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Many Moons Ago.....
My Mother Bought This in a Boutique & I Don't Know Anything About it
It's Made Very Well With Metal Trim, Facets ,Locks & Nails...Lining & Zipper Interior
The Exterior is Either Leather or Synthetic. It Has a Scrape in Front....not a Tear which Leads Me to Believe it May be Leather?
Approx Mea; W7" X H5" X D4"
HANDLES (Drop) 3"
May Have Had a Chain Attached to it.
I Know it's Not Old ...I Just Don't Know Much About It.....Anybody Know Anything? Id Appreciate.i t

60 others
like this

@katzkoz the sun on the front reminds me of Versace. Maybe it was made for one of their trunk shows???
Jul 19Reply

@jasmineerman Hey,'s a start anyway!
Jul 19Reply

@katzkoz either way it is stunning. Good luck with your search🙂
Jul 19Reply

@katzkoz I wonder if it is Anne Klein it looks like the little design she has on some of her items it's really pretty
Jul 21Reply

@raninmyheart Hey! I never thought if may be Anne Klein. I'll have to check it out! Thanks!
Jul 21Reply

@katzkoz its stunning
Jul 22Reply

💕 Wow very pretty! Both designers Versace and Anne Klein came to mind when I saw this! I'm so glad 2 other PFs thought so also!
Jul 24Reply

@marykat Hey, yeah...thanks!👍 I also put this on a very cool website with social media involved that finds info on pocketbooks. I'm getting the same response. Pretty amazing, right? Thanks so much...mystery might get solved!
Jul 24Reply

@mkribs Is this Versace??? 💋💋
Jul 24Reply

@triciatx Thats what its leafing to...on 2 sites....thats why Im looking to find out
Jul 24Reply

@katzkoz Definitely looks like Anne Klein.
Jul 24Reply

@katzkoz @triciatx I am certainly no expert. All 3 of my items were purchased from Versace in the mid to late 90s. Vintage Versace is unfamiliar. To the best of my knowledge, the Versace logo has always been Medusa. I agree it looks similar to Anne Klein but I really have no clue. Who is the vintage guru?let's find the true vintage share group
Jul 24Reply

@tpmom @divineduchess would either of you be able to help contribute any info on this piece or maybe tag one of your vintage friends who may know something to solve this mystery. I think vintage and you 2 come to mind💞💞
Jul 24Reply

@mkribs I know...but still don't know. It's on the web site "Collectors Weekly" where they Solve Mysteries as to people who don't have a clue where their bags, jewelry or valuables came from or don't know anything about. It's getting a lot of reaction as to who is the designer or anything about it on there They marked it as "Still Not Solved". Very cool site!
Jul 24Reply

@mkrubs Will check, promise !
Jul 24Reply

@tpmom....U've gotta know!!
Jul 24Reply

@katzkoz that is a cool site! I have a few things that I would love to attempt to identify. Thanks for sharing that!!
Jul 24Reply

I've been meaning to beg someone to be my vintage mentor😊 If I think of any more gurus, I'll send them your way!
Jul 24Reply

@mkribs I'm going to post the site....gimme a minute...
🔹🔹🔹🔹HTTP://🔹🔹🔹🔹 U can put Ur things on there and people will comment on what they know about it. So, I'm hoping someone will know. So far, it's been pretty informative. U can't sell on there...only info. Very very cool site and helpful!
Jul 24Reply

** **
Jul 24Reply

Why so expensive
Jul 24Reply

@lilamarie10 Hi Lila,'s not really for sale. I'm just putting the price high so people will know it's a ridiculous price and people would think "what's she thinking???!". heehee.....just trying to find out some info.
How are U liking Posh so far? If U ever need help, come and see me and I'll help U or anyone of the Posher can too. OK?
Jul 24Reply

Thanks. Happy to help. I was going to say leather too. I'm gonna guess it's not that old. Probably 1970s or early 80s. I was going to suggest collectors weekly too. No name inside or tag?
Jul 24Reply

@divineduchess No...nothing. And...yea...70s - 80ish.
Jul 24Reply

@katzkoz my first thought was Versace but I can't see the crest very well. But it would have a tag inside. What material is it lined with?
Jul 24Reply

@divineduchess IDK. It has 2 Compartments divided by a zipper. It's not silky material. I know materials but this is almost like a twill design material.
Jul 24Reply

Thanks! Totally going to check it out👍👍👍 @divineduchess @tpmom thanks for your help!!!!
Jul 24Reply

@mkribs Vintage Versace 80's poss 90's.
Jul 24Reply

@tpmom 👏👏👏 you rock, mystery solved!!! I heard the pieces pre Versace death could sell for a nice price?
Jul 24Reply

@mkribs Look on Etsy and and Alsi EBay. Insignia is 100% Versace.
Jul 24Reply

@mkribs I personally think just from the glitzy style that it's 80's. I'm going to tag someone else would have a better idea of value. @cmgsalang can you help our friend out as far as value of this bag ?
Jul 24Reply

@tpmom 😆👍👍
Jul 24Reply

@mkribs Hi there! I believe you have a vintage Gianni Versace box purse from 80's. It's pre-death piece so has value. Go to eB@y & type in "vintage gianni versace cosmetic bag medusa". Scroll down & you will see a black bag very similar in shape & use to your piece. Congrats on a fab bag! Hope this helps!.... Caroline 💞 FYI... @tpmom
Jul 24Reply

