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Updated Oct 06
Updated Oct 06


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4 Pictures For Posh Pups
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summerchance @kreativekristen Hello, Here are 4 pics, I'll let you choose which you'd like to use. Sorry I took so long, I was having too much fun pouring over my album of Chance. Pease be sure to tag me when you've posted Chance, Thank you!
May 21Reply
kreativekristen Thanks so much for letting me do that... Sooo cute... What kind if dog? I have an Airdale named Max... Again thank you...
May 21Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Thank you Kristen! Would you share a pic of Max? I'd love to see him.
May 21Reply
robyj Love him or her!
May 23Reply
summerchance @robyj Thank you so much! Chance is a male & absolutely hilarious.
May 23Reply
summerchance @robyj Do have a puppy?
May 23Reply
robyj @summerchance yes. A little pomeranian but had a black poodle that is no longer here. Poodles are so smart and loving. Your dog is adorable.
May 23Reply
fashionforme2 so cute! 😊❤️🐶
May 23Reply
summerchance @robyj I'm so sorry for your loss! Losing your pup is like losing family....I hope you'll be able to have another one day, so many wonderful ones out there....Thanx again, & I def agree bout the poodles being so so so smart! Keep in touch.
May 24Reply
summerchance @whitney237 Thank you so much, do you have a pup too?
May 24Reply
summerchance @fashionforme2 Thank you so much! He makes me smile.
May 24Reply
mariapits Hello! Is this a goldendoodle? I have a goldendoodle myself who looks super similar! So cute!
May 24Reply
fashionforme2 my baby makes me smile too. my cousin has a golden doodle named Ben ... so precious. love seeing the Poshers precious pets. my baby is a Maltese and he is my love of life. 💕
May 24Reply
alexaseggioo How cute❤️
May 24Reply
1splendidlife @summerchance I do! I have 2 golden doodles. One looks a lot like your sweetie and one is more tan. They are just the sweetest!
May 24Reply
summerchance @mariapits Hi, Sorry to be so long in responding! Chance is a multi-gen Australian Labradoodle, but I've seen quite a few Goldendoodles that he def resembles. I'm totally obsessed with Doodles of all combinations, they're such sweet, intelligent loving pups.
May 25Reply
summerchance @mariapits I'd really like to see a pic of your Golden! Please tag me with one.
May 25Reply
summerchance @fashionforme2 Oh Maltese are so incredible, I almost got to have one several years ago but missed out...I also enjoy ooohing & ahhhhing over pics of all the Poshers' non-human babes. In fact I have a likes list of pups & cats instead of things to buy. Would you please tag me with a pic of your Maltese?
May 25Reply
summerchance @whitney237 Wow, 2 Goldens, that's awesome! Please tag me with pics, I'd love to see them. I've met several Goldens which Chance really resembles. I keep teying to get my husband to agree to a second Doodle but he's afraid Chance's personality will change for the worse if we were to add another. Did you get both of your Goldens at the same time?
May 25Reply
summerchance @alexaseggioo Thanks so much!
May 25Reply
fashionforme2 Hi, I tagged you to the two listings where I have my Oliver posing . I do the same, many likes of other Poshers pets. personally rather buy, if I was to buy, from a posher who is an animal lover. ❤️🐶😊
May 25Reply
1splendidlife @summerchance no. We got our second one about a year after the first. No problems at all. They play together great and still have their own personalities.
May 25Reply
janienez @summerchance Love your fur baby, have 2 myself. I wanted to let you know how catchy your tag name is, absolutely love it. Like your closet, have a great day.🌺🌺
May 25Reply
summerchance @fashionforme2 Love love love your adorable Oliver!! Got him in my likes now. Is he very vocal with you?
May 26Reply
fashionforme2 sometimes he will talk back, but mostly makes the really sweet baby noises. he is controlling... likes to go to big boy bed at a certain time at night and expects me to go with him; he will make it very clear he does not want me to watch TV but to take him to bed and sit with him. it is very funny and amusing . he really acts like a human child.
May 26Reply
summerchance @whitney237 That's so great to hear, maybe there's still hope that I can talk my husband into a second Doodle!
May 27Reply
1splendidlife @summerchance yay! They are so sweet!
May 27Reply
summerchance @janienez Thanks much for your kind words! How did you know I was needing some encouragement?
May 27Reply
summerchance @janienez Chance is an Australian Labradoodle, what kind of critter kids do you have? And better yet, may I see some pics?
May 27Reply
janienez @summerchance We all need encouragement at times. I love passing it on, never know when I'll need some. 🙂🙂💐💐, I have 2 beagles. I'll find a few pics for you. 🌺🌺, have a great weekend.
May 27Reply
janienez @summerchance **weekend. Left off the last word.
May 27Reply
summerchance @janienez One just never knows when an unexpected person will arrive & offer the kindness needed most in a moment of most need. Thanx for having been that person for me some hours ago. Looking forward to "meeting" your Beagles via pics. In a former life (bout 30 years ago) I had 2 Beagles as well, both males & litter mates; they were a wonderful handful! Have a great weekend too!
May 27Reply
janienez @summerchance Thank you for your kind words. I am glad that you were blessed by my compliment. I hope all is good with you. Fur babies are great gifts. Funny how you also had a pair of beagles. They are quite a handful. Mr. Buddie is 8, & Miss Pooh is 5 now. I have a difficult time getting photos of them together. So , there is a span in photo and age time. Your Chance is beautiful and I am certain a great joy in your life. 🙂🙂 Have s wonderful weekend.🐶🐶
May 28Reply
mpneu1810 Awww...cutie pie. Love that face.
May 28Reply
teresakinsella What a beautiful baby have a great weekend
May 28Reply
summerchance @mpneu1810 Thank you so much!
May 30Reply
summerchance @teresakinsella Thank you much! So far he's not letting the compliments got to his head.... 😉
May 30Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance I m list , how many shares do you think you just did, I have 3 people doing over 200 shares... Just give me a guess;)
Jun 04Reply
k1happyday So cute
Jun 04Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance well that was fun I just shared most if your closet... Really like the shorts with bow tie... You should try sharing those together , do 4 , one right after the other, sometimes the algorithm actually works to out them all on one page in the feed...
