍
Aug 01Reply
ladypepper954 @anmllvr Yes! I would love to see your rocks! Lol They're my obsession!
Aug 02Reply
anmllvr As soon as I figure out how to tag, I'll post pix & tag ya 😀 I also have lumps of genuine PA Coal County Coal!!! U kno 4 that certain person on ur "Naughty List"!!! LOL!!
Aug 02Reply
thwelshbohemian Hey girl, thanks for all the share love 😀 Did you decide against that ring 😀
Aug 13Reply
ladypepper954 @bubblegoldfish I'm still I really like the look but concerned about the fit..
Aug 13Reply
thwelshbohemian @ladypepper954 totally get it 😀 Always want my peeps to be happy 😀🌈✌
Aug 13Reply
poshrocket Hello @ladypepper954 What kinds of stones are you interested in? I'm thinking about selling some of my collection. Very large jade, geodes, a moonstone thats the size of a softball, a bright pink quartz the size of a watermelon.also fossils and arrowheads. Please let me know if your interested. 🐣
Aug 27Reply
ladypepper954 @poshrocket Oh Im Interested!!!!😀 Don't know what I love tho until I see it! It's like captures me but can't explain it lol Can you post pictures!? Would LOVE TO SEE THE BEAUTIES!!!💜👍
Aug 28Reply
poshrocket Just started posting pics 🐣🐤
Aug 28Reply
rockafeller Beautiful!
Sep 05Reply
marinenhisqueen You've got some awesome pieces in your closet!! I'm happy to keep sharing the Posh Love!!
Sep 10Reply
ladypepper954 @dawnediva Thank You & Ditto! POSH ON!!!😘💜💙🙌
Sep 10Reply
amaandaa If you ever sell any of you FP thermals that are unlisted I'm interested. Would love a tag if you get a chance. Thanks💗
Sep 12Reply
loopholer WOW! @crystalhealing great closet
Oct 03Reply
ppamprrd Lady Pepper. You hsve beautiful things!!!
Oct 04Reply
cherryleedavis Thanks for following! Please feel free to make an offer if you like what you see in my closet. More to be added soon so check back often.
Oct 08Reply
nellieseiden @ladypepper954 This is beautiful! You have great jewelry!
Oct 09Reply
ppamprrd Hi Laura, I just saw your request to purchase the key chain. Does $20 work on your end? If so, please let me know and I can place for sale for $20. Thanks for getting in touch😍
Oct 10Reply
ppamprrd BTW..Gorgeous closet!!
Oct 10Reply
klou66 Omgosh ! I will post pics of my collection in the next day or 2... Awesome !!😘
Oct 16Reply
ladypepper954 @klou66 Awesome! I love these babies! 😘 One of my addictions...😎
Oct 16Reply
goddess_vibes Awesome!👏👏👏
Nov 07Reply
jody73 Ladypepper, I found a pretty cool looking rock if you're interested. I'll post it in my closet. 😊
Nov 10Reply
enocharden Thanks for following my closet and Luv ur geodes.😀❤️️
Nov 13Reply
paulygirl77 Wow thats beautiful love your closet great taste!!!!!!
Dec 02Reply
sterlingfinds Hi I will be listing some amythest pendants at wholesale. Would you like me to tag you as the are tiny slabs with multiple points.?😊
Dec 27Reply
jacki237 @ladypepper954 These are fabulous! There's a few places west of town over here that are filled with huge chunks of natural nephews dug up a few gorgeous rocks.
Dec 30Reply
lovelove321 Absolutely beautiful closet 🙏🏼😊❤
Jan 20Reply
shoplunagrace @ladypepper954 Beautiful closet Laura!🙌🏻🙌🏻😘💨
Feb 19Reply
ladypepper954 @justice10forme Ditto & Thank You!!!!😁😍
Feb 19Reply
obindee WOW! GORGEOUS!!!
Mar 03Reply
bds32247 Are you looking for any specific stones?
Mar 06Reply
exoticseaglass Inviting you to Exotic Sea Glass on Facebook.
Mar 14Reply
excelencia Nice to meet a fellow rockhound! I dearly love rocks, gems and mineral specimens ❤ Love the ones in this photo!
Mar 22Reply
ladypepper954 @excelencia A Shout Out to a fellow ROCK HOUND💖!!!! Love these things..a bit too much I might add! Hahaha!😲
Mar 22Reply
excelencia @ladypepper954 Back atcha! I have the same obsession hahaha
Mar 22Reply
lil_sue24 I have a frown on fb that collects / trades/ sells ...