@cmgsalang @mkribs Thank U all so much for Ur help! Yah! I saw the Versace on Ebay & it DOES look like it.....very much! So, now I'll tell Collectors Weekly what U found. Now I have something to go on....authenticate it too...somehow. Ur right....what a find! My mother has a vast collection of bags and passes them on to me. She's an awesome & kind mother! Amen to that!
Jul 24Reply

@katzkoz Hi! So glad I could help... I am also a purse collector for over 25 yrs - antique chatelaines to today's bags. You are welcome to tag me if you might any questions on anything (not just bags) vintage or antique. Be glad to help if I can. Have a great night!... Caroline 💞🙋🏻💞
Jul 24Reply

@cmgsalang Yes! Thank U very much! I will always use U as a reference now that I know! I have a lot of bags! But, I am very grateful to FIND something out about this bag. My mother is handing me down quite a few items (bags & such)
Jul 25Reply

Your mom has very good taste in bags & seems like a wonderful person. Sure, no prob. I will do my best to help if I can. Have a great night!.... 💞💞💞
Jul 25Reply

@cmgsalang She's very wise, fun & strong. Great person! Thank U again and Nity nite!💤💤💤💤
Jul 25Reply

@jasmineerman Oh, is what U guessed....pre-death Versace. Just trying to get more info on it. Still researching but they found one VERY similar.
Read above.
Jul 29Reply

@katzkoz wow that's amazing. It's beautiful don't let this one go. Can't believe I was right on... Still haven't lost my sense of style lol
Jul 29Reply

@jasmineerman U were SPOT on!!★★★★★ Thanks for Ur input. Its really amazing to find so many helpful women on here.....on just about ANYTHING. I love Posh.
Any other advice?
Jul 29Reply

@katzkoz the trunk show pieces are very valuable because they we before they made their mark. Your the one with the high sales .. Do you have any advice for me on how you do it?
Jul 29Reply

@jasmineerman Do what? No...I mean on how to pursue about finding more about this.....
Jul 29Reply

@katzkoz lol do you have a Versace store near you I would go there or call there to inquire. They are usually extremely helpful. There is a few in nyc.
Jul 29Reply

@jasmineerman Yep....I'm from there. Just found one in Orlando.....3 hr trip but I've done that road trip beaucoup times.....might as well go & stop by and say hello to Mickey & the gang! Woohoo...........tx!
Jul 29Reply

@barbloveseattle. This is what I'm talking about!
Jul 31Reply

Wow! So evidently your shopping gene came from Mom?? ❤️😋🙂That is a killer bag! How cool it's yours 🎉🎀💟
Jul 31Reply

@barbloveseattle Yes!!!!! She had no idea either. She's passing along all her bags to me cause she was a collector and is getting older and wants to get rid of a lot of things. She's an awesome lady. She used to live in NYC (so did I) & she loves to shop and find "things"!
Jul 31Reply

@barbloveseattle I am just so excited for U! Congrats!👍👍🎉
Jul 31Reply

Aren't moms the BEST?? 💕😍. You are a doll to be so happy for me! I'll give your beautiful bag a very good home. 🙂Thanks again! 💕🎉🎀🙂
Jul 31Reply

@barbloveseattle YOU ARE WELCOME!💗
Jul 31Reply

@monkeyshine Hey.....I've only seem that show once! That's a funny thought!
Jul 31Reply

@katzkoz Beautiful Bag, glad you solved the mystery! I just wasn't to thank you for all of the shares! You've been a ROCKSTAR! Much 💕💕 Nikkie 🌴☀️☀️🌴
Aug 01Reply

@misnik302 Nope! U ROCK for losing all that weight! Congrats on Ur upward scale of success & determination and having HOOTZBAH !
Aug 01Reply

Wow. Does have an Anne Klein look to it. Also, thanks for your encouraging words & offer of support.
Aug 02Reply

I just saw this. So glad you got your answer. I happen to just post Versace glasses and widened temple to look and was gonna tag when I saw you already figured out. 🌻
Aug 06Reply

@cushman_closet ahhhhhhh.....thank you but I'm still getting info. Now to authenticate it for real. So, when I get a minute, some time I'm going to contact the Versace place in Miami, Florida and see what they think. I'm in Florida so may take a ride and hook up with some PFF's if I go.
Aug 06Reply

Awesome. Good luck. It has to be
Aug 06Reply

Sorry it has to be looks just like the temple when I opened up. Beautiful bag 😉. Blessings
Aug 06Reply

@cushman_closet Thanks! I'll let U know for sure!
Aug 06Reply

Thanks sweetie 😉💕
Aug 06Reply

Aug 10Reply

@katzkoz 🙋 I just wanted to tell you that this thread & discussion prompted me to take a second look at a handbag that I received after my Grandma passed away. It's been hanging out in the closet for years...turns out it's from the 1920s!!!! It's not exceptionally valuable but it's nearly 100 years old, how cool! 💃🌺💃 Nikkie
Aug 12Reply

@misnik302 How cool is that!!!!?
Take some pics of it and put it on that site I mentioned above and tell them Ur story and U just want to find out about it. U'd be amazed how many people will respond about it.👍👍👍👍Do it!
Aug 12Reply