Jun 04Reply
janekma Ohhhhhhhhh sooooooo cute!!!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Jun 04Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Ummmm, Do you mean how many did I do for you alone or total in the past 3hrs? In one sellers closet she has over 400 listings & I share her list at least 3 tines weekly all at once. Tonight I'd guess I've done well over 500 shares so far....
Jun 04Reply
kreativekristen Chance is so cute;), that's ok about the shares .z I ll do more in the am....;)
Jun 04Reply
kreativekristen I made 3 skirts today... Good night;)
Jun 04Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Wow, I'm so totally impresed by you & your talent. Sleep well & have sweet dreams as you enter into the arms of Morpheus.
Jun 04Reply
kreativekristen Thanks I will ... Love lbeing able to leave all my windows open at night...
Jun 04Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Ohhhh, on your two closets I did at least 100 shares tonite. 😉😘😚
Jun 04Reply
summerchance @k1happyday Thank you, thank you, thank you & a big paws up from Chance!
Jun 06Reply
aishablake Wow!!! What a handsome little pup!!!! 😍😍😍
Jun 06Reply
k1happyday Thank you as well ☺️😘🙏💐 Be Blessed, Be Happy.. Such a cute Baby. Love the name, my turtle shares has the same name❤️
Jun 06Reply
kreativekristen Under brands pull up Kate spade and then follow all those closets, some will come back and shop your closet and follow...
Jun 08Reply
shiragelman @summerchance Chance is adorable! I have a labradoodle too!!! Love her so much it's crazy! 😍😍
Jun 09Reply
summerchance @aishablake Thank you so much, & a big paws up from Chance!
Jun 10Reply
awalshe @summerchance Cute pup! Thanks for all the shares!!! You have a lovely closet!
Jun 10Reply
kingkath123 Cutie what breed?
Jun 10Reply
aishablake Always!!! Awww thank you both so much!!!😍🌺😘
Jun 10Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Excellent idea!! I actually thot that one up earlier & have been doing that, so now that you're recommending it, it feels validating, thanx! During my sharing time if I notice styles, brands similar to what's in my closet, I also check out the lists of likes under certain clothes & follow whoever is liking similar stuff to mine, good idea?
Jun 12Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance my like closet it bigger then my regular I can track similar listings and their prices... That's why I droped a lot if my prices, but always within 3-4 of my lowest price...also shop regular retail, you d be surprised to see how overpriced some posh prices are...
Jun 12Reply
summerchance @shiragelman I love it! How old, what's her name, where did you get her & aren't they the most amazing pups EVER?!?!
Jun 13Reply
summerchance @shiragelman Oh & I almost forgot, may I please see a pic of her? Thanx! I've got more likes of poshers' dogs, cats, birds & niw a snake now than I do of clothes!
Jun 13Reply
shiragelman @summerchance How do I upload a pic of my puppy???
Jun 14Reply
summerchance @shiragelman To upload a pic of your puppy treat the picture just like you load a new listing for sale into your closet. Make a listing using your pup's picture, fill in only the required info: your pup's name, size pup's weight, original price put in anything, listing price anything & once the listing is done go to edit & press the not for sale button at bottom of page, then tag me on that listing so I can see the picture.
Jun 14Reply
summerchance @shiragelman It seems strange at 1st but once you've done it you'll understand how it works. The only way to put anything on Poshmark is in your closet as a listing. Let me know if you still have questions. 😊
Jun 14Reply
catsparadise Chance is so adorable!😍😍 I'm the same as you my likes are mostly people's pets lol
Jun 14Reply
summerchance @krystal4360 So sweet of you to take time out to compliment Chancey, thank you from me & a big paws up from Chance! Do you have a critter baby too? So far I've got Dogs, Cats, A Snake & An Adorable Bird Named Chicken in my likes.
Jun 16Reply
catsparadise @summerchance I do. I've got a huge black and white cat named Tom. He's my sweet boy :)
Jun 16Reply
summerchance @krystal4360 Hope you don't mind but I've liked Tom so I can see him & have his pic in my likes, I also shared your beautiful big boy! Saw Tom every time I'd go to your closet but wasn't sure if he was yours & didn't want to assume; Poshers put all kinds of pics of all kinds of things in their closets so I'm never sure until I'm told.
Jun 16Reply
catsparadise @summerchance I don't mound at all, I'm always happy to see pics of everyone's pets and to share mine as well ❤😀
Jun 16Reply
kreativekristen Use this listing to talk about yourself and what your selling... You d be surprised how many poshers have dogs;)
Jun 16Reply
angelaemitchell I just love you Chance ❤️ don't know ya but I love that face 😘😘😘😘
Jun 17Reply
allibawtez Oh my goodness...most adorable pup ever!! Is it possible to love a dog you've never met?? Lol 😊😊😊❤️❤️
Jun 21Reply
summerchance @angelaemitchell Thanx much from me & Chance sends you a big paws up!🐾🐾🐾
Jun 21Reply
summerchance @allibawtez Absolutely especially if it's Chance!! 😆 🐾🐾💕💖💕🐾🐾
Jun 21Reply
ggold Thanks for al the love Hun! And your pup is adorable ❤️
Jun 23Reply
summerchance @ggold 🌷🌸🌷😆🌸🌷🌸You are so very welcome & 🐾🐾💕🐾🐾 A big paws up from Chance!
Jun 23Reply
blueyedragonart So we should keep the poshing simple... Try sharing 5 things to party's every 1/2 hour... Save those 3 sale flyers to your likes and share daily... See easy...
Jun 23Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Ok, sweet girlfriend, what party am I currently missing? Geez, you're so freaking amazing to have my back this way.....I never got an invite..... at least I don't think I did....
Jun 25Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Oh my gawd, that would be amazing...would you like me to share your jewelry?
Jun 25Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia I think when it comes to angels I've got you & that makes me feel like one of the luckiest gals I know. Your fingers must be throbbing, that's a whole lotta sharing girl! Thank you so much! Wish I could do something to be of help &/or use to you.
Jun 25Reply
kreativekristen &@summerchance I m like you about sleep last night... Flat lander nieghbor... Thinks four wheelie on the gravel drive close test to my bed window is ok at 2 in the morning... ;)but I did take a little walk already... Maybe another one later thus evening ;)
Jun 25Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance tell me again how I get to that fb page?... No rush...