Apr 12Reply
lil_sue24 I mean friend
Apr 14Reply
ladypepper954 @lil_sue24 Haha! I thought that was what you meant! Ask her if she wants a new friend! LOL!!!!
Apr 14Reply
ladypepper954 @lil_sue24 And..Thank you for all the Posh love! Sure will return the love when I get a moment!!!!
Apr 14Reply
ladyheroine I have some 6-7 lb amethyst caves, polished malachite, lots of different tumbled polished gemstones, geode gloves, and lots of different sizes, colors, and cuts of agate... let me know if there is anything you are in the market for and I'd love to give you a great deal on it! ;)
May 09Reply
taossage You just made my day! ❤️ Love Poshing but I am a geology major and would rather be digging around in rocks and crystals any day. You have a fantastic closet and I love the Taxco.
May 17Reply
kateag21 Thanks for the follow ❤ LOVE your turquoise!! 😍
May 17Reply
ladypepper954 @taossage Awww!!! You made my day!!!😍😃😃 Not exactly sure what started my love affair with the rocks..but we have had a long term relationship for over 30 years now! Haha! Awesomeness for you! Do you actually go digging them up?!?!?! I've only had the privilege of that once...
May 18Reply
taossage @ladypepper954 I am not a prospector, but when you are out in the field in places that have gone through mineralization it is amazing what you can find. And to me rocks can be just as magnificent as crystals. We find a lot lepidolite, flurorite, zeolites, epidote, calcite, etc. Found an old beryl mine that had giant beryls stuck in the wall of the outcrop. But not enough for it to be economically feasible to mine anymore. So much fun!!!
May 18Reply
shopwithtara Beautiful jewelry!
May 23Reply
margitscloset Hi, I just found your store , it's awesome. I will be checking in again. thanks
May 23Reply
westcoastthreds You have so many beautiful items in your closet! Love the turquoise jewels! I'll be back to visit once I make a few sales. Happy Poshing!💖💐
May 24Reply
nanamarie95 Hi Posher Friend!!☺ Warm Greetings from San Antonio, Texas. Nice things in your closet, will come back and check again or message me for new postings. Sorry Ima busy bee at this time to post things. Lol HaHa. Have a Great Day. Mari 😀
May 25Reply
wewillrock Me too !!! Love ur rocks. Look for mine on
May 25Reply
wewillrock How much for the amethyst geode, or is it ur personal love
May 25Reply
ladypepper954 @wewillrock Thank you for the compliment!!😍 Love your shop name & definitely will be checking it out!😁 My Rocks are my Pride n yeah, not for sale😬
May 26Reply
vintiquevenus What an exceptional closet you have. Fascinated by all of the turquoise and sterling.
Jun 06Reply
ladypepper954 @vintiquevenus Thank You!!!😍
Jun 07Reply
jewelryilove2 I love your jewelry!! I have so much, I just don't have time to list it. Most is vintage, some antique, some newer pieces. Lois 🐾🐾🐶💔🌷🐞🌷🦂🌷🦀💜💝💖✌😆⛵⚓🏝🌩🕇🕇🕇
Jun 19Reply
wdp0618 Hi!! I just wanted to let you know that I love your Native American jewelry!! Cherokee blood owns half of my body!!😍😉⚘💟
Jun 21Reply
ladypepper954 @wdp0618 Thank You for the Posh Love!😘😍😁 Stay tuned cause one of these days I will be listing more..I love all of it ,but just not enough hours in the day to wear! Haha! Don't want to end up a hoarder😨
Jun 21Reply
wdp0618 You are absolutely very welcome!! I understand completely..I have an obsession with bottles!! Lol!! 🌺🌹💖🌷
Jun 21Reply
rhondajoc I am a rock lover and collector...and those you have there are incredible!! Love them... very nice.
Jun 22Reply
pinotgrigiogirl Beautiful...that amathyst is gorgeous! This earth of ours is so amazing
Jun 25Reply
ellejayz I have rare Brookite inclusioned Quartz and a couple other things. I also have loose gems like garnet, tanzanite, Citrine, Moissanite, London Blue Topaz, Emerald & even a Hessonite Garnet. I may be forgetting something. They're all 100% genuine. Good stuff! :) None of this is posted yet. Elle♡
Jun 29Reply
aguirrevicky @ellejayz Oh My Word! 😫💖 You have a beautiful closet!
Jun 30Reply
aguirrevicky @ellejayz sorry meant to tag this closet!
Jun 30Reply
ppamprrd Laura, your closet is amazing 😉😙😍
Jun 30Reply
ellejayz SO beautiful!