It's gorgeous,Is it Versace🌺
Aug 12Reply

@simone_mcbrid That's what they're saying. ...
Aug 12Reply

Pretty sure I lived in Manhattan for over 23 years and I worked at Saks Fifth Ave,Which was across the I walked by everyday on my way home,that's their Insignia,I am sure🌺
Aug 12Reply

@simone_mcbrid I love Saks! Yea...I know its the insignia...that's the consensus but now Ive got to authenticate it sometime in the near future. The closet Versace is Miami for me. I had it on another Vintage Info site & they said the same thing.
I'm from NY too. Dad worked in GM bldg on Columbus Cir. Went to Bloomies to eat ECLAIRS at their bakery all the time. To die for!
Aug 13Reply

I like the yogurt,I lived on East 56th street dangerous neighborhood for shopaholics😂
Aug 13Reply

@simone_mcbrid ....ohhh yeaaaaa......"Shop-a-holucs Anonymous" around the corner is always full after 6pm too! heehee.....
Aug 13Reply

This looks like an Anne Klein but don't take my word for it. Whatever it is, it's BADA$$!!! 😍😍😍
Aug 22Reply

OH poop on a stick- if I would have just read all the comments-you already authenticated! Your mom has taste! Don't pull down this listing when you list the bag-I wanna bookmark it for your recommended authentication site-helpful! 💕💖💕
Aug 22Reply

@amberindallas Hey thanks & thanks. It amazing how helpful all the ladies were and are. Ur right. This listing may help a lot for finding where to authenticate items. The Vintage Weekly site isn't just for vintage either. Its a great site for all sorts of things. I bookmarked it and I go in there just to look whats in there. Thanks girl!
Aug 22Reply

@katzkoz Hi Lesley, I saw this post and may know someone who can help. There is a lady named Laurie @annielaurieshop she has a vast knowledge of many Rare things. If she doesn't know then she may be able to point you in the right direction. I hope you find out, it's cool!
Aug 26Reply

@katzkoz No tags inside at all?
@tanyasuez Thanks for the vote of confidence, but have no clue. Will do some research and tap into some bonafide vinters.
Aug 26Reply

@annielaurieshop Hi! I just thought you might be able to steer her in the right direction.😊
Aug 26Reply

@tanyasuez Opps.....just seeing this now. Ive been getting a lot of info from the other site too. Thanks for helping out in any info. Ive yet to contact Versace in Miami yet.
Aug 27Reply

Does anyone know anything about this very fun handbag???🌞🌞 @mbvaughn @janimack7 @kirabella35 @jaimee_mackey @sijolie71 @hila808 @matadora1978 @warrior04 @justice10forme @bella_rose13 @pink_bee @sunnietrish @niftylisa @couturegypsy @paicar @samipoo24 @piksty @thevintagenvy @hsohailk @poshgirlsglam @sandysohn @clever102 @tpgutshall @joyamarino @mmadonna40 @ankalo @carrissabrennan @rnicu00 @christinejammo @califashtrends @dovesofashtrees @cnbalabro @michiv✨
Sep 02Reply

@tchouseofstyle Theresa, I bet you can identify this purse!?
Sep 02Reply

@justice10forme it looks like Versace, can I see averted picture of front . Love it
Sep 02Reply

@tchouseofstyle it belongs to @katzkoz
Sep 02Reply

@katzkoz my guess is Ann Klein
Sep 02Reply

@katzkoz Lesley I think it's Vintage Versace. I'm almost 99% sure.
Sep 02Reply

@kirabella35. Geez...survived THAT hurricane last nite! It was BAD!
Thank U for Ur input on the bag & the consensus is it could be vintage Versace like U said. So U could be right. @cmgsalang identified it earlier as the same. Now I have to authenticate it. Its just finding the time! Thank U again!
Sep 02Reply

Has anyone found this yet I will sell everything own fo for kinda kidding..I actually came upon sandals that matched this bag exactly and I knew then I should have got them but I didnt..that bag Is beyond beautiful.whoever gets this is the luckiest lady alive
Sep 04Reply

@lindseylgraves Hey....THANKS! No, I'm not selling it. So far its been deemed as Versace. Ive got to get it authenticated......some day......when I have time. But, it IS AWESOME!
Sep 04Reply

It is Versace I can tell u that right now
Sep 04Reply

Wow this is fascinating. Just read through the thread. LMK if you list it anywhere. I'd love to pop some corn and watch the price go up! :)
Sep 05Reply

@sweetcheeses .......and some wine!
Sep 05Reply

@katzkoz looks like Versace
Sep 05Reply

@jodianner Thank U, I will!
Sep 08Reply

@linavhaji Yea......I think so too. Thank U!
Sep 08Reply

@katzkoz you should keep it!!
Sep 09Reply

Thanks for the share!
Sep 13Reply

Thanks for the share! This bag is SICK! Did you find out any info? I'm not sure where you are located but I know the art district in Lambertville, NJ is full of boutiques that could help...,
Sep 17Reply

@angcooks I KNOW, RIGHT!!!? Yes, I know where that is, not far from my folks when they were in Pa. Im sitting on it right now but Ive got to get to Miami to see what the Versace people say. Its too cool of a bag! Thanks for the look see!
Sep 17Reply

