Meet your Posher, Trish
Not for sale
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I’m baaaaack!

68 others
like this

Did you want the handbag?
Nov 24Reply

@lollipopkissies Thank you so much for all the shares! 💕💕💕
Feb 10Reply

Hi Trish! Welcome to Poshmark & to my closet! Thanks for the LiKE! I’m always willing to negotiate price through the Offer Button. Pick a price you are comfortable with and we can negotiate from there. Questions??? As a Suggested User, I am always happy to help in any way I can, so please don't hesitate to ask. Be sure to check out the other awesome items I have in my closet. Happy Poshing😘
Feb 11Reply

@thortam Thanks, Tammy! I am still in learning mode and appreciate the offer to help 😊. I am liking items now so that once my sales get high enough I can start buying.
Feb 11Reply

Thanks so much for following my closet, yours is great!
Feb 23Reply

@fivetenandahalf Thanks, and right back atcha! 😉
Feb 23Reply

Hi Trish! Thanks for connecting 🤗🤗
Mar 08Reply

@oliviaandgigi You're welcome! Those little kid shoes in your closet are so adorable!!! 🍇
Mar 08Reply

@grapeminds thank you 😍 it is fun
Mar 08Reply

@carolynqx Thanks for liking my closet! I like your fur baby listing--what's his/her name?
Mar 13Reply

@grapeminds his name is Riley. Nice of you to ask.
Mar 13Reply

@carolynqx He is a cutie! Happy poshing! 🍇🍇🍇
Mar 13Reply

@grapeminds thanks. Happy poshing
Mar 13Reply

Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Mar 13Reply

@jassieboo92 Thank you so much! 🍇🍇🍇
Mar 14Reply

You have a beautiful closet ❤️
Apr 01Reply

@char5715 Thank you so much, you're so sweet! 😊😊😊
Apr 01Reply

Hi Trish. Thanks for sharing my creations with your followers and I hope you will continue to follow my work 🌹
Apr 07Reply

@hmsimon1 You are most welcome! You have some very unique and beautiful pieces 😎. 🍇
Apr 07Reply

Hi Thank you for sharing , [@doreensgems]. Hope you enjoy my closet
Apr 18Reply

@doreensgems You are most welcome, and I did 😉.
Apr 18Reply

@grapeminds sweet! My God richly bless you here I. Posh and today!
Apr 18Reply

@grapeminds Thank you very much for sharing some of my items, it is much appreciated.
Happy Poshing to you.
Apr 21Reply

@afroditie77 You are most welcome! Happy Friday! 😎🍇😎
Apr 21Reply

Thanks for all your shares!
Apr 22Reply

@blueb1rds Right back atcha! 🍇😎🍇
Apr 23Reply

@grapeminds 😘 Thanks for following my closet, many more things to be listed soon, stay tuned!💞
Apr 29Reply

@1curatedcloset You're welcome! Have a wonderful weekend 😎.
Apr 29Reply

@grapeminds Thank you for taking the time to congratulate me on my first host pick tonight!
May 02Reply

@ymonoyan You are most welcome! I hope it sells quickly for you! 😎🍇
May 02Reply

hi, Trish. you are welcome. take care🌺🌹👍😊
May 07Reply

Thx for the shares!
May 19Reply

@brunellegirl You are most welcome! 🍇😎
May 19Reply

@sunnyom You're most welcome, and thank you as well! 🍇😎
Jun 02Reply

Thank you for sharing your listing to my dressing room- you have such a great men's closet!! I hope you have a great day! 😊🎀
Jun 05Reply

@forever_chic You are most welcome, thank you for taking a look! Have a wonderful party! 😎
Jun 05Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet and your nice compliments!
Jun 06Reply

@ftree You're welcome! 😎
Jun 06Reply

Thank you for the shares!
Jun 11Reply

@mmclemore2 You are most welcome! And, welcome to Poshmark!!! This is a very supportive community, so make sure and ask for help if you need it 😎.
Jun 11Reply

@pegpaz I am so sorry! I do not know how that was missed. What would you like to do to make it right?
Jun 16Reply

@pegpaz I am really sorry, I have sold hundreds of items and have good reviews. This blouse slipped by QA 😕. Feel free to open a ticket with Poshmark and I will not counter it. You can get your $$$ back and I will not ask for the top to be returned so that you can keep it and try to get the stains out at your dry cleaner. I want you to be happy with your purchase and am truly sorry.
Jun 16Reply

@pegpaz You have a great weekend as well! 😎
Jun 17Reply

@pegpaz Just send an empty box back and I will accept it and that will close the case. Again, I'm sorry, and I hope they are light enough now that you can wear it...
Jun 20Reply

