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Updated Jan 11
Updated Jan 11

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terryjodi Welcome to poshmark! Have a blessed day! THANKS for stopping by!
Jan 30Reply
rosebro8 @highlandroad Good morning Welcome to posh 😊
Feb 04Reply
pralinequeen Welcome to the land of Poshmark !
Feb 10Reply
highlandroad Thanks for the welcome♡ I'm launching this week, so excited!
Feb 12Reply
ultressa Hi there and welcome to the wonderful community of Poshmark! Let me know if you need any assistance or have questions as I always enjoy helping a fellow Posher out😬 There are so many amazing closets and boutiques with great sellers and buyers too! Happy Poshing 😬
Feb 24Reply
janefried Welcome
Feb 26Reply
greenshoes0 Welcome Rebecca PEACE ✌🏽
Apr 14Reply
highlandroad @greenshoes0 Thank you so much for your kindness in sharing, I'm a firm believer in paying it forward!
Apr 14Reply
jassieboo92 Hi ! Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Apr 19Reply
fivetenandahalf Thanks so much for following my closet, yours is great! I shared some of my faves with hopes of a quick sale for you.
Apr 25Reply
fivetenandahalf Nice closet!
Apr 25Reply
ellachka4 Thank you for the nice welcome! I'm still figuring out how PM works, but figured out quickly how the scammers work:) thank you again for the nice welcome!
Jun 11Reply
scgirl1961 🤗 Hi Rebecca, I saw you commented in a post, "you're blessed to have a mentor" if you have any questions about anything, please feel free to ask me or anybody. Everybody is very gracious when it comes to helping out 👍💕 you can more than triple your followers, it's soooo easy! Go to various closers, go down to their "likes", click on the # of likes, then "follow" them. Especially on the "Follow" games.
Jun 13Reply
scgirl1961 Go to older "follow games" "like" then, again, click on their likes, follow all. Some may have 100-500 likes...follow 'em goal was to have 10,000 followers from May 1-17 (my birthday) I more than surpassed!! I'm at 17,000+ now, in barely less than 1 month 💞😘 I alternate my time btwn follows & shares. I may just share amap for an hour, than follow amap another hour. I hope this helps. Will look to watch your followers multiply from here. And Always, HaPpY PoShInG 💕😉💕
Jun 13Reply
poshmycloset_ Hi Rebecca! Thanks for all the love! ❤❤
Sep 14Reply
highlandroad @njdesignersales You're so welcome!
Sep 14Reply
civilized Hi Rebecca. I noticed you sent me a note. I'm BRAN new to PoshMark and really don't know what I'm doing :) Can you point me in any direction where I can learn how this works?? Thank you in advance!! Ray
Sep 22Reply
highlandroad @civilized Hi Ray! I'm always glad to help. Start by reading the Poshmark Rules and etiquette, they're in your acct section. Follow others, that's exposure and potential buyers. Share your closet 2-3x every day, and to parties. Share some items from closets you follow,too. Only use Buy Now, Make Offer or Bundle to sell,don't negotiate in comments. Follow PM rules, basically if you can't wear it, it's prohibited. Ask questions, look around, and enjoy😎
Sep 22Reply
highlandroad @civilized I checked your closet again, a suggestion for you, maybe think about having a color banner with the lips, people scroll and that might draw attention. Don't forget to share, share, share and follow Poshmark compliant closets. I'm rooting for you!
Sep 22Reply
highlandroad @nayjimen Thanks, I should be listing right now, have much more to list! 😨
Oct 13Reply
angreen40 Welcome to Posh!! Please visit my closet for exciting women's and men's styles.
Nov 12Reply
ebkenterprise Hi! Great Closet!! I think you'll enjoy my closet! Come by and check it out!
