Meet your Posher, Brenda
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Hi! I'm Brenda. Thank you for visiting my closet. My family and my fur grand babies are special and my grand baby is my world! Jesus Christ is my personal savior, who, through all things are possible! I enjoy traveling when I can with my family. God works in mysterious ways and I have found myself back as a waitress full time again. A job I thought I was ready to leave somehow God keeps leading me back to. God is leading me down a new and different path so ready or not, here we go!

568 others
like this

Welcome to PM, Brenda!
Nov 26Reply

Thank you
Nov 26Reply

Hey there! Welcome to Poshmark, I'm sure you will love it as much as I do! If you ever have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. Happy poshing 😊~ Heather
Nov 27Reply

Thank you so much!
Nov 27Reply

@raynedan You're very welcome!
Nov 27Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!😊🌸❄👠
Nov 29Reply

Thank you
Nov 29Reply

@raynedan thanks for checking out my closet. Nice to meet you Brenda. I'm Melody.😎
Nov 29Reply

Nice to meet you Melody!
Nov 29Reply

Hi. & Welcome to Posh! It's a very supportive& social community & if U have any questions there's always a Posher to answer then. Or ...
...visit my closet& I'd be happy to help U!
More questions?
On anything specific U'd like to know?
Just ask me....
Dec 08Reply

Thank you!
Dec 08Reply

Thanks for all the shares!!!
Jan 25Reply

Thank for all the shares😘
Mar 09Reply

@raynedan Thank you for the shares 💛
Mar 26Reply

@lakelilylane thank you as well!
Mar 26Reply

Thanks for the shares! 😊
May 22Reply

@zatala21 you are welcome and thank you! :)
May 22Reply

@raynedan you're welcome!
May 22Reply

@raynedan Hi Brenda! I'm Jesh. 😃 Very nice to meet you and thank you for following me and sharing my closet back! You've a beautiful closet! 💕💕💕
May 25Reply

@ashjesh So nice to meet you Jesh! Thank you for the shares and following me! Happy poshing!!
May 25Reply

@raynedan Thank you! And it's my pleasure!!! Happy Poshing to you too! 🌷🌷🌷
May 25Reply

Hello! 😊 Thank you so much for all your amazing shares! I appreciate each and every one so much❣ I hope I helped and you get lots of sales! 🤑 ...Yay!! Take care, Have a wonderful day 🌞 and Happy Poshing❗💙💜💛💚
Jun 07Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet! 💙. I appreciate it as well! Let's hope we have helped each other make some sales! I 💕💕💕 seeing my fellow poshers make sales! Enjoy your weekend! Happy poshing!
Jun 07Reply

Thanks for all the shares 😘
Jun 20Reply

@kktg Thank you as well and for your purchase!!
Jun 20Reply

Thank you for all the shares! ♡ happy poshing! :)
Jul 21Reply

@lyncat20 Thank you as well! Happy poshing and good luck!
Jul 21Reply

Thank you for sharing
Aug 01Reply

@dee8359 Thank you as well! Good Luck!!
Aug 01Reply

@halley_parrot Hello, You are welcome and thank you for sharing back!
Aug 07Reply

Thank you for the share! 😘
Aug 08Reply

@vintage316 You are welcome! Good luck!
Aug 08Reply

Thank you so much for the cross advertising! ❤️
Aug 09Reply

Thanks for sharing 💜hope you have an amazing day !
Aug 09Reply

@violaboutique You are very welcome! Thank you, have a wonderful night!
Aug 09Reply

@thattrishmartin Thank you as well, it is much appreciated!
Aug 09Reply

Thanks for share.
Aug 11Reply

@jacaranda1831 You are very welcome! Thank you as well!
Aug 11Reply

@raynedan thank you so much for sharing❤️
Aug 23Reply

@kadmta You are welcome! Thank you as well! 👍🙂
Aug 23Reply

@raynedan no problem, anytime😀
Aug 23Reply

Thank you so much for sharing 😊 !!!
Aug 25Reply

@baltazar6 You are welcome! Thank you as well! 🙂👍
Aug 25Reply

Thanks for the follow..♥♥♥
Aug 26Reply

@arasplayground You are welcome! :)
Aug 26Reply

@raynedan is Brenda in the pic? Just a confused posher. Much Love!!!
Aug 26Reply

@peacelove777 No Brenda isn't in this picture! This is just a vacation picture that I took.
Aug 26Reply

@raynedan lol ok gotcha 🌸
Aug 26Reply

@pvdjones Nice to meet you! Good luck to you and God bless!
Aug 26Reply

Thanks for the shares love🤗I shared yours too ☺️
Aug 27Reply

@devin_cottom Thank you! 🙂👍
Aug 27Reply

Hi Brenda, I love your profile background. I'm a believer too! God is good all the time🙏🙌❤💓💗💖💕💞💟👆
Aug 30Reply

@elizabetho28 Thank you so much! It is so nice to meet fellow believers! Yes, God is good all the time, even in our darkest hours he is right there with us! Thank you for saying hi and sharing! Prayers! :)
Aug 30Reply

@raynedan Brenda thank you for prayers from Alaska yes indeed God is good all the time in our Darkest Hours as you would say even today my daughter had a court hearing for doing something she shouldn't have and her sentence was reduced from a super drunk charge which is very very bad down to a simple infraction that never happens we serve a mighty God
Aug 30Reply

@elizabetho28 Kids do some stupid things but God watches over them and keeps them safe. Sometimes those lessons are hard ones! All we can do is trust that he has their best interests and he will keep them safe and secure in his arms. I look at my children as a gift from God! They are not mine, they are his! I am only here to be their shepard and keep them for him! Prayers always!! :)
Aug 30Reply

@awww what.. a wonderful way to look at it. God bless you Brenda I look forward to many more conversations with you
Aug 30Reply

@elizabetho28 God bless you as well! Looking forward to many more conversations with you as well! Take care and may God keep you close and protected! :)
Aug 30Reply

Thank you for all the shares! 😀😁😊🤗💞💞🎊🎊💃💃I really appreciate it! 👏👏🎉🎉🍭🍭
Sep 01Reply

@eli_may_bel You are so welcome! Thank you in return for the many shares! Much appreciated! :)
Sep 01Reply

Good morning Brenda. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Sep 02Reply

Nice Closet and pictures. Thanks for your support.
Sep 02Reply

@hmsimon1 Good Morning! Thank you for following me in return!
Sep 02Reply

@unclaimed Thank you! 🙂👍
Sep 02Reply

Great scripture! Blessings on your weekend!
Sep 02Reply

@mldinolfo Thank you so much! Same to you! Enjoy and be safe! 🙂👍💕
Sep 02Reply

Thanks for sharing 🌹😍
Sep 05Reply

@btpope You are so welcome! Thank you for sharing in return! :)
Sep 05Reply

@raynedan I really appreciate you tagging my closet in comments to party hosts, however my phone is blowing up with these comments, and I'm not getting host picks or sales from it. I've actually been neglecting my responsibilities on PM for a little while now, as other things in my life have taken priority. Thank you so much for trying to help me out, but I'm hoping you can remove me from your list 😇 I will continue to share share share your closet as much as I can while I'm on the app!
Sep 09Reply

@meg1793 I am so sorry! I just loved your closet and was hoping it would help! I can remove your name for sure. If things change and you would like to have it back, please let me know. I haven't seen many sales from all of this either! 😞. Take care and God bless!
Sep 09Reply

@raynedan thank you! I know your intention is there and your enthusiasm is inspiring! Thank you for understanding 😁
Sep 09Reply

@meg1793 🙂
Sep 09Reply

Thanks for sharing and visiting my closet! 😊
Sep 10Reply

@bbenton03 You are welcome and thank you for sharing as well! Love your closet! 💕🛍🎉
Sep 10Reply

Thank you for sharing! 😘😘
Sep 13Reply

@tenesarmoire You are welcome! Thank you! 💕😊👍
Sep 13Reply

✌🏾&❤️ good morning and thanks for sharing!☺️
Sep 19Reply

Thanks so much for the share Brenda! 🌻😀
Sep 19Reply

@kailatrice Good morning, you are very welcome and thank you for sharing back! :)
Sep 19Reply

@ed8171967 Thank you for sharing my closet as well! :)
Sep 19Reply

@loveluci You are very welcome! Thank you so much for sharing as well! :)
Sep 19Reply

Thank you so much for sharing!!!
Sep 19Reply

@raynedan Of course! I love what I'm seeing and experiencing on PM with people being friendly and willing to reciprocate. Sadly, that's not always the case on other social platforms.
Sep 19Reply

@wsand19100 You are so welcome and thank you as well! It is appreciated! :)
Sep 19Reply

@loveluci PM has been amazing for me and the people are so friendly and so helpful and willing to answer questions. So many willing to be mentors and help you grow. I love it!! :) Best of luck and if you need anything, please let me know. I am not the best person but I can sure lead you in a direction!! :)
Sep 19Reply