Jun 30Reply
ellejayz Thank you very much for the compliment! I'm working so hard to make my boutique/closet the real deal, so to speak. I have tons of inventory to add :) Elle♡
Jun 30Reply
pmangus Thanks for the like on the peep toed heels in my closet. I am back form vacay so open to reasonable offers!😃These shoes are in excellent condition and a steal at this price!👍
Jul 12Reply
katiebear3242 Hey girl! I noticed you liked and bundled a few items and shared a bunch! Thank you so much, are u interested in any of ur likes or bundled items?
Jul 21Reply
lorilea124 I love your Native American turquoise pieces!
Jul 21Reply
ladypepper954 @lorilea124 Thank You! 😍 Trying to downsize some! I accept reasonable offers..FYI 😉😉😉😃
Jul 21Reply
katiebear3242 Hey girl thanks for the purchase. As I said before I'm out of town so I won't be able to ship for a week. I understand if that's an unconvincing and I can void the purchase if you need:) let me know if that's ok
Jul 27Reply
ladypepper954 @katiebear3242 No problem!!! Thanks for letting me know! 😁😁😁
Jul 27Reply
katiebear3242 Ok cool so I will ship it out when I return on the 7th of August is that ok?
Jul 27Reply
ladypepper954 @katiebear3242 Sounds Great!!!! Enjoy your Vacation!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁
Jul 27Reply
hollysmurray Hi Laura, thanks for following my closet, yours is fabulous. I am a big fan of all kinds of jewelry but especially like Native American.🌺🌺Holly
Aug 16Reply
mariemari Gorgeous! Thanks for following! 🌲🐥😘
Aug 17Reply
katiebear3242 I posted the measurements of the sweater and tagged you. Are you still interested?
Aug 17Reply
uniquebytaz Yes my hair is long and I have to watch I don't lose loads of for the shares ...any advice you can give me ? Looks like you do a great job...Beautiful pieces and I will be shopping later...!!
Aug 22Reply
calicosmo21 Hi there, I wanted to update you I shipped your items yesterday... the shorts and two tops they should arrive in a couple days I hope you enjoy!!!
Aug 22Reply
calicosmo21 Oops sorry wrong person hehe
Aug 22Reply
ladypepper954 @calicosmo21 No Problem 😁😁😁
Aug 22Reply
ladypepper954 @jewelrydiva64 Thanks for the compliment!😍 Best advice I can give is to follow everyone & share share share! Especially in closets that share back! Works for me! 😁
Aug 22Reply
uniquebytaz Thank you and I have been so all good ...Have a fabulous rest of your week !!!
Aug 22Reply
cesca56 Good morning, thanks for following me 😊
Aug 25Reply
kykykenna Thank you for all the love!💕💕💕
Aug 28Reply
tetullis Hello and thanks for following. Happy poshing
Aug 29Reply
jmbt Come check out my closet and you can make offer on anything
Aug 30Reply
butterfli13 Not only are these gorgeous but so is the jewelry in your closet! Somewhere at my Daddys is a rock I got on a fieldtrip back in the laye 70s or early 80s...I picked it out and then they cut it in half in front of me to show the inside,which looks like light and med amethyst colors. If I run across it I will let u know. Mama passed away in Jan so she knew where things were ya got my brain on a mission lol.
Sep 03Reply
ladypepper954 @butterfli13 Awww Thanks! That's such a cool memory!😍 Would love to see your rock! Most I have bought already cut open, but there's a few that my husband cut open & one turned out to be really cool Amethyst! They are all beautiful in my eyes😁😍😁!!!💜
Sep 03Reply
mmnovak @ladypepper954 Yes.....crazy at it sounds. I was atTJ Maxx Homegoods yesterday in AZ and they have a HUGE section right now of Rocks, Crystals, Geodes.....all real, not simulated. They ranged from $69-$500. Pieces that are end table sized. I was tempted to buy up many. It's part of some Desert Southwest collection/theme they are showcasing. Not sure if they have any shown on their website-vs just in the shops.