Well good luck! It's truly a one of a kind bag!👌
Sep 17Reply

@katzkoz Lesley, go on Pinterest and type in Vintage Versace Medusa. You're gonna want to hang on to that baby🙊.
Sep 21Reply

Gorgeouse bag I wouldn't let that go, heck no! What a score #thanksmom ♡
Oct 22Reply

@smoreno1216 Yah for moms!
Oct 22Reply

@katzkoz Whatever you do, hold onto that bag. Don't sell it. It's stunning!
Nov 14Reply

@valsclosetgalor Yes! Thank U! Its pretty cool looking! No plans to sell....just to look at.
Nov 14Reply

Hey sweetie ok I may be of some help
Nov 24Reply

I used to own several high end boutiques. That is a very old Versace logo. In the early days of Versace he had various logos not simply medusa. It also included what you have as the sun god
Nov 24Reply

Now keep in mind that many knock offs did pop up. However that would have been very early in his design. 70's early 80's
Nov 24Reply

I would be curious to know any of anything is on the inside of the purse
Nov 24Reply

@funfashion213 Hi....Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for the is, I think old since the metal on it is , in some spots turning. The interior has no label, or it was ripped out. It's black material which has a partition in the middle. If it were a replica...heehee...I don't's just a wonderful & beautiful piece to look at. If it is authentic, well....Yippee Skippee for me! Yah! I appreciate Ur very warmly received info too! 👍👍💕💕
Nov 24Reply

@funfashion213 .....and what fun to own high end boutiques!!! I can only imagine what stories U must have about the women that shopped there!!!
Nov 24Reply

My pleasure sweetie. From the pictures it looks real and for sure it is stunning
Nov 24Reply

@funfashion213 Thank U! If it's real, I will definitely give U a shout out! Enjoy Ur T-Day!
Nov 24Reply

Thank you for the shares! 💕💕
Nov 25Reply

Wow ....your story is fabulous. Hope you authenticate and it's Versace. I love a challenge and before I read all the comments I found this bag with similar handles and finishes. No LOGO like yours but interesting so thought I'd share.
Nov 26Reply

Wow. This is ridiculously adorable. Don't ever part with this. Wow. Wow!! Love it.
Nov 26Reply

@srmor Its crazy, isnt it??!!! TU!
Nov 26Reply

@realizeu Hey, thanks! I love etsy!
Nov 26Reply

Looks like a Versace however it is a Greek mythological character
Dec 06Reply

@pralinequeen Hey girl...thank U & I have no clue. Have a Merry Christmas!
Dec 06Reply

Awesome 🌟🙋🏼
Dec 07Reply

@cherish139 I KNOW!!! Right?????!!!!
Dec 07Reply

Do you have the bag in your possession? It looks like late 80'snor early 90's Versace but could/could not be authentic. Wondering what the interior looks like.
Dec 10Reply

@khennerty Hi....yes, I have the bag & the interior is in great condition with just a divider inside made of some kind of soft material.
Ive had a lot of different thoughts from others on it. Its just so pretty to look at and its definitely from the 80's early 90's.
Dec 10Reply

@katzkoz @katzkoz so no markings of the interior? I'm facinated by this bag, it's amazing. Could you take some pics of it that don't have the glare on them? And one of just the emblem? If it's authentic and rare (if it IS authentic's def rare. I've never seen anything like it and I'm quite familiar with the brand. )...
Dec 10Reply

anyway, I just want to help solve the mystery. Is your mom still around? What type of shopper was she, what dept stores did she most frequent? And maybe she's remember around what time she bought it...interesting!!
Dec 10Reply

Damn 500 character count limit...
Dec 10Reply

@khennerty Great! Thank U for Ur help. I really appreciate it.
But, right now with Posh having this sale going on with Christmas, I'm far too stretched at the minute to take more pictures of it. I will sometime next week or later and tag U with the new pictures. But, please understand. I really appreciate more info. My mom is still alive and she's 86 & in GREAT health! She lived in NYC & shopped everywhere. Very "in touch" with style. She modeled for a while back then
Dec 10Reply

@katzkoz ah, ok there's some insight! So she was prob a Bloomingdales or Henry Bendel's shopper instead of your average Macy's (though the Macy's in the city is very nice!)
What Xmas sale on posh? New on here :)
Dec 10Reply

@khennerty DEFINITELY Bloomies!
On Posh, if U lower Ur items by 10% or if the buyer asks U to lower Ur item by 10%....the buyer gets discount shipping.
Posh almost NEVER does this.
Maybe 4 times a year.
U never know when! So, if Ur interested in buying something, U just ask the seller to lower it by 10%. Its great for selling AND buying.
Dec 10Reply

@katzkoz ah yeah, I've been doing that 👍👍
Dec 10Reply

I figured they did that year round
Dec 10Reply

Anne Klein? Looks like her logo
Dec 16Reply

What a cool looking handbag!!! Beautiful! Does this site you ladies were recommending authenticate any type of bag? I have a Coach cross body that I've not been able to find one like it ANYWHERE! I wonder if they could help? I was going to list it on here but I need to make sure it isn't a fake. I just can't find another like it. One of my elderly hairdressing clients gave it to me along with a D&B years ago & she's since passed away and I had it in storage.
Dec 18Reply

