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Updated Nov 03
Updated Nov 03

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$1 $99,999


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SMOKE FREE!!! Thank you for giving these beautiful treasures from my closet a new life! I only sell what I love! ❤️️❤️️❤️️ Suggested user November 23, 2016 🎉🎉🎉 You can also follow me on IG: sunmommy111 $7.11 Shipping covers up to 5#'s, that is approximately 4 pair of jeans,... or 3 pairs of shoes,... or 5 sweaters,... or a complete outfit.
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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sunmommy @maddagirl I sincerely hope you approve of my use of this. This is the absolute philosophy, drive & inspiration behind my closet 😘💨🌎🌍🌏
Sep 10Reply
maddagirl Absolutely!!
Sep 10Reply
sonoio I agree 👍👍
Sep 12Reply
brendi50 So true. Brenda💞
Sep 12Reply
vacat Thank you for saying this!! 👏🏻👏🏻
Sep 12Reply
angelsapparel So true! Mind if I share it in my closet? Thx😊
Sep 16Reply
sunmommy @kaniacangel I would love it,... love spreading the word ♻️💚♻️💚♻️ I actually got it from a fabulous Posher @maddagirl
Sep 16Reply
angelsapparel Great, Thx doll! 😊👍🌹
Sep 16Reply
chicknthesticks @sunmommy I feel the same about recycling ♻ Especially packing materials for Posh sales, like boxes, tissue, bubble wrap, ribbon, and even parts of thank you cards. It kills me to know we're filling landfills.
Sep 16Reply
sunmommy @chicknthesticks Me Too! I usually give buyers a "heads up" that PART of my packaging will be clean newspaper, not direct contact w/their items (ink yucky) - just for cushion,... MOST people respect it ♻️💚♻️💚♻️
Sep 16Reply
tearose873 I could not agree more and I absolutely love your profile pic!😉
Sep 17Reply
sunmommy @reloveditems 💗💙💜 LOVE your username 😘💨💗💙💜♻️💚♻️💚♻️
Sep 17Reply
reloveditems @sunmommy haha thanks! It's exactly how I feel - love to show forgotten items some love again! 🙂
Sep 17Reply
dlnishimura 💞Girl you words hits the spot...I too like u stop going to the mall, and as one posher said, " We are helping the Economy. (POSHMARK) family, by selling and shopping here..and I do buy when its made in USA🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸.Have a great week Rizzo...Just me your new PFF💞
Sep 18Reply
sunmommy @dlnishimura Thank you! I'm getting sincere positive comments like yours, which gives me a lot of satisfaction. I actually permanently borrowed this (tee hee) from a fabulous posher @maddagirl, you have to check out her closet. Big ❌⭕️❌⭕️ PFF 😘💨
Sep 18Reply
dlnishimura MAHALO🌸🌸🌸Send me your inspiration makes my day esp when u have those 5%. Who are not true Posh Compliant💞 You're da bomb,, going put Grease music to hear Rizzo sing🙏😉😜😜
Sep 18Reply
sunmommy @dlnishimura "Nothing is impossible,... the word itself says I'M POSSIBLE!" Audrey Hepburn .... one of my fav's ☺️
Sep 18Reply
sunmommy @love2ndhand I "love" your username 😍
Sep 18Reply
love2ndhand @sunmommy 🌹thanks doll 🌹 ❤️your closet
Sep 19Reply
imarrero20 Hi😊 I can say a lot about it but I just want to thank you very much for caring about the environment .I am so proud of seeing more and more people are interested in protecting the environment. 👏💐♻️♻️ PROTECT OUR PLANET FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS ♻️♻️
Sep 19Reply
sunmommy @aylindilan Thank's Beautiful for taking to make such a wonderful comment. 😘💨 I actually permanently "borrowed" this from a magnificent posher @maddagirl check out her closet ♻️💚♻️💚♻️
Sep 19Reply
alittlefabshop Hi Riz! Hope your having a good day! Xoxoxoxo
Sep 20Reply
sunmommy @cdelancey1018 I got a hickie by kinickie 😘😂 I'm good. R u going 2 Poshfest?
Sep 20Reply
alittlefabshop @sunmommy A hickie from Knickie is like a Hallmark card, when you care enough to send the very best! Not this year, maybe next. How about you?