Thank you again, Brenda. And I will! I'm taking it slowly and trying to behave myself and not go completely crazy shopping!!
Sep 19Reply

@loveluci You are welcome! I completely understand. Happy poshing! 🙂👍💕
Sep 20Reply

Thank you for all your shares! I really appreciate it! ❤
Sep 22Reply

@friendsrwaffles You are welcome! Thank you for the shares in return! :)
Sep 22Reply

@kimtn2 Hi, I think that is a great idea! Sometimes sharing over 20-30 at a time gets very time consuming. There will be days that I won't be able to share until the end of the night as I work two jobs and won't be able to get to my sharing until after work. I will then make it up but should only be a couple nights a week.
Sep 24Reply

@kimtn2 Sounds perfect, thank you!
Sep 24Reply

Thanks so much for all the posh love!❤️
Oct 01Reply

@missymango48 You are welcome! Thank you as well!
Oct 01Reply

Thank you for the million shares. 😘😘😘. You have a great closet PACKED with Host Picks!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Oct 08Reply

@atlantalaurie You are welcome and thanks for sharing in return! 💕💕💕. Seems the host picks aren’t bringing many sales so I hope that changes soon. 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Oct 08Reply

Thanks for following my closet!!☺️💕
Oct 17Reply

@ashlyn_bekah You are so welcome! Let's make some sales and have fun poshing!! :)
Oct 17Reply

Hello there 😉 thank you for sharing, I appreciate it. You have a great closet!!!
Oct 17Reply

@gisela1209 You are very welcome! Thank you! 🙂🙂
Oct 17Reply

@macystreasures You are welcome! They are my babies! 🙂👍🏻💕💕
Oct 18Reply

@raynedan Brenda, THANK YOU for all the shares. You are wonderful and I appreciate it do much. 💕🌹💕
Oct 18Reply

@macystreasures Your dog is adorable! :)
Oct 18Reply

@sweetcarolinenp You are welcome! Thank you for sharing in return and Happy Poshing!! :)
Oct 18Reply

@macystreasures :)
Oct 18Reply

Hi Brenda👋🏼 Happy poshing🌸💕🎀
Oct 19Reply

@makaylaseybold Well hey there PFF, happy poshing to you too!! :)
Oct 19Reply

@raynedan thank you for the shares!!
Oct 20Reply

@summerjean0814 You are welcome. Thank you in return! 🙂👍💕💕💕
Oct 20Reply

Thanks for all the share love. I'll keep checking your closet for more shares too, esp for the parties. Cheers to a wonderful (&prosperous) weekend
Oct 20Reply

@delew You are welcome and thank you for sharing! I have two rooms full of stuff to get on, just trying to find the time to get it posted but working on it! Have a wonderful weekend! :)
Oct 20Reply

@raynedan Hi Brenda, ive been following u and sharing, but just want the ask are you doing strictly POSH COMPLIANT closets? Seems like lately there are more and more who are not following the rules and im sure it is because they just don’t know- but i cannot follow in good consciences. TY and hope to hear back soon. Carrie
Oct 20Reply

@coloradocache Hey Carrie, I do follow them but I really don't share much of there stuff at all. It does seem like more and more are going non compliant! I try to be fair to all but only really pay close attention to my PFF's that are POSH COMPLIANT!! It used to bother me a lots but I know eventually it will catch up to them. Those of us that are doing it right, we can all just stick together and make sure we are getting to the parties and helping each other out that way!
Oct 20Reply

@raynedan Darn it- i wrote a reply then lost it- BUT do you remember just a short while back- someone had a “posh compliant follow game”- id like to go that route again for awhile. We r just spinning our heels if we keep following non compliant poshers as they seem to be multiplying faster than rabbits😜.
Oct 21Reply

@coloradocache oh I totally agree. I can tag you in on one that I have with a posh compliant closet. This follow game is slow but I have been looking for those as well. They are hard to find! But I will tag you when I find them. 👍🏻🙂
Oct 21Reply

@raynedan THANK YOU SO MUCH. And thank you for understanding. As a posh ambassador i dont feel right in promoting closets that dont follow rules. I wish PM would/could do more😃
Oct 22Reply

@coloradocache You are welcome! I completely understand and feel the same about PM. I sell other places but wanted something like this for just fashion. I was excited when I found PM but have been disappointed lately with all the non posh compliant closets. 👍🙂🙂💕💕
Oct 22Reply

ooohhh a little american cocker.!!! my fave of all to the hound, we have 2 bassets!! Singers they are~~ Thanks for sharing I've had 3.
Oct 24Reply

The little one is a basset and cocker mix and he is a sweetheart. The other one is a dalamation and lab mix. Love both of them dearly as they are both such sweethearts and full of love.
Oct 24Reply

@nicknacknancytx You are welcome and thank you for allowing me to use your signs. You do have a couple that I am interested in. Best of luck and happy posting!! :)
Oct 24Reply

Thanks for sharing from my closet. G
Oct 26Reply

@1955oldman You are welcome!
Oct 27Reply

Thank you for sharing. Book marking your closet. God bless you.
Oct 27Reply

@jgbravo You are welcome! Thank you as well! God Bless you! Happy Poshing and many sales!
Oct 27Reply

@kimtn2 Thank you for letting me know and doing all of this experimenting. I appreciate it. Would you mind if I add you to my closet party list? I think your closet is amazing and should be recommended for host picks!
Oct 30Reply

@kimtn2 Sorry just my wording for the posh parties that I am recommended for from my mentor and I in turn recommend closets that I like and women that I feel deserve to have a Host Picks. I love your closet and would like to add your name to my list!
Oct 30Reply

@kimtn2 Well I will get you added and you can hopefully start experiencing that part of it! 🙂🙂🙂
Oct 30Reply

@kimtn2 I have a closet full of host picks, no sales but more poeple following my closet with the hopes of more sales. My mentor told me to try and get lots of followers and that will help increases your sales. So far my sales haven't been great and I have lots of host picks. I just keep plugging away and trying different things in hopes that something will take off. Thanks for all of your advice and knowledge and keeping me informed on things.
Oct 30Reply

@kimtn2 I added you to my list of party picks in hopes that your sales would soar! :)
Oct 30Reply

@kimtn2 The host picks haven't really helped me with my sales at all, just with followers. I have heard, the more followers you have the better chance at sales.
Oct 30Reply

@kimtn2 Thank you for sharing your information with me. I will continue to share as much information as I can with you. I will try to update my closet before I share with everyone other than my normal shares. :)
Oct 30Reply

@kimtn2 Thank you, great idea! I have been following all sellers! :(
Oct 30Reply

@kimtn2 I am going to do that today and I will let you know how it goes! You have been very helpful. I am hoping to make this my new second job. I have been waiting tables for 7 years and would really like to find something new. Thank you so much for you help and support! :)
Oct 30Reply

@kimtn2 Sounds good, thanks for including me!
Oct 30Reply

@kimtn2 That is awesome, I will get that done. Thank you so much for the information! You have been amazing with the helpful hints! :)
Nov 01Reply

@kimtn2 Great sales by the way! I saw this morning, you did amazing last night!!!!
Nov 01Reply

@kimtn2 I will share every day, all day with you! You have been amazing with that as well. I hope the party sharing works for you and gets you some host picks that will hopefully help with your sales too. Maybe we will get this all figured out. I appreciate you so much! 💕💕💕💕
Nov 01Reply

@kimtn2 I think I found you!
Nov 01Reply

Thank you for the shares! You are awesome! 😊💖
Nov 02Reply

@rsawesomecloset You are very welcome! Thank you as well! :)
Nov 02Reply

Thank you for all the wonderful shares. 💕🌼✨🌺⭐️🎀🌼🌈😘💫🌞🍓🌛
Nov 04Reply

@strawberrymoon1 You are very welcome snd thank you as well! 🙂🙂🙂👍👍💕💕💕💕
Nov 04Reply

Thanks for the 💕 and shares!
Nov 13Reply

@paperflowers You are very welcome! 🙂🙂👍🏻👍🏻
Nov 13Reply

You are so pretty! Happy to put a face with a name!
Nov 16Reply

@sunnybirdmarket Thank you!
Nov 16Reply

@lmageesp You are very welcome and thank you for sharing as well! :)
Nov 21Reply

Good morning Brenda . Hard at work already? Thanks for the shares . You are a blessing
Nov 29Reply

@feld123 Good morning! I like to get all caught up before I head in to work! Sometimes I don't get a chance to do much while I am there. You are very welcome and thank you for sharing back! I appreciate it so much! Enjoy your holidays and Merry Christmas!
Nov 29Reply

@raynedan same to you. I will catch up to you in few min. Have to log in to work and then get back to sharing. Marry Christmas and lots of joy and health
Nov 29Reply

@feld123 Thank you so much! I will be sharing as much and as often as I can for everyone. I still have a room full of things to put on as well. LOL Enjoy your week and best of luck selling!!! :)
Nov 29Reply