Jun 25Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Hey sweet girl I asked my mentor bout very important info you told me regarding party postings, she would like to know how to get to the specific FB page you were mentioning. Would you please let me know? Also you gifted me Poshmark Info where to find it, a special info site & I'm ashamed to say I've lost the info. May I please have it again? Sorry to be the eternal pain, but I guess that's just me rite now.
Jun 25Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen I've asked Mary to let me know where to find the info, she was the person who told me. I guess her mentor told her. Did Mary contact you directly?
Jun 25Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance not sure about Mary contacting me, I did check her closet;)...
Jun 25Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Thanks for the heads up sweet girl, I've shared my closet not sure if anyone will notice but at least got to do it thanx to you!! Been in too much pain to do much today so sorry no comments from me....I'll be better tomorrow & I'll respond more appropriately to you.
Jun 26Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia So sorry I mislead Kristen bout the party sharing info being from your mentor when it wasn't, I'll make sure I let her know tomorrow that I goofed up bout that. Sending you a hug or three!
Jun 26Reply
cfreemanfl Hi my lovely friend.... I just thought I'd pop by to see how you're feeling and to let you know you're on my mind. I worry about you and hope everything is okay. I've got a letter nearly done to send to you but I'm thinking I'll email instead so you get it faster. I love old fashioned handwritten letters but the mail is just so slow! Any ways... Thinking of you and saying a prayer for a good day for you both 💕
Jun 28Reply
summerchance @cfreemanfl Hello sweet girl thrilled to hear from you! Hope this day brings you joy. I'm looking forward to your letter, I've been apprehensive since I sent you my little novel fearing I 'd totally put you off.. So difficult to know how much is enough or too much when establishing a promising relationship. Be good to yourself. Congratulatons on your amazing 10,000 followers milestone!!!! 🎀👏🎈🎈🎈😍😍🎈🎈🎈👏🎀
Jun 28Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Thank you sweet girl. I'm not at all well, giving myself accidental swirlies & all, alternately tossing my cookies & being curled up on the floor, cute picture eh?
Jun 29Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Thanx for sharing my closet dear one, totally appreciate it & you but please feel free to stop at any point. Summer Hugs!
Jun 29Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Thank you so much! Steven just came home said it might be time to go back to ER.....I'll let ya know.....
Jun 29Reply
kden_wallace What a cutie!! 💕🐾
Jun 29Reply
summerchance @kden_wallace Thank you much from me & more importantly a big paws up from Chance! 💖🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾💖
Jun 29Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Steven got some positive news from his oncologist, it appears the radiation may've caused tumor to slow down it's aggressive growth. Still as big as lg avocado but any retardation is good as far as I'm concerned. Early this morning (or late last nite depending on when you sleep) intervention finally broke the worshipping porcelain gawd cycle.
Jun 29Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia I'm def feeling better...not nearly as dizzy or weak, all good.
Jun 29Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Thank you for revisiting painful memories of your father's disease, but it's so encouraging to learn of his long survival. I'm desperate for any reprieve to Steven's condition so your words give me hope & that's imperative to surviving this ordeal. I appreciate you & value your support & patience with me; you truly are an angel, so glad we met & you're in my life. 💕💖💕
Jun 29Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia How much are the owner's asking for that house in your area? 😆
Jun 29Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Thank you lovely lady!! I was awol again back to ER, fell & smacked myself pretty hard, concussed myself, but it's all right now...Oooooh that's a 70's lyric from a poodle boy band hmmm can't think of the band's name, Freebird? Nah anyways thank you thank thank you again sweet girl!
Jun 30Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Ok, had it partly right the rock band was Free, simply "Free". Night sweet dreams!
Jun 30Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Thank you sweet lady, you're incredibly wonderful to keep helping me this way. I've never been shared to a party before let alone shared to all of them like you're doing for me, it's amazing. Until Kristen mentioned I should try it & we both got host picks, I didn't know how to share to a party & had no idea what they were about. Remember I had to ask you what your host pick was after I congratulated you?
Jul 01Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Do you make sales from these parties?
Jul 01Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Last several hrs I've been worshipping porcelain god again. Steven says it's prob the kidney stones, or jaw pain or concussion. I'd just like it to stop it's not on my list of fav things to do. Every time Chancey sees my head in the toilet he licks my toes or my ears if he can get to them. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't for the actual sick part but I bet it looks fairly funny or awkward...
Jul 01Reply
dinofinder @summerchance A D O R A B L E!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️. Such a darling face!!! I have 2 pups myself!!! Love those furry friends!!!🐾🐾🐾🐾
Jul 02Reply
dinofinder @summerchance I also love your closet!!! Beautiful!!! Have a great 🇺🇸weekend!!
Jul 02Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia So the 2 new host picks from that party must be your fault then.....thank you my dear!!🎈🎈❤❤❤🎈🎈
Jul 03Reply
bean1dog @summerchance soooooooo cute 😍❤️😘
Jul 03Reply
summerchance @dinofinder Thank you so much & a big paws up from Chance!🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
Jul 04Reply
summerchance @dinofinder I'd love to see a pick of your pups! I have more poshers' critters in my likes than I have clothing, love to see their amazing faces whenever I go to my closet!
Jul 04Reply
summerchance @bean1dog Thank you very much & a big paws up from Chance!🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
Jul 04Reply
dinofinder @summerchance when I get a chance... Haha... I will make a post of EllaMae and Maiko!! She's a doll!!! Maiko is a little dense!!! He loves his girl, though!!!! He is THE most docile and passive dog, gentle as the day is long... But if a certain dog gets too near Ella, he will pin that dog down by the neck!!!!😳😳😳. Maiko?? Really??? They're great!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️🐾🐾🐾
Jul 04Reply
suehill1 Omg love your dog !!!
Jul 04Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Thank you sweet friend, thot my news number was going up to fast for anything else. Hope I'm getting these words & letters right my head is pounding louder than the fireworks, hee! Happy 4th sweet girl, enjoy but you be safe ok? And thanks again for the massive amts of sharing you're doing for me!!