@ses54 Hey.....yes. I think U can list it on "Collectors Weekly", like I did & they'll find out info on it if U post photos & what it looks like.
If U post it on here, list as " ISO information", tag me & I'll get in touch with some ladies here.
But, at the top of the convos here...I , somewhere, listed the web site for Collectors weekly.
Dec 18Reply

@katzkoz ok thanks so much! I fixing dinner right now but I'll def ck it out! Appreciate the info! 👍💕
Dec 18Reply

The seal looks like Versace to me
Jan 30Reply

@annanelson1972 It does!!! Thank U!
Jan 30Reply

I don't know anything about it but it's beautiful. 😃❤️️
Jan 31Reply

@otiszoe04 ha ha! Me neither but I agree! Thanks!
Jan 31Reply

It looks like it could be a Versace ❗ It's very pretty 👌
Feb 12Reply

WOW! I love this!! There's the Vintage Fashion Guild that can help you can join their forum they have lots of expert vintage knowledge 🙂 I'm sure they can help you 🙂 you can upload your photos and someone will get back to you, it may take a few days because some of the experts are in different countries but I'd definitely do that 🙂 I love vintage pieces 🙂 I've personally used them before 🙂 p.s. there's no fee to have your questions answered. Hope that helps 🙂🙂🙂
Mar 13Reply

@hailtofashion Hey, thanks for the input! I passed this along to so many sites, I've lost track of them but I'm pretty sure that was one of them as well.
Very helpful!
Mar 13Reply

@katzkoz Your so welcome 🙂
Mar 13Reply

It's not Versace?
Mar 16Reply

@sublimesale Looks like it , at least that's the concensus. Thanks!👍👍🌞
Mar 17Reply

@katzkoz -Does it say Versace inside? I guess not. Take it to a Versace store. It is really cute! I like it, Versace or not.
Mar 17Reply

@sublimesale Me too! Yes, I haven't gotten away to go to the Miami store yet. I will tag.
Mar 17Reply

@katzkoz -Good luck!
Mar 17Reply

If it was Versace it would likely have the Versace name in the emblem somewhere. Or at least somewhere on the bag. So I doubt its actually Versace. But its still really gorgeous! You can call the company and speak to someone about authentication. They will probably have you send a picture. Or take it to the Bal Harbour store and risk the snooty looks from them. My friends were partners in that store with Gianni before his death. And even I got snooty looks...
Mar 17Reply

@shopofthemoment OK, thanks.
It had tags inside but they were ripped out. I know its from 80's and its not THAT old, but the metal parts on it are turning. So, either way, its an interesting bag.
That's funny U say about the snoots.
Its so true.
I had a MK beautiful bag that a famous (?) artist put a design on it.....cont
Mar 17Reply

@shopofthemoment So I brought it to the new Town center where MK, Tiffany's,, etc where to find out more about it. It was new.
I walked in the store & felt like it was a scene from Pretty Woman!
Snotty sales people!
Only because I wasn't buying . Only wanted authentication.
They were so indignant!
I should have come back carrying a Gucci & Tiffany's bag!
Mar 17Reply

@katzkoz been there. Those bitches are terrible. They always love my Moschino bags though. They follow me through the store like I'm on fire and they're trying to douse me with a water bucket. When you don't buy, they don't wait until you leave to talk smack about you either.
Mar 17Reply

@katzkoz I stroll through there on purpose and never buy anything because they're so rude. Aventura store, much better! I used to know the manager a few years ago. She was a sweetie.
Mar 17Reply

Oh yeah! Next time I go......that's what I'm going to do.
U could just see them surrounded by the counter, waiting to help U but once U say "just looking"......the crude wagers are yapping. Eyes glued to U like U were going to take something.
Had an experience like that! I forgot!
Mar 17Reply

@shopofthemoment Went into a store that the manager knows me and knows I love Bags.
But, THIS time...she wasn't there.
A tall, brunette, hair in a tight, tight ponytail, large designer glasses, red, red lipstick, wearing a tunic to cover her LARGE belly..saw me.
I had jeans on answer a very large drink (like Big Gulp).......
Mar 17Reply

@shopofthemoment I was walking thru the aisle, looking at things.
She watched EVERYTHING I did.
So so so uncomfortable.
I walked up to her & asked he "just curious...why are U staring at me?"
She didn't expect me to confront her.
She stumbled over the words, didn't know what to say....
Mar 17Reply

@shopofthemoment She looked down all over me. Up & down.
She didn't know what to say until she finally zoomed in on my Big Gulp cup.
She said " Oh....I..umm..was just looking at how big that drink was...ummm"
I said..."Oh....I thought U were looking at me that way because U THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO STEAL SOMETHING!:
Mar 17Reply

@katzkoz giggle. It's the girls who can't afford anything in the stores they work in that have the worst attitudes. Anyone with any class in any of those stores left long ago. It's sad. They're selling made in China crap for top dollar now and giving you an attitude to boot. I'll take vintage over brand new MK any day. Although I do have a few pair of sky high stilettos by MK that I love... Not much else. 💋
Mar 17Reply

@shopofthemoment Yep.....Ur right!
A lot of these Major Companies are merging or selling out to other companies. So, the quality isn't as good.
Like Brighton. The market is saturated w/them, so the price goes down. Kate Spade is in negation to merge with another. It could be Coach
Coach is here in Jax.
Mar 17Reply

