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Updated Dec 28
Updated Dec 28

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☘GREEN = Yes. 🌼YELLOW = Probably, if I haven't reduced the price yet. 🍁ORANGE = Umm, maybe...if the price haven't been reduced from its original price and I had it for a while. 🌸PINK = Probably Not. 🐾RED = No. Please keep in mind that Posh takes a 20% fee.
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kud6t Love this!
Jul 18Reply
musicmichelle this is great
Jul 22Reply
emmyrawrs @kud6t me too! When I first saw this post, I automatically fell in love with it. There's so many people who tries to send offers lower than 50% and it's just rude and getting way out of hand 😕
Jul 23Reply
emmyrawrs @kenrefashion I know right!
Jul 23Reply
emmyrawrs @funfrosting of course. I saw this in another posher's closet and decided to post it too. ☺️
Jul 23Reply
kud6t @emmyrawrs it is frustrating! I figure I'm already discounting the prices. And I think my prices are fair if not a steal so to have some really lowball offers is really not cool! I thought I was the only one 🙂
Jul 23Reply
kud6t @emmyrawrs so I'm new on posh. Do people typically increase their listing prices to accommodate for the bargaining & overhead costs?
Jul 23Reply
adanasaucedo May I use this? Had so many lowball offers recently, but no sales... :'(
Jul 28Reply
emmyrawrs @adanasaucedo hello, yes you may. I know how it feels 😕
Jul 28Reply
adanasaucedo @emmyrawrs thanks love! <3
Jul 28Reply
rileypontician Love this, people offer half off and then get offended when you won't go that low, it's ridiculous
Jul 28Reply
vellumqueen Not trying to offend just on a tight budget. My bundle is at 60 will u take 45 Cuz that's 51 with shipping I checked and that would be between yellow and orange so idk if it was possible but here's to hoping!!
Jul 29Reply
emmyrawrs @vellumqueen hi Andrea. Thank you for reaching out to me. Which sizes are you interested in. And can you meet me at $50? ☺️
Jul 29Reply
emmyrawrs @vellumqueen sorry, I meant $56. That's the lowest I can go ☺️
Jul 29Reply
vellumqueen @emmyrawrs I can do 56 with shipping included but going by your chart that's not even 10 percent and you say probably to 20 so I guess that's why I felt comfortable you'd be willing to work with me
Jul 29Reply
emmyrawrs @vellumqueen if I was to give you the bundle at $45, then that's basically asking me to give you one item for free since one of the item you want is already listed at $45. So i hope you understand. $56 would be a total of 30% off for the bundle, while $45 would be buy one, get one free. 🙁
Jul 29Reply
emmyrawrs @vellumqueen you total price is $80. If you use the bundle feature, you automatically receive 25% off. You don't take another 30% off from that bundle price.
Jul 29Reply
vellumqueen @emmyrawrs that's where I was confused I didn't notice that I saw the price was 60 after looking at the 2 items I was interested in and I should have looked more carefully, I apologize I'm still pretty new of a Posher, if I can figure something out soon I'll let u know and thank you :)
Jul 29Reply
emmyrawrs @vellumqueen it's okay, I'm glad I was able to help you clarify a little bit. If you have any other questions just let me know. And if you're interested in your bundle let me know and I'll give it to you for 30% off if you buy the bundle today ☺️
Jul 29Reply
annettebeau Hi I'm your new follower 👍 I also love the chart you had posted in your closet may I use it also?💞
Jul 29Reply
emmyrawrs @annettebeau hello! Of course you may use it ☺️
Jul 29Reply
antonetteo @emmyrawrs I use this and another similar chart too!👍🏼
Jul 29Reply
vellumqueen @emmyrawrs ok it's been 18 hrs so did I make a decision on time for the 30%?
Jul 30Reply
emmyrawrs @vellumqueen hello, I just changed my bundle discount for you. So it should be at 30% off total if you use the bundle feature. If you need help just let me know ☺️
Jul 30Reply
avagomba This is a great chart!😀
Jul 31Reply
ahnec @emmyrawrs i so love this! I got a very low offer on my stuff last weekend and its kinda sad, some people are sometimes inconsiderate😔. Thank you for posting this.😘
Aug 02Reply
hollypo Totally stealing this!!