Jul 05Reply
briewineposh My pup's name is Chance too! He's a retired racing Greyhound now spoiled sleep-aholic. 😂 Your Chance is beautiful! 💓
Jul 06Reply
summerchance @briewineposh Awwwwe I think your pup has an outstanding name 😆😆😆 & I guess your Chance figures napping is a good thing since he feels so happy, warm, safe & secure with his new Mom!! 🐾🐾❤💕💕❤🐾🐾 I've only seen a few of the retired from racing greyhounds in our sleepy part of the world Portland OR. So how did you find Chance, how old & may I pleaz see a pic? I've a growing collection of poshers' critter babies in my likes, in fact that's mostly all I have in my likes!
Jul 06Reply
summerchance @briewineposh Thanks for noticing & complimenting Chance 😙😘😙 & he sends you a big paws up! 🐾💕🐾
Jul 06Reply
briewineposh Haha another dog lover! 🙌🏼👍🏼😘🙋🏼 I fell in love with the breed when I dog sat one back when I was a tween! Just turned 30 & said it was time for my own furkid. I fell in love with his goofiness at a greyhound rescue in NJ. Best decision I ever made. His full name is Second Chance bc we both have had a second chance at life. 💗 I'll tag you on a listing that explains that more....Tell me more about your handsome Chance!
Jul 06Reply
irishgirl76 @summerchance Such a beautiful baby, I volunteer for the Michigan Pit bull Advocate Program and the Catch and Release program for stray cats in my neighborhood. We catch the cats and spay or neuter them, release them back into my neighborhood. But between the 3 houses by me we keep them fed and warm.
Jul 06Reply
summerchance @irishgirl76 You're an angel! So on behalf of all the pit bulls, little, medium & big kitties you are saving: THANK YOU & a big paws up🐾🐾💕💕❤💕💕🐾🐾
Jul 07Reply
irishgirl76 @summerchance Awwww thank you so much, your such a doll.
Jul 07Reply
irishgirl76 ^^^^ Thank you so very much.
Jul 07Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Hello my sweet wonderful psychic friend, struggle is an appropriate euphemism. Please know you, your brother & family have been in my heart, thots & prayers. So grateful he has pulled thru safely again; sorry I've not been able to tell you that til now. Hope you are catching your breath now that he's better. Thank you, thank you, thank you for maintIning my closet in such a phenomenal way while I'm awol.
Jul 09Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia I'm having a challenging time of it on all fronts. It's been 1 of the most stressful difficult, soul sucking extended experiences I've flailed thru since my 1st husband died when I was 22. Everything, just everything's a mess. But Steven's still alive, I'm still alive so there's still hope that something, anything will get better or just resolve. Sending you a hug or 3! I'm falling asleep as I'm typing this, bye for now.
Jul 09Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Thank you girlfriend for all the times you've taken me to a party!! Love the new look.......
Jul 11Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Thanx again sweet girl!!!
Jul 11Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia I'm going to tag a pic of a necklace to you that I'm kinda on the fence about purchasing & I'd love your HONEST opinion about it here. I bought 2 of her bracelets last nite as gifts, but I keep thinking bout her & coming back to this piece. Thanks I really trust your style opinion!
Jul 12Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Thank you so much sweet girl for taking my closet to so many parties!! My closet's def having more fun than am I! Decided against necklace cuz your observation was spot on! Gem stones in that size & amt would def be too heavy for me. Totally appreciate you pointing that out, I wasn't even thinking about it & wouldn't have been able to wear the necklace once I had it.
Jul 13Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia That's why it's so important to go shopping with an honest girlfriend, wish I could go real shopping with you! Finally meet an awesome friend I'd love to hang with & a couple geographical states plus my physical state get in the way, stupid stupid stupid reality! Sending you light & love!
Jul 13Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia You got it spot on! No matter how much self talk I do I haven't been able 2stop cascade of worthlessness & sense of hopelessness that follows once a thing sets me off. Instead of responding to the thing setting me off I respond inappropriately 2all past things like it so becomes a waterfall of feelings. Keep wondering how a body can constantly produce such copious amt of tears without turning to dust! Certainly at some point tears like slobbering have 2stop right?
Jul 17Reply
noircatposh Soooo cute 🙂
Jul 19Reply
rochellebrian So cute!!! I need to buy him pretty please 😉😉😉😉😂
Jul 19Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Thank you, thank you for taking my closet to all these wild & wooly parties!!! 😍😙😘😚😍 Wish I lived closer to you so we could wear matching dresses ditch the closets & paaaarrrttttaaay for real, sigh.
Jul 19Reply
summerchance @noircatposh Many thanks from me & a big paws up from Chance🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
Jul 19Reply
summerchance @rochellebrian RUN CHANCE RUN!!! I think I can distract her with some jewelry, but only for a few seconds! HEE!! 😆😉😆 You're adorable 😍😍 Thanks for the smiles.
Jul 19Reply
summerchance @rochellebrian You just received some shares, please no shares back 💜
Jul 19Reply
tracyj63 @summerchance , Love your pup ❤️
Jul 19Reply
rochellebrian I only shared your items because someone is looking for a dress/outfit and handbag for a wedding.
Jul 19Reply
bbrenda88 I have to say, your fur baby is ADORABLE!
Jul 19Reply
summerchance @tracyj63 Thanks much from me & a big paws up from Chance🐾🐾🐾🐾💜
Jul 20Reply
summerchance @bbrenda88 Thank you from me & a big paws up from Chance🐾🐾🐾🐾💕
Jul 20Reply
summerchance @deb0805 Aww thanks so much from me & a big paws up from Chance🐾🐾🐾💜
Jul 20Reply
dbrgnz He's soo cute!😍😍😍
Jul 21Reply
cfreemanfl Hope everything is okay with you. Haven't heard anything from you a worried if you're okay. My love & prayers are with you, as always! 💕
Jul 21Reply
cattyo Summer he really is the most adorable little guys ever!! SO precious!!❤️❤️❤️
Jul 22Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Yay you got it! Does it fit? If not let me know I'll exchange it 4a diff size, alternately I can give you something else entirely if you really don't care for the dress after seeing it. Just wanted 2give you something special from my heart, some small thing 2let you know how much your friendship means 2me. I don't take you or what you do 4me 4 granted. Just in short time I've known you, you've bolstered my spirits & given selflessly more than any family member did my whole life.
