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Hi Ladies! This used to be my "Meet the Posher" listing, but I now have it listed to show the unnecessary and vicious comments from another Posher. Her name is @meganlouise18. She was apparently upset about my trying to save up for my wedding. Please note that all of my Posh earnings and spending money go towards the wedding, as I'm in the teaching credential program to become an elementary school teacher and do not have much extra money for wedding expenses. Beware of cyber bullying like this!

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@tik4mik24 Thank you so much!!!!! 😊
Dec 06Reply

I'm sharing :) congrats so excited for tiu
Feb 09Reply

@guerra16krystal Thank you so much!! I appreciate that! 😁
Feb 09Reply

Congrats! I went to Csus too!
Feb 11Reply

@purequalityonly Thank you! I'm very happy because I'm graduating this semester, but I will hopefully be returning next semester for the teaching credential program if I can get in
Feb 11Reply

hi there❣ thanks for the like! let me know if you're ever interested in purchasing anything so we can work out better pricing (:
Feb 28Reply

well now i see you like that listing in particular ;) congratulations!!
Feb 28Reply

@shopaholicsss Hi there! Haha ya I'm looking into getting some cute wedding stuff, but I'm definitely trying to use Posh to save some money! That cami set is super cute! I will definitely keep an eye on this!! 😊
Feb 28Reply

of course! i understand how that is! well if you have some of your girlfriends on posh you should give them a wishlist hint ;)
Feb 28Reply

@shopaholicsss I was thinking about that actually. Maybe I will ask the bridesmaids or friends invited to the shower to do that if they need gift ideas or something 😊
Feb 28Reply

perfect! haha
Feb 28Reply

I have the same engagement ring! Best piece of jewelry in the whole world. Congratulations!
Feb 28Reply

@mrsboyle125 I absolutely love this ring!! Since I was really little, it was the only one I ever wanted! Are you married now or still engaged? And thank you!! 😊💍
Feb 29Reply

@jaimebryant married just over a year. It's the only ring I ever wanted too. Never ever needs to be upgraded! It's perfect! When is the wedding!?
Feb 29Reply

@mrsboyle125 Exactly!! I suppose I should have guess you're married because of your posh name. Haha. Mine is set for next year. Oct 1, 2017. Still a while left
Feb 29Reply

@jaimebryant yeah, 1/25 is our anniversary. Enjoy the engagement! Planning my wedding was so so fun.
Feb 29Reply

@mrsboyle125 Well happy belated anniversary!! 😊 Our anniversary of being engaged was last Sunday (2/21). I'm having a blast too! I'm super organized and I have this big binder full of fun stuff. It's definitely a lot to do, but I love browsing pictures and stuff on my iPad while I relax. 😁💍
Feb 29Reply

Very cute couple 💕👫💕and congrats on your upcoming wedding💎🎉💎I'm here in cali also. 😍😜
Mar 18Reply

@deenanelson Thank you! What part of CA are you in?
Mar 18Reply

How many carats is your ring? I love it 😍
Apr 26Reply

@mermaidshawdy Thank you! It's .6
Apr 26Reply

Are you selling the ring?
May 17Reply

@bohogirl93 Are you serious? Did you read the description at all?? 😳
May 17Reply

It was just a question... Jeez. You should have it on "not for sale" then. Sorry for really liking your ring. Have a nice wedding.
May 17Reply

And no I didn't read it till now. I just clicked "meet the posher". Sorry for the misunderstanding.
May 17Reply

@bohogirl93 Yes I love the ring too. Had you read any of the description, comments, etc it would have helped you understand. And this is my "meet the seller" type listing.
May 17Reply

@jaimebryant congrats!! Ring is gorgeous!! I see your trying to raise money, have any broken gold?
May 26Reply

@lexisloft Thank you! I love my ring!! Yes I'm using to save up to help offset some wedding costs. I don't have any broken gold, but I do have some gold necklaces up for sale in my closet!
May 26Reply

@llovato22 Oh ok no problem! Thanks for letting me know!!! 😊
Jun 11Reply

Congratulations! Just a suggestion even though you have a detailed description you really should put your post as not for sale. The only reason I say that is you have a buy now on this and someone could come in and not read all the comments and buy and pay you then you'll have a nightmare. You'll have to refund them etc. that's just my opinion good luck to you😊
Jun 15Reply

I'm sorry, but gofundme is for people in real need. For instance, someone with cancer who can't work. A family who's house burned down in a fire. A family with a child born with special needs. It's not intended for girls who want a fancy wedding that's out of their budget. Disgusting.
Jul 22Reply

@meganlouise18 As a struggling college student paying my own way in the world, your comments are extremely rude. Not only am I waiting 2 1/2 years to get married in order to try to save money, I also put my Posh earnings towards the wedding and I'm studying to be a teacher, which isn't a very high paying profession. The wedding I'm planning is not extravagant and I'm making a lot of things myself to save money.
Jul 22Reply

@meganlouise18 Furthermore, GoFundMe is used for a variety of reasons. The most popular campaign right now is a kid making PokemonGo badges. The most lucrative campaigns are, or course, for those who have had loss or medical problems. However, one of the options for campaign type includes Weddings and Honeymoons. Just because you do not agree doesn't mean you should spam my listing with your spite. I don't appreciate your unnecessary rudeness in the slightest.
Jul 22Reply