Dec 12Reply
highlandroad @lillylife Lol 🤗 I had my PM acct about 6 weeks before I listed anything. I finally got started and sold something within a couple days and was hooked! I have semi joined a couple of follow me games but not a committed group like Ashleys. I will look into those you suggested, thanks for thinking of me. I'm getting ready to list a lot of new items💃🤹‍♀️🤸‍♀️
Jan 02Reply
guusje @highlandroad i told Moon you had religious issues with some of her stuff and she said she totally understood. The two of you just won’t share each other & as I said before I am Not the share police 😊
Feb 17Reply
ebalea Hi! You welcomed me when I first started. And I have my first question. I also reached out for support. I have a buyer who wasn't there during delivery of her package. Instead of it being left in mailbox, notice was left for her to pick up at post office. So she for whatever reason isn't picking it up at the post office so it won't be 'delivered' So what happens?
Apr 08Reply
highlandroad @ebalea No problem. Your buyer has 2 weeks to pick up item at post office. If they don't it will be returned to you. Inform PM as to status. If not picked up, it's yours to list again☺ PM has reimbursed some sellers for transaction as a goodwill effort.i hope this helps. 😎
Apr 08Reply
ebalea @highlandroad ah ok two weeks. This is very good information to know. Thank you! By the way I love your image. I grew up with a Scottish terrier. I now have a cairn terrier 😊
Apr 08Reply
highlandroad @ebalea I hope everything resolves for you. I think you're in win win situation, just contact Poshmark support and let them know what's going on with sale/delivery. Photograph package, especially the USPS labeling of delivery, not picked up, returned to sender, if it's returned to you then have full proof. Always save in your email the tracking information of your packages until transaction is complete, I save until funds deposited. If any questions, it's at hand. Best of luck🤗
Apr 08Reply
ebalea @highlandroad thank you!!!
Apr 08Reply
ebalea @highlandroad okay so now she says she was out of town for the weekend and she hasn't gone to pick it up yet but released the payment and clicked the button that said delivered. My payment is already available to be used or deposited. So at this point is the sale totally completed since she's hit that button? Like what if she gets it from post office and is larger than what she wanted etc? Even though demension were listed
Apr 08Reply
highlandroad @ebalea Technically once buyer accepts or after the 3 full day period from delivery (even with No response from buyer) and your funds are deposited it is assumed transaction is completed. In your case I would hold onto all info, tracking, photos etc for a bit although I don't think there should be a problem. Weird sales like this happen to all of us at sometime, hang in there💕
Apr 08Reply
highlandroad @ebalea Forgot, fit isn't a reason for return unless size was incorrect in item description. So, don't worry.
Apr 08Reply
ebalea @highlandroad thank you again! Have a lovely evening!
Apr 08Reply
highlandroad @reigndrops09 Thank you so much! I'm behind on listing, need to get busy!
Apr 18Reply
olive_in_stereo ♥️ Scottie Dogs ♥️
Apr 18Reply
yasssshugahyes Hey Sunshine! I’m one of many Poshmark Ambassador that’s so elated you chose me to follow 𗀅Please feel free to visit my closet anytime or stop in and say hi👍🏾👌🏾🎊🤑𗁷💄👙👜👠👢👞💵🛍🎉😁
Apr 28Reply
jessyjosh 👀🤗Im kinda new here..Thanks so much for following, sharing, liking, commenting & supporting my business. I will definitely compensate back in either of those ways. Just be patient. As a reminder If I dont get back to you quickly am not ignoring you, I just cant keep up. I aprecciate everyone. TIPS TIPS to improve are always welcome👣
Apr 30Reply
highlandroad @jessyjosh You're doing great, reaching out, nice layouts, lush closet! Tips, try sharing your closet 2x daily, share your items to matching criteria parties, follow and share others items, join follow/share groups. If you need any help, just ask😎 Wishing you much success🎉
Apr 30Reply
poshpansy I’m just wouldn’t happen to be from BR would you? Highland Road there is so pretty!😊
Apr 30Reply
highlandroad @poshpansy I'm near Chicago, area called Highland.
Apr 30Reply
highlandroad @poshpansy I'm near Chicago, area called Highland.
Apr 30Reply
poshpansy @highlandroad 👍 my Highland is in Baton Rouge. Cheers!