Jul 22Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Steven's dermatologist surgically removed what thot was a mole 2be safe but pathologist reports it's Melanoma on Steven's left collarbone. He'll need addtl surgery 2be sure margins are completely clear of Melanoma. It's shaken Steven 2core, just as he was trying 2fight 2gain some weight back; he's down 25lbs & didn't have even 5lbs 2spare. He's sleeping alot now. My vigorous superman strong guy is wasting be4 my eyes & pushing me away at same time. What a freaking mess.
Jul 22Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Soooo sorry to lay this crud on you; it'll get better it always does.
Jul 22Reply
summerchance @cfreemanfl Hi sweet girlfriend, sorry to be awol, things have just kinda deteriorated. Apparently I'm suffering from failure to thrive, sleep is nearly non existent, kidney infection & stones, concussed myself, was worshiping porcelain God & crashed upon standing up, jaw pain & headaches are nearly intolerable & to "manage" them means I'm basically unconscious. Argh, sorry to dump all this on you, I just don't know how much is enuf vs too much, sigh.
Jul 23Reply
cfreemanfl I'm so sorry life is so hard on you my friend. You are in my prayers daily, I wish there was something I could do for you. Please know I'm here if you just need a shoulder... 💕
Jul 23Reply
summerchance @cfreemanfl Steven's taken serious turn 4worse, lost over 25lbs & didn't have even 5lbs 2lose, has become depressed sleeps alot he's only home 2sleep mostly he's been pushing me away. Dermatologist removed a mole 2days ago on Steven's collar bone pathologist determined it's metastasized Melanoma. Steven will have 2have serious surgery now 2get wider margins. Feels like we're kinda circling the drain. Don't mean 2over state situation or sound morose...just crazy awful.
Jul 23Reply
summerchance @cfreemanfl I told U 2nd surgery prob failed? Doc sez ear cartilage 2wimpy 2sustain jaws now wants 2take cartilage from my ribs. Took 2much from ears they went from Frankenstein-ish black 2bent in 1/2 can't hold up my glasses almost comical how deformed they are. Sept Steven & I thot bout visiting U in FL if U hadn't left 4 Minn but it's been taken off table. So sorry 2go from zero news 2far 2much & prob lot of repetition. Let me know what's going on in Ur world, how Ur doing!
Jul 23Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia What is it with these mean, rude, less than classy people lately?! Since men's & children's wear has become "legal" (not that I have anything against men's & children's wear, just don't think they work at PM) I'm hearing about & seeing soo many more unbelievably dim, argumentative, less than price realistic (thinking of a word which rhymes with heap) people! It's like, can you say garage sale?! Seriously, I saw a closet advertising a beat up, broken down couch circa 1970's! 😲
Jul 23Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia So I totally get & appreciate you're snarkyness (is that even a word?)!
Jul 23Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Gotta ask, does the dress fit? Do you need a different size? & if you ever want to buy from my closet please please please let me know I don't ever want to sell you anything full price! Deal?
Jul 23Reply
cfreemanfl Honey if I could take your pain for even just a day I would so you could have a good one. I'm so sorry life is so hard on you two, you deserve so much happiness and not pain. I would've loved to have had you come but we will just have to plan for another time when things are better. Please stay in touch and let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I'm here for you Sweetheart. Luv ya! 💕
Jul 23Reply
cfreemanfl I'm okay. Had a horrible migraine last night and was violently ill but other than feeling hung over today the migraine seems to have gone ... My stepmom is in ICU on a ventilator and I think the stress and lack of sleep this week caught up to me. The migraines are getting progressively worse and cripple me but I just keep telling myself God has a plan. I don't claim to know it or understand it, But I take solace in knowing at least He knows what's in store for me
Jul 23Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia You're hilarious!! I so wish I had whatever it takes to step up to the plate & say zingers like that! Sweet girl that's mild compared to some other stuff I've read here....I def wanted to tag everyone I knew with that couch listing but then that person would have had all our names/closets; That was one gawd awful couch tho! Please thank everyone for me for keeping us in their prayers, it works & I truly appreciate the energy taken to pray for us.
Jul 23Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia I had a 10 of this black dress seems like I've had or currently have just bout every size in 3 colors, but not really. As of few min ago I could get a 10 in black dress if you'd prefer it. Top of dress runs really small. However it helps if one realizes there's an invisible side zipper. Took me 3 sizes of dang dress before I figured that out, yea I'm that stupid! Strange thing bout this dress, even tho top gets slightly bigger going up in sizes rest of it doesn't grow larger too??
Jul 23Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia If U want the10 it'd be easy 4me 2get I'd return the 8 would't be hardship. U'd send 8 back 2me & I'd send 10 2U; easy. Let me know. 4reference I'm 5'5 120lbs 34D 26 34 & tho I prefer the 8 the 6 &10 fit quite well. 6 was tiny bit shorter/tighter in chest, 8 was perfect chest/length, 10 slightly looser in top & not 2loose/long anywhere else. Odd eh? Glad U like dress, when U wrote U almost bought it I decided that'd be my gift 2U. Had been considering B Johnson Xbody Bag. 😆
Jul 23Reply
karebear51 @summerchance 💖Your puppy is absolutely adorable😍!! I have always had Standard Poodle fur babies. Right now I have a 13 y/o Standard and a 4 y/o Toy🐩🐩. So nice to meet you💖.
Jul 25Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for all the parties you've taken my closet to!!! But oooooohhhhhh noooooooo you don't nominate me for co host or host or understudy to co host or understudy to the understudy of co host because we both know YYYYYYYOOOOOOOUUUUUU could do it soooo oooooh much better!!!!!!!!!!!! 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😁😁😁😁😁😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😁😁😁😁😁😁😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😇😇😇😇😇😇
Jul 28Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia So I know that the hosts & co hosts choose picks, but what else is it that they do, I mean I really don't know - do you?
Jul 28Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Isn't that just the way it goes? Long dry spell then all at once. Last week I was dealing with 5 offers all at once on 5 diff things & not one of them came up to a sale.
Jul 28Reply
rebekahlkelly Love, Love your Doodle! We have a Golden Retriever and a Maltipoo and I just paid for a Goldendoodle from a place near Portland that we will get next Spring!!! Tow of my neighbor has an Australian Labradoodle so we are a neighborhood of doodles here!