Hey girlfriend thanks for checking out my closet lemme know if you have any questions. I try to add new items frequently so keep stopping by. Bundle 2+ items save 15%. I do accept offers as well. Mind you mY prices are not firm by any means, they're Just suggestions. I'd love to hook you up with a nice deal girlfriend❣️😽thanks Again n happy shopping ❣️🛍💰
Much love
P.s. Bundle your likes n I'll send you a special private offer❣️
Jun 24Reply

Thanks for sharing and visiting my closet! 😊
Jul 01Reply

🌼🌼 Hello! I really like your 4th of July Sale Notice picture. How did you do that? What app did you use? I'm starting a Christmas in July Sale tomorrow and I'd appreciate help. 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼
Jul 04Reply

🌼🌼 Question number two: how did you add your BOGO sale notice to each of your items? Did you have to go into each item individually and add it? Did you add it as a picture? Or what? Thanks so much for your help! Daisy friends are the best! 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼
Jul 04Reply

@sunnysurprise Hi Denise! I am an Adobe girl, so I have been using their Spark Post app. It's a free app and super easy to use. You can use your own pics or search for copyright-free images right from the app. It lets you choose from a wide variety of fonts, colors, and styles as well. Let me know if you have more questions!
Jul 04Reply

@sunnysurprise Yep, I had to add the BOGO notice to reach separate listing. I made it using Spark Post and then edited each listing. I guess the bonus is that Poshmark prioritizes edited listings over those just shared, so there is some benefit 😉.
Jul 04Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 🍾🥂 Thanks for poshing around in my closet 💃🏽 I'll check your items out for potential host picks for my September party. 😘❤️ In the meantime, feel free to make offers. Or just take 20% off on bundles of 4. I'm always willing to give $7 Off for free shipping on single items over $35 or negotiating in some way to help my clients out. 😉
Jul 05Reply

@callielives Thanks, Callie! I just read your "about" page. I'm so sorry you were a victim of childhood sexual abuse. Thank you so much for now working to help others!!! I am an advocate for sexual assault victims here where I live and find it very rewarding and heartbreaking. Stay strong and always be true to the amazing woman that you are. 😊❤️
Jul 05Reply

@grapeminds Thank you for your kind words. I'm do glad you are doing your part too. It takes a village and you are truly appreciated. 😊
Jul 05Reply

@callielives ❤️
Jul 05Reply

Thanks for the shares 💕
Jul 13Reply

@13cuppycake You're welcome! 🍇😎
Jul 13Reply

@sdmeyers88 Hey there! I have been in Pendleton for the past 4 days zipping around in a Miata 😎. We have an annual event called Explore Oregon each summer. So I am really glad to be getting home today! How about you, how's your summer going?
Jul 16Reply

Thanks for sharing my items, I really appreciate it. I will be looking at yours also happy posting!
Jul 17Reply

@ronigirl211 You are most welcome! 🍇😎
Jul 17Reply

Thanks for sharing my item !!!
Jul 17Reply

@princessd33 You are most welcome! 🍇😎
Jul 17Reply

🙌💯🙌💯💋💋💋Thanks for all your help and wonderful advice,since I have taken your priceless advice I have sold an 8'item bundle, really shows that u know your stuff and becoming posh compliant is the way to go💯🙌🙌🦄💋💋🌼💖🌈😍😍😍😘😘👍🏼🌺
Jul 22Reply

@raychii You are most welcome! Congrats on the BIG sale!!! 😘
Jul 22Reply

Really creative, Trish! I loved sharing your listings - they are all so detailed, informative, and fun!
Jul 25Reply

@mariegbean Thank you so much, Gena! I have a lot of fun doing them 😎.
Jul 25Reply

Can you tag me on the Host Pick group? I lost the link from my likes. Thanks!
Jul 26Reply

@doggiegrace Will do!
Jul 26Reply

Thanks for shares.
Jul 28Reply

@jacaranda1831 You're welcome!
Jul 28Reply

Thanks for the share!
Aug 15Reply

@freedom2soar You're welcome! 😎
Aug 16Reply

@grapeminds Hi, I am Mickey & Let me know if you have any questions❤️Lovely to technologically meet you -- @mickeysmove 🎶I hope you can join me as I host for a 3rd time on November 5th @ 10pm EST /7pm PST🍓Have a lovely Labor Day weekend🍵
Sep 02Reply

@mickeysmove Thanks so much, Mickey! 🐶💜
Sep 02Reply

Just received my purchase! I cried! I love them so much, but they're too small. But they really are beautiful. Thanks so much for all the love you put in the packaging!
Sep 13Reply

@sherma1082 I'm so sorry they don't fit you 😢. You're welcome regarding the packaging! Feel free to use my listing photos if you need to re-posh them 😎.
Sep 13Reply