@jaimebryant my sister, who was a teacher, but is too ill now thanks to cancer to teach is someone who gofundme is good for.
Jul 22Reply

@jaimebryant not selfish, whiney little brats. Grow up.
Jul 22Reply

@jaimebryant If you're looking for rude, how's this. 25 of your little rings wouldn't add up to the cost of my diamond alone. My rehearsal dinner cost $20,000. The flights of our honeymoon cost $4000 - just the flights. Your beg for money page couldn't even pay for airfare.
Jul 22Reply

@jaimebryant annddddd not one person (grandparents, parent's , my husband or I) ever made that kind of money by BEGGING. Tell your man I'm upgrading my ring soon. I'll sell him the diamond at a discount. How's $8000 sound? There's your rude. Begger.
Jul 22Reply

@meganlouise18 You know it's unfortunate that your sister is ill. However, that doesn't give you an excuse to harass a complete stranger. And yes, I have a modest ring. Might I remind you that my fiancé and I are college students and I'm studying to be a teacher, which is a very hands-on job. I also dislike gaudy jewelry and specifically picked out this ring because I've liked it since I was a child.
Jul 22Reply

@meganlouise18 So don't go flaunting your money because it doesn't change your poor attitude. That's great you have the money to "upgrade" your ring. I'm happy that you have money, however it clearly doesn't make you happy does it? Because happy people don't go around putting others down.
Jul 22Reply

@meganlouise18 Your attitude is cause enough for me to understand that it's people like you with their noses stuck up are the reason I want to teach in the first place. Maybe some kids will learn to grow up with some more manners and compassion than were taught to you.
Jul 22Reply

@meganlouise18 Next time you feel like putting someone down, perhaps try looking in the mirror. You're the one posting on my listing. Try keeping your nose out of the business of other people. Haven't you heard the phrase "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? Or did you perhaps miss out on that lesson as a child?
Jul 22Reply

For anyone who read to this point: shortly after the last comment I ended up blocking this posher. After her rude comments I had a hard time sleeping and did not wish to continue to deal with her negativity in my life. I do not doubt that she would have continued to try to belittle me and be emotionally abusive towards my fiancé and myself. Please beware of this type of behavior and be the positive people I know you are. 😊
Aug 02Reply

@jaimebryant wow! I'm so very sorry after reading the entire conversation I too blocked her and your completely right no one has the right to put you down and good for you for sticking up for yourself!! Very well said! People like that whom flaunt their huge rings around and put people down aren't that happy in their marriage! Larger diamond sometimes compensates for wrong doings unless your very wealthy!
Jan 06Reply

@jaimebryant I myself have a smaller ring and wouldn't change it for the world! It's the proposal that brings tears to my eyes not how much your diamond blinds me as I'm walking down the street!
Jan 06Reply

@owlsareamazing Thank you for your support! I just couldn't believe that someone on here would be so completely mean to a stranger. So unnecessary! 😞 And yes I love my ring too! I admire it all the time and it makes me think of my fiancé and how he proposed. When I first showed it to him, he said "I want to be the one to put that on your finger!". 💕
Jan 06Reply

@owlsareamazing When picking it out, he looked into getting a 1 ct ring and simply couldn't afford it because he wanted to make sure the quality of diamond was really good. My diamond is almost flawless, which makes it extremely sparkly! 😍💍 Not to mention Tiffany's has a 10 year exchange plan where I can "upgrade" to a bigger rock after 10 years if I really want to.
Jan 06Reply

@jaimebryant agreed quality is everything mines is just over a half Ct and flawless
Jan 06Reply

@jaimebryant aww see that's the stuff that matters
Jan 06Reply

@owlsareamazing Agreed quality over quantity and the love behind it!!! 💕💍
Jan 06Reply

@jaimebryant u got it!!
Jan 07Reply

OH wow. To be perfectly honest I'm not for the go fund me
Apr 24Reply

Oh wow rude. To be honest, I'm not for the go fund me unless someone needs the money to pay odd an unexpected death funeral, no medical coverage for fatal illness, someone who list everything including their job etc. but no reason for someone to flaunt their money and jewels. Who really cares anyway. I'm hoping you reported her for harrassmrnt
Apr 24Reply

@shopmycliset I know right? I mean to each their own, it’s not like I was forcing her to help pay. Lol. She was totally out of line and crazy rude. I think I reported her but honestly I don’t really remember. I was so angry from her unnecessary treatment that I blocked her and I don’t remember if I did anything after that. 😞
Apr 24Reply

@jaimebray I would never do business with her not even if she offered to buy my entire closet. Lol
Apr 25Reply

@shopmycliset Lol! Well obviously she would be able to afford to do something like that! Lol. It really makes we wonder what’s going on with people who treat complete strangers the way she did... like was she raised that way? Or is something bad happening in her life and she chooses to take out her problems on random people?
Apr 25Reply

@jaimebray a typical spoiled brat who doesn't care how she hurts ppl.
Apr 25Reply

@shopmycliset #truth
Apr 25Reply
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