@raynedan Hi Brenda! Thanks so much for your shares! I appreciate that! You have a beautiful closet!! If I can help with anything please feel free to tag me. Have a great night! Beautiful family btw!! 😁💕
Dec 07Reply

@flutter_buys Hi Karen! Thank you so much for sharing back and thanks to Chass! She is the incredible angel that does the closet picks and I share from those everyday to show my appreciation to her and to the ones she has selected! You have a beautiful closet! Thank you so much for your support, it is greatly appreciated and I will surely be sharing and supporting as much as I can! My family, dogs and all are my life! They make me very proud! Thank you so much! :) :) :) :)
Dec 07Reply

HI Brenda, Thanks so much for sharing my items...I appreciate your visit to My Closet! Have a fab weekend. 🌺
Dec 09Reply

@hapagear You are so welcome! Thank you for sharing my closet! Enjoy your weekend! :)
Dec 10Reply

Morning Brenda. 3 as promised. Have a posh fabulous day
Dec 15Reply

@feld123 Morning Anna, thank you so much! You have an amazing Friday and happy poshing!
Dec 15Reply

@raynedan Hi Brenda! See your a. Coloradian foo. Love it here. Ive poshing for over a year- but haveing little issues adjusting to all the new changes. Have no clue how to “style someone” do u? And if u can tell me how to place HOST PICK signs on your listing id sure appreciate it. Thank you in advance. Carrie
Dec 23Reply

Hi Carrie! I am a native of Colorado, love it just not the area I am in. Hopefully I can change that in the future. I have also been poshing for over a year now and things change all the time. I do know how to style someone, it takes me a bit to figure it out each time, but I can do it.
Dec 24Reply

@coloradocache As far as the host pick signs go I use an app. on my phone or ipad and I can go in and write something across the picture and change the color. There are lots of difference free apps out there to use but the one I use is called MOLDIV. Let me know if I can help you out in any other way! Merry Christmas! Brenda
Dec 24Reply

Thanks for visiting!! If I don’t offend you, please read about my daughter in my closet to learn more about me!❤️
Dec 25Reply

@raynedan Hi- thank you for sharing me in all the Posh Parties - and my PFF friends. I just read your bio- where about in Co are you? I lived in Bailey for 10 years- 2 of which we traveled in RV across USA and Canada. Now we are “City Slickers” and have been in Littleton 12 yrs. love Co. Glad u r off your feet with this job. 👍
Jan 25Reply

@coloradocache You are welcome. I live just east of Greeley and have lived there all my life. I live in a small little farming community. This job doesn't have me off my feet yet. I am still working at the restaurant on the weekends but I am hoping that by fall I will be done with it.
Jan 25Reply

@raynedan Hey love... Old post but check this out:
Jan 30Reply

@sweetcarolinenp Thank for the information. Good to know some of these old things. Part of the reason I only share 3 items as you see the rest is lost. I think we are still learning new and different things. Lots of different information on YouTube as well!
Jan 30Reply

@raynedan yes I learned that from you. When I have time (when :) I’ll checkout YouTube. Hope you are doing well. January has been meh 😏 for me. Maybe it’s the weather.
Jan 30Reply

@sweetcarolinenp And I have learned that from other poshers! Just sharing the love! Well January hasn’t been an awesome month here but maybe that is because we planned a vacation in April and are looking forward to that. Hope your February is spectacular! 🙂🙂🙂💕💕💕
Jan 30Reply

@mattietee Super pictures of your beautiful family 😀
Mar 01Reply

@mattietee Thank you! My family means the world to me including my fur grand babies!
Mar 01Reply

Bookmarking your closet so I can share tonight! 😊💗😊💚😊💜
Mar 08Reply

@amg246 Thank you so much! Can't wait for the party!
Mar 08Reply

@raynedan I'll be more excited when I know the theme! 😂😂😂
Mar 08Reply

@amg246 I am sure you will, but I enjoy all the parties and sharing time with PFF's!
Mar 08Reply

@raynedan absolutely! 😊💚
Mar 08Reply

@raynedan hello Brenda and ty for all your hard work in promoting all the parties and all our closets! Ive added several new names to my list of poshers who i am trying to help b posh perfect- but wondering is there any more that i can do? How do you get the names directly of the new parties u r trying to promote? Would it be better if i gave names to you and they could promote parties also? Sorry for all the ????🙀
Carrie in Littleton 👍
Mar 08Reply

@coloradocache I have a mentor and I am on her tag list for upcoming parties so she tags me in them and then I in turn tag all of my PFF's in the parties. My list isn't big, as you can see. I have checked in and worked with some to make sure they are posh compliant and I think that is all you can do. Just make sure you keep adding them to your list and tagging them to the parties like I do and they will get noticed.
Mar 08Reply

@coloradocache Make sure if they haven't had a host pick that you note that when party hosts are looking for closets that have not had a host pick. Hopefully that is helpful information!
Mar 08Reply

@rayndan THanks Brenda. Wish i could copy and past all this info to her. But just ❤️, tag, and SHARE, my posh compliant PFFS will get them notified of Posh Party and make them elligible for PPary Picks? And if im on PM at same time as party i SHARE from my own closet. Is that. Orrect too?
Mar 08Reply

You are welcome! I have a tag list saved on my computer and I use it when my mentor tags me. Makes it so much easier and then I tag all of you great people with compliant closets in the party posts and it makes you all eligible for the hosts to go in and look at your closets for host picks. And yes, if you are on when the party is taking place, just share from your closet the topic of the party!
Mar 08Reply

Love your dog photo with the sunglasses! Is it a Bassett? It looks just like our Bassett, they are so sweet!🌺
Mar 09Reply

@cocovalli Thank you! It is a Hush Bassett! A cross between a Bassett and cocker spaniel!
Mar 09Reply

@kimtn2 Best if luck with your surgery and no worries on those shares! Hope you recover quickly! I will be on vacation in a couple of weeks and will be doing the same thing as far as shares. Have someone to mail packages for me! Take care and let me know how your surgery goes!
Apr 12Reply

@kimtn2 I will continue to share your things! Again, best of luck Kimberly! I will be praying all goes well and a quick recovery!
Apr 12Reply

@raynedan hello honey!! How are you? We haven’t talked in quite some time. Hope you are doing well. Just wanted to say hello. Hugs 🌹❤️🌹
Jun 06Reply

@sweetcarolinenp Hi there! How are you? It sure has been a while and I hope you are doing amazing. I am doing good. Thank you so much for saying hello. :) :)
Jun 06Reply

@raynedan I’m doing alright. Started a new job last month and I’ve been BUSY. Other than than pups, home nothing too exciting. xo
Jun 06Reply

@sweetcarolinenp New jobs are always a little stressful! I am looking for a different full time job now. I am just working my waitress job and trying to decide if I want to stay in Colorado or make the change and move out of state. So I have been a little busy myself
Jun 06Reply

@raynedan How did you get the dog to wear the shades? I wish mine would do that.🙂
Jul 02Reply

@nalasboutique Our Little Jake is a special kind of dog! He doesn’t really care what we do as long as we love on him! He just sits there and we tell him he looks so cute! He is a trooper! We love him like crazy! Our other boy Gaje is not like that at all! He wouldn’t let us do that!
Jul 02Reply

@raynedan Sounds like mine. She will NOT have it. Lol! I tried dressing her up for Christmas once and the look she had showed she was not happy. Lol
Jul 02Reply

@nalasboutique She sounds adorable! 🙂🙂🙂
Jul 02Reply

@raynedan Very protective but a sweetheart and spoiled rotten. Guilty 🙂🙂
Jul 02Reply

@nalasboutique She looks so cute in the picture. Trust me, ours our spoiled rotten too!
Jul 02Reply

@raynedan Thank you. Yours are adorable too. I probably need to get her a companion but she seems to not want anything to do with other dogs. I think she's a little shy with other dogs.
Jul 02Reply

@nalasboutique Our dogs are from separate homes but they live being together. I am grandma to them so they come to my house to spend some weekends. Grandmas have rights too! 😊😊😊😊
Jul 02Reply

@raynedan Hey there Brenda! Look at you & all your Host Picks!!! Wow! You rock the Posh Parties. Thanks for all of the sharing today. I appreciate it even more since your probably busy preparing for the holiday. Have a great 4th! *fist bump*
Jul 03Reply

@a_nuvu Hey there! Thank you so much! I am just hoping that those host picks pay off eventually. The Posh Parties are fun and keep you busy for sure. I am really not doing much for the holiday so I don't mind sharing closets today! Have a great 4th and stay safe! If you are interested, l can add you to my party tag list, looks like your closet is posh compliant! :)
Jul 03Reply

@raynedan You're very welcome Brenda. I would love to be added to your list. Thanks so much for the invite. Stay cool & I wish you many Host Pick sales really soon!! *hugs*
Jul 03Reply

@a_nuvu You are such a doll! You are so welcome! I added you to my party list so hopefully you will be getting some of those Host Pick's too! Enjoy your holiday! :)
Jul 04Reply