@grapeminds aren't you the sweetest! You just warmed my heart. Thank you so much for that kind, graceful offer. I really appreciate it. You're such a darling!
Sep 13Reply

@sherma1082 😘
Sep 13Reply

@bertafrances I was going to message you today... I am the caretaker for my elderly grandparents and they were ready to go on Friday, but my grandma called and I had to make an emergency doctors appointment for my grandpa and didn't make it to the post office. They will definitely be shipped tomorrow morning! I am so sorry for the delay!
Sep 24Reply

@m_kondos You are most welcome! 😎
Sep 27Reply

Thanks for sharing, Trish. Appreciate it.
Sep 28Reply

@afordablethings You are most welcome, Dee!
Sep 28Reply

The Sperrys don't fit me. They are a great pair of shoes. Happy Poshing!
Oct 07Reply

@helenflatmo Bummer! Happy poshing to you, too! 😎
Oct 07Reply

Hello there! thank you for sharing. You have a great closet!!
Oct 09Reply

@gisela1209 Thanks so much! I like your closet, too! 😘
Oct 09Reply

I like your closet, such unique items.
Oct 14Reply

@outfitmybadself Thank you so much! I love your closet name! 😜
Oct 14Reply

@shop_kimibrooke You're welcome and thank you! 😘
Oct 16Reply

@grapeminds THANK you for sharing my closet!!💜🌹 Thank you shares coming your way....😄
Oct 24Reply

@sonia9488 You are most welcome! 😘
Oct 24Reply

Oh Trish, please do not feel bad. It is a nice perk for me. If is okay, I would like the little black and red purse. Thank you again.
Oct 26Reply

@jabond I just saw this comment and I mailed your package already, so you will get a surprise bonus gift 😉.
Oct 26Reply

Oct 29Reply

@abstractdreams 😘
Oct 29Reply

Hey 👋 Trish Come and check out my closet please and let your friends know thank you and have a great day ☺️
Nov 04Reply

@poshcoffeesnob Check out my new 4th pic on this listing... the original Starbucks!!! ☕️💚☕️
Nov 04Reply

@poshcoffeesnob Yes, that is the ORIGINAL!!! It is at Pike Place Market in Seattle. I love going to it for my morning coffee when I’m up there 😎. My mom and I call It the mothership, all of the other ones around the world satellites, and the ones in grocery stores nested satellites! 😂😂😂
Nov 04Reply

Thank you for sharing my listing have a blessed day
Nov 08Reply

@michelemarie101 You’re welcome 😌.
Nov 08Reply

Beautiful closet thank you for sharing my listing have a blessed 😊
Nov 08Reply

Love your photos, I don’t know if you read I am a victim of all abuse starting at 2. I was asked to give my testimony at our church, 26 yr old granddaughter said what will you talk about you have never been addicted to anything, I said oh yes Baby. “ i am addicted to my Lord and Savior and that is the only thing I have ever been addicted to!” He brought me through HELL more than once 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻 I have stood toe to toe with the devil ... I am not moved by his tactics, I will not be moved 🙏🏻
Nov 09Reply

@sfpatterson Yes, you did share with me when we first “met”! 😊 What an amazing witness you are to your granddaughter, your church, and everyone you meet! Now go feed that addiction! 😉🙏🙏🙏
Nov 09Reply

@grapeminds @grapeminds “IN JESUS NAME” 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
Nov 10Reply

HaPpY Poshaversary!❣I hope it's going well for you so far! I've been here since 2012, if I can help or you have questions, just lmk. I'm on everyday & check in often!👍🏼Lots of additional info in my closet as well!
Nov 10Reply

@abstractdreams Thank you so much, Linda!!!
Nov 11Reply

@grapeminds I just realized you mentioned WSU... my brother was assistant Vice Chancellor there. He just this past month moved back to GA... working at Middle GA College.. he graduated from Shorter University and was Vice President there... HE GOES WHERE THE MONEY IS 💰he has a PhD in psychology 😊Proud of my BABY Brother 😍 He is 55 but still the BABY LOL🤣
Nov 11Reply

@sfpatterson Go Cougs!!! 😎😎😎
Nov 11Reply

@sfpatterson And, my BABY brother is now a lieutenant colonel in the Marine Corps 😉,
Nov 11Reply

@grapeminds 😍 you have a great closet.. so unique and versatile 😍 and I love a closet with a cause 💖💜💙💚💛❤️
🙏🏻💞🙏🏻HAPPY POSHING 🙏🏻💞🙏🏻
Nov 11Reply