Jul 28Reply
rebekahlkelly Sorry for the typos! Trying to type and keep kids from arguing with each other. :)
Jul 28Reply
summerchance @rebekahlkelly Wow, I'd love love love to see pics of your Golden Retriever & Maltipoo!! Names & ages would be fun too. I've got far more poshers' critters in my likes than anything else. I'd much rather buy from people with pets than not & I'd totally rather live in your neighborhood! How'd ya get so lucky to live next to all those doodles? That's just crazy cool! I bet you can hardly wait for your new pup!!!!! So glad you messaged me. 🌷🌷🌹🌹🌷🌷& a big paws up from Chance🐾🐾💕
Jul 29Reply
summerchance @karebear51 Just found your msg sorry took me a bit to respond! Please please tag me a pic or 5 (hee!) of your Standard & Toy Poodles, I'd love love love to see them! Names would be great too. I've got an entire like area just full of poshers' critters instead of clothing. Don't get me wrong, I really like clothes & shopping I just love critters more. Hope all's well in your world! 🌷🌹🌹🌷& a big paws up from Chance 🐾💕
Jul 29Reply
summerchance @cfreemanfl Just checking in Chris, hope you're doing as well as could be expected given the circumstances. Let me know how it's going with your folks when you're able. Still praying & will continue to do so as well as sending you & your folks positive energy, light & love. Try to be kind to yourself too. Love you sweet girl. ❤
Jul 29Reply
lynnsouth30 Precious! !!
Jul 31Reply
onejewell Oh dear oh my!!! How darling!! is the pup shadoodle?
Jul 31Reply
zil221 Beautiful dog. Doesn't look real. Adorable
Jul 31Reply
kate777 Awwww💗🐾
Jul 31Reply
summerchance @dbrgnz Hello, I just found your msg from a week ago!! I'm so sorry I missed it. Thanks for the compliment on my Doodle🌹🌷🌹 & here's a big paws up from Chancey 🐾💕🐾
Jul 31Reply
summerchance @cattyo Here's a big paws up from Chance my constant companion & hilarious prankster 🐾💕🐾
Jul 31Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Thanks Mary! Was on floor playing with Chancey yesterday tried 2get up fell flat on face. Thankfully didn't squash Chancey or break my glasses. Pain 2intense 2get up & Steven's away on boat with guys so spent couple hrs on floor trading screams & sobs with Chancey alternately thinking I was being toally pathetic. Finally got up but wasn't pretty; gawd what a scene. Back 2feeling like I've got shards of glass in every part of body; how's that 4painting scene of perpetual cry baby!?
Jul 31Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia How's gorgeous new grand baby of yours?
Jul 31Reply
summerchance @lynnsouth30 Thanks from me😊 & a big paws up from Chance🐾🐾💕
Jul 31Reply
summerchance @onejewell Thanks so much from me ☺😊☺ & a big paws up from Chance 🐾🐾💕
Jul 31Reply
summerchance @onejewell Hi thanks from me 😊☺😊 for your sweet compliment bout Chance & a big paws up from Chance 🐾🐾💕 He's a multi generational Australian Labradoodle, I know what a mouthful. Sorry I'm not familiar with the Shadoodle term, but there seems to be every mix possible with poodles these days guess cuz poodles are crazy smart don't she'd & are hypo allergenic...Have you got a critter baby too?
Jul 31Reply
onejewell Your welcome
Jul 31Reply
summerchance @zil221 Thanx much for your sweet compliment bout Chance! Here's a virtual paws up from him 🐾🐾💕 I agree with you bout him not looking real, I think he looks just like a Jim Henson creation & looks a lot like what a Muppet pup would look like. ❤💕❤ He gets away with more than he should cuz everything I look at him I'm giggling or loving him even more. Do you have a critter baby?
Jul 31Reply
onejewell Yes I have a furry bby too if you look threw my closet you wool see her. Her name is Dumoling she is a Bebull
Jul 31Reply
Aug 01Reply
kreativekristen @just an FYI- I got 3 host picks last night , including my newest tie skirt... Just fun, ;)except for financial stress I m feeling ok... So is max, just dealing with hot hot hot.... Must be august ... Hope things are well...
Aug 01Reply
kreativekristen Another merchandising top, suggest is end of summer season, marking down things strapless and white and short may be helpful, my shoes are 20 percent off this week... I will start adding long sleeve things to my closet the end of this month...
Aug 01Reply
summerchance @twotreefrogs2 Thank you, here's a big paws up from Chance 🐾🐾💕
Aug 01Reply
summerchance @maryphanalia Thank you friend!
Aug 03Reply
summerchance @eilalia2901 Thank U, you're very kind. What's your pup's name? I'd love 2see a pic of him. Chance is my best friend & next 2my husband, most important guy in my life. Lost my 1st Aussie Labradoodle Sammi last yr, he was only 6yrs old I was devastated. When Sammi's breeder found out she offered me her newest little stud puppy, 1of Sammi's relatives. It was completely by chance I got him & I took a big chance taking him during my grief, that's how Chance got his name.
Aug 06Reply
summerchance @mimmy53055 Hi please 4give my late response I totally missed Ur comment til now! Unless I'm tagged with the comment it gets lost in the feed & I only see it when I'm checking out each individual listing. Wow, wow, wow thank U 4the wonderful compliments!! Chance is even more incredibly adorable in person he's got a goofy grin on his face nearly all the time. If a former chic singer qualifies as a designer, then yep that's me. Haha. Thank you for making my week!! ~ Summer
Aug 25Reply
tezza630 😽😽💚😽💚💚💚😽😽
Sep 12Reply
summerchance @justgigi meet me here to discuss jeans I have an idea.....⭐⭐⭐Summer⭐⭐
Jul 11Reply
justgigi @summerchance I'm here! What's going on?
Jul 11Reply
summerchance @justgigi Sorry took so long you can go back to view the conversation I think? She's a shrewd business woman. Interesting way to put the burden on us....tho I see her point. Ok I bought the Small THANK YOU!! I have the xs, they've only been tried on but that may work to your advantage cuz they stretched at least and inch just trying them on. 😊
Jul 11Reply
summerchance @justgigi So I can make a PM listing giving you same price I paid, give me your address I'll send & you reimburse me or I send them back to her & you buy from her. Absolutely your choice!!
Jul 11Reply
summerchance @justgigi Unless you have a 4th option, or more I'm open.