Sep 07Reply
rboysmomma Super cute closet 😊❤️
Sep 12Reply
ppamprrd Hi Lady Pepper. You just reminded me of your unbelievably gorgeous closet! I am putting items into bundle for HPs for dress to impress style party😉
Sep 20Reply
ladypepper954 @ppamprrd Awww! Thanks!!! Love your closet too!💜💖😁
Sep 20Reply
useitagain47 Hi just wanted to thank you for all the shares :)
Sep 26Reply
ladypepper954 @useitagain47 You're Welcome! I keep checking back in on that GORGEOUS ring you have & I am dreaming about! 😍😍😘 LoL
Sep 26Reply
hmsimon1 Good morning Laura. Thank you for choosing to share my creations with your followers 🌹
Oct 01Reply
ladypepper954 @hmsimon1 Your closet is BEAUTIFUL & VERY share worthy!💜💟💖
Oct 01Reply
tkenslow @ladypepper954 Love your closet! So many beautiful pieces! 😍😍😍
Oct 05Reply
exoticseaglass Please look at my closet....
Oct 06Reply
exoticseaglass Visit my Facebook page Exotic Sea Glass see what I do and who I am like the page and shop around if you order through me over the phone with my secured card reader (square) I will send you the receipt and ship your gifts/ purchase for free... can't wait to see your name like the FB site. We have a mermaid as our profile picture.
Oct 06Reply
sandyrutter2017 Thank you lady Pepper for the shares you have a beautiful closet
Oct 16Reply
ladypepper954 @sandyrutter2017 Ditto!!!💜💖😍
Oct 16Reply
peacelove777 Hey I'm definitely gonna have to get a few things at some point 🧡🌹🌻
Oct 17Reply
ladypepper954 @peacelove777 Nice to hear!😍 Normally I'm all for trading, but at the moment need the $$ more. Broke my wrist & am unable to go back to work. So this here is my only income. I'm sure you understand!!!😁
Oct 17Reply
peacelove777 @ladypepper954 completely. Was just looking to buy ✌️😊🤩
Oct 17Reply
ppamprrd Hi Laura, did you add the Jacket to bundle on purpose? I wasn't sure if you were seeking private offer. When I was looking for HPs, I was bundling things. Please let me know. Thx! Pam
Oct 28Reply
ladypepper954 @ppamprrd My apologies Pamela! 🤣😉 Was sharing your beautiful closet & hit the bundle button by mistake! I do like it, but wouldn't get much use being in hot and humid Florida!😎
Oct 29Reply
evsjewels Beautiful closet! Thanks so much for sharing all the Silpada pieces from my closet. Feel free to make an offer or bundle your likes and I will offer you a nice discount. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 🌷🌸😊
Nov 12Reply
haloblessings LOVE! the quarts and crystals in the back ground....
Nov 13Reply
sandyrutter2017 Laura I want everything in your closet plz
Nov 14Reply
always_chic Where do you get all of your gorgeous Native American jewelry? It's amazing!!
Nov 20Reply
designerbeb Beautiful closet... full of soooo many goodies!!! Absolutely love your jewelry selection... 🌺
Dec 11Reply
trinigirl1990 Amazing closet. Love your jewelry. I too live in Florida. Cheers darling. 😗😙😁
Dec 15Reply
ladypepper954 @trinigirl199 Another Florida girl! 💜 I'm a Native & lived on the East Coast for over 40 years. Now on the West coast..
Dec 15Reply
trinigirl1990 @ladypepper954 I am originally from Trinidad, was born and raised there. Been here quite a while ,but go home all the time. Just 3 hrs flight from Miami, so go home 2 to 3 times a year . Cheers darling. 😗😙😚😁😎
Dec 15Reply
kitty2528 @ladypepper954 You have the Most Gorgeous Jewelry That I have a Ever Seen ~ Truly Amazing. Love All Of It! Thank you for sharing my Closet..but Yours is.. WOW! ❤️✨✨✨✨✨
Dec 16Reply
ladypepper954 @kitty2528 Thanks For All of Your LOVE!!!!💖💖💖 You too have an AMAZING closet! Can't believe it took me so long to stumble across!!!🤣😍💜
Dec 16Reply
marilyn666 Gorgeous things ! 😍😍😍
Dec 17Reply
lovemariac @ladypepper954 Spent 10 plus years in Arizona.Love this stuff and your closet!!
