Meet your Posher, Isela
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Hi! I'm Isela. 32years young 🤣🤩.Happily married to the most wonderful man on the planet💑.Mother of 2👩👧👦, untie of 2 baby Damien 👶🏽and baby Lilith 👧🏽. Raising a little diva 👸🏽. Love fashion for all that it entitles. Shopping, creativity and passion. I like to keep my closet youthful yet sophisticated. I love Lululemon, Victoria's Secret and LV. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

66 others
like this

Welcome to Poshmark.
Aug 20Reply

@ksprowl thank you.
Aug 20Reply

HI Isela! I'm Vicky 👋🏻 as a Suggested User I just have a few pointers...
1️⃣ there's a post in my closet if you aren't sure what 'posh compliant' means 👍🏻
2️⃣ share your closet as well as others 👠👗
3️⃣ follow other PC closets👣👭
✅IF your closet is PC and IF you want to play the follow games, just let me know! 🤗 ( post in my closet )
☑️check out @poshuniversity & @official_forum for great info! If you still have questions after reading those, I'm here to help!
Aug 23Reply

@vickyss thank you for the great advice.
Aug 25Reply

Hi Posher! I have an AWESOME selection of jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested 😄. Plus, with the selection of multiple items there's a % off ❤️. Poshin' is SO much fun!
Aug 27Reply

@vickyss I have a question. How can i set up my closet to automatically give my buyers the cost for percentage off bundles. in others word how can i set up my discount?
Aug 30Reply

Yes Isela...tap on your user name at the bottom right corner ( it looks like a little credit card ) you may have to tap it more than once. When you see Your Guide to Poshmark, you're on the right page! Scroll down to My Seller Tools, tap it, then tap My Seller Discount. When you tap that one then you can choose the % and the number of items. 👍🏻
Aug 30Reply

@vickyss thank you so much!!!! also love your listing on sizes. very helpful.
Aug 30Reply

You are so welcome! 🤗
Aug 30Reply

@vicky_ymcagirl Do you have any idea how trading works on here?
Sep 05Reply

No I don't, but I know someone who does! @jodisjewelry will you explain that Trading thing one more time....☺️
Sep 05Reply

@vicky_ymcagirl Now why did I have to go and change your name also?!? (AND make it longer, shorter is better!!) I wanted to beat your sissy's with a wet noodle for doing that and since it messed up my mental alphabetical list, now I can't even remember half of my own kiddos!! 🙄😜😆😂😂😂
Sep 05Reply

@jodisjewelry would you explain to me how to trade on here? I am interested in doing that?
Sep 05Reply

Yes. I was just about to when my husband came home with dinner. As soon as we eat, I will explain it Hun.
Sep 05Reply

@jodisjewelry Thanks!!!!!
Sep 05Reply

She's precious!
Hi. & Welcome to Posh! Its a very supportive & social community where if U have any questions, there's always a Posher to answer them. Or, visit my closet & Id be happy to help U.
More questions?
Anything specific that Ur not sure of?
Just ask me
Sep 10Reply

@katzkoz well thank you. I have been trying to figure out how to trade on here. I know not everyone does it. But I want to add a listing to let other know I'm open to it. I ju st don't want to do it without being sure how to swap. Lol. 😂.
Sep 10Reply

Sure.....I don't trade....ever.....too many problems, but its pretty easy. All U have to do is both of U change the price of the item to $3.00(that's the lowest allowed) & both of U pay Ur own shipping fees.
If U want to advertise it. Just put it in Ur listing
Just be careful who U trade with.
Sep 10Reply

@inhinton Than you so much for sharing my closet!!!
Sep 15Reply

@Inhinton Thanks for sharing my closet!!!
Sep 15Reply

@katzkoz thans for the insight!!
Sep 15Reply

@mynicecloset My pleasure and beautiful family!👍💕
Sep 15Reply

What a beautiful family. .♡
Sep 28Reply

@need_that Well thank you. Your baby is adorable as well.
Sep 28Reply

@mynicecloset thank you :)
Sep 28Reply

Love your closet!! 💕
Nov 05Reply

@pinklady well thank you😍😍😍.
Nov 05Reply

I always enjoy sharing your closet I the share groups! Very nicely put together!
Nov 10Reply

@krysteenagem Well thanks you. I have been learning from those closet I admire. There's a lot of good photographers out there. (My second passion besides fashion is photography) that's my creative side.
**btw GREAT job selling that baby bundle last week**
Nov 10Reply

So adorable! Thank you for all your shares! 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
Nov 11Reply

@rockafeller my pleasure to share your closet.
Nov 11Reply

Hola Isela 🙋🏽 Que linda familia and your little one... totes adorbs!! 😍 thanks for joining the share group! I always like to see your gorgeous listings 💕 see you next week!!
Nov 17Reply