Aug 06Reply
nikarden_kasual I love this!! I must share and use this. I desperately need this post.😇
Aug 11Reply
powderpuffj Trust me I love offers but some people want something for nothing, thanks for sharing this!!
Aug 11Reply
brandlover4ever I'm so using this! Thank you!! Cute closet btw and thanks for the shares 😘
Aug 14Reply
tiffycharlotte @emmyrawrs This is awesome! I would love to use this in my closet
Aug 19Reply
msposa87 Hi there! Thanks for following :-). I'm following you back. Is it cool to use this? Very nice way of saying no low offers please :-)
Aug 31Reply
emmyrawrs @kordi hello, hope this helps. My original listing price is at $39, so my lowest is my last counteroffer price. Posh takes a 20% fee. 😕
Sep 02Reply
kordi @emmyrawrs sorry I wasn't aware. I'll know by the end of the day if I can do 27 or not.
Sep 02Reply
emmyrawrs @kordi okay ☺️
Sep 02Reply
shoplunagrace @emmyrawrs Tina, could I screen shoot this for my closet!?
Sep 07Reply
emmyrawrs @justice10forme hi Lisa! Of course you can! More poshers need to be exposed to this chart (:
Sep 07Reply
shoplunagrace @emmyrawrs Thank you & Amen to that!🙀😘💕
Sep 07Reply
emmyrawrs @kimberlymeader please use this chart as reference while making an offer. Thank you.
Sep 09Reply
diannapiver wow! I so lovin this post💕 can I snap this? I need permission from you. Thank you so much for posting this💞
Sep 11Reply
emmyrawrs @diannapiver of course you can! ☺️
Sep 11Reply
diannapiver @emmyrawrs thank you so much🤗😉
Sep 11Reply
pgshopper1 I borrowed your chart. Thanks for the follow. Great closet :)
Sep 11Reply
emmyrawrs @femmechic hello my last offer is my lowest. Posh takes a 20% fee so I hope you understand. Here's a chart that might help ☺️
Sep 11Reply
emmyrawrs @nikki_hoffman14 here's a chart you can use to help you negotiate ☺️
Sep 16Reply
onthegogochic This is awesome! It stops low ball offers.
Sep 25Reply
kfenn Just going by this chart. Being respectful 😊You've had the item since early april. It's winter time...I wouldn't get to wear it for another 7 months...thought it was cute but, nvm. Thanks!
Sep 27Reply
ccprice74 I love this, could I please use it! ~ Cicely
Sep 27Reply
wilkinsshell @emmyrawrs This chart is awesome, is it okay to use?
Sep 28Reply
duttykangaroo I thought i was the only one that had people wanting to pay $20 on $140 orders ! lol
Sep 30Reply
thechoice @emmyrawrs I would love to use this in my closet with your permission. Like all of us, my closet is made up of many items. About 10% of my closet consists of one-of-a kind Vintage Pieces. For listings NWT I ask approximately 60% of the original price. Items NWOT - 50%. Gently Worn - depends on the item or season. Items with lots of wear are donated. My motto: If you don't try to steal, I will offer you a good, fair deal! Except a few priceless pieces which are vintage, custom and surreal!
Oct 06Reply
emmyrawrs @thechoice Hi Elyse! Of course you may use it. I also borrowed this from another posher. There's a lot of people who try throw out low ball offers, so I think it's best if this chart is exposed so they understand how many percent off they are asking for.
Oct 06Reply
thechoice @emmyrawrs Thank you, Tina!
Oct 06Reply
emmyrawrs @dreamlandhaze of course Erika! I totally understand how you feel!
Oct 08Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r Hi love! Any word on that sweater? @emmyrawrs
Oct 11Reply
emmyrawrs @goodchic Good morning E. Unfortunately, they won't be restocking on it ):
Oct 11Reply
ashleycolwright This is amazing!! I'm fairly new to posh but this is already my biggest pet peeve!!