Look at Moët Hennessy. They own everything! Louis Vuitton. Dior. Givenchy. Marc Jacobs. Sephora. Tons of big makeup brands. Obviously an entire range of alcoholic beverages. Also many perfumeries. It's all these public companies. A very select few control the majority of the fashion world these days. Which means quality down and prices up. I'm very selective what I buy these days. My old vintage selection will still be around long after most of this new crap is dead and buried.
Mar 17Reply

@shopofthemoment So so true.
Farming out for more money.
It's funny when I see those ragged out, "distressed " & holey jeans going for soooooooo much money!
My father would throw those out the door!
Mar 17Reply

@katzkoz you mean like in my boutique!!?? Giggle
Mar 17Reply

@katzkoz it's the style. I do wear their shirts almost daily. My daughter asked me the other day, "you know those have a hole in the ass, right?" And I responded "So does everyone else on the planet."
Mar 17Reply

@katzkoz shorts not shirts
Mar 17Reply

@shopofthemoment Oh no......I wear them too! I've got some.....I think in my closet. Just saying it's a trend.
I remember when U went to buy a pair of jeans.....there was nothing but Levi's & wrangler. That's it!!!!
Oh, yeah.....Sears Roebuck Big Boy jeans too.
hee hee.
Gotta go . Listing some AEO jeans ?!! NO HOLES!
Mar 17Reply

@katzkoz It's just too funny that you said that. Giggle. Completely trendy. We have shredded Levi's in our boutique too. With lace and sequins. They're expensive too because they're all hand embellished. Enjoy!!! Great bs'ing with you. Smooches 💋
Mar 17Reply

@shopofthemoment Hey, U too!!💜💙💚
Mar 17Reply

This reminds me of Versace but not sure but the logo looks like them😊
Mar 18Reply

@tammy4444 I know, right!? Seems to be where it's headed👍💜💚💙💚💜
Mar 18Reply

@katzkoz It's very pretty.
Mar 18Reply

@katzkoz Hi would you please give me the web address for the pocketbook info, I have a few purses that were handed down to me would like to find out more about them. Thank you
Mar 31Reply

@dwnagrl Hi Donna...the hyperlink is at the top end of the comments., but it's
Mar 31Reply

Mar 31Reply

@katzkoz Thank you. Btw your closet is so beautiful
Mar 31Reply

@dwnagrl Thank U. U should get an immediate response on there once U post it. They're very good!
Mar 31Reply

Stunning I knew it was Versace I love Gold Ah-mazing!!!!!! 💰👜💰👜💰👜💰
Jun 26Reply

@fancienanc Hey thanks.....Pretty cool!!!
Jun 26Reply

Jul 13Reply

@danalouf ?....unreal.....
Jul 13Reply

@katzkoz 😘 Thanks for the link! Have a few items to research myself. 🤔.
Aug 21Reply

@1curatedcloset 🖒🖒🖒🖒
Aug 21Reply

Looks like a Gucci bag
Sep 04Reply

Love this bag
Sep 04Reply

@kristi3272 Thanks!!!! Me too! More like vintage Versace
Sep 04Reply

Yes it could be them too do you have it? Are you going to be selling it
Sep 04Reply

Tell me if you sell it
Sep 04Reply

I've seen that face before
Sep 04Reply

Definitely Versace. I was just looking at vintage bags that have the same symbols going around the sun and they did use a sun in the center of the bag your sun is more elaborate
Sep 04Reply

@kristi3272 I haven't decided if I'm going to sell it yet. Probably next year. I have yet to put my Bogotta Veneta bag out yet too. It comes with dust bag and crossbody Straps. I'm still trying to put things out. Today I'm putting some dresses and free people jeans, etienne aigner cute cute bag & matching wallet, etc.
Listing takes so much time if U do it right.
I just sold a Hermes bag (not sure it's real so sold it cheapo)
Sep 04Reply

Show me bags listing.
Sep 04Reply

I would not sell high end unless I had checked out. I'll show you Chanel bag I just bought
Sep 04Reply

I love this purse and your dog purse looks like my dog stewie
Sep 04Reply

@kristi3272 Oh, me neither. But, the Hermes wasn't sold as that. It was obvious a replica and she knew . But, if U didn't know bags...U would never know the difference.
But she did and just liked it any Way
But the Bottega bag I have even has the key for the lock in the original envelope with the authenticity numbers on the tag.
It's a good thing Posh authenticates anything over $500
Sep 04Reply

Oh...I LOVE D&B....they need to make a cat bag!
Sep 04Reply

Yes I know
Sep 04Reply

Never be dishonest with a customer it will sink you
Sep 04Reply

@kristi3272 Oh yeahhhhh.....definitely!
Even when Ure selling something at a certain price & a Posher interfere, for whatever motive & tells them where to get it cheaper and they were being scammed....Posh will step in. Happened to me when someone did that to me AFTER the girl bought it.
Posh stepped in and suspended her account for quite awhile.
U would go in her closet and there was NOTHING!!
Sep 04Reply

@kristi3272 Posh is very very good at being fair. I understand it's hard to be in the middle on returns but there are some dishonest people here. I guess everywhere
Sep 04Reply