@flirtygirl2015 well thank you. Still learning the whole posh process but I'm having lots of fun doing it and already made some cash🎉🎉🎉. So yay for that. Happy to have come across your share group it really is one of my favorites. Let me ask you something. Is it hard to be the host of a share group? I have a kids closet and we'll not too many share groups for that. Thinking of starting one. But want to really get the facts before jumping in😉.
Nov 17Reply

@mynicecloset You should totally do it! It isn't hard just time consuming IMO. Well, for me personally I have to deal with kids and a husband and homework and soccer and cleaning and cooking... lol! I do other share groups that share either 10, 9, 8, 7 or 5 items. I went with 5 because i didn't have as many office items listed yet 😂 but now I kinda like it because you can get through the shares in 30min. Lol.
Nov 17Reply

@mynicecloset I know you're still getting around posh but you can totally do it. Just jump right in. You can do everyday, weekdays or weekends or just one day. Let me know if you have any other questions or thoughts. 🤗
Nov 17Reply

@flirtygirl2015 Same deal here. Plus my office job. This year my son took fall season off baseball just because there is so much going on with a new baby. I have actually cut down on the groups that tend to get like 20 plus sign ups for 10 shares. They were very time consuming. I mean yes i did enjoy but (time). I will keep you in the loop once i do decide to start it. Maybe I will do every other day weekly. No weekends. Must dedicate time to the hubby!!
Nov 17Reply

@mynicecloset Oh I know! A couple favorites I like that have a lot of sign ups are casualglam's share group and ella's share group. But I usually sit down and do shares after dinner and I'm literally there for two hours lol. I like to join those like once or twice a week. I probably won't pick it up again until the holidays are over tho. 👍🏼 but yet let me know!! I'll share and tag some people I know with kids clothes 💕
Nov 17Reply

@flirtygirl2015 yes both of those i like as well. Smart thing once a week is good balance. sound good. I am slowing down for the holidays as well. Great day lovely!!
Nov 17Reply

Same to you! Talk soon!! ☺️
Nov 17Reply

Hi ! Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Nov 19Reply

@jassieboo92 thanks for the warm welcome as well as your lovely shares.
Nov 19Reply

@mynicecloset Thanks for the shares beautiful!!!!
Dec 09Reply

@keyana86 I love your closet. I want it all... Lol... thanks for the share backs.
Dec 09Reply

@mynicecloset Thank You!! It's my pleasure to share!❤️You have a beautiful family!
Dec 09Reply

@mynicecloset And a fabulous closet!! 😘😘
Dec 09Reply

Hi hun I can drop the price to help you on discount ship let me know
Jan 11Reply

Welcome to posh😎😎. I love to share and sell😍😍 if you have a knack for fashion finds, you can't go wrong with Mint to Be Fashions closet of gorgeous items.
😄offer 😊like 😉own 💕💕 happy poshing
Jan 28Reply

You are so pretty! And your kids are too stinkin cute!💜☺️💕
Feb 02Reply

@nerdy4nails well thank your for the wonderful commnet!! (:
Feb 02Reply

Hi Isela, Thank you for liking my listing, so very kind of you. I've returned your kindness by following your closet and sharing your listings. Hope you will do me the courtesy of following my closet in return. Thank you!!!
Mar 07Reply

@ariesj22 already following your lovely closet. Thank you for your shares...
Mar 07Reply

@mynicecloset So sorry for my confusion Isela, thank you for pointing out my error. Have a great night!!!
Mar 07Reply

@ariesj22 no worries. hope you are having a wonderful day.
Mar 08Reply

Hey @mynicecloset I love your signs/ads. I don't have the space on my phone to download any apps to make cool signs like yours. Good looking closet & the baby is adorable!!
Mar 27Reply

@msluezana Well thank you for your lovely compliments. Made my day. Will be adding new items soon.
Mar 27Reply

Beautiful family!! That last pic is so cute of her haha, I'm sure she keeps you busy! 😉😂
Mar 28Reply

@qutecloset She sure does.. Thanks for checking out my story!
Mar 28Reply

Hi 👋 I know there are so many great closets on Posh, but if you have a minute I would love for you to check out mine! I have great reviews, low prices, a lot of different sizes and plenty of items new with tags! I'm also having a 20% off bundles sale this weekend and I like to include a little surprise too! Thanks much for your time! Have a great day!! ☺️
Apr 14Reply

Aww.... look at those chunky little thighs. She is just too adorable @mynicecloset 😍.
Jun 07Reply

@mynicecloset Hello Isela! My name is Laurie. Poshmark is truly a wonderful site with friendly people. Please stop by my closet and check it out! I've got some beautiful items for sale and am very open to offers! If they aren't your size, I'd love you to share with others!
Aug 14Reply

OMG share buddy is that your little cutie pie wearing the shirt from me in the third pic??? Love it!!! Sooo stinking cute!!💕💕💕💕💕
Aug 18Reply