@grapeminds that is awesome.. I know you are 🇺🇸PROUD🇺🇸 I grew up Marine.. my stepfather was in Korean War and World War ll .. I have a grandson in the 🇺🇸army... My Handsome Man in Uniform.. my husband was in the army .. 🇺🇸Vietnam🇺🇸., MP.. stationed in Washington DC. 🇺🇸 Proud to be a Marine 🇺🇸
Proud to be an American 🇺🇸
I still live the Marine life 🇺🇸 Semper Fi 🇺🇸
Nov 11Reply

@grapeminds yep. He was always there 🏈
Nov 11Reply

@sfpatterson Semper Fi! One of my sons is a Marine and the other is Army ROTC. I’m so proud of my boys!!!
Nov 11Reply

@grapeminds and I am sure you are as you should be💞
Nov 11Reply

Hi! I know there are many closets but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I just wanted to say hi. Have a great night!
Nov 15Reply

@spreadlove You have a beautiful closet! 😘
Nov 15Reply

thanks for the share and follow. nice closet!
Nov 29Reply

@reepie You’re welcome! And, I love the puzzle earrings you have 😉.
Nov 29Reply

Thank you. Those puzzle earrings are very dope!!! I agree👍🏾
Nov 29Reply

Thank you for visiting! What you are doing is a very wonderful thing! I hope I don’t offend you by asking you to read about my daughter in my closet to learn more about me!❤️
Jan 18Reply

@crystalco I just visited your closet, thank you so much for sharing your story 😊. Your daughter was a beautiful girl ❤️, I am so sorry for your loss. I pray that you are having a good health day today!
Jan 18Reply

@grapeminds Thank you so very much for kind and gentle words as they me so much to us!!! Today is an ok day, but I set goals for myself and try to reach at 2-3 of them! God Bless you and your family !❤️✝️💕
Jan 18Reply

@crystalco 😘
Jan 18Reply

@grapeminds ❤️😊😘❤️
Jan 18Reply

@poshcoffeesnob I’m so sorry you haven’t been feeling well 😕. I’m doing pretty well with HPs, how about you? I want to look for some new Poshers next. 😏
Jan 25Reply

@poshcoffeesnob Yep, we only get 100 each...
Jan 25Reply

@poshcoffeesnob I am so sorry you are still not feeling well 😕. I did receive an email from them and you are included as a co-host. Maybe you can hit reply on their original email inviting you to host and ask them about it. There are 4 of us hosting, so I think they may have just added you when I asked and maybe didn’t set you up correctly for the follow up email???
Jan 27Reply

@poshcoffeesnob I’ll add a screen capture to my party listing of the email...
Jan 27Reply

This is absolutely Adorable. Thank you for the laugh this morning. Love your spirit. Love your photos. You are blessed. Have an amazing weekend. See you soon. Xo -Kat 💕❤️💕💕
Jan 27Reply

@ladycrackerjack Thank you so much for your kind words! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well! 😘
Jan 27Reply

@grapeminds thank you, love!! ☀️☀️☀️I'm never up this early. Lolll.
Jan 27Reply

Nice to meet you Trish! Thanks for helping a newbie out! 😘👚👠
Jan 27Reply

@lisao1020 I’m happy to help any time! 😘
Jan 27Reply

@poshcoffeesnob I hope you are feeling better today!!! I just opened each HP, pasted/posted my congrats comment, then shared it to the party. It took me about 25 minutes to do all of them from my likes list 😉.
Jan 28Reply

@poshcoffeesnob I’ll be sending well wishes your way for sure 😘😘😘. I hope it starts winding down today!
Jan 28Reply

😊Hi Trish😊Hope you have a beautiful week-Thank you for the shares💓Looking forward to the party Wednesday😙👍🌟😊💓🥂xo-Jeanette
Jan 29Reply

@jlotopper Thanks, Jeanette! I look forward to partying with you 😎!
Jan 29Reply

Congratulations on hosting 🌸🌺💖
Jan 30Reply

Hi Trish! I’m excited for the best in dresses & skirts posh party tomorrow! 🤗💗
This skirt is a favorite of mine and I would be honored if you would consider it for a host pick for the party.
Thank you!
- Becky (New Posher) 😊🎀
Jan 30Reply

💜💜💜congrats on the party! I'm sharing some stuff your way I'd love for you to consider💜💜💜
Jan 30Reply

@grapeminds Trish! HaPpY BiRtHdAy💕🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈🎁🎉🎈
Wishing you a Blessed and Beautiful Day🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞 and huge success on your Posh Party🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉
Jan 31Reply

Thank you for the host pic!😊😊😊 Smiles to you and yours🌹🌹🌹
Jan 31Reply

@ranalli You’re welcome! 😘
Feb 01Reply

@michellegwilson Thanks so much, I appreciate it! 😘
Feb 01Reply

@grapeminds I hope your day was beautiful💖💖 Thank you so much, Trish🌞 What a nice pick~me~up🎈🌞🎈
Feb 01Reply

