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RN Nurse Charm


Updated Feb 03
Updated Feb 03

RN Nurse Charm



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Cute silver toned charm that will fit Pandora. Much cheaper alternative but just as cute! New without tag.
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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rubya_ It is cute! @cassandra8187 are you a RN? :)
Mar 03Reply
cassandra8187 @rubya_ no. I'm an orthodontic assistant. But I have friends that are RNs that love these and I've had lots of request for RN stuff :)
Mar 03Reply
cassandra8187 @ulivjulie69 Hello! Thank You For The Like! Just wanted to let you know I am taking 20% off bundles. If you are just wanting one item, I do accept reasonable offers on most items. Please use the "OFFER" button. Thanks for visiting
Apr 14Reply
cassandra8187 @enw0625 Hello! Thank You For The Like! Just wanted to let you know I am taking 20% off bundles. If you are just wanting one item, I do accept reasonable offers on most items. Please use the "OFFER" button. Thanks for visiting
Apr 15Reply
cassandra8187 @sabby1427 Hello! Thank You For The Like! Just wanted to let you know I am taking 20% off bundles. If you are just wanting one item, I do accept reasonable offers on most items. Please use the "OFFER" button. Thanks for visiting
Apr 15Reply
cassandra8187 @jeanette_z Hello! Thank You For The Like! Just wanted to let you know I am taking 20% off bundles. If you are just wanting one item, I do accept reasonable offers on most items. Please use the "OFFER" button. Thanks for visiting
Apr 15Reply
cassandra8187 @mbnurse this is posted too :)
May 05Reply
cassandra8187 @fashionbusiness Hello! Thank You For The Like! Just wanted to let you know I am taking 20% off bundles. If you are just wanting one item, I do accept reasonable offers on most items. Please use the "OFFER" button. Thanks for visiting!
May 05Reply
cassandra8187 @nica422 Hello! Thank You For The Like! Just wanted to let you know I am taking 20% off bundles. If you are just wanting one item, I do accept reasonable offers on most items. Please use the "OFFER" button. Thanks for visiting!
May 05Reply
mbnurse I purchased a bundle with 3 of your charms. I got notification that I made the purchase but they don't have the "sold" banner on the photos. Did you get notice that I bought the bundle?
May 05Reply
cassandra8187 @mbnurse yes I did :) thank u! I will ship in the morning :) I hope u love them!
May 05Reply
mbnurse I'm sure I will. Thank you!
May 05Reply
cassandra8187 @mbnurse You're Welcome!😄
May 05Reply
cassandra8187 @seydiva Hello! Thank You For The Like! I just wanted to let you know I am taking 15% off bundles. If u are only interested in one item, feel free to use the "OFFER" tab. I will be shipping packages tomorrow! Thanks for visiting!
Jul 09Reply
cassandra8187 @selinakad Hello! Thank You For The Like! I just wanted to let you know I am taking 15% off bundles. If u are only interested in one item, feel free to use the "OFFER" tab. I will be shipping packages tomorrow! Thanks for visiting!
Jul 09Reply
cassandra8187 @vaguado thank u for the like! Just wanted to let u know I am taking 15% off bundles. If there is only one thing u are interested in, feel free to make an offer. Thanks for visiting!
Jul 17Reply
vaguado I would like to get the nurse and giraffe charm. Can u bundle
Jul 30Reply
cassandra8187 @vaguado I dropped the price of this to $5 for u. You can add both to a bundle and purchase that way but if you are interested in adding a 3rd item, u get an extra 15% off :)
Jul 30Reply
cassandra8187 @taylorhucks_18 Thank You For The Like! Just wanted u to know that many items reduced to just $5. Also taking an additional 15% off bundles of 3+ items! Thanks so much for visiting!!!
Aug 01Reply
neeni12184 @lpugg Mommy, maybe show this to Meena for Aunt Debby, I know her birthday isn't until March, but it's priced well. 😘💜
Oct 14Reply
cassandra8187 @kenrefashion ThAnKs FoR tHe LiKe! I appreciate u checking out my closet! Current sale is 20% off bundles of 3 or more items! Lots of prices have been dropped. As always, I try to ship within one business day! Thanks for visiting! Enjoy!
Oct 14Reply
cassandra8187 @sharibob78 feel free to make an offer on your bundle :)
Nov 19Reply
cassandra8187 @penners Thank you for the like! Just wanted u to know that u can save 30% if u bundle 3 items or more! Thanks for visiting my closet!
Jan 07Reply
cassandra8187 @della2258 Thank you for the like! Just wanted to let u know that now through Sunday I am having a buy 2 get 1 FREE sale! (Free item must be the cheapest of the 3) If interested, Simply bundle the 3 items u would like and make an offer with the free item deducted. Thanks for visiting my closet!
Jan 13Reply
cassandra8187 @kmulqueen1223 Thank You For The Like!
Jan 28Reply
cassandra8187 @lkant001 hi! I saw u liked this listing. I just wanted u to know that I'm taking 30% off bundles for a short time. This sale doesn't happen very often in my closet. Just incase u were interested, I didn't want u to miss out on the deal! Also, if you make a purchase now thru Sunday, your name will be placed in a drawing to win a $10 credit for my closet! Thanks for visiting!
Feb 04Reply

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