Sep 20Reply
sunmommy @flynnm960 Hi Beautiful, you are my 13,000th follower 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 to celebrate, pick any $19 item & the shipping is ON ME! Offer me $13 (get it, $13?!) & I will accept!!! Ask me any questions u may have 😘💨💗💙💜💗💙💜💗
Sep 20Reply
shopdenim @thx 4 all of your sharing love:)😃⚘
Sep 21Reply
sunmommy @shopdenim My pleasure! Same to you!!! I know the power of the share 😘💨💗💙💜💗💙💜💗
Sep 21Reply
sunmommy @rolltidestacy Hi Beautiful Lady. You are my 14,000th follower 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I've been keeping an eye all day. To celebrate, offer me $14 on anything that is $19 & I will accept!!! Also, thank you for the shares 😘💨💗💙💜💗💙💜💗
Oct 06Reply
rolltidestacy @sunmommy woo hoo!! Thanks and congrats on all the followers!! 💖💖💖
Oct 06Reply
sunmommy @amberveraldi OMG girlie,... U R my follower 15k!!! 🎉🎉🎉 let me know if you LOVE something in my closet,.... I will hopefully make you an offer you can't refuse. I'm so happy, I have been keeping an eye all day 😎😎😎
Oct 13Reply
amberveraldi @sunmommy sooo cool!!!! 😀
Oct 13Reply
sunmommy @sparrow74 Thank you 💗💜💙💗💜💙💗
Nov 17Reply
skulesike Great guiding thought. I recycle almost all my packing and wrapping materials-easy to do and they look pretty too!
Nov 26Reply
sunmommy @skulesike 💚💚💚♻️♻️♻️💚💚💚
Nov 26Reply
andy0101 Thank you for the share
Dec 01Reply
sunmommy @andy0101 My pleasure, sharing is caring 💗💜💙💗💜💙💗🌞🌞🌞
Dec 02Reply
sunmommy @myfabboutique My Pleasure Happy Poshing 🌞🌞🌞💗💗💗
Dec 08Reply
andy0101 Thank you for the shares you give me I love sharing your also your things are just great ! Merry Christmas
Dec 09Reply
sunmommy @andy0101 Thank you! U R so sweet! Sharing is caring! Merry Christmas 🎁🎁🎁🌞🌞🌞❤️️❤️️❤️️
Dec 09Reply
laurjdufff Fellow Posher!! I love your stuff! The dresses are precious😇 I wanted to stop by and let you know I'm giving away a lot of free stuff ; Currently Buy 2 Get 1 FREE is on && If you Like❤ an item (or more) I'll offer a generous discount (: Trying to clean everything out by Jan 2nd!!
Dec 23Reply
lhavrilla Thank you for the Share! I love your closet!
Jan 06Reply
sunmommy @lhavrilla My pleasure. Thank you!!! 💗🌞💜💗🌞💜💗🌞💜
Jan 06Reply
leaditbackhome Hi @sunmommy thank you for the follow! I just want to ask, would you be interested in learning about Rodan and Fields? You can email me at
Jan 17Reply
candaceljoseph Thanks for visiting my closet and following me! I enjoyed looking through your closet too :)
Jan 25Reply
sunmommy @candaceljoseph Thank you too. Happy Poshing 💗🌞💜💗🌞💜💗🌞💜
Jan 25Reply
bellanovella This is awesome!!! Is it ok to share list in my closet?
Jan 27Reply
sunmommy @donnaguy Absolutely! Please do! 💗💜🌞💗💜🌞💗💜
Jan 27Reply
ginga69 Hi LOVLEY ❤️are you coming to Poshfest??? I'm solid now 😂😂Ima good date /time!! I hope so !!! I miss u and love u ❤️ for being there last year for me!!!!
Sep 25Reply
sunmommy @ginga69 I am not, but I am/do miss you mucho 😘😘😘💗💗💗💜💜💜🌞🌞🌞💜💜💜💗💗💗
Sep 25Reply
ginga69 @sunmommy 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💙❤️💙❤️
Sep 25Reply
mattjrachelj Can you please contact me asap regarding my order I received today
Oct 28Reply
sunmommy @mattjrachelj Absolutely, hi, I see the case opened. Did I overlook something?