@mrsmadariaga it is!!!! We absolutely love it. It's my go to for her 😍.
Aug 18Reply

@mynicecloset She looks adorable!!! Best model you could find!!!😘😘😘💕💕💕
Aug 18Reply

🙋🏼hi... Your Daisy pick says skate shoes... I see pencil skirt...?
Aug 28Reply

@toptncat No thats my mark for where I left off on the list.
Aug 28Reply

Thanks!!! I just figured that out 😍‼️
Aug 28Reply

You and your daughter are both adorable!
Aug 28Reply

@callmecordelia 😍 Thank you so much. I enjoy our little dress up days and picture times.
Aug 28Reply

If interested offer 13 for bundle. Have s good one💋💕
Sep 11Reply

@seconds2love I am interested. Awaiting for some funds to be release tomorrow. Should be before the end of day.
Sep 11Reply

@seconds2love Will be sending the offer for 13. I just got my funds..
Sep 12Reply

@mynicecloset great thanks!
Sep 12Reply

God bless your little family. Your daughter is such a diva :) I'm a new mom of a beautiful 3 months baby girl 💖
Sep 21Reply

@vintagedice She most certainly is. Lol. She was doing her pretend makeup with my blender today, and she's only 19months..
Sep 21Reply

@vintagedice baby girls are just so awesome. I have best of both worlds. I consider myself very bless with both>
Sep 21Reply

@mynicecloset Jaajajaj so funny. I can't wait to witness those moments with my girl.
Sep 21Reply

@vintagedice it's awesome. Btw I will be posting several baby items in the coming week. Stop to check it out. 😉
Sep 21Reply

great closet! I'd love it if you checked out mine too! and if you see anything you like feel free to make me a lowball offer since I'm moving cross-country next week and need to unload ASAP! have a great day 😊
Sep 22Reply

Thanks for the shares!
Sep 26Reply

@mrspdj Of course. Lovely closet!!
Sep 26Reply

Happy poshing beautiful young lady! Thank you for checking my closet.Bundle now and save!God bless!
Oct 01Reply

Lovely closet😍
Oct 04Reply

@ay_vita Thanks. If you see anything you like for you. Always giving awesome deals 😉.
Oct 04Reply

Thanks for the return shares!!! 🤗
Oct 18Reply

@kwposhshop of course. Thanks you for sharing ❤️.
Oct 18Reply

Hi Isela! You have a great closet too, adding you to my share list. 😉❤️✨
Nov 06Reply

@solflorashop Same here.
Nov 06Reply

Jan 11Reply

Hi just saw you like VS bra if interested bundle and I will make Private offer. Thank you for stopping by. ...Oh and awesome pics beautiful family and baby girl I want to eat her up lol adorable.
Jan 18Reply

Hi! Check out my mystery box for size Medium. Save over 85% on a box that retails for $400. Brands like Nordstrom + Romeo & Juliet Couture featured!☺️💗
Feb 02Reply

Another gorgeous profile pic! <3 Soooo Pretty!
Feb 20Reply

@minkalamour Thank you. I try girl. Hanging to the youth as much possibly 🤣.
Feb 20Reply

Thank you as always💕
Mar 14Reply

@seconds2love Same to you my doll.
Mar 14Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my listings! 💓💓
Mar 23Reply

@maryberry2018 Thank you as well.
Mar 23Reply

Hey 👋 I’d cleaned up my closet, rather how many people I was following, there were closets that didn’t exist anymore .. now I’m re-following my favorite closets.. so much work! Better than cleaning my son’s bedrooms though🤭 😘now you are at the tip of my finger and top of an organized ...heap 🤣
May 05Reply

Happy Poshing! Have a great week! 🐾🐾
Jun 01Reply

Welcome to my eclectic vintage closet and welcome to POSHMARK🦋 marian🌹
Jul 09Reply

Great closet! Hope to be on your level on day , check out my closet if you get a chance . Sending you positive energy and shares for fast sales
Jul 26Reply

@becomewinners Thank you for your shares and compliment. Much appreciated. Posh loved returned.
Aug 04Reply

Hi! I just wanted to let you know I'm having a flash sale, includes brands such as Hollister, American Eagle, Forever 21 & more! I'm her open to offers, bundles & shares!! Good luck with sales & happy poshing!❤️
Aug 14Reply

🥂🍾 Congrats on your MaDD win! 🛍 I'm thrilled for you.🌞
Nov 02Reply

Congrats 😌
Nov 02Reply

@trunkles @tolisha12 Thanks returning the love with some shares.
Nov 02Reply

Happy Poshing! Have a great weekend! 🐾🐾
Nov 02Reply

Congrats 🍾🎉 on your make a deals day win! If you have some time please take a look at my closet and see if I have any must haves for you! 🙃 I pride myself on my 5 ⭐️ ratings as well as same day shipping! 😁
If you are not interested in purchasing please consider sharing some of my items to your followers! It is much appreciated and I have already returned the favor!
Nov 02Reply