I got ripped off on here I traded a woman and she didn't send what she agreed to and I proved it and she left terrible feedback and she ripped me off. If I sell something I don't always know everything about an item
Sep 04Reply

It's not a job for me it's recycling my stuff and trading mostly for things I like. For me it's getting rid of unneeded stuff not a job
Sep 04Reply

@kristi3272 Yes, I know but there are dishonest people here.
They ripped it and said it came that way.
I had a case against me on a Bnwt on it!
TG I had the original Pics and showed Posh.
Got money and the item.Posh watches those returns and keeps records on who returns and WHY
Sep 04Reply

@kristi3272 I've been here l9ng enough to hear HORRIBLE trading stories!!!
So horrible
Sep 04Reply

@kristi3272 One lady got the police to come to the girls house, knock on the door and asked gertie if she wanted to go to jail or not.
Something to do with mail fraud.
The girl have up the real bag but the Posher that got ripped off told Posh so now that girl is no l9nger here
Sep 04Reply

Wow that's taking it a bit too far I think
Sep 04Reply

@kristi3272 Oh...and her husband was a police lieutenant! Helps!
Sep 04Reply

Well I ignore ignorance and block evil people. I had to the other day
Sep 04Reply

@kristi3272 It's the only thing to do. Ignorance can start problems. And a following...sorta like bullying which is just something I don't tolerate.
Well, stay safe today....Lotta idiots on the road!
I'm walking to the store! Too much Holiday traffic today.
Come back whenever U can. Enjoyed our little "talk". Have a feeling we're on the same wave length 🖒🖒💕
Sep 04Reply

We are zero tolerance for jerks helps I'm a paralegal
Sep 04Reply

I was born in Daytona beach Florida that's why both firecrackers lol
Sep 04Reply

@kristi3272 OMG! TWINS! I ALWAYS wanted to go into law! My girlfriends were paralegals and I know how much work it is!
I was a stock broker among other things!
Yah! Daytona girl!;
I used to go there A LOT! Love the flea Market there.
Gotta go girl! High 5 on the parade legal job! I KNOW U don't put up with NOOOOOOOO CRAP!
Sep 04Reply

Go to school you can do it. Takes 2 years here but I have bachelors degree too
Sep 04Reply

@kristi3272 Oh, thanks for the encouragement, but I'll m actually early retirement. I have a BS otherwise I couldn't have been a broker. But, Ur right.
I'm always helping the homeless here finding houses and loop holes in the govt....I would LOVE to get more knowledge. Uve put a bag in my ear. I may look into that anyway!
Thanks! I mean iy
Sep 04Reply

You are never too old to go back to school. You should always be learning something new
Sep 04Reply

@kristi3272 I do! Every time I'm on here! See!?!
Sep 04Reply

@dulebenets_prt It's definitely a show stopper! Thank U.
Nov 04Reply

I might have some helpful input to your pursuit of your bag's pedigree, if you're still looking. The blasted Corona pandemic has me with plenty of time on my hands, too!
Apr 05Reply

@alibeartoes Ha ha....its pretty weird, isnt it? My parents are active 90's and its very hard for me to keep an eye on them. They hate stsying in their house not doing anything so introduced them to Facetime and Instagram.
Apr 05Reply

@katzkoz <chuckle> A few years ago, I saw an interview with Anderson Cooper in which he relayed the adventures of teaching his mom, Gloria Vanderbilt (in her 90's, then) how to text, and to use Facebook I think. Very funny!
Apr 05Reply

@alibeartoes I SAW TGAT! I love Cooper A and his mom. I saw him talking to Kelly Ripa about it! Pretty funny. Yea... my parents...I got my mom a smart phone for Xmas...she JUST asked me how to answer a call yesterday. I gave up. Just call them on the home phone.
Apr 05Reply

@alibeartoes So luck on sweater. But I have things sorted as to where they go and thats still a lot.
Apr 05Reply

@katzkoz Please take your time looking - I'm not in a hurry. You taking a longer time being thorough looking gives me a better chance! And tomorrow, let's talk about that purse!
Apr 05Reply

@alibeartoes Sounds good!
Apr 05Reply

Years ago I bought my 74 year old dad a cell. The basics went well. The camera, not so much. After hours of practice, all but one of 100+ pictures hadn't come out. His flash had bounced light off of every reflective surface in the entire house - the sliding glass doors, the television, the bells in cat toys... The one picture he got was of his foot when he dropped the phone. That was just a few months before he suddenly died, and I treasure the SD card with his that jpeg of his foot on it!
Apr 05Reply

@alibeartoes. OMG.....what a great story and sad at the same time. That funny tho....the cats bells! I'm so sorry to hear about Ur dad....that's devastating. I haven't lived that part yet....they're foing just far....bored.....but doing great.
Well...still looking but pausing to watch the President talk about....what else....the Beer Virus.
Apr 05Reply

@katzkoz The beer virus - now THAT'S funny (and sad at the same time)! Do your folks live cross country far from you? Do you all connect on facetime, and hang out together? I and a couple of friends in S FLA are hoping to facetime a movie sometime this week. We've got a game to try out, too. All of this time on my hands would be terrific if the beer virus didn't get in the way! it's it bad where you are?
Apr 05Reply