Hi Trish, I just received my package of NYDJ beige jeans, boho top & forever 21 sweater. I wear NYDJ jeans nearly exclusively so I know the sizing. 4 are a bit tight & 6 a bit loose, but both fit because of the stretch in them. These jeans - size 6 are SMALL. I can’t get
Them over my hips and 6 are typically a touch loose on me. They were only $10, so no big deal, but I thought you’d like to know.
Feb 11Reply

@cateroo Hi Cate- I’m so sorry for the strange fit! I love NYDJ as well, so I am surprised. You are welcome to use my pictures if you want to “re-posh” them...
Feb 11Reply

@grapeminds I won’t reposh. But thanks
Feb 12Reply

@grapeminds Just sharing the love 💖💝 Thank you for the follow🤩 I hope you enjoy my closet.💋 Feel free to ask questions or make requests(within the listing or under my ABOUT ME) ❤️❤️❤️&& congrats on being a POSH AMBASSADOR ‼️💯
Mar 16Reply

@raphiis_punam 😘😘😘
Mar 16Reply

Apr 05Reply

Hi there! Check out my closet, there are lots of great things I'm sure you will love.
Apr 14Reply

I will certainly be making inquiries about your garments as soon as I can afford to spend on luxury items. Sadly, all my money is going to be poured into legal fees and bills for a while. Once I'm back on my feet I will be able to update my personal wardrobe and start cycling the types of garments on postmarked that ideally would like to. 😻
Apr 18Reply

@khsk I’m so sorry to hear that you are having a rough time right now... I hope things resolve quickly for you! 😘😘😘
Apr 18Reply

Hello Lovely! Just browsing and returning some PoshLove! 💕Wishing you the best in Business! -Shann
Apr 24Reply

@cawoodcollectn Awww, thanks so much! Happy Poshing! 😘😘😘
Apr 24Reply

I left some feedback about the boutique item I purchased. It is a really soft top and I love it!!❤️
May 07Reply

@margarita096 Thank you so much! You are so sweet!!! 😘
May 07Reply

@grapeminds Hi there! Please check out my closet! I have a large collection of beautifully kimonos, wraps, and boho festival style clothing and accessories. I hope you enjoy perusing my closet!
May 24Reply

@kitsuneomajinai You have a gorgeous closet! 😎
May 24Reply

big THANKS! for the many shares 😉🤙🏽
May 25Reply

@jrchavez67 You’re welcome! Happy Poshing 😎
May 25Reply

@grapeminds I still watch Friends. Sex & the City, With my daughter.
Congratulations on hosting a party 🎈🎉🎊🎉🎉🎉🎊🎉🎉🎉🎊🎉🎉😍
Jun 09Reply

@ally_marc OMG, you hit two of my favorites! 🤗
Jun 09Reply

@grapeminds Late at night I like to watch funny sitcoms, so I go to bed happy😍
Jun 09Reply

@grapeminds will you tell us your favorites?
Jun 09Reply

Thank You for sharing! I was a victim as a child😢 My mother protected my assailant...
Jun 09Reply

@ally_marc I will when I move on to the next question! 😎
Jun 09Reply

@findingdoc1 I am so sorry, Lynette, that was not fair to you at all. I hope you have found people in your life who support you and have helped you to deal with the trauma. ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 09Reply

Hey Trish! If you're interested, I've found THE Best way EVer to gain Followers!! Try this group of Secret Poshers. Play one, a few, or all!
Specific Instructions at the top of each closet, and a FULL list of all games are posted in each one. Here are a few:
@cincinpierce @rosebisou5 @freddiesfind @mmadonna40 @shabbychic45 @minedthemanor @cheri_lapin @joeyflny @tmacshop @april12279 @cat_n_mouse @skye2500 @tatertots135 @waytruthlife @kimmando @rebecca_3 @karolmel
Happy Poshing!🙋🏼Cathy
Jun 21Reply

@toptncat Thanks for the info, Cathy! 😘
Jun 21Reply

@grapeminds 🙋🏼Welcome, PFF!! ❌⭕️
Jun 21Reply

Congrats on hosting! Just shared some back to basic pieces w/ you that I’d be so grateful if you’d consider for the party tomorrow! 😊
Jun 27Reply

@desertrosenm You’re welcome! Happy Poshing! 😎
Jun 27Reply

@tammylovesea You can find the training online at: 😎
Jul 02Reply

Love your closet & love your beautiful energy, it shows through! I have been on Posh since Jan this year & really your the first person I feel a connection with!!
Jul 09Reply