@harlowwifey Thank you. Spreading the love with some shares.
Nov 02Reply

Congratulations on being a winner on “Make a Deal Days”! How exciting‼️ I have some lovely items in my closet that you may want to spend your money on. This is an invitation to come check them out. I am honored to now be following your lovely closet. Again congratulations from me........Jo Ann🤗
PS I shared 5 of your items in support of your closet‼️💋
Great looking family!
Nov 02Reply

Congratulations on your win on MADD👏👏👏!!!
I love all your family photos😍
Its always great to be a winner🎊🤑🤩🎉
Nov 02Reply

@jojomall Thank you. Returned the love with some shares.
Nov 02Reply

@kws_closet Thanks... returned the love with shares.
Nov 02Reply

@newmultimom06 Thanks. I love my kiddos and taking pictures of them is a hobby. Returned the love with some shares.
Nov 02Reply

🌟On Your Make A Deal Day Win!🏆👍
🎉As An Extra-Winning Bonus 🎁
✨We Would 💕Love To Offer YOU an Exclusive 25% OFF ANY Item Or Bundle over $10 from our shop (Simply, click the item(s) and add to your Bundle) I will then send You an Offer (Including the 25% OFF)💸
-🌵he Crystal Tortoise 🐢
⭐We Have Something For Everyone⭐
💎POSH ON!! ✌😁
Nov 03Reply

Thank you for your purchase! I will ship these beautiful items out in the evening! I really do appreciate it! Have a lovely day!!
Nov 05Reply

Thank you for the rating! I am so glad you received the bundle and love everything! I am wishing you many sales and thank you for shopping with me! Have a lovely weekend!
Nov 09Reply

Great deal!! Thanks for the follow!🎇
Dec 28Reply

Omg! I love hat picture of your baby in the bathing suit and what. What a little cutie!!! ❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰
Mar 04Reply

@gruntluxury Thank you. She is all grown now but that is one of my favorite pictures of her.
Mar 04Reply

@mynicecloset I just love it. I don’t have any kids yet and sometimes I’m unsure if I really want to. Then I’m
Like, I’m just gonna be an “old” ass mom at like 43. But when I see pics like that, my heart melts and I’m
Like, “time to go harder to get closer to my dreams
Of financial freedom!”
Mar 04Reply

@gruntluxury We all definitely want to be Finacial stable to bring our little beings to this world but we all have different journeys. When it comes to babies it will always seem like not the right time but when you are in that moment of knowing that you will be having a baby soon. Everything shifts and comes full circle. A lot of the times our babies make us hustle even harder 😉. I’m sure you will find the right time for you. They definitely are precious ❤️.
Mar 04Reply

@mynicecloset you are such a treasure and I appreciate all your kind words. I totally agree with you and I’m planning on freezing a couple of eggs just to be safe, if you know what I mean. You have a beautiful family, a wonderful spirit and a bright mind. Thank you again!
Mar 04Reply

hi, I saw you like some bras in my closet. Feel free to bundle them and I can send you an offer if you're interested. Have a great Tuesday.
Mar 12Reply

(Absolutely no share backs) 😉 enjoy your day!!
Mar 26Reply

@flirtygirl2015 had so much fun yesterday I had take today off from work 🤣
Mar 28Reply

Hi. I would like to invite you to take a look at my closet. All reasonable offers will be considered. And occasionally I send out exclusive offers for items liked by my followers. Have a great time poshing!
Sep 09Reply

Hi. I would like to invite you to take a look at my closet. All reasonable offers will be considered. And occasionally I send out exclusive offers for items liked by my followers. Have a great time poshing!
Sep 09Reply

Hey there! Welcome to Posh!!
if your ever in need of some make-up. I have the best prices (about half the amount going for retail) Check out My Closet whenever you can! I am also very good at color matching if you need it! 💕💗💖❤♥😍💕
Mar 10Reply

Sep 09Reply

hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 20Reply

Hi, I’m Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. I have many vintage and many unique items in my closet including china, clothing, seasonal decor, jewelry, religious articles, books, craft supplies, puzzles and plushies to name a few. I offer a 20% discount on bundles of 2 or more items (up to 5 lbs). I hope you’ll have a few minutes to visit my closet and I’ll visit yours😍
Mar 01Reply

thank you so much for your purchase! I will get your package together this evening when I get home from work and will get it ready to be shipped out!! Have a nice weekend!!
Leslie ⭐🌸⭐🙂
Mar 03Reply

@lesliecarter770 thank you!! And thank you for sending offer again.
Mar 03Reply

@mynicecloset Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 23Reply
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