Apr 30Reply
jessyjosh @highlandroad Thanks I wish you a Monday full of sales 🛍🛍🛍
Apr 30Reply
crystalco Thanks for visiting my closet! I appreciate it very much.❤️
May 06Reply
highlandroad @emwines Hi Eric, thanks and welcome. I would be glad to help you with any questions or concerns. Your closet looks good, clear photos and they're fun too! Stay Posh compliant. A suggestion, include measurements of items, and be sure to include pic/info on any issues. Answer potential buyers questions Share your closet 2-3x a day and to any parties of items meeting the criteria. Follow others and share items. Ship promptly. Be kind. Best of luck and if you need help, just ask😎
May 14Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Rebecca, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Jun 06Reply
tetullis Hello and thanks for following. Happy poshing
Jun 25Reply
charlotte52 Thank you for following me 🌸
Jun 29Reply
kataana Hi, Rebecca. I am new to Poshing. Thanks for following me. I really appreciate your support! Kata
Jul 09Reply
highlandroad @kataana Kara, you're most welcome💕 You have a great closet! I'm happy to help anytime. I encourage you to follow and share others, as well as sharing your items daily, study others closets, what's sold, the parties, all key to PM success. Most importantly have fun🎉
Jul 10Reply
highlandroad @swaggyd35 I accidentally added it.
Aug 24Reply
poshtasticsgal Awww love the icon! I used to have a Scottie best dogs ever❣️💞💕🐾😘😘
Sep 21Reply
myvintagelady @highlandroad Hi Rebecca! I just wanted to stop by, we’re in a share group together and I always enjoy sharing your beautiful closet. 🌸Deborah Have a great weekend! 😊
Oct 13Reply
highlandroad @myvintagelady Nice to meet you Deborah! Thank you, I need to replenish my closet, asap 🤤 I appreciate the encouraging words💕
Oct 13Reply
myvintagelady @highlandroad I feel ya! I’ve been working on building mine since the end of this past June. I have a long way to go! 😁 it’s super nice to meet you! 😊
Oct 13Reply
la_due Just shared some love! Xoxo Lala! 💕🛍
Dec 11Reply
mysticalmonarch I love your closet!!!!! Wishing you many sales!
Jan 12Reply
brenbrenbean Hello hello! I love your closet!! I’m new and beginning to try to sell! If you have time I’d LOVE it so much if you could check out my closet!!! XO
Feb 10Reply
lakeluregirl You have such a beautiful and awesome closet!🥰
Jun 03Reply
a_loves_m Hello There! My name is Ashley. I absolutely love your closet. I Just wanted to let you know that I am running a store closing sale/everything must go. Everything is $19 dollars or less until all items are sold!!! Feel free to stop by. Good luck with your closet and happy poshing!
Jun 25Reply
kaysuniverse @highlandroad 🙋 im Kay... (Posh Ambassador) just reaching out 2 introduce myself and share a few items. i wanna invite u 2 visit my closet anytime and follow me too. 👍 feel free 2 stop by and like, share, or make offers 😀 happy poshing!
Oct 02Reply
madblk3 🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀If you want message me😇I only pray for your health wealth and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡🕯❄️💐🎁HAPPY HOLIDAYS WARMTH AND LOVE🎁💐❄️🕯🧡
Dec 06Reply
watsonlilmommy @highlandroad hello check out my closet I have some nice things you may be interested in getting send me a offer an I will definitely help you out thanks an have a wonderful day
Jun 21Reply
watsonlilmommy @highlandroad Hello how are you check out my page all offers accepted also have some beautiful bracelets set as well
Jul 13Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Dec 12Reply
dolphinbay3 Happy New Year’s 🥳!! My closet has discounted shipping and/or free shipping until January 5th 2025. If you get a chance, would love if you’d take a look! 🎄
Jan 04Reply

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Last Active: Jan 12 2023

Maryville, TN
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Last Active: Jan 12 2023

Maryville, TN
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