@jojomall Aww, thank you so much, Jo Ann! I have been on Posh for about a year and a half now and really enjoy the people and the business. I left a job with the state and work Posh full time (along with caring for my grandparents), and have not regretted it for a moment! I hope to get to know you better— Happy Poshing! 😘😘😘
Jul 09Reply

Thank you for the follow! 😁
Jul 16Reply

@bruceysprucey You’re welcome!
Jul 16Reply

Oh dear! The more that I look - the more that I love your closet! There’s too many things that I know that others can wear!
Jul 18Reply

@heatflashin That’s so sweet of you to think of others and share my listings with them! 😘
Jul 18Reply

🤗Please, no return shares to me while my closet is on vacation, PFF. 💁🏼Any shares I'm able to give you during that time are purely a gift 🎁 ☺️ I appreciate you, Trish! 🙋🏼Cathy ❌⭕️
Jul 26Reply

@toptncat Thanks so much, Cathy! 😘😘😘
Jul 26Reply

@jackieserran781 You liked a purple tie blouse that I have (that is currently not for sale) and asked if it would be available again soon...
Jul 29Reply

I responded to the red shoes you are going to hold till next Wednesday 8/22. I don't know what to do since they are going to be on hold? How do I actually then purchase next Wednesday? TY
Aug 15Reply

@shaepiesmom I just marked them not for sale. All you need to do is let me know next Wednesday when you are ready to purchase and I will make it live for you again! 😎
Aug 15Reply

YEH! Thank You!
Aug 15Reply

Awesome person and Awesome closet 🤗👋👋👋👋
Sep 19Reply

Hi. I’m just starting out and amazed at how wonderful your closet is😊💗💗
Sep 24Reply

@bluepacific805 Ahhh, thanks so much, Meg! I have a lot of fun with it. 😎 Let me know if you have questions as you develop your Posh style and business!
Sep 24Reply

Thank you for visiting and following my closet Trish, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day! 😁
Sep 30Reply

@resourcing_rob You’re welcome and Happy Poshing! 😎
Sep 30Reply

Nice pics! Thanks fpr sharing and following!
Oct 22Reply

@teremontes You’re welcome and right back atcha! 😉
Oct 22Reply

Thanks for the follow!
Oct 27Reply

@notruthaddanne You’re welcome!
Oct 27Reply

First... Go Cougs! 😁
Second, I love your bio! 😃
Third, here's something funny for you... 😏
I was in the Homer Davenport Days Parade, full-on (hot, sweaty, not super adorable) historically appropriate outfit, riding a rickety tandem bike, back on the late 80s! 😯😆😂
Memories... 😉
Oct 27Reply

@anieholl OMG, that’s hilarious! Did you go to WSU or are you just a Coug fan? I also just have to ask... has anyone ever told you that you look like Sarah Jessica Parker (Carrie Bradshaw)? 😉
Oct 27Reply

@grapeminds Too funny, right?! My parents had me visit a family friend in Silverton, and somehow I was suckered into the parade. 😉
Yep, three degrees from WSU... Yay! 😁
Hasn't happened in a while, but people have mentioned the SJP connection over the years. Thanks! 😍
You a Coug, too? How's Silverton? I remember it being so charming. I miss the northwest...
Oct 27Reply

@anieholl Yep, I’m a Coug, too! Graduated with my bachelors in 1991 😏. I completed my masters in San Diego, though.
Silverton is definitely a small town! Where did you grow up? I did most of my growing up in Bothell, northeast of Seattle.
My mom used to live in Vegas, so I’ve spent a fair amount of time there...
Oct 27Reply

Thank you so much for sharing. It means allot to me. Hope you're off to a great week. Stop by often, if just to say Hello
Oct 30Reply

@djb4maricopa You’re welcome and you have a beautiful closet! I see you are relatively new to Posh... I’m happy to help if you have any questions! 😘
Oct 30Reply

@grapeminds I greatly appreciate that. You're right I am new. And I honestly have so many questions that are so hard to describe in text. Example: I'm just learning about Bundling. I had a volley with an Offer and the purchaser asked to include another item but when I went to do so, a message window said that the previous offer must first be cancelled. I've checked on both my PC and phone and can not find a way to cancel the initial offer in order to make a new one.
Oct 30Reply

And Follow Games? They give me a huge list of people to follow, multiple lists actually. And on the lists it says "do not copy". So then how do I follow each of them without clicking on each closet name individually? I get hundreds a day. There would be no way to do that. Am I missing something?
Oct 30Reply

@djb4maricopa In this case the buyer has to cancel the offer, or you have to let it expire (in 24 hours). There are so many changes happening with Poshmark it’s hard for all of us to keep up 😏. Also, the Posh support is usually quite responsive, so you can always send and email to if you can’t find an answer as well. I hope you are enjoying the Posh community and have been making some sales. 😎
Oct 30Reply