@alibeartoes. Ha!
My brother is Dr Fauci's protegy here in his advice for everyone here....and they listen to him so everybody is staying home....until he says ok. (he says Dr Fauci is very, very bright, nice & a runner)
I moved here to near my parents to take care of them(they dont need it) from Jax, Fla last year. So, Im trying to get in touch w/ some of my friends there. They say Spring Break was nuts even w/warnings.
My parents think Facetime is a punishment
Apr 06Reply

Saw this
and thought of you. (Mercy)
Also just today on my Posh page I saw your welcome and offer to help. I'm taking myself over to that thread, and will do my best to not make you sorry you offered!
Apr 06Reply

@alibeartoes. Ha ha...Ure joy bothering me. I've been here a long time and answered and helped a looooooottttt of people.
I heard Trump last note trying not to urge the public to take the drug by saying "If U want to try it, then try it. It couldn't hurt"
But...that what he has to say in order not to be liable if something goes wrong. Even after Fauci is against it.
I cannot find that sweater! Either I gave it to the Wmns shelter or it's in inventory.
Apr 06Reply

@alibeartoes I'll still continue to search but today I'm bust taking pictures of my inventory and start listing . I jean.....I'm home.....and.....have been home.........for awhile.......watching reruns......while I'm home.......have been for beer virus in sight either!
Apr 06Reply

Beer virus - that kills me. Which reruns? It's been All Coronation Street all of the Time around here, and I mean ALL of the time. You Tube has a billion full episodes, clips, compilations, et al of life on the cobbles. I feel like I personally know these people. Have you heard of the Teddy Bear campaign?
Apr 06Reply

@alibeartoes. Oh yes....the teddy bear campaign....whats next? Tgeres everything on UTube even how to make Ur own covid masks out of gum wrappers?
im amazed what people would do to get on there.
I like to father and daughter sibding. They have b-u- tiful voices.
Apr 06Reply

So, hey, 3 things: 1) Does Posh have a printed manual for how to use itself? I checked Amazon, and they have a few, but I thought I'd look before leaping. 2) What have you learned about your $100,000 purse? 3) What reruns are you watching anyway?
Apr 06Reply

@alibeartoes., no printed material on Posh but if U go on UTube...its all over.
A very good one to keep up with is Nicole State.
Her videos R great. Shes on Posh too.
My Gold bag...stored it. I know its pretty cool & may even be valuable but...another time.
What am I warching? Always...Andy Griffith#
Love Opie. Plus, FACT...Mayberry is 25 miles away from here!
Binged on Homeland &DEXTER!! AWESOME
Apr 06Reply

I'll check those You Tube videos. Thanks!
Apr 06Reply

@alibeartoes. Also...if U want to laugh...check out all his Corona videos. Great voice
Apr 07Reply

@alibeartoes. Heres one of Nicoles videos
Apr 07Reply

So you're definitely storing vs selling?
Apr 07Reply

Do you model your clothes? What tips can you give me for describing and displaying?
Apr 07Reply

@alibeartoes. Im not sure what Im going to do with that bag. I need to get on it with it
When I 1st started, I just listed and everybody wants to see what it looks like on. So I started w/a mannequin & that was better.
But modeling them is WAY better. Sometimes I leave the background in my house or just a white back ground.
It takes a long time
Apr 07Reply

@alibeartoes. Get familiar with an editing app or something that U can see Ur photos in.
One of them is PHOTO GRID or PHOTO EDITOR. Theyre free to diwnload off the internet.
Pretty fun to learn too
Apr 07Reply

I have a LOT of things still in their packages. Is it acceptable practice to use stock photos published (internet and/or catalog) by the business that sold it to me? That way I don't have to take it out of the package to "show" it.
Apr 07Reply

@alibeartoes. U can use their photos but 9 times out of 10. they will ask to see the real item. Ull also get offers 9 out of 10.
So price what U want to sell it for and keep in mind...Posh takes w0% right off the top.
U may want to price a little higher .
Apr 07Reply

OK. So mannequin, model display; editing program; stock photos ok, actual item is better - thank you so much, Lesley! I'll soon have a second round of questions for you, if that's ok. Please don't hesitate to tell me buzz off if you're too busy!
Apr 07Reply

@katzkoz Love Andy, too - an actor playing one of those delightfully odd secondary characters spent some time in class at the University from where I got my MA. Different years, of course. I LOVED Dexter! Any TV suggestions for me ro watch if I ever leave the cobbles?
Apr 07Reply

@alibeartoes Phew! Been answering a lot of questions this morning.
I binged on Dexter, which I loved! Then I started months ago to catch up to HOMELAND. That's really fast paced and she's good in it.
Showtime has free service for the Beer virus. I think HBO too.
I love Better Call Saul too. Westworld, I'm still not up to date.
If U want to be amazed at some of these people and watch LOVE AFTER LOCKUP!
I swear...
Apr 07Reply

If you decide to go the HBO route, true detective seasons 1 and 3 are excellent! I'll look at that menu sometime in the next couple of days and make notes - I've seen some great programs on HBO. Do you have Netflix? (Beer virus that still kills me! You're the only person I've heard say that)
Apr 07Reply

@alibeartoes I think I saw True Detective....some of it but I'll look it up.
Apr 07Reply
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