Great closet ! if you get a chance check out my closet and have a great weekend! Sending positive vibes for quick sales
Jul 06Reply

@andyr221 Thank you so much! I appreciate that. You are too sweet! 🙂🙂🙂😘😘😘😘
Jul 06Reply

Thank you for all the shares! Your puppies are cuties! 🌺
Jul 20Reply

@traveler762 Thank you as well for sharing! My puppies are so spoiled but I do love them!
Jul 20Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Jul 20Reply

@spreadlove Thanks for stopping by and saying hello! Always enjoy herring from new posh pals! Have an amazing weekend!
Jul 20Reply

Just wanted to let you know that I really like your pen gift as well. I'm also a Christian n I love your idea about the pens! Happy Poshing!
Jul 31Reply

@sandyswensen1 Thank you so much! Just my way to say thank you and say God is love! 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Jul 31Reply

Too cute we love our pets. Mine are my kids
Aug 04Reply

Beautiful family as well
Aug 04Reply

@pitviper62 We love and spoil our pets too! They are like part of our family! Thank you so much! God blessed me with a loving, supportive family that I love very much!
Aug 04Reply

@shyoty58 Thank you so much! God bless you! I will make sure she is included in my prayers! 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Aug 07Reply

@edynn1 Hello, Thank you for stopping by and wishing you much success as well! Happy poshing! 🙂🙂🙂🙂💕💕💕💕🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍
Aug 23Reply

@peaceluvandcats ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 24Reply

Aug 24Reply

@vytle Thank you! 💕💕💕
Aug 24Reply

Love the pups!❤️
Aug 31Reply

@bossierbearkat Thank you so much! They are my babies for sure! 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Aug 31Reply

Sending you love❤️
Have fun Poshing🌹
Best Wishes~👠🛍
Sexy N Monterey💋
Have a blessed day❤️
Sep 05Reply

Adorable babies🐾🐾🐾
Sep 05Reply

@sexynmonterey Thank you so much. Have fun and enjoy poshing. 😘😘😘🛍🛍🛍
Sep 05Reply

@sexynmonterey Aw thank you! 😘😘😘🐶🐶🐶
Sep 05Reply

❤️Your Welcome & ❤️Thank you too❤️
Sep 05Reply

Hey there LOVE ♥️ur pic of the pooch 🐕 with the sunglasses.
Sep 13Reply

@hysandlows Thank you! He is such an amazing dog! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sep 13Reply

Thank you for responding ♥️✨ and the attention 😊
Sep 13Reply

@hysandlows You are so welcome!
Sep 13Reply

Thank you for all the nice shares! I love your closet!
Sep 27Reply

@melodyw1253 You are welcome! Your closet is amazing! 💕💕💕
Sep 27Reply

Love love love your two dogs didn't look so so sweet I bet they're fun. Alaska wow I always wanted to go there but I'm 65 so and less Publisher Clearing House since me my $5,000 a week I'll be staying right here God bless you all
Sep 29Reply

@sanrhoades1 Thank you so much! I love them too! They are so special to me! I am 52 and this next year will be my 4th time going to Alaska. We go with our church every year for a mission trip. My parents go too! Lol
Sep 30Reply

Well good luck I think that going on a trip with your friends and family will be very nice for you and yours what do you do with your little puppies when you go on vacation you probably have people you can trust. I'm kind of leery what to do with my little chichi. but like you are God and Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is always provided and will continue to provide for what we need he's never denied me anything I truly wanted or needed take care dear and you have a great Sunday 😁😃😄😉😉
Sep 30Reply

@sanrhoades1 Thank you! We have special people that take very great care of our babies! They have their own animals and they love to play together so they treat them like their own pets! I love my family vacations as well as our mission trips. You are correct about the Lord Jesus! He does take care of us! I thank him everyday for the many blessing he gives me! Even through the storms, he teaches and provides! Have a wonderful week! 😘😘😘😘
Sep 30Reply

Stay in touch love love to hear from you and how everything goes and I will if you want to give me the first names of your family members I would love to pray for them at night
Sep 30Reply

@sanrhoades1 Thank you! You brought tears to my eyes! My parents are Delbert and Bonnie, My kids are Rayne, Maddie, Daniel and Makayla and I have an unborn grand baby on the way! 🙂🙂🙂. Thank you for your Prayers! If you would do the same I would love to pray for your family as well! I will stay in touch and you do the same! You are the sweetest! ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
Sep 30Reply

My family would be (adopted) daughter Heather and her son William. My husband David and me Sandee. Sister and brother names Heather Maralee and Bradley. I we used to have a prayer line at church. They don't have one here at church. but I'm sure you know what they are it's where you have a leader and find phone they go down the list of people that would like to be on the prayer line and pray for everyone that is on it emergencies and such or just regular prayers miss that.
Sep 30Reply

@sanrhoades1 Adopted families are still family! I will pray for all of you! Our church does have a prayer line and I am on that line. Praying for my family and friends is always at the top of my list and of course our country! Now I have extended friends who I have met here on Poshmark who have been included on that list! Thank you for reaching out today! You made my day! 😘😘😘
Sep 30Reply

Yes we were blessed to adopt our daughter we met the birth mother when she was 6 months pregnant and her boyfriend and herself like this so we agreed when she was 18 we would let her be able to find her birth mother she's been there ever since but we feel we were blessed and raising her you raised her Christian to believe in Jesus Christ our Lord and savior I pray she still does
Sep 30Reply

@sanrhoades1 That is amazing and those seeds are planted! Bible talks about the mustard seed, small but mighty. I am sure with all you taught and shared and all the prayers, the path to follow Christ will always be the one she chooses. 👍👍👍
Oct 01Reply

@raynedan yes you're absolutely right and then help me tonight I have all if people have my prayers to live by my name stay safe and God bless you so much 😇 that's what you are
Oct 01Reply

@sanrhoades1 All if your family will be in my prayers from now on! Keep in touch and thank you, you are an 😇 as well!
Oct 01Reply

Look at them cuties!!! ❤️
Oct 07Reply

@rockin_on05 Thank you!
Oct 07Reply

Thank you so much for the sharing 😊 🌹
Oct 12Reply

@kfaye2018 You are so welcome! Thank you as well!
Oct 12Reply

@rockin_on05 Thank you so much! We sure do love them! 😊😊😊😊
Oct 12Reply

Thank you for all the shares. Wish you many sales! Good luck in all your endeavors. God bless 🙏
Oct 15Reply

@webyty You are welcome and thank you! God Bless you and best of luck with all of your sales! God is good! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Oct 15Reply

Love your pups🐾
Oct 15Reply

Peace be with you.
Oct 15Reply

@frannie21 Thank you so much! 🙂🙂🙂
Oct 15Reply

@frannie21 God bless you! 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Oct 15Reply

Love love love the way your page is done. Very very very nice!!!
Nov 02Reply

@femmeriche Thank you so much! That is so sweet of you! 😘😘😘😘
Nov 02Reply

@raynedan. You are so welcome!!
Nov 02Reply

@femmeriche 🙂🙂🙂
Nov 02Reply

Lv yur glam babies 🐾🐾🐾god bless yu and yours 👏
Nov 06Reply

@chefnorma Thank you so much! We love them too! They are my babies for sure! God bless! 😘😘😘
Nov 06Reply

💜 BRENDA!!!! I Love your fur grand babies 💕💕🐾🐾🐾🐕🐶🐕😍😍😍😍😍
Nov 16Reply

@miss_parisritz Oh thank you so much! I adore them! They are my joy! ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 16Reply

Hello! Thank you for stopping by my closet It is much appreciated. Please let me know if you have any questions always up for different offers. Each purchase also comes with a free gift. Looking forward to checking out your closet as well!
Nov 28Reply

@designerchic03 Thank you!
Nov 28Reply

Hello! Just stopping in to say hi and complete my shares for the weekend.. I just started a follow game in my closet would love if you could stop by and join:))
Dec 10Reply

I was at my daughter's house tonight n see you found her closet as well! ( Lol)
Dec 17Reply

@sandyswensen1 Really? What a small world! Glad I found her!
Dec 17Reply

She was sharing n I recognized your stuff. I said what's that person's name n she told me. I said hey that's my posh friend! I thought it was great!
Dec 17Reply

@sandyswensen1 Glad I can have both of you as my PFF’s!
Dec 17Reply

That's Great!!
Dec 17Reply

@sandyswensen1 😘😘😘
Dec 17Reply

Thank you for all the shares❣️I have never seen so many Host Picks in one Closet! That's awesome😊
Have a Happy New Year's🎉
Dec 31Reply

@ljw6227 You are welcome! Thank you for sharing as well! I had a great mentor that has helped me with my closet and all the party stuff! Happy New Year! 🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉🎉
Dec 31Reply