Dec 18Reply
jewelryilove2 hi, I see you are not far from me. I am living in The Villages, Florida nice to meet you. Thanks so much for your shares. I am really only on Poshmark now from social reasons, I love my BBF'f. My husband has just been diagnosed with stage 4B Cancer. So I probably won't do alot of shares. His treatments start soon. 7 weeks of Chemo, and 6.5 weeks of Radiation, every day, in Orlando. Thanks again for your shares, 💔💔❤️💞💝🌲🌲🐾🐾🐕✝✝✝✝✝
Dec 22Reply
thechakracloset LOVE your closet!!!!! 🌌🌄🌌
Jan 04Reply
thechakracloset 💫✨✨✨
Jan 04Reply
megahnscloset @ladypepper954 Please tag if you get any brooches. Thanks
Jan 04Reply
debzz101 @ladypepper954 Hi Laura, thanks for the shares!🤠
Jan 10Reply
Jan 12Reply
ladypepper954 @sandyrutter2017 Thank You for thinking of ME! 👍😍💖 How did ya know I have a JEWELRY OBSESSION!!??? LOL 🤣🤣🤣🤣😃😨
Jan 12Reply
sandyrutter2017 Come on now its me you dotsey vintagerocks hey sharon and mkstrop all share each others closets
Jan 12Reply
ladypepper954 @sandyrutter2017 Haha! Us girls with the FABULOUS TASTES have to stick together!👍💖💖😍😍😍😁
Jan 12Reply
sandyrutter2017 @ladypepper954 exactly!! 🌺🌹🌷❤🎁
Jan 12Reply
poshnrosey Thank you for the shares! What an amazing closet you have. I could spend hours. At some point, I'm sure I'll spend dollars, too. Trying to sell and not buy right now, though. Have a great afternoon!
Jan 14Reply
d9pins Your closet has many beautiful pieces. I love my turq jewerly. I'd love to talk to you as a friend. Any suggestions?
Jan 16Reply
jewelryilove2 Hi Laura, I have to tell you,... THAT YOUR CLOSET FREAKIN ROCKS, GIRL. NO pun intended. Love, love, love, your jewelry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lois 💖😁
Jan 17Reply
ladypepper954 @jewelryilove2 Thank for the compliment Lois!💜💖💜 Love your screen name!😁 Downsizing some of my hoards! LoL LOL Offers always welcome!!!
Jan 18Reply
raezer2323 Thank you so much for your purchase.I will ship her out Monday ⚘☺
Jan 28Reply
ladypepper954 @raezer2323 Thank You! I really enjoyed your closet! I will be stalking you for sure!🤣✌💖💖😁
Jan 28Reply
raezer2323 @ladypepper954 ☺☺⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘
Jan 28Reply
raezer2323 So glad you like you tee ☺☺☺
Jan 31Reply
acespm4me Hi Laura, Happy Sunday! Thank you for all the likes and shares! I really appreciate it. I’ll do the same for your closet as you have a lot of nice jewelry as well.
Feb 04Reply
shopwithfrannie @ladypepper954 Thank you for the follow and shares! Love your closet. So many beautiful unique things! 💋❤️
Feb 10Reply
juellfant Thank you for sharing my closet with others. So kind of you. Have a blessed day. Your friend Juell
Feb 10Reply
juellfant Thank you for your shares. Be blessed always. Juell
Feb 10Reply
martensify Wow, what a beautiful closet! I feel like your beautiful jewelry and rocks gives off a really good energy ✨👽💕
Feb 12Reply
tracygirl922 Hello 👋. I just wanted to say that the Native American Jewelry in your closet is beautiful! I live in Arizona and have grown up with this beautiful kind of art around me. I have always appreciated the amount of detail and personal handmade work that these beautiful pieces of art require. I’m not sure that many people are aware of what it takes to create something so unique and it’s representation each piece holds. Wishing you a prosperous and fun Poshing experience! Tracy
Mar 06Reply
ladypepper954 @tracygirl922 Hi Tracy!😁 Thanks for all of your Posh Love! 💖 And Yes, I agree totally. As you may have noticed (( haha)) a bit of an addiction. Love the Beauty of The Native American Arts. And some rocks thrown in too. LoL 😂😃🤣🤗😘
Mar 07Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Mar 09Reply
ladypepper954 @spreadlove Thanks for stopping in and saying hello! 😃 Nice to meet you too!😁😁😁
Mar 10Reply
vtgcovergirl Would you consider doing a hold on the ring I have bundled? I probably don’t have enough to make a reasonable offer just yet, but I’m afraid it will disappear like the other one did. I understand if you can’t, but I had to ask. I get paid overnight on the 2nd but it’s possible that I could have enough prior to then. I know for sure I’ll have it then. Let me know. I didn’t know your pricing structure but if you hold it I’ll pay what it’s listed for currently.
Mar 25Reply
ladypepper954 @riglem65 Sure! I don't mind! Just remind me which piece it is!😁
Mar 25Reply
vtgcovergirl My mail person has picked up your package and one other one already just to let you know. One of my issues with them is that they don’t scan my things at pickup, but at any rate it’s GONE and one the way to you!