Jul 11Reply
summerchance @justgigi You did me a huge favor!!!
Jul 11Reply
summerchance @justgigi Weird how this coincidentally all worked out & she's definitely legit.....
Jul 11Reply
justgigi @summerchance I hoe the xs will fit. The stats sound okay and she said that there's quite a bit of stretch. How can we do this so that all of the burden of shipping is not on you? Also, don't send the xs until you are sure of the small. Who knows, you might want to keep the xs and send me the small??? I saw your cell # on another post. Want me to text you?
Jul 11Reply
summerchance @justgigi 503-702-1929
Jul 11Reply
summerchance @justgigi Please do text if more convenient. At this point I'm happy to absorb shipping costs.....& I'm willing to handle any way you like. Gotta go to apt be back 45min to 1hr!
Jul 11Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Case against my FP coulotts was approvd. Glad she'll be getting total refund she had valid complaint they were 2sheer & I didn't notice. It's sucky timing since I just applied 4suggested user status right in time 2get my 1st 4star rating (after having only 5stars) & now an approvd case against me. There goes any hopes 4a suggested user status right down the toilet. 2hav these 2things happen back 2back after an extended excellent run kills any joy I had left in PM.
Jul 15Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance remember it's a numbers thing for posh ... Probley has no effect...if your selling and ship really fast are the most important thing to posh ... Returns are just the cost of doing business's ... You'll be fine...and FYI- getting to be a suggested user after e mailing them takes months, so just put it behind you... It will happen... Work on your followers numbers......
Jul 15Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen 😚⚘⚘🌹⚘⚘
Jul 15Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance just got stats and so it's for every 150-200 good transaction there will be 1 return. Another reason to stay away from lowvall offers is that they are more likely to try to make a case.
Jul 15Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Thank U for 4Ur patience & understanding with me; I'v been completely overwhelmed by losses; a close friend of Steven died yesterday he 2 was pic of health & smallest thing like 1st 4star combined with approved case acts like fishhook dredges up all grief, pain & sorrow. I spiraled in2 a cry myself unconscious wile Chancy licked my toes trying 2console me sigh.
Jul 15Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Thanks for all the shares & encouragement with PM stats, makes me feel better & taking it less personally. 😗😙💕💕💕
Jul 15Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen The new posher who got scammed & sent out that warning notice, had her notice taken off/erased from her closet by PM. Do know if that's a PM policy? She's asking me & I have no idea what to say. Thanx again!
Jul 15Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance ,you know u feel like there arbt akot of posh policies it's just individual posh employees who make the call. .she needs to yse direct communication with posh or go to the fb site ,poshmark advice and tips and just ask,if anyone knows they may. .fyi,gave Max a hair cut,took me 2 days to remove a dog's worth of hair. I'll take puc later ..:)
Jul 15Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance feel free to use me to vent,really,yes the other day I came home upset and didn't even realize how much until I realized Max would not stop touching me or licking my legs. .;)
Jul 15Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Isn't that amazing Max was trying to comfort you in the only way he knew how.....what a loving soul you have for a best friend. How did you get Max? You've never mentioned I don't think.
Jul 15Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance ,Max is my 4 th airdale,after the death of my last dog. I waited 6 months(I'll never do that again) living in Reno all 3 if my children were up for a pre Christmas gathering,my oldest and I were thrifting and came across a pet store. ( Now that I think of it ,I think it was a set up ,I think my daughter knew exactly where we were going) anyway she made me go in and there were all these so cute little dogs in white picket fence enclosures ..and one chain link fence cage
Jul 15Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance ,in the cage was what looked like a rolly pollie short haired German Shepard coloring dog,my daughter said ,airdale,I said no way,owner confirm Ed,airdake ,they brought him out,he was so sad and lonely you just layed there and rolled over for a tummy rub,my heart sank( I'd always had girls)while I was shaking my head no,my daughter called my other 2 children ,when they showed up,they if course told me I couldn't leave him there. .so I bought him...;)
Jul 15Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance turns out Max is from a long line of papered show dogs from Minnesota,his fatal flaw,he has a small white spot on his chest. . Sir Maxwell Steven the something or other;)
Jul 15Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen I'm kinda surprised we're not seeing a ton more of these announcements.....
Oct 12Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen The PM Ambassadorship annointment thing that is....I would've figured I'd awaken to see them plastered all over the feed. Any thots?
Oct 12Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance well in seeing that a lot more then I thought don't qualify... Buying and sending love notes are important... Some poshers don't do that ...anyway remember sometimes I'm out there different and a lot of other poshers are doing the wait and see thing...
Oct 12Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance ... About the phone, if you send me model info I can try to look up deleting info ...ambassador stuff ... I ve gotten a few congrats, not many... It will take a while for poshers to get it...
Oct 12Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance just venting... The only time I get a 4 star is when the poshers is new...I just got one of those ...;(
Oct 12Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Oh crud!@×/"&]]@! Of course, happened to me twice & I came unglued....we live by ratings & yet the people we have 2rely on most are the ones ignorant of the process,'s a heartbreaker for you since you're sooo conscientious & careful.😍I'm sorry.
Oct 12Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Sorry been in closet with Chance listening 2tree limbs falling on roof. House is built on side of hill back yard is steep slope, there's creek & wetland filled with huge trees make 3story house look like tinker toy. A mo after Steven died huge limb broke & came down on back deck destroyed deck heater, furniture, rails & special potty system Steven engineered 4 our 1st pup Sammi.
Oct 13Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance Monday night I got zero sleep because of wind storm, my house is basically all metal roof( A frame ( 2 story roof)so I laird in bed listening to cedar tree branches falling on the house...( I live in a cedar grove) spent the night thinking the what ifs....if a branch fell on the house ... Where would I go... Never figured that out...took me til today to sweep the wrap around porch off...
Oct 13Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Hope the phone won't be too old 2b usable! Model # Samsung-SGH-1727 Android version 2.3.6 There's no SD Card in the phone. SUB storage available space is 11.25GB total, System storage Available space is 1.40GB
Oct 13Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance so I know exactly what you went thru... Alone and helpless and calming the pet...
Oct 13Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance I'll look it up... Did you ever get that e mail from me... Hope you can sleep tonight...
Oct 13Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Yes I did & I replied to you that it wouldn't allow me to accept...