Happy New Year! Thank you for being a wonderful share buddy.
Dec 31Reply

@polishedthreadz Happy New Year! Thank you for sharing with me and I hope the new year is an amazing one! 🎉🎉🎉🎉😘😘😘😘
Jan 01Reply

@ghintltd Thank you so much! They are my boys dogs, so my fur grand babies but love them both so much! Just have a heart for animals!
Jan 02Reply

Thank you so much for the love Brenda! You are the best sharer ever! 😘 And you find the coolest clothes for your closet! 😊
Jan 07Reply

@tiffneyg Thank you for sharing with me. 🙂🙂🙂. Thank you, your closet is amazing!
Jan 07Reply

Jan 09Reply

@gailgirl09 Thank you so much! They are so much fun and I live them like my kids!
Jan 09Reply

Jan 09Reply

@gailgirl09 oh how fun! I am sure they are wonderful! 🙂🙂🙂
Jan 09Reply

✨Congrats on your Make A Deal Days win!! Feel free to stop by my closet for special winner deals!!! Send me an offer and bundle your likes. You deserve to treat yourself 🛍 HAPPY POSHING✨
Jan 12Reply

Congrats on winning the Make a Deal Days Challenge! 👍
Jan 12Reply

@chaig28 Thank you so much! I will check out your closet! 🙂🙂🙂😘😘😘😘
Jan 12Reply

@heath823 Thank you so much! 😘😘😘😘
Jan 12Reply

Congrats on Winning... My NWT items on sale for $13 or less & offer Free Shipping if you spend $50 or More. Happy Shopping!
Jan 12Reply

@raynedan congrats on winning a Make A Deal Day prize!! It’s nice to see a very worthy Posher be rewarded😊✌️💜
Jan 12Reply

Congrats on the make a deal win 🎉 feel free to check my closet for any items that you may like😀
Jan 12Reply

Hello! Huge congrats on your deals day win, it’s so exciting. Please visit my closet and use my winners special of HALF off my entire closet!!! Just be sure to bundle your likes and use the code word “winners”. Congrats again and be sure to spoil yourself!! Happy Poshing!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 12Reply

@heath823 Thank you so much! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🎉🎉🎉🎉😘😘😘😘
Jan 12Reply

@nyce_style Thank you so much! 🙂🙂🙂😘😘😘😘
Jan 12Reply

@officehippie Thank you so much my sweet PFF! 🙂🙂🙂😘😘😘😘
Jan 12Reply

@medina31 Thank you so much! 😘😘😘😘
Jan 12Reply

@amber2286 Thank you so much! 😘😘😘😘
Jan 12Reply

🌹☠🖤💀🖤☠🌹 🤘 🌹☠🖤💀🖤☠🌹
🤜🤛🏽👨🎤Way to Rock!!!👩🏻🎤🤜🤛🏽
Congrats on winning the Make a Deal Day Challenge! I've got a mega sale going on and have free items for buyers to pick from as well so swing on by and follow my closet bc im adding stuff everyday! Thanks for your Time!🤟🏻✌🏼🤙🏼
🌹☠🖤💀🖤☠🌹 🤘 🌹☠🖤💀🖤☠🌹
Jan 12Reply

Congratulations on Your Win!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉 I won a couple weeks ago and Had a blast Shopping! If you are interested in anything in my closet, I can offer 30% off and even more on bundles! If not, Happy Shopping 🛍!
Jan 13Reply

Congrats on winning the Make a Deal Challenge! If your winnings are burning a hole in your pocket; check out my boutique closet! There is something for everyone! Save 15% off your total when you purchase any 3+ items. Plus only pay one shipping fee!
Jan 13Reply

@elle_flower Thank you so much! 😘😘😘😘
Jan 13Reply

@sparadis66 Thank you so much! 😘😘😘😘
Jan 13Reply

@boy_mom22 Thank you so much! 😘😘😘
Jan 13Reply

Those are precious furbabies!! Like them better than shoes or pocketbooks!!❤️👍😊. Hey that waitressing can bring in a good amount of money for a few hours!! I use to love it, especially at a high dollar restaurant or one that has a fast turnover!! You hang in there honey!! God has got your back!!❤️🙏👍😊
Jan 14Reply

@gigi11155 Those fur babies sure make coming home great at the end of a hard day! 🐕🐕. Thanks love! Some days it is tough but I enjoy waiting tables and my regulars! They make it all worth it! God is good all the time! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙂🙂🙂🙂😘😘😘😘
Jan 14Reply

@raynedan Cute dogs 🐕♥️ welcome to stop by! Offers welcome free gifts 🎁
Jan 21Reply

@highfashnz Thank you so much! 🙂🙂🙂
Jan 21Reply

Thank you so much for the shares🤗 wishing you a fabulous day with lots of sales🛍🥳 And LOVE the puppies😍🐾
Jan 21Reply

@ajwitt76 You are so welcome! Thank you for sharing my closet as well! 🙂🙂🙂
Jan 21Reply

Thank you so much for the shares back!!!
Jan 22Reply

@cwilf673 You are welcome and thank you for sharing my closet! 🙂🙂🙂
Jan 22Reply

Hi 👋
Awesome closet 🎁🛍
Thanks for the follow 🎈🎈
Jan 23Reply

@baysidelu Thank you so much! Always nice to have new PFF’s!
Jan 23Reply

Hi Brenda🤓
Thankyou for stopping by and Checking Out my Closet and Following👍Happy
Poshing To You😃
Jan 23Reply

@littletiny58 You are welcome! Thank you and many sales! 🙂🙂🙂🛍🛍
Jan 23Reply

💖💖💖Thankyou For Sharing💖💖💖
Jan 23Reply

@littletiny58 😘😘😘😘
Jan 23Reply

Hi Brenda , Love your beliefs ! God Bless .Cheers to many sales ♥️😊☃️🐶Carol
Jan 23Reply

@1h3cdl8 Hello and thank you so much! My faith is what gets me through life! God Bless you and many sales to you! 😘😘😘🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Jan 23Reply

Good morning and Thanks for the Follow! 💯
I’m offering New followers 10% off anything in my closet 🧚♀️
—-Simply comment on your favorite item(s) “NewPFFs”🌞—
Happy Poshing 🍭🍬💄🙏🏻
Jan 27Reply

@j0ss Thank you l, I will take a peek and happy poshing!
Jan 27Reply

Nice to see another fellow believer in Jesus Christ and animal lover here on Poshmark 😃😊 Be blessed and happy posh-ing 🌹🌹🌹
Jan 29Reply

Hi!! Thank you for all the shares today!!🌻🌼
Jan 29Reply

@house_of_minddy Always nice to know there are other believers here as well! God Bless! My fur grand babies are spoiled rotten and so loved. Thank you! 🙏🙏🙏🙏😘😘😘😘
Jan 30Reply

@lyniguez1963 You are so welcome and thank you for sharing my closet in return! 😘😘😘😘
Jan 30Reply

@raynedan Awww, you're welcome! 😄
Jan 30Reply

Thanks so much for the shares. You have a wonderful closet ❤💃❤
And...congrats on your host picks.
Feb 02Reply

@sew316 You are so welcome and thanks for sharing my closet as well! Happy poshing! 😘😘😘😘
Feb 02Reply

Awwwww! 😃😘🐶
Feb 04Reply

@zardiva1 Thank you! 😘😘😘😘
Feb 04Reply

@raynedan You’re welcome! 🤗
Feb 04Reply

@ladylevi2 😘😘😘
Feb 05Reply

Those fur grandbabies of yours are adorable!
Feb 06Reply

@amyluncan Thank you! I sure love them! ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 06Reply

Such a beautiful family epically The fur babies😍😍😍!
Feb 07Reply

@smdaub Thank you so much, you are so sweet! 😘😘😘😘
Feb 07Reply

Love these dogs! We have 3 rescue babies,female Yorkie,male,toy poodle( no more,ive overfed) Shetland pony- size Shepherd- mix.Yeah,what u sd.; God.
Feb 11Reply

@pann_bownds Aw, Thank you! I bet your babies are just as cute! Love our fur babies so much. God is so good! Happy Poshing!
Feb 11Reply

Love 💕your closet, I could stay in it for hours looking at all your pretty things. I am trying to make decision on what I want to purchase first😀.
Feb 11Reply

@traciharmon Thank you! That is very sweet💕💕💕😘😘😘
Feb 11Reply

@raynedan Thank you for all you do for us here at PM. 2019 will find me sharing your great closet more often! Thanks again. Carrie
Feb 11Reply

@coloradocache Thank you Carrie! I enjoy sharing and helping everyone as much as I can! Wishing you a great 2019! 😘😘😘😘
Feb 11Reply

Thank you for sharing!!!! It's very much appreciated!!!!!!! :-)
Feb 14Reply

@s117 You are welcome! Thank you for sharing my closet as well! 🙂🙂🙂
Feb 14Reply

@riocustom Thank you do much! Many sales to you in an amazing closet as well! 😘😘😘😘
Feb 16Reply