@djb4maricopa Another thing you can do for your buyer is to create a special listing just for them made up of the two items they want for your agreed upon price. Then tag your buyer on the listing and they can purchase from it instead, and you can then delete or deactivate the other listings.
Oct 30Reply

@djb4maricopa Follow games are entirely optional, but a good way to build community/relationships on the app. When they say don’t copy, they mean the list of closet names on their “tag list”. You can definitely click on each closet and follow it. People are just protective of the follow lists that they take time cultivating. 😉
Oct 30Reply

@grapeminds ok I get what your saying. Again, I appreciate it!
Oct 30Reply

@djb4maricopa No problem! Feel free to come back if you have more questions. 😉
Oct 30Reply

You've been so helpful. I thought of a question u might be able to answer for me :).
Nov 01Reply

I've just got a crash course on Bundling. A gal wanted several items from me (Yay! I made a sale!!!) Anyway, we negotiated in the price since she was ordering multiple items. It came down to different articles totaling different prices instead of countering the End Total Price for all.
Nov 01Reply

Example; one shirt was essentially free with purchase. Even tho the grand total went from $124 down to $110. So in the Offer that you send, you just type: OFFER = $110 instead of private discount for each item [since it was being Bundled]. Does that make sense? Anyway, when all was agreed, I packaged and just mailed today but the total still reads $124 even tho I offered $110. Is that something that will change once she gets it and clicks buttons on her end as a Purchaser?
Nov 01Reply

The Second Question about that sale is about WEIGHT. Her purchase just met 5lbs. What do I do if the items someone wants weighs more than the 5lb allotted for shipping?
Nov 01Reply

Love the magic of cheese!
Nov 14Reply

@smaroulis It’s the only thing that will get all of them to sit still together! 😂😂😂
Nov 14Reply

@grapeminds ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 14Reply

hi Trish thank you so much for sharing xoxo
Nov 17Reply

@jenagirl100 You’re welcome! I love your personality that comes out in your cover shots! 😎
Nov 17Reply

@grapeminds how did you put something from your closet in a Bundle for me??
Nov 17Reply

@djb4maricopa Go into the other person’s closet, then tap the bundle icon at the top right of the screen (second from the right). Once you’re in their closet, tap the icon at the top right and choose switch to sell view, then click that same icon and choose share to bundle. 😎
Nov 17Reply

@grapeminds thanks as always for your help....My Guru!
Nov 17Reply

@grapeminds There is someone who wants to make a Bundle with me but I read in their comments from a previous seller that the buyer did not hit "accept". In turn the seller did not get paid?? What happens with that??
Nov 17Reply

@djb4maricopa If they don’t accept it’s not that big of a deal. You just have to wait 3 days to get paid. Some sellers get all bent out of shape over it, but I don’t let it bother me (there are much more important things for me to stress about 😏). Also, if they don’t accept and the funds are released to you they can’t dispute the sale!
Nov 17Reply

Hi Trish! Thanks so much for sharing. 😊. I hope you're enjoying the holiday weekend!
Nov 25Reply

@violetwiggles You’re welcome, Annie! Thank you for the shares as well! 💝
Nov 25Reply

Hi and i invite you to peek and i will peek into your closet! Happy poshing. JANET
Jan 26Reply

@janet_malone Hi Janet. Happy Poshing! 😎
Jan 27Reply

Hi! Are you doing this full time?
Jun 09Reply

@thowell1234 I’m not doing it at all anymore...
Jun 09Reply

@grapeminds Thanks
Jun 09Reply

What a great posh! Wishing you fast sales and a great week :)
Jun 30Reply

💜Thank you for following/sharing🥰 I appreciate your support. Please check out my closet from time to time, and I’ll do the same🥰🛍☀️ Share and care🎀😇😇😇 In the meantime, Be Blessed💜😇💐💕🛍
Jul 11Reply

💜I appreciate you checking out and/or following my closet😘 I will do the same💐💐🌸share and care💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Jul 15Reply

hello Trish 🙋 im Kay... as a new posher i often reachout 2 others with similar brands in their closet 2 introduce myself and share items. i prefer 2 do this instead of just clicking the "follow" button. i wanna invite u 2 visit my closet and follow me also. 👍 i carry many brands such as: bebe, Calvin Klein, New York & Co, WHBM, The Limited, and so much more. stop by 2 like, share, or offer 😀 happy poshing!
Aug 20Reply