Oct 13Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance so maybe in my boggled brain state , I already did it ... That's possible;)
Oct 13Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance thanks for trying... So is it raining there?
Oct 13Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance looked up phone and there are on line manuals , so I can probly figure stuff out... Did you try putting back to factory spectacular to delete everything
Oct 13Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Ur monday nite sounds like a total nitemare, congrats for living thru it with out losing it......times like that I come pretty close to losing it.....Add me to the what if quandry; if that kind of disaster happens, you & Max come stay with Chance & me!
Oct 13Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen It's been raining most of the day & is continuing thru the nite, also had another tornado on the ground but this time it's bout 20 miles south of me.....Crud I hope the tug is ok...didn't think bout that til now. Do U think the phone will do U any good? Sorry I'll figure out deletions tomorrow I'm kinda toast. Good nite Ms Ambassador hope U sleep well!
Oct 13Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance ... Hope you sleep... I slept for a bit then woke again... Hope it's normal rain you fall asleep to...I stayed home today cos of the smoke ... Need to run to get grocery s tommorow so I hope it clears a bit... Yes phone will help... What ever works for you...
Oct 13Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance , your so kind... We could be broken together...;)
Oct 13Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Hi by accident I found out by editing/changing cover shot on a listing U can re-direct share 2someone's dressingroom. Also if U have sold 1 of something & create a new listing for 2nd identical piece U can also re-direct share 2 someone's dressingroom.
Oct 26Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Hav had no action on dress I just direct shared 2 Ur dressing room the dress U asked about rayon fabric, so I chose a completely diff FP model wearing it & put in all new pics 2 see if it will generate any response. I've done that on a few things that had been hanging around since I started & miraculously they sold?!
Oct 26Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Hav U ever noticed this dress in closet b4 now? Just curious. Conversely 2what I thot by increasing prices on a few older items they sold. Has this happened 2U? How are U? I'm sorry I didn't respond 2 Ur text msg I'v been flipping out. Resched surg for 11/6. Haven't finished estate or taxes not even close. Being chg'd daily penalty with interest.
Oct 26Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen I feel awful to have let you down on sending you the cell phone right away. Please don't think it was intentional.
Oct 26Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Last week I was so freaking sick, was desperately trying to get taxes together & I sold more in 4 days than I have sold in weeks past, sigh. Life can be so incredibly confusing.
Oct 26Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance not to worry, I think it was a ‘ sometimes things happen for a reason ‘ I bought a phone and tablet... have been spending a week setting them up... it’s all good, went to the drs yesterday and an pretty healthy for an ill person...;)
Oct 26Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance , no I didn’t notice that dress before and yes mark down old things for awhile, if they don’t sell after a few days , try changing the first pic;), glad you got a new date... and wish you could get that tax thing this where a hired accountant should come into play;)
Oct 26Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance can you try explaining that again, I just sold a bundle and a single item, first time since that whole ambassador change ...., new phones and no sales ... well stressed....
Oct 26Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance boy that is an understatement.... so here’s one for you... with Wagner’s... a blather infection can be just that or something much more serious caused by the meds I how do I maintain normal now ... besides cranberry juice...or and play video games;)
Oct 26Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Hi I tagged you on a Free People peplum jacket, curious what you think of it. 🙄
Oct 26Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen 1 of things I do 2sell pieces that haven't sold is mark UP price stead of marking down then they sell; works nearly every time don't know why but I haven't marked down a piece in awhile. After marking up I have lots more leeway 2 give buyer a much better price & I get 10% profit or break even stead of losing $$. Ever tried it?
Oct 26Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Weird thing happened yesterday, buyer bought 2pairs socks seperately didn't ask 4 bundle. I immediately explained combining & saving 1shipping fee offered 2cancel sales & combine 4her. Waited bout 6hrs no response so printed labels & sent seperately but feel really bad about it; still no comment from her. What else culd I have done?
Oct 26Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance really nothing, you tried, just probably a newbie who didn’t know and might have been having a computer meltdown and couldn’t figure out how to fix.... at least she’ll never do it again....;)
Oct 26Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance never, but I just marked a few down for coco ... which never works for me so yes, I’m going to try the mark up thing....;), I had a pretty uninformed buyer yesterday.... just wish there was a better format for new posters to learn from
Oct 26Reply
summerchance @kreativekristen Was at bank 4 nearly 2hrs just 2remove Steven's name on joint accts, consolidate multiple accts & transfer funds 2pay property taxes. Had full blown panic attack yesterday when I got the 3 property tax statements due 2wks. 4 our house, my rental & Steven's boathouse it's costing me just under $10,000.00 for only 1yr of property taxes. 😨😵🤢 Just keeps going up up up......
Oct 28Reply
kreativekristen @summerchance that was so brave of you to get that done.... you did good... so is the next step( after paying taxes) downsizing?
Oct 28Reply
ccsqna Thanks for following my closet! 🙌🎉 All the prices are negotiable and I give deep discounts on bundles. There's also a 5/$30 sale going on and free gifts to choose from, so make sure to look around! ↪🚪↩
Dec 20Reply
ellearie Hi there, I’m new here on Poshmark and I noticed you are from Portland, OR, so am I. :) I was wondering how do you get started to sell boutique items?
Sep 21Reply
summerchance @ellearie Hi sorry 2 be so long in responding, welcome 2 Poshmark it's great 2 hav another Portland person here😁 All U hav 2 do 2 begin selling as a boutique is 2 complete the boutique certification in Ur account management tab. A boutique item is anything never sold 2 public B4 something U buy direct from manufacturers or wholesalers; 4 instance if U buy a top from Free People then sell it on PM that top isn't a boutique item since it was bought retail. 🌹Summer
Sep 21Reply
summerchance @ellearie Please lmk if I can help in any other way or answer any questions it just takes me a bit sometimes 2 respond🌹Summer
Sep 21Reply
summerchance @ellearie Press "My Sellers Tools" Then toggle to "Starting A Boutique" & follow the prompts to get your boutique certification🎈🌹Summer
Sep 21Reply
ellearie @summerchance Sorry for the late response! Thank you for the warm welcome and yes it’s nice seeing another Portlander here! 🙂 Thank you so much for your guidance and help, I really appreciate it. And love your closet also! ❤️
Sep 22Reply

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