Love your pictures!
Feb 24Reply

@werthetippits Aw thank you! 😘😘😘
Feb 24Reply

Thank you very much @raynedan for the share. I'm new on PM and trying to get the hang of it ☺️. I also want to thank you for the offer and will be checking your closet again.
Feb 25Reply

@reselldlz60 You are welcome! I found that sharing 3 from a closet is perfect. Good luck with everything and if I can help in any way, please feel free to reach out! 🙂🙂🙂
Feb 25Reply

I will. Thanks :)
Feb 25Reply

@reselldlz60 😘😘😘😘. Happy poshing!
Feb 25Reply

Thanks for the share! 😊🌞
Feb 25Reply

@tree_cat Anytime hun! Happy Poshing! 😘😘😘😘
Feb 25Reply

Hi! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️ ps super cute pups!!
Mar 04Reply

@vpl1116 Hello, I will stop by and check it out! 😘😘😘
Mar 04Reply

Love the pups and all the pics!
Mar 04Reply

@lollypop6740 Aw Thank you so much! Love my grand dogs to the moon and back and absolutely love my family and traveling with them! 😘😘😘😘
Mar 04Reply

☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️. Luck of the Irish ☘️🌈💰☘️🌈💰☘️🌈💰☘️🌈💰☘️🌈💰☘️You’ve been shared by # 188 Jodi 🍀🌈💰@jodisjewelry☘️💰🌈☘️💰☘️🌈💰☘️🌈💰☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️
Mar 09Reply

@jodisjewelry Thanks luv! 😘😘😘😘
Mar 09Reply

Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great afternoon!😄
Mar 13Reply

@computershoptx You are welcome! Enjoy your week!
Mar 13Reply

@bettybettys You are welcome! 😘😘😘
Mar 14Reply

@bettybettys I have never had anyone be rude to me except for one person. I had done nothing to her and she had made some disrespectful comments about my closet and pets!
Mar 14Reply

@bettybettys Most people here are very kind and very friendly!
Mar 14Reply

Thank you Brenda for all the shares 😘
Mar 15Reply

@6912 You are so welcome! Enjoy your weekend! 😘😘😘
Mar 15Reply

Hi! Thanks for all the shares today! Here is to happy Poshing!! Have a great day!! 💖
Mar 16Reply

@tmbratton22 Hello! You are so welcome! Thank you for sharing my closet! Enjoy your weekend! 😘😘😘
Mar 16Reply

Great family photos and adorable pups😍🐾! Thanks for visiting my closet, too!
Mar 23Reply

@kristhomp1 Thank you so much! 😘😘😘😘
Mar 23Reply

Love your bio...I always see God laughing at me as I go off making MY plans lol!! He always has so much more for me, than anything I can create on my own. Blessings to you!! ❤
Apr 13Reply

God bless you❣️I love seeing people acknowledge & give GOD his due praise❣️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Apr 13Reply

@anneescloset Thank you! Sometimes God redirects my path as well! My move hasn’t happened as of yet. I just pray everyday that he shows me the direction he wants me to take! My family and I have many things to do before our move but if God has his way, it will happen!
Apr 13Reply

@kimmired Thank you so much! God is so good! He is my rock and has been there for me through so many good and bad times! I praise him everyday for all things, good and bad! I love seeing other God loving people out there not afraid to show their faith as well! God Bless You!
Apr 13Reply

@raynedan Thank you ❣️You are so sweet ❣️GOD will continue to bless you but will make His move for your biggest blessing in His timing, not ours, but just know it’s coming❣️You’re like the most polite & personable person I have seen on here❣️✨😘✨
Apr 13Reply

@kimmired Aw thank you! You are so sweet! God’s timing is the perfect timing so we just have to be patient and wait. Sometimes that is the hardest part for us! We want things now but God is so good in teaching us patience! May God bless you and keep you close to him! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Apr 13Reply

@raynedan My lovely sentiments exactly❣✨😘✨❤️
Apr 13Reply

@kimmired 😘😘😘😘
Apr 13Reply

I love your closet!
Apr 20Reply

@krisechols Thank you!
Apr 21Reply

@raynedan Hi Brenda, thank you so much for visiting and following my closet and for all the shares 😘 Have a wonderful and blessed weekend 💌
May 04Reply

@mariva931 😘😘😘😘
May 05Reply

Thank you so much for recommending my closet to the party! That means a great deal that you just included my name! Your a real good friend! Have a great day!
May 17Reply

@sandyswensen1 You are very welcome! Enjoy your weekend!
May 17Reply

@sandyswensen1 You are very welcome! Enjoy your weekend!
May 17Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 25Reply

@s27a 😘😘😘
May 25Reply

Thank you so much for all your crazy shares! It’s been fun!!💗💓💞
Jun 02Reply

@lamercurio You are so welcome and thank you! 😘😘😘
Jun 02Reply

@raynedan 😊
Jun 03Reply

Thank you much for the follow and the shares. All the best💕💕💐
Jun 21Reply

@janellebunce 😘😘😘😘
Jun 21Reply

@raynedan 🙏🏻💛💛
Jun 21Reply

@janellebunce Best of sales wished to you! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jun 21Reply

@raynedan awww thank you so much. 🌸🌸
Jun 21Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jun 26Reply

WHAT A BEAUTIFUL FAMILY. Fur babies r great my Mother is Grammy 2 ours as well😊
Jun 30Reply

@ramsey0407 Thank you so much! Love my grand fur babies!
Jun 30Reply

💕💕💕Thank you for the shares.💕💕💕
Jun 30Reply

Nice closet, and a great looking family. Nice to meet you. I’m Kim.
Jun 30Reply

@akelrod You are so welcome and thank you for sharing back!
Jun 30Reply

@akelrod Thank you so much, love your closet as well! My family and my grand fur babies are the best! Just had my first grand child in April and I am in love❤️❤️❤️!
Jun 30Reply

Amen, Brenda! Thanks for all the shares. 💖
Jul 02Reply

@brwnidokiegrl You are welcome and thank you as well! 😘😘😘
Jul 02Reply

I started selling on Posh and eBay to see if I could make enough so I can leave my job. So far not. So I know the feeling of wanting to change vocation. Love your doggies❤️❤️❤️
Jul 03Reply

@nbcot1991 It is not a full time job that is for sure. I do enjoy doing it in my free time but seems like I don’t have lots of that anymore either with getting ready to move. Thank you, those fur grand babies are such a joy and my new grand baby is what life is all about! 😘😘😘😘. Good luck to you!
Jul 03Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Your going to love it!
Jul 05Reply

@lckygrl69 Thank you! 😘😘😘
Jul 05Reply

💜Thank you for following me. Please check out my closet, and I’ll do the same. Share and care🥰😘 Be Blessed🥰💕☀️💐🎀🛍
Jul 10Reply

@madblk3 😘😘😘
Jul 10Reply

🌸🌺 Flamingle Event participant #98 here 🙋🏻♀️ stopping by on this beautiful day 🌎💫🌈 to say hello 😃, share some of your listings 👗👠💍, and to wish you many followers 👭👫👬 and an abundance of sales 🛍
Jul 13Reply

@kramers_korner Thank you so much! Many sales to you and thanks for stopping by! 🙂🙂🙂😘😘😘😘
Jul 13Reply

@shuri_smith Thank you so much! I love my family and my fur babies! My grand baby has made life extra special! ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 16Reply

Love your comments about yourself! I know God uses you every day to reach people through your serving job that you wouldn't be able to reach any other way! You are a blessing!
Aug 04Reply

Also, thank you for your shares! You are awesome!
Aug 04Reply

@speckledpup69 Thank you so much! I believe he is using me in the way he needs me right now! Every day is a new day and those needs can change so I just keep praying for his plan! Thanks again! People like you are very special!
Aug 04Reply

@speckledpup69 Thank you for sharing my closet as well! Wishing you many sales! 😘😘😘😘
Aug 04Reply

@raynedan 😊❤
Aug 04Reply

Aug 04Reply

Great pic, I added it to my Pinterest board ‘posh dogs ‘at Kristen Mejia, some great fashion boards too, posh on girlfriend
Aug 24Reply

@kreativekristen Thank you so much! Love my fur grand dogs! They are very special to me. You are so sweet and best of luck on your beautiful closet. Many sales wished for you! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Aug 24Reply

The picture of your son and grandson looks adorable. You must be a proud grandma!
Thank you for sharing and being you!
Aug 27Reply

@bgorhuff Thank you so much! He is a very proud daddy! He is growing so fast! Hoping to get an email out to you soon. It has been a whirlwind here with my parents moving and there house selling here this week!
Aug 27Reply

What an amazing closet...lots of fashion finds...lots of variety and very classy...I am sharing Posh Love💕💝🎁🧡💚..I have shared items from your closet and I would be honored if you would share mine too...Happy Sales...Happy Poshing..🙏🎉🤩
Aug 29Reply

@ltbbalance Thank you so much! I have returned the favor and shared your beautiful closet as well. Happy poshing and many sales wished for you! 😘😘😘😘😘
Aug 29Reply