Mar 26Reply
boho_gems Hi there, I’m having a moving sale! Scroll through to see if there is anything you like, and make an offer! 💕
Apr 29Reply
lalamoonbreeze Hi Laura! Its been awhile, hope you are well! I've added several thongs to my closet love for you to check it out again 🌺😘
May 04Reply
califorinagypsy Gorgeous jewelry Laura!!!🎉💖😝
May 09Reply
sunporch Hi Laura, I just saw your closet , it is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!
Jun 28Reply
modig 🌷Reach out if I can help with anything, I’m happy to!🌷
Jul 07Reply
priveboutique Hello my name is Cindi and thanks for following my closet boutique!💕🌸🧚🏻‍♀️🎉❤️. You have a lovely closet! ❤️❤️❤️All handbag and accessories are brand new, and I specialize in Betsey Johnson combination sets, 💋Bebe 💋and Adrienne Vittadini accessories! I Love Accepting Reasonable Offers! (Offers Accepted up to 30% Off!) 💋🎉💋💕🌸😍 Happy Poshing!💋🎉💋💕🌸😍
Jul 18Reply
lovestonedgypsy I just do happen to have... a lot of rocks. Not all in my possession at the moment but my family has always collected and I inherited a ton of agates and petrified wood. On top of other randoms I have (quartz, amethyst, etc). If you ever have anything specific you’re looking for, let me know.
Jul 19Reply
ladypepper954 @garou001 Just wanted to Thank You for your offer! 😁 Lucky You! 💖 I too have been a collector for many years. Honestly I never really know what I want until it's staring me in the face & calling my name! 😆🤣🤣😂 Pictures are worth a thousand words! 🤣😂😂🤣😂
Jul 20Reply
cleverfoxnyc Hey there - thanks for all of the shares. I’d love to ask, do you find Poshmark to be a good platform to sell high quality jewelry like yours? I’m having such a hard time selling things for fair price points. I’d love to hear your feedback. Thanks 🤗
Jul 24Reply
ladypepper954 @cleverfoxnyc Hi there! My sales on Posh have been sporadic so to speak. On occasion I do well. But I believe some of my less pricey items sell a lot faster. Hope that helps. 😁 I sell on a few platforms, & since I got here I came in with the mindset to just have fun & not make any $$$. 🤣😂 Now if I could just stop buying I would be ahead! LOL LOL
Jul 24Reply
vtgcovergirl Hey girl! Hope you’re doing good! I am probably going to list the ring I got from you in trade because it’s just way too big on me, and I’m still losing weight. (Migraine medication) I do love it though and didn’t want to put it out there before telling you why. I don’t drive anymore and getting it sized is probably not going to happen when getting groceries is as hard as it is here.
Jul 29Reply
ladypepper954 @riglem65 Hi there! 😁 Its yours to do what you want with! I am not " one of those people "!!! LOL LOL Sorry it doesn't fit! Sure could use some of those meds tho to help with weight loss! 🤣😂😂 💖
Jul 29Reply
vtgcovergirl @ladypepper954 Oh gosh though, it’s ridiculous! I needed to lose weight for sure but it won’t stop! At least I’m back down to my normal size now, because it was medication that put that weight on me in the first place. 😳😳😳
Jul 29Reply
vtgcovergirl Oh and I REALLY want to come after that cross with the sugalite and turquoise I think. The green and purple one that’s so big and badass!! Maybe with some fundage sometime soon I hope!!! Thanks girl 😘😘😘
Jul 29Reply
wrforrest You've got some rocks lady Pepper!! Many thanks for all your likes shares. Im small potatoes compared to some of you gals. I hope to get the yummy Sterling and Turquoise little at a time. Do u have store front?
Sep 06Reply
winelover0626 Wow I love your collection will definitely keep you in mind for Xmas shopping 💋
Sep 18Reply
kamble Wow!! Thanks so much for the “share bomb”. You “rock”.!!!!! Sorry I love puns And Rocks!! Mom sister is a geologist and lives down in Florida too! Been around those minerals since I was a little kid. I read about your pooches and am so grateful you gave them such a full and wonderful life. Hope your Jasper accepts another dog into your home.
Sep 23Reply
kamble Clearly you have a lot of love to give. My three crazies get along most of the time but not all the time. Two are rescues from Texas one from Maryland love them all!!