Hi Trish! I am new to Posh and would love it if you would consider sharing my closet. We are a small business, 3 generations, with my daughters love for fashion and our love for our precious Piper Jade. She is now a 3x open heart surgery survivor (she’s 2.5 yrs. now) and we gladly and gratefully donate 10% of each sale to Children’s Hospital LA. where there are so many amazing doctors and nurses that saved her life by the grace of God.
Sep 09Reply

@piperjadekids I wish you the best on Poshmark! However, I am no longer active on the site.
Sep 12Reply

@karenmeth I understand that you are trying to make sales... but please comment on a bundle for me, not my “About” post. You only get so many comments on a post and I don’t want this filled up with these types of messages. Personally, this is a huge turn off (and I’m guessing I’m not alone). Thank you for understanding and good luck with your sales!
May 31Reply

@karenmeth Yes, you can look at all the likes a person has in your closet! Go to their closet, click on the bundle icon at the top then click on the 3 dots at the top and choose Switch to Sell View. Good luck! 👍
May 31Reply

Hi. You have a lovely closet. Do u have any tips on expediting shipping to a buyer once they purchased an item? I dont have a printer 😑
Jun 01Reply

@nicasiop Thank you, Pete! Well, you really do need a way to print the labels. I don’t know if libraries are open where you live, but most of them provide free computer services that include printing. You could also save the printing label as a PDF on a USB drive and print it at someplace like The UPS Store for a dime or so. If you really get into selling on Poshmark you may want to get a new $100 or less printer with free ink (buying new ink is expensive 😳). I hope that helps! Happy Poshing. 😎
Jun 01Reply

Thank you Trish. Your response was helpful.
Jun 03Reply

@nicasiop 👍
Jun 03Reply

Hey love! I’m currently running a deal in my closet! All jewelry is 2 for $20 😊 Check it out! I’m sure you’ll find something you love! God bless❤️
Jun 19Reply

Good morning, Thank you so much for all of the shares. As a special gift you get 10% off of anything that you like in my closet. Just heart it or bundle and save. Happy Poshing and Stay Safe!!
Jun 30Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my listings!!! It means a lot!!!😊❤❤❤
Jul 01Reply

@lilac_and_daisy You’re welcome! Happy to help out a new Posher. If you share mine I’ll remember to share yours again. 😎
Jul 01Reply

you have a TERRIFIC closet...i recently (ignorantly) spent $220 only to receive both purchases...mostly junk from China😵my own fault didnt research as i should have impulse purchases😬love love love i recognized most of the names of items offered in your closet
Aug 13Reply

@kbaams100 Thank you so much, you’re so kind! I actually went to wholesale shows and carefully picked out the items I wanted to feature. Sadly, many people buy crap off of Alibaba or even the Posh wholesale portal and then sell it for way too much.
Aug 13Reply

Hi. I received the NYDJ jeans you sent and they are lovely. However, you also sent me a bag and jewelry that I did not order. Do you need me to send those back or forward those somewhere else?
Aug 15Reply

@rinasch I’m glad you like the jeans! The bag and jewelry are bonus gifts. If you don’t like them feel free to give them away or donate them. 😎
Aug 15Reply

Hi, feel free to check put my closet. I have Men, women, Kids, jewlery, kids, pets, maternity. 😊 thanks
Jan 02Reply

Thank you for the follow!💛 God bless ✝️
Jul 13Reply

I’d like to cancel. I hope you feel better soon!
Jul 20Reply

It’s a great day at Retrend11 🛍, We hope you are owning your day as well! We noticed you were a featured poshmark page and that you are also a fellow Posh ambassador. Your closet and vibes are fresh and on trend! 🌸 💫 😌 I’m now following you and I’m looking forward to sharing you awesome 🤩 finds. Take a second to check Retrend11 out and rest assure that we meet and surpass all of poshmark service requirements. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Aug 28Reply

@retrend11 Thank you for the shares! I am now following you as well. Have a great weekend! 😎
Aug 28Reply

Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Sep 17Reply

@grapeminds Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 31Reply

Hello and thanks for the follow. We're having an overstock sale and we're accepting offers at 20% less than our asking price on most items.
Nov 05Reply

Thank you so much for the shares - I truly appreciate it. Please let me know if anything in my closet catches your eye! Have a lovely day!
Apr 05Reply

Always on the hunt for Chico’s stuff. I have lots in my closet too. 🙂. Like to sell what I have and buy more! 👏👏👏
Apr 07Reply

Sooo bummed!! Would've def taken your great offer. Seems I've spent too much time & $ on Poshmark, overdone my spending so the proverbial well is dry. Have to see how much of my fab bundle is still around nxt payday.
May 03Reply

@bhillyet Thank you for shopping in my closet! I totally understand the well running dry. 😉 I will get your package on its way to you tomorrow!
May 05Reply
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