Welcome enjoy the journey 💐
Aug 31Reply

@dixieming Thank you! 🙂🙂🙂
Aug 31Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares. I really appreciate them.
Sep 05Reply

@mannics13 You are so welcome! Thank you so much for sharing my closet as well! 😘😘😘
Sep 05Reply

Thanks for the share and right back at ya! Happy Poshing to you! xo Carol-Ann 💜
Sep 10Reply

@carolann3 Thank you for sharing as well! Happy poshing and many sales wishes for you! 😘😘😘😘😘
Sep 10Reply

@shellyfanguy88 Thank you! I will check them out!
Sep 10Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares 😁💜. Love your puppies they are super cute!
Sep 12Reply

@kimber_14 Thank you as well for sharing! Aw, thank you! My grand fur babies are the best! 😘😘😘
Sep 12Reply

Love your Posh Photo!!!
Sep 14Reply

@eringaarder Thank you!
Sep 15Reply

I love your message. And you have a beautiful family (especially the fur grandchildren). I greatly appreciate the shares! Thank you and have a blessed weekend - Happy Poshing 💫⭐️
Sep 21Reply

@indrarobinson Thank you so much! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend! 😘😘😘😘
Sep 21Reply

Thanks for the follow and happy poshing! 🤙
Sep 22Reply

@lellowandpink 👍🏻👍🏻😘😘😘
Sep 22Reply

Hello. Would you like to Share 25 items from our closets? Thanks anyway and happy Poshing 🙂
Oct 02Reply

@smxcollectables Thanks for the offer to share that many items but I found that only sharing 10 works the best.
Oct 02Reply

🙂 ok. Shared and thanks
Oct 02Reply

@smxcollectables Thank you! 😘😘😘
Oct 02Reply

Great pic, I added it to my Pinterest board ‘ posh dogs ‘ at Kristen Mejia, some great fashion boards too, posh on
Oct 03Reply

@kreativekristen Aw thank you so much! Love my fur grand babies. They are the best! You are such a sweetheart! 💙💙💙. Happy poshing and enjoy your weekend!
Oct 03Reply

Hey Brenda, thanks for following us!👍
I'm Jimbo & my wife is G.🤠🙋
We are still working on our Posh' closet. Our new printer arrived today.😎 Soon we can REALLY get to Posh'ing.😉
I hope you have many sales and find lots of bargains.
Have a great day!☮️n💗
Oct 07Reply

@lakedwellerhb So nice to meet new Poshers! Best of luck to the both of you! Let me know if I can help you with anything! 🎁🎁🎁🎁👠👠👠👠👜👜👜👜👚👚👚👚
Oct 07Reply

Thx for the shares sweetie an Posh Love ❤️🤓😘😎🥰
Oct 10Reply

@kristinlekki 😘😘😘😘😘
Oct 10Reply

Hiii...Thanks so much for the shares! As a thank you I'd like to offer you a bundle deal for any 2/$20 or 3/$30 items (excluding some shoes & AK watch) or feel free to make me any offer(s) on any item(s) you may like! I am very reasonable with pricing. The Poshmark support is always appreciated! Happy Poshing and wishing you many sales! 😊🤗🛍🤝
Oct 11Reply

@jennymess822 Thank you! Happy poshing and many sales to you! 😘😘😘
Oct 11Reply

Thanks, will do
Oct 21Reply

@fridaklo 😘😘😘
Oct 22Reply

Hi Brenda! Thanks for the posh love 💕 So very nice to meet you!
Nov 05Reply

@simplysaltyde You are so welcome! Nice to meet you as well! 😘😘😘😘
Nov 05Reply

Hello 🙋♀️Thanks so much for stopping by and following my closet/boutique 😊🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Nov 17Reply

@bobbett328 You are welcome! Thank you for stopping by my closet and following me back! 😘😘😘
Nov 17Reply

@raynedan Absolutely my pleasure 😊🌺🌸 Have a fantastic Posh day 🛍🛍
Nov 17Reply

@bobbett328 😘😘😘😘
Nov 17Reply

@raynedan 😘😘😘
Nov 17Reply

Hola- Just a note of thx for sharing from my closet, 👟+👕, where every day is a boy’s day. This Posher needs to secure the get a new bag. 😀 Appreciate it & Happy Poshing!
Nov 18Reply

@mrsknle 😘😘😘
Nov 18Reply

Beautiful family & fur babies 👍🥰
Nov 19Reply

@charliee33 Thank you so much! 😘😘😘😘
Nov 19Reply

Thank you as well for sharing 🙏😘😍😁
Nov 19Reply

@charliee33 You are so welcome! 😘😘😘😘💕💕💕
Nov 19Reply

Great pic I added it to my Pinterest board ‘ posh dogs ‘ at Kristen Mejia , some great fashion boards too, posh on girlfriend
Nov 24Reply

@kreativekristen Thank you so much! Love my fur grand babies! They are very special! You are so sweet! Happy poshing to you! Happy thanksgiving! 😘😘😘😘
Nov 24Reply

AWW!! 😍😍look at these cuties!!!
Nov 29Reply

@smokeandclover Thank you! They are a special part of the family for sure! 🙂🙂🙂
Nov 29Reply

Thank you for the follow on Poshmark! I also followed you on Instagram...squarevt2018 and hope you will follow me back as well. Working together is the best!❤️
Dec 01Reply

Great pic, I added it to my Pinterest board, posh dogs , some great fashion boards too, at Kristen Mejia, posh on girlfriend
Dec 17Reply

@kreativekristen Thank you so much! Happy poshing! 😘😘😘
Dec 17Reply

@raynedan hi Brenda!! Thank you so much for always tagging me in party listings and keeping me in the loop. I am finishing school this month and Posh will become a part-time, side hustle for me at that point. Could you please remove me from your party tag list? I’m trying to minimize what’s coming into my feed so I don’t miss any questions or offers since I’m not able to pay as close attention as I was previously. Thank you again for always being an awesome PFF!
Dec 17Reply

@officehippie Congrats in school and yes I will take you off my list! Best of luck to you! 😘😘😘
Dec 17Reply

Nice family ❤️
Dec 18Reply

@51twenty Aw, thank you! 🥰🥰🥰
Dec 18Reply

Love fur babies love grand baby
Dec 20Reply

@egoesemma Thank you so much! I love them all! 🥰🥰🥰
Dec 20Reply

Thank you for sharing Brenda🙏
Dec 21Reply

@coloredcotton You are so welcome!
Dec 21Reply

🎊🎉🎊Congratulations on being our host for the Best In Jeans Posh Party👖👖!! I’m selling stylish jeans and would appreciate it if you would take a look at them and hopefully consider any for a host pick. Thank you!!🌻🌺🌻
Dec 21Reply

Hi Brenda! Congrats on hosting and your closet is inspiration for me. When you get a chance, can you peek at my closet and provide some feedback? My sales have decreased lately and any advice would be helpful. Thanks and Happy Poshing!!
Dec 21Reply

@4arenee My advice to you is to share your closet at least once a day and try to share during parties. Also add followers daily to up that amount. The more followers you have the better your chance of sales are. Hope that helps!
Dec 22Reply

Ty for the follow! Today I have a special bundle offer going on 3 items for $15 and will also add extra goodies to your bundle :) #happyholidays
Dec 23Reply

Hi! Thanks for the follow! I really appreciate you stopping by to check out my closet. If there's anything you think you might like to purchase, let me know, I'm open to offers. Debbie
Jan 03Reply

Such great photos!!!😍😍😍🤩
Jan 06Reply

@klydestreet Aw thank you! 😘😘😘
Jan 06Reply

I Love your Fur Babies, I have one, he's in my closet LOL also, Congratulations being featured today 💖🤸♀️✨💰
Jan 12Reply

Whatup posh fam! Tight work on the party host nod! Excellent doggos
Jan 17Reply

@raynedan Congrats Brenda! Looking forward to your party tomorrow-always my favorite!
Jan 17Reply

You have a wonderful closet! Wishing you all the best!
Jan 17Reply

Thank You for the Like 🥰
Jan 17Reply

Jan 18Reply

Congrats on hosting a posh party!!! Please consider one of the jewelry items in my closet for a host pick :) 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🤩🤩🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰😇😇😇😇
Jan 18Reply

Hi 😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Best in Jewelry & Accessories Posh Party!!! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party 🎉. Thank you & Happy Poshing 😊💕💕💕
Jan 18Reply

Hi Brenda I’m so happy I just sold the jeans you selected as your host pick. Woo hoo I dropped the price and that helped!
Jan 18Reply

@shabbychic09 So glad that they sold! 😘😘😘😘
Jan 18Reply

Congratulations on hosting the best in jewellery and accessories party 👍👍
Jan 18Reply

Aw such cute puppies
Jan 18Reply

😃Party time! It would be an honor to have you view my closet for a potential Host Pick! 😃
Jan 18Reply