Oct 12Reply
healchno HI Tina! I have been getting hit like crazy with people wanting to 50% me. I don't take offense to it anymore, it seems to be the name of the game ya know!?! But, I was wondering if I could possibly use this, maybe having something posted like this could deter some of them from the crazy low offers.
Oct 13Reply
julzz3 @emmyrawrs this is awesome some people don't think before they make an offer Love it !
Oct 13Reply
emmyrawrs @julzz3 I know right! When I get a low ball offer, I always wonder if the person would accept an offer that's also at 50% or less..🙄
Oct 13Reply
emmyrawrs @healchno hi Heather! Of course you can still use it. Even with this posted, I still get low ballers at time, but I either counter or decline their offer. Sometimes the best thing is to just counter and maybe they'll accept it.
Oct 13Reply
nohraw Totally. I honestly feel like some chicks say regular price was more than it really was just to make it seem like it's a good deal. Be honest, ladies.
Oct 19Reply
bombdotcomme I love this! It's polite and educates new Poshers. I'm still quite new to Posh myself; but I've had Poshers comment on MY listing stating another Posher had the same item in the same size but at a lower price. Well, the price was lower because the shoes had been worn and mine were NWOT. Luckily, I think I handled it with grace and patience, because it never hurts to try, right? But if you offer me $25 on a brand new item worth over $120 you're going to make my blood pressure go up a smidge.
Oct 19Reply
tasia84 Would it be ok if I used this... it's so wonderful ☺️
Oct 28Reply
emmaedenco Omg I so need this! Can I use this in my closet too, please??? 50% or more offers all day long! It's got to stop!!😕 it's completely rude!
Oct 30Reply
emmyrawrs @dnolson sure ☺️
Oct 30Reply
emmyrawrs @morgan2004 yes! There's a lot of people who offer 70% off and expect sellers to accept it so I wanted to spread this as a way for buyers to understand the percentage they are asking for and posh fees 😞
Oct 30Reply
lilmoore Love this!
Nov 02Reply
chosuh2012 @emmyrawrs May I pls use it for my closet as well? It's very good and hopefully shoppers can respect it! 🙏🤗😘👍
Nov 04Reply
emmyrawrs @chosuh2012 of course! I hope it helps you (:
Nov 04Reply
chosuh2012 @emmyrawrs Thank you~ 🤗👍😘
Nov 04Reply
juliescloset15 Can I steal this please?!
Nov 05Reply
dannene This is great I really try to be fair but I probably have gone to low because of what I've gotten offered so thanks.
Nov 07Reply
masaccio1 Love this!! Hahaha more people need this as a reminder lol.
Nov 08Reply
poshsalesgirl @emmyrawrs *stealing this* 😁
Nov 17Reply
yuchan623 Love this! I want to use this too!
Nov 17Reply
toneebrad Oh my gosh! This is perfect for the low ballers. It's so polite. May I repost it!
Nov 17Reply
emmyrawrs @toneebrad sure ☺️
Nov 17Reply
kallenedu This so useful as a new buyer and seller alike! Thank you!
Nov 19Reply
kendallstylny Hi there! Excellent post. Would you mind if I used this? I kind way to say.....well, you know...😉
Nov 20Reply
kendallstylny Thanks!💗
Nov 20Reply
lauramichelle26 Fantastic!!! Can I use this in my closet? It's greasy! I'm always getting 50% offers. I don't think people understand.
Nov 21Reply
sharimom Thank You For the Share, I will Spread the Love ❤️
Nov 22Reply
wandysmom I have this similar listing. Every time I get ridiculous lowball offers I post it to remind them . It is especially annoying when you're firm on prices and they decline your counter. And keep offering lowball prices. The majority of those kind ,don't even have listings.
Nov 26Reply
emmyrawrs @mamacatz the lowest I can go for those is roughly $43.
Dec 01Reply
mamacatz @emmyrawrs Ok, I'll keep my eye on them.