Oct 28Reply
lbirkholz4 You have an awesome closet! Happy Poshing :)
Jan 12Reply
sunmommy @lbirkholz4 Thank you!!! 💗💜🌞💜💗
Jan 13Reply
shoplunagrace @sunmommy I love your closet!😍
Apr 09Reply
sunmommy @shoplunagrace u r sweet, thank you, I love ur’s too 😍😍😍
Apr 09Reply
sunmommy @redfiery Awww Thank u, so is your’s, ... Happy Poshing 💗💜🌞💜💗
May 13Reply
507anitalane @sunmommy looks like poshers like to recycle and repurpose. It's the way to go 😊
Aug 14Reply
sunmommy @507anitalane Absolutely! 💗💜🌞💜💗✅✅✅💚💚💚♻️♻️♻️
Aug 14Reply
mabelinca Closet goals!!! Your closet presentation is amazing!!!!!😍👍
Aug 15Reply
sunmommy @carmelinca Awwww you’re so sweet to take the time to make this note. This closet is a labor of love. Very best to you and Happy Poshing 💗💜🌞💜💗 ♻️💚♻️💚♻️
Aug 15Reply
peri_y hey! I absolutely love your listings ! I’m actually thinking of buying from you and just wanted to check in with you and let you know im having a huge sale going on ! all bundles are 25 % off and all items are going for 20% off ! let me know if you need any help !happy poshing xx
Aug 23Reply
kandycesloane Thank you for following me!😁
Sep 17Reply
jv71 Thank you for the follow babygirl 😘😍❤️
Sep 30Reply
prideandlace Hi there 😊thank you for stopping by- if you would like to bundle I can send you a discount and I can have it shipped the same day. 🛍
Oct 08Reply
sunmommy @homeliusm 💗💜🌞💜💗
Oct 12Reply
507anitalane Hi there I have a question for you about pricing. I have a Cole Hahn jacket it has a few moth holes on the back I can barely see them it a wool silk jacket, with a fur collar it was close to 1000 what should I list it for ?
Oct 18Reply
teremontes Thanks for sharing and following💟
Oct 18Reply
nutcracker55 Congratulations on being a Posh Suggested user I’m trying to be one. I love the quote I would love to use it if you don’t mind.
Oct 24Reply
sunmommy @ekwatford Sure 💗💜🌞💜💗
Oct 24Reply
shvitz Absolutely beautiful closet love your items the way you display in photograph, you make me want to step my game up. Have a great day stay blessed and happy poshing
Oct 30Reply
sunmommy @thecloset305 Awwww thank you 💗💜🌞💜💗
Oct 30Reply
rosariosway Nice Closet! Wish you many many sales.
Nov 02Reply
sunmommy @rosariosway Awww Thank you 💕💕💕💕💕 you have a lovely closet also 💗💜🌞💜💗
Nov 02Reply
cleobeee Thank you so much for the sharing. Happy Holidays!
Dec 01Reply
sunmommy @cleobeee My pleasure. Thank YOU for always sharing. I've been bad about sharing back the last few weeks, trying to catch up & show #poshlove! Happy Holidays to you as well!!!
Dec 01Reply
littletiny58 Hi Sunmommy 😁 Thankyou for stopping by and checking out my Closet Happy Weekend To YOU And Happy Poshing😘
Dec 01Reply
spiceyourstyle Thanks for the shares! I got you back 😀
Dec 11Reply
ccsqna Thanks for following my closet! 🙌🎉 All the prices are negotiable and I give deep discounts on bundles. There's also a 5/$30 sale going on and free gifts to choose from until the end of 2018, so make sure to look around! ↪🚪↩
Dec 27Reply
xoxo_shopaholic Hello 🌸 just stopping by to share the love. Be sure to check out my closet for 2 for $30 deals on NWT Nike Adidas and Under Armour items. Wishing you speedy sales and best of luck ☺️💕
Jan 19Reply
darbymeads Blessings my dear. Your closet is amazing. Thank you so much for following mine. You had so many great items I just had to share some. I appreciate any type of guidance, educational pieces, or feedback that you may have that can help me out. Many prayers to you and continued success with your business. Have a wonderful day.
Jan 20Reply
sunmommy @darbymeads Awww Thank you. This is definitely a labor of love. Your closet is beautiful! Very best to you 💗💜🌞💜💗
Jan 21Reply
angie_cool Thank you for following me. I'm new and still trying to get the feel for this.😁
Jan 28Reply
nicholepruitt73 bundle 2 or more items to get up to 10 to 20% off, plus get a free gift valued at $10 with every bundle. no discount will be given to any item under $15... So bundle today and save ! save! save!