Sep 23Reply
ladypepper954 @kamble Thank You! 💜🐕🐶 I love my fur kids, but my latest edition is a total freak! 🤣 She is testing all of our patience. Praying she mellows out real soon!!!!!!😬😥😂
Sep 25Reply
kamble @ladypepper954 keep her tired. A tired dog is a happy dog. That’s the best advice I could give you🤭not that you asked for any😳sorry!! It’s just at least they listen better when they’re tired and relaxed. Shutting up now! 😬
Sep 25Reply
ladypepper954 @kamble That's EXCELLENT advice! 💜 And I appreciate any & all suggestions. I already knew that one though! LOL LOL I heard Cesar Milan mention that years ago! I'm trying with the new girl who's name is Lunatic Lucy! She's VERY energetic, so it takes a lot to wear her out! I thought she was a Mutt but after research have found dogs that look a lot like her... she's an Ibizan Hound. CRAZY sighthound! 🤣😂😂
Sep 25Reply
kamble @ladypepper954 that IS so crazy!! I had signe hounds for years. Rescue greyhounds actually. But they are just big couch potatoes! Love them!! Never had an Ibizan though....I have no idea 😱. And yes totally on the Caesar Milan philosophy!! Ding ding ding!!! 😂. I wish you all the best with this. Please keep me posted if you dare to I’m cheering for her!
Sep 26Reply
ladypepper954 @kamble You got it! 😁 I'm cheering for her too! It's been a little over a month & was not looking good at 1st. She showed aggressive behavior towards my dog Jasper. And my husband was not happy! But she's getting better! 😁 I actually thought she may have had Greyhound or Whippet. She's got very muscular back legs & runs like the wind! 😂🤣🤣
Sep 26Reply
bluepacific805 Fantastic closet of great jewelry! Love it! I have a cuff posted that is of Kingman Turquoise. A fiend picked it up for me somewhere in New Mexico or Arizona. My friend looks Native American so he was shown some nice turquoise, so he brought it back. Problem is it doesn’t fit me anymore as it’s been 20 years ago. I’m looking for another piece that will fit my arm I think I’m an 7 1/2 or 8 comfortably. Looking for the blue with copper or silver running through it. Thanks Meg
Sep 30Reply
ladypepper954 @bluepacific805 Thanks for the the compliments!😁 I will keep you in mind when I get around to listing some more items. I obviously love Native American jewelry! 🤣 I'm planning on listing very soon... just lately haven't had time,energy, motivation etc. Welcome to Poshmark btw! 😁
Oct 01Reply
bentoa I love your collection of turquoise jewelry!! Absolutely beautiful pieces. I will be keeping an eye out for the perfect piece! Until then I will gladly share to my followers.
Oct 03Reply
thepiperjames Good afternoon, Happy Poshing! 😊 Please check out my closet, I have really fun baseball caps, beanies, and jewelry. 😍
Oct 15Reply
dolphinlight Thanks so much for all the Posh love and shares, so grateful for your wonderful kindness 💖 You have the most GORGEOUS jewelry, especially your Navajo pieces, wow 😍!!! I love your crystal photos. They’re my sacred beloveds too and all the exquisite rocks from my travels. Your amethyst is making me drool 💜😃💜
Nov 01Reply
stephblick Thanks for all the shares!! And omg I am in love with all this jewelry!!! If you are ever interested in working out a trade, let me know 😊💜💕✨
Nov 11Reply
25threads Your closet is amazing. I almost don’t want to share it bc I want to keep this hidden gem all to myself and give you all my earnings to buy your stuff!!💚💚💚
Nov 28Reply
bigsurwoman Nice geodes!
Nov 28Reply
ladypepper954 @poshratty Haha! You're funny! 🤣 Thank you for the compliments & buy away! 🤣💃💃💖
Nov 28Reply
kimsunshinegal Hi love your closet amazing pieces ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 30Reply
vintiquevenus Laura, Wow! Thanks for all the shares! My goodness did you make me feel blessed!! Great jewelry in your closet and great geodes, too!!
Dec 02Reply
ae_jewelry_coin Hiii! I have chatted briefly with you on other listings and we share each other's products from time to time. You always seemed genuine to me and obviously knowledgeable about turquoise - I figured I could reach out to regarding a turquoise-related question. I wanted to get your opinion about a turquoise necklace I purchased not too long ago. If I tag ya on it, would you give me your input?
Dec 19Reply
ladypepper954 @ae_jewelry_coin Hi there again! Thank you so much for the compliment!!👍💜😊 Of course I will try to help with my teeny bit of knowledge! 😂🤣 Tag Away! I'm currently at work, but will get back asap!!!
Dec 19Reply
missypoo2u Hi Laura! Lovely closet💜
Dec 30Reply
smaroulis Wow- what a fabulous closet!
Feb 01Reply
leathercraft I am in awe! Your closet is amazing!!!!! Happy Poshing!