Dec 01Reply
kabiaza Hi💕 i love your closet!! Could I please use this?
Dec 05Reply
mollydick Is this a general comment ? You mean like offering 35 for a 300 item
Dec 28Reply
vintagetwosnaps good idea
Dec 31Reply
lilmoore Thanks for making this. I just copied it. People need to be real. I don't Mark up my post I list it based on what I think is fair and I'm sure most people do too, but dang haggling. It drives me nuts!
Jan 06Reply
kandyice1 @emmyrawrs may I borrow this for my closet? Thank you in advance.
Jan 18Reply
emmyrawrs @kandyice1 of course (:
Jan 18Reply
resouled_gems May I use this? It's pretty awesome 😎
Mar 18Reply
emmyrawrs @ravenknightly of course! (:
Mar 18Reply
floralloral This is great! Do you mind if I use it? I have been having problems lately with horrible offers 😢
Apr 26Reply
helenatug @emmyrawrs , what a brilliant idea!! Hope it's ok to copy this . I had few people offering almost giveaway.. they're forgetting posh 20% 😳fee !! Thank you 😊
Jul 30Reply
mickie01 I hope you don't mind but I shared this as well. Nothing like having a $60 pair of boots listed and be offered $20. 😬 This is brilliant!
Oct 17Reply
ladybugluxe Thank You for the shares!!
Nov 21Reply
jaede1 @emmyrawrs totally using this, new to Poshmark but some people just aren’t considerate. Thanks in advance!
Apr 30Reply
brebee081885 Digging your post, may I use it?
Dec 24Reply
brebee081885 @emmyrawrs thank you thank you
Dec 24Reply
brands_4_less Thanks for the shares! You have great style and variety! My sister loves the things I’ve shared with her.
Jan 11Reply
emilydaehtop omg this is so smart. are you allowing other posher's to use this as well? its genius! 😻😍
Jan 14Reply
gls1 Love this - May I use also? I have high end merchandise very reasonably priced - for example $400 dress for $80 NWT and I get offers for $15 - it’s getting really frustrating........
Jan 16Reply
emmyrawrs @gls1 of course! I know exactly how you feel. People have been low balling left and right in my closet too 😐
Jan 16Reply
mamaseaturtle This is perfect. May I use it in my closet too❤️
Jan 17Reply
gjpaik @emmyrawrs yes I agree... it’s offensive.
Jan 21Reply
nmspangler I have a similar chart. It’s been out of hand lately. I’ve gotten offers that are 20% of my asking price! How rude!!
Jan 29Reply
smfrazer2009 🤓👍this is the best one I’ve seen yet. Posh needs to have a contest for best FYI signs. 🤣🦋❣️
Jan 29Reply
dawnandthepaws @emmyrawrs can I please use your brilliant idea in my closet
Jan 29Reply
lunabre6 Love this! Yesterday i had a $8 offer on a $22 Brand new top. 😒
Jan 31Reply
dianne713 @emmyrawrs I agree. I under price to begin with and I still get offers 50% off of the asking price. I’m not on here to give items assay
Feb 03Reply
cocoakenny Can I use please?!
Feb 07Reply
emmyrawrs @cocoakenny of course! Hopefully it'll bw exposed to more people who tend to lowball 👍🏼
Feb 07Reply
cocoakenny @emmyrawrs I hope so, thanks so much!
Feb 07Reply
micheleclong Hello! I love your chart, and I may use it in my closet, with your permission of course! I price things pretty low because I’m just starting out — I really didn’t get going until last Spring — and some of the offers shock me because the prices are so low to begin with. I must compliment you on your amazing closet/store. You’re clearly a hard worker and business savvy, and you have a talented eye for fashion and trending things. Women like you inspire me.
Feb 07Reply
qmathis03 Can I please use this?
Feb 13Reply
deosilva19 Hi dear, I love this !🥰🌷🌷 and also I would love to copy to my closet 🙈 It’s a very nice way to tell our buyers and not being offensive😊 I wish you a Great sales🎉🎉💗💗🌸🌸
May 25Reply

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