Mar 04Reply
trosegold Hi, thanks for following. I'll be sure to check out your closet and share the items that I like 😃. Cheers-Tim
Apr 10Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Apr 15Reply
rinelldug Hi!🤗 So enjoying browsing your cool closet for the 1st time & sharing your goodies... love your personality and spirit!🥰 Thx for following my 3 week old closet which someday will have alot of clothes & accessories to keep posher dude kitty, Jackie, company😄. I'll be checking in to follow, share & support your haPpy closet👋Cheers, janie🤸‍♀️
Apr 27Reply
rinelldug Truly a gr8 closet!🤩 It was FUN to share!Thx for the outstanding item descriptions..really helpful!!! Have an awesome😎 weekend! Cheers, janie🤸‍♀️
Apr 27Reply
sunmommy @rinelldug Aww u r so sweet thank u 💜💗🌞💗💜
Apr 28Reply
treasure1981 Hi how are you thanks for following. Just you letting you know I’m currently looking to sell all my listed items as fast as possible to help clear some of my wife’s closet space, so if you’re interested in any item, I’m open to lower offers ? Cheers Edward 👌🙌
May 19Reply
doxygal I love that tapestry coat but I’m traveling to NOLA in two days. If it’s still available, and I haven’t spent the world, I will ping you. I thought it had sold!
May 27Reply
sunmommy @doxygal OK yes let me know. It was on hold for a moment, but it is available now. Safe travels 💗💜🌞💜💗
May 27Reply
doxygal @sunmommy Thank you! I’d ask you to hold until Friday but I can see that didn’t work out for you so well. LOL. You ask us to zoom? I’m just curious - what am I looking for? It looks great! 😘
May 27Reply
sunmommy @doxygal Tee Hee. Right, no holds, let’s see what happens. Poshmark did not always have the zoom feature so I just remind you that cool option is available. The coat is in perfect condition. Message me on that item if you want to touch base again 🌸☀️🌸☀️🌸☀️🌸
May 27Reply
doxygal @sunmommy I absolutely will. Unless I’m doing NOLA so well I forget the day and time and place....
May 27Reply
rdl Thanks for following my closet @sunmommy! I look forward to poshing with you! 🤗
Jun 17Reply
prettypicks673 Hi there :) . I'm doing a sale were everything is 10% off and Free Shipping ^.^ . I have mystery boxes with Alice + Olivia, For love & lemons, Torrid and more in them, If you have any questions let me know!
Jul 07Reply
ilovegod2023 Happy Poshing🌻❤🌻....May God continue to bless you...feel free to stop by my closet I have beautiful heels and clothing....God bless you....I will be sure to stop by your closet as well❤🌻
Aug 01Reply
ivysboutique Hi! I see that you have some great plus size listings. I Admin a Facebook group for Plus Size Poshers where you can meet other Poshers who sell plus sizes, play some fun games to help network your items on Poshmark to help you make more sales and make some new friends! It's a very active and friendly participation group but a lot of fun! If you'd like to join us here's the link -
Aug 09Reply
sunmommy @bohoelegance Hi and thank you for your lovely note. I do not have a Facebook account, but I am going to seriously consider it. Have a nice day 🌸☀️🌸
Aug 09Reply
ivysboutique @sunmommy you're welcome, hope to see you there! Happy Poshing!
Aug 09Reply
katz_meow Thanks for the follow - so nice to meet you!
Aug 16Reply
dyj3141 Love you listings! My style! New to Poshmark and trying to get rid of my overstuffed. But saw so many things I liked I’m at the status of no more buying until I sell something in a significant amount. Any information you can help me with I would appreciate it.
Sep 01Reply
sunmommy @dyj3141 Thank you! Share your items at least 3 times a day! Good luck! 🌸☀️🌸
Sep 01Reply
dyj3141 Thanks just trying to get things going if one wins we all win if we do the same for each other. Thanks!
Sep 01Reply
serethakp Good morning. Charter club cambridge slim leg pull on ponte pants... got anymore in other colors. Got the navy ones and love them! Size 22W.
Sep 19Reply
coloredcotton Thank you for sharing!!🙏
Oct 25Reply
sunmommy @elewis741 Click on "Edit Listing" - then scroll to the bottom & switch status to "not for sale" :)
Nov 11Reply
lyudmilapringle Hi🌺 Thank you sweetie for the offer, but it’s to short for me😫
Nov 19Reply
lyudmilapringle Gorgeous dress!!!
Nov 19Reply
juleswmson01 I just love your closet!!!! I always think of you when I need something for a party!
Dec 17Reply
sunmommy @juleswmson01 Hi! Thank you! I list approx 50 items a week, so keep checking in! 💗💗💗
Dec 17Reply
juleswmson01 @sunmommy That’s a promise!!! 😍❤️😍
Dec 17Reply
sunmommy @juleswmson01 💜💜💜
Dec 17Reply
mmkoriginal Hello beautiful. I just stopped by to share your beautiful closet👗👠💍💄👜👢❣. I wish you much Posh success in sales sharing the love❤❤❤.
Jan 19Reply
me_2_u_u_2_me I marked your page, nice clothes for the full figured sexy ladies, much thanks!