Feb 11Reply
dmrogers0755 Good Morning Laura! Hey girl, your closet is Amazing! The Vintage Jewelry Collection is Awesome!!! Such a great selection! Thanks for clicking through my Closet! Enjoy your Sunday!
Feb 17Reply
althiascloset @ladypepper954 Laura, I’m so glad the Sundance pants fit... they’re a great find😊😊😘 enjoy . Oh by the way I love all your Native American jewelry it’s gorgeous ❤️
Apr 10Reply
designerbeb Absolutely love all your jewelry.. I have a few choice pieces myself and I cherish them..
Apr 14Reply
circularhustle I love everything you have listed! Right now I am building my posh empire into a full time job and I need to sell and try not to buy. I will be back!
Apr 19Reply
d9pins Laura,Whats the deal with the post, don't deal with this Scam Artist?
Apr 28Reply
cmcevers Hi there: I wanted to let you know that I am currently offering a 50% OFF EVERY ITEM IN MY CLOSET. Sale ends tonight at MIDNIGHT so don’t miss out. ❤️😀 If you see items that you like just add them to a bundle and either send me a 50% off offer and I will accept or let me know when the bundle is complete and I will send you the 50% off discount. ❤️Happy Poshing.❤️ Cami 😀
May 13Reply
kaos76 So happy you love these jeans! I will miss them for sure but glad they went to a great buyer!!!!
Jun 13Reply
barbirene2 @ladypepper954 Hi ! I absolutely love your closet of gems/rocks. Such amazing energy 🦄I will be back to browse again, until then I will do what I do(for now) and share,share,share 🧚 Posh Blessings 🍀☮🤗🧙💲💎💲💍🌹💜
Aug 12Reply
bohochictrends Thank you for the shares. 💕
Aug 22Reply
deanse56 I’m amazed at your gorgeous closet!! You have a gift in your selection of items!! I’m also a turquoise and Native American fan!! I have several pieces, but sold my squash necklace, earrings, and now it bothers me!! I’m sharing your awesome closet with a great friend!!🥰😉😊😁
Sep 14Reply
deanse56 @moulonrouge1011 this is a great closet to shop!!
Sep 14Reply
moulonrouge1011 @deanse56 GORGEOUS!!! I just shared a bunch!!!!
Sep 14Reply
lanalt Thank you so much for your 5⭐️and kind words !!
Mar 15Reply
lanalt Thank you for your 5⭐️and kind words! Made my day !🌸🌸🌸
May 06Reply
ladypepper954 @lanalt You made my Lana! Loving my purchase!!!🌻🌵🌺😍
May 06Reply
ladypepper954 @lanalt That was supposed to say day! haha I got distracted by my crazy dog!!!😳😂😂😂
May 06Reply
lanalt @ladypepper954 thank you so much!!! So appreciate that you loved it and for your purchases!! ❤️
May 06Reply
lanalt Thank you thank you thank you ❤️
Jun 17Reply
aysha_h @ladypepper954 Hi! I’m selling a super similar pair of black Zara boots to the ones you liked but for $30 less! Happy to accept an offer as well 💕
Jun 30Reply
a1023renee Hi, Im sending out messages 2 all my past customers & anyone who has liked a item/items in my closet. Im closing my closet & Im accepting any & all offers that are reasonable. My closet is a bit messy because of sale. Please look beyond sign that says items past here sold. There are more items. I have over 500 items 4 u 2 browse through. Just hit the offer button & Im happy 2 give u a great deal, ship fast, & send you a free gift 🎁.m. Thank u 4 looking & your support Renee’
Aug 26Reply
yogakatscloset Hi Laura!
Feb 11Reply
yogakatscloset Hi Laura! Just want to invite you to check out our closet! Be well🌈 Sab & Kat
Feb 11Reply
katie3912 Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! I have multiple name brands and stylish clothing! I hope you have an amazing day and happy poshing!!💜
Feb 23Reply
jewelsbysara Hi🌸 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals ! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Happy Poshing ❤️❤️
Jan 11Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely pic :) Here I would like to say Hi, invite and welcome you to stop by at my store to check out if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 600+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Mar 01Reply
cutehosiery @ladypepper954 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 08Reply
hugznkissz welcome to Poshmark 💕 my name is Michelle!!! Feel free to check out my closet 💟 prices are negotiable on everything 🎯 Accepting offers and Bundle for Better Deals 💘 Happy Shopping 🛒🛍️❤️
Oct 14Reply

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New Port Richey, FL
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Last Active: 25 hours ago

New Port Richey, FL
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