Thank you sooo much!!
Jan 18Reply

I Thank you VERY much for generously sharing my closet!!! It is very kind of you!
I am pleased to share your beautiful things as well!!! I wish you hot sales, my Poshfriend!!😃♥️
Jan 20Reply

@beclassybebold You’re so very welcome! 😘😘😘
Jan 21Reply

Thanks so much for picking one of my jewelry items for the party a few weeks ago 😉🥰💐💐💐💝😘
Feb 13Reply

@scsnola You are so very welcome!
Feb 13Reply

Brenda, Happy Feburary! ❤ The month of love!❤ Let's continue to spread the love throughout our Poshmark community by sharing each other's closets!👚👠👕 It only takes a few extra minutes and the benefits are rewarding for everyone. I hope you catch the love bug!❤🐞 Thanks for sharing!💕
Feb 24Reply

Brenda, Thanks for sharing! It's March!☘So much to celebrate! 🤗 Spring is around the corner!🌷Let's make this a ☘lucky ☘time for all, by sharing! 💞 Sharing benefits you as well as the Posher's closet you share!💞 Show you care and share!💞☘
Mar 03Reply

Hi! I am a new Posher trying to succeed. Would you please consider my items for Host Pick? Thank you very much! @ronyncantor
Mar 09Reply

Brenda-1st let's talk about your fur babies! The glasses! I am a big dog lover! Thank you so much for joining The RUNWAY! What days are good for you for you to be featured?
Mar 11Reply

@cinderella927 Aw thank you! They are special to me and are my grand fur babies! Love them to pieces. They are spoiled if you can’t tell! Monday’s work the best for me since that is my day off. Wednesday’s would also work but then I get a little crazy over the weekend since I do work weekends and work part time nights the other days! Thank you so much!
Mar 11Reply

@rakthymetoshine Wnjy your beach vacation! We had to cancel ours due to all the craziness and closed borders! I should have been sitting on a beach in paradise this morning but instead I am on a road trip! Hope you enjoy Poshmark and the community!
Mar 21Reply

Hi Brenda! I was wondering if you could remove my name from your tag list? I’ve been a little overwhelmed by your comments and my buyers comments are getting lost among the masses. Thank you so much for tagging me for so long, I appreciate the mentions! Happy Poshing ☺️
Mar 25Reply

@mmbrunda You have been removed! Happy poshing! 😘😘😘
Mar 25Reply

Your dogs are adorable!! 😍 Happy Poshing!
Mar 26Reply

@fatoldmotherhen Aw, thank you so much! Love them to pieces and they are spoiled beyond belief! Happy poshing! 😘😘😘
Mar 26Reply

hello thanks for visiting my closet if you have a question please leave me a message happy shopping 🛍🤗 accepting reasonable offers 😊 God bless you
Apr 04Reply

Thanks for all the shares. Happy poshing.
Apr 19Reply

@mumm96 You are welcome! Thank you for sharing as well! 😘😘😘😘
Apr 19Reply

@raynedan I love dogs! I have 2 shipoos with tons of personality!😂❤And,Thank you for all the shares!😊🌺
Apr 22Reply

@jazzinfashion You are so welcome! Dogs are just the best💕💕💕💕
Apr 22Reply

Thank you for the follow 🌠
Apr 23Reply

@lillievonstoop1 😘😘😘
Apr 23Reply

Brenda, I admire how you organized your closet with the label names, very eye catching!
Apr 23Reply

@evamsatori Thank you so much! 😘😘😘
Apr 23Reply

Hey you can check out my closet if you’d like to (: I have many different trendy brands. Enjoy the rest of your day - stay safe!!
Apr 24Reply

Hello, You have a fantastic closet. I loved sharing it! Please stay safe, happy and strong! I don't want to bother you, but it is so cool the way you identify your HOST PICKS. Do you mind telling me what app does that? Thats so very much! Please stay safe, happy and healthy.
Apr 25Reply

@robyncantor Aw thank you so much! I use an app called Rookie Cam. Very easy to use and I just love how it does the lettering on my pictures. Good luck and happy poshing!
Apr 25Reply

Thanks for the info about the app and all the shares. That was so very nice!
Apr 25Reply

@robyncantor You are very welcome! Hope the app works as well for you as it does for me! 🙂🙂🙂
Apr 25Reply

Hello @raynedan. I wanted to thank you for sharing my listing 👏
Apr 25Reply

@the_nyc_guy You are so very welcome! 🙂🙂🙂
Apr 25Reply

Thanks for stopping by and sharing.
May 02Reply

@pjwholesale1 Thank you for the return shares! 😘😘😘
May 02Reply

@raynedan Hi Brenda! I’m Kris. Just came across your closet and gonna send some shares your way!! I’m a HUGE animal lover and care specifically for animals with disabilities. They are special and make my life worth living ❤️❤️🐶🐱🐮🐦🐗🦙🦚🐕🦺🐿🐾
May 03Reply

@cinnscloset Hi there! Thank you so much and I am such an animal lover. I just love my fur grand babies! ❤️❤️❤️
May 04Reply

I know that God knows you are a special person that uplifts so beautifully. Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Your family, little one and your grand dogs are beautiful. Happy Podhing and be safe. 🐶🐕🐈🐱😻😸❤❤❤
May 07Reply

Hello Brenda,🤗 Nice to meet you, I'm Brad😁. I've only been on Poshmark for several months so I don't have a lot in my closet. Maybe soon I will have something you can't live without. LOL 😂. If you could please share my closet and I'll do the same for you! And thank you for following my closet 😋. Be safe, be cool and be happy. Sincerely Bradley A Gill.
May 07Reply

@chanfan48 Thank you so much, that is so sweet of you! God has blessed me with a wonderful family, my grand fur babies and my grandson! God is so good! Bless you and your beautiful family and good luck poshing! 😘😘😘😘
May 07Reply

@babebear57 Hello and I will share your closet! Best of luck to you! 🙂🙂🙂
May 07Reply

What adorable pups you have... sweet little faces!
May 14Reply

@chicandsleek18 Aw thank you so much! 💙💙
May 14Reply

Hi Brenda! Thanks for following my closet!😊
May 21Reply

@janfast 😘😘😘😘
May 21Reply

Hi, Brenda! Thank you for all of the shares. It is greatly appreciated! Happy Poshing! 💐💝
Jun 02Reply

@sweetpeacin Thank you for sharing as well! 🙂🙂🙂
Jun 02Reply

Thank you for the follow ! Check out my closet I have bunch of awesome jewelry for the cheapest prices on posh! But welcome to poshmark ! Happy shopping lol!
Jun 11Reply

Hi Raynedan!! I love your closet and can’t decide on the colors of the ear warmers lol. I have to check with my daughter and then will check back with you! ❤️😊
Jun 12Reply

@jenondablock84 Aw, thank you so much! No worries! 😁😁😁
Jun 12Reply

thank you for sharing. good luck!
Jun 14Reply

@merlekb Thank you and best of luck! 😘😘😘
Jun 15Reply

thank you for sharing!
Jun 15Reply

Hello lovely lady and Thank you ma'am for letting me look in your closet and have a blessed night with your family and dogs.
Jun 22Reply

Beautiful pictures 🥰🥰 🥰
Jul 04Reply

@clothes1234 Thank you!
Jul 04Reply

@raynedan Thanks for sharing my closet 😊 Happy & Prosperous Poshing 🥂 and Stay Safe 😷
Jul 09Reply

@eserenabeana You are very welcome! Thank you for sharing as well! Best of luck and happy poshing! 😘😘😘
Jul 10Reply

Thank you so much for sharing! Appreciated.
Jul 17Reply

@alohasoon Thank you! 😘😘😘
Jul 17Reply

I know we talked about your parents living in Arkansas but I had no idea they were so close to my hometown! You will love it there❤️
Jul 18Reply

@lemonwacki My parents actually live just outside of Flippin. While my youngest was down there we went out driving around Bull Shoals and I got some pictures. I already love it there! Can’t wait to be there! Just not quite ready to leave my kids and grand baby! Soon though! I feel God is telling me soon!
Jul 18Reply

@raynedan Brenda, it is such a small world and God brings us together in mysterious ways. I am from Harrison which is about 35 miles from Flippin. Lots of good fishing on the White River! You are moving to a great area with friendly people, wonderful healthcare and beautiful outdoors. I know it will be so hard to leave that precious grand baby and I pray that they will follow you. Stay in touch my new found friend💐
Jul 18Reply

@lemonwacki Vicki, we drive through Harrison all the time! I fly into Branson when I can so that drive is very well known to me! We love Harrison and that is actually my youngest sons favorite place! God does work in mysterious ways to being people together! I am so happy about that and so happy to meet new friends! Please keep in touch and maybe one day we can meet in that beautiful place! 🙂🙂🙂
Jul 18Reply

love your pups
Aug 01Reply

@elainebeb21 Aw thank you! 😘😘😘
Aug 01Reply
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