Jan 27Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount discount with extras in every package. And offers are always welcome, too.
Feb 01Reply
smxcollectables Hello would you like to Share 25 items from each other’s closet? Thanks in either case and here’s to MANY SALES!!!!🙂
Feb 11Reply
72roseyposey sorry about the purchase was done accidentally
Feb 15Reply
shoprachelmarie Hello! So nice to meet you. I'm Rachel, I am new to Poshmark, and am just so thankful for your follow! (I just shared a few of your items ☺) I also just posted my first few items, and am so excited to be here!
Feb 27Reply
sunmommy @shoprachelmarie Welcome 💗💗💗
Feb 27Reply
shoprachelmarie @sunmommy Thank you so much! 🌞
Feb 28Reply
1kyrascloset Love your closet 🙂🌻👠
Mar 07Reply
sunmommy @1kyrascloset 💜💜💜
Mar 07Reply
zulemarose Thanks for the follow 🎁✨
Mar 10Reply
sunmommy @zulemarose 💗💗💗
Mar 10Reply
sunflower626 congratulations on being a poshmark suggested user that's wonderful and yes that's a excellent philosophy as well as @maddagirl
Mar 11Reply
sunmommy @sunflower626 💜💜💜
Mar 11Reply
nazaninaskari67 Hey 👋 I’m Nazanin I’m Persian Icelandic living in 🇺🇸 California Happy poshing 💕🛍🛍💕
Mar 25Reply
gidgetgirl2020 Such cute suits!! 😊💕☀️🌈
Apr 17Reply
sunmommy @gidgetgirl2020 💝🤗💝🤗💝
Apr 17Reply
alysse300 Liked, Followed, Shared!
May 25Reply
monolidi Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Jun 25Reply
elainesapitan Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it as I am trying to get rid of many items, as well I have some items listed as FREE with ANY purchase throughout my closet. Hope you find something you like! Feel free to send me any offers and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing and safe during this quarantine! 🦋
Jul 06Reply
shoegirl4140 Hi there! I came across your closet for the first time today & WOW!😍 I just wanted to tell you that you have the best variety in both style, sizes & product that I’ve seen on Poshmark yet. 👍🏻 BEAUTIFUL closet & from now on, I’ll be taking my closet cues from YOU. I’ll be back! Happy Poshing! - Amy
Oct 02Reply
sunmommy @shoegirl4140 You are the sweetest 🍭💗💝
Oct 02Reply
jj619girl would you sell the 2013 Swarovski Crystal snowflake ornament by itself?
Dec 09Reply
alittlefabshop Happy belated birthday beautiful! Xoxoxoxo
Jan 02Reply
sunmommy @alittlefabshop Thank you PFF 💝💝💝
Jan 02Reply
9sunflower9 Love your inspiration note! Love your closet❣️
Jan 08Reply
sunmommy @9sunflower9 💝💝💝
Jan 08Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 16Reply
jaaymack Thank you for the add & wishing you all the best on here 😊👍🏽happy Poshing ❗️❗️
Feb 05Reply
redmermaid_cove 💙🧜‍♀️Great closet 🧜‍♀️💙
Feb 06Reply
sunmommy @jaaymack 💜💜💜
Feb 06Reply
mkbeach14 that's all I can do. Sorry
Apr 25Reply
amber2286 Hello!! Congrats on your win!! That’s so awesome and I have won in the past, it was a great day! Be sure to spoil yourself! ! If you aren’t familiar with what’s going on please check your emails and look at messages frm Posh! In the meantime, I’m running a HUGE special for all winners! HALF OFF my entire closet for the lucky winners. Just be sure to make a bundle and use code word “Winner”
Jul 21Reply
sandycupcake P♥️sh L♥️ve 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹 Congrats on your “Deal Days” Win! Enjoy your guilt free shopping. Sandy
Jul 22Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. If you are looking for ANYTHING in particular,  please let me know. I have it all!!😊 I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like & bundle! Come check it out!😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Good Health. @Goldneyez311
Jul 22Reply
retrend11 It’s a great day at Retrend11 🛍, We hope you are owning your day as well! We noticed you were a featured poshmark page and that you are also a fellow Posh ambassador. Your closet and vibes are fresh and on trend! 🌸 💫 😌 I’m now following you and I’m looking forward to sharing you awesome 🤩 finds. Take a second to check Retrend11 out and rest assure that we meet and surpass all of poshmark service requirements. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Aug 27Reply

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Last Active: Mar 25

Los Angeles, CA
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About the seller



Last Active: Mar 25

Los Angeles, CA
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